DURHAM RECORDER. E.C.HACKKEY Editor & Pro. has It at rgnESDAY SEPT. 10- 90 DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ForCongreM-Fourth DUtrict: B. H. BUMN, of Nwh. For Judge, Fifth District. ROBT.W. WINSTON. OfGrwiTille. For Solicitor, Fifth District, E. 8. PARKER, Ot Alamance. All far use. Druliam County Democratic Ticket. For fcanstor R. G. Russel. For House-W.M. Lowe. Clerk Superior Court C. a Sheriff-F. D. Mknetn. r ..T. W. Pod. Green. Better of Deeds-Paschell Lunsford - ..A. M. Leathers. ConiUble, Durham romnship J. T. STATE CONVENTION'. rkAfate Clubs Called to Meet at Kalolsju, September 24th. Th followinz address has been is .rA in Democratic clnbe in the ku nf North Carolina: By a unanimous rote of the ezecu ( rnmmUteeofthe State Associa iinm nf Democratic clubs, after full ltitinn with the chairman of ihm Siu Democratic executite com taittee, it is deemed adrisabl to call ".I,, h. T.mfwratin dabs I mn 1 1 ltb. asi uvmb w - a Sr.ru smtsirti VI H ow , D- - J I kunow named her sUndard-bearers, td another struggle for DemocraUc upremacy another urgent need for Udeitox ifcepuoiicma iguunuicc, corruption ana murine, u uu and as there is work to oe aone, work in behalf of a cause dear to Terr patriotic North Carolinian, and as it is for as, young Democrats, to im that our share is well and faith- full rjeriormed. I. therefore, as president of the State association of Democratic clubs, all yon to meet again in convention, Ia ba held in our capitol city of Ral- eieh. on Wednesday, the 24th day oi September inst Our constitution provides thai each dub shall be entitled to three (3) "VJ a 'u v ' in good itanding --7 . ,., and seeretaries of clubs will cowtitn idi ecniELcaiei ui uic uresiucuiai U the credentials of delegates. Such certificates should set forth tbe actnal number of members borne on the dob roster at the time of naming delegates. JS i i2 then T.C. Evans. lie was big htarted bare won their great popularity pure titteW": and was the rery soul of h?nr and ly on their merit. R. Blacknall A titled to reduced rates of board at the Tarboro House, and te special rail road rates. Fall particulars will be published. TLsotjects of this convention are: The thorough organization of forces; to foster the organization of Demo cratic club is every township in North Carolina; to iocreas our fac ilities for promulgating Democratic principles, and to co-oprat more tally with the regular Democratic or f anisetioa in promoting the success of Democratic measures. To these ends we invoke tbe co operation of all good men and the etiv support of the press tbroigh out the State, and invite tb paruc ipatiofl of our Democratic nominees; and regnest that our party or ganuation, in every county, lend ns tseir aid in rnaainz Uus occasion one f mighty demonstration. Several anea of national reputation ar x psctei to lend m their presence. Jux-f resident Cleveland has been in ntd and no stone will be left un ierned to have bin ipesk to the yoang Ueraocracyoi Berth Carolina. Sen tors a&o and Ransom will cer taialy aUend, and every Democratic tongresiman and nominee for con- i from North Carolina is expect d. W arre the formation of club ia every county, city, village and town hip in the State, and that their mem- ahip should embrace every voter or their respective sections who expects to support our Democratic nominees, in tint to send delegate to this con vtntioft. I hat tb honor to be, gentlemen, Respectfully yours, J. 6. Cake, Pres. Association of Deni Club. B. C. Eat s with, ftec'y. Raleigh Intelligencer: Raleigh ll takise sten orcDarstot v to hav ing i Isrg trad exhibit at tie next air. Tbe commercial interests of eity sre enthusiastic over the prespecw sod ther will be every fort made to mak not only sue , but worthy oi ny city of it tit in the South. Chatham record: Mr. Heary C. Burns, who resided about fit mile oath-west of this place, died on last BeturJsy is the eif htr-sixib year of his ags. heveral weeks ago, as tbta sncBtluaad in the RecorJ, be acciden Wily fell down and dislocated his right hip, and it was this injury that CauetsLis death. Until that acci. at Itaaa remarkably well preserv d both fa body and mind and hie friends had hoped that he would live saanytnors years. He was highly sVatmed by all who knew Lim, sod ws one of Chatham's beat ciuxen. CHATHAM AIIBAD. Mr. Chas. F. Ferrell, of Chatham invented a knife to cut tobacco. combines knife and ax, the stalk the (ground being cut by the ax. who have tried it, pronounce it superior to any other knife in Mr. Ferrell has applied for a patent. He is a natural born Remus SEAUGAAT MANVFACTUK- ING CO. This live and progressive Manu facturing Company has a card in this issue. They are now working a specialty of Saw Mills and fixtures. Thev euarantee to cive the best mill for the money . Write to then V for particulars, prices, etc Read their card. DEATH OF CAPTAIN T. C. EVANS, aorta State. It is with profound regret thst chronicle the death of Captain Thorn as Clanoy Mans which occurred at bis home in tteidsvuie on tne worn ins of the 2nd insL Captain trans was weu Known in North Carolina where his bright m talleot and eenisl manner bad won for him a host of friends. At the breaking out of the late war ne went into tne venieuerate service as a member ox tne suuton Blues from Caswell county wuicb was company C in the 3d regiment ot volunteers.aiierwarcu tne lain rtei ment of teguiar state troops. He remained in the service from the be ginning to the end of the war was healthy action those important or distinguished as a soldier or un- th kidneys and liver. J....a J ..a.t akij) ! iini s4ttm eaaaWBiBajBei -S, ""r:"": ': J ri m wsasi siriiiiius.eau j.lj ksuisauu w ui i '. r " 7. u.. A;.u r rrilS rr-V After the war pUin Etuu fulluW. in in the foouteDaof his lathar. D081UUB U WVUUKU km aUdCUUVf, I N B eVMI ft notei journalist of tnis 8ute, eutered into the news PIM, buainets and puDIisbed sue- uj - jiulon Chronicle and ,ne RejdSTuie News. For several years, however, pre- vious io ms ueam. ne bm ueeu u ployed in doing caiwnai work and . m k I correepondeuce for different news papers in tne state, amoug tUml" - . a.. . . 1 eb.ter s Weeny and tbe boro North Sute. At the time of his death he held a position in the (Jov ernment printing office at Washing ton to whice he wss appointed Last spring. Our readers will recall his highly interesting and instructive I nssniugion wiiers, wnicn nave sp-i peared from tim to time m the Nortll SUt wiw m uvtame 1.; : Waahinifton .m,i ik.ntitu..ui.... l - i bome to hU f n f , . treatment, but he gradually grew worse and on Tuesday morning lait he died. Few men have had nobler impulses or more generous natures frankness. Many a quiet tear will oe aroppea xor lorn x.vani ana many will be the friend who will feel the pangs of sore grief at the death of this gallant gentleman. GENERAL. NEWS. rrovo, l tab, has red-bot an archist. His wife supports him by taking in washing. There are over 7,000,000 pores in the human body, and yet we are surprised because some men are sponges. oaruum s tattooed woman came down from ber perch and pounded a Flint man's face bluer than her own because he said things uncalled for. GATHEltKD FltOM OUU EX CHANGES. Henderson Gold Leaf: Dr. Geo. E- VlaUhewa, ot Riogwool, sends us a bssutiful sample of bright tobacco from the crop of Mr. C A. Williams, oear that place. He has cured five bams, four of which ar said to be better than tbe sample btfore ui. It is a beautiful golden yellov. the cot- or being all that ould be wi hed. but tbe texture Is not altogether as One as it mult be. There is not enough wsx in it to give it that fioo silky body and toughness to U fouod in a perfect piece of tebaco ot this kind, uut tbat no doubt is peculiar to tbis leaf alone owing to tu dry condition naving ixen irammuitu through th mails by lettttr. Wilmington Star: Here is a chance for some impecunious Lord, Count, or someUfeg of that aorb A l.alf blood Sioux Chief Las two daughters he wants married, and as an iuduce ment offers 110,000 worth tf honts aad 400 acres of land as dower for each. The Newton Enterprise favors the killing of every dog on sight. Such radical measure would result ia an internecin war. Every man who is poor enough to own one or more doge would take op arms in defeat of his beloved canine. Asleville Citiseo: CoL Polk's at. tacks oa H'joator Vance will do the latUrsorue harm, though they can not (.revent his election $ but, tic lets all political signs fail, Cl. Polk will bmself be the greater suffurer from his attempt to compel tbe member of tne alliance, one ana an, t vote gainst tliove candidates lor tbe leg. islatur who declare for Vane. The contract it too large a one f t OA. folk to carry out as tuccessfullr as be withes i he cannot deliver the goods. Tbe people of North Carolina want Vance v b senator and h will be. Special Notices. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, pneumonia, or any other severe ill new, there is no better tonic than Hood's Sanapanlia. Avers Hair Vigor restore color and vitality to weak and gray hair. Through its healing aad cleansing qualities, it prevents the accumula uon oi aanarun sua cures an scaip diseases. The best hai.-dresing ever 1 A . i, mads, and by far the most econo mical. The Best Advertising1. The most efficient advertising in be half of Hood's Sarsapsrilla is that which oomes from the medicine it tea. That is. those who are cured by it, apeak te friends suffering aim ilarlr, who In turn derive benefit and uree others to try this success ful medicine. Thus the clrole of its popularity is rapidly widening from this eanae alone, and more and more are becoming enthusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsiparilla as it actually demonstrates its absolute merit All that is asked for Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it he given a fair trial. If you need a good blood purifier, or building np medicine, try uood Sarsaparilla. The Great Benefit Which people ia rnn down state of health derive from Hood s eariapu ilia, eobclusively proves thst this mediolne "makes the weak strong." It does not act like a stimulant, im artli g fictitious strength, but Hood s areaparilla builds np in a perfectly natural way all the weakened parti, purifies the blood, and assists to Ayer'. Sdreenarilla, by purifying and enriching tb blood, improTs - - - . . . a th appetite, aids the asaimilatit prces,, J '"'S0.1? the ,J,.tem- lhrT '..!.. m fore, the best and most thoroughly reliable alterative that can be round for old and young. Topxxa. Kas.. July t. 18891 1 ai as Kaxh aiifaM fsvm A TslnrT1sl for eTerI, arl x baTe wi Microbe ir;ii.,rn,t.A mnnth. .n n mi - niM. T t.S H.v cr.ine.1 tn SIIWS VSV WWW -WMM - 'dl.' M -..hbors have been :,,;, :fC k.nofi.it mnii, M. Ureens-Utoffice address UTopeka. Kansas. MBIUC, aaj awaaiu irviVMVia V m-m m AlBo. J. 4. oVSauELET. For sale by K. Blackxall & Sox Merit Wins. We desire to sar to our eitnens it. i v L.. ti: Dr.Klog'sNew Discoveiy.Dr.Rlng' New L.fe PilU, Bucklen'e Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have . ... . ., never nanaiea remeaies inst selling -.11 .., u . ' ;,f.5n Aa Bft i,.,;. to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory reulU do not follow their nee. These remedies Sun, Druggist Advice to Mother. airs. Winalow's Soothing Syrap should alweya be need for ehUSreo tethlng. It aoothes the child, aofteas the gnat, allayi all pain, cores wind colic, ana is tne tett remeay lor alarrhoes, Twenty-nve eeots bottle, sen 17-d.w-lv. THE ODELL TYPE WRITER. 120 will buy tbe OJell Tvp Wria ter with 78 character, and $15 for the Single due OJell, warranted to do better work than any machine made. It combine simplicity and dura bility, speed, esse of operation, wears longer without coat of repairs than any other machine. Has no Ink rib Ue t I other th operator. It ia ;et.. sub-untial. nickel plated, per 'rVct and adapted to all kinds of tvp -T'rjr. Litre printing pr, it prw ! t :' 'i y, lesn, legible nana scn;'. Torr ten copies can b made at -. wr'tlcg. Any intelli gert fn- s c in Iwcom an operator inter, We offer $1,000 to any opera-' r liiictn "iul th work of ihel .11 Cat-O fell. Relihie Agnj and Salesmtn wanted. Sp cul inducement to Dealers For Pamphlet giving Indorsement, Ac, add roe ODELL TYPE WRITER CO , 85 and 87 ah Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. J.T.V01Y1BLE. Hardware for Builders Hardware for Fanners Haxdwari for Factcries o HariwiWifcr Eveiytcdy Paint Leaf ana Oil RKERY GUSSW1RE Som of th bes t and ehtapeit COOK STOVES on thit or any other market. mr Don't fail to SH tbtm ing tlsawhw. nog 4 Three things there are which all may steal, And no one ever misses The water in the wayside well, The wild flowers, and and kisses. Burlington Free Press. t5Eng1ish Spavin Liniment re. moves all Hard, Soft or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from bores. Blood Spasm, Curbs, Splints, Ring bone, 8tifles, Sprains, and Swollen Threats, Coughs, Etc Bare $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blera'uh Cur ever known. Sold by N. M. Jobnscx A Co., Druggist, Durham, N.C.J Buy Your buggies and phaetons from K. I. Rogers. lie is selliBg oit at low figures- sept 8 tf. BUCXLEN'S ARNICA SAL7I The But Salts id tha world lor CuU Bniiaaa, 8ons, Ulcer8alt Rheum, Few I Sons, Tetter, Chapped Haada, Chilblains, Corn and all SViu Lniptiona, and positively curat Piles, or no pay required. Itisgaar an teed to sW per feet saUafacUon,or rnooaj refunded, rnee za ceou per dox. For aale byB. Blacknall Co. c Durham I Gratifying To All. Tne high position attained and the! oiversal acceptance and approval of the pleasant liquid fruit remedy Sjrnr ol Figs, as the most excellent 1 axative known, illustrate toe vaiue of the qualities on which it. succeis is UMl" " "r the CaliMrniaJfig syrup tympany. O. J. KrENCEB. formerly proprietor oftne St. Joeepb Eteuing Kes,saya ha h,i hfltn ereatlt hcneDted br Uiei us of Microbe Killer, and U still us- ing it. or sale by R ButCKiau. 8o. Torpid Liver and aick headache vanish alter using Dr. David Liter Fills. Yearby s Drag Store. What Dos It Mean? "100 Doees Uoe Uollar . means simplT that tiooda Sartspanlia is tne most economical medicine w oaj, because it gives more for the money than any other preparation. Each bottle contains 100 dose and will average to last a month, while other preparations taken according to dir ections, are gone in a week. There. fore, be sure to get Ltood'e Sarsapar ilia, tbe best tl.i purmer. YOU CANNOT CURE YOUR TOBACCO WITHOUT A GO OD THERMOMETER tough's Drag Store Have LARGE STOCK. Nothing Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS.. The reason RA. DAU H MICROBE KlLLEItisthemost woodeiful medicine. is becsus it Las nee er failed in anjr in tsnce, no matter what th diaeate. from LEPROSY to the simplest disease known to the hu man aeatenL Th scientific men of to-dr clam mwt pruTo wn erery aiaease is CAUS23 ft WC20B23, -AND RAOAMS MICROBLS KILLER Exterminates the Microbe and Jri tham nut l.t Ida L. that U done you eaonot hat an ach orpaio. No matter what the disrase whether a simnle case ol Malaria Fee er or a combination of d.-n. w ear tnm all at tb sam lira, a w ueat all disease einstitaiionall. Asthma, Cunaiinipnou, CaUrrht Hroorbitia, ItbeiiMtini, Kid- url lliw). S lilla, aaaSJ aa'aiataiai mJt. a . ... ' I 7 - ' s roubles, la allU forma, mid, Intact,-?. I lim of MM imu m4 P tn-S "llltlaiy M lflMSa SXirW. anuavatsr a auci.i,io7 iELIM TOBACCO "SSiV mfa,0, m Catarrh 18 a blood dlaeaae. Until tne polaoa Is spelled from the system, there can ba no cusv for tbla loatnaome and dangeroua malady. Therefore, the only affective treatment ia a thorough courts of Axel's SarsnparilU the beat of all blood purinere. . The sooner you Mgia the better ; delay ia dangerous. " X waa troubled with catarrh for over twoveara.1 I tried varioua remedlea, nd waa treated by s number of phyti ciana, but .received no benefit until I began to take Ayer a Beraapeniia. a few bottlei ol this medicine cured me of thla troubleaonie complaint and com- tletely reitored my health. Jeaae M. . logga, uoiman a muib, 0. v. r wiian Afit'i Baraapaxllla was ree mmended to me for catarrh, I waa in clined to doubt ita efficacy. Haying tried ao many remediee, witn time pen fit, I had no faith that anything would cure me. I became emaciated from lose of appetite and impaired digeation. I had nearly loat tbe aenae of amell, and my ayitem waa badly deranged. X waa about diacouraged, when a friend urged me to try Ayer'a Baraaparilla, and re ferred me to persona whom it had cured ol catarrn. Aner laaing navu butt lea of lliia medicine, I am convinced that the only aura way of treating thia AUtluata diease la throoi h the blood." -Charlee H. Maloney, 113 Xtlvar St., Lowell, uaaa. Ayer's Saisaparilla, tsarinas av Dr. 4. C Avar ft Co, UweO, Mass. rrieeltieUkeuke,!. Wetth4aeMla. Blood Poison Is verr liable to follow contact ot the hands or face with what is known poison ivy, especially in hot mlliw nw It ih twviw ia neraninn freeljt Th nAJ b,ide for time, only to appear in aggravate forol when opportunity offer i. Tb great purifying powers ot Hood s . . ' . mm I .,..MH1I ihnmnahlv erailicatA mrytrac of poiionfrora tb blood, .u. ..M I. L.. i:av. A ,.! elusWelr sbow. It also cures scrofula, ,Jt rbenm and all otbar affections arising blood. from Impure or poisoned ,13-lm Avers Uathartie rills ar reoom mondedbvth best physicians, be cans tbey ar ire from calomel and other idjurious druf. being onmposed r i. .a a. :Ma.i;MSai WhiW thorouKh in their action, they uuiuiaiQ aau etreugiucu in . and secretory organs. To make fin slick horses yous bev to us Dili Horse Powders. 1 full upplyat learof's amwawaWMaWwMWwaWaW Economy: "100 Doses One Dollar;" Merit: Peculiar to Iuclf." Purity: Hood's Sarsaparilla, TSLA Iisiraicfi ail MM LAW BUILDING. BOOM HUMBEB2. Lynchburg. Va. Roanoke, Virginia, four hundred peo ple in 1884 twenty tnousaod peo ple bow ; ure daily papers, in churches, thre fur anoea. bridg works. RaI. Hug mill. Brewery $3,000,000 spent In improvement last year. Grand opening for business; Us, Water and Electric Light Plant, low taxes, plenty of work thre railroad Address, OSCAR D. DERK A Co., Roal Est' Agents. 10 let Av. Roanoke, Va. OF VIRGINIA RICHMOND. 53rd Session Com mences Wednesday uctooer 1st, lbyu. Continues Six Months. For further inlormation with for Catalotrue J. S. DORSEY CULLEN. Professor ol Surgery, Dean ol Faculty Grand, Square and Upright 53 Piano-Fortes. ftty Y",7 Mor lh Publlc UPD 1iienos aion nar attained " niwrcTwsea rre-emieno which wuwii.rt them a nnqulled in TOXK. TOUCH er .1 mm w w Mllll ANII DCritAUIUTY. ROBER GHTER OSGARD MB&O MEDICAL COLLEGE WABEEOOUSi and24E.Bal,imor 8t., Haiti. 817 a rket Space, WMblnzton. D.U. ptl8. SER8EANT HANUPACTURI1W CO., Grreensooro, jm. KAMOvioToaaas or FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, AM COOK AND HEATING STOVES, i Saw Mills, Cane Mills, Horse Powew, i ... j Plows, Straw uuxiers, uiairons, And Castings of Every Description. Send for Prlco-Li&L .aaa. SS Si at Saw Mill and Log Specialty. Hie Hay just received a large lot of Baby Rockers. Cheek biggest bargains in furniture It U possible to offer in tbla State. manufacturers neicnou ynuv. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. T. F. CHEEK Give hU Pertoniil Attention to Funeral. mr Flour, Meal TTTT?. TT A V AT.T.fiREWSHAW COMPANY aatM mmmmmm w HAXALL RICHMOND - - - VIRGINIA. MANUFATURE AND KEEP FOR SALE MTTm.rST.ANTV' TInl W Ptn Grade for i auiU I H A X A I . I J ! K K i N M A V i FOR FORK Alto (Water ground, Bolted) Corn Vasting snu sweepings. Inquiries cheerfully and promptly answered. Office and Mills, Foot of 12th 3tre3t TELEPHONE 75. GO TO VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE For Pure and Fresh Drugs Go To Vaughan's Drug Store For Ice-Cold Soda and Minerals Waters Go To Vaughan's Drug Store FOR YOUR PATENT MEDICINES GoToVaughan's Drug Store FOR FINE COLOGNES AND FANCY ARTICLES. Go To Vaughn's DrugStorj For all Toilit Requisites GO TO VAUGHAN'S DRUG STORE f REST TURNIP SEEDS. (Iwi RIGHMGNDA VA. 14 ITTJP-OTXTXIIDITI.QO JP High Roller Flour, Corn Meal, and Millstuff Generally, Daily Capacity 1400 BrL Flour, 2500 Bushels Heal. OUR LEADING BRAND ARE- Qallega Patent, Century Plant Patent, First aPreferrci Family. King Powhatan Family. ! jT?ftr.0rder3 "espectfutly Solicited. Beam Set Works a Write for Prices and Saw Hills. taitoe any Carriages and new style Willow Fin goods ordered on 10 per cent and Mill-Feed. mm w- - - - Family, "CLARA" Family, sod Let and Domestic use. And &. I liAHK A KKA N GN SHIPMENT. Meal, Bran, Brownituff, BhtpStuf Water Ground. uomp Ik

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