I) IHHI AM -'RECORDER WEDNESDAY, July 0,. 1892. j LOCAL AM D0 T H E R MEVVS Too much rain; the grass is getting ahead of the farmers Doctors? Pdhaw! Take Beech ara'8 Pills. . ! W. M. Yearby is homo from Soeka- J tuiti where he has been rusticating for a fivr daya. ... In the midst of these good seasons, we like to forgot to Bay that fishing worms turns to lightning bugs. . More attention ought to be paid to tha teeth of our domestic animals, Bays a writer. They often suffer from neglect. ; Mr. L M. Gray, of Rogers' Store, was in the city Saturday lie reports the nrst cotton bloom of the season, also crops looking fine. A Sweat and dust, as well as ill-litting collars, cause- the horse's shoulder to gall; and it is said high collars will make a dude's ears sore. A friend said the other day that it would be an everlasting disgrace to America to keep the World's Fair open on the Sab bath. 1 " Try to put in such crops as will give you something to sell at least every month in the rear, than you will bo able to say , farewell to 'Baltimore chicken.' Stand up like a man and honor your calling. You may have wrongs but they are in your farm, although some of them may be m your farming. Several farmers have told us in the past few days that on account of the wet and cloudy weather hay-making has beeu delayed far beyond its season. Give your farm credit for furnishing you a home 'rent free, and tor a thousand and one -necessaries and luxuries which you would have to pay cash for in a city. . - The farmers say the best remedy that can b used to keep chickens in good condition is l)r N. II Johnson & Go's pow ders. A daily ration of it will bring them, out The old building (Hotel Claiborn) is fast disappearing; the new building will soon be going up rapidly, and wh3a completed will be one among the cnest in this country. Bear in mind that Fredand (c Christian's grand excursion will leave here for Norfold on the 14th of this month. Th if will atford everybody an oppor tunity to see all the princip e cities. Wait for Freeland & Christian's excursion. It would be kood for farm ers if some of their number would write out farm experi ences and observations for The kccordeb, thereby conveying to all interested many useful leusons that otherwise must be lost, except to a few. Let's hear from you friend. It must be a great luxury to live on a good road. It pays everyone living along a road to do his bhare toward making it a L'oodone. Hetore another 4th of July comes around let's have the best of . roads, and than we can say with every firecracker that snans. every cannon that booms and every bell that rings, thank God we are a progressive people. The Raleigh correspondent of Ue Wilmington Messenger says that one of the great foa tures of North Carolina's ex hibit at Chicago will be that of manufactured tobacco. Itwil boa consolidated exhibit from the eight great tobacco manu facturing towns. This collec tion will be in charge of Col Julian S. Carr, and it is quite certain that nothing at the World Fair will surpass it though of course Virginia man ufactures will make great ef forts. The Ukcorkek is rend by eerybody that is to say, by every family living In four counties, it is a fact as well cs , tablished, and as well-known as in the very exihtencc of the pa tier. Now w ask our merchants and those who want to get their business uerore the farmin Class AnK THESE THE PEOPLE W III 'SB FATKOXAOR YOU WHlt TO cultivate The vehy salt or HIE E A UTII J Some things are Mranger man union. tvecant tell fo ' the life of us why some poop ay Jun bugs. They always come in July. Now when they nay a lizard is a cro between a bull frog and a snake, we know what they mean, but when they call a July bug a June bug, we don't know what they mean. Hut it doesn't make much difference whether its a June bug or a July bug, the bug and lizard aro like some people, they scm to enjoy the notoriety, -An old maid writes The Recorder a touching letter; it brings water to the printer's eyes, we would like to publish it, but it is too lonur We will nev er give her away poor old gal. we nope that soino one will hnd her out; put up horse shoos and chicken boues, is the only ad vice we can give her. and if nature hasn't made a bundinc job of her gave her a pug nose, bad complexion and hopeless red hair, she ' will step off ono of these days. But if she is in this condition, it surely isn'tthe poor girl's fault. She writes weil. ..We said we would not tell her-name there are only two parties under the sun that 6 would tell, and they are two druggist, Her subject is "The Beauty of Girlhood." We can only give the first part of her etter: She says: "How often does the woman who has left her teens behind her long for those days when there wan a crispness and a novelty in the every day aliairs of life that seem now so prosaic, so dull and so utterly unlike the self same items of that pnst that never can come again. Life looks so entirely dilterent through the eyes of girlkood. There is no serious side to it. It is all hope, unshadowed by doubt or pain ful experience. The sunshine of earth is brighter, the clouds fewer and smaller and heart beats faster in those lovely days." . - 'There is a feature of the rawback provision of the Mc- Kinley law which may be of in terest to farmers. A tariff of 5 cents per bushel is levied on wheat to protect the American farmer from competition with Canada. As it takes five bush- s of wheat for a barrel of our. the tana on enough heat for a barrel of flour is 1.25. That is what the North western miller would have to pay if be bought Manitoban wheat. i!ut supposo he should et a big order from Cuba, as the result of reciprocity, for flour If for filling that order ho should buy Manitoban wheat our Treasury Department would refund him ninety-nine per cent, of the tax on the wheat. ostead-of the duty costing him 1.23 per barrel "for the protec tion of the American farmer" would coot him 11 cents; in- tead of Bavins? 23 cents ner bushel he would pay I cent! The same u true or barley, l lie government is row, trying to work up a good foreign bocr trad? for American brewers. For use in making beer for ex port the American brewer can use Canadian l)ii rley without aymg the duty of 30 cents per bushel. Ai he would have to ay would be three-tenths of one cent per bushel which is ractically nothing. How much is the Anidrican farmer getting out of the "reciprocity" scheme; western e (change. IN DURHAM. Now that vacation is here those who have to put up with their boys around-the house may perhaps feel a little com- Eassion for Prof, Buchanan, who as about a hundred and Prof. Kennedy who have to endure over 400 or so along, ' , , In Durham. It is said that a young Durham ite is paying his respects to a young lady a long way from here. Now we think this is wrong, and he is bound to know it, for he carries the mail a round and sees for himself; but he is a good fellow, smart and food looking; and the Colonel nows and we all know that he will not do wrong unless it is absolutely necessary to save a good cause. But Cupid is at work and the situation is very perplexing - in Durham. Remember the book' of know- iedsce is the oldest book of all, and has been wide open to all ever since man had an existence oo the globe. Boodle will not be as potent in '92 as it was four years ago. of them right This will be a campaign of rea son, not ono oi cu.au. Two saloons are running on he World's Fair grounds in Chicago, and intoxicating drinks are sold to the work men on the grounds. HOGS Ah. finnul. vnii sari littlfl RC.amn. Thin June 18th. '92. Adm'ir and Com, , r., . . h HAM I liLhAm ri, ,. ha1 tmuT ! - keenawav. " f you do not you'll Certainly Cn not become healthy fixxl mmply hy the tramo ' , J"1"" u. To the march that a broom- QTjE J RAISERS niaiA, vau via. j I ' ' We'll teach you but. ah, we I Owe it t tliemiielvcgand odftyto are afraid That our boasts are all empty and vain, - And the heart of these gay lit tle maids Is too gentle to give you such pain ,. . ', in Lmroara. There are lots of good schools and able teachers In Durham. "If a body meet a body Comin' through the rye; If a body kiss a body eeda body cry:' In Durham. . That the cow jumped over the moon none doubt, Tis plain to this very day; are Ck'pt-I Hill Dots. k friend writes to us as follnTS Ion. John Manning's Law summer) School has oponcd nneiy excellent attendance. Several samruer visitors icre. Many improvements are go ing on new buimings and re pairs are going on in evry di rection, j A good plasterer and brick- mason needed, also a furniture and repair store in demand MOUNT AIKV WUITi: fcl'L- mcie 81uings. Notice of Sale! Rv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Durham oounty, I will, on Monday, August 1st, 1892. at 12 o'clock at the Court House door in the own of Durham sell to the hiheot bidder the following dencribed lot of land wtiiated on I'tuiwell Hill, In the county of Durham, adjoining N. C K. R. Co'i right of way. Dr. J. L. Watkins and others, containing one half a:re more or let and more fully de scribed in the petition tiled in said Court, being the Iwnwe and lot owned and occupied by Mildred Walker at the time of herdintl . Term of sale : One third canh, one-third in (J months, ono-lhird in 12 raontlia, de ferred pavinenta drawing 8 per nt inter cut from date of rale. J.S. MAMNiau. ltlivumatism Cured in a Day "Mystic Cure" for Rheuma tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. . Its action 11 A ? - , 1.1 - upon ine system is remarKauie and mysterious. : It removes at once the cause and the disease mmediatelv disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by N, M. Johnson & Co. Druggist, Durham. KlTERSnTOFKOm CUtOUSI- Instruction is offered in four general courses of study, six brief courses, a larga numlier of special courses, ana in law, med icine and engineering. The Faculty in cludes twenty teachers. Scholarships and loan funds are available tor needy yonng men of talent and character. The next ses sion Iteuina Sept. 1. For catalogue with full information address PRESIDENT WINSTON, , ; Chapel Hill, N. C. Advocate Reform In swine-raising that will pmmoU the pub lic health. Mom snouia oe lea DR. , JOSEPH HAVS Hok and Poultry Remedy. The only reliable medicine for swine. Used auoowwlulirlor louneen years. Prevent IHseae, Arrests Disease, Suips , Couglis, Destroys Worms, Hastens Alain itv. lncrcaxes the Flesh. For Sale by W. M. YEARBY, YMrliv's Drill, Smre. Durham. N. C Ier Course thrOUjrh the beay ens Price, $2.50, flAOaud oOc package! The ara etill mnlfn nut' I " larirent are tne cneaiiesi. A ,1 ,-nll it f V.a V iltv Wnv WriU! for testimonials. "Uogoiogy,' - j -j I M,1mhlflnnKiii will tie mailed fur a 2-mit stamp Orders by mail receive prompt attention. JOSEPH HAA, jun-22-3m. Indianapolis, Ind. MICHAELS i COS -NEW- -. . -DRUG- -STORE- In Durham. There are two' brass bands in this city. Is it any wonder that we were rattled last Monday In Durham? Cleve and Steve we like the name " In Durham. We stand at the doorway We're eager for life, i - We yearn for its conflicts . And on coming strife! We know there'll be sorrows, But, e'en let them fall, We go forth to labor And that conquers au In Durham. We go forth together; :i he trials win creep Alike in each life, As. trying and deep, The rude world will buffet, Tern ntat ions will call We defy them by labor ' For that conquers au V In Durham. Dame Fortune stands yondor With beckoning band- Fame, riches. and fortune, Are ours to command, A name for ourselves, In cottage or hall, " Gained only by labor - This alone, conquers an . In Durham. Remember the teachings Our school days instill: "There's always a war If there's only a will." Press forward! Press onward! What e'er may befall! Press forward and labor, And so, conquer all In Durham. Advertise in Tub Burham Recorder, and subscribe. rnnTTTMii 1UM1 . LUMBER, v LUMBEB FOR SALE. FLOORING. CEILNG and Weather Boarding, " ' . Rough or .Dressed,. Common Inch Boards and Framing. ' Heart Pine Shingles. Write for prices to B. I'OOE, JR., PLtsboro, N. C. juno 15-3m. irn: QAR0L1MA BEACH, in in PI MIGHT 4 Dtlielitrul llewltli end Kunt ruer ltriturt. We take pleasure in informing our menus and tne public gen erally that the Hotel at this fa mous resort has lust been wel furnished with a nice selection of new f urniture and an entirely new outtit throughout, and open ed June 15th. ' The water at this Spring is claimed by comment Judges to be superior to any of. the kind in the State, and equal to the (ireonbiiar White (Sulphur of Virzinia: and for beauty of scenery and pleasantness of lo cation, is hardly surpassed by an r other resort. r . .. . . ... . It is, situated at tne base oi the Bliio Ridge mountain, and that beautiful mountain stream, the Ararat river Kows tnrougn the grounds near the Spring, af fording such delightful sports as boating, bathing, etc. MOO and Board llrst-class in every particular. Rates $25.00 nad i.W.oo tcr month or 110.00 ner week: children under 12 years of nge and servants, half price, ihese rates also apply to families and parties, uiunury and Livery btable convenient to the Swing. The trains arrive at Mount Airy at 4:15 in the afternoon, affording suflicicnt time to reach the Huring befere night. Ample mail, express and tele graph facilities. Address Jordan & Bkowk, jl-Cim . Mount Airy, N. C. s THIS FINE HO- TCI . located on the At- I LjLi lantic Ocean, sixteen E miles below Wilmington.' It is lone of the fittest to bo found on the coast. The Surf Is unsurpassed and within fifty yards of the hotel. The table is supplied daily witn - 02CI5 KNJOYS Both the method and reiulu hen ?vrnr of Fin is Ukoo: it U t'lcasaut Slid refromhiiig to the ta-te, and acts nuy yet promptly on the Jvkidcti, irer sod Bowels, cleanses the y tent efrectaallr. dimls coldi. bead. clief and fevers and etirrs habitual coiilipatkn. Bynip tf Figs is the m v nmitiv or lis tina ever pro duced. hIcmW it the taste and so- and RflFT 4TI7. erpubie w iht siotnncD, prnmp n ffiu. tmd enlv from the mn.t Besides every variety of healthy and aLTwahle tub-Uncei, its nnest vegetables. Fresli Fis!i OYSTERS. BCHRIMP3. CRABS the are very reasonable for further information to many ticrllmt jiialitVi commend it to all and have It the moat fT-Te rms popular remedy known. Writefoi MwMtn ni m arm ia ii tar ani ih in utK nif not have t on hand will pro- luhititute. Murom no smup co. nn nmisco. eu CAROLINA DCACH.N.C. jun U-3m. WHILE WAITING WAIT FOR he BIGr Sxcupsion, Which leaves . Durliain for ITorf oils, THURSDAY- JULY 14TH, At 8,30 o'clock A. M., and returns on Saturday. July 16th, at 5:30 y. M. FAKE, 82:50. Freeland & Chpistian, - MANAGERS. )ATEXT ATEXT Pi Painst f. I EDICIXES, ITU EDICIKES, WE ARE FULL TO THE BRIM -WITH OUR- Oils. NEW STOCK OF FINE SPBIjSTG- CLOTHING- assssssssHsaHSsssMMnwiMMHiSM t Stop ana ue a look at them. The designs and pat terns are the very newest and neatest A large stock of Boys suits in two or three pieces. HATS. HATS. HATS. In an endless variety of Felts, Crushers and Stiffs. STRAW m LINE Neckwear, Umbrellas, Valises, Walking Canes, Etc. W. A. SLATER & CO., N. W. Corner Main Street. Durham, N . C. Lamps. We deliver messages at the office of any Physician in Town for the benefit of oar cuti.nsr OUR 'PHONE IS XO. 0 Call or leave your message in person. We will see that your wants are at tended to, QUERIES: ... . . . . . . . i a . ny is 11 10 your intercut w have vour rrcscriptions filled at v m m jaicnaeis svox BECAUSE they have so nhvsicians to relv unon in rnn tt accident and . therefore will bo more careful to fill just . . . a as written, Knovinjr tne pnyst cians are very exacting when no pecuniary Interest ts at state. Tnf wViv it 'it lmat. far riirai otnna trt tin tlmir riTA scriptions filled at Michaels & VKisr RECAUSE It frequently be rompfl neessarv to chancre treatment in the case before but little of the medicine last pre acriliMl in used then the tnulti- Elicityof prescriptions cannot o chargeable to the pecuniary tnere is no uocior connecwu with our establishment. MIUHAELS & COB. MUX JUKOCM 8TRKSTS. DURILUr.N.Q, mar16 s ffE OILY DESIRE YOI PATRONAGE" WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF DRUGS. MEDICINES, SOAPS. HAIR and ToOtn Brushes. and everything usually kept in a drug store to which we' invite your attention. 1 We are always glad to see you. 2. No trouble to show goods. 3. If you don't see what you want ak to. it. 4. Lowest cash prices for the b-t g-md 5. A full assortment always 0:1 Irn I. G, To please our customers, is our greatest delight. P. W. VAUGHAN. bKUGGIST, DURHAM, N. C. IS. t .11, L FOLLETT CALLS ATnCSTIOS TO HER UlM LAt Of mi Are they stylish, pretty and chic? Ask the many who have called. I have not the spaco tr repeat the many compliments I have received this season or rather -MY HATS. Please accept my thanks for the liberal patronage already given this season.