DURHAM RECORDER. E.C.1IACKSEY. F.diior. Pro. WEDNESDAY, July 22, ISM, The Brieht SWe of Farming:. There is a way to a?complish every possible result in this life if one has only the patience and skill to find it out. Often, too, the skill is born of patient en deavor. Bear this in mind. A striking illustration of the truth of these sayings is shown in a Connecticut farm at New Canaan. The land consisted mostly of rocky hillsides, with bowlders imbedded all over the . surface. These had to be dug out by hand before any crop would grow there: The large meat and grain interests of the country long 6ince went to the far west. It would be madness for a New England farmer to attempt grain farming in com petition with the west. Yet here on these stony hillsides, with no good market very con venient, with the much abused middleman even keener scented than he is in the west, two part ner, brothers, have alreadv laid up a competency and are realizing a lunuuo. How didjthey do it? They ac comnlkli it bv thoroughly un derstanding what they can do . wiin meir ijuiu. lucir iamoi began the businsss before them by starting a nursery. He saw that something must be done, or his would be added to the . long list of abandoned New England farms. So he began slowly and cautiously chang ing his farming to fruit and for est tree raising. There are now 350 acres in nursery, all thriv ing and paying well. But it is watched and tended as carefully as if it were a rich man's orchid house, and improved methods and stock are adopted as fast as they are known to be reliable. The partners say that their pay ing crops are two nursery stock and summer boarders. The farm now contains 500 acres, and it is all run in the way to promote the interests of two paying crops. In order that there may be no waste, and that the most may be got out of ev ery foot of land, 300 pigs are reared annually and dairy cows are kept. Besides there are for work fifteen horses and six oxen. Thirty men are employed and boarded on the place. Nearly everything produced on this model farm is consumed on the place except the nursery trees. The soil .of the Connecticut farm was as unpromising as soil could be, and the market for the little that could be raised on it was not much better. Yet here are two men who enjoy every comfort that man needs, are accumulating money solely through the use of their brains. They studied the situation care fully, adapted their products to the demand and came out on top. What they did in Con necticut other agriculturists can do almost an v where else in the Union. The farmer has had reason to comtrfain of hard times but let him remember, above all thines. that the Lord helps those who helD themselves. If the crops he has always raised am a Aran in the market then htt ran do aa the Connecticut men did, produce other things i i, : :n lUSi ar in UUIUUU. uiamn n til solve it. and seeminsr accidents will always point the way t) the thin tr that will be successful It will give the cue. It did this in the case of the New. Canaan paying staples. A Chapter on Giving. The man who can give his daughter a ten-dollar bill with out a fling at the extravagance of women, without a sneer at their love of dress, without a melancholy reference to im minent bankruptcy, without, indeed, a single unkind remark, is as rare as a daughter who never wants a ten-dollar bill. We have fteja wondered whether fathers realize how their daughters dread to ask for monev. Iher have to face a torrert of grumbling and a host of complaints, which are often very unjust, for the economical daughter receives about the same dot as the extravagant one. A recent writer says that a desire for pocket money drives thousands of girls into man ufacturing poor love stories for the periodicals, and that this is true we know from personal ex perience. Not long ago a young girl of our acquaintance went to her father with a request for money. Well, things had gone wronif that day. and pater I am ilias Kjoke some very hart, harp words to his daughter, and she came from the library with a pair of flushed cheeks and angry eyes, blie was not quite ..ixtwu; a sturdy-limbed, plucky girl, and what do you suppose she did? There was a fail of snow that night, and the next morning she shovelled the snow from All the sidewalks in the neighborhood, thus winning some pocket money, greatly to the mortification of her parents, and the amusement of her friends. But all girls have neither the strength nor the courasre for such - feats. They suffer severely from their sense of helplessness. But now we are wandering from our subject into deep wat er. for we are writing of givers, not workers, and we conclude with a query, the answer to which is, perhaps, a trine puzzl ing: Does the oft repeated quotation, "God loveth a cheer ful giver," apply only to the conscience dollar slipped into the contribution box? " Immigrants In Detention. New York, July 21. Thirty immigrants, all Russian Jews, are in the detention bureau at the Barge office awaiting the decision of the . superintendent of immigration. It is probable they will all be sent back, as each one has been assisted. One of the detained immigrants, a young man 20 years of age, a carpenter by trade, tells a dis tressing story oi his own adven tures and sufferings in Russia. Ha became a susDect while working at his trade in Riga, and, to escaye Siberia, which was the inevitable, he fled from city to city, pursued constantly. He was finally taken prisoner, beaten and treated most inhu manely and prepared for Sibe ria, when he again managed to escape, tie succeeded in reach ing the frontier, and by the as sistance of his countrymen, was sent to Hamburg. Here he was further assisted and left for America. He has no" money, having been robbed of his mue savings of six years when he wna taken nrisoner in Russia. and he says if he is caught again in that country ne wjii be put to heath. The Jewish societies have taken hold of his case. Thk Sentinel advises the gen' tlemen of Winston to pull to gether. It is in unity there is strength; it is In discord there is weakness. That is good advice. It's what we have been telling 'era here, too. The Sentinel goes on to say, further: A kind word fortius or that enterprise costs you nothing and in the end it may prove a handsome invest ment. Men sometimes forget they selfishly come to the con clusion that they have a mono poly of unkind words, when in reality they are monkeying with the blade of a dangerous weap on; it's the other man that will hold it by the handle to repel your unjust assaults. We do not suppose for a moment mat these remarks would apply to any one here, but they are made for what they are worth and would be worth a good deal to anyone contemplating doing what they advise against snouid they need them. EfvOPED AT HO W ITU A WID OW. ltlcii and Pernlatent Deacon FrreSuulMlIU ICelatlve. PrrranrRa.Pa.. Julv 17. The neome of Twiliorht. Washington county, are exercised over the elopement and marriage oi bam- . I uei x rye, ageu iw, uu jira. Pallet Ward, a widow, aired 40. Deacon Frye lost his first wife two years ago, and Mrs. Ward has been a widow just a year Inn crop AUhmicrh his newlv interested relatives opposed any such match, tne deacon propos ed to Mrs. ward ana was ac AAtitikJ ISfAMAflllt fiffA. They were to nave oeen mar ried last week, but the old man s i. a.:- .1 louna, inucii w ui vun"" that his nephews had prevailed upon the license clerks both in Wtuhinirton and Favette coun tin tn rfiiM him the necessarv document. By means of unkind gossip efforts were made to set the deacon against the widow; but several days ago he sent for his minister, and with Mrs. Ward, they went to ICumlwr land, Md., where the couple were made one. They have just returned, and been given a rousing reception. Designing relatives market lit tle through tne oia man s wia. Thai llarkaM VM-tlllaiaet I'M. The Karnvra Alliance baa wnlonrd itnipiin officially, mad if they are witiMltadtMOirt tm w& complain. Tht mtttt t Bums alluwanc for hotHwt errors, and the company ha nuxle kwI any turn reported uj un iHttljf"t. Wt mv never entertained an idm of criminality or bad faith in the tnatU-r. A tal tniA nf miilnir. tierhatM. arul with )miV4 imUvtd of tiuwhliu. enmljr cauwa variation in analyst iavl of the nam fertiliser. Work ing too clone V turmuhe, without ample margin, is a matter wurwu-a Ujr expprn-nce; "dim mo manaara ffrtilusrfw vary In eiew of guaran U. HI true that some coxtty :tmiicaU jr me up very materially, wlik-li a c'liaw nuti-iHn miirht ti'rt cover. but Die planter $( the beat be could expert at tne price conirw-vwj lor iviutnern lonufxwtm, jucn mond a. The fin4 grape the seaeon were on Die market today and some gf (beta wen not ones too. A dog bit a Shamokin, Pa., constable. The constable is all right, but the dog died from blood-poisoning, and the owner wants the constable shot. A RHnWMlv wna mnViluu) in Connecticut tor exhibiting as a wild beast a painted dummy. The land of ' wnnrlfm nntmomi does not intend to be beaten at its own game. Tobacco Statistic or Vlrglula, Washikoton, July 20. The cen sua office today mude public the to bacco statistics of Virginia: The to tal number of planters in the State during the census year, was 24,300. Total area devoted to tobacco 110, S79 acres. Total product 48,522,635 pounds and the value of the crop to producer extended on bases of actual sales 14,323,6-19. . $ Friend i I, iwwjr WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. "Mothars' Frtatid." ! worth Ita weight In gold. My wife suffered mora in ten minute with, either of her other children than ah did altogether with her last, after having used four bottlea of "Mother' Frlsna." ft la a blsasing to expeetant mother, nay a sua turner. ubnubkooh saia canal, UL Having uaed two bottlea my sixth child waa born with no pain comparatively. aire. L. O. Vauhaa, aasrioaa Lake, CoL Wonderful relieves mueh aufferlna Mrs. at. U- Brewster, MaatsToatery, Ala, Irnt fcr iiirnn ob rv-tlpt of arlre, M .go prr b. it lie. r u onaunu. jhkw awuMf aulM fiea lluruu KawuToa Os atlasta. Oa. K Wumaa's Discovery, "Another wonderful discovery Vma oeen mitdeand (bat by a lady id this county. Disease fastened ita clutch upon ber and for seven years the withstood its severest tents, but her viul organ were undermined and -ieith teemed eminent. For three month the coughed inoesstntly and could not sleep. She bought of u a bottle of Dr King's New Dioeovrry for Consumption and was so much relieved on tikinz first dose that be slept all night and with one bottle baa been miraculously cured H-r name is Mrs. Luther Lata." Thi.s write VV. 0. Hamrick A Co., of Shel by, N. C Get s free trial bottle at BUcknall A Son. MORTCACE SALE- Br virtue of a mortsasre deed ex ecuted to me by James 0. Proctor and wife, I will offer for sale at the court house door in Durham at pub lic auction on rriday the Slat of July 1891, one-half intvest in tract of land lyintr and being in Durham count, Durham Town, containing 3 100 of an acre more or less. The said mortgage is re corded in Register' office, Bonk 15, pages 238, 239 and 240. S.Io to take place at 12 o'clock. - Terms of sale cash. W.T.CARRIXUTON. July 1, 'il. Mortgagee. VZb S. 1. Ave.. WASHINGTON, U. C. Doham, N. C, June 22nd, 1801. Mb. John N. webr, Washing ton, II. U.: Dear Sir 1 have known the Elec- tropotse used in a number of differ erent cat for various complaints. In no instance have I known it to fail to benefit or cure the person who used it. I am not in any way interested in it My object is to benefit humanity, and I unht-sita- tingl Saf that, from my long per onai acquaintance with yon, as well as from the wonderful curse it Has wrought under nir own nWr ration, on various persons afflicted with various ills, I am prenamd to believe ths testimony offered in proof of the wonderful eurm pro duced by the persistent, intelligent use of the Llectropojse, sua com oiend it to invalids. Yours truly, ' Alex. Walk eh. For information av)dres as above, or 222 Kins St.. Charleston, 8. C. Grand, Square and Upright Piano-Fortps. Fifty Years before the public Upon their excellence atoos hive attained an anpurcbated Pre-emieoce which etubllshed them as nneaualled in TOXf TOUCH. VOItKM!K Mill AMI llCltAiSILITV. WABRUOM8l lliFiftb Ayenus. Ntw York,. 2 snd24.Baltuort fit BtIU.817 market Hp ci, .Washington, D. V. svp, 18 Mother VSKSSffl i Children Knjoy. The pleasant "flavor, gentle action and -soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative and if ; the father or mother be costive or bilious the most gratifyinsr results follow its use, so that it is the best family remedy known and ev ery family should have a bottle. jun-iu-im. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE Ths Biwr 8alv m the world tor Cuts Bruises, Sores, Uloere.Salt Rheum, Fever 8ores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, coma and all Skia LrUDtions. and mwi tireli Cures Piles, or no pay required. l,t is gnar- wtwi w (jito pvneut ssusiacuon, or money refunded. Pnce 25 cent per box. For sale by E. Blscknall 4 Co, Durham N V J.raORflBLE. Hardware for Builders Hardware for Farmers Hardware for Jctories Hardware fcr Everybdy Paint Lead and Oil. . CROCKERY AND GUSSWARL Some of the beet and cheapest COOK STOVES S. 0. FISHER, 1033 Iliia Street, IiYNCHBUKO, VA. Quh maker and dealer in Gtins, Rifles, Pistols Amunition, Pocket, Table, Carving and Butcher Knifes, Barbers' Scissors and Clippers, Scissors, Shears, Razors, Razor Strops and Hones, Sharing Brushes, Dog Collars, Dram Haska, Canes, VV hips of all kinds. Jointed Fish Poles. Fish Lines. Haulinir Seines and Netting, Gill Nets and Netting, Set Nets, Minnow Nets and Buck- ts, 1 rout riies, Bass t less. Trout Baskets, Corks, Keeds, Flv Books, Artificial Bait, Hooks on Gut, and everything in the Fishing Tackle Line. Also Base Ball Bat, IS asks, Gloves, Iron and Wood Dumb Bell, Indian Clubs, and Hammocks of All Kinds. Send 3 cents in stamps for finely illustrated Fish ing tackle Catalogue. no-10. FURNITURE.- If you are in need any Perchase until you have seen our STOCK and obtain. PRICES "We will give you more for in the State. Alro carry a full of UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES, THE CHEEK FURNITURE COMPANY. S. H. HAWES' RICHMOND, VA, AIII I V s ss ajss. -mmwj ... v ..w.v... ... - - Va A nut nr dirt run noHniblv trot into the Coal tA it runs over these wreensin paHinj? j.ntf m Conumcr8 get their Coal 1 nave now and snail always iicvpon n;inu, a targe mwn of all kind of Coal best uuitcrt for Foundry, Factory. ana xamuj use. All Coal selected and of bent quality. l'mmtit ebinmonta. Oriff'rMtsolicitcd i rt i , - The railroad cars run the Goal i loaded into them the trade ooutnanu west. . S. H. Hawes. Kiclmiontl, Va. iuiy-i. . CAMM'S EMULSION will positively nrrrst Consumption if u.S(d in time, cures Scrofula, Glandular Swellings, Rheumatism, Bronchitis, and other Luugdiseases, It is composed of the purest Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil, combined with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda with Iron, and is freely prescribed by the Medical faculty throughout this country and in Europe. Rev. Dr. llawes says: Beyond all doubt "Caium's Emul sion is a most capital article. I am til most prepared to say that I owe my life to it I was taken sick last January. Had a narrow es cape from pneuuiouia; was left with considerable inflammation in my lungs, aud was in a bad condition every way. My physician, Dr. J as. T. Spencer, prescribed this "Emul sion," and I lived on it for three mouths or more. My health is now better than it ever was at this sea son of the year, withia my recol lection -in fact, almost perfect IIkrkkkt 11. Ha wes. Pastor Presbyterian Church, Stauuton, Vs. For s.ile by all druggists. K A. CIUIGIIILL, & CO. Manufacturers, and VVholsale Drug gists, Lynchburg, Va, jun-10-7;m. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. The Secret of Health is ths powsr to sat, drt and assimilate a proper qaaatit j of wholfwoms food. Thb ean aavcr b the rm whtlslmpartUM ratal In hs riin. Ths iiloott aul ba BurlHs4 M I th- vital prliK'liilo, ranilrjlnc thrNaa wrrpartoftlisboilr. r. Tatt'i HlUsipal U Impurities sod sltallsa tha wools ajratsaa, A Noted Divine sayst 1 ham tm sslna Dr. Tatfs IJrtg Ptll, ths paa thrac moasths for dyspspsla. woaa ftuauKstsdstrmusas. laevsrhaaaayt IhlHEtSltuMMMMams, I ahsuiaathsbrstplll lasstatsaea,aaddoaa I out acquaint otbsts with tbalr asarita Xbor ara a psoial blrsalns.- Jts. f. B. OMiOOD, Ksw Tarkw Tutt's Liver PiUs, roa DVSPErSIA. rrlee,25e. Office, 19 a 41 arkPlaee,R.t IthciiinatlHin Cured In-a Hay "Mystic Cure" for Rheuma tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by N. M. Johnson & Co. Druggist, Durham. mm i riic. itcBiam riiss. tntrroa'-MnistsrsttBtaatllrktaf a Is tlar tatf: atovt st surtk; warm by acrswaiiii. Hallos. sd to osshsss tsiaors tarm. vaieb ertsa btasa sns aleMrnt. busumss srr sors. Sv.iss Onrrvssr .tops tbo itrbl sad btuts, bssls oitwnttos.sM isbkm eM raHsstss mm- ors. t 4'i,ili., or b, auil rat as esaia. Vt. Svsjrisa soa fliUsnslpbn, HOW Ts Cars All ala Blaaaaaa." mm j .biiIt 'stTss's iMataisnt. s imsr- asl at aIic i as rfiQlr n, Oar-w wttr, srsisia. web, til apht'i'. oa (a. far. hssJ. aoss. ste.. ltim ths tkia rlssr, wsju aad basilar - snat bssllni sad sarstlrs povsrs ars puma I S. as oth-r rismlr. ask isat srssjnU tor wsras's Uistaual. FURNITURE do not the money than any house from the Elevator into the dry and perfectly clean alongside the Elevator, and thus, lemoning the cost to UfcfBPju NilS , iw, mm Organs, Organs, Organs. To make room for new stock. Now is your lime to buy. All goods reduced twenty-five per cent, for the next sixty days, , A large lot of SECOND HAND PIANOS from FORTY OLLARS UP. ORGANS from TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS UP. . Call on or write " s DARNELL & THOMAS. MAIN STREET, DURHAM. N C. GLADSTEINS S NEW YORK Racket d u n n a Men and Boy's Clothing tor the tiiousanas, HtVTSfor SHOES for everybody; DRY GOODS, NOTIONS &c. CHEA.rER TH V.N C3AN BE BCUGHT SOUTH OF NE 7 YORK. 2.25 gents' shoe for 92 rentR: $2.00 lalv shoe for $1.14: tl.00 fiaitem for 2 CO; $.1.00 calf lacwl lor centd: kii.iKi frntsi spring suit tor 4.7a. . A MCE LIN K OF QUOC'EIllES. H. GLADSTEIN, MAIN STREET-DURHAM N C apr . VHOLESfllE GROCERS. NO. 718 Main Street LYCHBURG, VIRGINIA. Send XJa -A. T?n.I-AJL. OUDETl. oct ' - Yooticn's Palenl Yire Tobacco Hanrs CAN BE USED IN ANY DARN. WlrM art fwwaMs. TiJaNS ran Vs pmrl pay4 ita ks tn4 f)nlt4 Dnvasaibs Wins srbsaearsiL Kimpis I tHispna aa4 ban la lasalsrast. mi ra, Cask Arssasaaul rsri IIN Wlfha sns IM If Wlr tm Mlsk) , fl.lM lOOO WlrM ( ailrks) 4.M rmrR TIHH 109 mirka fmpln , I. la l,(oo U lra I ktlrksl 4.t aaavataf rr aMtasa. 4.4 a avals atlrk m4 Wlr for I ( tin, tW Traatlatoa TobaotwCallar and Carlag TH 1 1. ACCNTS WANTED. TOBACCO HANGER M'F'6 CO., Houston, Halifax Co., It. i D W. WHITA KER BOOK AND JOB PKINTER. IJT Ollicc on Main Street, Duke UuiUing. l8 FINELY 01UIPPED FOR ALL KINDS OP W0KK. tot tiivi new tvp and Ur nn-I w-ll wl:ti ptock ot pnnUr' iU tiuiierr. can furnish oa ftliort notic, nWTFKS CIRCUL.IM LFITER UEAD4, jniLt llEADrt, fact ot kio l of rintiii, plain rLf-tiry, from . viiitmi, crl to lrg q'urr uliwt potcr. Whnn Trtd wnt prinlin done nwitlf, iturunlr nwWj, Irr-- .I.W.WinrAKER.V D. W.WHirAKLK. Miil ordurt promptly hIUikIihI to. A'Mre them to ' D. W. WllITAIClJIt. , 0 hh 1 Of- Btore r.i. ?u. the Public, Gent's Underweae, hIk for $2.39; moo's 1.2JTianU .

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