Mk.4 winter Cabbae Plant. - e m trenr aiwt HaVdy. - Ibav, (in-whUK and out ot dour Bedding PUntt.TuWoeM etc Hue t Ttaj :ai " ether 'choice Fluwr I tmitl -Ben4 forCAatoneV " ! I "tI.8TBlNMETZ.riTi', ;vai - -. H. iinli W IT" f I I r. I ROOM XCMXlUt I. iynclibtirij. Vor BOOK STOnEii iBtnroYouRi S BOOICS ;ANi IOKERY AT THE !!. 'Hi: Durban Book Store I FROMf U, ! Y V --nabStrcat, :;;:5 V ? St WHOLESALE Poalaraln if- r.:ab3iCl3ihm:,cic Vs tarry la stoek wrrthSsg jo ta fiJd la aaj geaeral tiure. :V L.DOUGLASS .Shoes," Salter & Li:e.wiaV;&Co.'S: . i I Shoes; " ' OtP', HICKORY I loiW-PiaQtat' Wag ; ess tand ' Road Carts Obcr Fertilizer Thi N- j ton a-md burb&mBallFeV. OBtl j r4WIffl83&-BUZE. Dtmnin, K.a ,l?g-t'---lL.. f v, I I S- f ij fr Infants f iiii us np . a g.a.Aiii,a. a, tu 0w 9L, sMUr yt T. BUIIH2VM (TlMTRn'i)riM 'wilHiilMniaiiiMint . CMMt BnL . , a r fnftii ii lie ii ii i ii-a UlteuiuatUiu Cert-d 1h a- Day . "Mystic Cure' Tor Kheuma tismand Neuralgia radically cure in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. &old by N. M. Jobnsou & Co.' Druggist,' Durham. ' Wm CWrt, ortl tit C-torU. etamw-lf oMaitt talMl Hstitmi U 4tM1i taMMbm. vklak Am torf iliwln kiM rj aor. OmnmaMMtb HeUBf IM wh. tak mm, At utUU. or ? Mil Jo vr ft fklhMrkM. - - All MM M 4triM Mo4. (Mm Uor, Mtk ito uia taur. kiio w4 koaltar. all riw cm , now. , ., ifM MMIM ao4 oanll 9m oo .uu mo. - mi xiy . . ! TOOTINE" Cores the diaeaM) that eaum lh offennte odor of the fret aud arm jiita, toflgheaa the tkm and pre vents ehafiDir. Price 50 eta. Fur tale br all Dorham Dru'ut. LANDPOU SALE. Nokth Carolina 1 V DCKH AM CotTKTT, J Br virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Durbaiu County io the ipeciJ proceediDKn entitled J. W. lUaTeri administrator of Xaucv Carl too Kaint C pafiaaiWI others, ill eH at tee court liuSfce diir Monday, March 23rd, 1891 4 public auction at 12 o'clock to the uixbMt bidder the following Und, towit;- IkmndH on the it bj tlte butdt otJC. G, Markh4!ii, on t! outh br the laods of C.'l. Mirk bam Mid A. U. t'-ooch, , ou the wet or the lands of Jtaa l it Lett, on tc eorth rtiBotnjrtoa piirt in; the laad of U. 11, PatUraua.f coaUio injf 47 acres more or kss,- beinjj the landaoa which the said Nancy Cart on lived and died, in Patterson rowHship on the Cbuptl II ill and Durham road . The terms of said tela are ft IX) cunt balance in 0 aoataa aith tutr-reat froar dar ol wd sale at 8 percent. Title re ferred until pareliae money upaiC His B, Klh, - - ' J. W. UEAVEItS. Adaiinwtrator and Commiaaioner. ' GUNS. S.O. FISHElt. Oae Maker and Dealer in On is, Bines. Cutlery, Ammsnition and all Bporlln Ooodi, " 1030 Haia Street, LYNCHBURG, VA; Ublt'e snd P-rke Breeoh Lolling SaaMaerle Doable Gun; R"uiiif kxt ltrech LoadincGunt. Beat or iba ailrtet for the otic tAUo a full lias tf t KngMkb DotiMBrrel Breech Iadin Gnna All style dincle Barrel Bret-ch Loading Uuns Seal for prtaa (tew aov. IV. ).! mn Children. n a sifaiMK(WNK 2 M IM, IN. -a mmm fa- am fWt t htwMouM hMUHkwlinriiMrinMM Ktr.r4Ma.iLi tae irwaoo," isMk mt t , DURHAM; WORtSCAROLINA; WEDESDAY-'MAitCftnM:. ANEliSODE QFWE. 1IE.VD? X 1118 IIAXi. tio Could ExDlalu tri'o Would, j - niitipi''a vivm. Many years ago, wfyen Phila delphia was yet young, f and before Fairmount Park- -wan ourrht to! its present etita of, perfection, there waft ' in the southern portion of Wissahick- en, near the river drive; a cave, callO(Indian cave, long since deKorted, whicli was suppduud at One time to have been the ren dezvous of soma of these war like! people. Various stories had beeniwaiBperef about by the more suptn stitious of the people n th vicinity to the effect that a man supposed to have been murdered there long ago had been seen by several d;!ated travelers to rise suddenly oat of the cave, mounted on a black steed, and pursue'thei. frighten ed narrators for a considerable distance iiyd then vanish as suddenly ni it had appeared. , Borne distance 'Bonn ot this cave there lived a man named Richard Ashlv. whose beauti ful and ju couiphif lied daughter ad suitors galore from all parts our Uuaker tJity. Among those was a man named George Bcyal.who did not meet with much favor in tueeyea ot his adored one, but who, neverthe-i less, continued to pay the most assiduous attention to the young lady, much to her displeasure and the utter disgust of his numerous rivals. His most bit ter, opponent was. John Colo man, who openly expressed the utmost contempt for George and vowed to execute a whole cata- ogue of tragedies if thit youne gentleman did not cease his nightly transit'): txrreri Oirard avenue bridge toward Wissa- hlckonr lint George -paid no attention to, 'all these threats and evefyr available -evening found him at the Ashly home stead, where," joining the lire- side group, Jie listened to the most extravagant ghost stories, among the most important that of tho Indian cave a few rods below the house. But all this did not abate the ardor of the young Bmtor, and ono, irticulaf feiibiff he de cided u iop the a!l- uiportant question and ribk thd chance of acceptance, as he could not pos sibly enuun. runner suspense in the matter. When an oppor- tu Itycai3 he broached the sujject with an much elegance and delicacy as he could muster to the object of his adoration, but received a rather flat re fusal from the lady referred to; which so incensed cur younu hero that he abruptly left the house, and, mounting his horse, immediately started for home, Ilia anger, however, did not prevent him fiom feeling some what sacred at some unusual noisjs among tho trees on the roadside, and his fear increased as he approached tho cave. v hen that point was reached be saw dark object emerge suddenly from some bushes near by which looked like a arge black horse, and on it the very identical rider he had of ten beard of at the Ashly house. The sk'ht made him fairlv sick. le lelteach ana every hair of his head rise suddenly upward, and a Very dully sensation took possession of his whole being as the apparition came prancing toward him. His horse shied violently and it was with the greatest dilliculty that the a'li mal could bo induced to start forward. 'When he finally got h?a horse started at a tcrritic galop he ooked back and saw to his great consternation the phan torn horse and rider Mindly pur suing him and almost at his heels. He whipped up his horse in a vatn endeavor to outstrip the speed ol his mysterious pur suer, and reached Philadelphia unharmed. When he reached the brow of the hill and looked back he saw for an instant the figures of a horse and rider leariy outlined against the sky. HorroH? he was headless and carrying his head in his band The cold sweat st kh! out o his forehead in great drops and his poor horse was given out. If 1 could only keep , ahead, he thought, until I reach the bridge 1 should then be comparatively safe, for as it is u cd to a great extent f for travel, the spirit snook, or whatever it may iw would be very ain io Disappear, 8o on he dashed and finally hen the bridiro was trained he tumci to wo his terrible pursuer disats car amid fire and brim atone, but instead tho rider raised the frightful head which liu had car. ed And aimed it tii rectly at thatof our young hero. George tried w uougo .ne oiow. but it wtt'ef no uscaTThe lioi- rid missilestruck' hwn And. he fell from hishorabadly stunn ed. iuat a tne phantoiiH horse and 4t6trange idcivaBhed past him., ; - .ThQLnzJtd as George did not put in an. appearance, his Philadelphia friends started out to bunt htm up and found his horse 'ouietlv cnazhfi xm Ah roadtfdd, nfaf the bri while noi rar away iay an ot crusueu siiuauh. all that was lot t -to tell the tale." Later Vd TiTfColer- man married Mis, ' Ashly, and when p xple speak' of the plimi: toui that chased George' Koy'aJ out of tovjr ho liugljiH iaiiiu-dert utely and Lis frienda. say,- With awiuk, thathe could xplaia matters if he wanted to. I.Okt Uielr It('iion. W.twlooOlwrrar ' f If the Bible totfue, then there is' a personal devif, and, if he go about as it affirms, like a roar ing iii,,seeking-whouiJte may destroy, iJlJie.. urt hav been a Irequeut atteuuani upon the deliberations both of the Cabinet 'meetings, '.and of the Congressional sessions of the recent Conirress. If. in the acts of thd Fifty-first Congress, and there ia not traceable satanic influence, theh erilt no such power m hem f eltincf tlvi dark days of Meditevaxlife. .Tiie systeniatio attacks upon the citadel of the constitution: the deliberate overthrow' of. ' the spirit and much "of the latter of that precious legacy oi our lore fathers; - the trampling under foot of the great writ of habeas cornuA that Dricelesf monu ment of civil liberty; the con stant ignoring of the Rights of the btates,1 and'the ceatraUdng teudencies of the government threatening speedily tS develop into a despotisia of flietlnost flagitious and bitter tyVte? the atumpt.oZJJbe Reed-Hoar gang to pas a Jaw aimed at the throat of the whole cduntry-anl backed up by bayonets and bul lets; the usurpation and revo lutionary acts of conspirators in both Houses of the Congress all this indicates that the Wicked One i th4hi?i: iwspir er in- these Jtimea of, publ'c pro fligacy and political trickery and usurpation. ' The old Latin maxim so often quoted iu the newspapers Queni Deus vult perdere prius mementat "Th man whom God detennhies Jto destroy, he previously deprives of his -understanding," may be applied to many men now running and ruining the Republican party and trying to rum the country. The people will yet "uesiroy some of these demoagogues. Al ready some of the conspirators have boon turned out and others will follow, s v - - . ;! .3 An i:ieveu PvuuJ Xutruet of liId , , . au'riiwy W.'fka.a' ; L-j The Uwharrie river section of Montgomery county is fast com ing to the front as a goia-pro- ducer. In a atrip of country extending not more than ten miles in length and two miles in width, with the Uwharrie river running through the cen tre, not less than $50,000 has been taken out in the last ni teen months, bv the natives. with only the crudest kind of washing machinery, sucn as thA hand rocker and pan. 1 A The latest and largest find . was made lust weeic, on tjne Martha Hall place, on Bunnell Mountato being an 11 pound nutrtret. found by Mr. elson Kusstll. A great many, nne nud'ircts have been found in the creeks and hollows, but none flunroarhinff this. the next in size weighing between four and fife pounds. .-s ' Wfl confidently expect in the near future, as soon as new and improved metnoas are iniru duced, to see this section- rated as the mid-producer of the United States. lilt Compliment. , , Miss Do Pretty I don't see how you whistle through your fingers that way. 1 could never do it la the world. Mr. Goodhcart (wishing to compliment her delicate little hands) No, Miss De Pretty, if vou should try it your whole hand would slip in to your mouth New York Weekly. Five Dollars Clear Profit, Drummer (to country nier chant)-,,lIow'5zMyual', "Can't comolainj Just made five dollars"' . . . "How wa that?? I ."Man wanted tdvrtt trusted for a Pair of boots and I ilidn' let him have ,cinJ"-Munsey, Au Itenl ot Jniportauce to All I di tiilloiisekceps.ffi.t nj The close of this . month' will brine about .a change in the sugar market.) Ilousekeeps who have, been paymif large prices for suarar can have the satisfaq- tiou of knowing that it will take a tumble of, from, two- to four cents pe? pound, and that, they need not be bq sparing in serv idar it out either at table, to the servant,' or for use. in article of On April 1st. when the duty on raw jsugara will be takpn off, the price of the refined- article to consumers: will ; dropped about two cents per pound. and the people will enjoy the cheap est sugar ever.known, xa this country, h Granulated, , sugar, w;ikh;now copt.thehpvsekeeper from six; to eight cents per pound, will be sold at the grocery stores for f and five cents per pound. This drop in the price of . sugar will not affect the renners ai au; on the contrary, it will benefit them, because there wilt De an increased demand for the article. The. price charged., for .sugar, two cents per, pound, which is now paid to the government as dutv on the raw. 'material has all beou paid, by,, 'the, consumer indirectly. im rennenes wiu, therefore, make a wjdermargiu than st present.; In cqusequence Of the drop, which.'must neces sarily come,, the wholesale . and retail dealers; are .cleaning., out their ?stock and buying only small quantities, in .order .that, tbey may get oi the right , side; of the fence by April I4. . f , h Anfi Advance,, representative to-day interviee Mf.. James T.: Williams, senior member of the wholesale firmsJ.; T.;Wil-' liams. Son & Co., apd one of the most level, headed ,of business j men, who stated that the reduc tion in the price of sugar, could not be more than two cents per pound, that being the: amount of duty which will be taken off under the new law... He added, that while the' consumer would at first recieve the Jtieneflt of the reduced prices, , the manufac turers would,-in the end,, reap more than corresponding advan. tageVjust ai in the case of to bacco. i Mr. "Williams was 'also of opinion that it would be to trie interest of every .housekeeper who can afford it, to purchase a good supply of sugar during the monm 01 April. . Uu , t ,j , The following is a story ' told by an 1 old ' sailor , to Samuel Adams Drake, and , should .e appreciated ' eo ually by ( thope who love and those who loathe Vthe thing they call .the ' seai:" 'ilost anus manes more or ess lolts unwell, me motion does. We naa iwo gems aooru of us last trip. One of 'em was a lawyer. ' My grief, 'wasn't he done up, though! "Tother wasn't a div inere he sot, smokin,' as calm as a kitten. He was abiglwip jedge, goin down to hold court. - "Uaa i ao anytningioryoar says he. ! ' ,! " x es ' gasped me seasicK one, 'I wish your honor would overrule the motion."' : I .f: I e Looted Treasury. . nuvbipai Thm. , Secretary Windom, in his last annual report, estimate I the re venues of the United: States for the current fiscal year at $472, 000,000, and the expenditures at $420,000,000. For the next year, ending with June,1 18112, ; he estimated, the expenditures 'at 000.000. tr 'As tar as can oe maue out me Congress just adjourne 1 appro . a -aa.- priated tti2,ooo,ooo lor iai ana 32T.O00.000 for-18'.2.l This will not only use up- nr. w inuom expected surplus of $52,000,000 but leave a deficiency of at least if the late Secre tary estimates 01 revenue were anv here hear right i- ; The figures here giten for the appfopnatlona aremoseoi iicn ator Allifum. and are certainly undeaUttHt. Other autBorilies matro ttmiii! nearly twenty mil iiAntnnrfl.'..Thd fisCal'Tear of 1893 will bo half over when tue new wmgiws mww, tHnt time the deficiency' will have bicoitWftmttrenti 3 . n TI RiUtt LlH-UtlS. VOtOU'OUl for thi4r extrfganctf tatid in cotntetency, btweeimply looted t!i Treasury and : run away, leaving the tank of restoring the balance tdlitrsucccsBorB. Whew, olt, wnert,' la; Granny Old man lloar has1 lost nla hair, And Tommy Reed - 1 ' ' Emotion compela tw to "let up." '''.!, " A BLOTTED RECORD, j ALfy ' PAKT1ES KEJOICE THAT IT'S WOltK It j:" ' - ' ' ED. : i .: . , , The'BIost ProfliarAte of Anur 'I ; '' can IliHtory. ! - ' ' ! Ud.lphlTlx. t, - ' ; The fifty-first Congress closed at noon last Wednesday;.' add there" was a sigh -of relief throughout the whole' land. : It was the most profligate t Con gress of American history, and, oven ' when condemned, by the people by unexampled : popular majorities, after its first 8668100, it continued its shapeless profli gacy until the moment of its deatn.' f ?. t-..5 -ii i4i , The people can hardly realize the measure :of profligacy and jobbery of' ,thd Congress.' that lust passed into history. When it came into power with k Senate and President in polit ical harmony with it, the Treas ury was overflowing with eur- lus revenues, and reduced taxes ,nd reduced revenues were :the unger-cry of the people. w hen it ciosea its Plotted re- ord Wednesday thd surplus was ' scattered;. ' the revenues largely exceeded by" expendi tures; a forced loan of $54,000, 1)00 of sacred trust funds ! will not save the ; Treasury from bankruptcy, within the next year; the expenditures '' com manded by the Fffty-first Con gress will change1 the Condition of the Treasury from: $100,000,- juoo surplus to fully $100,000,000 deficit before the close ot the next fisca'. year,1 and 'the addi tional pension, subsidy and other jobbing Bchemes fastened upon looted Treasury by positive law, saddle ' the people of the nation with over one thousand millipas of riewtxpenditures.1" In additional to this bewiider- mir waste o : . pudhc money, chiefly in the interest of jobbers, largely increased taxes nave been imposed upon the neces saries of our industries a id up on the commo i t jcessariea of life. While the " tsurplus has been scattered and -' a Treasury deficit of fully ' $100,000,000 - a year made inevitable to be 'met by increased taxea on tne peo- pler tlie wanton,' cruel addition al taxes levied on the necessaries of life, reduced the value of the earnings of industry fully, ten per cent, by that percentage 01 luCrvastJ ou urwvico vi uuhcimi cor sun-pt'on. . " " That the people should con demn such a Congress with an emphasis never before' exhibited in popular elections waa only logical, and the close of Fifty, first Comzress sends more men into retirement by defeat at the polUthan was ever known" or ecn approached in all the politi cal revolutions of the past. The great North was revolutionized by the mad recKiess less 01 tne Conirress just closed, and for the first time since the success ful organization of the Republi can party, the Northern btates sent a clear majority of Demo grata to reversed ihe Republican' majority of 400,000 in 1888 into an anti-Republican majority of 200.000 in 1890. . . No party in all the varied political history, of American politics ever Buffered such a de4 feat when it held every depart ment of power, and no Congress1 since the insane Democratic Lftcombton Conirress of 1857-8, ever o insolently defied the peo pie after its entire policy , and leadership had been overwhelm lv condemned by the country! t The 1 itty-nrst ijongrcss now beloniM to history . and consid erate men of all parties rejoice tvdav that its work ta ended. The one silver lining to the lm- nenetrable cloud that Shames its record, is the failure of the party el power W consummate its crowning wickedness by the asaageof the rorce juecuon ill. . The few Republicans who reariied our politics from chaos and our business from paralysis by defeating the lforce revoiu- tinnut. win ne crvsiauiseu id the irrateful memories of the lU'Dunlic: out u9 miusuuuuCT niadnes of the defeated party in exhi ited in the eltort to ex cluila the bravest and best of its men from nartv leiiowsnip lor . ...... . a conspicuous patriotic service. Th Fif tv-first Conirress is dead, ami tne Ami'ncau iwuihu i , very nection of tin Union wil irivA . fervent tdanks that : its " . . ... . .1.1 ... . t ,ii.ath is witnout tne duiki w resurrection.! : . . .. Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Atk'm son, one of the oldest and most prominent ministers of the V'Kmtivtorian church In ' this t.t. dhvl auddcntiy at ' his home in Warronton on tnc Cth inst. STATE NEWS' ! Rockingham Ilocket: , Dr. If, E. Shephard, president 'of ' the Char'eston City college?, may twro; the next president of 1 obi Uavii versityn, ..; A -1. U.S.'i:h I LaOiaD?e Spectatorfc' .TIv shad BAnnnn haB TnmiiiHiiced in earnest on the Nedse",' bat W this timeaBmalI nuttlWaaswi been caught. t.-ui-4;l'fim'f ai ItTCin'ston free Pre88.i'Theri8'v' some complaint ot i scarcitv of 1 labor by. our j farmera.rTT'C'? j farmers are buying vast quanti- ties of fertilizer. " The'aWpir; is noi equal w uw ucmouu. Oxford Day!' Wood 'fa vert' scarce here just now; and? some leople are actually euneringior uef durinc this Cold ' spell. The roads ' are. In aueh bad condition' israeonsfrom thecountrycanw . hot get to' townvrtvi(J ''" Mount Air Newai The Coadi5 tionof Mra. 8. Taylor, vwhtU was so seriously, imured about, the throat aod Bhouldera by the robbers, is Bligntiy .oetter, aau her son. DiV W. ' 8. 1 Taylof,J speaks very hopefully of her rex coveryit s . . ,fi 'C Hickory Pressand Carolinian The log-boom of the Catawbtf Lumber Co., hfdke last Suuday and before it could be repaired about jl.OOOaogs, were earned down the river causing a yery, heavy, loss to the; cotopan.--' One day last weeks' MeB6r8",W7 " H. Jones A. u. ratwrsoa J. B. Field imadet arraid-rand. captured three blockade, .dis-jv tilleries.. 1 One about five miles from Hickory ahdthe other twd; in the Brittairt settlententOver- 2,000 gallona bt'atill bear was' poured out, 1.111 ?i?tj u ,11 v Beaufort Seasideii Thrf fare neerr of Jlyde cdjnty, ion ac cou; it of eo Uinro uv raina have not been able to moveVin , the way of f arming.-)irrtte8day night the' 17th ' of MaaT month' fr Tlnvut .TrmA. Of Cane XOOK4 out Saving Statiofiabwta.mile South of the camp, tound in j ne wash rt thA sea the' dead, body of a man. The bodj waa; with-; out clothes' 6f anyHnd; - The arms were.offlat ' the aaouidera and legs off at the hipa. : uj; MOTgantonJIeraU: JejWoree- - - of deadly aocidenta..that have reiuilted in IS orth uarouna rviu rotten trestle- work.. ahow -that they are unsafe, The frightful cscurrenoe ons ia .v:t Lenoir last week BpeakS;; eioqut ently fcr the abolitioaK.ot tue wooden trestle. No ,.s railroad ought to I be allowed, v arr passengers until ita; road. bed solid and 1 substantiaLt; Iron bridges ought tos be Jesa.i ex- fBisive than ;- numan uvea, he wooded trestle must' go. Thnmftavilla Xewa: Our read- era will be pleased to earn that Mr. W. G. Wood, who naa oeen blind for ft numborjoc.yfara, and who recently 1 went to KaT- eigh to have an operation per- formed, has recovered ai and writes that , he can aee aa well as ever. ' 1 He will, return to Thomasville shortly rrLft Grippe ia raging to a coiisidef able extend- throughQut Aha country? about town but yery few cases have oeen reporveu Thomalville. -'5t4.;;f U r'tUi- 1 Deladlng the Poor Colored Man. T.nct wapV three hundred ne groes passed throfighGaifiiville, Texas, en route to Oklahdnt io settle there. It is'etated that nearly all came from easTero Texas and were a distressed and hard looking 8et; ' aeanraw ot . money, clothings -provisldna, farming implements and every thing -necessary ' t pre rent starvation, and; suffering new country.iJV i.whil man . from Ok'ahoma.haa beea prescnt'nsr to thetaUhat they could aecuie a; good farm at very little cost , and has aiw. , . sold to' nearly; erery 'One: Of .a ' A r . i JmM m Afl tnese migraung m tyvo a lot for 1 eachTbeRelots wefe;. ; represented to' he located" In the ; .. heart of large towns, and to be, ' worth I10O. tvery nezru" a deed to aotte imaginary town lOt.'".' '" ' ' l,,t' 4 -' 1 . aeU.nsltalraifc'Bttf ,-,. Cultunxl Barber (turnlag from suffering patron in chair'Say bot, Where's that othef razor" Boy I aoi-n a razor- Cultured UarbeiW'Doti mj 'I Keen.! Bay I aaw Patron ''With a razor." a ' r ..I 11 ! ni fcTt ' . , htaMMMMtaml ,- The Orinoco warehouse since ita opening in October haa been doing a splendul busineas. The influence -of .Mesar.;. Watt Webb ia bringing ,muchi tobac co to Ymstoh from distant aeo tions.