wv c a. u. .coi,miM MOTTO. e For God, Home and Xative Land. PLEDGK I hereby aolen tt'y Troml , Hod hrlplnff m to abotain Irom U Alooholio H lUore, Including Win. BeerendCid-.MeBe.r!e. "Hit. mu ploy all proper weaaa to dlcn-a-. then W traffic In the Mm. With faith unfeigned vi ttka ealvt tioo's cnp, r And call upon the came of Una by wkom . . n Redemption a price wa j.uid far all our race. It is because we thui revere G i word. And venerate our Ft her a holy name And cling with faub aad lovf,to Jeuo' CWB3, That we would seek to wipe the stain , Which infidels would bo well pleas d to fix ,m ,, Upon the mirror of Et rnal Tf uth! T. II. Bakkeb. Wbat will Labor do About It? The question will goon be answered. "There's a got d time coming Wait a little longer." Labor will soon fii d la' or s true allies in the Prfhibit.'on partv. By long chafing and friction the UhtionV temi er h bet'-rue elcctr e, atdit iii tot le !m h fore. s-part of that c''Ct!ii iti wi'.Utii eiut.1 tt" stored d, uni;e ot tim peopfc indignation,-nd in tliut ttur tli bellgate if rum be vcrtb,run fecr. Tramp! tranl uat.pl You can bear them esruirg, niil;ioi.s o- z workers, the be3t train and nnsile of the nation, the party t t ie i eoj lr, the Prohibition p .rty, wi:t thiri ty for all, malice toward none, but united in a boly warfare; pledged not to level down the rich, but to level up the poor ; sworn to turu ivery man'a home into a little heaven unou earth; rt solve i to striko down the mm short and ita Dartr allies, which top the People's Pbogbess Fkom Poverty u. i. The Demorest Medal Contests. The followiut; extracts fruta letters, taken at random from number re ceived dailv, testify to the ffficiercv and value of the Mt-dul Contests iu disseminating the p.mcipks of I ro hibition, and training the rising gener ation in the wav they should e These Contests are open to all: and all information regarding them can be obtained by applying to am Charlotte F. Woodbury, Superinten dent of the Demorest Medal d ntest Bureau, 10 East Fourteenth Street, New York City. A. Tctell, Allegheny, Pa.: I am delisted with, tie work 1 It is a 1;lorious one for the Master, and the essoni I teach my pupils they will never forget. Sicce January 10, 1859, when 1 began, up to June 13, fourteen silver medals have been won. Am now getting a class of eight ready for a Uol Medal umteat; but win continue the Silver Medtd Coulees. My boys and girls are coming in numbers, and increasing in size and age from fourteen to twenty-two vearar Mks. W. J. Dice, Long Prairie, Wayne Co- 111.: "In the twelve months we Lave been engaged in this work, we have awarded aeventeen liver medals and seven gold medals, and the cla is now preparing Tor large gold medal. e are trying to keep the Prohibition bail rolling. What would we do without our Con. tests? The people in the country are not able to hire big speakers, but for nothing, and a Cne medal thrown in our noble Mr. Demorest and other fine sre&kers come bt fore na with their burning words pronounced by the bps of vounz r.pie. And they are having telling effect. Our people are becoming educated after bolomou'a manner of instruction, Line upon line and precept upon precept.' This Prohibition question is a glorious work ! I tell you, it keeps our hearts a alow. We are as sure to win as God reient," And in a letter dated a aeek later, the same correspondent write. "We are the unly Prohibition CM in the county which conurma to taent and we do all we can now jut as we did during the camps go. Oi c urr.e we do not have (peaxir from a ii tance as we did then, but we hare more of our own people whj :e work ing with fla. Another of our idHu-n tlal citizens bss joined with us, htiux in l is little ifirlt join ti e dan Why do not a:l the clutw iu tbo coun try try the tfficacy of th s elvcutiii . arjr. "aclaet official act of the t Dakotas his been cornple.cd, the President listing signed the proc'a nation. Two new Prohibrl-n Sut s now grace the Union. The full tl of the No tb Dak'ta Pr.bitiltiooeaw baa been nude public It is an ex ceedingly leogthr document, contain ing thirtv-two section, and came io force January 1, 189 J. The penalties imposed are. KiM cff.n?e, 2'W to 1,000 and iraprU 'i.intnt not less thaa ninety days nor more than one year; the second and each succeeding off-rue is treated as a lelony, with tunib ment by imprisontuent in t.e tiitu prison for a period n4 ezce'idicg two years and not less than one year. All places wurre intoxicau's are sold are declared common nu'sunce', and the sheriff, f the county iu. which such piuc ?are located is empowe ed to abat them and d.stroy all intoxicants and future found therein." MKS W.H. KOGERS, ' .. . 4 Supt. Press leirtoieui, W.CT.U. JOHNF.BnHfe.NOK. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflico No. 54 in Wright Building, over Fidelity Bank. jan 29. I HAVE DISCOVERED a thorouemy re. iianje remeav lor latum, rsroncnitis. colds. uatne, &c: appuea Dy imoKinir whictxis a. ' .... .. ,ie only direct, thorough and PLEASAN. niktioJ. Am havine wonderful success. Smll samle MAILED FREE. Mention this ruer. Addrei Dr. J. W, BLOSSER, GreensboroN.C Keanlting from U Krror of Vonth, I'olljr, ice. Iff. nortuic, Ac nr h cured it hnc without fail er eipoenre. lal'nllibl and (int. f il I. la Twti. WO pp?t, only tl by nail, te ltd, p i 10. titmA mnm. AddreM the Pobody Medical Imtitnta. er Bt. W-HArker, Ka4 Buldncb 8u,Botoo,)Uu, DrsStarkeyfi Palen's TF- w r.T I1H I. " l"S. TJWSIt WHIIT," KlCLISIiUBV 1529 ArotilStrMt, PUUad rpSW ' ForCousiiiiipii.ii. AM lima, Itrou- fiims 'yi.jx'pMa. S'atHn li, H tv i-':,ver. Meadiicho, le biltr, ItljttiuiatiHiu, Ntiralii. and all Chronic and Xervoua Disorder x. "The oifainal and only genuine Cmpund Oxjgn Treatment, Or: Slarfcry it Palen have been uigf r the at twmty year, i a ientilic adjust men t c i the elements of Oxygen arid Ni rogen maqneiized, and the. componrd is an condensed and made rortsMe that it is sent ail over the world. : :i Dr. 3tarkey & Palcn have the liWrty t'i refer t the following namfd well known persons win have trud thai- lrcatiaent: lion. Win i . Kf.'ley, m mlver of Ongjeax. Piit'a. ' Kev. Vi. tor L Conrad, Ed. Lntii n Otfervcr. Phil. ; Rev. Chartcs W. Cuti.injr, D.D., Rochester, V. Y. Hon. VVm Pe.tn Nixon, E-l. Inter- Ocean, Chicago, 111. W. II. Wortbington, Editor New South, New York. Judge II. P. Yrooman, Qaenemn, Kan. Mrs. Mary A. Uvcrmore, Melrose, Mas-ac'iusetts. Mr. E. C. Knitht. Philadelphia Mr Frank Siddall, Merchant, Phil adflphla Hon. W. W. Schuylf r, Easfoti, Pa. E. L Wi!.n, 833 Bread way, N, Y., rniia. i'Loto. Fidelia M.Lyon, Waimes, Hawtli Sandwich Is. Alexander Ritchie, la verness, Scot n 1 1 V Mr-. Manuel V. Ortega, Fresnillo, acattcss, siex. -Mrs. Emma Cooper, Utilla, Spanish uonduraa, t;. A. J. Cobb, Ex -Vice Consul, Casa blanci, Morocnx M. V. Ashbrook, Red Eluff. Cal J. Mix-re, Fup't Police, Ulaudford, UorftUbire, fcnjr. Jac b Ward, Bowral, New South ales. And thouands of rdbers in every part eft ne 1 one I States. "C'omfound Osygfnilt J'7e o Action and Jumit." is the title of a new brochure of two hundred piges, published by Dis. Starkey & Palen, which gives to all ioquirers fall tn f jrm iti m as to this remarkable cur ative agent and a record of several buodrt d xurpriitn; cures in a wide range f chroi.ic cases -many rf tLem afer lc!nj aband oed to ie by otlur phyixiatia Will be m&iird free to any address on application. Itfftd l!ie brcchure! I) US. STA It K EY & PA LKN, No. 132!) Arch Street, Phila delphia, I'm VlVdke met.t!oa this paper when yftti nrrlcr Cr-m.xvyof. 1 WLi'eintr'Iuctncur fine work, i' yoj stnl u a photograph of your otlfor any member of your fioiily. we will make yoa a fall lift-sis C'raou Portrait Free of Cbarg-e. lheoulT consideration imposed ttin you w 11 he that joo exhibit li, y ur friet.ds as a t .mpls of our work, and aiat us in aecurlig orders; also, lb it you promise to have it framed tuitably.sithattle o k will slow s ad vo age. Write your foil name and addr on b k of photo to ke en re its safety. We guarantee its return. Oar offer is good for few days only, ai.d the sample portrait is worth fW, taintes On as can bt made. AddreM A atcbtcaX Poktiuit Hot SB, and 0 WAslilMfftoD St.,Cblcago III. W01I Ig Vtt oi 6E8T m( STEEL yl I . MRS f c- Wcvsii Wira Fencing ROn TO 5 PE kOD. .flail I'lIK M.MI'l.l.l:( HVKM W1UK I'F.N't'F t'J., Agents Wanted The Prooklyu Life Insurance i'n, ofN'wYt rlt bcrcwitli iuvit t pro pnitio: f ow any uctive m inof x ps.bnte and OHt repu e wh m. wish to make a tnvorable v uir v for r prose? li sf it in tl'is eoti The Coroj any U easily . worked, i the best repute, its t r iic, rutea'.id policy c h tract a hantagcoun to the assur.il, an I 0. Iile a. p:aoice it hat bee; me In iv;( is be "pol. ; IioI m rs ci-tipanv " A j liYant ni v wiiu w tli refer- r on a.i I' ll detuils to the iTc' rn f it f C' n I'suy, 51 Libert St . New .York l it . ;' Ji. . Vil. ' TlieIrpepUr,heleblIlttd,whetb r from cxeeea ef work e( mlad M bod y, fir lak er expoeerelji Malarial Regions, will rind Tatt'e Pills the neat rtalil restorative ever offered the eufrerljur tavalid. Try Them Fairly. A vlg-orone body, pn-e blood, etroag erven mud a chearrul.ntad w ill reealU SOLD VEEYWl'XfiE. j.-.. . v. w h. r'i..vii-l r anadfullv: la nnv cwitln ...11 .n.1 II.' I am ratified Hwift'a Si10c la titelfi) clitef caum of hit IffiprtnrettMrit. Jan. 12, 1881. Pmo, iaii f fi Jiiutr 1 ivfitt 'a. 1 HriUK... I...TT.TJ." Si.tf . ..J. Sit nictrs, the reaalt of the anlira of a calf eonun? In cca brt.llk..iitllM. T). .,( I 1 nil and ahowcS no lmRiutkai to bcaL 1 nave lus Sariffa BpeclOc, and ha ta now wcU. xw. oa una r. iijuao, AURurrt, AU ffMIlt rt.Wwk. MM DIaa. Df . Dl.l . . . ". brrirt fcf-cinc Co, Atimita. tt. Merit Uius. W" desire to say to our citizen that or years we Lav- been w Iling Ur. l.ingsew Uia oveiy, Dr.IvirgV New Lite Pills, Uutkleu's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have new handled remtdies that selling well, or tbat have tiven such umver sal aatiafaction. We do not Its tau to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, 11 aatufartory re tilts do not follow their use. 1 hre remediet have won their great popularity pure ly ontheir merits. R. Black call 4 Sen, Druggist HINDERCORHS: TTi fmf tnr fim for Vwrmj, fJnptmH fwffi. To fit twiaeitf-.tJa-fimt.T-iu. niiciiif loaji fi eaftmre aaltawe. lakatatuae. all Uvmm aos.aB4aua; mm AND EOT. H.E. SEEHAN, Tl nwrln rvi PJ F v iaa itviia eae s y is folly prt pared to exicute every clais of Punting with Neatneaa and Dlpitcb, and Heartily invites correspond ene from every section of North Carolina tjanK ana uactory -frmting a speci alty. dec. Q ff .VA.VIS, ? OTOGRAPHHR,- 827 Broad Etrett, RICHMOND, - - VIRGINIA. The lig-t cubl'liment la the citv 2'AtUxf fint-clai Wvrk grirantee t FIKRTI'KEMIUM AT VIRGIN ia cxroiTioy. ooo d sea Csbinet Pe.ore trJllfC f orltslt for for liolla s. aaa.ts. A A nines IMPROMH ia n Ua IIIRCS' IMPROVED U( ROOT BEERS IS m ircuo no loawc wsly wot Tr PMKACC MMtJ flirt CMUNS i a v Tutt'sf s P" My little boy, S yean old. tree Ic!r r with aiUeewe for wltlch dxture hai l Dename. The lull tima off hi fiuf-f LLj era.acdthe Snr came off tothet. "J t -, 1 j middle Jdlnt For S yeara he aiiffetvd P'. 1 fSCONSUP.IPTIVE pm k t c i M o Ton io.ii efi IM Want rUH .ml i. il bt r.m.i fur Te teoet arrtrraiHo a-s waoLfmoira taityaaaiica tmiaa t, t, Wn. , avak eeee nreeitee Oreee Set M. C.E Hires. Philadelphia. w. j. exum BOONE & EXUM, Aitonifyt at Ijiw, DFI I AM l.V STOPPED FRf Marcnnl t f ..t, J t rilVEHrlBTOflsirt S IWf .LUKt.rf it tket -s li.fwcttlJ Sh.ttft 1 J Fit t'Atiana, i p Jf (4 c htfi U , t rCitivt.i, rpi n' n. V .1 ' t rsjwdt Hfew. ' - I9.ikhni ii..rKi ii- h i- hi. rh'-r-w.r. tS-" ure r a titwn vninr w rd. c l rw i.iiiiiiti til I,, .l Br iiUWhalllin'" SiVSnTMMA HUREPg SCHIFFKANfi S ASTMSM CUHtl iraltlne for reeulta. It, kU lmnd-1 in ail fw euam n I Jr,fiSt 18T5.?SaV -J-K. r' ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY SAFE I PERFECTLY ODERLESS! Burns In sny Lamp without danger of Exploding or taking fire. Sse thst yoa 01 ins genuine, rorssisoy .'.!.'! IVOUK IMIM) .Oil U ..I -AMONII, VA. i MADE WITH BOIUNC WATER, PPS'.S GFlATEFUL-COMrCRTlNa GOOOA MADE WITH BOIUNC MILK. CHFosBLaACK T0CK1NGS (0L0R3 I HAT OTHDSMtJT Wash our l4,K0R FAOC. il ONLY BE MADE BY mi wen - - SoiDfJYDRU rmw.pai lanvnt PiiTvciattL Tt .KLKhH III l.gT ttl.l MA. A I.M PIKKI.lMl HK PtlH DI Ka-aClaaTeUM. f HKI KsHMIOK i MaStEMtaiaMUe. aew ua e Vetera, 4 J. T.WOMBLE. HardwareforEuilders Hardware for Farmers i. Hardware for Factcrics Hardwe fcr Everytody Pain Lead and Oil . Some of the best and cheapest COOK STOVES on this or any other market. rl).i.'t fail to see tlum before buying ul-nt htre. 02 4 . KJI) IC13E0 dice. W.,7.r.r.?.'ra MASON & HAWLirj Orcan and Piano Co. Il4ifttn, Xcw York, i l.l niro C-Hitalfca Sree. I tot-;i, ilt(lA1, h-ri'M-; HAM' IX, I'll MM. lea Milt aWk Mi... e ef ' fi an tea tirraMia m ai... rr re at cwwi f.r ta e,e ... ifr-re - -aa araMe y ef -l kltla.. t to et nntle'M rlaa. . TSJ'M aavS atu -mm llaaaita ia -ni. te at a-1 an we . rt al r. ... . - . - .. . t . i.r - ! C', 11 Jl O gnn tind I'ianoi lolj fCf Cwk r .n. noosr.. 1.4 U il S.s t fcLn'B'Si tan pan's J-M ' 1 G GISTS. TUa I a Kaw and Vaalerl Kedleal Treauae.N-nj (ndUpaoaabt te every VOUNO, MIBOLt. AO ID, aad OLD MAN who la anfferlsg from Weab,., Laetaor, Ua of .U.iaory, BultraLoMa. Eapraaatoa oTBplrlla, Liter Complaint, IHaeaaaa of tha yuaeTa. aad ail dteaee dapaadwt oi i eatrtatrt, Bine M, IfeUy, Vlee, Ignorance, Kerreaa Dabliity, vy KtUaaUue, aad - TU I a Kaw and Uaalert Vedteal TreaUaaNr.d todli - Betnd la lealh-t, full cm. Wee, enlf one dollar, ey mall, aeld Itf fitia 'il , Mateatt, CONFIDKNVIAlI Addraaa Hbt JoMoin,M.D, Ho. SSI Colambua 'o"u7i iXrioti.Utm. T Prefatory Laetere with namaraa taeUmoaUla lea high aoaraaj, fra u TOtatheonlrBLtCVO.MIDICO PH VIOUOOV erar pubhahadftiidi abaci!, y eaay aodpartast. aiutvaittabl to aU afflioted. aa It raaaaa the Tory reeM aad tttaj at a-iaai. , li?dJ:.iili,;i.;ltt.SIKIL lalHlhri Tot aU IHaaaM of lies, by the di.Unrntahed aotlu llanar DoMoirr, la. P., whohaa DISCOVtRt vhi auxin or lifk and vhk tu t BNCK Of MANHOOD, may b eoaanllad airletaat eOBfldeaee.ia paraoa or by ftttr,at hia Kioati MilleUflniiary,'eAa Oehuabo Ar.,noata, Mai I HEARD A VOICIs IT .n il -I Ml" li E gi.'SsiifB-il.r. Fhftingacd Pulleyt, Saw and Orut Mil's, Col ton -.!. '-. r .- s . Prasad a;d Ginniof Machinery. -& ,', C im Sn4 I'rualicrs, Lumber Car, IIoum Fronts aad Orn-ral t ;-'; Machinery 3Reparinj at Short Notice tJt ,. v i, E. F. WYATT Harness ana EVERY D ESCMPTlON" Biu,NciFiious liENuhitsoNv. ccz it'HA3f? k a 1 Durliam House in tiiebuild- mg recently Rogers & Co., Main Street..,: war. 201 r. WYATT B TAT.TT?C-TV HEAVY GROCERIES FIELD bEKDS-SUGAROANE o.io.1r; tAKLY A1VIBER AND EARLY- VARIETIES ARE MOST SUI rABLE FOR Of JK CLIMATE iD .SOIL tST HERE'S OUR HAND J . a .. a.. .... . . a w&MAihja you KLfJOME. to- E ARE ALSO E7APRAT0RS ECURE A misT AMI U E. 8ECUBE on BYKUP, a,. - SEED IRIRH CAR LOAD JtJjT BKINd RKCKIVP.n, E VUlY-liosr'' I FPrT IF-iUiJaiOnjjrj lfai " sly rj AID, IMMI AMD til C . al -., . .. i 11 - ;- . V " T-, -JNS "yaw v f Caja'-r ' : . '. . .M w. i'A 1 ! . '.' jr : . "fi o ., .... . .-j Dealers In .' i n i ti 5aaaier occupied; by va ' 'e ANZ)!MED'-OT .! J. AGENTS rosBEST 1 '. AND MILLS V MAKE lOUtt OWi ULABSE fit I atf PnATAra'? alMU ItJbTAIEra 'trnrv: li i'liX ;: xuvikJa : la M )t ' Itjqiitfrtt. DU1UIAM.K. C.

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