nr..;v." Hawthorn Lui-son's GravosStrancIy & sleeted. A reporter of the IJangor Com mercial oterheard the oiler day au account of a trip receutly made by B. B. Thatcher, of that city. and earniuRthe nature of the journey and'the benevolent act performed, the twnptatioa to eay a word was too .strong to be withheld. A Rule outsida the town of Con cord, Mass., lies a.i tueieut bllri ground known a 'Viietjty Hollow." The fame ot'this i!ace is but little known, and few people, who -visit it are acquainted with in historical re lationfv Oa a hill of iome promi nence Ik the graved of tour fiaious writers, Ralph W;ui.- i-lmerxor.. Nathaniel Hawthorce, Lwuis IL Alcott and Henry D. Ttoreuii. Here to the right iiea wisal was mortal ot the philosopher, Jiutefsv . A large triangular block of quart jc. five or sis feet in height, marks the spot, its side presenting a rough, irregular appearance on account of the pieces that have been chipped oiT by relic seekers. Since the opening of the grave a abort time since by unknown band, the body has been enclosed in a tomb cf gr-itite l-uiit below the iotita!U. So a?.nu stands camt ; ' ttll xin pasr-i-y o'. the great man buried tLcre. TU tall grass grvwing about the gr-vt shows plainly thai it La i:sg utvn neglected. But a Utile dtarce sway is the grave t-f fcawt .i-rae 1 " :or.t ia tut re to mark fie sp t. wei" it not ior the ctentiouug o t: t Ue. i.y the guide t:; vi-ito w , u v t know it As this trt.ia 'imui mj-o; bim be asks why H t 'h u one vin achieved such law fetid ' or s:w have been j lieg'ttt-.d. Strsu-e it ii that these wji Ltid mm here to rest have planted ne;itr iroi ui.; ni nor slab aa a iccmria ' h .::.xe. Asking the guide wbi-r.- his w::V he buried, he cimpl? ttvius i-:s s '. and poiLtiug to the ;;;-v.', says: "May Leahe w. bu?iti -tiere, ..,' Surely a oi.e !:0"..; at tbc njju..da of earth end taiaU t" th.w lnj buried there. r?H?v.-!ng tLeir ! v and works, he w a, a u ac v.nt for this ateming rtc . Vh there who can res ! the these great ua. at 1 r.t io'f tr. too? But we mar. ': : n,o.- ut. mere is one wimi wp n " not r- -s j tionnl. It is Ti.frea. Iu .,' lea know if bin. &i.d :e J nr.Ur with tbuee vi vi i tc.a - . . -.aa drawn, enacted :u the ;..Jaoi For years bis eve remained uu markad, but thana t t:,c z wr oua impuliva of Mr. T-ii'oi'-r. a handsome iiKiia si" ; fl:..: a ite ita&ds over b ' j,'.vs. i.rt c : tains the names o. u: -.f- a t i-.:U dren buried ihfrc. 'iu... .'.1 i t worttjr osr, Tl.i t,r- b.;vi! g ij-iiu nlv a dia'ant rt a'i .i to . r. 'i er, as.d the q iitt &aa,tr j -t.;c. u was ffiected r-.H ctJ g ii. er a non bim. DILVT1I 7Fa cTTri :n A lt I A X A Woiiiaif Who V:t Tfirougli th: C'alitiiwjfii of MlV!. i'l k Ixnind tbe preeetit g--1 rr'i w', itsl- larit bona of br.P d fui.!i'l Baltimore againt-t ti.-itiin in 1812, dltd Le-o thi m .r?i,o, t,i tie advacctd ce of 101. 'i i t- tmiredi atccau-:e of Jfstb t; a lack cholera morbus, ttt (v.?'fi.t" warm weather h'i..;eni tns' Two of tie ! pl-Jc;ntii ;fi tit oty ftttenflcl I;-r id L r ,i.drfJ vitality attracUd toe at! r.! x . r ,1 the n.e-licul mn in t!. Hts-t. Until two w k ego ,r ppe'.ie was wonderful, while lr activity and dexterity wib lii ncnUe w r the Mibject of coiiiCei t. Her atrotig t't t'io 2wt and ev r j. i glaci, but her beating was iuimired. bbe ifr.t Ler !t days with tw ( kef gr,fc!l:ri'b:L:I.-trii anl was net, on v i i : t:U ti v at . ! ; --t I-.; . ford ''u.i. j. i. i ', U rt VVa.i ., maketf in tr.i rkd twi ? at..! i...- fiver i.s'j litbatJ s :t ' li!t',ia H.b I ' diid Le ri:... daring iU. tots i l'..ti'-i';.i. Jr.: lh I., i. ( ; V.'hir i: A.. Mr fir n a Aii- ' ; . w til i . . wa at the bt vk -;:. , , ber aervii't s it.r." . r- !sif ble. Kbctaved masn .nt.i. ,'. dier. Two f fcf lr. !. ;oo j in tbe figl.t 4 '..'r-'J 6tt.--i..t U-ii Dtfend-rf. Hr i.r -!"r bCt''-l to tie "-iisfp fi ? !, ri ,r, M'ak1ng f livtr .-t of tl, lty j oil lady at 1 i . of i ? ti,. fait that the rcsf In i 1 of x green. Ibat diH:&tsoii ,f ?b fctoriiWi-I) blih ri,afy j . j . I rl t r may be dut to iB;pj.,. t ... I f u" ; Of tbe fod; but. ;n t&ot . . dicalcaa ik!js ! tU digc, ,.! orgai.f, tb hi ; rt-ai- . r,r wl one of Aycr i t ' . - a ',s::i dinnr. r Mei't wine, a u u,iv..n M t'f II- j i.a . It tioter.e titw. w'b(ical t? gold by all Umh, i it .Uu liain Counts L'onTontton'. last Saturday tlie 2nd iust., the Democratic Convention of, Durham county met in the'' court heuae.iJ. E; Lyon was elected'chairmaBj'Paul A Brown was eloctea secretary; ..The following are the resolutions," ty&t were introduced, and were, unani- ''t;3lt ... tt ii mously adopted: Whereas, Our Senate, the' Hon. Zebulon Baird Vance, ' hai not es caped censure, and , V s . , Wherkas, The time.. is near' at hand when our legislature jihust again select a man to represent us in the U. S. Senate. , lun No therefore, as. a mark. of t our contiueuce, appreciation and respect, beit .-til ,;;) jpt W HesulveJ, By ttfe .JDegiocracy wof Durham county, yi cenyentiAn as-n-embled, emulating .the, passaga ol resolutions of endorsement by other Democratic conventions' recently held in our State, "that we heartily and unqualifiedly endorse t 'A. i b. Vance for re-election to the Senate, and recommend our representatieB to cast their votes for hiuf 'firttfcnd last- "" That while we tender to? Senator Vance our earnest support and en couragement, our heartfelt thank9 vre due him for the right in the .-tiiUe of the United State. ' " Mr. W. 11. Osborn introduced the foiiowiug resolution, which was uu anintousiy adopted: ' ' " UfSfecticg as we do the high wbaracter and ability of the Su i temt; Court bench, as at present cot.-titu'.od. we must heartily ap prove tiie election of lion. Augus tus . ilerriuion to the high and h i orable position of Chief J,uslice, us .'c.l ai Hon. Walter Clark for the M'.-ition of Associate .Justice.-, We declare the assasisMX of char acter who, from ambush, would seek to accomplish that'wbich' bis man boo J will not warrant his - doing ope;i!v and alove boara, isthe vilest toward -and anstgrtjfd - circulars, a!t.;g!Di serious "ch!irge3 against iuit aad houorlibie ofliculs in pub lic office axe worth only cf our i.u.t hr-artr condeumanoa. ' N'oui'.uations teiii isij order,' K. r.tou and itccomntcnded for the .?-.ii;ite. being no othor norajnee he v.- r.ecUu.ov aitciaiiiatuin, W( 6. 2" v. it f. -vvre placid la..i'jtnlii.i tiVt'.s, VVir!l tie VOtWataU LIW( rtiv.a vi;aiid Aealou Lowe -vhs declared the.nojniuee. t . !. Markham, nouiuated : f or !'!' bv iuclamativn. i- t ?reen, nominated for .Clerk oi t,n- .tijenor Court by aci'lama ti.'i. i ! V il. ilowlaui, J. VV. Topts and j'!jce Vv atu wcic i.ut - su iiOuiia .iouf.jr Treasure, ea the tiftk IniI- :i Jno. VV. l'ur receive! HowUiid 2" i, Watts TJ. Poje was d'.-iiaii-d the nominee. I'at Lunsford .wa: nominated for llegi.-ttr of Deed.'! by acclamation; ur. .N. M. Johnson was 'nominated for ('c iv aer ty acclamation; A. M. Le ither-s hoio.nuti-d for Surveyor by acilHiiiation. The foll'-wiug are delegates elec k-1 ii the. Senatoral ' Convention, uiit-t at 1'ruspect llilf the Hit .; lout uionlut.B. Lameruc J . F. Cain. N. IV la, and Ui B. trn. " ' The following are. tb County rietutiveCoiuniitb?:"J. H. Ulackall, Diiriiain, ChairmanJ. 11. rage, Cedar Fork; Gilbert Latla, Lban on; J. T. NichOis, Oak Grow; I'.-A iirown Patterson ; A. J. ' Hobrts, "lluiisry la tbe Iiet Ssuice.! f Ai a ruin, a pcraon who baa good i.iMiu! has good heal'.' But bow ujocv tLere are who trior Bothinz j !i,y eat, attd tit dawo t meala only iiu-aii; uu'y Mature tar 1 i c ndition are a bap v c'liutoiii in IIwl a Sar'apar.lla , mt'i Wrtag wJ 'iiiieatiCKJ, e i ;.r. si :!.:, as.d recovatca and toe id -i that tba bene l is' ol K'jd fool i imparted ti. i b.Jy. Truly bur ger is !. '. un. , and Uooda caraap V. i i.'i't'ttca bungtr. j A.itiielo 9lUieri. ,.t ".ni -Jo a Houtuing 8yrii I t f.l'.y toil lor cbil lrco j t . thf 'j. It ollie the CWlHf aolterid -li.' r. 'J, iwm. rvm wnn cii, t!'1 1 tl; Oft rni.v ior abtrriiota. '1 tty flv eeata a bottia, I ep 7-d-w-lv. rit Wina. dir t r to our citizen ! it t r ytsara w ka, been, ladling if. 1M'U' Ui-;ov:iy,jjr, Klntri New Llr i'iU, ButJiUb't Araita S. Ive f I., .tric Bttut. and Lave i,. v. r li ''el t't rir.aiiica tiat aUii'g :!:. or t'.ii nave 'ivauaucta univar -i! t.-fi'- i-ti. We do Lot bbaitata 1 1 ;: at tii (raajk uiia, and we I ftwly 1o rHaad the purchase j - if fatelattiiry raiu 4 on r(.w tbe-r tsv' laesa renMi;ei 1 1 aye 'ii lutircreai popularity 'ure j !v on thfci? tmnm: ' Blaobtiall ft IS , Dtuggitt. ' f I. -U- , : . : J , ; . Hi ,4 - t U i i - - ' J j ' . Ui.-V : "f a a' ), It w f ' ! - .' a-.: , . . ' . . .' p. (. t . l.. .." ,...., .:(! if-' " i ! i ... , MVJ 4- "' -; i k si . t 11 J.-sr ram DUR . i Ladies ill ssm hot Train 1:: I i lllilll ( ... .i, .: REI1EMBEB THE BAV . a, are 1414.. ' t 11:0 fP Ml 6ia&aFs For Cent and Will Leave H3? f" r i -il i (! ' . I ; j f T , - - ilUGUST IITH ?. m IF.. r w, mj& ,1 and R Mi. emeu In ; Iheif Raleigh 6 ' ' '''! Jl'. La , ft - I WILL $3.5. Families1 i; i ound I lTD 1 v,r. :