All I Yt Well. Raleigh Iufligencer ;,". The Agricultural Bareao for this tstate has rrcenttv published a report lull of encouraging information. The statistics famished conclusively prove that oar people hive not been materially inconvenienced by the ex odui of the black, but. on the other bmd, the outlook for the induitrial classes ws never more promising. It was appreheuded, at one time, that tbe loss of fully oueigbthol the entire blaok population of North Caro ls ; would seriously interfere with our fanning in!emtu, but tht report sIiowj that the area u dir cultivation is as large this year as it was last, and certiinly th condition of the crop up to Una lime is .ncmparably better. But the eidence that the white people f this State can Uku tare of tl.emselvs is c ira'ilhtive, lor in many part of the Bute the appear.. ncrs of thrirt are greater man ever neiore. Fruit growing is rec ivtng mire at tentiou, the gup- U being more ex ttnsively cultivated ; and there is no Katun hv w.oe should not be made within tht boiders cf our two North Va W m Awaa price are lamped Ma ottom. If tha daalar B""l euppir voo. ml Utaet a fleotory. MloalBg a4 ertUoa Stnea, Itch on human, horses and all an Ijmals, cared in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. , " bold by n, M. jonnson a uo., Druggist, Durham, N. C, Advice to Mothers. in. winaiows Booming syrup Should always t used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-flye cents a bottle, sep .7-a.wav. . , , lt-i all the World th Hab ere is but llasnea' Gold MlutZ, H. SU - FLOniST. BALEIQH, N. C rhrvsanthimuni, Rotes, Moonvines, Verbemu, We and other flowering plnntt tobed mL Bouquets, Baskets andFloral Designs. Tematoe, uaDoagc, ,,",' Eggplant?, Evergreens and Magno las. Send for catalogue. t PA I u one cure, nr. en.Spcciflc. It can ha riven in a can of tea or coffee, without the knowledge of the person taking it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient u a moderate . dnn&er or .an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunk ards have been enred who have taken the Golden Speciflo in . their coffee irM. Buttua m4 Lk. I hnlievA the nuit crinkinor of their 15 ft SO RMOES s I$$m. I own free will. No harmful effect re- show worn mibszb. amis irom it aaminiairauon. Win IBui si JTsJTw J guaranteed. Send for circular and lull particulars. Aaaress m coun W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CCNTLEMEN. FIm Calf. Hnn Laea4 Oral Hi CraaaV Mor Waterproof. Pfl.OO lilt Nl INK H A W I- UK Wf D H HOM. 14.00 HANIKMKWKI WKLT SKOK. police u TA.i.yi?.LlVK' M.I9 a aa wOKKIKi a r.n rtir.. lilloo aa2 SI.7S Blt HCHOOL kuoif. All BUde U lOOf To Land Agents & Owners Country Surveyors and Others JE c T I nil EH Lm AGENCY. . Middles borough, Kestucky. In IfiftS I MittMeted Kind Pobea Of bad trpa, and man Ucaled with mercurj, poutu ana aanapuuia miztare,iRowin(wanaall the tlma. 1 took 7 small bottlea S. 8. 8. which eared ma stirelrt and hd o( me ore&uiai aueaat oaa retaroea. J. C. Naics, 3m. 10, t. BobbjrvUle, Ind. Ky Httle niece had whit (welling to aach an extent that lha waa con lined to the bed for a long tlma, More than S3 pteeea of bona came oat of her leg, and the doctor, aaid ampntation waa the only remedy to aave ner me. i reiuaeo ine openuoa and pat her on 8.8.8. and f he la now n p and active and In aa good health a any child. Mm Anni Ginuxo, Feb. 11, "88. Colombua, Ua. Book on Blood Siaeaae aent free. bwirr erxcirioco. Drawers, Atlanta, tia Carolina as gooa as can o insae in r A D r lllll 0' n 111 r " v -- any other fart of the world. The I f A K I H I II U & U U K fc 1 2,eDce-0 Gou B?" W5 same sun that warms the plaim of Italy, and iie hi.l-kles of France, warms nr ft id, and the sky that lends over us is just as beautiful and kindling. The most eneoursefng feature of the report is that our people are no' eoine in debt as much as formerly The number of mortgrzee and liens recorded this year is a third test than but, and th) manure our farmers are making at home has caued a great falling off in the purchase or rrtili irs. It is seldom that a report of this character contains so much that is en couragioz fiom an industrial stand" punt. Undoubtedly a new rr in dawning. Our future farms may not be as large ar those we loved, in former days, to ride over and call our own. The ancestral fences may bave to be drawu in, but it will not follow that tbe ancestral oaks must be cut down. These can and thould be preserved, to guide tbe new labor er in Southern fields, as trie wisdom of our ancestors must euide us in solv lax the probiems which confront tbe new South. We welcome the white laborer to our State, and are glad that he is ae ceptinz our invitatioa. We have never said to the black man we want you to so, aw do we intend to beg him to remair; but wr do say to tbe honest white laborer, come. We will ell nim a Lome, protect him by just and equal laws, and rejoice when be prospers Torpid Liver and sick headache vanish alter using Dr. Pavids Liver PUls. Yearby A Co Drag Store. Race Street, Cincinnati, Hun Sty-PoM ft STOPPED FREE Iaum Fkwi larioneV Dr.EUXK'S UUT NERVEKESTOflEII affSaAiw k Nna biauaaa. OAm lnrLLiaLB d ukn m euwwL Nt Hit nfur Aril it j I mm. TrMiM. h4 ft. UUl txjUh. trm tw 5 d UlMt , KUafcAll Aick St..llutvWiAi.r. MHTAAM if tWTATUli fJUUfi QaLTIJKOBE. JfiD. CSV wood, . rrpritr JFIRST CLASSY Acknowledged as Unsnrpasaed in all Una contributes to tbe comrortoi ITS PATUUN8. t , Elevator and Modern Improvement Woven Wire Fencing a Wire Rope selvage aiiM l Pile. ItchlBC rilca. Stom, vWolatur tat SkQ vm sjehssjsbiww a - -------- and BleeraU, o"1'.0 TiZIa.Z. . SwBlSwSJ IW w.ww 8 ' TCI ,tkA AtMmm era. Atdra.rUBa, wj " Swayna SosFhUadalphla. ' Otntmeot. Xo taut- Carea tatter, M.HI' ll 19ilMadwMtha. Otuttn match. 8oldhriiraMn TthuUiwar good. rKlHT rilB. Infnrmtl(n frge. ;i.l.KIt 4KB. W LBV, UM A IS M. Market iU, ASTHMAb1 aiuroua afflictad. iia. TAJft BUO.. BE CURED. bnttleaaatKret'to HaoboautoSi, x. ReaoltiiiK from the Krrora of Youth, Folly, Vloa. bf norance. Ac, may be eared at home without fall or enMura, lafalllale and radenllal., La , Treatlae, BOO page, only 11 by mail, aealed, poatuald. Small book, with endonemeuta of the pre,, irec. Send now. Addreat the Pea body Medical Int!lute, or lib WJUarkor, ho.4 Bulflwh bb.Uoatonlaja. pflTT'S ASTRAL ABSOLUTELY 8AFE I ' PERFECTLY ODERLE83I Burns In sny Lsmp without dsnger of Exploding or taking lire. See that you get the genuine. For ssle by BALTIMORE UNITED OIL CO., RICHMOND, VA.. ITL .rawtfoaa oa the ft, haadai ; ae ete.. . . .kite uJ 1U h an liimai rout armcsuw I RICHMOND ADN DANVILLE R. R. CO- CONDENSED SCHEDULE, In Effect Feb. 16th 1890, laatatfceel Steer, whlK mat heallnfl aad earatlM pa' by so ...atkai ' jramedy, Aak awayaa'a uaaawn miss a K tl.SWtd flMH taiaiait. WMaan Mm. oua. M,k,r. atarab a, M ac, i,iitii""ii nor Miih A Safe Investment. Tj one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case ot iailore a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from onr adyertisee Druggists bottle ol Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It is guaranteed to bring re lief in evcrv case, when Used for any affection of Throat. Lungs or Chet, such as Conjnmption; Inflammation oi Lonsrs. BroncBitut. Aatnma. w noon Ing Cough. Croup, eu; itc. It is pleasant and agreeable to Urt, per fectly safe, and can always be uepea ded upon. R. Blacknallt4 Son. Boom HS priraUbatha, eitrs. Bsnnlnf water . . laemyfwoa. Bates, $2.1i; $3.00 and $3.50 Per Day. ap 23. mm it WANTED A TItACT OF MINi:ilAL TlMltEIC LAND At First Hand. Write immediately with fullparticu tars ana lowest pnee to , "EsausHtfiy, Uidlcsborough, Kentucky. T?UOLESALE ; AND RETAIL DEALERS IX GROCERIES DRY GOODS it. We carry in stock large (oantities of CORN, HEAL, HEAT, Uola8ses Syrup. r , ' . SALT:. SALT FISH Sugar Coffee, &c. Also a large stock of heavy BOOTS AND SHOES, B&Z HlKELQ Reaapmade Clothing - - - - - a aaavA awiBssrsr iushmib ii. t tkM.tfMawwM.i I laaAaaaa nwainill K.UU Hfc.fc.KIBI I twnaquj auata rrn aaitess. eaaM. amk.Tatt'.rilla. UI aw luf aTI If rich, ni-r t"' mnmT. Thar ! uw aplrlle Ut , biaayaaieT to ald a4 w4y. Kecommendation. W. I. aialr, iMMTtlta, Va- eayai 1 ka, aad kwt trr4 almaat ry Mac bat aavar aHd hair th anwIH that 1 aa kaa trmtm Tall. fllU. Itmaaaa lima taall that afa afllka with lyippaa, i Tutt's Livor Pills OITX GOOD DIOESTIOX. ROOT BEER. tM anna IffWI.m aad WB0US0MS Tanraaanca drink la taa wria. tWUataae aad aaaraii.f. 1ST If. Aak jrva Pratftaa ar Oreeer n. C. t. HlWtS. PHimOCt'MIA. Prices to suit the HARD TIMES. W. MaDgum & Son. Mangura St, Durham, N. C. decl8-4m BALHGff i M1BBII fOI UT aad aisrayetteyine street, ilGH. . . . N.C Brancl Yari, laiiert Oil Staiii, rATETTVtLXl, V. 0. Ifuafaoiantof.t klcdi of atontnanU Tn.hda la Maralaa or araaltaa. AIM OoB far ail Haoa at Buiiawe ntn.wuwii roaU.Srpa, BUla, ke. Work dellfered at aearaat aapotoraaweoav. OfaUdeaerif ktosjKpf ea kaad aadMt te aa addreaaspoaasolUatiaa. , .... CHAS. A. GOODWIN, a Proprietor. ylt-U Cemetery Notes Persons in Durhamand ad joining iouities wishing to marK tne grave oi a relative or mend with a a Tablet, Tomb, or Head and Font Stone, can do so at a I very small outlay, as we have the largest stock of finished work of any similar establishment, in Xl&BUt JJTD P0L1SHID GRAXITI. I Best Workmanship and Lowest Prices! OADDESS" BROTITERS. 1 0d Nortk Cbarles St, Baltimore I ., Ssaaaa WarhaaiSB. Ckartw SM. Established 60 Years scn-18 , , LOUIS RICH & CO,, Stcncits, Seals, .-Iniciinorj va. How Lost 1 How Rtgalned, J To male Oas slick horses jou have to nse Dixie liorse Towders. A full supply at Yearby A Cos., ' Electric bitters. This rcmetty is hecommmg so well known and so popular as to need no I special mention. All w no bave used Klectrte Bitters sing tbe same song of pVaisr A purer mediceoe does ua una bbu it m Kuarantaeu lotinia a a n. mm all that Is claimed. Electrie BiiUrs RUDOOr Stamp 3 E0 k ka at M a a a I I win care ail nisesses or tne uver and t 1 a . ar. a at .a I Aiunefs, wain move rimpiM, Uviis,l ssaa tl- Cl-aal Bait ItaeuBS and other affections cans I llUtf SAmSL ulTCSbi a . . a a a m . .a a I 9 ii ny impure dioou. w hi anve ma Una from the system snd prevent as well as cure an alalarial fevrr) For cure of headache, Contiiaiion and Indigeati jn try Kkctiic ltilUrs Entire aatUf action guaanUel. or money reiua-ied rrice 6e ai d 11 rrboit)at IL Hlackrall AN.m' ImporUiit InroriiiHtlon Vor 91 any or lou aVHa a l be proper and Dctuie.aiie routt for bnsiurss and plcsiurc trsvtl from ' tils Qly to the Calakill M. uitaira, aarauiga ard oibcr ew lork Hi ale resort, Is by the West Shore Kail road. Ily tabinc the Pcnn. R. R.I raswofters will to ka dliect cmncc tlon wi.h th Wt 8horo in Union V.-.a.a . a wrpos ai jwy wjr, ana commeu Cing abunt Jnoe 15th drawire room cars are run through without cbanee. For tourist books, tims-Uhk-e and iniormatlon regarding the West Shore Railroad call on our address ti ti t . i. , ,.. .. . . (i, u. a"i, ururrai Aastera i aa eneer Acent, 363 Ifwav. or C. E. Lambert, (Jeneral Paacnger Agent o vauacroiil Avenue, JSew York City. -"tJummrr Excursions" ahauilaoms Iy illualrsUd book Riving description of the Hudson River and New York Biais resoru win m maiird on re- C. H.Jordan, R. N. McCandlish, E. H- Clowes C. H JORDAN & CO., REAL ESTATE STOCK AND INSURANCE BUENA VISTA, VIRGINIA Agents for Buena Improvement Co. Mav2H . .. . Tie KN0WTHY1E mm w , a . " a a, , VA. OTXJJELIIJriS OP RIGHMONDA THE aOICNOK OP circ AtHaaiik aaS auarfert pillar NalKal Tnatlas aa tfca Rim at V ia,raaaiara UwHaa.Ha laas aaa nranu WW'Fi laipannra at laa aira Boiler Flour, Corn Heal, and Itlillstuff Generally, Grade Water Ground. SOUTHBOUND. AO. 60. Ho 52. Lt. Raleigh " Durham A M A M Lv. Richmond 3 00 v u 2 30 A M Burke ville 5 00 P M 4 29 a - Keysville 5 41 p x 5 08 a M Danville 8 40 p m 8 05 a Ar. Greensboro 10 27 v u ....4 45 pm 5 48pm Ar. Greensboro 8 20 r m Lv. Winston Salem T5 80 P k " Greensboro 10 37 p m Ar. Salisbury 12 26 pm Ar. Statesville 1 49 am Ashevllle 7 22 am Ilot Springs 9 33 am Iv. Salisbury 12 32 a m Ar. Charlotte 2 05 am M Spartanburg 4 51 A m Greenville 5 56 a m Atlanta 11 00 a m Lv. Charlotte. 2 20 am 1 00 p m Ar. Columbia 6 30 A h 5 10 p m Ar. Augusta 10 30 am 9 00 P M M M M M 9 42 a m 1 00 A M 2 55 am 7 30 am 6 15 am 9 50 1118 1209pm 4 27 p m 6 15 p m 11 23 am 12 40 p. m 3 38 p m 4 46 p m 9 40 p m NORTHERN BOUND, DAILY So. 51. Ho b.i Lv. Augusta 6 10 p m " Columbia 10 35 p m Ar. Charlotte 3 13 a m Lv. Atlanta. a 6 00 r m Ar. Greenviil 12 35 am " Spartanburg 1 39 am -Charlotte 4 25am "Salibury 6 02 am Lv. Hot Springs 11 10 p m " Asheville 1240 A. m " SUUsvUle. 5 02 A m Ar. Salisbury 6 63 i h Lv. Salisbury 6 07 a x Ar. Greensboro 7 45 a m Ar. Winston Salem. . . . ; 11 40 A m Leave Greensboroo . Arrive Durham . . M Raleigh . . . . 9 45 11 01 A M P M 105 p m Leave Raleigh 105 pm Arrive Goldsboro 3 Q0 ru Leave Greensboro, . . . 7 50 ax Arrrve Danville . i . . 9 32 ax " Keysville 12 45 p x " Burkeyille 1 35 p x M Richmond 3 45 p x 8 60 12 50 5 15 7 10 1 48 2 54 5 30 7 05 12 2 07 6 06 6 50 7 12 8 40 fl2 30 11 00 5 00 7 45 t9 00 12 50 8 50 10 20 150 8 45 515 A M P St P M P P P P P P P P P A P A A M M M M M M M M M M X X M X A X P X P X P X A X A X A X. UiUVVEEJf West Point, Richmond & Raleigh. VIA Ki:YSll.LF..OF01tD. AND DUltllAaiT 4 Mini lo2. Mmiiouk. IS UU am. Lv .... West 1'omt Ar. 010 p x. V 40 a x Ar. Kchmond Lv. f445px 11 00 am Lv Richmond Ar. 4 4(1 p w " .... Burkeville " 245p x M Keysville 2 OOP ic H Fort Mitchell 1258px " Finney wood ' 1247 pm w Chasewood 1230px Five Forks ..." 1210px " Clarksville " 11 55 ax " Soudan M II 40 am Bullock's 11 24 ax M Stovall's 1115 ax Ar. ....Oxford.. Lv.10 40ax 1100 a x 2 05 p. x .2 25 PX 12 32 P x 2 45px 3 00pm 3 20pm 8 35 px 8 50 pm 8 58 pm 4 22 P x 400 p x Lv Oxford Ar. 10 00 a x 515px Ar..... Danbury Lv. 8 25 ax 5 45pm " Henderson M. '8 55 ax 4 22pm Lv Oxford..... Ar. 10 40 ax 4 43px " Stem's Lv. 10 10 Am. 4 55pm M Lvn's 10 Warn 517pm " Ilolloways " 043 a m 5 30pm Durham " 25 ra 0 39pm M Carev 833 ru 7 00pm " ltalu(h.. Lv. '815 ft ra fUaily except Sunday. Daily. j.Uaily, except Monday. Additional train leaves Oxford dailv exceot Kundav 11. (X) ... a aa. a WW -m A a,.na. lUaaa. a . . a. n:i nflMnAU tann T!al. triTCM nattaua' surging leayeuenaersen k IU r. SaAaMjr Wlwa,j v aa- S AWIU) WUU ImKIM tnm TUr. Vk. I tnartatadna, Eaarrallaf aa4 Ian. ark. aanaraa. Ika VarrlaSar iMaaUhl Pnr aai at ma Vnrfc. lawaiMMpee,fT, MaHiaC aahnaaM. raa fin. anetti.f K alrtla rSaclalRaOoa. raaaM. I Aretaawkaifat SMa aMLral V avUL r-T. J! M aortal. .. .a liMMttM arraa. If to AlMlanlaVa a. than Waa. R. Per - ' A.uai.a aNf, JIW1 fraal ilia fialtaaal Meal apolr sav Ta 'afrf, M. I- a itbar, waa, n. rmwrL m. i' . ra. D l l IWIIiSS M KB A l aaal MeaK wUita far aaaav aa MiUTOI aa4 rl:AI, .Main rrlaalr waallaaaS- i.ilr, f atail ar hwan, J lata rnl rarxit ar A eVniiallr, run rk iinor HiAri il, IXNTITi T. S) 4 nalS-rti t celpt ol five cents poUsje, u 21 6 1' jSSK wMwqly sjlq jMB u go, Bushola Ileal. OUR LEADING BRANDS ARE Gollcgo Patent, Century Plant Patent First ftefcrred Family. King Powhatan Family. Your 0.tders Kespeotfully Solicited. 0 pt Sunday, arrive Oxford 3 .15 P. M. No, 50, leaving Uoldsboro 2 20 r. U. A. U. arrivs U. daily ex and Raleiffti 4 43 P. M makes connection at Durham wilh No. 19. leaving at 6.00 P. M. daily, ex' eept 8onday for Oxford, Henderson, and all points on O. A II., O. dCw.. and R. 4 Al. Roads. raasengerooachs run through between West Point and Raleigh vie Keysville, on Not, 54 and 102, 55 and 103. Noa. 61 and 53 connect at Richmond from and to West Point and Bald more daily except Sunday. Nos. 50 and 51 connect at Ooldsboro with trains to and from Mortheed guy ana nutningion, ana at oejma to and from Fayetteville. No. 52 connects at Greensboro for Fayetteville. No. 63 connects at Setma for Wilson, N. C. Nos. 60 and 51 gonnection at University Station with trains to snd from ChareJIi nndayi.