CHICHESTER'S NV!a?H PENuIRUTAL CUaaeaterCai IUmI Croae UlwnoM , ;itlrl4.t a-ulii. PARKEH'3 HAIR BALSAM CUmim and beautinea the hair. Never f:i to fleeter Cray u.:... ;t. Vnulhful Color. :PicmiW liw1ruir Mid hair falling How Lost T How Regained, jieiBvtg3iwja anjorm dilinloO. DulAn'Mla, !:;. s,.T. Y THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and Standard popular Medical Treat! on the Krrora of Youlhjl'reniattire Decline, Nervone and Physical Debility, Imparltle of the Blood. lieeullinK from Folly, Vico, Ignorance, Kxceaae or Overtaxation, bnerv for Work, li:itluea, Overtaxation, Knervallne and nnnttiug the victim l io uarneaor social ueiation. Avoid unskillful pretender. Poaaea ttiiKrcat It contain! 8' JO naj MU eilk mail, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. work. binding, eaiboex I, OUU LITTLE OKES end the NTJIlSliXlY 3( BROMFIELD Beiton, Mai. Tkt auat handsome and be OMTiulue fr cJjlldrea eubluhnL (1.M a viritnle roiwa. 1 cm. K't oa trial tkMA MMtthi t or afci Aiarople m!2b hi copy and I'rvmlura fjft wet le , l,uiyaiiirNanlie(ta j - laTiMi '"T ' pee, roral Bvo. Beautiful ;uu 1 rice eniy ei.uo oy In slain wrauner. Ulna. tratlve l'rosnecttu Free. If you PDl now. Tlie diatln"iil!cd tuthrT. V.'m. If. Parl-er, M. P., ro ceived t'.t UOIl AND JEWELLED MEDAL fram the Nntinnnl Medical AMocintloa Tor till ritl.K HSAV on NEUVOU! aud PU VMC A h DKU1 MT V-DM-arkerand neorpa of Aasiatant J'liynicinns may be coneulted, confi dentially, by or In pcrann, at the office of TUB FEABODY IH LDICAIt l.VSTITUTE, H. A MulHnrh Ht.. linaton. MnM.. to whom all order fur book or k-i;cr fit tiwuld b directed &a abuve. I no name. The nulla earns oil liU C:i;'- ? f i i ' 1 a ... . if t. : ., j S3 middle Joint. I'or 8 yenrn lio enCcrcu nj. '4 - dreadfully; Is now Rottliig well, tad 1 Ji'. 1 1 am aatlBlicd Hwlft'o 8ix.-clC.c f Uxil S , culcf cauuotif lit Improvement, Jou:t linn, E-". Jen. 13, 1883. 1'cru, lud. k ..POISONED BY A CALF-My R. J I tt .1 bov I ruka out Willi km t;v M ulcer. t'.iercBU'.t ?f tliaaallvnof acalfeo:'jir..'Jaiti. tac( ith a cut flnucr. 'i'l-oulucntvcradixna;iuT.9:a Jul or3 vl.owcU do liv17n.UI n tu Ii'-jU Ijava 1L: Swift' Bpccluc, dbu lio la now well. reo. to, oj, io:m i'. iilailii, Auiurr., :.:x Bead for book on Wood Polsoia Si C!:ln iff.. Awe. . fiwurr bi'iMiutc Co., AtliuitiLlt To Men of Moderate Keans. THE THE WEST SALED LAND CO Offers in its StockOf "Class B ' an investment Cp'talized Only $25,000 but whkh represents 400 Town Lots, Averaging 50sl5O FoH Shares Ten dollars Eacli, Payalle InFiveOno-DolhrlnsUiments, A followK Oae Dollar at time f S bcrip'.io.i; One I) Ur March 1st: One Dollar April 1st; One Dollar M j 1, ud Orw Dollar Jun let; WhereopoD, a total of Five Vo'n having tbn teen paiJ, the lock will be declared full pai'i aol n in-a-sessAble, an I rertiC catei of Ttn Dollar; par tutue will f Tlliwitli be iUa 1 ' TLil "Reriei B" itock it baaej oyie vi '.hi ;t e i a !e rciden'ial actiona in tbe vicinity of Salem. Ijirj: .u I'.e !o f I e " : aelre O'clock " Knob"directlr acro(a Romoke rivnr, i to im tami (1 Ij an iMti MJe, wblcb will bnog these lota withia ten h. uut a Jrivc uf th i ce Ut of lh c j of Baletnl ORGANIZATION TI.AN 0!"X Hi- O.v PAN V. Tie Weat Balem Land Concparij. of &t't ji, Virii.i , jris organized under a perpetual charter mcorporatiiio J.nuary Gib, wifli deor-jra Allen, Pretideo and Manager; John A Frautis. V"icts-jie8:t.tDi; Chas. C. Tompkins, (Secret ry. and Jacob b. Baer. Tieoaurer, and Attoriiej. Tba cnmpatiy wai organized for tbe putpoce of buying de loping and aellinz l;.nd in ralem ani In the tbe adjoining conntUa. Tbe plan of operation will be topurchaa; property, to i&tue itock, based on that articular purcLae divido tie pro party into lota or imall pieces and to a il it aa rapidly aa practicable, die- tribute tbe procceda aruot g tbe at ckboldera of VnX cerica and cancel the elock. Tbe atock in this txropany will be iued on tie aeiics plan and tbe management and proceeds cf lach claa or aeriea will be kept separate. Cla A embrace sixty acre of land lying on and tb e to the tlcAdam toad and adjoining Weat Salt m. ThU property has been asookt d at 110,000 . (which baa all been) and the company is baving a portion of the property laid eff into bo'ilblog lots and prepared f r sal Tbe booli on Kries Abate ' born closed. ' Claaa B. Tb company bai u chased one hundred acrea of Land, known ' u tbe r.axtor W. Logan laid, lying m the south aide -f Roanoke liver, op . poaito West Salem andtbey bve ilockeJ It under the proiiona of theit charter aa seriea or Claaa 11, at $23,000 Thia'Clau B" atock it now off red lu aliar ai of f 10 each, payable ft per share when tbe aubecHption is rualf, andtl per share on tbe 1st f March, Ap:H, Msy and Jane, making a total payment ft per share, at wbkb limi tbe atoc' wi'l be declared paid up and nonaiscsable and crliG:atcs of stock will th -u be isnuej. The propei ty in this company is s'ock J at a very moderate emrjut, and tbe atock will form a afe and profitable iaveatinenL If further lu(ormitin be tlenired. Addreia J GEO. ALLEN, President and Master, or CHAS. 0. T0MPKIIIO. SecreUry Salem. Va O .7 C A VIS, . nt n.o t.: u .t, RICHMOND, - - WGSNIA Tbe U'iHt eKttlKiimriit in the city .jlr.cily flt-Ht-ciint r in g irnnieo'l. ia ax-so- ;t;on.: enedieri CaMnel I'iilitru- K-nl u 120C portmit Tor f"tir ilollu v Jaa. IS. . WIRE k'r--srrVlrc RopeSelvajo 3 i&km PUMTU 3 -:xVt -'; vc 80a TO $2 PCS v.zo. ;);rr.twiiHI.. Cat n irsti h. Sdjnyar.nrdcalNt liw line of 't. HtxiMIIT tJM. MxrmfMt f nv UlK. UrVll.M VIIVK tviOF. rrvt-F c, - in Totrs Pins Tbla popular remedy eer falls ta i lacmaiiy cart Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And all diseases arising1 from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The aataral raH I arwod appetite 4 aoltal rleah. 1Km aiuall t elegant Ij Mar eatl a easy ta aaallttw. SOLD EVEEYWKEEE. H.HDErtCOnNS. v wn.. A, ni.wi.Nll twin, ir-.irei comfort to Uio feet, ltc at lru?(riK HiaooaaCo.. N.V. Huve yon i;onrrii irli, Ur. .noliitix, Hni., luaiiroftionl in.-il uric frnmd 'fective nutriiiotl. 'Xaku in tilu. (" and il ea 11IES ASTfiALll ABSOLUTELY SAFE! . PERFECTLY ODERLESS! Burns In any Lamp without danger of Exploding or taking (Ire.' See that you get the genuine. For sale by BALTIMORB rNITE.) OIL CO.. RICAMONI). VA. f h f Dr.zham W. C, U :oiiv p.rfpn-ti fXtvu'e every el tr- Ji i'liuiini' NfitineM a ltd li-t ! and ftr-art'iiv imit foutfpt'ndent noia evei tcitioa iiNt r b t'aro.iua- B.-iTik rna c ciot I'lii.tir.g a-'.- pfci- d o. PrlASCH & HAaLIfJ Ckcau ako Piako Co. ISttoil, Xiv Ycik, i hlet.o Coi tail. 4,i oct i . Sine io of nl dVi wa tnt Pr e I 9 ca b; i1 a -h l!y Mire'tim at fi'37 (rr inirti-r, f..f ie qaartoii when iru n o:i -l' S i r pr y of jeiaou 1 l.;n,'. Thf M-w.n H isn!n 8!rlng' r." ii v 'U'CJ aul iweiitn.1 b- U,t u k la H I l n-nd In tlie .Va n a id Hiiiulm riant" rrc:nv.y Bemarkab: reB -.fluent (ore a a ilea wena! tap ity lo.Uiidiu 'tt' catfect ir-at tui-Ms l .:r .'wjh Popular St.vUvH flr-r.v.j-t at $22 Orottnt awl l'iato r fA Aty I'tiamnt. and ,' .'. f N13W mo ri, out , h'tyt.i'; ami MASON & IIA3I IN, PIANOS. tin Crarteed ; Nov, 9 1187! ;": ?- ' Capin'coobl. ni" . t i I. K. W. ' V A l- . ...",."rt" Mont. FL'I.J IS Vico rn-ni-bni I TO. D. CHAS. A. ; . r HBA I.TT. JOUIi.i s. . C chirr ...leilt-r J.P.CAr.!. W.W.PULLF.R xino' j. w. :. s'mi Tit; C. S.' BRYAN, J.T MALLORY .1 ,v TALKER .. A BRYAN, J A -TOKI S. A General Banking JBiisihtoS ' VT sacttd ACCOUNTR OF BANKS, BANKERS; CORPORA f " ft IKDl- Vina AIS RECEIVED ONFAVORABLK TFI'V-'. CERTIKTOATESOP DEPOSIT, heaiinr4 prrcenf intpr,. i--u?d nnon ' money to n main rm'd-ptinit. with the First National B nk fi n 12 months , COLLK;TIOr. made: d:wt t niall-arcwsible r-oiiit- it tbf United States, and remitted for promptly nt liwet j-aifs. . . .. l'.vRTI' iTLA u tfut:ou pun! t trw buaiueas of Otrrf-pnu i nta. Till' RANKi boinsr rwii'Iy orf?anizel, in in condition tod" all c'unef,f Bankin? Businm nil n Bf. favor-blf tern s a any nthtr B.-n i- the State BANKING SI CUBI ! Y. i The United J;tate Goverom. nt rrq.iires that' a full srnteroeiit uf the Liabilities end, Asre's of all National J!nku shall be made ann soru U ly at hastlhree of iLe Directorsverv ! w rrka. and beside ibis, Bank Lminer n'e writ at p'tasnre cf the Government. whose dntv it la in w'e trt thruir.bly i xamiisA in'o the condition t.f the Bank Imnc National Bankr afford larger rueafunj of protection thwn any other Banking 8' s'fni' W i . CHARACTER ANIMPIT VU Theclu ractor uf tliOfliera, Director and Stockholders ol li t Fnt Na'ional Bni k in; the vry H.'hr, and each tockhojtler, ie r il. NiionaU.;.i.k law repnsiMe fir double the 4-nout.t of hi strcU; NaBijk tai imre chsruc erof .redittc better facili ! than 'he Fir 'iiin: I. WE WANT rhrrf ytttr bu'incaa.' Wesr.lici your rutmnage and' uarantf-e eiittre patinJttr i-nrjn all bn-t'ir ei t oled t cur r-. fit Ellis' Dry G oods onu M 8. Has been removed from the old stand to the 6tore lormerd ELAVATOR BlCHniOII, VA. COAl lho Largest and Most. Complete Estabish mont in tho City. . . 154G A 1438 MAIN AND 2J GOVERNOR STREETS. - aicl-imorLcla Va. 3RANC It II0USI2 AT HESDERCN, H. C. WHOLESALE AND "RETAIL, PIPE LINE OP GIiamTjer Suits and Paror Vrtrlc Ciiairs Etc Mattresses, Pillows and Bedding oi !every i scrip tion constantly on hand. THE ONLY COAL EL4VATOR : mm - Tlcrf ar ycrfitU tVi si"f-ei -n I !-, B liMinr. Nu tlustor dirt tan o tiMv i n Wa tHs t.;il as it run over tli'e in lining fnna th Eirra'frint t"" tftrt' t:.n u.ierf-ettrnr(,f d.'.y a! ! EuFnCTLY CLIJA'I. I have now and hll a y li'-p ! Iiamt, h firg- y;ock of ail kind 0al bet suited for F.'iir.Jrv, F-c:ory. ar, l Fa nil? uw. Al. Col ae'ccicd aud of best rj i ili-y. I'n mjil bliipinciiln, Ordrr jt t. S. 323C. 2Sja."vtrHJS, RIOHMONP . VA. The raibotd cars ruj a! tiiv K'cvstor, and tbe Cocl is loa led io th?m there, t'.JJ L'jniog tbe c- it io tht- trade S utu and Wi-M. John W. tt lariiii am WE ARB THEJIQENW Ft)R TIIK AUTOMATIC! SCHOOL DE,K THE BEST IN TIIK WOULD; UiiED IN NEAKLY ALLTUK I'UBLICStnOiJLS AND COLLIDES IN THECOCN. -TRY. 8AMIMJ:SOF8AMKCANBFi8EEN AND EXAMINED AT MY HOUSE 3tlTa AT HENDERSON, N. C , OR ANY OF MY PLACE 1 OF BUSINESS Factory, Nos. 1G, 18 & 20 N. 15th St. Eicimoni Va ISTORDEIW BY MAIL FR0MFTLY ATTENDED 10,a lj Us?'rij4'it Kta ti"! f" ii th.1 5i" 1 1 ;e f"ro I ;i 1 1 o a'(t.k;f t r; Hovy Dry Goods, Boot;, Shoar, and F?ts For ray a'nrcs at Oxfutd Durlism I 'V. r H n m y i,i my line aa cheap as ttif cheapeit. A tiiel is all t ak My EroctritJi are bmi'lit n prl-a 1 l-l t.iA itmUlt'iiie tiiu,r y lln wliol;le and Mnii ii- t ft r.-.J .rues, .on -n aly du I ALL KINDS OF G HOGEUIES at ithcrf my Et irrs U.ty" G00D3 TflE HI.. i can get Thii ran Ik- doi.e hy j? at e?il rr f.f try efrir i Oxford r Dnrbaw JOHN W.iViAKHAM. a pt 2 ). occvpied by MUSE & SHAW, Next Dcor to G. C. FARTHING-. TEN DAYc Sl'KNI IX THE NORniER MABFETS lu stltcting or.M ot tt e c ropkte stocks we have ever a'lown in this "'. . tuaiketj Good Judocmsnt Has liccn cxcrciet and fine taste displayed in the selection of goods fir the FALL AUD WIHTESTkHDE. We hate fir-t clan financial Fiickinj? t ..nrcoraraaml, wbtoh will enable us to carry complete rbick in all its d. Hii Improvements have been m-d- bi ihe Store, and the MAGMKJCENT DISPLAY V HIOH WK A RE NOW MAKING WILL ASTONISH M.NY. 1 t us l.ayo your attention to tie following tin of New Good': GOODS id very tyl rh cotLbiuations iu nil tne cow shade. We m o! f'jtlly c .11 your aiu ntia to our ne i itc.vtii i:i);5i:s ruKXwii :c nx.i-, ranvcii itoucs, t o iwo pattfrns alike, just ai"ttli-h aa'tny lady could desire. W DON'T FAILTO SHE THEM BLACK AND COI.ORFD Im Silks PaatanieiiUfies P. u-y PltnU n I Poriat atllkw. T'f cuiilin? with Drcs QU alucli wi' have in at'tf.k t'tvpen ti nipecli-o V n w ami couiplete stock of Lade' an ChiMrcn's Hosiery! Hosiery! Hosiery Come and cc onr Stock of Black Goods! Black Good s! ," AU wodI end a k warp henriettas, alma c!oths, camel biair eic " New Stock of TaVe Moeni and Towel 1 Tu t est oue do'Ur li J glot c cter ia . Fpltndid anortment. I adios' and Children's Underwear Carpets Oil Cioth, liugs, Ktc IUfec.tullj. W. F ELLIS, DURHAM, N. C, t

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