' WE VY April 29, 18DI. 1Q3 chief motive power in all business conaestioas-poli- tones i. The Baptists are to erect ao academy at Newport News to cost 1100,000. It is a Scripture maxim that we always have the poor with us. The rich go away in the hot weather. A merchant has taken for his motto, "Early to bed and early to rise, never get tight, ana advertise." , , We are greatly indebted to our Alliance friends in this and the adjoiningr counties who urn r interesting themselves in our jbehair. 1 A census enumerator on his f rounds last year asked an old maid her age: "Thirty-one," she replied. "Oho!" ejaculated ine questioner, mcreluously, "are you married?" "No, sir," she said, "Aha!" was his sec ond exclamation accompanied by a knowing leer. The aged lnaidea glanced over his should er into the book, saw that he had pat her down as fifty-one, and an instant later he had more scratches and less hair than when he entered. we call attention to the statement of the Orient Insur auce Comp iny. A glance at it wui.snow outa its capacity and its reliability. The company nas own fortunate in sacurmg me services of Mr. W. 11 41c Calm of this city as its General Aent. He has been a resident of th s city for a number of years and has won envitable ciuracterfor integrity and busi ness capacity. Mr. McCabe has the full confidence of the com munity, -md his useful ouili tics will draw tJthecompauy of wnica lid is tad general agent a large amount of public confi dence and support. ie real onca aounwuere th it a kind heart j J w j,n lawa a tramp on old shoe, and told bun thai slid would keep th j oth er for the next uufortunate who might come along. There was Christianity about that woman. We are sorry to Bay that if a certain minister of the Gospel fchould come in these parts we don t btHieva "laat - hj wja.d have a bat. r's d jzea ti h jar him, Hot bjJiiiJiu hi sj ina.'h to tiy about "tramps," but when the question of locating a col lege was before t te people he liudc himself very busy. We can't forget such things when it was calculated to cripple or retard the growth of this city at that tiui. ; Ho ought to have wings! A young Duruauiile says tuat he Wits uut responsible for any thing ue did yetenlayoua week ngo! Is it any wonder? The iaturday berore lie was with .Vr; what j-y? His heart halt boeu be mug ever sia ;j wila a forriblo violence, Hut never mind; he says tnat in about two month he will have the satis faction of stniuig foot oil the ground, the dearest on earth to toiiu her home down t-at. ud again whiie we are on love sub jects, we wai to jty,iuai uuru is a yoaug l.dy living in South Daruaui, who says that she "raul-l lue to write aa article 'or this p.ipT, but says that be ing in love, sue could write only vpm that subject, and she's at raid that it would not be in teresting, lu this you are mis taken dear lady! Come along, come along! '1 lie tone of your )etur, no doubt, would be so l of t, so sweet, so mournful, that omo of the love-nick larks would think that a tear had 'fallen on a musical crystal. I .rtb aiwliui Is the name of a new industrial i journal published at Durham by The North (trolina Publishing Co. fna Jjurnilstartsoll well, , mi 1 givesevideace of fullllling its inisshn. It is something that has long been needed iu this State, and we iiope.it will I receive tue t'licouiageuient it I deserve. Tu ltfl-nlt i.f IIU tl t. ' The Richmond State of the 17th inst., says: One of the Wge,t congregations ever seen to gathered at the First Hap jt church last night to wit ncfts the ordinance of b ptisin T lore was no sermon, but a - trictly baptismal occasion Dr. JHrge Copr read a number f passages from the New Texta vmt bearing upon the subject f baptism, and after making w comments proceeded to per inn theordiuance of baptmm. iightorn persons were baptized to the fcllwshipof the church, ,nd many others will follow j.'it Sun-lay night. The special rvlces which wjre conducted f the pastor, assist! by Kcv. ;tr. J. L. Whiui,of Durham, N. I'., closed last Friday night, and he latter left for his home. TOBACCO Till EVliH. r M,n bulled Cliarjreil Arson and Stealing. ' Other N ws. f'Kcl to.lwBieumonill'liBiii ' Milton, N. C, April 27Two weeks aao last niirhL t.h no.i.- ing-house of Mr N M. ik-h- niond, who lives near Milton, was burned. It wxia vnrv evi dent that it was the work of an incendiary, aud that a robbery had preceded the burning. Mr. Richmond determined to bring the criminals to justice, and set to work to ferret them cmt At. ter ten days of careful and per sistent watehinu- Iim evidence sufficient, and l hursday had J. N. Earp, L. O, Phelps and Tuck Huahes ar. rested. The first two are white men, ana neighbors of R nh. mond Part of the missing tn. bacco was found op Earo's premises, also a lot of hnrhA ire, the property of 8. D. and j. i. 03&, was found in Earn'i well. Yesterday all three of ine men had a hearinir befor N. T. Romey at this nla. ; large crowd attended the trial which lasted all da-. Phnlna and Earp confessed the theft of tue touaeco aud complicity in the burning, but said Tuck Uughes did the actual burning A 11 a. 1 O" Aii inree were bounl over to court on several counts each and railing toive bond, they were this morning sent to Yancey vile, where they will have to lie in jail until court, which will not be held until the middle of November. Farm work is beinir tmshnd and the outlook for the farmers is improving- has been living in poverty and obscurity all her life, and be coming so suddenly heir to mil lions has somewhat dazed her. WOIIK OJf TEN COMOKTl!PRS. Crllle.il tniMM mid Hi Alliance lhe Charlotte Chronicle says It has betm stated that a rnn. siderable portion of the alliance might become no chaired at th vriucism oi certain newsoaoers as wo leave me uemocratic party. The Chronicle does lint iriinw what papers are referreuto. but t.,. ... .. ' mo Diai-.-iuum, is a reflection on nio alliance. Aav newsnaTr n vi hi j w represent the demo cratic party is not hostile to the welfare of the farmers. Anv aliianceman who is a good dem ocrat, wm not desert his party because of newspaper critism of certain tenets of the alliance. lhe democratic Dress of this state is as air and conserva tive as the People, it renresentu . " . . auu u ii is remiss lu any re spect to the alliance, that re mission is certainly a lack of frank and free discussion of some impractical demands of the alliance. The farmers need not be afraid of anv hostilitv J - - . . uu uppoHuion, meir organ iza tiou may provoke in North Car. oluta, but they should fear a certain set of men that wa al ways have with us and that al ways keep politics more or less corrupt. There is a full crop of me men at me instance of the alliance. They subscribe to everything the alliance may de- maui. tne alliance is stromr xim powenui in this state and many a demcggue is lurkiug ooiieath its Hag. The irreat sroVxl the order ha done, is to educate thjB farmer to a certain extent in politics. and to give him the strength of organization, iu insisting that uo snail be heard in irovern- nent. That is absolutely all .he merit there is in the alliance. It has demanded or created nothing new that can be Grant ed by a government by the peo- Pj. mwcij im-ri k iu me aui ance is democratic, and it has been urged by the demo -ratio party tor years. The alliance may yet create new demands for re form. It has not ret done so. Intelligent farmers, . recognize the true meaning of the alliance, and they are not afraid of hon est newspaper criticism. Farmers to Comer Wheat. All farmer's ' associatians throughout the co.iutry are called upon now to follow the example set by the Farmers' Mutual lleiient Association as semblies of Illinois iu adopting iniH rcBotuiiou: "llesolved. That we combine and demand no less than $1.25 a bushel for wheat oflMU." They expect to have freoucut and tiuiiierous . meetings, and firmly declares they will have this price for the wheat or It win never move. tllis I Mrs t.lg.OOO.OOO. tal la Hfai(k tto Ohfn.lci, Cosi-okh, N. C, April 27. Township No. 3, in this county. was supprisnd a few days ago when an old lady named airs. Westmoreland, who lives in a smalt tenement house, was no tified that she had been left an estate of t32,ouo,ouo. Mrs. Westmoreland is a vir ginian by birth, and she had ex ceedingly wealthy ancestors. She was hmt sight of, and until ateiy nothing was known of her. 1 he search was again tak en up, and after diligent inves tigation the aged lady was found. In her possession will be a whole city in Virginia. Bhe Annual Meeting or th Amitrluun Tract Soolotjr In WaahInton. Washington. ADril 27 The annu al Washington meeting of the Ameri can Tract Society w:au held lost night in tne irst Congregational church Kx-Juatice Strong presitlod, and ad dresHes were made by Jurtice Brew er. of the supreme court, and Rev, William A. Rico, secretary of the so ciety. The report of the secretary showed that the society had closed a successful year on April lt. Its re ceipt! for the year from all sources, j..l...i: ut. i . mi inning uutit uuHiiutw ana unnevo- lont departmontu, wore, in round numbers, S805.000. There have been added during the past year 150 new permanent publications not including periodicals. During the pout year it has employed 151 colporteurs, who have labored in thirty-four of the irtatfls and territories and in Ontario. They have made 113,683 family vixits and put into circulation about 85,000 volumes of Chrwtian litera-tui-e. They found 2 J, 854 families whj never attend church. 5.719 with out Uiules and 13,558 without rehgi ous reading matter. The tract soci ety has just completed fifty years of this colporteur work. The record of these fifty years is remarkable. Vol mnes circulated. 15.500,245: public meetings addiwsed, 406,750; families vwited, 15,630,080, of whom 1,741 307 were Roman Catholic; 13,888,713 Protestant; families found without a Bible. 691,816; families destitute of reliiOJB n ading except the Bible, 1, iu,.t. uo porteurs conducted re ligious excrcwesin 7,875, 5ii6 of homes vwted. Their work has been mainly in tne , west in sp.rselv settled re- gions; in the south, and among the unmigrants throughout the entire country. . Ovr Sl,ooo rur Trimly. IJIVB1BI'IU1. N. fJ.. Adii'I 27. (Sjiecinl to State Chroniel; Bishop Galloway, of the M. E Cliu-th, South, who spoke here yesterday in the iuteiwt of the Trinity (Jol'lege Endowment Fund, completely cap tured our people. Everybody was completely "ttrried away. At the conclusion of hi sennou he collected l,02i) for the Trinity Col- lego Endowment. Off to Japan. From the Rulcum VUitr of veetor- day afternoon we take the followinir paragraph: "We had the ple:uure r meeting in the city today. Cnpt. J. W. Lee, fonner chief of police of j tuueign. uapt. i-o m now, and has been tor wme time, traveling airent lor ii.tiHin. uuice&iwns. of Durham. and, hi such capacity has recently o fn making a canvaas in Australia, lie left here this afternoon and will !?o to San Francisco, from which poit ho will nad for Japan tobeabeent probably a year or so. Cnpt. Lee is motit excellent saltman in bis line. nnd no doubt he will succeed motit admirably in introducing to the 'Japs" the great North Carolina hotwe he repremnts.' AT Al Ul'STA. A a Ovation to n. Mr ado Hampton IW IIUHimiUllt ArocsTA, Ga.. April 17-Tlie Con federate fturvivors' Afwo'ialini of Augusta gave an ovation tiday to Uen. n aae tiamnpm and the survi vors of his old brigade after s Hcpnra- non oi iwemy-mx years. Thn r imt Xortii Carolina, tne outh Carolina Cavalry: I'billin's Oeiria ledonand tne Jen u.vvw and UohU hgion com Mweitne un.nie. Hurrivom in mi saea regiment participaUxl in the re union, nnd memorial services were liel I and sttiliVNHM were delivered bv irt'tieraw iiamoion. heeler, Butler, VfHing, tviptTH. Jlayor Barker and Major Butler, ooiiimaniLuit of the L nitod Htatcs artteual. The memorial sddress was delivered by l'leasant 8Hvall, editor of the Autruxta Uhronicie. A conopicumm picture in the line of march was the drum corps, composed of survivors of the brigade. UusineHS was suspended ana ine any wss observed ss a noil dsy. Work on the public building is slowly progressingbut read! The revenue collections for the week ending Friday amounted to $12,277.01. (Jive us this' amount for tour weeks and we will have a re Bnectnblo public buiMing. The stamp clerk here has to rent a place to keep his stamps. The safe f urnwhed by the government will only hold about one day's sales. Yet this is a great government, it takes a groat inter out hi some things, but not the Dur ham stamp office. The Virginina Farmers Al liance men indicate a purpose to demand a radical chancre in the railroad comm'ssion , law, whereby freight rates may be regulated. All Scientists know the pro- neness of insects to deposit their eggs in decayed fruit. What creates worms in the human body? Think of this, and irive Shnner's Indian Vermifuge oc casionally to your children. Plod In th Pulpit. ' Sunday morning, at Burlington, a largo congregation assembled in the Metliodwt Church, to hear Rev. Rl A. Ricks, a minister of the Chrwtian Church. Mr. Rieks had taken his text and hardly commenced imon his wnuuii propeny, wnen he was strict en with paralysis, and we loarn his death was. almost instantly. He leaves a wife and two small children The remains were taken to Ridgeway for interment, passing through Dur- uhiu yeuioruay. A Kansas woman beo-an rh v, ing dimes a year and a half ago, and she broke her bank open the other dav and counted out $118.70. MOTHERS' mm W3K vitr,;?"j fll TT !i. Jrtl.i . . m n a . . ine unHeaocaiesoiuoiumbi i leads all the South America Friend 4 J: l' WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN Gi)Li), countries in active preparations I t'i- M for the World's fair. ffiftiffl 'Moir' Srlwl." Is worth lu wolnht ii My wif; urfnjd mom In ton minutw Ithar of hop oihop ehllrtran than ant Itoabthar with Ku. i-o ..... t... in. uaad four bottlaa of -Mothara' rlan." fl la a i blaaaing to oxpfMtnnt mothara, aya t auatomar, aUOiOmsoil DAIM, canal. III Havina UMd two bottles m alxth ahllo WM born with no pain aomparativalv. lira. L. O. Vauataaa, MiarMaa lake. OoL Wondarful-rallavaa muoh aufforlna. u- Bmrmtt, Moawomarr. Ala 3M ar all liuwu. Book to auKbm .ZLa tJ2 SaArm SaacuToa Co.. Atlanta. Pa. FINE CLOTHINC. Mr. J. A. Warren, -better known as "Jobe," of Prospect Hill, Laswell county, has ac cepted a position with T. J. Lanibe, TheClothier. Hatter and tients Furnisher of Durham. a. u., wno win be triad to have Hy un of vim ns irienas can ana see him Produces from the laxative wueu m ine cuy. ne win ai- and nutritious juice of Cali ways taite ereai measure in fnmnfini mmi - a w . . . .1 " waaJ-AW VV A t IS HilG snowing you my entire line of medicinal virtues of plants ouura, iiaia wm Known to tne most beneficial to uioiAAnii uuuud, auu Luunuman RVKtum onto rrant v . w 1 J wwaasa V (..VUHA J i I A.l-1 a . ' on me Kianeys, liver and bowels. Showing the Condition of the Orient Insur- ancp . Company. 'ASHRTM. December aisM8!)(). Value of real estate and ground rents owned . by the Company, (less the amount of en cumbrances thereon,) Loans on bonds and mortgage (duly recorded and being first hens on the fee simple.) Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other States, also - all other stocks and bonds absolutely owned bv the Comoanv. Stocks, bondsjand all other securities'(except mortgage,) hypothecated to the Company, as collateral security for cash actually loanded bv the Comnanv. Interest due and accrued on stocks and other . securities. Cash in Company's principal office and belong- ing to the Company's deposited in Bank, Cash in hands of Agents, and in transitu, Prmiums or assessment unpaid, Premium or assessment loans and notes. All other assets, detailed in statement, $22,743.48. 237,560 1,388,525.30 11,940 28,992.71 80,571.72 206,445 25 Total Assets, LlAitf i.irirsi. Losses unpaid, including those resisted, Reserve, as reciuired bv Law. All other claims, Total Liabilities, 681.30 11,977,461.86 92,58905 664,096.64 38,238,65 $794,924,34 Make Prices Low. T. J. LAMBE. he Clothier, Hatter and Gents' urnisher. 105 Main street, Durham, N. C: apr-2a-2t. enociuaiiy cleansing the sys wiu., uispeiimg coius and head' ches, and curing habitual con stipation. apr-29-lm JONES & LYON 1 IT' f ' 4 4 ONG ENJOYS Both tli Pi'tLod and results when Srrnn of Fist is taken: it b plestoot and rirebinjf to the twts, sud acts wntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleaners tbe sys lent cUectuslIy, dwpels eolJt, fcead scltes sud fevers snd enrrs habitual eonttipstion. Prrop of Figs is ths mly remedy of its kind tver pro duced, pleainr to th tatts snd so- eeptahls to ths itomsrh, pmnijt In its sctK.a snd truly beneficial la iu iflects, prepared only from ths moot bcsituy snd srersm sulMUnces, IU many excellent tisli - commend it to all snd have in it ths most popular remedy known. Fyriin of Furs is for sals in 80c snd II Lotties by all leading dnijr- giats. Any reliable dmgffn4 who mar not havs t on band will rro- cure It promirti.- for any ens who wbnes to try lw lubttitoU. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. Uuiirita. nr. sis-rw.sr , Children Cry for Pitcher1! Cutor's. i .... j Do Hot accept an; sii m, air. New Spring Styles! Finest and BestCoods! Reductions Unparalleledl The consolidation of our two stores has so crowded us for room that today offer nearly 3,000 Pairs of the very choicest kind .of bhoes for Men, Wmen and Children, all at least one-fourth under regular prices ACreat Horse Remedy Is Johnson's Sunnv South Con dition Powders. It is equally good for cattle, hogs and sheep. To keep them healthy and free irom urease, or to cure tnem if sick. Manufactured by N. M Johnson & Co., who keep the largest stock of druerers. chemi cals, sundries etc., in the city at wholesale and retail, apr-15 M. 11. JONES DURHAM.N. C. DEALER IN watches, mm. 50 Pairs ... - . r,:?:-.pat(ld are ; &tf J Jsraliyi Eye Glasses and all kind' or Kci fAlKlWU- UUNti in First-31as3 Strle Orders by mail promptly attended to. apr-8 - Men Hand price sc.50 the I ke of whieh cannot be had any when for less nan tnat ngure, VVe shall Bell me entire lot at $4.7 . - 500 Pairs Women's Paris Kid and rinn gola Kid Button lkots oriera. tuuiuiuu-seuse ami medium toe an reiruiar f-'.23 an ah quaiilj; uow ?1.93. TllK FINEST 500 Piirs STOCK Wo neu's Ped Grain Bals, war ranted solid leather inner n,l outer soles, at ?1.10; were $1.35, aam j bhoo in Button at Sl.25. iniuttn i ruin $i.jj(j. AS We Said, all tl.A nl,a n.A . , . WWV . V nign-ciass Bhoes, in every case worth a full fourth more in money than prices now asked. auu i-auaoi oe bOUITht for leas any wnere in a regular wav Aotwithstand nir these im- mense reductions, we vwamnt every pair to bo Breciselv r.M.aaAl 1 1 I S"Ib af ftWBJSIfJBSJSk SJBSM m BJSJi at J aSSa a twr"S henlry 15 UrrtriCal AI UU3I exchange or re- FANCY (IKCK'KIUKS. CHIN FECTIOXARIES. FANCY GOODS, TOYS. DOLLS, LAMP GOODS, CHINA, CROCK ERY. GLASS-WARE. PLUSH (KX)DS. STATIONERY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS &C..A RARE CHANCE V. BALLARD. Assignee Of E. A. WHITAKCR. OF IN THE CITY fund the money, as preferred. JONES & LYON L A D I f S' 0ESIR1N& SAMPLES Of SPRIfJG DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS will receive writing to a choice line by iim i' m t ' i lil I 1 1 A 111 IV, VI LllU ll i DURHAM, N. C. All express rack a -essent fm of charge to any address. W n e for samples. Respectfully, Tl ii ii 134 Main St., DURHAM. N. C. G. M. GEANKS. DURHAM, N. C. DEALER IN HEVYAXn FANCY GROCERIES. -ju- llo carries in stock everything krpt in a first-class STORE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR CHICKENS BUTTER axd EGOS. Mr. Paul Norwood, ot Chat ham Is with me and would be pleased to see his old friends. 0. M.fl FAXES Durham, X, P. Capital stock paid up, . $1,000,000 Total income. 1 i m an Total Expenditures 980,307.30 ri. , Hit K Kit iAltOLINA JsUalNESM IN 18UO. Risks written, $634594 Premiums received. a S87.71 Losses paid on Risks taken, 2,304.22 Losses incurred, 2394.22' Chas. B.. Whiting"- President. 8. Bbainard, Vice-President. J. II. Tacntoh, Secretary. W. II. McCabe, General Agent, Durham, N. C. ( , STATE OP NOR CH CAROLINA, Oiliee of '"eeretxryof Stute, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Kaleigh, April 27, 18'Ji. In compliance with Sec. 9 of "An Act to consolidate the Insurance Laws of North Carolina," I certify that the above is a true extract from tha wnrn ntntAment of the Orient Insurance Company on December 31st, 1890 now ca mo m mm uepartraent. , uct Uoke, Secretary of State. 1 i IS II III! AND Raising A Racket. HAS MOVED BACK TO ITS ORIGINAL STAND, ON TUE CORNER OIF PARRISH AND MANGUM STREETS, IN THE PARRISH BUILDING. COME TO SEE US THERE AND BUY A BARGAIN FOR YOURSELF, AS WE PROPOSE TO MAKE IT PAY ALL WHO COME TO SEE US. WE KEEP PRICES DOWN TO THE LOWEST NOTCH. everything Has Ad74nc:d, but We are yet Selling At (The Old Prices AS ALL OUR 8TOCK WAS BOUGHT BEFORE THE LATE advances. come and see me. special prices on plows, hoes, flour and tinware. YOUR FRIEND, AY, II PllOCTOIl, aprl 7 1 DO YOU VflfJT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN OR SEWING MACHINE? f so call and sec W. R. MURRAY, the Leader in this line. II can supply you with the following makes in fancy or or Ebonized Cases: Clii.-ki-rinx. Mason and Hamlin, Mathushek and St rlin Pi:tuo. The world renownJ Mason and II imlin and Sterling Organs. "Light Run tiiiiis Il.sttisatl Ss I ftid InaftriiMtt I t... It i simple in rount ruction, nuvle of the U bt mitiTial an 1 will lat life-time. In everj re Kct it is complete. PRICES IN REACH OP ALL. CALL, EXAMINE AND BE . CONVINCED. tV& m OATAO OUE AND PRICE LIST. mm iiwm. ' Leader in Machines and flue Musi- cat Instruments. Tpv i ( - l,7 t' .V-, MAIN STIIKKT. 'DIIKIIAU, .N, C. apr-2'J. apr-8 tnar-19

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