DURHAM RECORDED. ' WEDN El A Y, November 19. 1S!0 The t Presidency.. ; '. ; LjnrbBnrg advance. f It is admitted that the two 1 most prominent Democratic can didates now in view for the pre sideney in 1892 are Governor v i:u rjmvpr Cleveland, of tcw Ynrfc. But since the latel election, another and no dark . ;i,orVins oranced into the rinc by his mends, in the person of Governor Robert E. Pattison, of Pennsylvania the twice-elected Governor of that State. He is by no means a small hgure-neaa m vu ia.c, and as the other two prominent candidates are from the same State, and will, of course, have ' some conflicting interest and in fluences to combat, it opens a broad field under certain con tingencies for Governor Jatti son to step in and carry off the stakes. More curious things have happened in past presiden tial contests, and most noted among them was that of 1844 in "the nomination and election of vv James K. Polk, and in 1852 in the nomination and election of Franklin Pierce. The darkest horse sometimes wins the prize, but Hill is at present a long way ahead by the bold and glorious fight he has made for sound Democracy for the last eight years without losing a battle. WataBabraa.ick.va gwbCtrtflri. Wan aba in a CtBd, ahe cried for Cartoria. ITVm dM became ViM, dm( to Cutarte. ITfaea aba bad CUUren, aba jaw tbem Caatoria. SUeXLKN'S ARNICA SALVE Tn Brat Salts in th world lor Cuts Bmbwa, Sores, UlceraJSaH Rheum, Fever Bom, Tetter, Chapped Hand., Chilblains, Gornaaixlall inKrapioM,odrK:tiTelT cures Piles, or no par repaired. It U pr-ar-anteed to (ire perfect aausiaction, or moaej refunded. Pnce 25 cecu per box. , For tale bjE. BlacknallA Co. Dor bam K C 4 00 . Acres of Land For Sale. The farm known as the J. D. Hr ton place in Chatham County, ten in ilea sooth of Durham, is offered for ale oa reasonable terms. The farm will be cat op to rait purchasers For farther herniation ciU on or write to J. W. BEAVERS William Mill. bot 114 weeks Chatham Co. Snrkam M M tuila. 6c?KBI0BCoCBT. Rosa AtXEJT, ) vs. Notice. RobeetAu.es ) The deteadant will tike notice ' that an action entitled ai above hat beta commenced in the fc'aperior Court of Durham countr ty tbf plaintiff for the purpose of dissolT 1 iLg the bondi or matrimony existing between ' plaintiff and defendant, and the dtfendant is farther nnuSad that he if rtqaired to appear at tb next term of Superior Court of Dur ham county, to be hell on the seven th Monday, before the fir.t Monday, fa March, 1891, at the court bou of said county, and amwer or demur to the complaint in said action o the plaintiff wUl nply to theconVt ' for the relief deminiel in la'.ljcjai plaint. D. C, Maogutn, C.C. TLia 5th day of Nov. 1630. How re Yonr Chicken and I loss? are they dying with Cholera or art they unhealthy! Buy a package of Dine Cholera Cure and lave them A frfah tupply at Yearbv A Co.. Era z Store Nothinq Succeeds LIKE SUCCESS. The raon T!A- DAM'S MICT.OUE KlLLEItiatLemoet wonderful meoVine, is bteauM it Lai nev ker failed in any in tance, no umtur what the dia..e, from LEPBOaY v- the aim pleat diaeate kcoan to the l.u man lystem. The acktntific men of to-day c.a o tad prove that every ditcae it ZLZZSD II AND wr mm mm Exterminatet the Micrubea and drive them out of tie tytkm, ad wLei that U done yon cannot have an aib w pain. No matur what the dU nae, whether simple caie of Malaria Fever ore combination of duta, we eon them all at the lame time, a we trtat all diseases eonslitutioDs.ly Aatfama), bvnaunipuwn, Catarrfj, Broiitbiua, itbroaaatiani, S4it ttrvand lAirr ihrm. bit a. and lvrr Fcnrnl Jroublca, tw Ul U fwriua, mid. In lac t, ry iiaeiu known to tue llu ! B) ate m. imn if MIM MtaticEi! Mtital MtttMeaMrk mm a rtvw) n. IMNXIU M M kwa "lllatarr mf . Mi'r.k titl" .taht, U...t. a fi imH MS You ere iu n Bad Fix j But we will cure joo if you wlf par u. Our ra esage U to the weak, nervous anil debiHted. who, .' early rv'l h.ii9, or laicr IndUcrjfc" tion, h.ive trifl-l ay thwr vigr of body, mind and manhood, and who sutler all those effaoU which lead to premature decay, consumption or in sanity.'; If this nvesma you, send r and read our Book or Lifr. written hv the rrratfst neeialist of tha day. and seni, (eale4) for C cent in stamps. Address Dr. Parker's Medical and Surgical Isiitti!Vl5l North Sprue St , Nashville, Ttnn. Aog.-27-ly. t. . t!1?'! Ailvu-e to filoUier s- ra. WJnslowa Soothing Byrop should olwya be used (or children Wthlag. It oothes the child, softens the puma, allay U Pin, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five eenta a bottle, aep 27-d-w-lT. Torpid (i' vir an I a'clc hesdach vRchh after uiiti r -Dr. David Live fills. Yearby's Dreg Sirre CUEECOlISTTPATIOir. T enjoy health ikeaM hara raa lav evaraaiiane even Ivnij faar boar. The evils, ath anal aaS phjaleal.reaamBg-freaa HABITUAL CONSTIPATION re mujr and aertoas. Fee the eare of f uia ransmoa treabla, lall'i Live -u: aiiuea apaaaiarity aueiea. cisaaiiy MgueMiea, CLD EVEEIWIIEaEi SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS ! COLDS Wairg Disease J CUBES Wonderful Flesh Producer. Hany liave gaioed one pound per day fcy its use. Scott's Jftnulsioa is not secret remedy. It contains the stimulate ing properties of the Hypophot- E bites and pure Norwegian Cod ivcr Oil, the potency of both beinsr largely increased- It is need by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold h'j all DruygUU. CCOTT A BaWME.Chemlats.lX J.T.YfOMBLE Hardware for Builders Hardware f:r Farcers Hardware for -Fctcries Hardware fcr Everylody Faint M and Oil UMtiDCUSflH. - Some of the beat and cheaptit COOK STOVES on thia or any other market . rsrDan'tfaii to see them before buying elf ewhere. a4ajt mmm wo mm i b. TIME TAIJLE No. 14. TO TAKE EFFECT OCT. 9TH, 1890. lined. ftAItT. IlAltT. Ei. San. No. 2. No. 6. Mall k Ex. I.v lvuthl;irg " Durmid Lifcomb 633am 6.40 a m atn 6.47 a u 700 am Til am am am 736am 5.50 p tn 5.57 p m CWpra d.U p m 625 pm t 37 p tn p m - p tn (i 52f in 7 07 p m VIZ p m Itibtbarz - Winfall " G!lts 11 ckon tfitnjm Naruna Ilrofjltti'-al Ar'U'lt'jn Lv Ni lhalie t.w a to 803 am 8.03 a A H-'SJ a m Lonnisr VI n tn CmUl II ill 749pm 834am 8 54am lUmtfrn 8.07 m A r South I'xib(i8.18 p m V.08 a m Lv ISltu k W!nt8.35 p ru W 33 a m Inixt'n lunc 8.47 p nt 9.41 a m - n Alanine 4ipo Vli la K it-oro, 3 j j p m H.lcn, 9 40pm f.l p 10 10 p m ,1017pm 1034 em 1047a m I.yn lover Kt. Difh 11 01 a II 10 am 102pm 1140am 2r ui.ec't at Dnrmid with K. 5) on l.iJinfod & Dioviile Va. M.' in l :vM on. N' 3 c rti rcU at Dormi l will No 'il oi t'. llichmnikl Si Daavllle a. .t!u!titii i vlilon. No 2 will wiit at DnrntiJ f r No won KitLn'i a Dauvi;le Ve il ard Division. N'i 6 con tit r 1 at DeonUtia Juar i.n i h Atlatitic A Daovi.la No. t. n a cttorcts at neooistow Jee Uu with A Mamie a Danville No 1. W. H. MITC11KLL, hupt TraifortaticB. Ms Pi lis STOPPED FREE Dr.KUKEOEJUT Nerve Restorb) 9 imau.I5UI il aim m tl.recwi, A. y I l Jtrrt d.:v's Mi.- TfMttM Hd It Irtal bottw ft. I fatttKiin, MMWAtM IMITATING f&AtUXi. .HiCBlts II. k:LINk .11 ireb St.HuUiUlDiil U.P. " iiary; i n:penick, FUESIDENT. For catalogue, particulars to.', mite to the President, Terms moderate t,t 21.3m. - PATENT? prat) Mta noa xlrta u cat. Tnde-Mwas lbtairfiMi aa aad a.l or RIO DO ART & fu, . 613 A 615 ScTenth bW. N. W , (Op posite U.8. Patent Office.) WASHINGTON, D. U- RICHMOND AUN UANVILLt RAILROAD- DAILY. soctaBOCSD. Na60 Nrt. 52 Lv KichmmJ..3.00 p n '2,30 a m . Bnrteville. . , .fi,06 p m 40 a m Keysvilte.. 4.5,48 p m 6.10 am " Danville.... ..8.40 p tn 8,05 a m Ar Greensboro 10,27 p in 9,42 in Lv Goldsboro. .2,40 p m t.OO p m Ax lUleiib ...4,40 p m 0 00 p m Lv Eakigh....4, P m 1.00 a m - Durham.... ..5,48 p m 2,55 n to Ar G reenaboro. . 8,20 p m 7,30 m Lv Win-Slemi6.30 p m 6.15 m M Greeniboro-10,37 p m 9,50 a m Ar8alU'ury....li6am 11,19 am Ar S'ateiville..l,49 a m 12.0S p tu " A.htville 72 a o 4.22 p m lint Spring--9,34 a m 55 p m Lv aliabary12.32 a m 11,24 a m Ar CharUte. . . .2,05 a m 12,40 p m M 8partalurg .4,51 a m 38 p m ' Uretiville.. 5.56 a m 4,46 p m " A'.Nnla....ai,00aa 8,40 pm Lv CharloUe..2,20 a m 1,00 p m Ar Columbi 6,30 a m 5.10 p r A'igiita....l0.30a m 9.00 p TOBT.BOWD. Ko.61.lAILlNa. 53 Lv Aogt...0G.30p m C.ilnm''i..l.s5 p m Ai Clirn.tw. ;. 3,13 a to LTAtUnta....6.00pm At Greenville. .12,35 am - SpaTtabnrg.l,39 a a "Charlotte.. -4,25 am - Salisbury.. -6,02 am LvllotSp'jta.oiUOpm Aibeville..l2,40a m " ifuteiville . 6.02 a m Ar8aliaborT...5,53am LvSalUbary..6,07am . nu..liaM . ? IT m 8,0l 12X0 6,15 7,10 1,48 1.48 5.3U 7,05 12.24 : x.02 6,58 6,42 7.12 a a. p u p Hi a an p en pm m m m p m p m p m a m pm a m am am pan a m p m a m a to a Bi AID 8.40 a.w;MR,bn.oil.40am T12.30 tvGrenaboro9,45am 'llfiO it Durham... 12.01 p m Ra!eigh....l.05 p m Lv Raleigh.... lj05pm ArUoldaboro...65pm LvGrec8boro75a m Ar Danville... 9.32am - Keysnile..l2,18pm BurkivU'e.. 100pm R phmooH...3.30 D m 5.00 :7.45 T9.00 11,50 8.50 10.20 15 2.45 5,15 xTwtrj wrar forsv. aicniioaD , 1UXM.HH. U Karnlfia, 0i4 aa4 Par. Meat Mo. - (taai tttaa uaaaat ! S 1 Sisaai Sataa Sitai wa lata (Mas 0a T"b SU lu a w A M U 9 m te.-... .'; 2 a.M..BikaMa.MMl N a ai ttaanJataNlMm M t ..... aril ..... t JS a at Krnih . I 9 m L... .Fof MiMMl....at n9-t...iaaraaW.-.. M r L.... fiHiMM .at la at y at L Fi aora ! L ..... CtaHwrUM .at II M a at t, ... ... .aril Mas L . a.u. a. ......at li at a Le.... ...at -.ali a at u it a at ar Ar t a a at . .......... ..... t . . OafarS . ... . .Ar ta as a at t. S ta at i.w...aataa . a m L .... uior4........ar W 44 a t, ......... --. ilHat b ....a .......A M S a i L .Halr- 43 a at L..Mfark.a......r aiSaai At llita as ' at a m ar e. U lUaa aaaaaf. "Wiv. nmp atnaaar, Addiu t trail lsu Cafci dally et(e l " wa Jy 11 00 a. to.. ar,d live ile&deia w iz.u-i p m, re torn ti leave ilt-u.leraon2.10p bl, tu t xcept8anJy, arrive Oxford 315 Nd. 64 leaviei GolJsboro 2.20 e m. and Kaieiu p. m.aaaniy, a a a d a ar a . makes eonnecti n at Uorbam w.tb No. 19. leaving at 6 p. m. daily ei cept ua lay f-r ileaderson, end all points oa a a Ui tu k. a ai. rorJs. - Pavsaeoger conches roa throng between West Point and lutein, aia Ke)ivill, on Kos. 64 ainl 202, and 65 and 103. Kos. 61 end 63 connect at Kica roood daily except fuoday lur West Point and CalUmvra, vie York Bivel Line. itcirixa cab sx evict, - Oa Trains 60 and 61 PsUmao Bntft Bleeper, between Atlanta a Ke York, Danville aed Angnau and Greensboro, via Asht lile, to MoT rUtovs.TcLn. Oa 62 and li' Pallmaa BaflU Sleeper, between Washington ami Kw Orleans, vie Uonlrfmery a between Washington, ifirmi ogham, Bichmond and Oreensboro, and be twtea Weihinetoa and Aagosu ana Pullman Duflet Sleepers between Washington aed Aabeyille end Hoi Split . lhA. I LAYLOIL , -'fcOL.IIAA$ , iQtnl P.aas, Agt TraSle Ifaeager. W.A.TL'liK, Dlv.Taw.Att Rslei.li.lt. Q I r II II - VS L'U U XJ Oxford Female Set Uxford mmst, liAinrPACTTOma co, Greenstooro, IT. O. FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, COOK AND HEATING STOVES,' Saw. Hills, Cans Hills, Hcrso Powers, -jtfr Send for Frt Saw felilill and Log Beam Set Works a ;lBpecialty;y: Write for Prices and Saw WATT ; .... DEALERS IN HEAVY GROCERIES OF ALL FIELD SEEDS-.. SUGARCANE on sorghum seed EARLY AMBER AND EARLY ORANGE . VARIETIES ARE MOST SUIf.l3LT3FOR OUR CLIMATE ANDFOIL US' HERE'S OUR HAND fl " WElaAEE YOU WELCOME. I to- Of ARE VL30 VflKn FO't BEST . rEVAPRATORS AND MILLS MADE. SECURE A PLANT AND OR SYRUP. to- BEAUTY OF HEBRON AND BURBANK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ; rHain. Street, DURHAM, N. C. Bedford and Improvement Company 3 ApITAL AUTHORIZED, $l,ooo,ooo n.f ... n4 t mil fiflA a w v ui 3 ... - - - nrirtlae of the town, which ll tbe most deuces and manufactories. ADYMITMS OF TOR CITY. t. if . - it. v, aa.l Watera Railroal. ant on tha an rvmr vl av.a. 1 lira uu im I , . ... avuaa .l. n:i..L... ..J lil.ila Ifiilfuiil. Which Will IM Ana fifth law niHi'uix " - , - aHi' . .. . r. . 1 di.i.. tit. .1 il,. .,u a . L . . a . 1 . . UDa Ultra 1 1 iiw w'w '. - end at'oaied at lb- font of tbe Peeks ..a. , 1 gets tu aoumiiea snppij 01 s PURE AND WHOLESOME WATER. MANUFACTORIES: this ts the beet equiofxd factor in tbe State, end ita out f,at I ht largaat 1 the &tz(h diirict (whluk inclul s Lvocbbarg en J D.Dville) fVmlTni. Fright A Ca,8mok5nTobao alee Hie Lryt manafacarrri -n thi line la thia diatricC beit eqolpnrd woolen aaAaaaatwa. aaa,.i aWkSXte ttM pott of directors ) Besides tbu. H ere d?ar factories, two rUnins; m la, one foandry and plow works, aad one box lector. 1 MANUFACTORIES PROJECTED? , Brassies Steel and Imo atairaUrtttri'igCoinnanjr, capital stock fSOO.OO1) B ota factory, e-l'al 110,000 ; machiei-rj onJer-H, aod will be ia operatioa at aa tarir dev. Ice factory, capiul $1200; n. cbinery ordered. Furnl toreaactorr, Carrie's aa l Wairae AVwkf. llaltr feclofT. K. W. Cof lee Uachlne Company, empltal 1 1. 000,000. Tbu c..aoy owes one of tbe valuable reteoU ia e mnK.e world, aad will eooa erect buiM w msanucore t f maebiaea, giving enpIoj-Beet to two hendred hamt, Tbis a'o e will make this a gmt city. Tbs stock lwxis of the anmpaoy ai e opt a$a limited amoaat of lbs stock affcred st tltf cents 00 tbe dollsr. J This is a g iod loves'inel s fe end sure. ' For furtber lefMrmatiun,i.d.!rts On and Afler June the 3rd We Wljf Offer A Limited Number of .9 -Lois For Sale JAMES H. BERRY, . BEDFORD CITY, VIRGINIA. Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons," , . . .And Castings of Every Description. . - co-List. Mills. AND FEED STUFFS KINDS ' MAKE YOUR OWN JIOL1SSE- -Of City Land arrM tit land Ituat'd In Ika araala - - - - " vw.w. Jivailable part of tb city tot reel - - r- w v.'h.iwci of Otter Mountaina, sad f one which It Berry Bros', ping Tobacco. BROS. I milW in tbe State of Virginia, work in jf prinei.Mllr oa j...Pr. Ets f.r mea inonUw in 1889.111.000 (are re- are eleven other tobe eoeits ia the wiwi we roai.uiacmre or lODaceo la tbe I- Chartered Nov. 9 1878 ,..I S. OA RR, .......... PresidenL First laliona W W. FULLER,.... Vice-President. CUAH, A. JUKUAIS .Teller - . DIRoCTO RS. . J. 8. CARR. I J. W. SMITH, W.W.FULLER O. 8. BRYAN. A General: Bankng -i Biusiness : Traasactes ACCOUNTS OF BANKS, BANKERS, CORPORATIONS AND IDl. Vir OA W RECEIVED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. : CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, bearing 4 per cent, interna, i.sutd opon money to remain on deposit with the First National Bank 6 ft 12 month. COLLECTIONS made direct on all eceeisible foiota in tbeTJni SUtea, end remitted for promptly et Joweat rates. - , r. PARTICULAR attention paid to the buiisess of Ourreapondents. - THIS BANK, being receutly organised, is in condition to do ell clsraes of Bankiof? Baaineas upon as favorable terms aa any other Bank in tbe State BANKING SECURITY. The United States Governm. nt retires that a full statement of tbe Liabilities and Assets ef all National Banks shall be made and sworn tu by at leaat three of the Directors every few weeks, and beside this. Bank Euminers ere sent at tbs pleasure of the Government whose duty it is made to thoroughly examine into the condition of the Bank hence Nati inal Banks afford a larger measure of protection than any otbar Banking svstenr ... - . . . CHARACTER AND CAPITA. L. Tbecharacter of the Officers, Directors and Stockholders of the First National Bank Is the very highest, and each Stockholder, is onder the National Bank law responaible for double tbs amount of his stock.' No Bank has more character of oredit or better facili. ties than the Fint National. . ' WK WA.NT e shire of your baaineas. We solicit your patronage and .'turantee entire satisfaction ia ell business entrasted to oar care. tit S.Hi H AWES COAL ELAVATOR BICHUOTT, VA. THE ON Y COAL ELA.VATOR SOUTH! There are seventy-two screens la the Building. Ni dune or dirt can noaiblr ret into the Coal as It ran over these in pawing from tbs Elevator into tHe Conwimeri get their Coal diy end f haaa n an.l akall alvava kMD Coal best suited for Foundry, Factory AI. Cool se.eeted end of best quality. Prompt shipments. Orders solicstad. RICHMOND, VA. The railroad cars rue a'oiigslde the vem there, this fssning the cost to The Largest and Host Complete Establish " ment in the ity. WILLI AlTAFFBON. 1316 A1433 IIAIN AND12 GOVERNOR S!'REET3, RICHMOND, VA. BRASCIl llOCSE IT DHDERSOI, 5. t Wholesale and Rotail. FINE LINE OF Chamber Suits .... OELAIEaETO, JIatlrcsaes, Fillovr and Bedding of evcrj description eon . atantly on hand. We are the Agents fur the Ao oinstio School Drtk, the Wt la the w-wli .Ued ia aesrly aJl the public acbo.4s end 0lles ia tbe country. Jam f bs of eatoe can be etea and staiuiued et my hob at EN DEIL50N, N. C. er any of ny plae of business. Factory No 16. 18 & N. 15th Street. Richmond, Virginia- ' CCi Orders by Mail rromptljr AtUnded To. THE GALLEGO MILLS, RICHMONDA VA. Roller Flour, ' Water Ground, Corn Meal, and LlillstufF Generally, Daily Capacity 1400 BrL Flour, 2500 Busholf Ileal. OUR LEADING BRANDS ARE . Oallcgo Patent, .Cfintnry.Haiat Patent Flnt Prcfcned; ramily. . .King Pcwhtan Family -'jJffiSL,Ori0f8 "cspeotfuUy Solicited. Bank - of Capital Slooooa! I LKO. D. HEARTT...... .Cashier J.T MALLORY I J.'W, WALKER J. A. BRYAN, j A. II. STOKE3 carta. rx.UliivulLiX uutiw. OH band. S larM Btnck bf ail "Unit a and Familt use. . Elavator, and the One) is . losJed Is the trade South and Weaf , and Parlor Work

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