TheWcekly Recorder. DBCI3HXD IVKBT WED5BS0AT. B.1C. I1A KSET, rH Proprllr rsiov orsuBscRimoii : Cne Advance, $1 50 Six Montis. 73 ob mm i 2fH AMiolesale and Retail Dcnler-N in Hardware, Buggies Wagons, Carriages Vehicles Made to Order a Specialty, O, L,lvo ami Die m Dixie, and uso Dab IIo:v n il Ciiv!e your lu.iMf. tmiio un p iuttrV Jit Y EAItBY & 'o 'b ' " j;ru'S'"ie. For ItlnnuaUsm l:iinres-, etc , u'he li-1 ' t' "" , A Co'a 1AN-AMEKH!IN VISIT TO TIIK SOUTH. ' It is said to be definitely settled that the Pan-American Congress will make the toui of the South, and see for themselves our 6unny Southland. This is as it should be, for they will thus see forthemselvcs j - the enterprise and energy of that New ' South that sprang from the ashes of defeat at Appomattox and Bennett's house. We believe great good will result to the United States from the Tan-American Con gress, as well as to the other t wo Americas. We hope the Congress may be able to visit Durham, and view our gigantic manufactures, especially ( f tobacco. There is no better repro ' sentative of the New South tbun the pushing, thriving young city el Durham. And Agricultural Impler in-n". of all Kind bttcrburniMiiuami singnc Sash, Doors.' Blinds, Paints and Oils, & C. PRICES GUARANTEED sia OXFORD. 3sT. O. TH MODERN 0 VTTTTT1 The Modern Tobacco Duwum, N, 0. Ftk 21, 1890. I u-eil the Otterh'irn LHhTa Wat r f Aii clia count v.Va., f r Dytr)Hta tciue 13 iim)8 sine, lii.t uu'y f r a few days I tx lerimetd . lio.vevf.r, sreafc rcli f from it, and wc uli I doubt not have found much pjeatei relit f. if I had not left home 'o he bsnit Dr tcvcral witks I consider it a vvty mperior wa'cr f r Icdiges- un and general ik'MUty. Vo.-y liuly, il. T. Daiixaix, Pa tor Fmbyt tun Clmn li. This ii i-tttil'y Uibv '.(u us'i'g i-i my fjtni'.V ho O tcrltirp Ilti ud Miisr. fit a Wa'cr fr thr pullc ii ii't'iiH. 1 1 d f t Ulieiituatid (ut Bad it h . err u am f -Im m..iy t ik i, I t"H ibar u 'v , m - 1 l.i.w ifJv.'l a L I ir uv t K ' IIxy. Iv'.i tjt I' 1 itoKDiu M)';C3..'. Have jiit received a largo lot of Baby arria-es and e ! Wiilow Rockers. . - - U1UGEST BARGAINS IN I'UK.MI I'ltB t nwsibl t offer in this State. I' l ie jjood ordcro ' . cent, no ......f,hirri' nit i-nkh nrir.n. UNDERTAKING A BPECLLT f. 2'. 'JHEEK Give his To tonal Attention t F rrtu imr ' .. . imn n - jjixiiji MWiwit mill m.- " DUOHAm FERTILIZER UU., DURHAM. 1W The Best Fertilizer sold in the South is tho DURHAM BULL FERTILIZER, Brzi CC , of !()? KU.E 1Y X. SUN & CO. M J HIS THAT LEAKY SE tf ATE. Again ve are refreshed with t-.t old Senatorial furs about the le le; . of the Senate Chamber. The du'i;c has tired of the matter aud bet om'lHi disgusted with it. The secre1. pM ee I-1 stick ine-s of that once ausuat bodr in tx- I ecutive session, are as regularly nd 1 curing barn in such a manner that each 'caf ca:i .'get the aa truthfully reported u tLe l gmeam0Unt of heat W air on every side at the fcanic lime WhnkFMtliM 1piV Rpnatnrn iliaflnr.rl inenma a nnlfnrm rnrp. thn TMof lmnift has lnnf tlu ' -t.3rDV On wO " ' J Ul ELJOIAAV m v - v J ' -' iigh Point. N. C- are prepared to fiuiu-h the only 5 ick yet devised, that will distrihuro Tobacco leaves in a , jj -j Fiesli Draffs divnlgiht aecret debate and r' histribution, the Opcrafr has Utile to do with it nor . can rTc " " "1 r." he crowd the Tobacco Barn if he tries. line tue Kcporlen of the great I jLere are now one million Biicas lo use in thrw fetalis, 20 f.f-j cl unless they diTalge tue names. I - A blur wir would ha to imorave 112 f.'ct Slieka in the ommon log tarn cb tier i ow. they Iihv. fr yen ew 7- 1 . 4 .t e ... Iciro istlshetiocaa aihound testiniouiIs will tftov mu I u. t:reu va.-l I . I II. mi 10 au eensj 01 auom ana no-or, thc nM f he Sl5ck e fcaswj lns d llllllf d ,,.e Talne , f tl t u to divulge the aecret of the Sena'e. I J - - ' Falling in this, let them abjli'h tbe I Crp. Tli SU A -.ui I;.Viti lo;e:l:er furolnh tL Funnel wi b tl e tutM I aecret executire sesuon: whst a I t difference betwaen the Btnate as it r' .u'f.i ct d.v -.d t J. tbe leaves grown ia !,u two a.- once was, and a it is now. Bu: do m mxtlxXA u a. tliC figure. notTiMfc lav Bins 01 uw . DEALEIi IX Drugs, Chemicals, Toilc Article.', l'atcnt Mcdiciues Dyes and Bitot's r. C-n MAIN STHi;T. Cheek rum ire p.... mpany Senators npen the newspaper repor ter. The MODERN BARN complete ii the beat plan in tho w.uld :oruia:! handle Tobacco in, the net beat th'ng is the MODERN BARN STK Ks V7h:n ia towa Us. tO Z'2 Mu.iV(tn i'.l at Durban, N'. C, an.l RUbmonG, .j ! Durham Fertil;zr Company. WHY DO WE SAY IT IS THE BEST? Heoatw all !. lVmira ail overt'n mi'n berr us o ilio tle ni. Rem n.l ribat, the crops r"!i are t! onlMmelt t f ti.e A1ue of the Fiiti izer to the Fann-r. Why Shou'd You Use OnlyDur ham Bull Fertilizer On Your B.f...j'clhs!i.stTi!AC0F4VRMK!M in the OolJen Belt of Noith f'arul iii ay it ii thi? b i t e - F. rilia-r they vr' 11 dort tr:-ii ti e tr.'ji 1 re n ir n:c x rfrojslits. Bf its 01 are iiunied ft LAKKK. RICH, WAXY IOJAXX) It is made by Hm.e Coipanr. u lie tfy ccn're if le 1 tcttion, who koow what i r quired to nike iLi L.': to' acM Ftila"r. It ii ammniateJ with the bet PERUVIAN GUANO, and i: fr:3 Iron sand and rater Factory 20th and Cary, RICHMOND, Va-, and i Durham. N- C. aJONES & LYOI been our special aim this seaon to give um High Values -Fori- VERY LITTLE MONEY. Huccetiful fijifi-atiou THE SUC AU PLANTERS AXD ailt. X AUll . 0B tief et ,n the l0g blro. It is anoonced that the Ways qU r Means Uummiltee will rttince the Lbii' J ss.uotseivento Uarmer." t;ui a.iJ the rmmm ii.uie turilfnn anirap 95 or SO n.p 'cent. Tab has raised the ire of the sagar Virginia. Ncrth an I South Carolina. . a t.l . wet ana aargnnm sugar., uaniers. g, Solicited. Ad-Ir., lney are organizing to ogni me te i -it' t e . BUfl MUUKlW Ii MIHII I Ul. I J wc nave never regarata t ue lanni n 2 on tngar aa onerous or cpprciuve; there are many others that fr more deitrre attention and reduction ; but what we wish to emphasis if protection is the adored p )li the government, then let tLt pro'.ec J J JLU JLJ hJ W O-J JL V1V I tion be extended u fully to tb farmer as to the manofacturer. I It has been oar special aim this season to give unus'iallv The sugar planters say they cao stand 15 per cent Mlactio;; but if this redaction is to place trie sugar planting interest in tbe poaeiful grit of a foreiiro sugar trust cr combine, i and thereby crush an industry of the farm, we are opposed ti it. Irt the protection be just as ample to the i . farm as to the factory. The American Sugar 't rust which threatened at one time, to cruh the I sugar planter, bat teen burtted by the combined action of the Court i and I he operations of Clan Sprcck Is the California Sugir King liut this dots cot protect tie inar plant r from a future trust eiiaur a, houi; or in foreign lat di. In t nth, thc foreign tyndicale or tius in Lccuming dangerous. Home one rosy ask, w'nt imereit hai North Carolina ia t?e mntiei?j We are not going to Uni v 1 pr-ttc i tion to tbe ric an1 1 .bsco ui North Carolina, without Cvnced n 'hetams I Thj, itf. we offer a nmsrlialle price attraction In art ry ! p vn- i, au l to tb sugar of Louitia a, li e 'ortli weit, and tbe raclCa sLpc We are patriolie enough to take in th whole Union with all its farming li t rest Besides we believe there aru targe areas in this Slate that c m Le profit ally cultivated in raising sunburn and the sugar bett tot sugar. We tmphssize the fact, tht if p.otmk'tj is to be the policy of the govt rnment, let it be given at fully to lh farm as to the factory. BuW-ribft to tbe Tai DtitnAit Rzcoriieb, $1 50 r annum. t .1.-10 fvb 2G A J! m i R 1 a m J issi:llix(;lai?g:quattitiksoftoi5ACCOAndat TREMHHBOUS PRICES! The effort to work thi lan into without SAGRIEICING QUALITY HAS BEEN ACCOM lLMIEf ONLY BY UNTIRING ENTJRPiili AND UNLIMITED KES0URCES. Invite all buyers attention who is lri!ercsfd in nunc txv.n: As ninai, lue cooiia are HEW. SEASONABLE AND ABOVEJJRITICISM STYLE AND EXCELLENCE: JOlTESsLYON. "WnrehourC lull of Telacco last voek, antl to-ihty, Tuesday, hal big Breaks, and PRICES WERE HIGHER THAN LAST WEEK. Mil a jrrc il many l!g av-ragfs. K'e'r''f? vtnt hone tx'ar I u'r.h'"t fi !!M;iIi'.H WAUKIIOCfr 't i rv-r u L'ii h. Was- V rsppi is r p j ra f iwA Wrajp'a l.i i t'u i way up on a limb, KiN lav a lv. isicil thc lust few 1a) EVERYBODY WANTS COMMON, MEDIUM AHD GOOD SMOKERS! DURHAM. IS IN FULL 3'. A T.' nr. Methodists ok u,i.HAMorri-:uiiiM,n;io.fK.o u'tMu-xr. tMirYio ii:-3kh n i It A I'T'tf r COLLEfili I S 'OFFKUEU )!,(HJ(M, AN TilK. luH CO i'.tJYK'W AUIJ READY TO I'AVOUT WW si il ill mm li'Le'armcrs'orthcl- i scm. I ig "1 i (.f lit &1 Iaie 'aiunhtr. GvcrylMng on a loom. ; HfjW IS A GOOD TIME FB SELL YOU?, TOBACCO, We ! all look for yon, 7 a d I -1. r b ct t j La-,9 all. O . I Aa -.n ,! 4ti u J Dig frioe U what ')U ryou. Hu li'-ih, . .33. T. P5. EEISH . "W, A. LEA, marls