UURIIAMJIECORDER. WEDNESDAY April 29, 1891. HE WAS ANXIOUS TO BCY, And Afterward Itcpfntrd of HI llaala In tho Mattor. . GRKKiu.it, S. C. Arj.il M.-A transaction Tuesday night and inib soquent events connwtod with it have bten the cause of coa derable comment in commercial circles here . . i t .nnM rhit Mr. L. Rosen- thai wealihy retired Hebrew mor . .- ntlv removed cnani, whu - ,i-.i.Th. N. C. entered th ' " ' h r..ii. nd in an doming mure ' ' , - . " i.tirx. manner offered niijwuviiu.y gor t ill f . Aortjun amount ot hi AIT. - . - i . . .... lo.f u.nmiuiil COOd will. Mr. Endel ropl'ed, sarins he would take a certain sum. which Sir. Rosenthal, much to hn surnnse, ac- .-j j t, back to Mr. IVIH-ll, UI - , Endel'a offi where the , w8 completed by Mr. RWal giving Mr. Kndel checks for the amount, J.ill enln. the entire tnnucLRm being in tlie presence of .;t A few nours wwr took pUee Mr. Eudel ...u Motd.! him to cancel the Willi 1 V 1 uw-'w . . . & fnrn the cllCCkS, ClVlUg as his reason that he did not care to bo into business agora. UMthal insist! that the trade , u- ..t i o.,.l Mr. Knuel furtuct utx larva uii. i.. - -- . . declining, notified him that he would ston the barmen oi " ... u i-A, n,nA this mornmz 1. . vA,J rtroa.wiJ(i the CUCCtS. iMrnvHt wah refiwed. Ihe case i now in the hand of tho attorneys. curiosity, is awaitiug the course ot eveuu. MAUBIED IN A SLEEPER. Th Hot Vore of a Very Young Couple on the Klchmoud and liauvllUs ' Chariwitk, X. C, April .3.-The paasengere aboard the Pullman aleep er Ecucdor," on the Richmond and . :n- .,..., I iinil train which reached Charlotte Tuesday night, had . mtoI v-jiinment. It was noth ing leas than "tlie marriage of a run away couple. The contracting par ties were Mr. William CaldwelL .Jr.. of Petersburg, Va., and Mias t.. il. RicbaniUou. of Nottoway county. Virginia. Mr. CaldweU is nineteen, and so is his bride. He is not famous for good looks, bat his bride is a per fect beauty. , They got on the train near Ian rilk, and Captaia R. O. Jones soon learned that ttver were fleeing from irate pareute. The passengers also got wind of what was going on, and when the train pulled up at Pelham there was not much surpris at the entrance of a clerical-looking indi vidjal. He proved to be a local minister, and he had a marriage u cenee duly filled out. It happened that just at Pelham station the en gineer found hU tender almost dry. and it tx about six minutes to fall it from the tank. By the end of that time the presicher liad united the couple giving them his blenhing ami aV-pped off. Tlve preacher got a fee. Captain Jonea got a smile from the bride that did him good all the way to Charlotte, and the train proceeded and the newly wedded patwed thi o tgh Charlotte for Birmingham. Mr. Caldwell the groom, f ormerly U ed in Charlotte and is well known be. lie was last year clerk in the Rich mond and XianvQle freight depot. Ballrowl Katea. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company are giving pecial rates to aeveral meetings fn which our people are iuteresd. We give our readers the benefit of them from Durham when M dj when returning: Muaw-ai Fwuval atCliarkitte, tick ets on sale from May 4th to 7th re turn th, round trip land &ile at High P(nt, May 11th to 12th. return I3th 3.63. Annual Convention of the Epbx pal Cburth, at Alievillc, May 11th to 15th, return lVth-410 00. m , Grand Lodge 1. U U. r".. at O-ford. May 1 lUu 12th and 13th, return 17th 41.80. 'rth Carolina Medk-al Sfidety and Y rd of Lzaminera, at Aibe rille. May 21 nt to 2Ctb, return June tod 110.00. TIlEMOHLl FAlll. Sfajtalflcetit l'rlaea. The great "World's Fair Con tet" in xcltiug universal in tfret and in one of the abftorlj the Aar. A Free Trip to Eurof and f 100.00 for expends is offered to whoever constructs the lariit number ofKnglwh words from lettert rontainea iu me it oria i air. au'huuiuu tiikb. consisting of an Upright Grand 1'iaiio, value! imiww, Oliver-T-a.4.isLi.wini Mai'hmea. and many vber useful and valuable article, will also be awards! in order of merit. A Siiecial l'rize t ii kt fUA,i Watch, valued at i-XMio will be awardel to the girl or boy, under is year of u-nfiin in the lar-CKtlif,t. Kveryone pending a list of not lent than 20 wonis wuj rct-cive a nriu. A a tlie winner of the ilrst prize may not caret' make . . .. ; . ... r.....i me exunive tru wrrv nt.tinn of f t.OlW.Oil in cah IS tiven. 8eud tevtp 2c. btatrip . for Complete llul. rremiurn Catalogue and a aaiuple copy of the Lteautiiuiiy iinirauru pa mt "Th Home Fascinator." The cout;t i !ea to any r- on la thtf UnitJd Matn Cuiuli Iac4uof ti ou the go t lia.th.UTt ;.ii2ewill le awurdud to t'.e one benringthe furli.l )ot-tnark, diU-uce, etc, twnniden'il. AddnrM "The Home Ka imlor," Montreal, Cuna'lr West Vircinia has encountered t rnnhln in the collection of the direct tai due her. Other complications in the payment of this tax are reported. N 7.xv va rioties of fools are con- tinually bobbing up. A fellow in Brideport, Conn., for a wager of 25 cents, undertook to climb the mast of a schooner. He fell, dropping in the hole of the vessel. His back was broken. The Chicago Tribute has found out that horseradish is a cure for the grip. Suppose it is. What will you do when you'have the grip and cannot get the horseradish take ; a redish horse, eh? , Woman's Oiseovery, ' "Aiioth t wouderful ilicoverv has heon mad i mi' I 'hit by a lady in this eomty. I)iit:de fastened its clutch m ujt'n her and for seven yean she wi'.Ijritood its severest tests, but her vitiil orgQ were nnaermmed and Haith sinmed eminonf,. . Vnr three months she ciughed inoetrSintly and could not s!ep. H6 bought of us a botts of lr Kiug't New Discovery fnr rVinan-nrtiinn and was an mnnh relieved on tuking (list dose that she jlent all ui.ht anl wita one bottle lias been mir rulouslv Currd. Her name Mr. Lather L.utz." Thus write V?. C. U:imri k & Co.. of Slid bv, N. tl Ot a free triat bottle at Black null t Son. r - ; . , Assignment to Knleiyli. Ra'rlh V! t . It ia writ.1i the dienfst regret . t we anounce xne assign iiienk 'i our fallow citizens ilr. J. It Williams, of the well known hrm of Williams & Haywood druggists. The assignment was filed this morning to A. Haywood, Trustee. ThA total liiihilities will. W n n ilrstand nrohiiblv not excefl' J. J .... 1" . M V ri'l. .. .11 nA t 1.11 .Ma.uuu. xue luuumu. wc main preferred creditors: K. o Pallen, note and interests $10 000; Dr. E. B. Haywood,-4741 37; Alfred Williams, f 1,500; C H P.plvin. cashier. S1.0IX). No financial event mas na VnTnAn.-il in our ritv of late - . runra han riiKfd more cronume sympathy among all classes of our people, we sincerely nope thatmatterg may be so errang. e 1 as to render the embarrass ment of a temporary nature. Wtea BhT w t!. w ge W Ca-Uirla. Htm a cldlJ. -Ve cried (or Cur Whs. br b-rsnw Miu, t ei- to Ca-toria, Wben V ftv! . ..!! u. -e gave ttuB Cawria STONEWALL CUANO. What a Few of the Farmers a ' ay aooui it. MIL S. O. BAUllEE,of Durham county, writes; "1 used jour 'Stonewall Guano' last ear and this vear. For cotton, tobacco, and po tatoes, I think it is tbe best I ever used. I made the finest tcbacco this (ear with the 'Stonewall' on ooorland I ever made, and mad the beit tobacco in tbe neighbor head: will nse it again next year: MR V. n WAT.I.F.If. of ran vfl'e county, writ-s: "Havinirused your 'Iinaley Tobacco rertilizer for t ha l.ut iuajtnn and f,r serpra! riara iml I hav no limitation in srtj'Dg that .t bas always given me euure saiu-iacuon. i n ve aio u jed a number of other fertilizers at diflerent times, but none have acted a well for me as four To bacco Fertilizer' in pushing the e op forward and caking a good tl!. lour brands have nosut nor; I shall us them aam next eaoD.n ' II R. W. J. RriTF. T if Presi dent County Alliance of Durham county, writes: "I wed four 'ston- ii' iii.:. i. j. wwi uuauu uw J rat. ik ' guu, it did woll. I think to inhafea irriiw. ii ... . a . , aa wen wun n as anv i ever inea and thnk it yeliows tobacco the hmL Will out it am.in . All thai tried it in my neighborhood like it i MR J n FIT.TrHFR.-Af tliir. bam county, writes: "i nave aed your fc.onewaii i-uaiio for two years. I bought o" bags this year, and 10 beg lat year. 1 can bighit recommend it for tobacco and corn; will fi a it -irall tiott tF. I lull zi bain oo a piece of tobacco and o'd tbe tobacco for 8j73 AH of m rnm i fina. ' r o- sale bv W. T. CAUK1.NU TU.. Durham. .C. FISHING TACKLE. S. 0,1'ISIIEU, 1030 Mn Street, LYNCUBUKO; VA. Gun maker and dWIer in Gnr. nines, rutol Am nr.li'.it, rw k t, I'' A, r.mnian 1 1! it. her Kuivi". Barbers' hciiiaors and Clijifru, .V;ifn. Miear, tuzors, Ua&ir .)tt( fHiad lionet, having Hrtwhe, Dog Collar, Dram l'U-k, t'.mr, .Ul.ip of all kind. J .iiitJ rii-b IV,!. Fb Linen. Ilaalinir Seiwn and Net l in tf, Gill KU and Netting, "v-t Xels, llii.now yU iid Dmk ls, lrat Fliei', tUi$ Ylftn, Trout B-l eU, Oirks. Fir llork. Ar'i;icinl Ilm lr on Gut, mi d ev.n thin? in the rtliiisf rk!e I-iif. A'so Bamt l!a!l IUu. Mhi! ijlotea Iron and Wtv-I Dumb !!!!. Indian Club, nn l liamtnork f All Kind. Eend 3 uuU in -fa;n; for Cae'y ili'ustrate Kli ! Tm.sI tValKue. 1I0-1. Fre .f.''e of Or. MVV If- rtie Nitit' ai V ibi'a in; licr, eic lledh. n rv i , le -i.m, nnrl in, v.t t,t rv Ii bii''y. fr'Xiial ftlin.v. a t,t ni' to. fwy, ee, A nrw a.J emau'.!e dincuvrr. Ot addret! fr. M,l a MclcsJ Co. F.ILharV la I, lEAOQUATERS FOG "WATCHES, DLUIONDS, and all things to be found in a first-class jewelry "house. Our best teotimonial : Thousands of satisfied customers throuffhout th South T, . , ' ..--"-7 ,,....j iu in vuiuum and adjoining counties. IJliruiuatlsni t ured In a Day . "Mvstic Cure" for Bheuma tism and euraliria radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action l. i ,n..lrnkU iii tiii urn nvMt'iii IB iciiuuiauiv and mysterious. It removes at oiico the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose ereatly benefits. 74 cents, sola by is. hi. jonnson & Co. Druggist, Durham. 'Stonewall" th Best. f v frinndn havo tested ' the "Stonewall" guano for tobacco and nronouce it tne Dest. u has bwu tested in dozen of States for years ami . none can liMtit .Then whv throw awav your money buying worthless or . .... .... i . - . interior goons wnen i ian vour lust wuat vou want to produce the best nice cilytobac co. wnicu is now selling so high. Act wisely and buy "Stonewall Guano from me W, T. CARRIN'QTON, tf Durham, C "Stourwall tinano, V T l1:! rn ti rt nn will nrrsiin ... . .-."- .-- sell the famous Stonwall Guano which has sriven such universal satisfaction wherever it has been, used. He can furnish this in anv nuiintities desired. It is the leading and best tobacco ferti lzeron tne market, uaii on W. T. Carrinsrton. Durham r r a. . w. . filea I eilr, lickiac rilw. Kthit- M-ilatur: tnwt Itch la.. M tlf n.- t mt t! I . li 1 ' .nri. b ..tt-hln. If la. i wan Jim-, In mum f,rm, w- ufMa tola. Ounm i'r, Um lichlna tot kumliBS, rt. t drntf.twi. or fry Mil Ml M mat. lr HOW Tm , All Shla ll koi. ll w.ptto,a m Hem, h-wtt, a la.lrir lit ua Hmt .b'U iil k toy. !u irM --ii -a , :fum auvar- iy a otW MMdjr. -4t J inju1! olataMBi our r-jt for w y m- f r r rgf.- e a-yF-ir n TO THS AFFLICTED. :1 A rw -l lac Aow. tt t.tft-Q A .."nyuaiai rin p paKMif ay .arw. - ,v n TrTsrr5-'5i rd sHUiAL GtRfiiETUER . UM-mw i v7iia,.rta. iwtw , mi nJ qatrmjr una fxrauumur ran ij ' !! tvirnMl lf.uh. kUliuMv. I4A H li .!f.iH4lw, Ai tonic Kit alia- A t mn t rti m ux waeuruif.M mmtmta ft i If u . Tniira rrnwar, aaaa ' tlr l?i. f wu,. nl JriMi 1 11 il i . rl L Ii , ir-nllir. ysl(.uitlu.cirr-, mm. A fM nal tit ntmmli.o 'A . r"i i pm wvmrj Ojt i Miff-rn -lt k4 acenai t IkM aim y ,ii..w ... n U. t. a It.wtfaafM imi It ba I t; ara.i rf nia am imku an ra aaa- 'M It M In lir-rf o4 auw, ntua.a J ! Mr KI'-ILTnnl. Mlvif TMaa J II i i- Ymtrntinr. km - It liw bw H i w-j :n i.rtn- ar.- tn. Sim. Yean, lb (fat 1-Mi b 11,-1. 'A Kn"inr. Mr: -vjbt um rrrry mieia . kulalnMlftlM,liHa. . T! TiimmiMta at Mbm UIM It vlrtaat A fl mm4 ttt pnt. A II T" r irk. aa m4 4na.lt Mil raa ! it. rrM.-t M r.k lt varia. A tt I' jrwia i of mrntn. 4 nnio-l Ft Far Ml If fT-i !. r.in lrVln- II 4 - ti Ml MaiBp Ivr artatMl auutcr. 'A kr Klxrl arl Oarawlaar J AUMa,ci,.aMMlracaw, f aw mutmttr4 kouw. wat-a n aa -tuna f aw4hia aa ar at- M re r-Mt-u,rli( . kaitla. f a . f,ii hr t-- c o l., tf ru m- . t.rr":--u--yxg-rax----r-da Rosa, Chrysanthemum. I i Choice, rlierblooming Rose for m dollar; 12 Choice Chryaanthe Mi! for tine dollar. Palm and -ii-B M-wii,.r- ,.iiii,i,, virun, Cartiaiion, Double Violets ete., for mi u'Fir piHimnn. vol nowers, tkiMfj'at, r'loral Drigoii, 3laeoo ha and Choice Lvenrreena, Toma- te, Vdihitc and I'ot grown Eg .ilitriis IVIalo tilanU in any fuantitf renlr 13th Anril. Cellery plants reeif in June and July, rend for catalog". ' ' II. .SiElSilETZ.n.pru.t, fel25 lUleigh, N. C POTJT2'3 r!0$t AkO CXTTLa POWDER TV f.T n r' v-fw 11 ri biw f rw p i" j r i- ! Pi" t samftf aw i" rwi -nt tm 1028 MAIN STREET, LYNCH BURC. VA. MICHAELS & CO., Whple8ale andj.l?ctnil Diujrjrisls; Corner Main and C hurch Street, Durham. N, ( (Whir. hnrt't -il -it,:.! Dftttrs, Mefccines FaiiRT Artieles-Etc- With Special Attention to Ladios Toilet Articles. il FE1S1FTII 1MSTMIITK mm We offer only the goods of the niot rel'able nianuf u lunr, n akini - -1 sjni.uiv ot the c lebrah'd sauiBB's goods: Physicians are cordially invited to ex 'indue nr wt k uud ass ire them elvesthat their .r.ncriptionn wi'1 not oulr hav our Ust skill but have only such gixIi used in theiu aa are recognu -d sUn-Iard" of '.. couniry. ' . t . Calls left at our Stovo will be delivered at the . out cammout fruin us : - In our Wholesale Department Phvfticinn and Merc lints will be able ' to bare their need supplied aa cheaply as thev can lie bought, else- whee. nnalitv romidered. WE BUY OUR GOODS FOit CASH.' AND IX SUCH QUNTITIES . .... .-Aa UUAK4.MJ-.htt LOW I'i(U:KS. Store Open at all Hours, Sunday Excepted. Sunday hours from 8 a . .. tbe lowent, . Quality, Always . Considered. MICHAELS & COMPANY. de.3 - inday boon Irom Ha m., to 11 a. ni. 1 p. m , to 7 p. ra., and fnui 9 to 10 p. m. - (Jive na your patronise and guwaaUe Uotxi At-. I .. ... ... low as PATENT UxEAiRtujiraJt s. THEPEMIER FLOUR OF Amorioai patafscq mm I ESTABLISHED 1774 rERFECTlOX IS FLOUR Our Patent Roller Flouro ARE MANCFACTUHED KP.OM THE Choicest Wheat Obtainable! Patapsco Suo rlative patent, THE PREMIER FLO QR 0' AMEKJ.JA IS UNSURPASSED FOB BREAD---- Lil'MlII Ml rAIUl, E. F " AVYATT &-..S0N, kua am HTwmM. m. aavta 9. tnvrt, p, a a iriMoaa. ia For Sale by W. H. Yearby, Durham. ASK YOUB UO EH FOU TJ AT ATPSfJO 55TJPERLATIVE PATENT wrnrtDi n irsw nit AliE WIXTKK PATENT BALDWIN FAMILY kill A si' O CHOH ' AT ENT M A I'LETON FA I LY aVlM rtEVEHJ WLU ba ORANOBOKOVEEX'RA -IIOAP U MILL' C A, GAWIULL Mmudidu ng C o. ' 2 14 Commerce St. ; . , Ilaliliiiore, BOf. 12 WYATT BROS. mm fifiira, IS!), P Alt ?)AD OP WHITE BPR1XO SEED OATS. CATt IjOADOK WINTER bEED OATS 1IAVE ALSO BLACK SWUNG VEEO OATS. CH flXED FEEO car choice virtaixi a wmrE Conx. BARRELS ALL OR ADEi OP FLOUR. 000 CAU C1I()ICE NEW WCt!'W1'WBM, FIi)MOAf:aoAT NVILMIMlfoN CLOVER A NO FI KLD ORP.AttS SK! .DS. A 110 VP. ARE HOVE ARE WE HAVE ALrtU OUR 0PKCIALTIE3 OUR OPW'IALTIEM ALAROESTUCKOP Heavy Groceries . a ftiKM'lH a1t"ITft Wltirri WE ALWAYS O-lEIt AN.hmi nnuo, YOU WIL F NO US AT HAXIE OLD STAND. OKT OUR PRICES BEFORE J'URCHASINO. MM,ry aix v r" awaifaji " !iji'"1'if'i'i)ili'i " " DEALERS IN FINE 3?!.Ox3lX5 CARI'B and. Manufacturers cf HARNESS ani SADLERY of every description and Prico. DURHAM. N. n. xp 8. Branch 10!l E.. Idartin Street, RALEIGH, N. C Vooiion's PalQnl Wire Tobacco Hangars CAN BE USED IN ANY BARN. Wlnrn are mnvable. Tohareo be proprrly Bpaoed on Mirk nod lltilked Powa oa U Wires 1imi cured. Hiiuplutt, i.lwsptM aud Ht Id tlx Uufck rBlCKM, k -ah Aeraawaaalea Ika Orders 1M atlrtts (lomplrt tf Wlraa KlUk) S.Ofl 1,KH U lra (No ailrka) ' 4.a . " , PHKMOX TinKi . 100 i-k fomplrl I to l.OOO Ulm fo ailrha). 4.40 Uaakata, ar Waaaav... 4.00 Baaapla Hllck aad Wlra for (cola. tarTriUMO0TolocoCiiltur and Curing tHEK. AO. NTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'G CO., Houston, Halifax Co., Va. 1 First -l Chartered Nov. 9 1 87Baphil St3:k l5),li). rlt ooiholdirs' Liabait, - . - 15D,0D J nepositors' S'-??uri:y, - - - - - $330.03) oppioBaB. f. S'ARR, I'rMf-ni. I CM). IV MiiAPTT (si 'V. V. FUI.LEU. ...Vi e P;SHlr8!. CHAN A. JUllDAN Je l-r XXlXo; J.H.CARR, 1. U. SMITR, Y W.PCLLEit j t . f-. UiiVAN. A General Bankng J.TMALT.ORYI J. W. VTAf.KER f. A . hKYAS, I A il. KTi K ES Hasinebs . Traiisactcd. U'COUTR OF HANKS 'RV'i;ATI0M AND IXDI- VI1UALS KCCI'IVED f.N K '.VOHALLkTl- KM.s. CERTIFICATES OK IiKI'OhIT. hmh r 4 1 1 si, mu rvf. i-nra ga monry to rmsia on di'rifi il i:lt U c Pit-tit N!(hikI Lai k b r Vt nwiha. , COLLKCTIONH mailt- fWt u H acV.taibk ,. w-In tl a Unit 1 iti, nrl re-nitlt-l for pftij;l!f at lat Ittwi. PlIiTI-'Jl.Alt niwr.tiuii j'i..l t) ilm h:;m.'. m 0..rri-jinn.j i.; THH BANK.Iiniiiji rf-cw.!lr fieniae'l,t ia c niliiiuii iol'si irt fl Bi:ki"if BnsiriCT upm ri fiT'n.b!r Jf-rma a any f.ilfj l; nk i (lie but-. NANKING KECUniTY. The Unit-.! Stater 'UoT-rnir.- m rrt,i.M Uii a full I'atrmrnl of ibr LiaHtlilif-n an 1 Ar!i of all Nam ual Back tfiail 1 mads and soru mt by at -4t thro of iha Dircvt-irs rvr-jr Um an.k, aud brtldes ibis, Baud KsmiDCrs n'e tu.'ot at plvat-ira f tbe U niDrti,nv hot dutj it Ism-.1 to thoroughly rxamlnr in o lK coi dituo 1 tbe Bank, henea National Bunk? afford a Ur. r uicaure f protrtliiu lb an an oili . Xaokin;sTftm' oCHARACTER ANDCVPIT tL. Th9ehrrter nf thOmcenr, Dirrctora S d Stockh ililert of th-Firnt Na i 'rmi IU) k i. I.t. rr iiii -t, nd b tockhul !rr, i on.lrr iHo N'iora! Hat.k law Tf jviim.l.le I t flnubla tho mount vf his ttoclc. No Bank ba m"r charac-crot , reditiw bfiiirrfaoili ra than tl. Fir4 Nnfi'.nal. WE WAN T 'hir r,f yo'ir hu.in UTeolicit your ra r-nsgs i A Qaramoa aiik'ia ajatuun ia 111 ouatneSf emi oxua to oar tair. i FURNITURES The Largest and Most Complete EstablirJ ment in tbe City, urn i i a fin n a rrnnm lilLLliHIii UHiTaiUH. U4 1546 4 1I3 MAIN AND 2 GOVERNOR fll'REKTi, RICHMOND, V. DRAXCIlIiOiSE AT IIEVDDISW, I WliC'lesaie and Il3taiL r3 Orucrs by Mail Proinptlj AUi-mleJ To. , . " JUST ARRIYED. 4 -SUCH AM- DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS. n) a rry V., -t.k of 0 ..'O JIiUliH -n-I ( ONFECnONK'UG Mj Omnia are fresh Btid iiew. I will s tou munny at w!iuIcmI and ftlail. I Imvc a Ijf-ftilil'iii lina of , LADIESV DRESS GOODS VVIdch are er ! -aj'. I w.mt r I-.l.t l cmii emt aul.iv,. monf ( i'l th ' f..!l.fiii gmwl.j PANT OOOIW, GINO 111 1!.' BLEC1UN0, anI CIIALLIM. A dri in Lili-i' 'n: kooIi, s'0, h '. ai I Prt,t'iJ 11 t . i l .l nVlivrro I in ci'y li.niti frr ,f tl t'A fr. ' "i burl c ri T'l-jili j o. iu, vn i.mn a, T um yo-ir frn 1. 0 4.29. S. R, P E R R Y.

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