DURHAM RECORDER. "WEDNESDAY, Februarf 4, 1891 HYPNOTIZED HIS BABY. Papa Stearns Told Lncy to Stop Crying-and Go to Sleep She Slept 36 Hour. The other evening Mr. and Mr. George Stearns, of Phila- .istlria Tirrmnsed to CO to the theatre, intending to leave their mlT rhild. Lucy, in the care of Vts. nnccA fill d -while Mrs Stearns was dressing the child trt rrv Mr. Stearns took KoKtr tn tmcifv her. tie Vai- and stroked her face sang to her, and urged her to iet without success. His K-;f then railed from her room 0nrre. can't you keep her auiet? My nerves are going to Mr. Stearns bethought him i,at cavpHtv was often effective when petting failed, i He made T.nrvj sit llt straight on his knee, shook his. finger, at her, and then, as he stroked her fore hfsiA and eves. Baid: "Go to sleep, Lucy, at once." ' The child 6topped crying in stantlv. firasoed a little, - whim pered "and sank back in his arms fast asleeo. At that moment ' th woman returned and Mr, Stearns gave Lucy to her. Hus Viand and wife went out, and re nminir were delighted to learn that the baby was slumbering nuietlv. The child Kept 6ium , wrinff all that niffht and the next day and ou the following day, when Mr. Stearns became worried and sent for a physician. Dr. Rogers, who wts called, was puzzled for a while, and then seizing Mr. Stearns by the shoulder, turned him to the light H'm!" said the doctor, slow It. "Do you know. Stearns that you have a pair of black pves that are uncommonly pierc ing? Answer me this: What are the circumstances under , which the baby fell asleep? Tell me every thing you did to quiet her." Mr. Stearns did so. "As I imagined," was the Lave hypnotized her. Now take her on vour lap as you had her Monday." Mr. Stearns seated the slum- bering child on his knee. i "Jfow stroke her face in the opposite direction that you did before." The father obeyed. "Tell her sharply to wake up while I clap my hands." The words had scarcely been spoken when Lucy opened her . eves and began to cry as lustily - as she had cried Monday even- " ing. -"Thank the Lord," exclaimed Mr. and Mrs. Stearns together. Dr. Rogers afterwards said that a similar case happened once in Paris and twice in New York city. , lie Met With Drawbacks. . Detroit Fna Fraa, At 10 o'clock: yesterday tore - noon a roan began digging a hole on Woodward avenue to make a gas connection. At 2 o'clock he had dug out three cedar blocks from the pavement and had kicked out a hole be neath large enough to bury a small cat in. A citizen who had no business whatever to ak questions, but nevertheless felt a curiosity about it, sioppea at the latter hour and said: . "Whr, you began to dig here at 10 o clock this morning." Vm tip f wai Vio rtAv "And you haven't made much . progress." "So. sir." "Ground frozen pretty hard?" "Well, sir, there's a number of reasons. I had just got to work when I wanted to smoke, and I had to go a block to get some 'baccy and a match." "I see." "Then a chap comes along as wants to know how deco it was down to the pipes, and f had to top and explain all about it." "Just so." "Then I wanted toknow what time it was. andl had to walk two blocks to se the City Hall clock." "Very good." "Then a chap comes along as wants to Know u tne mam pipe runs on this side of the atreet or th t'other, and I had to stop and explain. Onexuubtbecirif, you know." "Certainly." , "Then my pipe went out on . me.' "And you had to walk a block ' and return? 1 see." Then mr wife came down for money, and I hadn't any, and a , street car got on the track:, ana there was a dog fight, and. ' But why do you want to know?" "Oh.l nave no peciairea son." - "Then you golonJ Like as net vou want to tret a boor ' hard-working man out of his ; job and take it yourself. Uo away, sir I'll annwer uo more , , of your questions:" Ills Wife is BtftjHcloua. He withstanding in a door way on jeuerson avenue nnu presently he halted a pedestrian with a wave of his hand and beckoned him to approach and said: .. - "How do I look?" "Whv. vou present a pretty shabby appearance, if you want an honest answer," replied the surprised citizen. That's good. Shabby refers to my dress. How's my facial appearance.' 1 "fmcued and hungry. '-'That's excellent. Do I look ike a man who had money?" ''.-"No.'"' "Would you class me as hard up and friendless?" "1 certainly would." "Thank you. To sum up, you would set mo down as a victim of unfortunate circumstances who couldn't get out of this town too fast?" "That's about it." "Thanks. Hero a letter have written to my wife, nsk us for money to get home. She's a suspicious woman, and she won't take my word for it. Please write at the bottom: " 'Attest: It's adurned sight worse than he says it is.' And sign vour name." The citizen complied and the letter was at onco taken to the post oflice. VorreSfnst BaKesIsted. FtUle'.litua Rm ti. The struggle in the Senate to secure the passage of the Force bill has made it evident that as preliminary to the contemplated States to manage their own elections, the right of debate will have to be strangled. We do not believe that the Reed rules can be adopted in the Sen ate, nor that the Force bill can be sent to the President for his signature if the Democratic Senators should btubbcrnly per. sist in the policy of delay. It is a fight against the permanent seizure of the Government by the party now in control of Con gress and of the Executive pow er. It should be resisted to the last gasp by every friend of re publican institutions. Ak your diug;i!t iir banner's Indian Vermifuge. If ha falls to apply yon. ad JrcM the proprietor, David roatz, Ualti more, aid. WIms Baby vaa Jt, CaMnrla. Waa aha va a CliU. abc crW for Caaitfla. Whca At hwaaur ' lis W Caotia. Wbaa tiit i-! " .CLvi.. tc jave vU-oa CaOoria, 2ncr3fs7c?fr.0F?.E ft V- &Itri.m iivtf EAT 1ilt.J,,4. 1.-. VI If, If -SI tC IV tt Notice. Annlba rnili be rea'l toti rtn- era) asK-n bly at the pr-tvnt teiwioo, lor tbaen ctinfitif a Urn pcot.iW'. Injf tbe (tie f iiitosicitii'.g liqoort a Ulna to nut s of ruit tnai-el id tUa Ctuntv or DurLam. 3u. 9, 1891.. Sakckl Gariusd. 30J. Fits . All Fits nrrel frt-a by Dr. Kline Great J-r.6 li-Murer. No Fit afhr Cr.t day'a tue. Mar veloja co rot Trealiie an l tl 00, trial bottle free to i it csttt- r n 1 to D Kliur, 931 Arch itr et, 1'U.a.Ui.LU Fa. Camm's Emulsion. Caiaro Emu'.iion U eoummed of tbe purest Norwegian Cd Lirer Oil, combined with the liypojHop!iite of Lime ami Soda with Jro;i, and will positively arrt Conwattiptioa if taken in time, Cun-8 Bronchitis and other Laajt Jiao, Bhymatic and Scrofulous af-cli.ii'.f, and al! low an l waxtinsf, diw.s xia matter from what u-i-te. Iufal thc follow intr: ml. IL E. MooRe t one f 11i- Bioat diatioenii'tted ctiVxinatt ni cultivated gentlemen in the S-juth- weat. lieaata: "Horn mT eiper- H'ticewitu u.Aiijis taiWA, t believe it will prove ti e b't Die- dicine we have m ue for that c!a- of dircaxea in whi.b aticb r-nt-A- are indicated. 1 have never wen any remedf tf iU kind tht can 1 Utken with auchea-w by cliildreti. I have at thin time w cn putki,! un der tratraciit with Catiirjs'a Kuiul a:on." For by a!l AmvifiA. E. A. CKAIGIIIM. J O.. Manufacttiren, aiitnVbo'.! Dnii( giBta, LrncLburj, V. die -tom.l. A Planters Experience. -Mf rtaiAIIa m in m rlf1l " lll. IM M: t r!iilr Lr-I f (.. wr.lrt.. 1 w. m.rlr mtm tMN mmm 1 tM IM ! k.B.ali u nmrnMI, Mifl aiaaafartimr IrfMhIf. VMfc tkH rlila. a ! la) af l-FAL,t"ira,A. Gold Evcrywliere. Office, 39 It 41 Park Hace, Haw fork. bi .61 b fflfMHBlMLEl iTlV TnVDIWV 1. . CHNDENSED SCHEDULE.' Ia effect January 11th, 1891. 4 .SOUTH BOUND. No. 1. No. 8. No. 13. LT.Wilaiig'nSOOam ArKaycUvvill 12.2ft pm JjT Kanloru A Grccnstwro 5 00 " L Oreennhoroft VOJ " 1.T Wal l Cove TOi - ArMtAiry 900 Lv Ik-nnetUVUl Ay Mnxton . L Maxton 8 30am 40 . 9 50 " 11 x Ar Favettevill Lt Kaniaeur . . 7 10 am At Greeuboro V 60 Lv Orrenaburo 10 40 ArMlion 12 4Spni NORTH BOUND, X S. Ko.4. Ko. 16 Lv Ml Airy 6 25 a m. 8 82 -10 05" , 10 35" 1 00 p m 2 80 " 255 S0 8 30 p i . 520 581 Lv al i Love Ar OnumNmv Lv Wreensboro , Lv banfoni Lr Fayyettevil! Ly 1'ayettevill Ar A ilnitngton Lv rajetU'iillo Ar Maxton Lv Maxtvu lr frnnettavill Lv i'adiaon Ar Grociwboro Lv Uruen&boro Ar Huineeur 0 45 : 1 85 pra aw -4 00 6 55" RICHMOND ADN DANVILLE. KAILKUAU. BOUTi'BOUXD. DAILT. No. 9. No. 11 Lv Kichmua.,1.00 p m 3,15 a m " nurkeville....3,02p m S.16 s m Kersvilte....3.42 p m 6,66 a m " Danvd e 6.15 p m 8.25 a m ir Greensboro 8,20 p m 10,25 a m Lv Gold.baro. .12,15 pm f4t0 p m Ar Haldh..... 2.04 p in 7.35 p m Lv Rul- igb....4,15 p m 1,2S a m M Duriiam......520 p m 8427 am Ar Grc&tboro..7,45 p m 7,50 s m Ar Vin.-Salerai 6,30 p m 6.50 s m Lv UrecDilnro-8,30 p m "10,33 a m Ar Salisbury. 10.3.5 am 12,03am " batrtville..12,35a la 127 p m " Ashevil!e..,..5,55 a a 5,58 pm " Hot Springs.. 8,32 a m 7,20 p m Lv Salisbury 10. a m 12,08 am Ar C'h.irk tte. . . . 120 a m 1.30 j m " SpartaaLurg .3.41 a m 43 p lu " Gn-ecville....4.S3 a m 5,46 pm AUidU 10,00 a a 11,00 pm Lv Charlotte.. 12,40 a a 1,45 p m Ar Colombia.... 4,40 a m 5.50 p m Ar Augusta. ... B,la a m .3(ip BCETHBOCKO. DAILT. No. 10. No. 12 Lt Aue'utu...30 p m Cilum,ta..r2,20pm Ar Char,olte. .-4,40 a m Lt Atlanta.... 6.0 J p m 10,45 a m , 2.00 p m 6,35 p m 7,10 a ArGreeuTiiie..l2,35am 7,10 p m 1,48 pm 5.30 p m SprUitborg.l,S9 a a Cuarlotte..,4,i5 a m 8alubury....6,20am 8,00 p m Lv tlot 8p'fa.on,32 p m 12.27 p " AiLeulle,. 1,04 a o 2.13 p m " Kta'eivilie . 5.26 a m 6.33 p m ArSalUhurr...6.20am 63 pm Lt alUborT ..6.27 a n 8.30 p a Ar Greeuoboro . 8.1 1 a m 10.27 p m ArWicsS'lea,0U,45an TI2,10aa Vf Greensboro 0 10.35 a m 1 1,05 p m .Vr Durham... 12.33 pm 4.30am - Raleigh. ...U2 pm 75 am LTRalcigb....17pm t.OOam Ar Uoldiboro. ..3,10 p m 1,00 p m Lt GfeeDsboroS.20 a m 10.37 a m Ar Danville...-10,01 a m 105 p m M Keyaville.,120 p m 3,25 a m " Burkevi!l..131 pm . 4.03am R;chmou4...3,30 pa 6,00 m bit hus tut ronrr. aicavoao a BUUOH. Hiaaiui 5 WmI Mm ,...U IMi At W ! !. ..... lrk.Til ,.... tfm tm Lf Im MiMkU...arlM Ll....rmjwt....Ar IH1 pm 1 1 m Lf tm tori, ... Ar II I IUf Ctorkmu Mm.ar II M I f m L ....... AtllMtm I Vl a L. ..... . M'lU '. -m.AtllNka la Lf ....... ........ r UUu lfm Ar... ....tl........L iMm U at. ,...!. . ....Lv. t MSB lu , u ,..i.mIhi . ill a Lv ... nttara ..iiMNii " i m Lf ..... ...M.u ...Ar M I , 4 ' Lf . ....'.r.. ....... Ar W nla LV ... ...MAT HI I yam t V I rk.aa. ...... .Ar U t m L . ...' Ar una m r. Lvtltaa t OM t, nipt SastAf. 1 l'v. tiir MaxUf. AdJi'it t tiai a Iim OilVr 'lailv exu h.:adnT 11 00 a. m., ar d rive ueod-j.a . 12.ua p m return tie lesve Ilit,leraon2.t0p m., daiy f.t Smltr, ariiva Oxford 3.15 A oQ lavinz Uu!lbcro Z.zU p ro. and IJileih 44) p. m. daily, makea caansctiio at Ddrhatn With No. 19, leavi-iit; at 6 p. m. daily et- :e:i; ?u(Jtav ft llendenon, and all ooi.ita oa O. A C tod R. A M. rord. rmeng'T eoacbaa ran through betwe-n Wnt t'otot and RaJeinh, aia kojAHiic, on Koa. 64 and 202, ud fh) and 103 V'm. 61 and 39 connect at Rich- moo 1 diily except rJunda lot Waal I'oinl and lialilmura, via York ltiver Uut. tttt.rina cab achvici. On Traina 60 and 61 Pullman ilaSX Kleepfr, between AtUata aud Ne York, Danville and Aoguata nd Gret n.tiro,ia AhllIe,LjiIar. rutwn.Tcnn. . ; Ou 6i aud 63 Pullman Bofut K eeper, btweea Waabingloa and N- w Orlediia, Tia Mootgomarf and bi'tteea WtMhington, ifirmiagbam, Bkhto'md and tiraeniboro, and be twen wanhmton and August and 1'nllmai Bunut bleepcra between vV'aehitigUin and Aiherilla and Ilot Vitrei. 4A9. L. LAYLOR. If A An, Uen'l l'aaa Agt TralT.c Manas iter. Div. ra-a. Agt W.A.1UUK,; Ualei.b.MO. SERGEANT 1IANUFACTURXNG CO., Greensboro, IT. O. . MAmiriuTCiUBa of FARRAR TURBINE WATER WHEEL, . COOK AND HEATING STOVES, J Saw Hills, Cane Hills, Horss -Powers, k Plows, Straw Cutters, Andirons, And Castings of Every Description. Send for Prlce-List. ' Saw Mill and Log Specialty. Writs Saw Aii DEALERS IN HEAVY- GROCERIES OF ALL VIKLU isEKUS SUG-AKtlANE ou sonanuai sked EARLY AMBER ORANGE VARIETIES ARE MOST SUI PAUL! rOP. OUR CLIMATE ASD SOIL HERE'S O'uR HAND : WE iaAKE YO'J LLCOME. to- EVAPORATORS MADE. SECURE A PLAST AND Ott SYRUP. ' fO: BEAUTY OF UEBUON AND WHOLESALE Hah DURHAM, N. C. Bedford andlmprovement Company. CAPITAL AUTHORIZED, Sl,ooo,oo Tbla eomtianf owna and cmtrola COO portion of the town, whli b U the most dence and manufactorica. ADVAHT&GES It lie on tbe Not folk and Western of tba Pituborz and Atlanta Railroad, nhtch w.T. Ih onaoftbir irreateil trunk lineeia the United riuiei. It and lituated at the foot of the Teat;! gala it unlimited aoppl of PURE AND WHOLESOIIi; WATER. MANUFACTORIES: Thia la the beat equlnprd fm'.ory b Io tbe Sixth ciMrici (whUih Inclu.l a Wright ACo.,8mokinq Tuhacci Una in tbil di.tricU The uberiy w w in alai oRctiinng CintD. l l.e beat equipped woolen nill in the BtatJ of Virginia, worHin prineijUy on tOTaromeot oonUacU. ProEU for aeven mon'.ha in 13d?, ill, WW (- re port of dlrectore.) iieaidca tb:a. th ere ta dirffK a large and profit d)!e butincaa, two r-i fluunnj tnilN, fniir elgar factorlea, two pluiug rui'la, cne hctorj.. 'MANUFACTORIES, PROJECTED : Broaaiua Steel and Itm Utnulacturi Broom factory. capital 110,000 s niacLuu iy or .er-;, ami Wi l imtu oi,rr(lon atanaariydaj. Ice ftctory, eapiu! f 12M, ro,chlnrf r lered. Fur turafaourr. Carriage and Waoti V.'r.tfe. Mattm fa;'r -. R W, C fee Mhina Compauy, capital lUWO.'W). Tl.t Crmj-nj ww one nf t'a nroat va uable patenta in e nintction with ninn;fuctire f I'-Uccu In the world, and will Boon erect tuUdrge to ni!i'ili: ur'. tf. c irte h;ne, giving employmtnt to two hundred band. Tbe atk booka of the company are (ifferad at filly M"t on the dollar. Thia ia a giod invea'ment ; nfe and sirrn. -Forfortbv Information, tvdilrcaa On and After June th? 3rd We Lots For JAMES Xd. f T1RDFOR OITY. V1RUIIN1A. Bsam Set Works a for Prices and Mills. AM TEED STUFFS KINDS-; AND EARLY Of. AND HILLS ilAKE YOUU OWN J10LASEo or BCRBASKS DETAIL, City Land acrra of land iituatn.l in the weat- rB iavaiiuiJ!! part ul tue c.i lor real OF THK CITY. Rallriwl. anl on the aurvcye d route I al the rate t f tl.epr.it $nlbwett of O.tcr Mountain', aud f.ott whkb it Ucrry Uro3. PlugToWco the Mr.tJ, and it' outiH the la'gett t,vnci.'jr; and lnvilie.) r)tn? RRftX alai the Urg't manufiiC'Uftri in th ar rh ven other toLa' e Lii In the fxtudrv aud yilow work, and oue bui id Company, cvpltal atock 1500,000 1 t'H aiot.e uu th a great city. ' ja; a Iii.iitd aiiioutt ol the atock WiH Offer A Limited Number of Sr,!c ESURY, PIlKSinHNT. hrsi-flatoal-M-fli- lira Chartered l.ov,9 1378. f S. OA UK, .... ...... PrcMcIsnt. I W W. b'ULLELt... ..Vico-l'reeidcut. -o J. H. CAttR, .1 W. SMITH. 1 W.W.POLLER 0. S. BRYAN, J A Genera! ACCOUNTS OF BANKS. BAKKfcKS.i.uuryMiii'x!: P1.M1TI VTi 1ATKS O V Dlil'OSlT. mouny to remain ou deposit with tbe (10LLECTIOSS made direot im S at't, and remitted tor promptly at lMUTIOJliAK atteutiou uil to llie DUsmc i tjorieniont. it TillS BANK, boiiM recfiitly orgauiisu'l, is in concjitioa to do al nmtui Bankini? Busine u n a favtbls full aUtoraont of the Liabilities and mu le and sworu tu hy at Wast three bssldosUU.liaultEtaiulnor.! arc sent wlve lnt-it Is made to thormiauiy CKamiue luto tiifc conuiuon oi im honce National Haolc aXir la larger ma.irc of prottcuon thnu cuyotbir B.inkingi-fpnv , ' CtlASAClTIK VNDCPrTlL.. T'u; character of ihtOll ccrs. Vvdni a:idPt-M;klu.l(iijrt!d th1 Fir 4 Natinnat Bank ir the Try highMt, end t, tb Slockh d-'er, U nn kr tho NaUor.il lUui. law teintiil !e l-r ' O-.t tU auouat of h1. fi:wk. Ki Bunk Ubj mora character of ureditoi Ltiur ci!i ttci than the Firsi Nittinnal. i, WK WANT a !nsri of rmjr h';nei. We !!cir yor.r alt tt ye 4 r''arn:(e at:rc mUtictfa in aii rm4ui etitrosted to tmr caie. tii l rJT4. m mm m,M m 51 Our Patent Roller Flourc AP.I1 MANUFACTURE I) FROM TiTE Choicest Wheat Obtainable! Pabpsco SuD.rlative Patent, THE PREMIER FLOOR OF AMERICA is uxsuRpAsiiiiD ror. liiead ASK YOUR PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT MKDOtiA, UIGll OUADE iNtU. I'Alf.M- D.Lt'A i . Jr aoIIL. ROLANDO CHOICE PA1T.NT PA t APSCO FAMILY PATHS T ORANGE GKOVK HX TKA Cm A. GA VIJRILL 214 Commerce $t. ... .- hot. 12 The Largest and Mo3t Gompleto Establish nsnt in the City. YILUAITDAFFBON. 151C A ir,8 MAIN AND .ERMCflEOKEAT fiUDERSOS, ..C. Wlif lesaio and Retail. FINE LINE OF-.--- Chamber Suits and Parlor Work CHAIRS ETC., ETC. Mattresscfl, Tillow and Bedding of every (tecripti con is tan tly on hand. t7e tr tU Ajfnfi for th Automa'w Fdiaol n.-k, tl. Wtl In tta worUi Ued In ii'rly nil the public .! mil 'i.U.vw in th c onrjr. 6m f.t f aim fin be toco ai.d iin iii.Kl at my liu at Hr.N PF.IOX, N, C. r any tf mr pU i,f luine. F:ctcrv Nor 1G. 18 & N. 15th Street, Richmond, Virginia. EST Order by Mall Tromptly Attended , To. FURNITURE. If you aro inned any FTJilNITTJRE. do not Percliaao until vou h?-v& n our STOCK and obtain PRICE B. VE WILL GIVE YOU MORE FOR MONEY THAN ANY: HOUSE IN THE STATE. ALSO CAKI1Y A FULL LINK OF Tie Cheek Furniture Company , 1 octis Capixal $l3:,ooo! J.i-0. I. I1EAHTT... CiiAS, JUHDAN Teller J.T MALLOKY 1 J. W. WALKER J. A. UKYAK.I A. 11. 8JX)KE8 Bankng liiusincbs liansacted. - - . . . - mL -r k it 1 I T a T 9 beni nu 4 pr tci, t. inlm i rj upon V' i ou ha tl. Uuitd FitSt Kntiotiul UbcIi t nil acmsiblfe lxiiiitK i. lowent ratca. terms a any oiutr Uuii n c ciie. Awota of all Ntkial BankB fcLall ba of the Directors t-very Ifcw ei 8, ata at the l!tneuie of iLc Gcvt iirtfi i THE PREMIER FLOUR OF PATAFSCO FLGGRISC M1US. EGTABLI3HED 1774 : -P!:iiFL01I)N IN FLOUR- -DISCUIT OR PASTRY. UKOL'liU FOR MAPLETpN FAMILY 6EVEKV MILLS EXTRA .."HOWARD MILLS" Mmitfaelurinff.ro. Ilaltluiorc. "" - - ?2 GOVERNOR STREETS, IND. va. ( Mr.

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