OtM XTmo Ura WoXmmtm Fom Tmrn Ficrnr, DMPattr. VOL.-6& DURHAM.itfORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 17,1889 NO 41. i&iniOTi inm-M-rr lion aILV M 1! 1 .53 eKjI leii t. Absolutely Pure. TH pwiUr efur nea , K mrrl o' purity ,'tirenjrtb'knd !iolenmm ' More economical than llie ordinurr kimW, .ami camel I sold, In yrtiH,i'i( i"trt niw ph-j!it ' powlra SoiH Wy in en. R" L UtKKU .fWDM CO., 104 Wall iU. ijffr ffBil fill cincs, Fancy ami Tolit-Ar-. 'i ticlcK Wc have a largo ntock ami are hctterj prejptr- cd to ait on customer nq.w than ever. EVERYTHING'S CHEAVfA8A;iP0SSi- en into consideration We keek hone bnt-PURE whicVv arcri-teivinjf al- mow fciilj- lA ' large Mock of ... , ". . Bifist'aiid Ely's Seeds justVtviTCI;!Ail our .OW Seed haw Wen If tuned V hare none Init those that art'iR'rfi'irt.ly fjcsti, and re liai. v. -at A Competftent Cleri cal Torce of R6liable4 ""BRUGIST ' to vlttWn ywr'--" u Pliflf i J ;. ! J. W. Obahav. Tnoa. Rem CKAHAH ft Bf IN. ArTOR1i:iHATLAV, , ' PrilI iil Ah Miilmit AUmaiM CmvWI, Dr Imu, (iuilford, Racking II RALI'.iaif. .2i A NO , ,y Branch Yard Las WM, rATKTTKVILLK, . C. i Wll(f tUr of tl kf1 at Wr.BMl ; t Xnm"9B MaftilM r ArwifM, AM V Irariur til DM ! Bullilin Wot. CnrW !, milt, . Wurl llf f mI M r .ol trM.r co.fc - , . Of Mi WYtpUMM kt M hMt IB'I ! to M C i i i i Cfl AS. A GOO WVJ Nr J'.o.trctor. YAUBHAN ifi fitnii ...t The February Product. CthlOveekkpuWiish the to- Lacco; products of the United States by t lie Internal llevenue di8tri(!ts for the month of Febru rfrlfy, torjiritl! Jhecdr. rpoiiding month of hwt year, and ultto tlie result of the I'ilit (i)outLii ending February, 1880, compared with the same inontlm ftiliBBfJWiarif, m,m yjf 1 j J 1 wthifa(ilaiaia to M re- cordwj in all but cigars, which, al though tlie record of the eight month hIioW un increottaf of .7,1 OraiOO, tlm record of the month fdiowH a dti-eae of G,12.'J,(jl(. ; , Tie greatest deereawH are t Urretordetl in the First Califor. nia, repivveating the lVi.ic Ounst trade, withalosnof 2,:i01,. 250 on the mom h, and 0,733,974 oil the eight montlm; the Hit UUjiuj's, jfprtiK'iitiug the WeHtern tm-K fHlU oil 1,467,2$3 daring the month, und 3,(i81,3l on the f '!)Llfy th the, Jit vond'and Third Ntnv York, repn-wnting New York rity, total u Iosh uk)ii the muii I1!! record of t.704,00;, a&d on t)ib eighl moiithnVt'turiis of 10,51520 In th5 twenty tiriit ditri:t of New York, repre- Meiitjtig Binghumtoti, the mn fur the inuiith it 2,il(i,i'J7, an pre. di1."d by our rorrtondent, ut that tit during the month, but UiMiti the eight month i a guin of 3,0."l,!S'J. ThedintrictM iimk ing gaiiiH of over a half a million are the Firet IVnnnylvaniu, with fi&VXX) for the month, and 2,- 30y,3;)7 for the eight montliM; the Twtiity .third IVnnnylvania' wiih an increntw of ,0NU.7(i for the month, nnd 4,.H,OH3forthe eight monthM. The Stt-ond Vir ginia (the home of the Whitlot k cheroot.) with l,275,uoO on the month, and 0,100,141 on the eight uiotithtt. Florida rogrttH tdowly, but iiurelj forwiml, with a gala of 3,073 for the month, mid J 0.121270 for the eight ttionthx. j ' Inrigarett"H the increnw, an untie I, i i large, amoQiiting to 1 M 1 2 i ,H4 0 oh the eigh t mont Im, and21f732,tKK)on the month record. The primipul guin lire the Third New York with 5.73i,. 4W for tli month, and 30,427, 200 for the fight moutlm; the Fourth North Caroliua with 3,. KUUHX) for the luonth, and (S3,. 200,tio(j for the tight mouths; theAt'oiid Virginia,-while how ftderreurte of .1,2H2,.(MI for the mouth, hail the Jbuuucr imn-u' for theeight niouthnrtvonIof7H,. .08,7M). In the thxTense, the Twent,V4'ichth New York lone 7,5l'l.."(M on' the month, and 301.O(K on the eljfht umnthit. The loiw In the dihtiii-ti turning out I than a million Mill eon .iuuiu heavy, iu many ease Mug more than fiftyn-r rent. In mniitifactured tobacco the recoT fof.tlte month hliowMnmit jsfaetory incn-aw of 2.325.H02 IvouihIh, while fur the eight niotitfaft (ho Iom in 2.i;01.M2 pouiiik Thegreatt gnlns are to N' found ju the tlt Missouri with (Jf.ilH jMititidi for the moothnnd 227,100 Huudn for th.M'i-ht tnOtitliH, and the Fifth Xcw tleTKey with 1,1)30,3;7 Hih. for thf mouth, which in plH-noini- iml, and 1 17,515 jnuiiidM for the eight montliH. TheinrreamMtion t he month in fairly gvnernl. The hvavieit Jei-reane in fit the twen ty eighth New York, which dhows a lof. 72,370 touudM during the' month; Ami 401,202 ouiidM for the eight month. IiuiHiatia ulxo Nhows a Ions of 57,015 mhiik1k for the month, ami 123, til 5 nhiuiIk for the eight months. Ki f, , lffTtllllncreaselrnoulKbf productionthe month showing ugiiinof 18,108 pounds, and the eight months 479,884 pounds. The heaviest increase is in the first renasylvauia with 13,005 pounds oi tbeuoDthaudj 103 274 pounds on thelghtinonths. The fifth Neersey hatsjalossol 216 pounds on the month and a gain of 185,737 pounds on the eight months. Tukeu throughout, the gain is eminently satisfactory, and with the J advent . of trarmr weather shoolcl still further improve. farf York 7 bhnnp. ' Advertising Pays. "RlackweUs Durham Bull" Smoking Tobacco, manufactured by I'.luck w ell's Durham Co-operative Tobacco Company Durham, X. C, can be fouud in any preten tious retail store in the city. The vast spread of advertising mat ter circulated in the country a few years ago was the principal factor in the building up of the colossal trade the firm now en joys, the "Old Durham Hull" still lieing fresh in the minds of old and young. The many hundreds of brands by as many hundreds of manufacturers have heretofore not proven dangerous competi tors, and some Cincinnati dealers would just ns well think of look ing to a dying trade without the "Durham . Dull," as w ithout Lor illard'sCDaU or the IirunL mond . Tobacco ' Cos "Horse Shoe." West em Tobacco Jour tut I. No Cigarettes for Minors. The low er House of the General AHsembly has concurred w ith the uct ion of the Senate in passing, with an important amendment, tls act concerning the sale and use of tobacco. As passed, the bill reads as follows: Section 1 . No person shall sell, give or deliver to any minor un der 10 years of age, uny tobacco in the form of cigarettes, or in any other form. Any jierson vio lating the provisions of this sec tion fchull U fiued not more than $50 for each offense. S-c. 2. Xo person under 10 years of age shall haw, smoke, or in any way use, in any public street, place, or resort, any to bacco iu any form whatsoever. Any sueh jiersoii violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $7 for each offense. j ' The one speech opposing the bill was made by Mr. Graves, of Litchfield. He said he appeared for the Itoyt. Before makingatiy legislation of the kind, he said: 'Connecticut farmers, quit grow ing tobacco and stop using it yourselves." Mr. Graves went uii to speak about the force of example, when Mr. Burton, of Salisbury, called him down. The latter said what Mr. Graves was advancing was not germane to the subject underdisenssion. "He admits he has no sons, and it is n inighty lucky thing that it is so." Boars of laughter greeted Mr. Barton's remark. When the bill as amended was putiion its pussngis no more than six thin vtsees were heard in opHMition. UmitifFtl, (vim., TinwM. The Agrltultiirsf leagues Ffhr ttionnf Biui'tli Ins unanimouKlf tdnptctl a ifO'ulloD fsVoring the im I ojition of so import duty upon all gf icullursl Product. . . ... ... .. . . n thf munbert of tho Atchinoff cj pcJilion who were brought to 8eb topol os s KaMitn rasa of war have been all ied to rets re to their lioraei Atchinoir Limaelru tlt talo d on board thevtlH. ""Tleasant Paragraphs. The averase journalist has a tender spot in his composition and likes to say a pleasant word for his patrons and friends when he has tan opportunity. In the course xt each recurring year he manaj's, when noting the hopes, aims' aid doings of these patrons and friends, to work into his jour nal graceful and often helpful lit tle paragraphs, for which no charge is ever made, and which sometimes the parties spoken of fail to see, or what is wjprse,- fad to gratefully remember, X ;'. Tolacco teat. T" '? -1 j "j i ' Yes, this is one of the advan tages of patronizing the "home press." But many jieople fail to look at it in this light. They ap parently lose sight of the fact that their home paper is .working in season and oat of season for the upbuilding of the community in which it is published, and that id various ways it isconstantly con tributing to the prosperity of its patrons iu the manner above spoken of. The home pnper not only does a great deal of gratu itous work, but much that is lost sight of altogether, or worse, is unappreciated in many instances. Henderson Gold Leaf. Durham's (N. C.) Most Distin- guished Citizen. ! Mr. Julian 8. Curr, of Durham, N. C, is one of the most generous bestow ers of charity in the State of North Carolina. No matter what the section or what the ne- Lwssity, he is a ready and a will ing giver. He is never appealed to in vain, and the liberality of his gifts are often surprising. In consequence he is becoming know n nnd admired as no other man in his State, and it is safe to say no honor or office in the gift of the eopIe of his State would be refused him were he to signify his desire. Westetn Tobacco Joirrnal. Our faimerr know by tad experi ence in the lat twenty-five tears of free labor f negroes that it ia not a ucce-a. Negro s will not work nn 1m made totloeobr the command ing wilt f superior. Necessity or Ibe prompting of higer manhood doer not seem to more tuem. There are ore wiooal exceptions to this rule, and io every community there are some well to do thiifly colored men. Know ii'g th:, wo must supply the places tnaua vacant by the exodus with thrif ty people, and thrse can be induced to c ine by proper encouragement. Divide op our land into small farm and sell cheap!? to stu b, and we will be benefited. Wilton Mirror Mr. Davia, the leading merchant of Charlotte, N. C. says: ' To me, a merchaot. newspapers are iodigpen a ible to the success of my business. The business man who never adver ting never reaches the top. Trying to run a business without advertising is like trying to tly a kite in a d ad calm like a ship without a rnJUr, watch without a iegilator an eogin without fuel. A man had about as well go 100 mites to carry a message atd refuse to use tl.e telegraph. Success In business and advertising go band in band, and the one is essential to the other." The Q lecn Dowager of Bavaria is dying of dropsy. A cotton mill aUnterhausen, tear Pfullinttton, Wurtembutg wai des iroyed by Tire a few days sgo. The loss is 1, 500,000 marks. It is repotted that the b.iok of Paris is ueepiv involved id niecopper irouo les, and Is not expected to pay a div idend fur the past tear. The Marquis aud Marchioness of Donegnll make grave charges against each other. Counter suit brought by them have been dlsmiMed. A German government detective named Wicbmao has been sentenced to two year's imprisonment at Altoua for ulnely accusing two men of being anarchies. General Newa. Coont Schouvaloff is dead. ' ' Bishop Eeane has left Rome for Germany. . Pettenkofen, the Austrian painter is dead. A strong shock of earthquake occur red Jo Smyrna.' The prime minister of Hungary was hooted in Feath by a large crowd. The German government has issued a White Book on the Samoan affair. The Sultan' reply to England's claims regarding the cable and other mailers is daily expected. Col. Hujhea Hallett, member for Rochester has resigned bis seat in the House of Commons. Two Hungarian Deputies fought a bloodless duel. Political differences was the cause of the trouble. At Pembryo, Cardiganshire, Walea a mob attacked a number of police. men wno were protecting a party o emergency men Newspaper Criticism. , ,li ia a privilege every newspaper xeseivea to itself io criticue, adversely if needs be, for tbe public's benefit, anything in whicbtbe public is deeply interested. It is the custom of II. H. Warner ft Co., proprietors of the lenownel Kidney and Liver Cure, better known as "Warner's Sile Cure," to flood the country, aud especially the post-of&ces, withttnedical pampbles. The writer has takeu the liberty to examine om of these marvelous little books, and Sods food for criticism, but before indulging in it, will give out readers some quotations theretrum, from the higtieu medical authorities, wbich we believe worthy of consideration. Under the heal of "No Distinctive Symptoms Apparent," we find : First More adulu are carried ofi in thi country by chronic kidn y disease than by any other one malady except - consumption. Thompson. Seond Deatba from such diseases aie increasing at the rate of 250 per cent a decade. Ed ward j. third BrigLt'a Diaea.e has no symtom of its own. and may long exist with out the knowkdge of tue patient or practioner, as no oain wilt ba felt in the kidneys or their v.cini y. KobU. FourtL In the fatl cases and most cases have hitherto been fatal tbe symptoms of diseased kidneis will first appear in extremely ditTVrent ..rgans of tbe body as stated above. Thompson. Fifth Only when the disease has reached its filial and iaul stages may the usual symptoms of albumen and tube cants appear in the water, and will great pain rack the diseased or gans. Thompson. Sixth Bright's Disease, which usually has three stages of develop ment, is a universal disease in Eng land and America. U iberts and Edwards. Thompson is authority for siying that more adults are carried ott in thi country by kidney disease than any other malady except comumptinn. Ufcder Warner's "Safe Cure" art.cle on Consumption, we find a paragraph claiming to be a quotation from a publication uuei by Jirompton llos ptal for Consumptives, London, England, wntch states that a'i per cent, ol the patient oi that institution have uukusptctei kidney disorder. Dr. Herman Uiei mer, an eminent German authority also says that Con sumption is aiwas due to deficient nutrition ot tbe lungs, because of bad blotHl. Medical science ran no longer dis pnte the tict that tho kidueys are the principal blood purifying organs of ids numan system, ana u wey are ais essed aud thus tail to expel the uric acid poison cr the waste mattei of the blood as the bl nxl pae through these two great organs, tbe "Safe cure claim is correct, and the leasoning of it proptietor uoIJs gJod. 'lueie i no doubt out that iu too many instances the medical fjatej lity doctor foravmptoms, intead of s'rUt- ing at root of the disease, and that under thi form of treatment many patteuU dis. We cinuot, however, see the ne ccsity of continually ll miling the country with these admtatng modi cal books, when tbeir story once well told i enough for the time bo ing reople as s rule, now-a days, go to their newspaper for iufurmatiou. and we. believe such truth a ma have instanced could beprojai od therein more advautagcoualy to the public and much more beucticially to the proprietors. our sum .ctiiiE. tAuon ; An grow itat. Thlnra that Hop Oat Mad are Caught Here and There. :' ''ttiJi-te .il:l-4t: rii! There ia one, thing about a die tionary that resembles woman. U always has the hut word. It is a wise child that goes out of the room to laugh when the old man mashes his thumb. Terrs Haute Express. An old saw sir there is nothing like leather. What's the matter with a boarding-house chicken? Texas Sittings. When a man runs for office, what kind of a sweetmeat does he become? A candied date. "I am a self-made man," said a sharper, the other day, to a gentle man whom he had just got the best of in a bargain. "I am glad to hear you say so," responded the gentleman, "for it relieves my Maker of a great responsibility." A western editor appeals tobisde linguent subscribers by saying: "This week we have taken in pota toes and pickjes on subscription. Now, if yon will bring in some yine- gar for the pickles and some wood to roast the potatoes, we can live till artichokes get big enough to dig." " ;'; , A girl who married an old miser for his wealth, but pretended that she married him only tor love, was surprised, when she asked him for some money for the first time, at his replying: "True love, darling, seeks no change." "Thump-rattlety-bang" went the piano. What are you trying to play. Jane?" called out her father from the next room. "It's an exercise from my new in struction book. First steps in music," she answered. WelI, I thought you were play ing with your feet," he said grimly; 'don't step so heavy on the keys, it disturbs my thought." Munsey's Weekiv. "Now, sir," said the attorney for the defence, knitting his brows and looking severely at the witness, "you say you can remember the exact time during the forenoon at which these events took place be cause you had been fishing in the creek for more than three hours. I that correct?" "It is," replied the witne. 'I'll ask you now if you can re member how many fish you had caught and what their size was?" "I hadn't caught a fish. Hadn't had a blamed nibble." "We will have to change our tac tics," whispered the lawyer. "We can never impeach this man's testi mony." "It grieves me to give you pain, Mr. Ferguson, but I fear it can nev er be. Try, try to forget me." "I'll try, Miss Laura," replied the young man, in s melancholy, hope less way. "Absorbed in the vortex of business, as I shall be henceforth, I may be able to still the clamor of my aching heart and banish your sweet image from my mind." "Then you contemplate going in to business?" "I have made arrangements," he said, in a hollow voice, "to oen a large retail confectionery store." "0, George!" exchtmed the beauti ful girl, wildly, as she Hung herself into hi arms, "the sight of your suffering is more than 1 ran hear. I nut yours!"