HZ; Colonial .DaiiM'd. . IP. TVn "Maw VnrV Pruaa cnvn that a number of ladies have united, it is said, in an associa tion" called "the Colonial Dames," the membership to be confined to women who can trace their descent from ances tors who were here whcn.Qeorge HI, was king. Such a society may be very good in its way. Anything has some merit that tends to perpetuate the memories and principles of early settlers of America. It is worth remem bering, however, that in the United States the inheritors of historic names are of tener to be found in the counting room, on the farm, in the workshop, than in mansions of brown stone and marble. Our nation did not bestow estates and titles of no bility to mark and maintain in prominence the posterity of its iounderw, and the descendants of the latter have to take their chances' in life with the rest. While, therefore, the proposed Society of Colonial Dames is all very well, it should not bo for gotten that a large Society of Colonial Dames is to be found everywhere, from Maine to the Eio Grande, from the Golden Gate to Hatteras, fulfilling each in her calling, the duties of American womanhood. , Cruelty to Anuuitlx. . Several times within the past few months there have come to our view or knowledge the caws of animals badly treated There is nothing which dinguta a true man more than to see some poor animal forced to draw a load entirely too heavy for him, ind cruelly abused in many ways. Often we have wished that it were in our power to turn the tables, and give the animal the upper hand rather than the BKt'TE. Patiently the beasts (f burden do their work and e im ten fold their sustenance and kind treatment. They do their part, and do it well; their own era should see that they do theirs equally as well. : Those who own or drive horses bhould re collect that there is a limit even to their power ot pulling and enduring. If they have not souls they have physical feel ing..' Be kind to your animals, friends. lled tb Warnlnirs. The latter part of last week witnessed two notable events one in Pennsylvania, the other in Piew lone. Two very serious riot. r In Pennsylvania it was the Hungarians; in New York, the Italians, j In the larger cities the great daily papers are raising their voice against these things. The New York Press, which is in a' better position to know, myt that louuer and mora ominous every day are the warnings that the continuulrushof the low er-t class of ignorant foreignors its dangerous to the peace, if not to the security of the Republic. Many of these people could not be asHimuateu in one or two generations. Their children will be foreigners in disposition and prejudice and tmpcrttiliou, and the country will have to tuta 1tllf.it.kn t tmr mtrll 11). anions inng. ine n?meiy lies with ourselves, and should be applied. As ex-Pkksidest Cleveland and State Treasurer StepV-ns, of Missouri, have both denied the accuracy of a retorted con versation between them, which . f ni ... was published recently in aNew York paper, the fact has boe established that the paper which made the publication was mure desirous of causing a sesisatiott than of publishing accurate in formation. The Indiana delegation to the League of IU'ubliam Club was quick t5roetho oint in Foraker'n iijHch when the hit ter stated that "Mr Blaine hai- given us a mugniflcctit adii in istratlon." The 'attempt to l( nore the President was tooplaii W OO tniHUixlel suwjfl. ' M Ir fj t H A N. tS 1 1 LA I K'S ln?ir practice in presiding at ptilli ii M k. lux eii! in r en t u. f ii.ubiier in tl 1 1 '.ur i!,ii ii liny aman lii'ht ti..;". Mi is tm.uig the lew ni,r;i t i pMidute tho iiii .n.fMiifii if, no more eiiibiirracd w la n lk I 'ng as chairman for a' large as bly than she would feel with ' a single, guest in'hcr own drawing-room. ' . ..... . ' Johnson & Co's Compound Itch Ointment. : Never fails to cure itch; and may be relied on to cure all skin diseases, whether chronic or re cent. Made only by N.t M. Johnson & Co., wholesale and retail druggist, Durham, NC. No Metier (itliliio, ,, - Than the "Stonewall", sold in Durham by:.. V. T. Qufrjngton, and made by J. G. Tinsly,-Richmond, Va. Buy it and you will be richly rewarded when 'you sell your tobacco. . tf English Spavin Liniment re move all llard, Soft Or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, lting-bone, Stifles, Sprains, all Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. W arrant ed the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by N. M.Johnson & Co., Druggist, Durham, N. C. Free Samples' of Dr. Mile's Restorative Nervine at Yearbys cures Headache, nervousness sleeplessness, neuralgia, fits, nervous debility, sexual weak ness, poor memory, etc. A new and remarkable discovery. Or address the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. . - . - r, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria, THE THE UFE WORKOFMI EDUCATED PHYSICUK, Curscf Disease V.'tthcutMedicino of it 1f wttb i it t-rVai ami miur-ue oliunaf tiM- tioojr 'I ?- niiiujf S wtlL tt U Mttt eltkiiy. mr.E stiHy Jrntln-'l TttnHty. TM out) vit. R at it rr, ts iianiw'tiWBf.lothmir off tiw twtiMv, w vMtvr of yntt I baa nil mttw kauwu MMtoiM are tui(jLik Al l TE I AKH ff aU kMulM tn Mnd la o.J ti mMu&ry rfvt'. i of n.-!nuaJoA WOclU Chv-unili th mtftMriK and iTfac - Ukti Ail tuti' r U:firiu'.itm. caU on jt tAisvm . Vns trt1mrrriUI trrrm iMtmlB YOf ' K OW ELECTROPOISE, ' r n r . witr'iHr.rcN, e e . D. WILLIAMS, Agent, Dur ham, N. C. LVXCIIDLHG WD DlKIl R B. TIMKTAIILKXo.2. TO TAKE EFFECT 8UXDAY, APBIL 20th, 18'JL : .-.Mixed. South Raund. f .. So. No. ,21 Ko. 11 Lr.'in-. Lv .ra Lv p m m 071 LYCc'.burj, 5 5i 6 55 .5 0.1 D-rm'd, 6 0J - : "5(t9- Lip-con n 7 H '7 2) 503 Lone Jack, C I t , 7 21 5 I t O nrit V 1.2 6 ZCj Saiuviu. 7 5S 1051 C 37 fni.irtp, 8 07 11 03 6 4 lltll.8 M 11 'U ft 50 ffmistoui 31 1103 711 AibiIi 'on 44 12 23 7 24 SS k .V!n ii 9 03 1 0) Ar f).Wn J-ua 9 41 r. 13) pru.' o-SvUle. !-0 2 2.i r.i.xh-ro, 9 4S . 3 HQ .lrtf.-i, 10 !,! 3 it !,f!,.!..v.-r, IU 13 4J it.U n. 1.:4 4 Si Vii;aHvil' l'Ml .4 5,1 F in S', 1 H 50 OorSiii, 11 Itr- ' A 40 North lluiind. . N . 2. 22, X... i Ar. pm At ji.m Lt It :urUii', ftO'J 7.T) !. C,'2 8(WL41 V l.in:Tll'C S. 5 31 Ii 47 liiIi:oii " U 40 8 41 ft l fjtt-l.Kir, 05 9 01 7 i' A i.-ii, 74 d ti 5 41 lloalrow, 73 7 61 4S; Lv 10 13 I Vo.nI. 7 45 10 35 8 07 .Vi-ti.'J. 8 03 . 821 11 l B'uW i a8 13 8 30 II "JO vi. Co V.'.i 5JJ 8 41 Aril 4i Lvl2 2) (.hi t -ii. nu bi )J4 rjt ii! Hi ... 9 VI 15 -Oil 0 22 lib! 1 le 1 4 hiot-.n. i 1131 1143 2 4 (ttih i'..nt 6 &1 b 'i3 Ar lb", j 1 -(li l.lt 10 Hi I, i.cJ .rl'. 14 47 11 10 !!' iOSl'i io r 4 44 42 mi;, a 45' ii l :;o AI . ill iiii . i. Saiu.", 10 10 3 V, (Jti:i!'l, 12 aj 11 W II 15 5 2 . in" ,n .-mm! oiilv. iiHVICpU i S t in n. ' Z : f Nn, 22 w 11 ukt' i,la. fu No. 11. Ni. 22 iU but 3 fli p L ir Jnrk aiihi.ul iui.t. N. 1 i'iiiii" at I) trmid nitli Ni J n Liiliiii'itui it ' i,nvi.!o Va Mi.linml iliviftdi;. No. cnuncis at Durm.ai ., 1 1 !,(, .in'. 1 A Uiturii;. it , Mt Uhi i t';ii'i. V. 1 li u .... t:f. . A , I. l.i r.m M-.f lUlbtlb'a a.. mi i i t No. a i:.oinu.i mi ii - . Aii tinn l Vivvuio.. 1 1 . il i. ' .t wuniiiu win. s,,' , . ....,d a Va .vllle ( J'tl! 1' I'. vJ.I'ilv, W, N. Mucin ll I r.i i.i.f, ttupt. Ira ta I flVESIU PAIfit OUTWEARS ALL OTHERS Tuon l.n't It tho bent and mmit economl -en! I ir Mr. Hlnw buys an Mnumted article auilliiuto I'Hinl fmirUmtm In a brief period, ami you buy tha "Avtinil" aurl paliit tmi iikw, do yon not aav iit a .. ml Paint hi, a IxwHtlfiil luftlrv; It Improve theaj- ti-armim au.l inrrwiv the valua of your tillilliiKH. It bat) bet-n iaatvA u time, lor it Ihh'ii In ne 'is ymra. ftanipla card of fjiKhlonuble tintaarid podltlve proof of tha (1'iriiljllRyof Avenll Paint to any adtlrena. -RKKUiV lUlO'fUKHS. H! Burling BUUHOW York. . , gold bj 7 ... . tVABTHINO V DITKK, Diraan, H. C. Sli'eplwsnt 88. nervous prostration fits, St. Titus dance, nervousness, hysteria, headache, hot flushe, nerv oiii dvupppsia, couf usion, are cures by Dr. Miles' Nervine. Trial bot tles end fine books free at Yeaih y's ' rtiRHtore or address Dr. Wiles' iled- ul Co,, Elkhart, Itid. 1 ; Children Cry for Pitcher'. Castoria. BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE Tug Best 8alt id the world lor Cuu Bruiw, 8orea, Uloen.rlalt Itheura. Fever Hukk, XetUsr, Chsmied Handa, Chilblain, Uorumndall .Skin fcruptiorw, and poriiUrely cum Hilpri. or no my reriuired. ItiiifiiRi uMcd to give perfect iatiiiucuon,or money remitted, fioe a oenu per doi. i For tale brB. BUcknall A Co. Dur.um The Great Horse Remedy of the Day ; ' HaviDir used a great many re medies for horses and. cattle during my experience as manager of riiil- oad construction and stock dealing:. Having under my charge and treat ment over 200 horses and moles at times, I have never used a remedy that acted so promptlv and satis factorily as Johnsou Bunny South Condition Powders. , I recommend theuito do all that n claimed. - b a. I'AMPilX, Munufai'tured by N. M. Jolinsu JC Co., wholnialeauJ retil diuiipis!. Durhiiui, , C.N febzj I Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. NOTICE. Nkra Gaou,l BlMsuuB C)i-T. Initiua Uvcn. , . , . Lclc Bhyan, ) vs. , James Bkyax j To James Bbyan: ; ' . . . You are hereby commanded to appear at the office of the clerk of the superior court,' of Durham county, on the 13th Monday after the 1st M on lay of March, 1891. it being the nrst day ot June 1831, and an swer or demur to the complaint bleu by the plaintiff, the pur pose of this action is to obtain a divorce rora the bonds of mat rimony, lnis ilarch lth 18M1 , U. a. UBEEJf, U. D. U. Klectnc BIMers. , Tbia rtniedv it hcommiD2 ao wel kfloo and u pi' puUr m h n'e4'p rvcis! Dicrjiinn. All hobsve osfii Electric li tter'rirj(f tt t-i. tout of p iiw-A purer . Diedioeoa dntv at tstsod it it gUNMDtc-fd to do all I li at Is cmimeo. . i.U'ctric unkii il) cura a!) dicaca of the Liver and Ki-liirji, will nuve FirupWt, B ril. fM Kbeum and other aliictioDiCHM d by itDbura bluod. Will dnv Mi lana fro in tlie svtem and prevtut el as car all Ualarial tott-t. For cura of bea lacl, Coo'tipatioo and lodigfitioa try Elect lie Bittura Eutirc aatufaclioD gua antl, or money reiumlfxl lrloe Ooo ana f I per bottle at K. Blackaall A hun't POMONA HILL XUItSEltlES. POMONA, N. C. Stock consists of All Leading Fruits Calculated to suit the South. em and border States. -Send for descriptive Catalo gue, No. 1, of Fruit Trees, Vines &c. and No. 2, Green-House Cat alogue of young pot-grown CAR2fATIOS - and a general variety of Bed- ding and ! lowering riauts, ivjidy to plant out in April and i"iy. t utaloiruos free. Correxnon. deuce solicited. Address J. VAN. LINDLEY, ' ' Pomona, U uilf ord Co. , N 'C.aa REALTEMTE Choice Water Lilies, (ready in May) in nnit, wiuie, uiue &c, 50 to 3.ua. They bloom all gum luor, mmio 0 to 12 inches in li.'iiiKtir. The - tiilvcrTippcd Arborvitaf VICT0HIA tho clioicent evergreen grown, Co, and other choice jlutiU. ri . . - A,Tomato Caoo t;ja ana Cfilorv Pint . i. ..j. ...., .v'. r . I BQit men '"ii thin iui,vr, i M. it. UAl i iiS. 1U illl'li Dt UflU ll 1 1 fcV Ul Ift At l Ol'liiiiin Street, Hiolinn nd, Vu, THE II (..1. Grand, Square and Upright Piano-Fortes, Fift Ycnr h fovo thv tmbllc. Upon UltlU fXCI'lll ilPI! lllll 0. 'l.tiV !tHllie( un ii'iruri'hVv l'r: erJ..,'i'" birh iituhlUliud il(i'ni tm uiii'Qiinlkil in TONI- TO CCII. VORKMN' ' AN!M)i;UAl)lUTV. 1-2 bt" - i 112F.fib Av"Mi-.' N'"V-.i, 22 and 14 K.!4rm-re Kr., Haiti. 81 iiii'i-k.-t Sp.ci, V.Jitsj;t.' I V. eiit. 1H HARDWARE. We have aim ger stock than Stovesfor 10.00, 15 00 Stoves for Packing Earns, . . CEOOKBBY,. IlallLvps, Libra ) Lamps, anil Stand Limps. CUVSkimI RHOItTISO oo's, ai.i; AToraj PKI';ICS. ; LOWEST: PRICES AT LLOYD'S Hardware Store. nnuunn nnnmn apt? nnnnT i Jft l . bUUllMTIr U CljASE -Bm PI AIHOS "4 ll: -a is -4 : 1 apr-'8 Is'o. 7 E Eroad G. Mi"V. FOLLETT, MAIN STREET, '4 '. ' ' lilliiiery. Millinery, I - AXi FANCY GOODS. DPfr T it p s r. R i y e r. in jSO IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Jm.1m. CS.i m! cUi with r'Jvri'IIC l I ll u null in-M " riUCES TO SUIT THE TRADE. FOURQUREAN, r: en liKii nmm one. r. m u etu t Mill lUlUUU, 6UU f.icii!'.o;:d, va. Headiuarters for the best of everything in " DllY GOODS You can'nave'nioney by dendiiiff to us for samples and selecting from thi'in. !- - Orit STOCK OF SILKS. VKIAKTS. Jll'HI NOVKLTIKS, FANCY DIIKSS (JOOl)S. HEll AND WHITK OOODS, ' NOTIONS C. in the large and imwt varies! in the Houth. Our prices the most reasonable. C1IAS. A, RALEI3R MAHBLE CitAsniiVABD: Lachkr'h Ou Llarbie at.d Granite I-bnuiaeais, nranito'Ouarry. Fnt lienor St. v W '. .' . W1UE FKNCr FOH YOUlt YARD (l CKMKTUUY. WRITE - . . ton rtouAb ratl IW f Vf k." '. I -.- f 'U -' Mrw 1T3J, c: It i. w r-Ti is-i at.-?. (.nH nr nlii..lft I lm !- ri..r a p W llaaMlraftliaf kad.,Hlf liawu. tout n"''ii.-if. aiiiha rniTf.EB--. ..a roirr! errw catwci"J or Arrwc, rr" irr-'pr" i:prF -1 r rf "i.v v fiit' it i i-.n-ttt. tC tffi!' tXlt ,r I' '- v T" ; i n ;. -iti'H te ttn .'m'""" , .'. -j s:v '.': t -i.-Jfy. ft- . ' : ; ""'!'; A 4- - -i. : ' -.1 AO lit .'fit' ; , ' . - f i i t 1 -.Urtn.. f4ei ''A f .'..H,t-l !?. v 'f.f '.... iK'iJftJ "k .r,"iv-:. Srnt I? a -t'li;'t'.., i. l 'irivs 'il i- A-V""-'1' -.tU.'-H -.-.H-'r )t I i1 lii . I'll! , Pa,. J.T.VIOiBLE. Hardware for Builders Hardware fcrFaraars Kardars for .Fctories Harwrs for Everybody Paint Leafl ai Oil - CMCIQT SSB tllffifflU. i line of tha bet and cheaptst COOK STOVES ever. See our No. i Uxt find 18-00- Sa3 r Branch House . for Pianos and Organs; Organs and Pianos at Wholesaland Ra- tail, ORGANS fiots .?150; SHEET MUSIC 10c. COPY. PI A NOi 82 ) ). $190 ). Write for catalogue, ;nt free'4 p )3t paid to any. A Uress au coniuiunicatious to Rithrr.ond Hus-c Cr, ttrw t, RICHMOND, VA PRICL & CO., U 6UJ 11. dill Ul., GOODWIN. td GRANITE WORKS, Stand. Fay et tevili.k, N. C, Maii Y rd and Office, 417 aud - f til. Iff V k'niL'M. maris l'r'. n' S ..f.1"- ai-l r.;r rW '-:v:r: ;L . Z.TZ U V i ' ,.. .... r. '-f-- V-'. pah 11 if I ill WHOLESfllE GROCERS. NO. 718 Main Street LYCI1BUBG, VIRGINIA, -v SSSd1:,s 'a - W. P. WAT1'. ORINOCO WAREHOUSE, "WINSTON, N.C., IS THE BEST PLACE SO SELL YOUR TOBACCO 1i 1,,ll'Ti;r ?'!':,'' w the BEST nOCSE, with the BEST LIGHT, the EST AUCTIONEER,- the BEST ROOMS, the BEST ALL ABOUNDS WORKERS, THE BEST ACOMMODATIOHS. .... t ll,IBB-MiBBBJBMIBBBBBMBai and we will at ail timea get the BHt Pricw. O ir Home i fli a "Ith B8aoioriM a. d Leaf .t.MMa rht itd.r. c . Remember, u u ran get t- th Orin .c frmn any i la of to m witViut coming in entet with tha atreet cm, Y-nni t uly, "; WATT & WEBB, , , - Proprietors Orinoo Wan-house, J'"7- ' WINTON, N.C. - JOHN W.;MARkHAIH. Wholesale and RetaiJ Dealeria Groceries and Dry G0ods Durham & Oxf rd. Buying as I do in car lond lot., and bay the lar.'eit qtualiu k, wuv n gooa. i heap. i This I haw done ami mj cu i , l,;iV llM' benefit of the extn lo t,.r?Hi, I he aeear . Bi " t.le ' store t my old rtiml in DMrhm, fr.r,i.!r ..f !... and Raiiroad itn eu, I liaveOiMKl 4 hr.uo . i.. corner of Parrish nn-l Mangum ir,-. u. ,t l'arriHh'a War -,r. either of ny stores jou can get COFFEE, CANNED GOODS SALT, MT:AT. ' - " kMKAL,S &1UTASSES, FLOUR. HATS, HOOTS ANl Every kind. Price s 1 fre mated will be re-y I . fW m JOHN W. MAMHAM. Durham, N.C .xt8 HO FOR It" . 868 HE OLDEH 1ELT REAL ESTATE EXCHAHG. Incorporated Under tha Laws of North Carolina. Principal Omcest Oxford and Durham, ifT O. DR. H. C HCRNDON, proiiprtics will be wlc elVei ted. on reasonable KstahIWie.1 a a medium lor buying ncliinj?, renting and leasinpr luojiei ties ny where in North Carolina, with aplendid faeilitie foi advertising, and drawing attention oi investor everywhere. Farming lands, timber iorests and town or pro"pectm ana ftiU inrbrmalion. Address GOLDBX 'ueLt AND UKAL ESTATE KXi! I a x?S thei r at Oxl.jrd, or Darhiro Nr. C Saw Mills, Plows. And A" Send tap 1 C J 1 SII6S Al' order.' G. E. WEBB ' J. SHOES -I!Y tilM m HAMS. CHBI Til ! Oor stock of D.anon,!., Watchr-a, Jewelrr, Olocks, Silwwaw, Ke.:to'e, Cnt-gl Br e ft-Brao o , Ac- U Imninae and we are fully preprwl to meet all demands for a big fa il day trade. Elegant and Useful Cffts from 4 I .OO to I OO.OO aTlt - -.inn i U' Di.b in town and look t "ur huimfifn' tuti, or send us yoor onler and we will 111 them promptly and gnaran 'ee satlafuciiuD or rrfm.il (,ur n.oney. Kefer lo e !imr f ih'w pr. WATTS &BYJJH UEWELERS, 809 Main .tT Lav5 Building. Lvnchburg. Va. ul nil 1 tiuo to par tie 'eninff niiifiift eftr rf..wMuvs Ak T ..?ii. r v. i Oxford. N.C. Preafdant extensively ailrprt;.l. comraiions, when possible. SERGEANT HANUTACTURINQ CO., Oreeneboro, IT. O. aimrrtcroacaa or FARRAR TORBIfJE.WATER WHEEL. COOK ANO HEATING STOVES. Cans Hills, E:rs3 Powcri Straw Cutters. Andirons. Catlings of Etry bcKripfioo, PrtoawLlsC 5 V if V I. ,