. , LOCAL ITEMS. PUBHAM NEWS, PICKED i r"i JIBBE ASU THERE. UP 71 Tim Winston "Reni&iican" AL VmA chnrch-, at IV alflut jots, itu early 4JfVfT.' n j.. at tne saw ok 01. i? ! lliu Lizzie Cofidd, a charming IaUr of Granrills 'wffliW.t - i L. Markham, died tlady, who has been visiting friends ii Durham, returned to! her ronie I at Ami last Sunday. Ana if. a young wjao wprfiuu ipn since the Jbt, hs-h ten at least tick at the heart $nd fainty.- ; ThaTl fhe A TouWgen Usaaa gare a' young " lady Miring or 8outh street a hirh-day. present lbs tSef dsj a, majruihcent ring, fullof rabT nd diamonds. , Well, earlr all the fleers on that stjeet kaTt Ueliar, apfttVr U tfeYWfcvi" .as" t? ' ' ' ThertfeObsertfcrWyspOn i2taefHafcM61'W,lIS Burjrwyn Sill pen lis firfetew plug tobacco etory.oneof the most complete U the Stata, at Henderson, on which occasion hf wRt giro an entertain ment t&omaerowitf theoptit! ; Tobacco was .brought here from every aonlc - and coruer laM week;,PmhVLockhart s and the AHiaac wr4tau , were crowed Thanday Ml i'$ikf,jtim tidaJtai et in so strong this way that it i bmIsss to cmnuf furftoer oV'tEt fact -.-Xh fcng c,ualitf is good, layers on the lookout and price 0 5(bar0r ,lhe 85n -was oca tear old last Tuesdar: it came at in beautiful pink eoloiO YY vara glad to aea this, for at shows that tha editor is .stimulated br a rnsroos patronage Bro. Hojbinson trained and erpenented 'news- riper man, and tvien att'signs fail, sat many years of brilliant'Suri'V light still ahead of bps. . -ThtVorW-iraVVill beheld U ChicaftjT" .a 1S92 cammemorating tkt 4th eesieanial of tha discoverv r ot A marie. rb -XJolumlws.v. In Tfr af tno tact,- the Philadelphia Tiaea nta aU the following: I-.-.-. v., f ! mtXt TBI lAdLI SCREAM. Tat wont of it is aln4 sFliU ; .- siUKa us utng naa occurred ' (kieaf of course will want to make I Tk flotf the Kaikwal Bird.? Aaxchantasaya: Tha lofty flaeaa ef lk world are Hot 1 always capt.Djja0M wno oeserre tnem. Eotat mea rise to bo great atates Ssaa.aaixiM ta hi thfl-eonqneron of nations and .sons rite to light Ua fire of a morning. These latter Ii M oeuarad. compriM tha great ex aplinji to the general run of hu- . f itJ 1 JL"1 ? plentiful in Darham at pruMat,' but there 'are ' lota of thei it Baltimore, The big folored fighter, Peter Jackson, was poaadad with ttawell egga in Dalti : poraena aight Iat west He is jvported to hare said that eggs were i 1 a a at a - ... paort pienuiui inaa ooqaeu on tnu eaaiba, bat tiieir aroma was ter r no mtiio ttrr attention or frt 1 rttdars to the advertisement bf the f. Darham Ball fertiliser Co.j ia aa I othtr eolaWa. Thhrk one of the i fertihtars madaj it Is a borne- mmm m Uiur,aaa our people snooia INktrMiso it 'Xheif brftneh " bonu la Eiehmond, waiJwrtroyed by, firs , tmt wtc, Bui may ai making pre- araliaas to atart p again. ' The robin is a grand old bird Zorthe pst robin cia ia imn.1 oongh to wt before a king, but like the English apvrow, "no good" as a songster.' The Ashetille -Democrat" eays: WilUoaa of robins r wpofted si mused on the place of lift TOHhsoj, 0f Oaks, Orange eeanlf.- Tftsir noie ' fnglitms w iiMM -,11. nut i t.s' i lilled-400 one night 'People go " froM Hiltaboroand other -points to kill them. : . AgoodiaokiagwMow,- liting la Darhaa msda a seasible remark the other aight; it is true, she has . passed through the wiles f tnatri ' taeaT, H that laty U the nvm she waste to ealarge her pocket book; lei she w uled by a' young . Wy, who bad a -fit" for music, if . .ehekaav any thing about, notes. tie widow replied,-that ahe cared , aWUuag for notes valeaa they were grotabackBotna. Married orsingle, we will go the birgest red apple - t M t fooad between here and , the eitj of -moral, aocial and health fu! eavironuents" that y local editor of ear aeifhboro, the 'Globe," . iU agne with as that there isn't a ' PUtu" gM in the tkaa a dashing young widow. -We are willing to abide the AAvftimiAn nao if ia f haisama Tmf h tin I An exchange says, buds on the trees, lilacs ia blooia.s, green grass and vegetation, are among the strange sights visible along the banks of the Hudson and- Connecticut, If we hae a 'frost, -it disappears as if aobamea or itself, and as far snow. qo.i eao.ugn naa.iauen w nil, a beav er hat. r Woplen goods lie dead up on' the shelves in the stoies, and the retailers are mourning over their loss in this . department of trade, t. P. S. Since (he above was put in trpe. snow b&s fallen, ice "can be oundeverwyhere. . iiet tne people ot uurham set but twenty-four distinct varieties of trees, as follow: White oak, wal aut, red oak, popular, cherrv. sas safras," persimmon, plum, maple, mulberryj ' pawpaw, water beech, hickory, dogwood, sycamore, willow, ash, elm, red haw, box elder, sweet gam, spicewood, black gum, and black haw. Out of this variety, we will change the names of the two oalts name one the Baptist Female University, the . other Trinity Col lege; two beautiful trees, transplan ted from the "city of oaks" into Durham's rich soil where other ma jestic" trees wait to hold their arms out like priests. Men, whose en terprise is known everywhere are de termined to snake Durham a college town- a revelation of buauty, grace andicalture,8econd to no place in thib country, ' 7e received last week the an nual report ' bf ' Adititant General James I). Ulonnior the year 1830. Jt contains 1X2 pnjjes giving a full account of the- different companies So' ' .It w a handsome,' well printed ioicuaiect. Oupaze51 DrJIurbrrt llaywp.xl,.Surgpoa General NX. S. (?.. speaks a follows of our towns man, Dr. A. 0. Cart: "The hospi tal was placed undT the immediate supervision of the Brigade Surgeon, vr. A. u. Larr, to whom I must ex press niV thank for Ina pnn.timt beerfuV' and successful attention to the sick. He was aided most ef ficwfuUvJi the diicharce of' hL duties, by tiie different regimental surgeons and hospital stewards, who also hava my thanks. Tie hopital was well kept and c eanlv. The health of the troop3 was excellent, f hero' was not a single death scarcely a single caso of sickness." A Pretty bedding. A yery prUy marriaga took place in the First Baptist church I ist Wednesday morning, Mr. T. 7vJin?loa nailed in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Lula E. Kiggsbee, in the pr-eence of a largo asacmablage. Ilex. J. L. White officiating. The bride and groom are' both residents of this city. " Thb Kecorder extends congra tulations and wishes this happy pair a pleasant voyage through life., An Old Citizen pone. I Mr. Aea IJ. Uanter, one among the old t citizens in this commuai ty died at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. J. 11, Carlton, last Sun day evening. lie was a good neigh bor and a true friend, lb was hurried with Mwonic honors. Peace i his abea." Itev. C. J.WIngate. Wo find the following notice of the above gentleman, who has re- eenilyomt among ns in 1 the ."jUimax, a p.iperpubhshol in Rich mond, Madiwn county, Kentucky. It gives ua pleasure to re-print it Tl.e "Climax'! says: "Uev. C J. Wingate, reclor of the" Kpiscopal Church, prcnehed his farewell ser mon on bvtSuoday,fcnl to-morrow, with hi familr, will remove to Dur ham, N. C, where he has accepted a call. - Mr. Wingate is an able and scholarly rnani and an earnest chris tian. But bis health has materially interfered with his work in this place. He and his familr will be folluwei by the warmest wishes of the conreMtiun and manr other who bare formed their acquaintance.' A Hiuckle. Wo mneh regret It hear that Cant. . ii. ii. iyn tiwi sna killea PTTfifrtir u tTomli. Ills mind b letn tfrtf'gul f-t icvral tnnuths and ai'atjienti wrra b icg made t-t take Li m to t1 ajlam, and it Is mj mt ne tin! iiiins'a to prevent . ua was one of the ore oal vol tin teen la the "Chatham Rifles", the orst cmpanr fro Ibis county to en hci. in inoicipiirrnie army, ana wsi Its csplain during the UHf tml of ta war. Since ilo grand reunion f ef-tnte-Ipratti hl l bore about djh Uta m-tith Si'o, threes f tho fiur eaitains of th.tcvommiiv hava '.it I artolna Tv!or, Ihrle and Trn vap. . u li-'u ion is now tbe s lc survivor. Cltalham Record. L) IH-Iird. I.LAXW, Oa , Fib. 2A-Uron w-snir.gt n. a negr , ia Morgan omhuij, wis ivucuea iy titxara at mianigin lor Hie cuUerand outrwes ui i-;i.arui I WUiW girl, I TTTl i "ar f Tra mtrvt -ww-w- 'a -w-v HEAD UJT TllJi ilEAf . WAKE SUPEKIOJt COURT. HODGE VS. THE ItAIL ltOADS SUPICEME COURT. Cross and White Trinity and and the Baptist Female Uni . " vcrsity A. and M. Col legeThe Exodus Cotton Mills. Raleigh, March 1. Wake Su perior court for the trial of civil cases only opened la't Monday morn ing, when tne first case on the cal endar, Ellington, Koyster & Co., vs. lrustee of Wake Forest College, about building the Chemical Labora tory, was taken up and was given to the jury on Wednesday night, and a verdict was returned on Friday morning for theplantiils for $2,700. There are just forty cases on the calendar, Stata ex T-L Hodge vs. forty different railroad companies ia the State for the penalty for failing to make tne reports of their opera- lions a'i required by law. Your readers are not interested directly in any of them except those against the Fittsboro Railroad Co., and the University R. It. Co. These suits are generally known 03 the Alliance suits against railroads, as Hodge is supposed to represent the Alliance movement to bnng the raitroads to somo obedience to the law. The de cision of the Superior court will not amount to much, as ge which way it may, the cases will land in the Supreme court. The Supreme court is a body of five men, of ability and learning and entitled to the confi dence of the people. The court now tias a full bencn, ilernmon, thief Justice, and Davis. Avery. Shepherd and Clark Associate Justices. There are some fine oil portriats u tho Supreme court room that can uot f.ul to attract attention. There is a large life-size portrait of Chief Justice Kuffin, represented 8 stand ing. It is an admirable work of art, and is the gift ef Mrs. Paul C. Lameron, of Ilillsboro, his daughter. Chief Justice Ruffia sat on the .Supreme bench for 24 years, and waa Chief Justice for 19 years. rheroare fine portraits of Chief Justice Nash, Judges Manly, Read, Ashe, and J no. nail, who was one jf tho original court when first or ganized in lsiiS. lncre is also a aae portrait of that great lawyer. the lute Hon. B. F. Moore. The case of Cross and White was called in the Supreme court on Thursday for final disposition upon the opinion and mandate of the Supreme court of the United. The Attorney Ueneral be.ng at the Aew uern fair, tne case was laid over. In a few days it will be heard, and the opinion certified down to the Su perior court of Wake. As Cross and bite are bound for their appear ance at March court, it is probable tbat they will not be troubled until then. But at that time they will be removed promptly to the work house gang, and begin to serve out their sentence oa the public roads. v bite is bere and can be seen al most, at any time, about the court bouse and on the streets and seems decidedly gay and cheerful. Cross is also here, having come 'up from Gates county to receive his doom, out xeeps niuseii secluded, and is rarely seen. there i not much excitement here over Trinity College and the Baptist Female University. The Kaleigh people seem to regard both as nxed facts in ualeign s improve ment tnat can not be undone, liut you may have a fine building on a fins site, and a fine faculty, and still not have a flourishing college It takes something more than these to draw students. I regard the success of both these colleges when located at Raleigh as problematical. Cer tainly it will be a slim university that can be built for 1 23,000. But we shall see what we shall aee. The Agricultural and Mechanical College is doing fairly well under all the circumstances. The two Literary Societies organized have b.-ea named Leazar and Pullen from two staunch friends of the College. Tbe cotton mills are covered in and rapidly approaching completion. neu niii.-Micu, it win uu onn oi me largest cotton factories in tho Stata. Besides, it is a move in the right di reclion, and brings prosperity to everybody, and the farmer lias a deep interest lu manufactures, as it gives him a ready home market for farm products. The Exodus has injured farmers in this county vary seriously, and as it is still going on, it keeps the planters unsettled, not knowing on what labor they can rely. Gov. Fowle returned Thursday evening from the New Hern Fair, ami expresses himself m having been highly pleased with his visit. The Governor is in fine health and spirits. Judge Ppier Whitaker is spending a few days in the city. He is a clever gentleman, unquestionaly a good lawyer, and is making a good re cord as a Judge of the Superior court Signed Tnelr Own Death War rant. Sj-ncoM Courier. Chauncey M. Depew, weeks ago de clared tbat the party that succeeded in killing New York,s chances for tbe Worlds Fair would be buried under a hundred thousand majority. uis propnecy win come true v. . i .I tm i ' . - A Reckless Youag Man. Horrlttowa Brrald. A young man in Nebraska who was refused a marriage license to marry his motber-in l&w. went over to Onawa, Iowa, where the ceremony was performed It is s id tnat the young man was once blown up in a powder mill, which has made him reckless, but the chances ara that the woman will need tho most sympathy a year hence. M. J. n. Uuke Very few f ho vouug men of North Carolina l.ave achieved any thing like tbe distinction in tho bul ness world won by J. II. Duke, con of Washington Duke and member ci the firm of W. Duke Sons & Co.. Not many years ago "Buck," as his father loves to call him, broke the shell and planted himself down In tbe city of New York, determined right there In the greatest commercial and money center of tba continent, to mako all cigarette concerns ta' e off their hats to W. Duke Pons & Co. Upward and onward he went. The country bov was as much at homo in the great metropolis, driving his busi ness with all the artful nmacgetnent that industry and genius could com. trol and devise, aa if be bad never been out of the great city. All who know him and come in contract with him admit that he 4ia- phenomtnal business and couamercird gift. The American Tobacco Company, the wealthiest and greatest corpora tion of its kind in tbe world, it or ganized with a capital ot S2o.C00.000. Mr. J. B. Duke is tho president of the company. North Caaolina may well feel proud of her young son who went forth among strangers and reachsd the topmost round of the business ladder in tn short a time. Gratifying To All. Tao high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of tha pleasant liquid fruit remedy fyrnp of Figs, as the most excellent laxative known, illustrate tbe value of the qualities on which its success is based and arrabunnantly gratifying tbe California Fig Syrup Company. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I have tbia lav nrjalifU-d a Admin. istrator de bonis non of tbe estate of A. M. Carlion, deceased, and I notify all persons indebted to bis estate to satl with me at ooce. And all per sons who have claims against said estate must present them to me for payment before February 1, 1S91, or this notice will be plead in bar. This February 1, 1890. F.M. CARLTON, Administrator de bonis non. rani floral mm. fames 51. Lamb, Proprietor. Gadroalaa 8fcUltjr, Fayettevillk, NJ C. For Spring planting, we can furnish Magnolias, Cape Jasmius, Spruces, Pines, Strong field grown Roees, Arbaurvitias and Evcrygreeens for hedges and a full stock of ornamen tal shruhery. A most careful selected and well grown stock of greenhouse plants. Send for copy of tba Homb Florist which contains price list aud many useful bint on tbe cultivation of plants. Jan-29 ONU ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, aud acts penny yet promptly on tbe Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever vro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ao i ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in Its effects, prepared only from the moot healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tha most popular remedy known. yrnp of Figs is for sale in 50c and fl bottles br all leading drng gist. Any reliable draggwt who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wMics to try it. Do not at iopt any suoniiuie. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. i4 mucitco. cu lovwiiu, Kf. - new row, .r. For coughs, colls, consumption, cupe and ail throat and lung troubles take mat old t ishian remedy, Dr David's Cough Spruoof PuroPine Tar, Hoehound and Wito Cherry at , I eakbv & Co 8. Drug Store. America Wins tue Skating Championship. Montreal, Feb. 14.-A cablegram from St. Petersburg says that Iods Rubinstein.the champion fancy skater of America won the champiotu liip ot the world in this city yesterday. Syrup of Figs Is Nature's own truo laxative. It is the moat easily taken, aud tlio most effective remedy known to Cleanse the System when Billions or Costive; to Dispel Headaches, Cold km! Fe vers; to Cure Habitual 0-n6tipulion, Indigestion, Piles, etc. Manufictured only by the California F'2 Svrur Company, San Francisco, 0!. For sale by K. Blacknall & Son. - Attention, Farmers! Boykin. Carmi r & Co., the o!i re liable North Carolina Dru ,' fr ;.s.- ;n Baltimore, who have been in tLc ha-i ne9stenty.threoyear?, oiler i cry thing in thiir line at lb be: t mx lc: rates. They also continue to e,l -.M Agricultural Chemicals f r mak ing aod compounding Fki.timzeks at homo. Fnrmrrs will i ncil to writo them for prie-e ar.d otu- h formatiou in their liue Lefur: biiviinr. Tbay are now euUiiig a ck-inical, "Top DarssEU," thai !ht y ca!l "Cts otite" which is rst.i !y growia if. demand. Ftb. 2Gtli jr. ff. Ill I Si WHOLKSAI.K AND KRTAIL DEALKRS IV GROCERIES DM C0s)l(S if. We carry ia stock !arg- ijnanti ks of CORN, HEAL, HEAT, Molasses, Syrup SALT:, SALT FISH Sugar Coffee, &c. Also a large iteck of heavy BOOTS A117) HE S. ALSO ' 23CjtJJi&. CAPS sr 8 AND 3 Ready-made Clothing Prices to suit the HARD TIMU3. W. Mangum &s Son, Mangum St., Durham. X. C. dec-I84m 100,000 Choicest Flowering Plants. 2S.C00 Pansier, Choicest Gibxa, 40 ccnla per dozen. Jtosc, Geranium?, Vt-rbena He'i trojies, &c.,5o cents per doien. Choice Dahlias free with each order if desired. Palms, Fern". Dracannas and oth. r Deorative Plants. Labels, (r cents per 1,000.) Vases, Pots, &c, at Lowest Rates. A il Gocdi cflered of the lest. Price list cn application. M. It CATLIN, Riclimond, Va. -Greenhouses, 723 Laurel St. 2UStore,f423, Wert Bwa r If vou want any Girdan Woeds go to P. "W. Vaughan's drug store. If you want O10V31 andgraSS Seeds do likewise. If you need any medicine or drugs I. W. Vaughan will sell them to you low down. Tobacro Fanners : I linve ttic ihI Us ih 1Vli'ien?o. Prescriptions filled with pure and reliable medicines. XsWJien you come to toyn, come in and hang up your hat and overcoat and make yourself at home, whether you want to buy or not; we cxtcnd.to you a cordial welcome. P.W. Vaudian, D VMIlAM, S. C. A Lig rush to Yearby & Co's drug Btore for Df DavM's Liver Pills, to cure sick headache, biliousness and liver diseases O Yi'NEIlS OF HORSES, . will find "Dixie" Condition Powders, the very be3t tonic and improrer of llOU'O flesh luiOWU Don't no an but the Dixie A Yearby & Co's Drug Store .'' Notice. HaviPfOtialifipd na n a - VM V VI VUK? mil cf Susan M. Snr.fi AaaaaA All nersona indebiorl f i tha put a to nf t.lia t-ttatrix are hereby notified to come "un Rnri geuio at once or collection w l! be fnf rcod bv law. All soni holding claims against the estate win prei tuern at once or this uuvui) win oo p:eaued in bar of a recovery JoiiiT II Snir-P, lh. lith 1890.- Executor. LOUIS RICH & CO,, 0 Seals, RtiVoar Stamps Etc, 1109 Main Street, mmm. m. mar. o. R3 M fins W M' Yearby & Co DEAL EH IN Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Tatent Medicines, Dyes and Buist's garden Seeds, SMITH'S OLD Stand MAIN STREET. When -in town come to seo Us. iaa-29 :o:- RM iifii 1 " T -L? '7