1 DURHAM RECORDER. WEDNESDAY. February 4,1891. A frame building for the shuttle factory will be erected near the building now occupied by the company. , , Ilia Honor, Mayor Angier, performed the marriage cere mony for Mr. Euffln J. Eycroff and Mrs. Heche Oafcley, both of Jlraaville county, last Thursday, The dairy business in Dur ham is looking up. Mr. W. J. Wyatt and Mr. R. L. Gattis have nice new wagons, and they soli good milk without water in it. - Durham people have been sporting hyacinths and violets grown in the open air. Away with the ground hog idea. Flow ers do not bloom out .; doors in Cold weather. Anybody who thinks that Durham is nothing but a tobac co town, should lenow that a Durham florist ships rose buds to northern markets. There is diversified industry, here. A crazy high tea was one of the social events in this city last week. The guests did their best to appear crazy to the ex tent of appearing in costumes that would discount a crazy quilt. ',' Durham home talent added new luster to its fame last Thursday night. It is just out of the question to imagine a liner musical entertainment than the musical artists of this city can give. Durham talent acknowledges no superior. A colored child was burned to death in this city last Thurs day. It was the same old story of children being left in the house while the mother was away from home. This in the second fatal accident of the kind in Durham this year. , A protracted meeting is in progress in Trinity Methodist church this week. The con gregations are large and at tentive, and the services inter esting, but there has been vei little concern manifested on the part of the unconverted. The grand jury of Granville county failed to find a true bill against Ex-sherill Rogers and Mrs. Parker, who were before Judge Hoy kin at the recent term of Durham court on a writ of habeas corpus. It will be re membered that they were charg ed with Doisoninz the husband of Mr. Parker and a negro who was in the employment of rar ker. The county of Chatham has been well represented on the Durham tobacco market lately. Last week, the reporter noticed, among others, the following: W. F. Stroud, John W. Riggs bee. J. M. Rtezsbee. J. H. Wil. liams, P. M. Pearson, Wiley Goodwin, John Hancock, A. D. Cole, Barbee Merritt, it. II. Beavers. Capt. J. F. Freeland tells a rood story on himself. One night during the war, three or four of his men deserted to the enemy. Pretty aoon an Union picket, called: "Hello! is Capt Freeland over there! Receiving an affirmative re sponse, the picket continued "Tell him to come over and take command of his company." The caiitatn told the story to aa official member of one of the city churches last Saturday night, and made a local appli cation that any city reader can caicu on 10 wiinout a mat. Mr. W. II. Snow, of Modern Tobacco Ham fame, was in the citr last Thursday on bis way to Oxford, and as his custom is, called at The Recorder office and fiuent an hour in conversa tion with the editor, lie is a very entertaining talker, and he has a fund of information UDon which he draws coutin ually. lie believes that ho has a rood thinsr in his prowse and appliances for curing tobacco, ami'he can convince almost any body who will listen to what he Bays. The business of his com pany has J wn wonderfully, with its new facilities for sup plying me demand, it wit doubtless goon increasing with out limit. The stockholders of the Commonwealth Cotton Manu facturinz Company met Mon day night and perfected plans that insure the mill being equipped and in operation I tho first of AusniRt. Mr. R. II Wright proposed to take stock to the amount of f 23.KK), and put in the brick building now used as a shuttle and bobbin factory, and also to buy the lot previously purchased by the company for a factory site. Roth offers were accepted, and it was deckled to proceed witn as lit tie delay as possible to equip the factory and begin manufac turing. Tne following board of directors was elect!: J. f Jarr . president. B. L. Duke. T. Mo rgan, W. 11. Branson, 8 W. Ho lman, A. K. Lloyd, R. 11 Subscribe for Mining, Man ufacturing and Real Estate South, a monthly journal de voted to, Southern Mining, Man ufacturing, Railroad, Lumber and Real Estate Investment and Development. Published by Mining, Manufacturing & Teal Estate Publishing Co., No. 7 Kimbal! House, Wall Street, Atlanta, Ga. Subscription, $1 a year. Harry Krouse, Busi ness Manager.' Who does not, at some time or other, have occasion to pat ronize tho job printer? Scarcely anybody. Printer's ink is al most as much a necessity to man as air and water. In that view of case, it is important for everybody to know where to find headquarters when he needs to call on the" artist of the art preservative of arts. The Re corder's advertising column'' contain tho desired information. Mr. D. W. Whitaker keeps a good print shop, does nice work at fair prices; and like the news paper man, wants to please everybody; but unlike him, usu ally succeeds where the editor fails. Keep Whitaker's ad. in your mind, and when you want printing done, be sure to pin your faith to the man who ad vertises in the newspapers. Durham Lead the Stale. The internal revenue books prove what Durham has claimed time and ogam, viz: that more tobacco is manufactured here than in any other town in North Carolina. This is not boasting. t is true as gospel: and the books prove it. Durham led tho state in 1890, and uuless all signs fail, will lead in 1891. The town that keeps up with: Durham lias to hustle. , j Ov-i-fi.wi.ir witn TuiMct-u. I Durham tobacco warehouses are full and running over. Far mers from near and far have come to the best market in the state to sell their crops. They e here from three or four counties in Virginia and from nearly every county in the fa- mo is go den belt of North Caro- ma. The tuahtr of the leaf on the market is good. Prices have declined somewhat on ac count of the great amount to le sold; but they are holding up as high as anywhere else. Far mers cannot firld a bitter mar ket than Durham; and the way they crowd here in season at tests their confidence in the willingness of our buyers to pay them all that their tobacco will bring on any warehouse floor. A market that consumes 14.000.- 000 pounds in its home f actor 'as can pay b'gher average prices than con eting markets, though in the nature of things it can-not-escape the effects of the law of supply and demand. Durham istue best market for the farmers. convention of the Young Men's Christian Association in, this city nent mouth. Millions in It. . The Fortifier, which, is not a military engineer, as might be supposed, but a newspaper published at Old Fort, on the slope of the Blue Ridge in Mc Dowell county, where the West em North Carolina Railroad wind its way around the moun tains to' Swannanoa tunnel, is authority for the statement that a Durham gentlemen who is already worth his millions, has struck it ricii in a marble bed of fabulous v extent and value. Here is what the Fortifier savs aoout it: "The experts have repoitodte tne JN. u. .Bessemer company (Hon. J. S. Carr, of Durham, C, president, and Captain O. H. Blocker, of Old Fort, gen eral manager,) that their com pany owns over . four hundred millions cubic feet of the very nnest marble to be found m the United . States. The Greater part is a variegated blue and motley white color, very rare and very beautiful. This mar ble is valued at one ' dollar per cubic foot in the ouarrv as it now is; It will stand that price and work a profit. Experieuced stone cutters are loud in its praise, and say tha t generations to come have a field of wealth in this grand supply." " TOil ACCOTOP J CS. Smoking is to common in Jiinaii that not only all th ruun but most ladies indulge in the weed, tlio girls beginning when they are ten year I. A distinction is madd in the pipes nsed by the two sexes, tliosa having longer stems than used by the wen. A gentleman rsceivtsa pecia! mark of favor when a Iwlv offer him her pipe lo smoke: Southern Tobacconist: Mr." Albert Kramer laments the fact in his re ports that Durham gives correct to bacco statistics while other markets ither won't or falsify these renorts. This is a true bill. Let us all work to get a law passed in North Caro lina that will remedy this "emus evil. . Weather !;( nit It-atiniia. The Recorder, which has it tie or no faith in weather signs, has some respect for the opinions of others. It docs not believe in the ground hog gign but it is compeL'cd to admit tl at if the sign is worth a fig, there will ie a great deal of rough weather before the spring time comes. A more beautiful and olmy February day than the proverbial ground hog day was could not be wished for: and The Recorder has a poor opin ion or the man w no invented tne theory that such a lovely day is the precursor of ice and snow, and north-easter and other dis agreeable thing contained in the weather category. The goose bone also, is made to fore tell rough weather: but who cares for signs when the weath er comes right? Give us fine weaihor and let tho signs go up Salt river or to sonio other for eign country. Jtll! File at Lexington. Tho editor of The Recorder had the pleasure of attending a revival meeting! conducted by Mr. Fife, the evangelist, at Lex- uirton last week. It must not be supposed that the editor went to Lexington to near nt.nao, Though an ardent admirer of Sam J ones, he was not so favor oblv disposed toward the drum mer evaugeiis e nvany a hundred miles to hear him. B lumens took htm to Lexington and other considerations took him to the mooting. 1 he result was that he was glad indeed that circumstances brought him and Fife together on that oc casion. He found Lexington deeply stirred on the subject of religion, lie saw sinners uy cores manifesting concern about their welfare, and many converts harpy in the conscious ncss of having found pardon and wacoin believing. 1IM meet lug Friday night was inspiring and tho results glorious. The nooplo were Prayerful and Fife was powerful. It is not to be wondered at then that tho sp'rit ilwl and wrought won drously. The like had not been seen in Lexington in many years. . . Mr. Fife will attend the state Durham' Outlook, WJalagtoaSUr. The other chief tobacco centre in 2vorth Carolina is, of course, Durham. That town of 8,000 inhabitants we believe that was the census fiirurintr for June. 1820 has done an im mense business for many years, ana last year its figures reach' ed the sura of SS3.ft29.05. but less than that of Winston, its rival. This was a gain of $37, 151.91 over the preceding year. tne vuuuun i or iumu.m is really one of hope and promise. and there is every indication that its progress in the closinz aecaae or. tne nineteenth cen tury will be all that its people . couiu weu expect. A DisarPoiutiiig Crop. Messrs. Philip Taylor & Co.. of uaieigu, write as follows to the Southern Tobacco Journal: ever iim a crop proved more disappointing than the one of 1890 has and is likely to prove to all dealer who are looking and make i i ii . cuora speciay id me:r pnrciiases. ttime tne uaieign market will maintain its enviable reputation as a market for selling a larger propor tion oi -wuiw or "lemon tobac cos than any market in the two States of Virginia and North Caro lina, we will not sell the same pro portion of "lemon" wrapiers and "while" cutters a heretofore, but "buckskin," dappled and dark ma hogany wrappers, good, rich red and waxy fillers and common and me dium wrappeis we are selling freely, ana qusuiii as wen as prices on tne same are well maintained uu to the t.rewiht, v.ith from AO to Di) tcr cent of crop marketed. Uranulaung smokers and cizor- etlesfotk are so far the lightest weight pales in this crop. While there wiii be a fair proportion of leafy colnry afripsand export goods we look for prices to atiflen on all desirable goods as tLe season advances. internal stamp as a guaranty of, the package, and therefore he did not teem it souud public policy to per mit tho Government to become a party to such a deception as. wa? proposed. The applicant was in formed thut the weight of his puck age must conform to law, or his goods will be liable to detention and seizure wherever found. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Rowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the niy remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ia its effects, prepared only from Upmost healthy and agraeahl? substances, its many excellent quaJij i command it to all and have niw it the most popular remedy known, and 81 bottlea ly nil laailinsr drug gists. Any reliable drugyiit who may not have t on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try lu Do not acccrt anv substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. BAM FRANCISCO, CAL. tOMviiu.Kr. ror, r Headache. neuralgia, dizziness, nervousness, spasm, fl'plenena, nervous dyapepbl t, duHuOds'blues, are cured by the Nervine discovered by the eminent Indiana Specialist id nervous diseases. Dr. Mih-s. Fine books and trial bottles free at Year- by s." Or address The Miles Medi cal Co., Elkbart, lad. A Pleasing Hence Of health and streuth renewed and of ease and comfort follows the nae of Syrup of Figs, as it acts In liarmnni with nature to effectually clean the system when costive or bilious. For sale ia 50o and f 1 00 tattles by all lea.iiog druggists. - Dues Experience Count? It de in every line of basinets, and especially in compounding and preparing medicines. This is illus- ratid in the great superiority of Hood's Sarssparilla ovr other prep arations, a shown by the remarkable cures in haa accomplished. . The head of the firm of C L Hood & Co. is a thoroughly competent and experienced pharmacist, having de voted bis wuole lire to tne study and sotual preparation of medicines. He is also a nx-mber of tho Mass chujotusnd American Pburnsaceuti. cal Associations, and continues ao Uvelr devoted to supervising the preparation of and managing the butiness connected with, Hood's Sarssnarilla. Hence the snperioritv and peculiar merit of Hood s barsapariiia is built upon the moat substantial foundation. In i's preparation there is represented all the kuowleitre hic modern re search in medical science has devel oped, combined with long experience, brainork, and experiment. It ia only necensary to give this medicine a fair trial to realise its great cars tive value, j 28-lm. The IJevt nuef lamp a Gtinran : lee, A prominent manufacturer of Cne eat chewing tobacco addressed the commissioner yesterday, staling that in order to meet a growing demand among his customers, he desired peruiiMion to pack three quarters of an ounce in package the same to lie covered by tone ounce sUmp. lie was informed that under the pro visions of Section 83(52, of the Re-vi-l Statutes, such a package was interdicted and prohibited: tl at said section presenile in terms how to bacco and snnlT are to be packed, snj that the inclusion in the section of the word "and in no other man ner was regiirufd iy the commis sioner as an linperittve prohibition of any variation from the plain language of the statute. The com mk'ioner furthrr held tVit such a package as was desired wa not per- onwDle, even it corertM by none ounce sumo: ttiat wniln sucb package inured to the benefit of the Government, yet the purchaser or consumer had come to regard the . WHAT IS SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In Uio Hood, which, M cumulating In tha glauds of the Deck, pro duce unslKhtly lumps or swellings; which eauaes painful running tores on tha arms, legs, or ieet; which dcvelopes ulcers in the ' eyes, ears, or nose, oftctn causing blindness or nearness; winch u the origin ot pimples, ean cerou growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption ud death. Being the most ancient, It Is the most general ot all diseases or affections, lor very lew persons are entirely free from It. W CURED By taking Hood's SarsapartUa, which, by the remarkable cures It has accompUihed, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to bo a potent and peculiar meaicine jor tms disease, some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from I scroiuia, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. My daughter Mary was affileted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years ot age. Lumps formed In her neck, and one ot them after growing to the size of s pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. Wegare her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all Indications ot scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now the seems to be a healthy ctuia." j.B.CABtn,Mauright,H.J. . N.B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla BoldbyaUdnrKrltts. f I; tlx for St. mparetearf ST O. I. HOOB co apotbecanee, LowtB, Ksst. 100 Doses One Dollar wfife R. I. ROCERS, Proprietor. DEALER IN MOID! 9 MAIN STREET, DURIIAM, N. O. . an-iul. . . Personal Liberty,. vs. riivHieal . - . Slavery. We are all free American cit izens, enjoying our personal lib erty: but most or us are m phy sical slavery, Buttering from scrofula, salt rheum or some other form of impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla ia the great blood purifier which disolves the bonds of disease, srives health and perfect physical lib erty. mmi ji mi ii WHOLESfllE GROCERS, NO. 718 Main Street. LYCHBURG, VIEGINIA. Sri3. XTs jy. TRIAL HEAOOUATER S FOR WATCHES, DIAMONDS, and all things to bo found in a first-class jewelry house. Our best testimonial : Thonsanda nf known aad ao popular as w Deed no throughout the South, many of whom are 'in Durham speeial mention. All wh j have used ,nA ftSin;n;no. ,,nt;Ia 1 urnan J 0 vw.uvo. Klectric Kilters. Thin remedy ia hecomming so well hiectiio n iters ;iu!! tna same aone of p.aiso' A purer inediccne does not f xwt and it is gosranterd to do all that ia claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimple!, Boils. Salt Utieom and other affections caos- d by impure blood. Will drive Ma laria from tho system and prevent as well as care all Malarial fevers. For cure of headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded Price 5o and tl per bottle at K. Blackmail & Son's PJ,JII1I&,. dec. 3. 1028 MA,N 8TREET LYNCHBURC, VA. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE Tai Bast 8itv in the world ior Cut Bruises, Sores, UIoers.Se.lt Rheom, Fever sores, letter, v.Dappea nacas, lyOiiuiaina, Oornssnd all kio emotions, and positivelv cures Hies, or no my renuired. ll is guar anteed to give perfect sauiiUction, or niuiey refunded. Pnoe 23 oeota Tr boa. fur sals by B. CUnknall A Co, Durham Muls and Horses for Sale. I have a number of fine mules and horses for sale at a bargain. W. T. UABRISOTON, jan-21-3t. Durham, N. C. P.W. VATTGBAN, DRUGGIST, JDHE-ft LYONS WE CrFER NEW ATTKA(7- HONS FOR THE AUTUMX AND WINTER M0NTH3- I SJ i R BOOK STORE. BUY YOUR HOOKS AND STATIONERY AT THE DarliaxnBooIi Store FROM W.H.R0&ERS, Main Street. Sale of Land ! ! Pv an order of the SuperiorCourt of Durham Coanty mv'.e In special pioctedinitt n titled W. J. V fatt administrator or j. u. iri(tps against Wis, Brizea and other, 1 will oflVr for sa'e at lbs Court Hon so door in Durham County to the bishest bid' der,at It o'clock, Saturday Feb ruary 14th 18I. ths tract of land belonging to the 'totals of aiid 3. It. Uriiriri, known as -tbe Fuller- loa Tract," Ivlnc near tne town of Durham and tbe Cotton Factorr, and on the Oxford nubile road, eon taminii aiKiut 19 acres. TcrmtiTsals l-3eisa. 13 In m"nlh sn-1 1-3 In 12 mnnibs; de ft rail psvnieiils to drssr ntert at 8 per cent, from day of ia! ttd sr cured hy notes ot purchaser. Title reserved until I'UroWe money paid In ful I. P.ol of land can be iocs at store of WyH Uu. W.J. WT ATT, Toil Jan. Oih 91. Commiasloncr Attract ivE G ccds in grcatvariety of style. Attractive Prices that tell their own Cheap ness, ' ATTRACTIVE Bargains- Bound to Please EYElli BUYER. Attractive Treat ment A smile and Sauare . m deal icr all. Keen us in your mmd hen you want a genuine bargain. DRY GOODS Dry Goods, ItOIIOriS, CLOAKS, Jaolcetst Boots Shoos. Hats, Caps Furnishing GuuDbYirunks Carpets &o. m THE UDE'img ILiiiiriB. If you do not see what you want, ask for it, Prescriptions compounded day or night. Wain Street, Diurham, N.C. W. P. WATT. 0. E. WEBB. ORINOCO WAREHOUSE, WINSTON, N. C, IS THE BEST PLACB SO SELL YOUR .TOBACCO. It is ths beat placs becatmifc is ths REST nnnss! .:t. il. tt-oi LIGUT, tha BEST AUCTIONEER, the BEST EM th. BEST ALL ABOUNDS WOItKERS, THE BEST ACC0MH0DAT10HSr and we will at all times get the Best Pr!ccj. Our HouisU well witn Uig actones and Leaf flotues right at Its doors. Remember, ?ou can get to ths Orinoco from ny aids of torn coming in contact with ths street ears, i ours ruiy, WATT & WEBB, , " " Proprietors Orinoco Warehoos. Jf. WINSTON, V. C, located, without HO FOB CHHISTMA SI The fair lii' it huse, boind to aliwt trade if l prices and good 4od lll do it. JONES & LYON! N.B. Sola A rents for Zieglej Bros., Ch( es. r-atvn ara xj Suta ana juarcy roi Sboes. 86i Oar stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jiw.lrr. Olocki, Silwrwara, Spectacles, Cat-glaaa! Brio a-Brao Ac., Ac2 Is Immense and wear fully prepared to ueet all demands for a He holiday trade. Elegant and Useful Clftt from Call and see as when it ton and look at our beautiful stock, or send ni roar orde l we will 3U them promptly and gaaran ee satufaction or refund jour money" IWtr eJitor r.f this paper. .WATTS &RYIAUB JEWELERS, 60 Main Ll5 Building. Lvnchbiirg. v. w Uixxls ssQt on (selouoo to naruei Ma li aturck7 city raforenoje. del Wright. ,