DURIIAMIlECOIU)ER E. C. HACKSKV, Kditor. Pro, WEDNESDAY July 20, 1892. State Democratic Ticket. For Governor: ELI AS CAKIt, if WkociiiIx;. . For LiniU-nairt-Governnr. R. A. IX)L(jHTUX, of AlUyliauy. For Pccrotiirv of Plate. (XTAV I I S CORK, of Wake. JFor Ptate Treasurer. DONALD Vy. 1JAIX, of Wake. For Stale Aiiilitn'. R.M.FI K.MAN, of Bunenmlie. For Attnrnev-Gewral. FRASK I. OSBOKNF.. of Mecklent org. For Siipt. of PiiWie I iir ruction. J.C.bCAKBOKOlXilI,of Johnston. For Presidential Electors at large, ,G H. AY(iCK,of Vavn. KB. OLEXS, of Foiwtli. ForConsrresn, ,5th District. HON. A. IL A. WILLIAMS, of Granville. The Labor in Steel. I"hilaoVl.luaTime , . Mr. Frick, the manager of the Carnegie Homestead works, re fused to state to tte uorgrts sional committee the labor cost of producing a ton of steel. His answer was: "I don't think that is a fair question." When it is considered thai Mr. Carnegie demands and ob tains high protection fromCon irress in his manufacture of steel, the refusal f his man ager and authorized represents tive to answer the question as to the labor cost of producing steel was insolent and unpar donable. Just why Mr. Frick refused to answer the committee may be inferred from the answer given to the same question from the committee by Mr. Weihe, Pre sident of the Amalgamated As sociation. lie said that "as near as be could estimate the labor cost of a ton of steel at Homestead, it was f 1.55," or not more than one-tenth the a mount of the tan If levied upon steel, ostensibly to protect la bor. In short. Mr. Frick refuses to tell a committee of Congress the labor cost of a ton of steel be cause of the tax levied on for eign steel avowedly for the pro tection or American laoor. air. Carnegie's mills pay say 1 to the workman (assuming that the labor that costs 55cts. in Europe costs fl.55 here) and pocket from $12 to f 15 per ton as employers profits. Mr. Frick was silent en the labor cost of steel because he could not tell the truth without proving that the tariff protec tion on steel is ten times great er than it should be, and that so far from reducing wages, he should double, treble or quad ruple wages to give working men the benefit of the taxes now levied upon the. peo; ostensibly for the benefit of la bor. " AnOhjret Ihmhi. The tariff lord of the Iiepub licannartv. who. while claim ing. American citizenship and the benefits of American protec tion for the special industries from which they derive their wealth, dwell in hired castles beyond the wa and vie in the plendorof their entertainments and their scale of living with the wealthiest of the British nobility, are just now furnish ing a terrible bject-lesson in the workings of a protective tariff at home. Pennsylvania has been for years a stronghold of the protectionists. One of the greatest and most valuable of Pennsylvania's many useful and valuable industries is her iron and steel manufactures. One of the most important of these is that carried on by the concern recently consolidated and inrorporate4 as the Car negie Company of Pittsbur:?. One ol the chief establishments belonging to the Carnegw con cern is that located at Home stead, near Pittsburg, here the scene of one of the bloodies ind inont formidable strikes or"lock outs" in the tiistory of labor troubles in this country. The question which naturally arises is what necessity, what reason and justification are there undr r the McKinley bill for the reduc tion or wages oy a great "pro tected" industry, which has led to these distressing and fatal! consequences? J lie answer the iron and steel tnanufactur.lti',uI''' hi tgui Lefnn partially ersis that their business is pros trate; that prices are lower than before, and that tney cannot afford to pay the wages they wer is, how, then, does "protec tion protect?" ' Tho hard facts and figures of trade and statis tics, which cannot be contra dieted, show that during the past twelve months the prices for raw material have been low, and that the duty on manufac tures and products of steel, take, or example, "steel Diuets," nas bean prohibitory, it any con tern in the country ought to tave been benefitted by the Mc Jualev bill -Mr. Carnegie's is that one. lhe proof is that day, -with boiling water from hose and pipes, and with ouuets from i'mkerton rmes, air; uar- nearia and his associates nave undertaken to meet the protest ot their workmen against a re auction of wages, lms is an object-lesson in illustration ot the benents of Kepubliean leg station and of, a protective tar if, and of the consistency of iepublican statesmen, which the people of the United States will not tail to taKe to neart anu onder. From 1 1 sterday's iHirliam Sun. - KB. WORD'S FUNERAL Took Flnce tutu Morulntf and waa At tended by Largo Crowd. The remains of Mr. Jno. Word, ho had the unfortunate accident of filing from a trnin that was running nearly a mile a minute, and who died in Norfolk Sunday, reached Durham yesterday afternoon abo it 6 o'c!ock o i a delaved train1 of the IX & N They were met at the Corcoran street crowing by a large concourse of peo ple, and conveyed to his residence on Willard street, where the funeral services, conducted oy iuPv. . A. Bishop, of Main street church. took place this morning at 10 o'clock? A hrse tiumlwr of sympathizing friends were present and accompani ed the remains to their last resting place. The pall bearers were composed ol the police force, with the exception of one, and were J. A. Woo lull, chief, W. G. CraCtree, W. E. Wod, J. P. Cults, P. B. Cheek, C M. Lcwter, and P. A, Brown. Mr. Word's death, surrounded with pjcu'i irsadnws, is universally regret' td. and hisf.itnilv h;ive the heart felt sympathy of this community. TEST OF DESOCRACY. Hioa for CleYcland According t a Dcmoc ratio Club. Balfjjh. N. C, July 16.-Th Ciinton Caucasian, of which M irioti B itler, president of the State Alii a!cs, is the editor, comas out today most earnestly' for the Demjcratie Hate ticket, fie told your corres p ndent months ao that the Alii ance would not vote f r Cleveland He states now that the Democratic cl ib in his county decided in its lait maetingthitthe twt of Demorjcacy is vatinu for Ck-veland. He declare that there are thousan Is of men in N rth Carolin i whi will not vots for Cleveland who aw bitter Democrats than maay who are trying t pn scribe them. Mr. Buti-ir then says that he is for the State ticket, but n A far the national. He declares tint a man who does not see nt to support Cleveland ia entitled to take a part in conventions to nominate county or State officers if he entm tlse convention in good faith. Butler further says the State Executive Committee nhould recognize this rght, and that by so doing he be lieves 'it can save North Carolina and the State ticket." A H'itiaw Marrrlntr. A pjmantic matrimonial episodi tranepired yesterday at the Moseley House, corner of Wilmington and llirg-ttstrpets, Ix ing the marriage of W. W. Rowe, of Durham to, M Emma Titompson, of Vafs, Moore county. The contracting parties ram t thw city to b united for life in order to avoid strong opposition, or to make the matter plain, it was an old faxhioped runaway match They were awompHnied by ltev, C. Thompnand Mini Claudia Wick er, of Cameron and also by Mr. li. Camerw of Durham. The cere mony was performed by Kev. P. Way, ediWr of the Joobjro Moni tjr.K.Jeiih News (Jbstrver. TLe bri 1 an 1 groom arrived in Durham yestenlay afternoon and art boarding at Mr. Vf. II, Cute. Hnys the lialei'h Chronicle: Mr. T'ti H inks, of PitUboro, passed thi-ough tiui city on jrenterdny en route for Durham fr-im wliem; ! will travel in tne intrrf of "O'.d Chunk cberoota, whiri are well wortfiy to I vvmuttU by such a bmitmm young man. We heartily cwimnend him to tie trade. Tha ftMiaad atrako. About a year ago Mr. B. A. Thax ton, of CentM Grove, person county, w.wtrickeo' with paralysis, affecting more or Ism hit whole Iwly. It h i f i '"""n w'1'1 diflieulty that be cm& ar- paralyzed. Mr. J. J. Thaxton received letter this morning stating that his father has had anothor stroke l-ecent-ly, and is now unable to move his hands or feet. lie is getting along in years and we very much regret to jar that hi declining days are at tended by such afflictions. Dldu't Practice Wliat ho Preacibed. One of tbo resolutions adopted at the Third party meeting last Satur- lay wa9 that "wo will not vote for any man, who will not-piy his howst otts." The News knows one of the men who voted for that resolution. lie voted for it with a wlioip, and et he owes an honest note for f 100. fhe note was dually put in the hands of a lawyer for collection and wh-n he lawyer trid : to eolltset it, this mut who voted for the Hunteraville resolution said: "Qj nhead and collect it. I am not worth tlie home- tead. Cut your patch t fit- Char- jtteNewa A SAD DROWNING. Two Yonua Pol ar Lot Wblla lloat KldliiK. From a correspondent at Frank- linsvilK who was thoughtful enough to send us the facts, w learn of a most distressing accident at that place yesterday. ' . , Mr. Henry Parks and Miss Maud Curtis, formerly of this place, were out bjat riding. When some distance from the shore boat was turned over or sank with them, drowning both. The water at the point where they were capsized is some twenty feet d xp and there was no help near. As they sauk for the last time pirties from the shore, who were powerless, having no boat or means of riach ng them, saw. thm go to a watery grave clasped in each otheis arm, face to face. Three hours later they were found some distance down the stream, stiil lingtng to each other, though cold in death. it was maeed a saa anair, and, rs our correspondent adds, "threw i dark cloud over our entire com muuity." Mixs CurtU was here on the 4th of July, and we heard at tht.t time was making preparation for hi r marriage, and it is probable thai Mr. Parks was her intended busbaro', though we have nopxitive Informa tion to that effect. Sho was hIxh t 18 or 19 years of age, and Mr. Pari waa probably 23 Qnenabjro IV s ord, 18th. A LAWN PARTY. Given la Honor of Tare rharmlac Young- Ladle. The la n around dpt. E. J. Pai- ruh'a elegwit home, on Dillard stroer. Dresentnd a scene of rare lovelinws last evening. From the trees and vorand ts were suspended many brilliant Japanese lanterns, while waxen candles of every hue and shade were arranged around the fountain, on the fence, in the shrubbery, in fact in every available place. The premi ses were brilliantly lighted, an l a bright younj maiden said it looked like some grand fete in fairy land. The occaasion w& a lawn party given by several young men, complimenU ry to Miss Mamie Gray, of Winston, Mimes Annie Watts and Lillie Par- rish, of this city. There were about a dozen couples present. Delicious refreshm-nta, consisting of crini. cake and fruit, were Cain t;!y served in coney nooks and cor ner, or wherever a couple were found, about the lawn. The young pwple present say it was one or tiw most d-ltzhtful atfairs ever riven in our ci'y and they all had a charming time. That was a narrow escape. wasn't it? You know he was just about to marry a girl when be found she spent S1500 a year on dr. ss." " es, but he's mar ried, all the same." "True, but he married her dressmaker." The sailboat and rowboat capsizine season has been a lit tle backward on account oi tne weather, but efforts are appat ently being made to rush the crop. -: --j - . ,-.. "I was prostrated with . severe biliious complaint.' writes Krastus Southwortb, tf Bath. Me. "After vainly try ing a number of remedies, I was finally induced to take Ayer s Pills. I had scarcely taken two boxes when 1 was completely cured. CHILD B1KTI1 MADE EASY I " MoTHtit' Fiio"h i tclmtifie. ally prftj LmifiKftt, every lngr oVnt cf tKOifnuti iM and la constant in hy tl mrdkal pro fmlon. Th Ing'f JitntJ irt com birwd mi a mint xr nilhtrta unknows ,,IvlOTHERS, FRIEND" WILL DO 3 that I tblmed far kANOMOitE. It Sh rftnil Lbof, Lrmff "tin, Diminth Dn la ' U of Mother and Child. Book to " MotHUt"mikd FRC8, con. UMnK vlut4 bifjrniftioa and Voluntary ttitimootilfc MMTICLS SUUUfM CO., MW, sou sr at.i isiMirirr" As the first session of the fifty-second congress draws to au end feverish hate and activity begin to characterize the pro ceedings, and this may -naturally be expected to wax warmer and fiercer as the week runs on, The friends of various measures that have lonr reposed peace fully on the calendars, will make their last desperate efforts to secure action on their tavor ite bills. But in both houses everything must give way" to the appropriation pill, for worn has gone out that the session will end as soon as these are disposed jof and everybody is anxious to eet away from the capital. .The common expectation i that the session will end ikx Saturday or the following Mou day at the latest Fronr the" nature of the pres ent situation we must admit that we see little prospect of the Durham Federal Bdilding Bill passing the t body at this session. V regret this. Our people were in great hopes of it going through. We wanted the building It was need here Mr. J. O. Foy has sold the Wjnston ' daily and weekly Sentinel to W m F. Burbank, late of California, but more recently of New York. He has taken charge, and brought the paper out with a new dress of reading matter type and the United Press reports. We extend a cordial welcome to Mr. Burbank and' wish him the greatest success in his new home k . The Laities., The pleasant effect and per fect safety with which ladhs may use the California liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., priuted near the bottom of the package. Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Sfc- veuson will be in New York 4.1 1 . .. tomorrow ana tney wui oe iorm ally notified of their nomination for the Presidency and Vice residency respectfully. v ben they are notified by the Com mittee each will receive, a sub stantial remembrauce of the event This remembrance will be a copy of the Democratic platform, handsomely engrcsi- ed on parchment, and bound in pure white buckskin. Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla. Referring to ex President Cleveland's reply to Mrs. Mary F. Ormsby relative to the use of Mrs. Cleveland's name as the title of a ' woman's political club, the Philadelphia Inquirer (Iiep.)Rays: "We congratulate Mr. Cleveland for bis manly course in insisting that women shall continue to occupy her more exalted sphere of mistrcs of the household, and shall not be compelled to descend to the level of politics where she could do no good and her influence in her own sphere would be lessen ed." Dev. M. II. Wells, of LMrming ham, Ala, writes t kst "daughter sod I were cured of rheumtiisa and nenmlitm, after all known medics sad climatic remedies had been used bv the ue of Germelui-r. I was troubled with iDd irnxtion and Mood poison in the form of t'ioiiiles on m? tace. . 1 took two bottleiof Kin's Itoral Germetuer and it cared me entirely. Thomas 0. Kwhville. Tcnn.,()ct. 31, 1891 J. i. ikr wip, Sidoit, Mix., ny: "(lur little girl, nine months old was in a low state from summer somtiUint. and Koysl Germetuer made her fat as s riir. We believe it is s trreat rennvlr. Mr. P. Dayne, Sr., with tlilpin, Orren k Co.. Pliiradelpliia. was cured of afie rear' cas of catarrh reoralgia sod rbenmatiim. Iler. A. B. Vaii(lisn, Canton, Gs., was cored of farml neuralgia, also of a liver and kidney trouble of many ftar standing, by Gernie tuer. .' arc cnd'irwd hy tl't-:an-t it vat l"it kmmn pnile. sixl aiaiitlifiirl In mying tint (mHiirr will (irmmnHitly cir ItlirttwatiMii. Jtmralgia, liFliiri'n, l!"'-! and TrtmlilH, Venule li ' larrh, Adhma, lilad'L-r and KMnrrdU trnan, Skin Hiwaca, itrh m rVtiiful, YMr mm, fU, I'araly'a, f'.iiilrtof, Kryij!a. InvwaM, and tetwrml IWtilnf. : f' talc ij all dniwint. FrW 1.00 iwt briUlt. " Thkrk has been a volcanic eruptiou on the island of Sangit. one of tho Philippine group. and most of the inhabitants-have been killed. ' A native from tho Tiilautse Islands, who lauded at Selangen four weeks ago, brought a re maikible strv to the effect that several other natives whe returned to Sola ntien from a voy age near Sngir said they were prevented from 'landing by the sights of moun'ains belching forth Binolcei and hie. They reported that the "whole island was on fire." The water along tho coaf-t was full, they said, of half burned wreckage, pieces of homes and charred bodies. Th whole population. 'txtimated nt about 12,()00.eem- ed to have bw;i s'vept into the sea or burned. rtrtv Hitters. '1 iit ' remwK . in o'limin f o wf I h-,vi; mit 1 p. put r t'i n- d n ivrat 11 ,'i it. A!i h ne use mvc! m It "( (he .iaisie ann f i-.. ais.- A :tn r mediceiiJ (Jih- 11 t -t iiti'l i? Bn-r;inteed to d ! ltii.1 In claimtid El -etfic Bi'ter- .-.ill enrc u'. ilicess'in (he Liver an iiil ievV, I. r m-ive Pimiilep, B ib slt It cum Hint alicr nfl" etionseau-' d bv irt 1 ute b'.il. Will drive Me' sraTn in Mie Kvxtem snu preveD a well as cure .l Ma'artal fevers t'or cuvi uf lu-a 'ai'he, ConitipatikT rrf !ndti:eti .n try Electric Bitten En ire MHii-tnc'tim gtta anttet, n' trtmev riftin 'l" I rn-e One at.d 111 :er b-etv.it K. Klackitall & SiO It is sai'd that steps are now in progress for the prosecution of the leaders ot the strikers at fomestead. They had bettei arbitrato instead of prosecute. CONSTIPATION and other bowel complaints , cured and prevented by the prompt use of f . Ayer's Cathartic Pills They regulate the liver, cleanse the stomach, and greatly assist digestion. Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co. Lowell, Mass. A tniMn' iMMtivcrv. "An' the' wonderful liiTovry hff been mtidei.iid 'hat by a Lady id t,u cunty tiHe fHe'eoedii .-luicl es upon hr i.n 1 fr mwb yert ah with'lo.l it srvriest uvts, but net iul rvsn wr onderminfd am' det!i Kmcd njinenr. Kr thre months ahe c"ehd ineni tfv arr cnull not ! p. Hhc bupht of a bottle f Ir Ktni few Di-e-verj for ('onurcpti'n and was to itiUcI eltcvMi r n LikiDg Dn-t d'e tnat m iltpi all uiht kiiil with one bottn has bn niirfn!Mii.y enrrd IKt bfcire i Mrs. Lutl.er Lnti." Thna ritf W. C- nroii-k & Co., of Shel- v. N. C.-GH a free trial bottle al B.nk-alli A Soca. Administrator's Notice. ' T T air.2 this dar .ulifid as Ad- rlminiHirtor John Y. Ca'es, d"c'd, notice is hen br given to all persons Loldiriir claims against laid rotate to present tnem i r psymeni on or before the.eth day or Jult I MM, r litis notice will In; plend in bar of their recovery, and all m-r aon inil)!M to said etttale will make immdiat4 pntrntent. M. W.CARUlNti nX, AfitiiV JuIt 8th, HW2. siolnt aiuv wuin: MX-1 Fiiiit sritixos. A UHuliiriil Ilfiilth tnl mer ItcNort, Hum We take pleasure in informing our friends and the public gen erally that the Hotel at this fa mous resort has just been well furnished with a nice selection of new furniture and an entirely new outlit throughout, and open ed June 15th. The water at this Spring claimed by competent judges to be superior to any of the kind ? the State, and .niat to the any other resort. "Sort. it is situato.1 at the base of IIIW JiIUO itHlK'i IllUUIilitlU, UIIU that beautiful mountain stream, the Ararat river flow, through the grounds near the Spring, af fording such delightful sport. as bontinz. bathing, etc. 18 00 and Board lirst-class in every particular. Katoa $21.00 and f W.oo icr month or $10.00 tr week; children under 12 years of age and servants, half price. I hesc rat?s also apply to families and iiartifs. Laundry and Livery Stable convenient to the Spring. . Tho trains arrive at Mount Airy at 4:45 In the aftornoon, affording nunicumt time to reach the B-oiitig before night. Ample mail, express and t'io graph facilities. Address Jordan & Bitow, . jt-film Mount Airy, N. C. ya..... va oiwrn, wt5i, mane, iresn, new, clean. irginia; and for beauty of them, their variety touches all use. ol scenery ana pleasantness oi v sunshine, ordinary or dress, the cation, is hardly surpassed by $1.25 from il.75. irttiwfMW'ewtee OAHUFACTURE0C,Jf8Y Umiim fini.t. niPitlinuntMl mm I LUUKFnibnfnunu.mt and. even 1 caasDj outc gaaee$otwc88ess8sssstsafca aaMaaaaaaaaaa " WOBTII A GUINEA A BOX." EEi r - PILLS CURE ! SICK HEADACHE, I Cistrdtrtd Liver, etc.: They Act Lite Magic on th Vital Orguu, 1 Rcgutating the Secretions, rtslofinu toni;4 Iom Compltnon, bnncing back the Keen ! Rftife ot Appetite, and ruining with the ROSEBUD Of HEALTH tw hi phri energy of the human frame. Then Fact. art adiailtei bf lliouaanda, in all cUaaca of , Society. Ur;at Sale in lb. World. j Oorirad with a TMUlat k Bohblt Caatiag, Of all druffNta. Price SS cenu a Box. i Nw lt rvtt. ys. Cam! i faaaaaaavaaaaamKi Children ry for Pitcher's Castorla N th e of Sals! ir:u f an rtk-r of the 8muriii imrt of l)urluitrr cixiiitj, I will, uo Monday, August 1st, 1892 . it 12 n'l l'iclt at the Court Umuc dRr in the oanuf lt.irh.tm ll Ui the hinlif-t biilili l!ie fu'lowiiiK di-acrilhil hit f land aituatcd HI I ari-l Hill, ill the eminir of Durham I a I'oiiiitiB NXK. K. t o' rk-litof ar. I)r. J I.. Wattiint ami ottH-ra, nmlaiitiiiK one- half acre mora or loaaixl more fully de- Tilwl in Hie M4itia tiled in mid Court, bjini; t!i lionc and loi o ned and oorniiicd itt Mil.lrf-l nancerai hip time of ln-rilntili I Trrnw of sa'e: Onatliinl caaii, oneHUrd 1 .11 tl RHWtli, imp-lhinl in 12 u.ontha, de trrwl latviimihi tinitrmir S ir-til inlr- e4fr-.m.lati.ifiIc. J.S. MtXMMi. Ihia J.:wt;U,';. . Adi iV and I .mu OURHAHii SUPPLY .COMPANY- .DEALERS IN- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Dr Goods--NotionsCIothing. Shoes, Hats, Grocerios, ShicglcSi LatLos, Lime. Noils, Plows Wagons and Buggies, We makeaiialtyof FAHMEIW SUPPLIES. We buy in I i...i r- i. ' j nL'L " a"' ,? 's i Will pay highest market price DURIiflPal SUPPLY COMPANY. d?e-lG. J. W. JONES & CO. Th push of the moment is over tho advent of 2,000 yards of Cambric and Swiss Embroideries. Thetlesiifns are beautiful and a study of thorn will interest you. The Edini and Inscrtiuzs are from 1 to 12 inches wide, and from 3c. to $I.m, It is a creatlsatisf action to Grand retailing, guided by Bound policy and correct principles' is secures many such chances. for the long series of real bargain, it has evolve The i is a festival period of Shoo Bargains for Hoys and Miiel1 Justnow there are three lines of Boy. Pebble Oranan Misses Button V.nnta in l..l1.1a n ti. . t . . bl Grain. t 7 .ntl.SK tt"",f:l'25' ,,om s" u" J.W. JONES & CO. U 13 t-.IlV'W v Skinning a flint worth a , sixpence and spoiling a , knife worth a shilling" For a man to carry a foul smelling pipe In his best suit of clothes when he can enjoy the fragrant aroma of OLD VIRGINIA , CHEROOTS, FIVE FOR TEN CENTS, offend no one, not his wife. Hiiviiiiiatlsni l ured In a Day "Mystic Cure" for Rheuma tism 'and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actum ii , t upuu eysieju is ruuturicaoie and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the diseaso immediately disappears. The nrst dose greatly benents. 75 cents. Sold by N. M. Johnson & Co. Druggist, Durham. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcrfa. LUMBER. F Oil SALE. FLOORING, CEILNG and : Weather Boarding, Rough or Dressed, Com men Inch Boards and 'Framing. Heart Fine Shingles. .VVrito for prices to U.NdOK.JIl., Pitt'iboro, X. C. juno 15-3in. . . .. y l'",Irr w K ve you W)itom prices. for all country produce n prices. Come to trive th. t.nl.i: .,..t i t ine fenoe store is most gratify ing present Boy. Pebble Grain and Calf no hhop-worn pair among . IiOUSe or Street, khirm nr price, are 2, from $2.3and " "f,"e" ,rom

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