J, 'Ll The UKBAI WORDS SPOKE MAY BIS FORGOTHS. BCTTHOSE WHICH AltE WRITTEN OR PRINTED bTAND RECORD. DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 13. 1892 VOL- 72. NO 42 D Recorder, f L'ghett of all la Letreainf Power. mm ABSOLUTELY PURE There are no cats within the limits of Lead vi lie, Col., the thin atmosphere at that alti tude, 10,200 feet, being fatal to them. They are, however, not require J, the town being free from rats and mice from the same cause. WHY IS THI 17. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE Tm BEST 6HOC la M MU fOI M tutztf , It baaravibaaatou. Willi aotarkior Wat (l'lrad a kill UN I rati Mda ot tka kw aaa calf. Mill. aaa aaar. u4 kwiiaa, ww Mk mi akara a raw Jiai raaaaag arar aaaaararrarar, aw4wak)aaaaV ce aa;aaata llaaa-wawra, ttiaaaaatealf ajrw-a Wh rr ufTefi-ti f f ' ( aital. MaWrk Impnruvl ahoaawklrksiiatfrom avr'W.i U. 5yt IUl-.wr4 Mr 11 fkaa, m aalf, . ai la. oml.atal.la mMtl durana. Tkabrat kkoa a T rilffH a. tfcta arlra 1 aaina arada aw aiw I'fn aaa.t ,a.M eoatla fruai a iu w 'il. BO il Paltr Hfcaai karmar. allma4 Va WUi aad Laltrrl'arrfttraaJI wrartlarmt kaarair, a, aamaa, mm taaM, kary (fcraa aula MM' ft.. iiwapair will waarayaar. 09 Ad Saw raifi aowriirraa.aaraar4aa, aaaaa ivwi om trial will ene.iaoa thuja waa mi a afcu f". rowifort aaa! arnica. C9li aa -AarMataaaa'a ! apaSa art aarw atna and urai.w. Thoaa waa aw ftaaa lka a trial will wrwaoMkarnaka, riAVftl !. waoni aknaa ara UVI9 wura byta br,a.arwaffw; taayaaU aw tkafr maftia, a. il.a ta aiiaaaalw alaaw-. I HIia 1f M. d a. twwt SwClUICO Un;sla. mintlKi: a-iaajaflwuili BauaMnaa wm waum rnaa aiai u. auti aflawaarataaoaaiflaaiAicola. a(Th.h aol our ailn1 u.Aa. ti.H aaa SI.TJ I1.M a4 1 aallaa-wwa taaa w. a. Iwwfiaa' acka an ataaapa4 aa law) kuahaB U a I'UftNa. im Thn aixl .lurama. W. i. Iwwfiaa- aaaaa aa4 'TIKI n HI HTITrTat , IHl.LA rla.aiaWiui4h tm lorai arwrUwd aral.riaiimil.la ma For SiU by the DURHAM 8UP fLY COMPANY. 10 TXT S3 'S3 MOffSE AND CATTLE POW0ERS a N'aa win w at rtr Km ar Lraa fa. waa. H tmm Pwwtna ara aaH at ma. t ain hnwam hi mr, mh araarat II. w ram aaa. f ontfl taw Wia WIN avawl ll.ra. I. aw La. au NMa HI kiaw aw anaMna af aH m rraaai laaai) aaf aaaL. aaa anka ika katin ana awl aaL 9 oaaaa ra will rwaa ar ai iaia akwnaS ftaaaf tiaaaaa at wkkw Haw aa4 aula ara wtrt. tnvrti rawaaaa wiu. aia. aanaraona. ai a. yovra. rrriat.r. ForStla by W. M. YEARBY, Dru?,rist, Durham, ;N. C. J.T.W0IVI8LE. Hardware for Builders Hardware far Farmers Hirivira tor Ictsries HardwarD for Everybody Pain Lead ai Oil. Boas of the beat and ohaaptit COOK STOVES for Infants OaawaHbawaAMa4exla4m f VWwwMLWMwl M(M GlpQtw&T tO Ml rtaHaflySwlwl kawrataaaaa." H. A. i.arau, M. UI . 0mXar4 K, Itrookia, X. T. aTfiaaaaar-rwairaia'bMajMaaaaajM M aaartla aa wall knaw thai II aaw a work taf aniwawnajaUoa taaMoraaH. faw arwlha twiaiilawal faiBllMa) aha aa aa kaa CaaawTO Ulala aa iwawkr CklMt atiWITIl t t, a. fork OK. Uaatawataawawlatdw)aa Ural, M,'"WJ H'1lt'..,HM!'.Kl"r..'.. '-! - U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Powder Aqueeh libel suit has been instituted against a newspaper in Indiania for averring that the plaintiff's horse was fed on soup, being too old to eat corn. He claims $2,000 damages, al leging that he has suffered great mental Anguish on account of the publication. Recent experiments v ith two straight edges, sepan ted at one end"by a sheet of pi er, show that light ran be iseen through a clecn cut opening of not more than J-40,(X)0 of an inch. 142.", in. 1. Ave. WASHINGTON, D. (!. Office of York Esteprise Yorkville, 8. C, Aug. 14, 'HI An xi k; Elm teoI'oisk - Get ', un: Fr thia-t live jearsmv wi.'e hi lieen m ulteivr frum n-iui. Si cnoipletety did thi di- Keave iiiiike a wreck of Iter ior.iirr irll that life van ali'ir-tt deapared of. JIT nf-rvtMia cvbfeui m al- numh mt:ielv i!ftroved, aiid tli klightent noiaai woiil.I throw her in'o a icervout pani, which wmtld U- or hoars. Aledic.l skill laileo t lrv uu trf. 'i i jfi'ifcli the recommetdi ion of an miueiir iiviii n were induced to try thr E'i-ctropoiV. Alter a r-kit-tent iikh 0' the iuidr .meat, the eff-xt liax bteu wonderful, (ler nenon i -sMiit ha lv,'ii mitorel to ita aliitokt. normal louditiiiti: ber iiRestiou h wuudeifuliy improved: she ii mpvllj gaiiiitis in fleli; and, upon Him whole, is niakiiin a rapid ncovery, which tpeakf vulumea for the woodei-ful curative powers of the Electropome, ax her cam) waa couM1ered Ihh-vIim. If an arH kkejilical on the aiibject, let them try the Llfctriiui.-e, aiut it won- darful poer will ijuicklr dmpel all hlcubL I our truly, W.M.PuorhT. Grand, Square and Upright Piano-Fortes. Fiftv Yesra W fore the public. 7Joi (hei. eterlleoce alone have attrjitd n ttfiiiirchaaeil Pre-etnlenfo -wHih eaiat'lithed tbem at ooauaDl n TOI TOl'CII. WOUKIVINX. 8III1AM l)tKAUllat7 1. VAUKU'XMi-i tl2Kiftl. Av'ima N- Ymlf. .icUIK.JiIlim..r Sr., ";pi. 81 'iiarl. t n o. Wahinqti , ! : sept 18 end Children. CawtwHa rawwj fW, CraawlfawVwk, fmw turaaacw, IHarrlHwa. trartatanw. aUtta Wniaa, girm aaaaa, aaa IiiiiiiHI a Wuaaa'ilriauaakr41raakaw far aaawraj aaaua t ttnaa rainuakliM fw ' Oaatnrav aad ahall alwaya enMlmaf k i.i an aa u fcaa tarariaAajr onium luaatmal Kara F. Taaflta, t Ut Wtawalvfc"aat SUMtatka fU A, tn York Cltf. , in i i mm ' a. ; . . ' Al i "a ' r y - a 1 9 ' ;," J Taa Cantan Caarurr, ft Koaaav tnuurr, KiVToaa. STORM IN GEORGIA, A Cyclone Carried Death an Distructlon in its wake. Fayettbvhxe, Ga., Jan. 6. Last night, as the residents utam at thatF onnnoii d rrrflrt 1151 la. I t tuL omtK. west, and a dense black cloud M;:i,i: an annrnanh. Mis iuuii-oiivu v. uv.r(. v- I ingstorm. Louder and louder it Decame ino wina uiew i fiercely, and every one sougnt shelter. Then the wind began tAooaa whitrta thonRftnd can- r. cirrmitanAMiKly I booming. All of a sudden a huge f..nnni.uh Vmrat nnnn . a a . 1 ter all was still The heavy rain that followed fell in tor- rents upon more than a dozen wrecked . homes. Immediately li a TAiirn on1 in a mr.mnT. lit I i.a.ua wL-iirt iiat PsmnMi the cyclone rushed from their hhmoa tAoonartain i ia namaufl I done. There were groans and .i-iMu f terror, the nearroes U'wwaSVH a'a V' wva,a w " CT I vwav - oi.Hnrr-tn it. hv thrir frightened shrieks. The storm covered a width of 200 yards. It grazed the tree tops in the woods, and iust as it reached the town seemed to swoop aown upon is, and, like an undulating wave of smoke and tire, gatuerou up its prey, end either dashed it to the ground wrcarried it through theuir. The first house struck was I tlie bam of Mr. J. W. Graham, Will niri'tit of the Washintrton Life Insurance Comnany. and some fine stock was killed. In hiahomenearby his family of twelve had huddled with fear in a large room. The storm struck the chimney, throwing it nnnn Kallie Kate, a child of eight vears, pinning her to the floor, lifeless. Then tno nouse oIlar.red, and was soon in ut- ter ruin. All the occupants were hurt, more or less serious- lv. Mr. Graham's cm-house, a blacksmith shop belonging to B L.Mciouch. ani a cottage, out of which Dr. Davis had just moved, folio i ia tho track of destruction. Tb F.ye.teville seminary, a Duiwmg wnicn a t. I withstood the war. was soon a mass or broken aesits. dooks, a. a . a a ft 1 tables and wood. Three hours iaviv u r . ' . ? ' 'i i sooner eignty laugumg bi uwi -l:u ....i i .. Ki,w.l iiirhinr Si bur- VIlllllIfTIl WUUIU liaiv uv-" " tpl in thA t-nina. At the home of Mrs. Lizzie Henderson, u widow, Mrs. Tray- ia liar ilntirrlitiir wan Ivincr sick. Sne, herself, was tending a ba - by a day old. When tho wina began to eat against tne panes Mr. Will Travis rushed to move his wife away from the win - dow. Uo was drawn through it and carried 200yards through the air. The bouse was crush- ed. but the mother and tvo children were but slightly hurt, V . Two hours afterwards nr. Travia waa found by Charley ... . .. . . "I Walter lying dead. 1 h. storm next struck a tone m..t hi-niHM nrnmiPil by Walter! and his family. All that re- i a a .til rn.iiiif.l toilav is a doer, stun chained to the i ground. Yet neither the negro nor any or the wsiilents received a scratch, ThA t'twatm ia a mvsterv. Anna Smith's family of three saw therr home leveled to the cleared for foreign ports, d rey, a native of the North Ire irmiin.I. vet their, too. were I durinir the month of Ds ceniU rllanl. who was a soldier on the without a single injury. A I the number incre.wJ to fifty-1 patriot side during the Hevolu barn, containing eleven mules, leight. I tionary war He was the fath- tm nncrinirto Mr. A. o. liiaioek.i was blown away, and not a sin- glo mule was harmed. The houw of Freeman Simmonn, Sr., un. I Freeman Simmons. Jr.. the dwelling of Sans Favor, and case, not accept Ue recent de three grandchildren and thirty the large house of T. F. Garri- cision of the Supreme Court of seven great-grand children sur son were blown to pieces. The of that State as final, the politi- vivo him. Ho was uncotnpro- hMneof Dr. Davis was lifted into the air. Tho pillars were shattered and the building fell to tho ground, remaining stand ing without its former supports. Tho ocupants survived this pe culiarride without a trace of injury. The big aliianco warehouse was the last to go. But a few bales of cotton were left, and today Luther Evans found a part of the structure in llenrv county, fifteen miles away. It was easily identified, being the - I ..'l I' ,.....! only ouuumg ui currusu" iron in the section around about, , Just over in Clayton county, not far from Jonesboro, not an outhouse remained. The barns of Andrew Chatham wore ruin- ed, and a negro blown out of his cabin and into inoair. ue was carried through a tree. The branches checked his fall, and he tumbled to the ground with bothlerrs and an arm broken.! the German nobility. The an He was discovered by Mr. W. U. Travis, oi eiina, a uromer aaaa. a aa S it of the man killed here, who Uinks that the nogro will re- cover. , The wrecked port-on of the town is away from the business - . .1 aL.a..l. J aaa am aa J secuon, several nunurau oru to tko south. Most of it will be rebuilt immediately. The loss is variously estimat- ej at from thirty to fifty thou- ,an,i dollars, and it falls neavi- hy upon the owners of the prop- Urty. : nt-s Tim. ianiiiArAra nf th Smith have received a great deal of aAvin tn Mian mnr crain and .. .r . I less cotton. As a matter onpt.nuriBum iaci, tuey raicu uioto i wheat, as well aimore couon, during the past year than they evr raised la any orevious year pmm et..ifiat.irR in hand, it at-1 years that the corn crop of 1891 in tha stat. Smith of the Poto- M y. r-a SVSSX a L..L I els, or 117,000,000 more than that of the previous year, and that the wheat crop was 89,- 000,000 bushels, a gain of QIC,- mdr was ArkAlll. .1lin-lllnJ-wUU UUHI1 I nnn onn nnnn the year before. I The price of cotton is unsatis- F:iPtnrv trt irs raisers, wna n dulgo in gloomy anticipation or iirt rear's markets, but the -' w aaw g - - a-l"""" . . - . S . I nrir nf orain ia hicrh enoutrh I to remunerate its growers, who are very sure to enlarge next year's acreage of corn and whoat. The Hew YorK Bunimersmau cnarges on account vl.. . . rt 1 1 1 J thinks that tne ooutnern iaaa- holders are able to raise far lar- ger supplies ot tne cereais inan are needed for consumption in the South. " '.'.Tm.m. : . . THE nrst till introaucea in the general assembly at Colum bus. Ohio, after its organization was for redistricting that state I for representation in Congress J so th it -the republicans wmiage. 1 he railroad companies have seventeen t ongressmen and the democrats four Colum- bus, which has been in a demo- cratic d strict for twenty years, I is thrown in a republican dis-jof tnct, tnougn ms maionij i less than 1,000 in a total vote of 35,000. The four democratic districts will have an average majority of lo.ooo. uongress-1 man Outhwaite is thrown into I a republican district. r ROM a siuay or. ine ooswveu i . i . f . . transits of Mercury of two cen-1 turies, M. Tisseranb concludes that the increase in tho length a mi far nrfuinftut hV I tidal action, has nearly the vaa J , a-" -J I I ..ma .aina thA Himintitinn - ahirh rpsnltn from the eon- I . - I traction oi tne eann causea oy secular cooling, ana mai me two compensating effects keep gjT9g great gatisfaction to the Itbelenzth of the sideral daylfarmpr. m .nv of whom de- j very nearly invariablo. - i a ci kiui iaiuoa utw wuuu its way into ine manuiaciure lof table hardware. The han dies, of table knives are now made in China to match the plates. There are sets for each course. Those for poultry have heads of the victims and .a. .a Maaa aaa B t t I little nuny chicks ana qucks uton them: those used with the I game course nave tiny nignis I of partridge and miniature long - ' il - . lueced snine nainted on them. . aWM a 1 M I. . I that me ioreiirn uuuiiiass vi Newport Aews is forging a - head rapidly, is shown Dy tno clearances from that port dur- I intr the Dast two mouths. In November fifty-five vessels! 1 Ir the Republican members of the New . ork Senate decide, as the latest news from the Em- nire State indicates will bo the leal centre of interest in the country will be at Albany as long as the contest lasts. " After the recent crash in Ber - 1m Europe can hardly cast the reproach of financial reckless I oess into the teeth of Americans any mors. Ten percenv. inier- C8t en money 1n Europe would! be a tolerably certain iadica- tionof financial unsoundness, yet tho stiff old Gorman nobles who deposited their cash with the houses that went down con- I.' .1 I........I ...ul.4nw unuw ior acracia wmow that amount in quarterly pay- ments. It they had stopped to consider one moment, thoy might have known this could not go on, but they did not stop, Then whan they lost their rootl ey, with' no one to blame but themselves, a great nowi won abroad through tho land about dishonest bankers who had dared to swindle members of dacityof the thing was what I. a w .0 B . .1. . S il . tooK away me oreamoi mo counts and barons and princes To think a low, common mortal wouiaaarei ; To make promiess and aot aWa.aa ttlStrl . 9 fat A Al Bft 1 1 hnlllt. "- - people bad opinion f you. SUD-TREASUKY LOANS. A Government Scheme in Rus sia that Satisfies the Furmorg. Consul General Crawford, at St. Petersburg, has transmitted to the Department of State a re- Dort UDu the details and work ings of a system now m practice in Kussia (resembling certain I t-J al l.i - , r j 01 wm cuuuirj; i urt.iuS au- vances on tarraers grain stored in warehouses or delivered to officials of railways of thecoun try. The salient points of the system, briefly stated, are as Aatta vviivtv oi The advance on gram maybe made by any railway company on account of the Imperial Bank of Russia, author zed by tne ministry oi nnance. xney must not exceeu ou per ceii. oi .uv vamv ui wo o. TT nearnesi maricei piace, except in cases of loans for six weeks r- s a 1 or less, wnen bo per ceni.au vance may be obtained. The usual interest is 6 per cent., payable in advance, with f ur- I of a sinking fund aud commis sions to railroads. The loans range from six months to one year, and, if not repaid at their expiration, the grain is sold by the railroad company at auction. Grain may also be sold in danger of deterioration or if it is feared that the value will not cover the loan and expenses of stor bear the entire responsibility for the loans by the bank and are required to meet their liabilities within Be fen days of settlement a loan or auction sale of i grain, in. caicuiaung ine per- Icentage of advance the cost of I transportation to the point of destination is charged as part of the loan. Ke distinction is made between farmers and middlemen in making advances, thai lnan tioinor 'inaiiw nnlv nn . . - - thm crain. jn conclusion, the Consul General says This scheme went into effect T a . ni iuoo - 1 a a V. I nrpRpnt Hav it ia cpnorallv arl-1 WIX aj UUO Iw-ajU. lOOO. OUU Ulf LUV I ill: j atuf. -Y fuT 1 wjicu lurwugimui. uaj wuuuj, .njw;.a.. an!a' An I .ua vuoiuvD. at. w.n.i. der it cn a very laree scale. I should also add that the scheme claresthat it has been an es- isentiai feature or successiut i rarming in ttussia. asning- von rost. l ; a uemocrat oi uacaaona i-ay. jaceh currey, oi rountain and Ogle streets, Manayunk, died on Saturday, aged 92 years, from Illness produced by an at- a I i lack oi ino grip. jir. vurrey was hale and hearty until a few I J t L . 1 i aays ago ana recenur d.u iimuc 1 the assertion that he had not I tasted medicine from his in . fancy. He was a resident of .aTI0 t a? .a. . a M. jianayunK ior wveniv-iwo 1 years, to which place be came from v hite Han, Montgomery country, whore he was born I September 10, 1800. lie was the son of Enoch Cur i er oi nine cuiiuren. me eiuesi of whom, James D.Currey, was hilled during the battle of An- tietam while serving in the Un- ion volunteer service. Forty- mising in his Democracy and cast his first ballot for the Dem- ocratic Presidential candidate in 1824 and his second vote for president was in 182, when he voted for Andrew Jackson - 1 Since then he had voted for ev- I ery Democratic candidate. a Qucation vf Iiuttona. There is stilt trouble over the infant industry of making pearl buttons. McKinley taxed the hnttnn. hut nobody seems to have done tho rest. Chicago I Times. A Hack Imileatliui. When the minister sees his congregation scratching thetr backs on the edges oi tne pews he realizes that buckwheat is the flur of the flock. Bmg ham ton Loader. Aa to the Tax on Tin. The tin-plate tax will reach nearly t20.000.000 a fear, will come out ot the people i pockets. If the employment of American lauor is me purpose 0( tBa tax it would be cheaper totax the people to pay the wages of tho tin-plate makers wh. they did nothing at all.- ' - af aa. CT w Cleveland rrcss. -eBnu liitercNtui'; Fara-irraplii, It does not pay to junta on a man when he is poor so the town of Natick, Mass., learns. James Minion was arrested there in June and fied $2, which he could not pay. He was sent to jail, ana the town has been paying $1.75 for his board ever since. A poor fellow has just died in a dentist's chair in Pittsburtr He took vitalized air ard the dentist was successful in tret- ting the tooth out, but he could not restore the man to life. This was what is called 'laugh ing gas,' and yet it was no laughing matter to the man who received it. It would cost $050,000 to put wings on the White House: but. then, we should have an edificv worth about $975,000, which would bo a credit to the country. f Philadelphia Record. It might be better to put wings on Ben jamin, and let him go up with the angels. So add3 tho Now Orleans Picayune. In New York the other da v the case of Baily vs. Drew was decided after twelve years weary progress, the court rulin . that the famous Daniwl Drew w is solvent when he gave his son, the defendant, half a mil lion dollars, and therefore the latter is entitled to the property. So h has been a rich mini in ali the years he was supposed to be poor The British and Foreign Bible Society has been ostabhshed eighty-seven years. Daring the long period of its existence it has issued 124,000,000 copies of scripture writing, translated ia- to 3!K) tongues hue people are tending forth their gow l wishes for the New Year we would like to exteud our goo.! wishes for the success of the Bible in 18f 2. That means a great deal for the good o the country, for happy homos and for humanity. Dock John L.. Want Fitrlvi lit's? I T.l. a. L. Sullivan is losirg presrTge through his through his sintrular - hut if h will brace ui ! actions, dui 11 ne wm ui ate ui i and administer a sound thra-h ing to one Charles Mitchell, oi England, all will ue torgivuu. Chicago Post. Brown "Did 3ou take any holiday this season?" Jones es, of course. Brown ''How did you man aire your business wuiie you were away." Jones "Oh, 1 just took my advertisement out of the papers until I returned, so there was no business to luauag'1. tapual idea, wasu t it!'" Is it worth anything to keep business promises? is a question that some people ak themselves too late in lite; it is ucvertueltss one when answered in the uega tive must sooner or later hurt. Men are not expected to do ua notabilities, nor would they blamed for tailing to do wi,at 1- utterly impossible to be tloiit, but mey at least owe n w uiose whom they have incurred on liiratiolis to cive J plicit rcasum for their tanuiu to comply wu . i . , ..i.. a ' " a - t when he starts out in life i keep his promise, nor h aav man too old or any Una to nca or powerful to do so. 1 ou cn peiuapstate )our own way, uo at you please m your u ousi nuaa transaction, but U i ou w 10 pardon us lor reminding you ui it, you are tuakiug hi.-toiy uu vou nmv but vour awvti iut that bad history wtii nun. iih time sooner or later coaie. u . . ... . 'i any individual when he. need? f avers, aud if ho ha hwn himself unworthy ot uiuse n has enieved. then thi t huiKe.- for getting them repeated grow less. It h a fact that in general the greatest tuturaiils haM been alow to K-aru troui 0uok i'hey learn lroui titiuirs, not from books. Darwin was vcr alow. At etirnt svr oi l ne knew little ot printe 1 lc-.-ui.-. out had a hotaole co.lectivin "t shells, plants, coins and luuu c ails. It may coiuturl some pa rents to remember that 111 1 childhood Darwiu was a great liar, that is to say a liar in tut lino of boasting ot what won ie r tul things he could do by Li experimenting, llu luiagma tioii was so ioweitui thai ik aeemod not alwaja to know th ditfereuce between what wuj reilly true aud what he imagin ed to be true. Not all joutnfui liars make Darwtua however. Till. UAIMIST FEMALE LNl-VliilSJTV. A Statement from th Coinniit- te: ShowiiijrUieCoiitliti'm of the t'liti'rprisr-, Messrs. N. B. Broughton. C. Durham, W. N. Jonas, J. C. Searboro and W. G. Upchurch, constituting the local commit tee in charge, of tho matter of tho Baptist'Female University, have issued through tho finan cial secretary, Mr. J. B. Boone, a statement to the contribution, to the proposed institution, showing the progress and con dition of the enterprise. In this statement tho committee says: Th; citizens of lUleigh offer ed to the trustees of the Univer sity .$25,oo0 and a site to secure the location in this city. The trustees canvassed all the propo sitions, and decided to locate the institution in Raleigh; aud after looking at all the available suburban site3, . selected tho present location, including tho Pullen, thi (Jrissom and tho Ad tins lots. They agreed that if the citizens of ltaleigh would pay for the above-named prop erty they would locate tho in stitution thereon. Tha members of the board who wre citizens of Raleigh, after consultati- n among themselves aud with many of our citizens, agreed to accept the proposi tion. Alter a thorough can vass to secure the funds to pay fi r the site, the necessarv a mount was not obtained. Thus result, was reported to a meeting uf the board of trustees at Golds bo ro, N. V., in November last. At that Meeting the whole sub ject of the University was fully aiscusst-d ami lite trubtous ua- iuiiiioulv agreed to stand by their decision to locate tho tni- vtrsity in Raleigh. Thev also expressed titeir jireferanco-for tlie site already cho.y.11; but up tuiated a coiuiaitteo oi live of Jicir number, residents jf Raleigli, to whom they en - trused the matter of changing the site if necessarv-, and to whom thev gave instructions to ollect and use the funds already subscribed, and t solicit other funds ri and outside of ltaleigh and to make such purchases as might be necessary, and press ine work cuiauutted to them as upidly as possible. The Com mittee met a few days after their appointment, and after ascertaining that they could ob tain the vacant lot of the Len. il. Adams property, adjoining the I'uiien lot, unanimously a 'iced ou that plan; and have purchased said lot at a cost of wo, paid the money tor 11 and obtained a deed therefor. rheUiissom lot has been pur- cnasc'i aaa puia ior at u com 01 $2. 1 wi, and tae Pu'.len lot has been contracted for at a cost of -lo.ti hi. of which fJ.wo has been paid lea v in g a balance d uo ft 7,iw0. l ho lata purc'iase ot h" Adttias lot gives a key to the ituation, so that we have the .1.1.1 i.-il;.. v ery sue 011 which me uuiuimg would be erected, even though wo owned the whole mmare. We now have two acte of .ui 1. i'liliectioiis are now being made as rapidly as possible to huish paving" for tho Tullen lot. Tiieta are gud subscrip tions, s'JfUcient when paid in the haiid-it-f the iinaucial secre tarv, to finish paying for this lot. The committee arc greatly en- it:r.i.,'i d with tn piogrota 01 liu work already altaiu-jd, and Iierwbv d.'wire to ask all those vho have subscruied to thtti en terprise to pay their subscrip tions a sot-n as potsioie, 10 tno t .t . .1... !..(!. ..........! f eiKl la.ll IUV 1 Ilillll JlVjiii; may be paid tor at the .ailiet (ossi.iie lm-iiieut and a aceu oo ained thtrcfor.' When this is n work will be Civnmenced ipon tho building. Ncws-Ub- server. Si:vr.:; u. bills have been in troduce I in the lloune for pub- it buildings in dnf rent parts f the C Hintty. Durham is not in it yet. We Irs Mr. ininn is w.'tkiny: on it. Durham should not bo overlooked this time. V';i.i.-tlREi'TKi work m a t a . t i 1 . . . overeigti roineiiv tor uio ;..!. It fhaei away hard liii.cj acid make a man happy and cu- t. -n ted. Wnr.s a fwaiiecticut paper wishes to state that on of it if--ti- i the po'iitentuiry, ttMVn li lias gono.io maito shoes ouaStato last. Tub Democrats of Xew-rt, ll, 1, rt eu top for the tirst time in forty years. I .ie t vuti eil stands 't to 7, whit It ecetns to be a touch of retribution. J a-

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