WYATT DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES OF ALL FIELD SEEDS SUGARCANE or sorghum seed. EARLY AMBER AND EARLY : ORANGE VARIETIES ARE MOST SUITABLE HERE'S OUR HAND JSD WE MAKE YOU WELCOME, to- -Of ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR IEST EVAPRATORS AND MILLS MADE. SECURE A TLANT AND MAKE YOUR OWN MOLASSE, OR SYRUP. to SEED IRISH POTATOES. CAB LOAD JUST BEING RECEIVED, EvllLY ROSE, FEERLESS. BEAUTY OF HEBRON AND BURBANKS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Main Street, DURHAM, N C. Bedford City Land andlmprovement Company. CAPITAL AUTHORIZED, $1, 000,000 Ill This company owns and controls 600 acre of land situated in the westerr portion of the town, which ij tie cues'. avsiii!U part of the citj for rcrt. de&cee and manufactories. ADYANTAGES OF THIS It lies on the Noifolk and Western Railna 1. and on tie surveyed route f the Pittsburg and Atlanta Railroad, which will be one of the greatest trunk lines ia the United State. It Is at the pate of the pr st Southwest and situated at the foot of the Teaks of Cter Mountain, au l f om which il gets iu unlimited supply of PURE AND WHOLESOME WATER. MANUFACTORIES : liorry IJroi. Plug Tolwco. This U the best equfoped factor? in tie State, and it output Ihe largest lathe Sixth district (which include Ljncfioor and Lhnrille.) Bowling, Wright A Co., Smoking Tobaco at the lr;rt manufacturer in thtir llM ia this district. The LiUnly Woolen Mai.ufuclurn? Company. The lest equipped woolen tuilh in ti State of Virginia, working principally on government conUacU. Profit 1 r n uvr., tin in 1 M fll,(X0 (-ee re port of director!.) Besides tbi. t':crc arc eleven other t ita or.wu lathe I7w doltg a large and profit be Wiiic, ro tam fburinjc mill, four Cigar factories, two planing nv11, one- f un Iry aad plow works, and one hot factor. MANUFACTORIES PROJECTED: Brotaioa Steel and Iron Mar.uJjcturijii? Company, capital stock f.VW.OOO Broom factory, espial 110,000; tuactinry orUrei, at.d will lie in orrthn at an early day. Jc fctory, capital $IV(M; machinery ordered, Fund tore factory, Carriage and Wagon Wf,rl. Mattress factory. !. W. Cof fee Machine Company, capital $1,000,000. Tli company own one of lie Boost valuable patents ia conn-ction w.th tuo manufacture of tobacco In th werld, and will aoon erect building to manufacture these machine, giving aaploymeat to two hundred hatidi. Tbi a'one will make ibis a threat city. The. stock books of the company arc open; a limited amount oi the stock Cffsred at lit cent on the dollar. This is a good inrestment ; e tfe and sure. For further Information, address On and After June the 3rd We Loisror bale JAMES JUL BERRY, PRESIDENT, BEDFORD CITY, VIRGINIA. BROS AM FEED STUFES KINDS . FOR OUR CLIMATE AND f.OIL ot Win Offer A Limited Number of SOBER .frSON LELEBRATED TOBACCO GUANO MAKES THF BRIGHTEST AND FINEST OFFERED ON THE MARKETS. It Challenges ths Word to bEatlt. IT HAo STOOD TH E TEST FOR FOR SALE IN DURHAM, BY FARTHING & DUKE. Tdbaccft Years Flour, Meal and Mill-Feed-. THE HAXALLcRENHAW COMPANY IIAXALL MILLS.) RICHMOND - - - VIRGINIA. MANUFATURE AND KEEP FOR SALE UTRD ISLAND" Roller Paten Family, "CLARA" Family, and ,Low Grades for Famil and Domestic use. And , , , , HAIALLCRENSHA lr & CLAKK A BRAND FOR FORF GN SHIPMENT. o Also (Water groum', Bolted) Corn"' Dustings ana sweepings. Inquiries cheerfully and promptly answered. Office and Mills. Foot of 12th Street TELEPHONE 75. THE MODERN TOBACCO BARN! . The: Iilodern Tobacco Barn CO., of High Point. N. C- are prepared to furnish the ony stick yet devised, that" will distribure Tobacco leaves in a curing barn in iueh a manner that each leaf can get the same amount of heat and air on every aide at the same time and injures a uniform enre, the Meclianic has done the distribution, the Operatrr has little to do with it nor can he crowd the Tobacco Ham if he tries There are now oe 'nil'ioa Sticks ia me iu thne itaUs, 200 thoKsun'1 12 f.ct .Sticks ia the c Him. on log I am on tier lt, they lav?g vtn (n tiro aslisfactiot M a thou.nd testimoui lis will show and hundred will testify thst the ue of the Sticks one season has doubled the value .( i!,cir crop. The Stick! and DitkrM together furnish the Farmet wi:b the moat ' - t i complete outfit yet devised to s its all the leaves grown in his, ileitis snd making ilem tnarktalle at thhijhet figures. TLa MODERN l!AUN co.oplde h the best rIaa ia the world to tore and handle Tobacco in, the ncs lest thing is the MODERN BARN 81ICK8 on tier poles la the log b ra. Libera! Jisc-unu given to Farmers' Cuts and the F.imer' Alliance ia Virginia, North and Soulb Carolina. ,- Cirreif.ond(fiet 8olioi!eiL2 AdirfH, 80n..ODEWBttVC).JlhJlf lviNrrf u fao it FARTHING & DUKE. WHOLESALE Dealers in rroceries,DryGoofls. Notions, Clothing, etc We carry in stock everything you can fiud in any general store. "We carry large stocks of W.L. DOUGLASS Shoes, Satter & Lewis & Co.'s Shoes. OLD HICKORY nd Piedmont "Wag ons and Road Carts Ober's Fertilizer The Na tional and Durham Bull Fer tilizers. The most goods for the least money FARTHING J DUKE. DURHAM, V.'C. Meal, Bran, Brown-stuff, Shiptuff V FREE HOMES IN THE GREAT WEST A REMARKABLE OFFEB , It HAD IT. " , A kronj. Colorado, lias pioably within the past three years experienc el the moat rapid as well as the most healthy growth of any city jn (he west. It is surrounded by a country unuppasaed by any on earth for the tichness and fertility of its soil and the beauties of ita climate. Any, an I everything that can be raised in Iowa, Illinois, Iudiana or Ohio em here be grown iu the greatest profu sion. Wheat grown in tho near vi c nity of Akron, took a diploma for being tLo best grain of tho kind ex. hibitcd at the Nebraska State fair, held at Lincoln, in September, 1889. And all crops grown in this latitude cau bo ralFe.1 here as successfully as anywhere on earth. . 00VER5MENT LAND. , There are vet thou Bauds of acres of government land vacmt, which cu betaten undei the homestead, pre enirtiou and timber culture ; act, which a person can have for the tak ing. A. bountiful government will make you iadependeoi it a few year if you will but act now. The sur face of the country ia nearly a per feet level, but still sloping' enough to afford good drainage. No breaks or draws such aa rata or deLcj so many western farms. No protracted struggle with rocks. Your first glance at the country would remind you of one vast meadow, only waiting the plow of the husbandman to trans form it into an Eden oi beauty and productiveness. The citizens' advertising commitUe of Akron have placed in the hauls of the West Side Improvement Com pany, one thousand eity lots that are to be given away for advertising purposes, and any person who wiil aid them in advertising their advan tages can have one of these lots fkex or charge by directing a communi cation to J. FaEusDkicu, Sec'y at Akron, Colorado, and sending him the names of tec people who are in terested in the west, and liable to be looking for a western location and sending four cents ia stamps for re turn ot deed, lheae iota are now worth fom foO to 1 125, and wilt, in the course of a year, u the pre dictions of knowing ones prove tt ue, be worth four Umes what is bow ak ed for them. It is an opptrtubity never be lore onered to secure an Absolute title to a piece of pro perty in an enterprising tnd grow ing western cty. The lots referred to are UUi feet in sue and all the streets upon which they abut are CO and ISO fett wide. They are id what ia known as "Glen wood," an Akron, Colorado. suburb, and the citizens' committee through Mr. Faehndricb. its Ktc'i, guarantees them to be smooth, level and upon a lightly elevation, over lookino; the town of Akron. The title ia also guaranteed to be ABso LCTELT PEBTECT Akron contains a set of huifless men who are aliye to her advantages as well as bet interests, sod this tea 30 000 is being expended by them to iadu?e people looking for a west ern ca ion to settle auiongt them I bet want and are ce trmined to have 50,000 people in ihi city by T.'iey wa.t lWvri in their Coal mines, they want cipittluts V d velupe the.r si.ver and g -Id mines. Akron u to day the largsn and most pr'speious city iu the state east vi Dtotcr. It u a dirision ata uon oi the u & M. K'y and is tLe wutbern terminus of the Akrjn & Holy.le R'y, which will, in all pro babiiity, be built to Colorado Springs in the near future. Akron is ia the line of the North testers B. It. build mg into Denver, and it is sure to catch it, and the Beaver Valley lrt.ca of the B. A U. will also be bui.t to Akron. The B 411. shops ate there and material is sow on the ground to greatly eulsrgo them. The railroad employ 2't0 men at that poir.t now. Tne cily is and will be the railroad center of that portion of the state. The population is Bow oeerly two '.buusand and by Januarv fi i t next, they believe it will te 6,"- W. A Uuited Ststes land office wa recently located at that point which means much to that city. It ill bring every stiller upon the public domain in that section o that city. It will be, and is, head quarters t r land secke.a for that entire por tion of the state. COLORADO EXttmstOXS. , ? On May 20th, and ia Jane ex cothioiis will bo run from all poiou of the eaut and south to Akron. The rate will be one fare for the round trip, over tha ChlcaAt. IL-Kh f .t.n.i & i'acifie front Chicago and ioteime- oiavj ponie, and over tha Miatouri Pacific from St. Louis and the South, to Orn ibt. Nebraska. Vmm rim.i,. Uke the H. A M. it. K. t, Akron. the above offer of a free lot ap p!its onlr to those who will. June 20 aid them in a ri ax.nit.t. way, in making these txjursiont a succees. fia toiOEo oict nrA1? Passed It Willi Fear nndTremb . ling;.. Cleveland Plain Dcale; The Tariff and the Silver bill were both paestd by the Houm nnder caucus domination and gag rules, with the hope on the part of many Rcpublicaas voting for both measures thai they will bo r jerted by the Sea-aieo-so clist.ged as to lose their princip.l cbatacteristica. the sus picion that their boe may be dis appointed would thiow them Ir.toan egooy of fe tr as t the act'on of their cou-tituents wteu t!ie qu.tion of continuance in their seats cotnes up. Jiattle With' Moonshiners LGree;b,ro North Stale A regular battle occurred Monday morning b tw en a party of revenue officeis and a number of illicit dis-. tillers in Stokes county, near the Virgiuia line, in the neighborhood will known 1 1 Uncle Ssm's men, and called b them the Smith settlement. The officers, six or seven in num ber, had been on a raid and had des troyed eight stills and poured out thousands of gallons of beer, and were ou their r. turn to Gteeosboro whtn they met an old mm who told them that he was a. friend to them aod hoped they would be able to break up the bukiness. He knew where there was a still, he said, and gave them explicit directions to find it. lie refused to accompany them because be s id they wo dd kill him if be were sutcled oi furnLhing information. Pie officers followed the road point d out by the old hypo crite for a tbt'tt dUtince when tLey eame to a thick body of woods. Not finding things as described by their l itnd" they grew suspicious, and their su- pichns were soon confirmed. Tbey had been caught in the trap so sdioiily rt for them. : It appears that the moonshiners had boev stationed in the woods and the old man derailed to decoy the revenue teen in the place desired. No sooner were tbey well into the woo Is then the blocksders opened fire on them, the first volley wounding Mr. Eugene Murrows h jrse i the bead. The officers returned the fire andabo it 70 shots were exchanged. Sbuble If urruw received a shot ia tha leg, and hisborso was slightly wound ed. The officers reached here Tuesday and report that the blockaders all escaped, but they thi,.k two of them were badly wconded. . . .,. MASON & HAMLIN Orcan and Piano Co. Itowton, New York, lliicago OltUAN. $m mk; b aa III tmf ! at inn - - MASON & HAM IN, PIANO. fTb Mms S HaaiHa -SlrtDf l-t. If tMlW uJ mmtti w ad la laa Mjww aat mum pwm nciaavair. it US m Si' aft Sbk ata M l(lr ial at Uatf is aUii4 ! Um clMfftcl lllNtlsstlMUUMIIIi f'niaaaliatw ftit a laet as) tbm 3..',o, ik 0,7N, t0, and up Orgttni awl Vawos tnlil for Chh, uy I'aymtht, and tLnltd. Cola gnifrtt. Nothing Succeeds LIKii SUCCESS. The reason RA DAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most woudeiful medicine, is because it Las nev er failed in any in rtaoce, n- matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the simplest disease knows to the ba rn in system. The scientific men of to-day claim and prove that every disease Is CAWSD It 1CC203S3, AND ji'im mm hiliek ExU'rminate the Microbf a and drive thimoutof the sriUm. and when that It done you cannot have an arba B.af a. J a,j . S . !'' w mauer wnai too aiseaw, whether a simple case ot Malaria Fever or a combination ot diseases, we curs tli in nil at thesue time, as we treat nil lie . constitutionally. Aathma, Conunptiorit Catarrh llronrlntitt, UliciiMiitiRitt, Hid Ueyeiul Li rr iMoraao. (hi la, and Fevrr, Feiiiatn Irouhlea, In all IU forms, and, In lext, v ery iInis known to the Hu man 8)nni. Bsiar; of MM MM Sm Itwi a-r Ttrdiaark as akvfct as aanna M-b ). lasf bf H. Hl.aUlKAI.L a SON, I!!, VthumU. W ! An Mil, "Wbv dean't he Uke Hood's iiar iffiarlllsT ' is the EcncraJ innoirv of fricods when a person soffori from any disease of the blood. r si riirrrn wt4 liailllimiii.iama m ilwllH tmwmM Mfcriw fU T- a kwMtm,lMMlf( timi,la,a) imnmmt, Mb

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