DURHAM BECORDgR B. C. HACKNEY, F.tlUor. Pro. WEDNESDAY July 6, " 1892. -T vS ' L'1" : K 'iX'" T i.V P ; State Democratic Ticket For Governor: F.LIAS CAUK, of hdoconile. For Lieutenant-Governor, ft. A. UOUiUTUX, of Alleghany. For Secrctar? of Slat 0CTAVIL'8 0UKE,of Wake. For State Treasurer. DJXALDW. JBAIX, of Wake. For Suite Auditor. E. M. r I' KM AN, of Buncombe- .. ... ' Ur aiAmAvXIotaarnl. (RANK I. USI)K,K. of Mecklenburg For Rnpt. of Public Instrwtion. J. CbCAKBllKOLUII, of Joliiistnu. For Presidential Kltrtow at Large. C H. AYlXK'K, of Wayne. E. B. GLEXS, of Forxytli. ForConerina, 6th Dintrict IIOS. A. 11. A. WILLIAMS, of Granville . M III M I The New Trinity College iJiiild. IllffS. ... From the Raleigh Christian Advocate. On last Wednesday the editor of this paper went up to Dur ham and went over the new buildings erected for Trinity College, and he was perfectly delighted with what he saw, We have there one of the best "plants" for a college that thu writer has ever seen anywhere. It is almost perfect. The main building is about completed. It is a hne piece oi work. In the basement are tm furnaces, closets, &c, &c. On the first floor, as you enter, the parlor and room for the facuit on the left, and the President' omces on the right. On thu floor are fiye large, well arraDg ed recitation rooms and the li brary. On the second and thirt floors are fifty-six double dormi tories nicely arranged and tliej will furnish elegant rooms fo'i 112 young men. It is a splendid building, well arranged everj way, and cost sixty or seventi thousand dollars It is to be heat ed by the most modern arrange ments and to be lighted will electricity. in the rear of this and a litth to one side is the College Ian This is nearing completions and is a gem of beauty and a place o: comfort. On the first floor an a parlor, a reception room, at. olhce,"a large, airy dining room, a fine reading room, and quite t number of dormitories. Th second and third floors arede voted to dormitories. There ar. 80 dormitories in this buildings, making room for 160 guests 01 boarders. The Inn is finished it elegant style. It will be a grpas comfort to the boys, and tbi hoard is to be kept as low as h has been heretofore. JN'ot far from the Inn is the Technological Building, built it memory of the late ilrs. Dr Cro welL It is to be complete it its line and is a fitting memotia. of Mrs. Crowell These build lags are in the park. Ncai them in a row are four dwell mgs for the faculty, and over on another side of the park are two other dwellings, the whol forming a fine college commun ity. W e felt real proud of what we saw. We are greatly in debted to Sir. Duke forhislarg liberality. Now, the Methodists of tb State are called upon to show their appreciation of the gen erosity of Mr. Carr in giving the site, and of Mr. Duko in erecting the buildings on it, by furnishing the buildings, and we ought to do it promptly. fx the call of the committee else where in this issue. To furnish the dining room will cost about IW. To furnish one of the parlors will cost a bout f 100. To furnish the Read ing Koom will cost about? loo. To furnish the Library will com about 1 135. To furnish the "resident' office and private office will cost about ftS.UO, To furnish a recitation room will cost about f 50. There are twelve of these. To furnish a double dormitory will cofct about tii or ,30, not exceeding f.w. There are 138 of these double dormi tories. We want every Meth odist in North Carolina, who possibly can, to furnish one of these rooms. The room select ed will be named as the donor may desire, and may be fur nlJied in memory of someone. A card will be placed iu each roem stating by whom furuifdi d and for what purest. If I you have a60iv to educate, fur- aibli a room mere lor turn w oc cupy while he remains. Let everybody help in this matter. When Mr. Dufcegets rjacicrrora Eirono let him find that the Methodists of the State have furnished the buildin g. Every congregation ought to furnish n.t inttf. nnn dormitory. Let the ladies go to work. If some good woman in every community would take the mat ter iii hand, quite a number could raise, m a short time, nion ?y enough to furnish a dormi tory. We are starting off well. Raleigh' is .responding welt. Quite a number here say they will furnish a room. Let's all io to work. Write to the editor of this paper, as sdon as you can, wnat you will do, and let everybody do something Tiiimiiatty out for i;l.v land. New York, July 5. At a regular meeting of the Mataino ra Club, the Tammany Hall rganization of the Twenty fourth A ssembly District, bold at its headquarters, So. 130C, Boston "avenue, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, This organization, which is composed of many of the prominent residents of this district, in meeting assembled for the purpose oi expressing our views on the nominations recently made at the National Democratic Convention held at Chicago, and vv tiereas, That in the selec tion of 0 rover Cleveland as n candidate for President, r.nd ilso that sterling Democrat tnd able statesman, Adlai E. Stevenson, of Illinois, as candi late for -Vice-President, we fe 1 that the National Demo cratic convention deserves great credit in placing before the people at large for their suffrages such true and noble standard bears of Democracy, and we are in thorough accord with the spirit, principles and action of such convention; be it therefore, Resolved That this organi zation heartily and unanimous ly indorses and ratifies the above nominations and pledges it.elf for its members, individually md collectively, to work during the coming campaign for the success of the Democratic pres idential ticket, and to put forth all its energies to obtain that result; and it is further Resolved, That we indorse the Democratic platform adapt ed at the convention, and pledge ourselves to work earnestly for the support of its principles 3e it also Resolved, That this organiza tion recommend the nomination it Henry II. A. Bonner for member of Assembly, he being steadfast, loyal and worthy supporter of Tammany Kali, Aho by his faithful ami ener etic labors during the past campaigns has gained for him self such friendship and popu larity as is second to none throughout this district. Alfred O. Fixxesey, Rkhakd S. Kxioht, Committee. A ViIjI IMie. It is a remarkable fact that the forces that contribute to a man's defoat at one period may at another time become power ful factors in elevating him upon the pinnacle of success i his no close observer can fail to overlook in the course of the most humble life. It daily manifests itself in a thousand md one ways that must make i lasting impression upon every thoughtful mind. There is a time for even thing Solomon, the mott gifted of earthly sages, recognized this fact and boldly promulgated it to the world la carefully studying and weighing tie causes that lead to Mr. Cleve land's defeat, we are forced to the conclusion that it was due no little to making tariff reform the isfue before the people were intelligently educated to vole uKn that question. No matter how meritorious the issues upon which a national campaign are fought, we need not be surpris ed if defeat overtakes us, when we make the fight at an inop portune time. All the political, social and religious reforms that we read of n the pa .res of history, were not brought about until the pvM'le. by proper education. were induced to see their im portance and necessity. While the people of the United States were not fully ready for tariff reform four years ago, the dis- cUKMoti oi this question that have been constantly going on since then and the result of the last Congressional election, convince us that they are now prepared to vote in favor of this wise and patriotic measure, designed to relieve them from many of the oppressive burdens that have been heaped Upon them by the mistaken and in jurious iolicy of the Republican party. We do not stand alone in this opinion. I arm reform ha been gradually gaining ground tot many years, ana as the peo ple became educated, they forced the accomplishment of something in this direction. Today from Maine to California and from the Great Lakes to tne Gulf of Mexico the cry is going up from the people for tariff reform. The little relief that they have occasionally re ceived,, has opened their eyes to the beneficial workings of tariff reform, their understanding has been enlightened and thev are ready to do away with all tariff, over and : abeve that which is necessary to meet the expenses of the government, economically administered. Tariff reform is the living, vital issue of the day, and Grover Cleveland represents this issue more fully than any other man in this country. - Change ot Management. The Alliance store in this place has undergone a change. Paul A. Brawn, who has been in charge for fourteen months has resigned, and his re igoa tion took effect last Saturday. Mr. R. W. Bailey has been appointed by the Alliance to conduct the business. The new management is now, taking an inventory. We are not informed as to the reasons for the resignation of Mr. Brown, but suppose it is bo- cause he intends to give more of his time to outside work for the People's Party. ' CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! " Mothers' Fiiiko " b s scientific ally prepared UninKnt, every ingre dient of recogtiUeJ value and in constant use by the medical pro- feu ion. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "vlOTHERS, FRIEND" WILL DO an that it chimeJ for It AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessen' "ain, Diminishes Danger t Life of Mother and Child. Boo to " Motmhs " mailed FREP, con . taining valuable hiunnalion an J voluntary testimonies. - , itathvttpiMo cr.-i!l ctf imWi Tt SSprr bottle bmdfieio itrauiiioa ca., se. OLD BT Al t. Rivifiirr Te Be Pared. The Durham Board of County Commissioners are getting a move on themselves a move fur improve ment, and we are glad to sea it. A libend spirit, judiciously managed, in a progressive community like this, is a telling card and always pays a big dividend in the end. The court house walks are to be paved, and Chairman Stokes has been designated as the one to see that the work is done all right. This is business and is in keeping with Durham's onward march. It is much better than coal cinders and dirt walks, which shews a lack of the proper spirit of the times. As exchange says: This will be a political season. The campaign lie will be unchained and will roam about seeking whom it may devour. Hurrahs and torch lierht processions will be fashionable, and your sum mer coats win be smeared with kerosene. H.-T. M. II. Wells, of Birming ham, Ala., writ that "daughter ana I were cured or rheumatism an 1 neuralgia, after all known medical sod climatic remedies had been used bv the ue of Germetuor. I was troubled with indigestion and blood poison in the form of ftitnpie on m? lace. I took two bottles of Kind's Royal Germetaer and it cored me entirely. ThoxaiO. Hill, Xhi!ie( Tenn., Oct 31, 1891 J. J. Scr igg, Sidon, Miss MJ: '"Our little Kirl, nine months old was in a low stats from summer loinplaint, and Uojal Germetaer made her ft as a rig. VV believe is in a treat re rued t. Mr. 1' liayne, fcr with Hatpin, Qrees k Co Philadelphia, was cured of five yean cast of catarrh, reoralgia and rbenmaliam. Ret. A. li. Vaughan, Canton, 0., was cured of facial neuralgia, io of a liver and kidney trouble of nun j years standing, by Germe tuer. We are nxlofw! Ly lhnmnla of onr bmt fcrnnre fr'i'l, and arajithril in laying that Urrmrtwr will pprmancntly enre niMtimaiiwn, pnirei ia, Jmliirnrtf m, Bowel and Line TriliM, tmafr LUmmmm, I a Urrh, Atlima, tiladdrr and Kidney die eeaea, Ski dwrnoe, tura a Mcrufal, f'vm me, etc., Penlyae, fctili"T, tryiie!ae, liw-mme). and (tmml itnlity. r aaiepy all dtntti. tnm 1 00 per l4tle. Dr. S. 1). Weeks, of the Trinity College faculty. niont Sunday find Monday iu Durham. . : . "Excuse me, George, but when I eavr you a year ago, your face was covered Avith pimples; it seems to be all right now." "Yes, sir; that's because I stuck to Avers barsapanlla, the greatest blood medicine in the world. I was never so well in my life as I am now." t ! In old times it seemed to be thought that a medicine must bo nauseating1 to' bo eriecti ve. Now, all, this is changed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one of the most powerful alteratives, is agresablu to most palates, the flavor being by no means medi cinal. 1 WEAVER AND FIELD. TUo Ticket Nomliuu.-J Mt Otuulia by the I'eoplD'a lurty. Omaha, July 4. The People's Party Convention he'd tliroe sessions tod,y, morning, afternoon and evening. The morning sesfiionwng taken up with speeches and . hearing resolu tions. In the ufturnoon the roll of States was called for memlwrs of the nation al executive committer; the North Carolina members were announced as follows : W. K. Lindsay, Thomtis B Long, S. Otho Wilson. ..The platform was adopted and then a scene of boisterous enthusiasm ensued. - . , ' When the demonstration had been going on for fifteen minutes, the chairman of the various State dele gations took possession of the State banners and headed by a fife and drum band, proceeded to march around the hall, making tho complete circuit a half dozon times over. The second round an American flag was attached to every banner and the howls and cheers took a fresh ftart. the women this time bearing their share. Numerous mottoes were res urrected ifrom the ante room and anlwiched in between the banners. One read "what is home without a mortgage," the other "the people why be damned noIonger." White haired, feeble old men tottered around with the procession. Fathers lifted the little ones holding flags in their hands. A mother wrapped her babo of four months in a silk flog, and' fell into line. Somebody found a tin pail and it was hoisted upon the Texas ban ner. A reminder of the Graham tin pail campaign in Chicago in 1SS8. One of the Mississippi delegates hoisted a brawny darkey on hia shoulders and carried him to the speaker's Bland, while the cilored man and brother waved the stars and stripes in one hand and a picture of Gresham in the other. The band marshalling the forces in front of the platform, started the familiar strain of "Yankee Doodle," alternating to "Dixie," and the throng giving ite throat a rent, kept time with ite thousands of bands and feet. The night session was called to or der at 8 JO. Hugh Cavanaugh of the Knigkts ef Labor, reported this res olutionto the committee: Resolved, That this convention sympathizes with the Knights of Labor in their righteous contest with tyrannical combines of clothing manufacturers of Rochester and declares it to be the duty of all who bate tyranny and op pression to refuse . to purchase the goods by the said manufacturers, cr to patronize any merchant who cells sach goods. Adopted. The platform being adopted candidates for the pres idency were placed ia. nomination. Tha candidates were Genl. Jno. 0. Weaver, of Iowa; Senator J. H. Kyle, f South Dakota; Gen. Fields, of Vir ginia, and Senator C. II. Vanwick, of Nebraska. Speeches were coaclud edat 12:30 o'clock when the flrnt ballet was taken. It resulted as ful lows: Weaver, 093; Kyle, 175; scut tiring, 1. Made unanimous. Gen. Jas. O. Field, of Virginia, wan nominated for Vic-Prcidtnt on tho first ballot; the vote standing Field 733, Tererll . ; The Llie, The pleasant effect and per fect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative Byrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the Ualifornia Fig Syrup Co., printed near the bottom of the package. DUKHAMCOLLAH AMU .IIABNES.S FACTOIIW ottAStrracri'MRa or OOLLAES -AND- -HARNESS- TUHK GOODS -A ad SappiiM tut the CarrUewajid Stable.- -STKAPWOWK- A Special! . IHirlMia, K.C. MCONNECTIOtf 1 fTnwT-CLAHB SHOE DEPAUTMKNT. jnal?-4ai From the Pu'liniii fun. The DolntfK or the Commissioner. The Eourd of t'puuty (Jommisaion era were in session vestrrdityr We take a fow d ui f:mi thair .'proceed i.igs. . Superintendent Leigh ' wos ordered to repair the bridge over Little River, oa the Stagsvilla road A. II Stokoi and Dr. J. F. Crowtll were appointed a committee to 'oo't into the improvement dE the acoustics of the court housa ami irapoworod to actinthn nuttier. F. IV Markham and A. E. l.Ioyd were appointed to superintend tho .putting up of light ning rod4 on the court bouse, with J. W. Friar, tho contractor. $100 was voted t ) the support of the Durham flight; Infantry.''? Liquor license was granted to the ten saloon men who obtained them from the town, and whose names iippeared in this paper last week. A. II. Stokes was appointed to superintend the paving around the court house, a much needed improvement, we are glad to Bee is tp te made. That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, , fullness, and beauty, . dress It dally with Ayer's Hair-Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a : new growth of hair Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. RcMolntloH or H-ct by Trinity Sunday Mvbool. tYiiEREAi, God in Ilia own wise purpose on the 23d., of June, 1392, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowland, and transplanted their sweet and lovely daughter, Ula, from her earthly home to the eternal one beyond tho skies,. Resolved 1st, That in her death Trinity Sunday School has lost one of its most faithful and devoted mem bers.. , : ' Resolved 2nd, That we, as a Sab bath School tender to the bereaved family eur heart f?lt sympathy in this hour of sore trial and affliction, and point them to the comforting promises of Him who alone can bind up the bruised heart, and com for the sorrowing. May they remember that though Ula cannot return to them, tbey can go to her. Resolved 3rd, That a copy of thaee resolutions be spread upon the minu tes of this school, a copy sent to the bereaved family, a copy to the Iial eigh Christian. Advocate and city papers for publication. Mrs. C B. Gkekv, Miss IIaluk Walker, Miss Jessie Woodward, Committee. BAD ERUPTION ON NECK Sorely Afflicted X early Three Years. Laed Frearrtptlona fromThire Doc ton wtUioat My Benefit. After mint Cotlenra Two Days, tbe ' Bcsbs all Dropped Off. Care was Quick and Complin. t eafhrMl for swarty Ihra ymn wttti m m. Mns am my twek.ud od pMrnpUaoa triu ikr Soctora durtn Um Hhm obtrk d m M tnol. I tmrriuM met iu Kiannii.. im tbr T wt lo IS tmt am all tm.pnl of p4 awvar acablKd mi any mora. Ik-fur I m4 ww pnm f ot tvTirvu mj ares H raiimv ami kaa km w.ll tm liw, aa4 all tttt I mmm mmw tat If I. t.Al - - I mm m.-i u j lot It St, thai vhvma I mm aen-lr affiirira kaaainaa. K. W. esiiTlf, Lyacfeed t. O, kmaaw City, S. C. TM la to awtlff Owl Om tfcm fc-atlmwi, I nfrm, a I yarrbaa! Urn 'mn a mad aa Ua Carta akila olti. W. B. eatra, Aioiarr railM lot Uw Miau tit aval Carolina. Skin Diseases 10 Years natf Uia (miTu Rtrtirna all jam alalia. Itaaa lava aiiSrrbi wiifc ama 4imm ara tmira, aMI An4 aa nnadjr a r aniil Uimi Mvtu liaa. Van h.rrr mm ih p.uh. liAOiUX aoulU(,Laaatltr,Va, Cutlcura Resolvent The mm ISV6 and airta ParlH,.lMTMUa,M l-nrraa, tha aiwl emn Car, aa4 i nm u Soar, aa aiqaldia i-kla Itwuil.lWT.arWmalljr, la. atamlr nhaaad aiw'ltl, ptiraawrv di.pana aiwl kuraor af lha aala, amip, ami aland, tiiia laa ot aair, inaa kaiaacy w aa, Irwa piaylM waarutala. tU J.N .ii .i . . U. i I... r KaH.?T, SI J. pnpamt hy Ua ('irria aai w i.ni aaair ai, .mrta4Tifpa, lumvm af-od lot - Mow n or. Hkia litwaaia," mi fmt, a IllaatraUuaa. and Iw KwilaMBiala. II. M, Maek kaarta, ml, rm,ih,tn-rpm4.tai li otir atiarniMl hi i-rirt aa S.p. aCn VitAK, PAINFUL UjliEYS, 1: Witt IMr awary, dill, mrmMn. nfalaaa. anna aanaaU'A. rrllva4 la) am) mlnnaa hf tha C'alM-tira A ail -Pal a Plaatxr. Tha rai aM anir InMania. SaMa aaia-auiis aMaBtaoiii plaatet. tm aaala. . Klectrle Hitters, Tbil remedy is becomminff so well known and so popular sa to need no ariecial mention. AH who nave used I.icclrie U tters King tbe tame sons of praiae- A purer mediecne dnea not f net and It is guaranteed to do a!h that is claimed. Klectdc Bitten will curs nil disease of tbe Liver and Kid ner a, will remove Pimiiles. Boll, bait llrteum and other affections cno ed by I in pure blood. 'Will drive Ma laria from tbs ' nterrj and prerenl aa well aa curs ail Malarial fevers. For cars of beadacLr, Constipation and Indigeitloa uy Electric liiltera Eo lire aatiaf act ion guaranteed, or moo ey refunded Pries 5oo and $1 per bottle tt li, LlacknaJl & Sou Sllil 1 flniEDHMft' lb WW1TI npf-:?f nirKMnNfiVA1 I 1.IIIIIII.WWI lliaill'iim'l so All the resources and ener gies of the executive depart ment of the government are now bcinjf directed and used wholly to Becure the re-election of t"he President. Nothing tdse must interfere with this purpose, and the public business is allow. ed to take care of itself, me President himself is taking per sonal charge of every move of the campaign, and secretaries Foster and ISlkins are fetching and carrying under his direc tion. Commissioner Carter, of the General Land Office, has been elected secretary of the National Committee, to which he must give his time and ef- forts, though of course his sal ary, as Land Commissioner, will go on iust the same while some clerk performs the duties. r i . i . , . - - - - iruiy, mis is a civn service re form administration. This is a hustling, hustling age in wnicn we live. The slow man ia "not in it." It's the live, active advertiser who catches the trade and whose large sales enable him to sell more cheaply than his plodding neignoor.. uuy your gooas oi the merchant who advertises. lildreri Cry for Pitcher's Caslorfa. DURHAM SUPPLY BOHSPAHY- 0 DEALERS IN- ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Dr17 Goods-Notions-Clothing. Shoes, Hats, Groceries, Shinglc3, La'cLes, Lime. Nails. Plows "Warons and Basics , WemakoasDecialtvnf PA TIMERS' SITPPMP.S w-l.n.in car load lots for cash and are prepared to give you bottom pricrs. Will pay higncbt market price for all country produce. Come to see us,.. ,. DURHAM SUPPLY CQFJY. doc-lrt. J. W. JONES & CO. The gush of the moment is over tho advent of 2,000 vard of Cambric and Swiss Embroideries. The designs aro beautiful, and a study of them will interest you. The Edging and lusertingt are from 1 to 12 inches wide, and from 3c. to fl.oo.f It is a crent 'HAtififArllAn fyi n " a vlii- . , , i . " '"" K'wi oargaio. Grand retailing, guided by sound policy and correct prinriidri. secures luanv niirh rhann.a. Th kia . ' ...vv.i-rouvvii, I juutia ifraiii y nix for tho long series of real bargains it has evolve!. Tli present is a festival period of Shoo liargnin fr Hoys and MifHs Just now there are three lines of Boys IVbldtf (J rain and Calf bhori, well made, fresh, new, clean, no shop-worn pair amor, them, their variety touches all uses of house or street, storm or "l 2?fromM Marrr ' ih Pr'CC ar 2' ,ro,n 2 'V)flnl xw. jones;& co. Facts Worth THINKING AD0UT. Fact One: Old Virginia Cheroots are made of the finest . Virginia leaf. - - Fact Two: They Olve a delicious, .cool, sweet smoke to the end. - - - Fact Three: FIVB for TEN CENTS. Therefore: - - - BUY THEM. jmjayavWwVwMit Ia the famllr art awe often tha mult ol 4ir4nd Jifttlfrmlhm ma prapia know. BEECHAiii'S PILLS S miU Am fmct in a bv eurlni avichi llaaMlM. VP mmm. ataaaaak. IaiMlra4 IXimim, Masraaraa Llaar. -a.llail m4 all milaaa a .4 Marrwa ill... mw artotaw rrM Ihaaa aaaiaaa. iwnn4 with a Taatalaai a SalaUt Caatlaf. OCall ilruraiiia. Prlea SSaaataa twa. Naw Tork IMinnl. aM Can.l at. aaaut A. Woman Discovery. "Adother wonderful di3Coverv hes been mxdeanrl that bv a I"'t io this eoanty. Dien fened its clutch ea upon her and fv eeven yeara he Hh4i'ol ita severest tet but her fiul orj.an were undermined and .ioiih atemed eminent. For three month he enugherl Sn'i u tly and could uol a!ep. Hhe bought tf ns a bottle, of Dr King New Dicovery tor Consumption and was so much relieved rn taking fin-t dose that alie lept at) nijfbl kbd wilb one bottle baft been ibincu'oua'r cund. Her uamei Mr. Lutt.er huU." Thns write W, U. Ilam'lek & ( of Shel by, N.CXOet a fnc tr';il bottle at 3cakna1U & Sons. aaaW rriw t. ...,t.i:- .n 4

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