- I Iioial Ml! mmniii wnntoimMr - w i .1 i "Z- I' I f f. VL- Vy LJ Li LJ LJ Vx v, cy LJ LJ V.l-.' Liver Complaint, Derangement cf the Liver. Richmond, Va., July, 1SS5. This is to certify that I have known of the superior qualities of JOHNS TON'S VEGETABLE NOLANDINE f v the past tea years, and during that time, at intervals have had occasion to ' use it in person and in my family, and have always found it a sure cure for de rangements of the liver and kidneys, in gestion, headache, &c, and a good tome. L. C. DAVIS, , 804 north Fifth Btreet- Kldney Affections. Robiow's Station, . - CHESTERFIEtU COUNTY, VA,, March 25, 1885. J Mr. J. W. Johnston i Dear Sir, Having suffered for year, with a chronic affection of the kidneys, derangement of the liver, and my jtene i ral system charged wilh malarial poisons round no relief from treatment of medi cine until I used Vegetable Kolandine. . I am now free from above complaints, and to Nolandine am I indebted for this restoration to health. I honestly recom mend it to all persons suffering from above diseases. WILLIAM DICKIKSON, Supcriuundent of Coal Mines. Bilious Derangement. Richmond, Va., Mar SS5. I can cheerfully recommend JOHN STON'S VEGETABLE KOLANDINE to any one suffering from Liver or Kid ney complaints and bilious derange ment of the system. Its prompt and permanent action in mv case affords me Measure to recommend it to others simi larly auccted. CIIARLESP. SELDEN. Hardware Merchant, formerly with Sin ger bewmg Machine Co. ; i A Great Medicine. "I -V Noi,antive Cat.ii'oiinta,' i m February 1st. itar rood kind ' lady .- 'i take my pencil in my hand to write - tf - - J r "m 2 - . . z. . i . , . 3. .at v -a a i . . .j- au . tj. -a a rfi a Mm -m J3 "in m.m a" 4 c i .71-.. . 4tth . ax r -T. a- w sb -mW iM m 3. tz Ma. - s as. w i m m m ... ,. . -4- . . ' -' I . , '-. ?-' T6e Great Virginia Vegetable Al!srai?3, Jaundice ancl you a lew lines to ten you how we is eeteen alone, von know how bad of ns ail was when you gin uses that nolandine well marm my liusbon tuck all tneci botles and got well and ete all you fetch him. voa knohe wa3 moKt dead and yon saved hisn life and them too chillier you pa them six bottles of nolandine the is big and fat boys all them sores is well, my old man is doingj smart, he dun got a tine farm ana makes a pocxl livm ami has good health, nolandine saved his life and them too children too. vi-e calls our home nolandine because it saved my old man lue ana the cliiutrens lite too. we pray for yja ?rd good man who made noland5 : . v .y nite and morn in and hope jj-i v. I f . s you both and hope we will meet ia o.:. there aict none of us willing t !; here without nolandine and a keep of peple here never herd of it afore we told liiem about it. now they like it like we does, and git it by the dozen dear good madam you has made a well man of him and them too children and god bless yon for that, it takes me a week to write so much this is first letter I have writ for nigh on fore year you is only one I would rite too if you dont mean rit us few lines and thank that good man for given us that nolandine were save my old man and them too boys who is all well and harty. your devoted friend, SARAH ANN LAK.OCHE. Dyspepsia and Catarrh. ioa E. Clay street. Richmond, Va., April 19, iSSS. . J. TV. Johnston, Proprietor Kolandine; uunng me pasi iweive munuis i uuvc had frequent opportunities of testingthe curative properties of your Vegetable Nolandine in the following diseases, and in not a single case did it fail to accomplish all that you claim for it : Dyspepsia and other' Catairh.-d affec tions of the stomach and bowels, ca tarrhal affections of the kidneys and bladder, uterine catarrh and irregulari ties, malarial complications and habitual constipation, and as a general tonic and alterative I have found it. very -efficacious, u Yours truly, . . ' . An sjft ndigestion, Flatulence, Periodica! Sick Malaria. OFFICR CnESAPEAKR AND OlIIO KAIUVAV COMPANY, , Richmond, Va., March 1, iSSs. ) I lived on lower Jnmes river for eight years in the malarial district. J.fy sys tem was thoroughly charged with this deadly poison. I exhausted the usna'.iy prescribed and domestic remedies with out an? benefit. I was induced to try JOHNSTON'S VEGETABLE NOLAN DINE. Before using two bottles my liver was aroused from its long torpor, and am nowenjoytngthe best of health. My wife and children derived the same benefits from "Nolandine." J. A. WYATT. Chills and Fever. , Fuset, Kino and Qoeen Co., Va., January 31, 18S7. J I was afflicted with chills and fever during the fall of last yedr. I Could stop them with quinine, but they wouldn't stay stopped. Tliey would re turn the 7th, 14th, 21st, or aSth d.iys. A friend gave me part of a bottle of No landine. I used it according to uirec tions, and haven't had a chill since. Am in good health and weigh as much or more than I ever did. E. & WILSON. Blood Poisoning. Richmond, Va., July 13, 1SS7. J. W. Johnston, Proprietor Kolandine : Dear Sir, I have taken your "Nolan dine' for habitual constipation of eiht years' standing, during which time I Lave tried macyl r . nti.ms, bist lt.i.i not receive ary r;Uf until I Used your preparation, for which I Lave received iniiacdio a::l (ensc-i to:KL, Vas also Buffering with malarial .d blocd poisoning. I am now free from all such complications, and, am bappy t, say, enjoying exccptiouaUy good health., it . . 1 Yours tmlyV -1 . Propnctox of Dowden's Deatal Fluid. r i: nr.., :l I ; 2 : J !::! ' ; : :;l ... . . -4 a.... Lul 3 n Mercurial Ebcd Poison, Delicate Females. 4t3 East Broad ST., Richmond, Va. . Johnston: I feet it but just to recommend your valuable medicine, "Nolandine," for any tronble caused by torpid liver, or constipation produced by morphine or any drug used to sulxlue pain. As a tonic for females it is uusurp:issed. The above you are heartily welcome to use in any way you deem best, and I will personally tell any one whutit will do, ou apnlicatiou. Respectfully, Mrs. A. E. ANTHONY. EI00J Purifier. Richmond, Va., October 1, 1SS6. To whom it may coni ern; Vox twelvemonths I was a fearful suf ferer from chronic eczema, during which time I was in the hands of a most skilful physician, faithf.ffly using his remedies, JntermJ and external, with-' out deriving any fceneflt whatever. I PulTered nisht ml day with the most in tolerable itching, continuous headache, loss of sleep, appetite and elreu;;th. My kidneys and nervous system were fearfully deranged, and tny fcixly was covered wilh innumerable boils, fv talrinirthree ( 1) UUles ofJOHNSTOVti VEGETABLE KOLANDINE I hzxa been restored to perfect henHh. I rv--gard Nolandine as the best Iduod puri fier, and the most powerful tonic ever compounded, and I am not alone in tUU belief. Veryrespectfullyvonrs. &c, IL B. GRUBBii. Consumptive DIarrhcea. I feel it tny duty to make the fact j k: own, f r the benefit of those vie .ir.'iii!T as I have done. The 1 .to;I'r. Ck.u-'cs in.-!t Gibson, and other 1 byt-it i"r.3 i the eitv, pronounced r!y c Jf.""';'itivcd:srrhc;a, aadfct :? three 3 c.s of treatment, duiintf v.-Uich tintf I derived no benefit ,s ht cr, they said my comoUint ws. turble. I was -reduced to a ' tnere thulowby loss of appetite, cotiKh'dur. rhofa, tight sweat- anilj.lej- U sf !Ki. lhad iiot.trcngth to g. up and uown stairs vJdthAut auhistancct f ' T M 1 J : ! i I:. .: 1 W j ;U.. Headache, and I had my attention called to your "Vegetable Preparation, Nolandine," which I commenced takifig as directed. !n a few days my relations saw an itnprovemeiit in my complexion. My strength and Bpelile increaseiL I be gan to be hopV f :!, and I assure you I was not disappointed. In the pure of twenty (xt) d.-.ys I paintd sixteen (16) pounds 111 wsr-ifcl, a::d Iiavesiuce come up to my usual weight I am now en joying the best of health, thnnkstoyour most powcrf.:! "Nolandine." 1 have published this for the benefit of suffering humanity. I am mst grate fully yours, etc., T. V. CHALKLEV. of 0. 11. Chalkley & Co., Leather Deal ers, Richmond, Va. Liver Complaint. Officu oi J. W. Cai.dwkx,iv Richmond, Va. Pear Sir, Vortlse hctieCt of persons snrorinr? from Chronic Liver Com plaint, 1 1 leave to call their atten t' n to your vcjTeta!le preparation, "Neliimlnie." I r- ' 'd it csa "iliola gogne, com'n;!:- (.Isotoui undreno. vrting properties, aud in this respect difiering froiu any medicine I uuve ever token. The trectsof yor.r "Notandine" in r.-.y t !::!. a o t!ie liver nml se cretions identici.l with calomel ; at the f:e:;e time, e tirely fn.e from nauseating i.r.il ticbiiit.it in coufcfiueuces fuilow ingthe use of thnt mitural. I vory c'.'.eerfuily recommend your " Nolandine" f.r the diseases enume rated oa yourcirculars, and am conv:nc td from persotial In-ueft derived fion Us use, that it mu:t become a sund i.rd family meilieiue. t am notalo:,ei!i the very uigltestl ruite 1 tUccon "V ,UvAitw," trust it w'U be nniversaliy known and lc, as it cUov'.l tc, tLs i..cu-.:s o.' t-l.:;;g the place of tniner;d i-rcparati its for that c! us of dise-tst a in which it bas prov ed tPiiccessfl ml already eaincl such arcputatiou. llcping that f;oandille, may reach all person sulferin froi bil ious defsngrment anJ prtratioa from cliniiicdiMases, I sm vervrt-fspet-tfully yours,-. -TOUN W. CAMilW l.fcl r -i t ' 1 .:,. 1 I . ' T Successinllj in Its f:I!cul:j Scrofulous and Female Complaints. A Family Medicine. Having suffered f r several j-ears with liver complaint, indigestion and an ob stinate friit of rntancons disease, after unsuccessfully using other remedies, I was advised by several physicians to try your celebrated preparation, "Nolan dine." Since thoroughly testing it, lean con fidently recomtm-ud it as the Inrst alte rative blood puriiier and liver iuvigora tor I bavf ever used ; and it can also le taken with much efficacy by delicate females. I consider it a valuable family medicine, possessing the advantages of "Mercury" without its injuriouseffect, and with pleasure offer uy unsolicited testimony in favor of "Nolandiue." Very respectfully, Mas. G. V. 1 KA7CCISCO, Richmond, Va. Torpid Liver. AVAtrAiit.RMi!niciNR. T'nderthis licad the ivten-burt; Daily index lias the following: "We have n-ceivel from Rev. Mr. Keiley the following testimonial in re gard to the virtue of Nolandine, which we cheerfully publish for the benef.t of tlioe who may be iu need of such a medicine." Nolanptnb. Some time go there was a notice of ti:e above mentioned in the local columns of the Index, which attracted roy at tertian. Altera conference wilh one of the propriettws I procureil a bottle of "Nolandine," and received so much benefit from its use t'.ir.t I tried nn-cord one. and cm l,now Using tuctli'rd. I!.iving suffercl lTioeavriiiaiue imuni i' r more iii.tii frty years from a torpid liverlhistnetH cine bus ofionlid tne more relief, than anything I have ever utd. A dc&L-e to licnefit my fellow-creatures is tny sole motive lor publishing this state menu JOHN U KE1LEY. "i I Dyspepsia. I have for the last twelveyeare been afllicted with that terrilliilas. dys pepsia; all the remedies, .aud I have taken tnany, only gave partial relief. CciliHc Eruptive Disecs About years ag I took your " No landine"; niilcv then tny health lias letn ni:l is now as good asitever Can eat ill tnmlemt ion now food t t two years ago I daml luAl m. h. At i';e same time I wssaf.lictctlwith ali-v;. I believe, of the tki.i; fr Vie loft f" S teen years it liaslecn a plaitue to me. It invariably pintle its appearance i:t February and bisinl until ApriL When I got warm iu lied it would commence itching. There was no eruption until I was rimpelhtl to scratch, then a little pimple, not as large as a pin's head, would appear, and then my misery commenced. I have laid many a cold winter's night without anycovcringuii til I could stand the cold no longer, and then would pull the cover over me and tt snatches of sleep. I have not felt it since taking your valuable "No lindinc," which was taken fir dyscp t.i.t,and I believe that it has cured me of that pl.-isjue. I write this to show vu jl have been curel bv your valuable l'"V..iil;. 1,. ..r.i..,.. ... 1 ...... voit many thanks I do not write this i..r publication, but if you thiuk it may iKiieni any 01 our lcaow-meu Mmiia: .y afllicted, you may use it as youtl.k.k Iroper. Very respectfully, JAMES U EftE, attthe house of John JL Tyler c Co. Heals Ulcers. Dear Sir. As a recipient of its hea. ing fiowers, it afford s me pleasure to tes tify to theeflicacy of your remedy "No- lan.swe. 1 or two years 1 nave imvh afllicted with painful ulcers, following the slightest abrasion of the skin, dis abling tne ironi ail laiior aixi exercise. A single ImtUeofthe "Nolandine "has lit 4ouly healed the ulcers, but removed all pretlisfKisitioil to them, and I have no loiigerany fear of their return. Very truly yours, THOS. U. JiOTT. Hanover county, Va. Liver Complaint DIarrhcea and ?' "' 9 - t wyapcpsia. My attention was called toy our "Ko landiBe,".by the certificate of Mr. J. L. l' .. I Ibut letn suffering for .two uc ! t- i t'.irveyeiirsvvhh t';eCl r livcrCtTt. plaint, 1 !.iir!;a,(i and 1 y! jM-ji,5.i, v-ith t.l.,l los of f trrr;.;th, t:!fr:y end i.J ;c-t::-, ncxt!!T0!:'td by il tilVs'iws'. A ;i-j;ic !ttljf yur "N4ar!iir.e" rol ..-et! me to heaUh. TwXolmidtec' I : t!i i:;dcl.tel for this re;trt.! :osi. I would 1 Mnte, in th is connection. l!:ct during the several ye in of mycknes I tried many fMuflicv all of uLiiSj prbveil t 1? entirely worthb-ss in tny case. V:ur 'No! aniline" should !eur.i vcTs.il ! k nown. I am con vincetl, m hea tried, it will liecome atadard n-mwly. Any perHons desiring further ir forma tion will have it most cheerfuHy impart ed by calling upon tne. Very truly and eratefulty you U. 1. liANKINS, Richmond, Va. Liver Invlgorator. RICII5JONP, VA. Dear Sir, I very chccriV.ly testify to the unefjiialhtl efacacy, nforsiiJiynu f-e rit ne extends, of ""Nolandine'" as n: aitera'.ive ir.d liver invioralor. la ir.v own c.i'e it 11.1s j rw. n a t:istcL c t:t remedv, ar.dyit N-en fn efrottt' the injuritttis f&H t v rftea fjilowing U.e u&c ot uuitiii- :; .!. . F. 11. ALl RXENDt. Varicose Veins. To the Kvtandine Company s Permit r.ietoall my testiwwiytothe curative properties 01 Nolamline. For ntany years I have t-uuVred frors varictwe veins. Twelve months arol strulk my leg a'niiustachair.lireakisS one of the ei;is. The wound tl-.us lnude could lit b healed except for a short time; thea lre:.k out a;"resh. At times i suilrcd tantoM misery from lo ci fever and i:it-t i"f uilcrable burning seusatkm. After u-oiig t o ?t lt Us of your "Vcj-v-table ?tolandineM the ulct-ratetl plaoeS heale.1, the iweliing dis ipjeared, natural slcvp was rettorcd, and my nefvinis system composed. Asa vermifuge, Nolandine acted spe cifically on one of my children. As a 4lood puririer and general tonic, your Noloduiesha-no equnL . Gmtcfully yours; A IK li. P.'OSSF.'R, . at fjojaj.un srect, Richmond. Va! 1 v. , Votzru. amia'ia to t.V,v.-. Ask your Ji4.t for F4. U Ileal I y & Co."s iiuiiLlii bLuiiiihb If wir iw1 nr tk in tlw Iwnai rt vn MTtli:M.i' VKit .,., rim t-ro I'liO. :ViiK 'iat.il fv.ts ' I'.l-.sT Kc,v.V ma4 iMimit l itRi'i..ii W (KWfkiimiin Hott Iu Ito orki. lit I'i kic Him. ill II1KK Vol H ir l lO 1 IT. If y.TBr I KAI.I.li .1w ki poiir prmtia. w4 tatix auJ v U iI.I for. nlfi you a Miil Owmwl, T"1 tnit ful, a r"critt f iriaa. Wo in and bri4 ?-nr tnmii If c trruiili n or I W utva lui)t Uiim lmuicniM liui'iixnw If n i'AINSl AK1 NO ux-lxxl. iJ t.vd-Hlitf bwoia. era m onM ha 4mm hy. H 11 n arrtne Knlla or Hw!i nhmii l, mil 1 tirrmn iiKmum, w rmM op tin. dat arm. 't unucrr, over i wit. taaltM ing lintMQm, (iwmcrolca la tkwL References rift KMInrm Panknf ru. ri. c.i'j c4,w,uu; Mtiuitifcl v t j ZD. L HUNTLEY & CO., Manufad urm and Wholesale Dealers in Clothing for Men, Boys and Children, 122 and 124 Market SI, Chicago, 11 P.O.Box66& IQWTHYSEIES THE SCIENCE Or LIFE A Sim' Ut ! M3-!ri l'ii:r V, Tiwtfc M I,tTi il VttlJ1iwui!K.!.U!,XtraS i ... i f Komlune fr.ua r T, Vnm, I -t-::t.--, fcptwt ar HrrutiU"n, i:'wra-.r. . to t -,..; ,nj t nim foe fek, ll'w:w, t! iTiiti .k5 i'olwmn. Atoo4 uh.Ic.m'oI f.rrtt)nk lir-4 l:i-ertt wnrk. It eita.n i "9 Jvr', r" i Mra, li.U!l Hii S.ce. ! U f 'J c V. iTn ni f tl.cn Itf mil, .luij, fmT&Kd in Jtiaia wj.;iW. lilnn-fr-m rti. l r. it va a?t:f ww. 'I b i:v'mtirhrJi s :"iKf. Vtn. II. I'r.ri-.T, M. P., n riv4 tl ;!. A M J r Ullt.lJ . At U A I. f I mmm !. wttMtl fSinU A wlalltl far l.l. fUlU lnlV ataj M.IillHH mm VU T el A U Vi:iH IJTV.Pt.l'tfittd acuqia .f Aalant Iivm. .mi er ' ereiltat. cS 4"ntii,,, fc n.,il or Innmnn, m r r the ri:Vnnxv ?ti ai. ivtiti tk -. j tuna mttmen IJt aucws STMiiia mm as alara. ASTHrA At, vv. k.Mi l awlAAJt i: V i assri, ST, , -mrj-. AiaaBriai utJaMR Itar a a.i aocVaS aaUJ mm (a v naa at at m ! - &i ; ri f How Lost! How Regrained, r a? t a -a . .

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