A Triimte to Dri T. W. llarrin. ' ' Kalnlrt Chronicle. Io Raleigh Monday morning, No vember 19th, Dr. T W. Harris, aged 49 years. Dr. Harris waa a native of Chatham couotjr, raided in Chapel Bill fr number of years, and lew than two years avo moved to Dur bam f rtrlioe Lin profession He was building up a -good praoie in that growing town and tallialiiup himself strung y in the confidences! the peni le, Aoimt two months be wan stricken jv'rti soojethii'g lile paralj sis and for several days was ii an unconscious condition. '1 ben in seemed to get well and relumed t work. But hi strength was a'l gone, and a few weeks ago he was brought to ltal igh fr a Chung. It w. thought tht it would do bint pond. Alas, uo chaugM.f iojatiiu or enrihly thing could do him good. Ilia vital ity bad gone. Hi lift, was ebbing awayv He lingered in an uncon scious tate uutil to day,, when be died. , HI remains were . taken t Durh'tit for iiiterniet.t, accompanied by a c uitnitle of O ld rVllowa. . Ilr wm l ri -d frcnn Trinity M. E Church, Rev. Dra. Yates and Damall official")!. The ChroHi'tU publish this au nouucnn- nt with sad new and ptla. We b known him well and be wm our ..fueud. Strongly attached to bim, we mourn with bis greatly af fl cted family in this aa 1 blow and Jeep b"reavinent which havemine to them. He was an exemplary nu-osua end lather, and his h -me- was the dearest p ace on earth to him, and hi waa the centre of the bsp.y horn. circle. H will be sadly iuited. but I here us this consolation to the berea ved : That he bad fUb in God ; that be knew in whom he hud trusted, and ibatbewss reaiy for the change vie know no man whose religi u life wm rure unvarying tbao that ol Dr. Ilurru. He was a man tfreai aoilit, and be had stud ed the B Lie and was familiar with creeds aud theologies. He ws tot deeply at tacbed to creed, though be was an earnest and thoroughgoing Method iL iltvn liberal in bis M-mt, bioad audi lerant, but firm alway and divided in bia conviction. Dr. Harris had ono of the brlghtM suinds f any phyaic.an.ja li e Mt'e. Educat d in Part, mid a til educat ed, be wjn eooipetent to teach medi. - cine, and rne time had a m ical e-il- lege at the University. He w4 eicellent pbHaa and ranked with the bs . U be h id loctted iu a city- he won -I have wade a r. puta ion f r h mself As it i, he did well the duty th it was nearest him. etjored a good pr settee and lived a aaeiul, up- right I re. i' ten io bis svnes. , A Itei.: irknl.llV. t PaldJul'liil sulvlpula.. One of the most remarkable elec lion b s on record was paid by Henry Warner in I'biladelpbia Sun day afternoon. Warner is an en thusiasiie Democrat, but for a year or more baa been enggd r mrrj MUs Clara Barton. Miss Barton is Republican. The frms of the queer bargain were tint if Cleveland abould be elated she waa to. marry tha eMl.nsiasiia Democrat withi u delay, and if General Harrison should be the lucky candidate the yomg man wa to lollow bis fair leader around th" noigbhorho Ml at the end of Inn ; chain, with a b'g dog collar aiouod bis neck and a poodle blanket aim hi 4 .hnubler The nromise waa In be kept n a So nday, in order t bat the joung roan's huroill.tion might b the more complitj f he lost. About 3 o'clock ia ibi afternoon Wainar prerenled him elf at the home of his eweet heart aid annon ne ed himself ready for t:.e ordeal. Mim Brtoa received him smiliogly, and with her own hands fastened the Collar aronod Lie ttrck and tie blank et on hi bark. Downtliertr.etihey went, l' lotted by an amused crowd, who b.Ud and cheered by turns at tbe young man's predicament i The Strang ly connected pair, after trav ersing a number cf streets, repaired to wht re tbe defeated partisan paid for a dinner, at tbe Bellevue Hotel Defpt'e the fct that Miss Jlartou woo her In t and held her lover to it conditions. b is to marry bim on tbe 28. h inntant Both parties are of excellent family, the young la ly bsv ing a general aocifty favorite in J'hilad Jpuia. lie IIsm Ht't mi lvaiiilc. rrllTlltt Olmme. The Diirbmn l'at shanks Mr. N. A. lUmsey for Arreting out the ille gal f tee in Durham; tliroi gh bis ef forts Durham out a Demccratio vote Cam. Itamaef discovered that there were ibiee Londred and eleven donb le rer ictra'iotie among tbe nicroes in that county. It ws a difficult Usk, but Ah I namsey was the man to do it. He celtainly deeerves the thanks of all Dcmocraia. It is a matter that Imnld receive the atUntion of other e-Mintiet besides Durham. CapUlUm sey las a t an cismple that It would te will for u a to foil w. He Has lorn t'mvt, i arilM Wirrar. Ourindustrr cannot nd will not assent to tbe continuance of the pret cut uafalva na taies on the neoar ies ol life and bulnew, tor will it ti'eiate a tariff that le framed la the li.tere.-t t f monopoly greed. U. over Cleveland has lost his election, hut he has U 'alturablf defined ind lied the emancipation of labor. CrlHp Condensation, f ' ' A "Thirteen club" out in Tezamah, Neb., has goua to smash. Ic was composed entirely of bachelors, and they til got married 4 ;:- ? I Another Chinese belle has arrived in New Yoi k. She is ouly 16 years old, and has feet an inch and a half long by half an inch in width, j A Co'iDPitiout man has inveted an elastio hat II" upcnt all his life trying to iovent a compre8ible head, tid only at the last moment thought of the eliiolic bat. ' ; .For several days tbe church clock at Harpenden, England, refused to work. On an inspection being made it waa fouud that a awarm of bees bad takon up their abedj in tbe machin ery. . , n u t ji tir..T. r. tells a story about a colored child,! 4 years of ag, that goes every after uoon to abridge over a Luiter and calls a anake, which Comes out and feeds from the child's band. ,t f A "Mrs Manning, of Paris, Ills.; wbd died a few dayaago, toK t-i her bed nine years mn, declaring that she W 'uld never leave It, because her son married a eirl ahe didu't like. She kept her wool. Calven Dowker, bo baa taut re signed his plare as postmaster of Savoy Hollow, Mana.. ws appointed in 1841 nnder President Tyler, and has held the office continuously ever sli ce, tie is HZ ywa old. ! A Texas man was fired at and th bullet was turned aside by a pack of cards hi Ills breast pocRet. As it was a new puck, with the ace outward,; it ran be Mid that the ball came within au aoe of killing bim. A puixle to the city of Galveston in how Mr. Grempczvnski escaped from an a-ylum to which he has been sent as a lunatic. Perhaps be en braided his .name and let himself down fro n a window with it Ten cows belonging to Farmer Green, of North Dai'Ville, Vfc. hnd died cloe together under some trees in a violent thuud- r sto m. Light olng struck the trees, and, passing downward, killed every cow in the drove. Pnnr yontg men at Donesdale, Pa., loved tbe aame virl an1 met wi i aztii to seo who should marry her. Af er they bal blacked each others' vs snd skinned each others' sos a h- slick the crowd and married a tailor. .. ' . The Journal la Right. ftmbmwt tmnti. -li The Pitt burg Timet ny ft numhei oi g-nt'enien well-known is tLf- rity aa bnineas and profi-asioaal ni n some i.f a horn served in the Un on Array daring tbe war, met yesterday in the office of L H. S eph n.son to enter a protest against the planting of Rebel flags which baa of the late become so common. A bill was prepared to he presented at the next session of Congress making it a misdemeanor, punishable by a heavy fine end impristnment of one to three years, to display a Confied erate flag in parade or other public occasion." These Pennsylvania fel lows are the blcgest fools we have heard jet. As for a Rebel flag we never saw one ; and we have not seen a Confederate fisg since the one we followed when it went down at Ap pomattox. If they are fl iunting" a Rebel fl ig over in Pennsylvania we suppose tbe workingmea are rising. More Kind Words. WUmiuftua Sur. Every true North Carolines mast sympathise with Durham in its recent business calamity. It was a big fail ure and some friends of this writer were amonz the sufferers we are sony to know. Mr. Blackwell has been a very true and useful friend to Dur ham, where be made hie foitune and where be has lost iu We can only hope for the best for hinf and other nniurmnae Dimness ucn, aa'i wiu them a aucoessful d iverance and h tf-r fortane next time. Durham is wonderfully plucky, as it rapid growth and remarkahle business en terprlses on- clusively establish. : It will soon reei-.ver from tbe blow and go ahead with andiratnished vigor and push. ? Certainly Khe Will. RlohBoaS Sitl. The Datbam failure was the prin cipal U pie at the Tobacco Ex sbaoge io nay. tuenmona loses nine or nom ing by the failure, bat as the business relations between Durham and this city are dose tbe sympathy oa tbe part of oar merchants and bankers is pronounced. Durham hi alive, pro tressift city, and will recover speed lly from the ahock. , , , i You Hct They Will. Mtm Ortossa Tint Ommnt, If fie newly elected President goes wrong tbe people will very soon put him straight again J if tbe republican patty attempt U Play any lantasitc tricks or to disturb the peace and piosperity of th i South and Ihecoua .ry at laree. it will be relegated by ,be people Its masters to sudden J b J -t !. i nu ui serrea ouscariiy, . a ?; . ii i i , You are Itlght, Joseph. tstwtllU VmimmX TniDukBAM Pxooapiasays that In two d s last we-k an attorney in that town made 'i.WO Tuat Is more than the avenge North Carol ca edi tor makes 'm a week. ALF WILL GO TO CONGRESS. While Dob gtays at, Home to Bun the State of Tennessee, A special f om "iferoplls, Tenn., to the New Yoi k Wi rid, says t f A nota ble new fet,iir la the delegation frnm TonnAnt ii the next ConcrresS will be ilfre 1 A. Taylor the Repub-f pwtj ook out a patent on, disaster lican elected tu the First District, ifntjyers ago and it has never been Reflectiohfl front Bait -River. Onogs (V J Obwrfer. i H BbimcybiIro, Saline ; Co'., Novl 5. i Fkllow DKMOCBAtsTbe election Is over and we have been defeatea. Disappointment is tbe modern Demo cratic birthright, .and mourning his nbtmal condition The ' Democratic but who had previously won fume by his Uubern .tonal campaign against bis brother Bob as hie Democratic opponent. ' It anyibtne, Alf ia the brightest of old man Taylor's boys, although Bob remarked during the canvass; ' j Tbe world goes round and round ; j Bob goes pp and Alf goes down.- At the last Democratic State Con vention it was a week before a candi date was nominated ' for governor. One day during the convention it was reported all over the ntate that cob bad given up hopes of being renomi nated. It looked that way, too. On tbe self same day, Alf was nominated to Congress in the second district, and wrongly anticipating Bb'a de feat (for the latter finally got there.) Alf, in bis speech of acceptance, said, quoting Bobt ? i . The world go.es round and round: But Alxgoes np and Bob goes down. Alf is a low, fat. round, dumpy man. His eyes are brown and the baldness of bis head would please a lazy barber. He la too fat to cross his legs. There is a nasal twang in bis eonversation-a family charac teristicbut which is lost in a re- sounding voice when be ia upon tbe stomp. His dress is almple and he wears a black slouch hat "U t'.Ylw in a'sutshelli !& An agreement without a consider ation ia void. Contracts msde on Sunday cannot be enforced. Written contracts concerning land must be under seal, ,t . n A tote obtained by fraud, or from one intoxicated, is void, i lit , 'If a note be lost or stolen it does not release the maker ; be most pay It- n , . .' - . ,fw.- " Each ' individual in partnership Is responsible for the whole amount of the debts of the firm. An indorserofa note is exempt from liability if not served with no- Uoe of Its dishonor witbii twenty. four hours of its non payment. "-" V HA m. 1 HAIR J Vlmmmm an i. I PAkKEK'8 DAL8AM Niwt FH S Khiw, Om PARKER 8CINCERTOWIO infringed but once. It ran out in 1884, and they have just had it renewed. looking over the Jandscape we behold acres Of busted hopes; cords and cords of disgruntled ambitions; barrels and barrels of unavailing tears), oceans and oceans strewn with the 'wreck of phantom ships once burdened . with Democratic delusions. r Disappoint ment is an anchor to the Democratic soul, both sure and , steadfast We have one consolation j . , Tis .the Sooth can supply j ' Solid comforts while we die. ' But Democracy still lives. - Its like the mnle-lt never dies. ' Bot unfortu nately, like the mttle,'Wbim It liyes.it is forever throwing its riders. It buck ed Greeley off and kicked him in 1872. Tilden atuck on until be passed nnder tbe wire, but there was so much day light between him and this Democratic quadruped that the Judges counted bim out, although be bad hia feet in the stirrups. Hancock tried tbe ani mal next, but he ran into tbe oppo site direction, and threw the superb warrior on the race track. By put ting bis arms around the neck or the tricky beast and shutting his eyes, Cleveland won the presidential prize in 1884. This year we got a splendid send-off and might have won again, but the donkey was stricken with the glandera of tariff, reduction and tbe epizootic of civil service reform, and spavin cure tailed to revive him suffi ciently to make a successful run. We take d feat every four .years. Its a standing prescription. " It might well be called tbe squadrennial ipecac. It works np before the elec tion and works down as the rSturns comes in We clone this chapter oi history with the hope that the story will not be continued in our next, i P. 8. If Newt. Rogers and Jim Sneed will send us two dozen blankets, and Henry McMurran ship as two boxes of cigars," and our best ' girl will send us the letter that never came, with a lock of golden hair en closed, we will be contented, if the weather is extremely cold in this sec Uoa, where we have but little to eat except an abundance of free salt. ' x ours, lor free trade, R. N. RoBisaox, jUMtTaa Observer Max. Of Interest to Ladies. VTnia puta 8MSLIrnlfd wlu lr f mm) oaUiu to u) U4r k wUkm aWiamc!a!n0tsii.x. HEADQUARTERS FOR VISITORS TO TdE GREAT EXPOSITION AT RICHMOND, Y a itlir anntsaT awi? vrsc.43, LEVY & DAVIS. THE LARGEST DRY GOODS STORE IN THE STATE FIVE FLOORS 50x150 FEET olW!Wt.u n ua iu& tsuimcoi. vjwvj. ; nil- -1 . 1 tA .V.ttaf tV nmunriAn trstpm in this citr. BO you msy di pend upon gcttirTg your goods at the lowest prices, even if you are not a judge of the article. Their stock at this time is immenae, and as meir aeeortmeu i u"kci """ . !r TT . ' ' goods oi mem. , . kins to all qualities; Doilies of-all kiods ; Towel from 75c. a dozen op to 14 each Linen Buffet and Bureau 8carfa at great bargains ; call and see the piece of Table Damask that took the premium at the Glasgow exhibition. i irtirmijt ivitififta 'w-"riow tha largest" and best asortej stock of Jackets, Sacquea, Newmarkets, Ul sttrs, Circulars, Raglans, and Short wrap. CLOAKS FOX CHILDBES. , Oiie atwk ia lmmAns Newmark ets, Raglans and Jacket! fn endltss variety, ir yoa ' want atyiisn, wen made, perfect Suing, and good mate rial ou aril! find them in our store. Our nw cloak-room is well lighted. flnlarad HlnnVeU from 80s on to 10 a pair; White Blankets from tl op to f 18 a pair; Crib and Cradie Blankets from $1-1") np to $5 a pair Fancv Wrapper Blankets at 15 and 1550; Carriase or Lap Blankets from IMo f 15; White QnilU at 75c, tl. 11.23. tl 50. and no to 110 each . : . . . Lace unrtai is can be baa at very lw fJriixs, aou bii aiuu ui vuuwu Fixtures very cheap. ' j; .... CAttrm. Our stock of Carpets ia very large. Our atvlea are handsome, aa we only booght the beat styles. Take a look at our handsome Moquette, Velvet, Tapestry and Body Brussels, There Ply, ingrain, and Uemp Carpets. DgESS OOODS. A larire assor'ment of Black and Colored Silks of aU kinds. IlenrletU Clothe, Serges, iasn meres, Camel's Hair, Fouls Cloth, Broad Cloths, Tricots. Plush aad Velvets in au coiors. mac Bktss ooodi. ", riup atwir r niaek Dress Goods is larger and belter assorted than aver before. We always carry a larg as sortment of Priestly's celebrated Black Goods. - DBXSl TRIMMIXUS. Wa ahnar tha latest StvleS of Gimp. Cord i, Buttons, Fringes, and Orna mentsan or wnica we ecu a u lowest pi Ices. LACES AMD KXBRniDIRIES. In this line we surpass any house south of Philadelphia. We ahow tbe choicest patterns at we lowesc (ricea. A tery large stock of Hand erchiefs of every description from 3 cenu np to 110 each. OKKTS iTBRUHlaO 00ODS. Fall not to look at this stock, as m Knr in it a full aaanrtmant of L unJiitd and Unlaundrd Shirts, ..... m a .a a S all kiidi or ondcrware, nocka.uiovea, a a a t T- aa . aT- aw an Uandkercaiera, ijouars, vuns, ra aia Koarh. TIm. Kuanandera. and Mufflers at prices so low aa to aston- isnyou. Umbrellas ef all kinds very cheap. TABLX LI HEX, Wt ahnw a lanra atcek of aiccllant Pum Lilian Djmaak for Table Cloths fiom 30e op to $3 per yard Nap- Tt'a a,!1l Mom nu r ln hrtoM than on a11 la sea tha mods. Yon can save more than enoueh to pay your traveling expenses and board by buying your go 4s of as. ioi7 and 1019 Main Stn; Richmond, Va, First lial Bank - ol - Durham. Chartered Nov. 9,18871 Capital $1oo,oool - ' OFFICCRS. L S. CARR, President. LEO. D. HEARTT Cashier 0. 8. BRYAN .Vice-President. CIIAS. A. JORDAN,. .Teller TJIRTHCTORS. J. S. CARR. I H. N. SNOW, I J. T MALLORY J. W. WALKER, W. W.FULLER E. J. PaRRISH, T. D. JONES. A. U. STOKES, JAS. A, BRYAN, C. S. BRYAN.. A General Banking Business Tiansacted, ACCOUNT8 OF BANKS, BANKERS,' CORPORATIONS AND INDIV IDUALS RECEIVED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing 4 per cent, interest, issued upon money to remain on deposit with the First National Bank 6 or 12 mootha. COLLECTIONS made direct on all accessible points in the United States, and remitted for promptly at lowest rates, j PARTICULAR attention paid to the business of Correspondents. THIS BANK, being: recently organized, is in condition to do all classes of Banking Business up m as favorablo terms o any other Bank in tbe State. BANKING SECURITY. The United State. Government requires that a run statement ot toe liabilities and Assets of all National iJanka snail M made and sworn to by at least three of the Directors every few weeks, and besides this, Bank Examiners are sent at the pleasure of the QovenimastT wnose auty it is m uie to thoroughly examine into tbe condition of the Bank hence National Bank? afford a larger measure of protection than any other Banking system CHARACTER AND CAPIT L. The character of the Officers, Directors and Stockholders of tbe First National Bank is the very highest, and each Stockholder, is under the National Bauk law, responsible for double th smount of his stock. No Bauk has more character of credit or better facili ties than tbe First National. WE VVANTafhareof your ba dness. We solicit your patronage. Wei guarantee eutire satisfaction in all business entrusted to onr care. f23 ..Flour, Meal and Mill-Feed. . THE H AX ALL CRENSHAW COMPANY (IIAXlLL MILLS.) RICHMOND - - - VIRGINIA. MANUFACTURE AND KEEP FOR SALE "BYRD-ISLAND'' Roller Patent Family, "CLARA" Family, and Low Grades fr Family and Domestic use. And HAIALL, CRENSHAW I CLARA BRANDS FOR FOREIGN SHIPMENT. 0 Also (Waler-grotine, Bolted) Corn Meal, Bran, Brown-staff, Ship'Stut Dustings end Sweepings. Inquiries cheerfully and promptly answered. Office and Mills. Foot of 13th Street, TELEPHONE 75. Let not the people of Durh m and vicinity uiir.'K it necessary xo wiumoia xaeir orders from the SOUTHED JEWELRY HOUS Until the completion of the Railroad, trot when in need of anything pertaining to WATCHES, : : CLOCKS, :-: JEWELRY:-: ETC., Send your onxers to F. D. JOHNSON & SO 802 MAIN ST., LYNCHBURG, VA. Ca?For five cents wi will m ill New Illustrated Catalogue te an j address. Jan 27 BECKWITH Sr. PARHAM, Booksellers, Stationers, Printers1 PuHisfors, -Bsok-Biniers, BhnbBockad Pap:r-Eos Manufacturers, 1107 Main S. Richmond Va PIANOS. KRaNICII & BACH, BEUR BROSn CHICKERINO, EMERSON, HALLET & UAV1S. , OROANSi 'kiuball, new england, MILLER, WHITNEY, BRIDGEPORT. AU the new popular airs in stock. Novelties received week!. Are offered spceial induccmanU SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES. Thera aremsnyqurtliliesof n-villos. The BEST are the CHEAPEST Singer needles 2.' cents p r don-a; all others, 60 cents per down. lean furnish ANyVaRT of au mk SEA INO MACHINE. Orders bf will receive careful at'tentiou. K-Jmitunces can be m ide in postage sumps. J.L.8TONE. I Raleigh, N. C