DURHAM RECORDER. WEDSEiDAY, February 4, 1891. Election by the People. Wanking Ion Port, It is noticed that the State legislator, who has better op portunity for testing the public pulse than his national contem porary, is moving to enlarge the privileges of the elector rather than condense those he already enjoys. This fact is given 'prom inence by the action of the leeis- laturea m Ohio, Illinois, and other States in passing joint res solutions calling on Congress to submit an amendment to the Constitution providing for the election of United States Sen ators bv the neoDle. Tfflrl iViia Titan niwvQ in ilia State of Illinois fast November aJ?sh' Calawba county. its legislators would not now be engaged in a deadlock on the question of choosing a succes sor to Senator Farwell. It may be that Gen. Palmer will not succeed in his efforts to reach the Senate, but he has made a splendid campaign and has de monstrated the popularity of the reiorm wun tne people. men, again, the plan of election by STATE NEWS. New Berne Journal: Western North Carolina is now furnish ing mules and ? horses in this section. , Mr. K- S. ' Street hes purchased a lot that is entire'y North Carolina raised. Raleigh Chronicle: Capt. Jas. C. Wiliamson died Januaay 2Cth at his home near Yancey ville, Caswell county. He was a brother to Col. George William son, so well known throughout North Carolina. Sheriff Knight, of Edgecombe county, brings the news that there was a tire on Mr. John Nettle's farm which burned four mules "and two horses and all his corn and fodder. Statesville Landmark: The hands were working a road in last Friday, and cut down a tree which fell in a contrary direc tion from that expected and killed a man named Miller, who was deaf and "not very bright." He lived on the land of Capt. J. S. Bridges, on 'Lyle's creek, about two miles from Catawba Station, and was a son of Isaiah Miller, who was killed with a hand-spike at a log-rolling in the people takes the choice of uaVii oyDoipn Stewart twelve Senator out of the hands of a Pr mwen vear8 ago- comparative few and reduces Fayetteville Observer: The the chances for the employment saw-mill about a mile above of corrupt means, which have Manchester, on the Cape Fear too otten attended contests oi this kind in legislative bodies. Aside from the reasons sug gested above, there is a great desire on the part of the Ameri can people to manage their own affairs, and they are not dis- & Yadkin Valley Railway, owned by Mr. C. W. Huske, but lattarly operated by Messrs Williams & Field, was destroy ed by fire at 11 o'clock on Tues day night, last. Owing to the late hour, the fire had made posed to give any one party, or such headway that the building ana macninery were uoomeu, but about 200,000 feet of lumber on the yard were saved by well directed effort. The property was insured, but not sufficient ly to cover even the loss in machinery. Two loaded and two empty cars on a side-track were somewhat scorched. any especial set of politicians, exclusive control of State or national administrations. For this reason they feel that their relations to the ballot cannot be made too close. They are decidedly opposed to being cur tailed in this respect. , Home liule iu Peril. Courier-Jour oft!. Senator Stewart did not go too far in his speech on the cloture resolution, when he said that "If he understood the Elections bill correctly, its prin ciple, if carried into effect, would be more prejudicial to numan liberty tnan secession Merit Wins. , We desire to say to our citizens '.hat for years we have been soiling Dr. King's New Discovery, Dr. King's New Life -Pill, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that selling well, or that have eiven such univer sal satisfaction. V.re do not hesitate to guarante) them every time, and we stacd read? to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory re u Its do not lollow their use l hese remeaiey have w on their great popu larity pure ly on their merits. R. Blackball & Son, Druggist. NOTICE. Application will be made to the present Legislature to incorporate Yates' and Berea Baptist churches for the distance of three miles. Said churches are located respect ive! v in.- Durham and Patterson Townships, Durham county, a. WM. U. ADKlStS, jan 28. , V. D. Vickebs, Sb. LTXCUBURG AND DIMM R, B. ' TIME TABLE No; 1. TO TAKK EFFECT ' 18U1. JANUARY 4, Mixed. South Mound. No. 1 Lv. . m, Lynchburg, 3.14 Durmid, 3 SO Brookneal, , 4 43 Olarkton, " 4 5C Nathalie. 5.07 Lenniuir, " .. 5 15 Crytal Hill,. 5 23 Houston, 5 42 South Boston 5 55 Black Walnut 6 09 Denn'n Juno 6 17 N 21 No. Lv a.m Lv a iu 7 00 9 4.3 1010 10 53 11 07 11 21 12 00 12 45 108 Ar. 1 Lvi 1 16 6 30 6 4'J 7 54 8 07 813 8 27 8 34 8 63 9 05 9 20 9 45 NOTICE. Notice is hereby givsn that ap plication will be made to , the pres ent General Assembly to incorpor- rte a Railroad Company,' to build rnd operate a Railroad from come Doint in or near the Town of Dur ham to some point on the Durham and Northern Railway, betweeu East Durham and Ellerby Creek. January 2Cth, lS'Jl. 4t. Woxlsdale, Ruxboro, Helena, Lvndover, Balltoii. WiUar.kvii;e7 42 Faintosb, 7 49 Durham, 816 6 31 641 7 07 7 19 7 35 155 231 3 00 312 3 36 8 50 3 52 4 30 North Bound. No. 2. No. 22 Ar. pm Ar p.m Durham, 7 45 Fairntoeb. 8 15 WiUardsville8 27 9 5C 1015 10 32 10 42 10 66 1103 1110 1137 No. 12 Lvll 6 15 7 30 8 00 Lv 6 41 Ballton Lyndover, Helena, . Roxboro, 8 27 8 41 8 27 910 9 26 9.41 Woodsale Decifton' J. B'lkWalnut 9 49 So. Boston 10 05 Having qualified as administrator Tbos J. Leii'h and Lousia Leii'li, decesed. . I' hereby no tifv all persons indebted to said estate in m&ke inuued'.ate settlement nil all neraiins having claim airaiust Houston. call estate t preseut them to me, Crystal Hill, 10 35 v2riQj(l. on b -fire Jan. 1st, 18'J2, or this notice will be plead in bar S.J. GARRETT, 831 8 41 .9 01 9 23 7 51 Ar Lv 10 15 1035 8 07 ' 8 21 1115 8 30 11 30 8 44 Aril 43 6 47 6 50 725 841 9 48 Best Friend of Their Party. Tt Saa. The thanks of every Demo crat and of every conservative Republican are due to the Hon. William M. Stewart, Senator in Consrress from Nevada, and to the Hon. Henry M. .Teller and the Hon. Edward Oliver Wol- itsc-lf , because secession would J cott, Senators in Congress from Colorado, for their spirited opposition manly to the and gag rule. There are other ltepuwi can Senators who are openly or secretly opposed to the Jcorce bill: only these three have the courage and consistency to figh I at every sten tne scnemes c which the revolutionists would still have retained local govern ments, but with Federal officers ' to superintend local elections in every State in the Union, there would be no more home rule for America, and, that removed, all was lost" These sentiments, howet er stransre thev mav sound com ing from a Republican Senator, stifle the free voice of the peo are fully in accord with the I Die's representatives in the Sen views upon which our institu-1 ate, as a preparation for 6tifling tions were founded. As we re-1 the voice of the people in the cede from the iKTiod when the I election of members of the foundations of our Government I House of Representatives, were laid, there is a constantly I Against the wheedlingor threat- growing danger that the people I eninz of the Administration, may lose sight of the peculiari- the iron discipline of the Re ties of our form of government, publican party, and the urgent The precedents made by other entreaties of many of their po- countnes cannot always be pro- J htical assoc ates, these Kepuo perly quoted as a guide for our I lican Senators have held out in own. Our fathers never propos- defence of their convictions. ed to establish a trovernment in I Thev have foutrht and are fight imitation of any other then ex- ing with intelligence and reso- lstuig in the world. V lioever fails to appreciate this pivotal fact is quite incapable of under tandingjur polity. It was the object if the fathers of the Constitution to establish a gov ernment sui generis a form of civil polity for which no model had ever existed. Notice. I'vtuMXOoCMt.j Bcfura X. A .Anaiu, JOIIS T. tiTAVLEr ) vs. y Mabtha Clemmoxh. ) - The abovo named defendant is hcrebr notified that an action has been commence ! before 1L A. An- eicr. 4. r. lor said con my ana suie by tue above namea piainuu against the above named defendant tor the purpose, of obtaining judgment fori $150, purchase monev of a tract ot land nar the town of Durham. ft.C 45i20O f-et, due by three Botes, daUd April 4th 1888, and she is here by required to appear ana answer, or demur to the complaint on t eorusrj l'Jlh 1801 before M. A. Angier, J, K. hi the Treasurer's offiie in aid coun ty and Stute at 3 o'oluck P. M. M. A. ANGIER, J. P. TLu Jan. 7,-1891. 6u Lenninz, 10 42 Nathalie J. 10 VZ Clarcton, 11 03 Brookueal, 11 16 Iwuhemont 8 J8 Lipscomb 12 24 Lone Jack, 12 20 UuUburg, VTinfall, Glaxlys, J. tiickson . Nsrona, - Durmid, . Lychburg, Lv 12 25 1016 8 52 915 922 9 31 9 43 9 51 8 55 Ar 1242 105 1 1C 140 2 0." 2 40 7 0' 1100 10 43 10 35 10 25 500 441 42!t Af 3 57 NOTICE. Having (liialified as Executor of 12 07 11 55 1145 3 45 11 30 1010 3 10 1230 12 43 11 15 5 25 fcS" "Stops" on Sienal only. T" Telegraph Station. "VY" wai ter Station. XdiT No- "2 will take siding ioi No. 11. No.l conn.-c'.tat DirmiJ with No. 9 on Richmond It Danyille V a , Midland Division No. 2 connwts at Durmitn with No. 10 on Kichmond & Danville Va-, MiJland Division. No. 1 will wait one hour at Dur mid lor No. 9 Richm md A Danville Vs. Midland Divi'ion. No. 11 connect at Durmid with ROBERT SLA mrcn temaiseaalEeill LAW iBUILDING" K003I NUMBER 2. Lynchburg. Va- An Investment Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor! That Will Double In Six Months, Paying Dividends April and October. STOCK OF THE JJAM1BLE. Hardware for Builders Hardvare for Farme rs Hardware for Jctories Hardware for Everybody Paint Lead ai Oi CROCKERYAND GLASSWARE CHU MESTIJEIT & 1M9F1 ' borne ox the hest and oneapbtt 000K STOVES on this or any other market. JUST Don't fail to see them before buying elsewhere. a-lug . JJT Capital Stoek, 84,600,000. Shares, 81 Oeach, full paid SHELBURN'S and Subject to 'no Assessments. GEX. BENJ. F. BUTLEIt, of Massachuwtts, TreaiJenL HON. JAMES W. II Y ATI, Late Treas.of U. S., Treasurer. DIRECTORS. 1 am prepared to do JOlir Gen. Bcnj. P. Butler, Massachusetts. iiuh.iaiiiii ii. ivugu. ui Allium, work ia fine etylc. Pictures Enlarg- edor Retaken, lion. A. U. Wvman, Ex-Treat, of U.S. of Neb Hon. Jas. W. Hyatt, or Conn. E. L OarfielJ, Sac'y Thompson Houston Electrio Co, Boston Mass. . C. W. Ferkint, Cash. Mass. Natl Mass. Geo. G. Schoolfleld, Pres. N. Y. Contract Co., of New York. iThoa, a Smith, Pre. 17th Ward Bank Brookly.N.T. I. M. Sanford, rrea. Bank of New Castle, of Keatacky, ADVISORY BOARD. made to iij fur Taken Order, by i Hon. John B. Gordon, Governor of Ua. Hon. RobL L. Taylor. Governor of Tenn j Hon. J. B. Foraker, Ex-Gov. OLlo. lion. Rich. U. Bright. Ex U. 8. Printer, of Waahinarton. Hon. E. F. Mann, SupU Goneord A Montreal U. li.. N Hampshiie E. B. True, Cash. U. S. Traaiury, -Washinftton. Henry Feocbtanger, Member N.T. fttock Exchange, New York. P. K. Boots, Cashier First National Bank, Little Rock. Ark. F. Y. Kobertaoo, President First Natl Bask, Kearney Neb. Hajwood Andrews, deceased, I here- No. 47, Bichinond & Danvil'-Va, by notifj a'.l persons having claims Midland DivUion. asainst deceased to produce the P.J.Otst, W.N.MrrcnELL Wil. SUED URN' tame and exhibit them before me on or before January 30th, lVJ'i. This the 21th January 18WI JOHSL. ilARKHiK, 6w , Executor. President, Supt Tra-sn oct.15. DUailAU, N.C. GUHS. sraiiiEnsi ia. Motets, m mm ana Going as Frelt;1ir. Those were bustlinsr days on the Western rivers, fifty yean ago, when emigrants from the East flocked to the prairies of tne m. borne or. the emi grants, Leinz poor, paid in part wood tne boat;- that is, by k t k 'ftom the rw.k wilh vij.U , - j. mavbe an,l it i ,lonf lution the eood fieht for free domof debate and freedom of elections; and whether they beat or are beaten, they have deserved well of their country and their party. Mines a Traps tor Innocent Men. JohaMa TrtfciM. ' Wilkefibarre, Nanticoke Dun bar and Mammoth! Names to conju"e Satan with. The devil's own pits. Traps for innocent men set by careless .overseers. Livinz tombs or charnel houses filled with horrors such as the world above never dreams of. A S. O. FISHER, Gnn Maker and Dealer in Guns, Bines. Cutlery, Ammunition and all Sporting Goods, 1030 Haia Street, LYNCHBURG, VA, Ol-'l'ICEi OTP Colt's and Parke Breech Loading, j Hammerles Double Guns; Kerning ton lireeca Loading Uuna. liest on mi,ll r.ir th nnr AIM1 rail - : i . .... . . . , , . , . . , i line of Enclish Donble-lisirel Just added new type ana s large ana wen selected siock oi pnnier s sia- Kr.rt, Ti.iin finnt All stvlnj I tionerv. and can rurniitt on snort notice. Sinirte 15arrl Breech Loadina Guns. P03TERS, CIRCLLAK - .... I w n itin nni ti ttt t ti t rwi beol fir Price Jul. I LiJf i i tu nru iiuv uai7, 4 f lit atf ki nd of printing, plain or f.tncy, from a visiting card to! at the wood landings, and throw ins it on the boat. A writer in the Century tel Is of an impecuni ous Irishman who did not wish to pay full fare nor to carry wood. " He boards! a Western steam er, at a landing, and aikcd the fare to bt. Louis, lieing told, he tln-n aked: What do you charge for 150 pounds of fre;Rht?" Upon learn in jr the price, a small amount, be said. "I'll go as freight." "All right," replied the cap tain; "put him down in the hold, and lay some flour barrels on him so that he won't roll about if we have heavy weather" A tucelul Enterprise. The Long Island Cotton Mills on the Catawba, which are owned almost entirely in tjtates ville, are running their new machinery, lately put in, with the best satisfaction. Next week the mills will bcinn run ning all night as well as all day, with KUf iterative. The build, f '7 4 "5. ic-wuh li. liHvur; uaa a capa city of W bales of cotton jr week, and has orders ahead for its product for the next six months. A hundred men lie dead or dy ing; some torn limb from limb and others who escaped the blast hugging the ground for the breath of air which fchalt come to them no more. On the sur face, wives, mothers and sweet hearts crying in anjruieh of soul for their lost ones and the crowds buying papers for the latest news. That is all. The story of to-day will bo the story of to-morrow. A Dry ItaUroad Line. CawMM S.wfc One by one the counties and towns along the Carolina Cen tral railroad, between Charlotte and ilminton have gone dry, until now notning cscept temperance drink: can be se cured along the whole length of the line, a distance of nearly iW miles. ne conductors u to have tough times wi. "loaded" characters, but now all that is chaDjffd, and it is rarity to see a disorderly char acteron me train, occasion border ranzer - with breeches in his boo. gets o a supply secured fro some town off the railroad but he instinctly feels himself eood company and behaves him self. Times are really chaug D. Y WHITAKER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. Office on Main Street, Duke Building. 13 FINELY EQUIPPED FOB ALL KIND3 OF WORK." ru large quarter sheet posters. . i i t n von want printing aone iieutiv, cneapir arm nun kiy, try V. AJ.lress them to Wh W. WiIirAXElt. Mail onlers promptly attended to, I). Ar. WIIITAKKR. R 11 DIIU1 AM, N.C. jan 23. X3TU xcxna's BROTU.GERGETDER! Y .UftiM rf !. iiiM H . -I " V r,m tin ..ilu luwliai rwUM ru a.n,i,if nfr.r. !. In lnirllIHIIMWltlllMctMl I ru v.- nl I-... A. M V.h. ". .. lil Read This ? rnrM l tw l r l ft. ! II r MS klf.r i"m ir.ftnf ,-r.rt.i. (!. Mr. T H l-.Kfl,rfil. . r. .... . lun.lwtNibf. v., W . Il-rn'l". Ur.i. in.ol- imnrtM tnmt It tnm liiH 4fM4lal rStll.MW HI r.r. Hr-Mr. of AP. . . fcM&W rKMf tilt Mr. I ft ' iiMl, itii. '., 4 kn m.4Xl ilh M.rfl.rtlnd lift 1. r.i...t.4.U.-1 nf. r,TVf-?'1ftM .1 l,,Hl-ir.l llm mmn4 f w.11. Tli.uiwk4.lr) lmlrr r.rlifi'-l 111, lv tl.. mu nJi. rr.ll in-'4 El minim "(in-t h'tri r'M"ir. tHOIt, HnlHli-r., liH'.'Hp. 1 win, H ll B-.ri.r.i! m r ll 11, A ft i'rt piri.r iiii SI UHit It M liKm r-T.t SO ALSO DO Ji 111.1) ULi3 ZbliMJllS CUU1U. Il l M I itk'Mi i mmiop i m this ii h 12 i..,ant ia t.k. m ln...t... wltli.mi r . .r ; ItftftrtftinS' 4l'rr. IU ft ..'I' - II ll: W I W I.-Tl. .ftrt-ff ul mr, .1' I. n... m . t.v n.i..i.lft in, it m Advertisement? The Property of the Company Conttte of Fust. 8.000 City Lota, er 2.022 acrss of laoJ in the citv of T poosa, llaralson County, Oeorrria,tbsri'lus remaiaing nosolj of alls, acres, on toe ecotrs of wbioh lis city was originally built. bacon. 2,458 seres of valoabla Biaeral land, adjaesotto thseltfef Tallapoosa, all located ithia radios of six miles from the esatrs ef tie city. TsikD. Tbs laed Capital Stock of tbs Georgia. Tennessee k JJIInoU Cailroad Compaor. chartered for tbe purp tso of building a railroad fro a lallapoosa, Ga. to Steveoaoo, Ala., 129 mile, tod a contract for boildiaf the road tbat will net ibe comnaov nearlf 2.000.000 &f iK sanfift.1 mty of railroad, paving 7 per cent dividend. roiTBTK, I be isllapooea Furnace, ou tU line of tbs Georgie.FacilU Bailroed, ia tbe citf of Tallapoosa, Oa. the tii.l furnace being of M toss capacity, manufacturing tbe highest grade of cold and hot blast eharooal csr-wbeel iron. m Firm. The Fiedmoot Clws Works, situaltd on tbe line of tbe Oeorr ! Pacitio lUilroad, in tbs city of Tallapoosa, Ua.,said p'aat being 12 pot furw nacecapscity, aD(lmanotcturiri(jniutKlM flatksand preecription-vare. Tbsre ia slradr locs'ed on the property or the Company, a tbs city of Tallapoosa. 2.803 Inh.biUnts, 2.0W of eboia are northern people, whs bave selUed in Tsllapoosa within the last three vears. 632 hnnJL U nratiuiing industrlee, and 40 business houx, schools, churches water works, elecUlc lights, ete. ' 10,000 SHARES TREASUJIY STOCK Are now offered to the public, the proceeds to be devoted to locating auae offtCturiog establishments and developing the Company's city property st SPECIAL rRICU OF 13.33 1.3 PER SHARE. This stock ia full paid and lubiect to aimnu n .in .... j..... ends April and October, and lb price will be advanced to $$ 00 oershaji whsn the 60,000 shares are sold. PDr, Orders for stock will be filled m reeelwl, Is any amount from one share speard, aa It is desired to bave as manv email hJ.W. in .ti u.i etwnlrr as po"lll, who will, bt their interest in tbe Company. ioflaenM miratwin to Tallapooss, and advance the lowest of the Companr. LAA9, au sill nrdefl fnei tW A - -t. - t A r$ pftjftb't i to ' 1 HU cot;i. or monty toa f iprH or W. HYATT, Treasurer, Ga.-Ala. Investment and Development Co u B niTEw JRTEDsrAffa) w, Clobe BulldlnR, 344 Washington Street. Boston as... I T 80 m illunrated rrospcotu. Z( I.ll.po. "'but Companr, and FUt of city, wilt.' 1'riee-li.l ot building lo aa 7 ingxortne oetier. plication. I m .n 'I Jaa7

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