HEART DISEASE! u HMMmw.M tuff manrmr e-aynsi ftraTiiiTTCA show that one id rorn tau ft Veak ardteeaaea Heart. Taaerftt.rmptoinaareBliot-l brata, e)Bpreeela, gntferlBa. Calat u4 kBMfrr ttlli.MlB ! ld,tkvBailiirlB5, awallra ankles, drape? . e)eath.) for Which Bit. aail.Ba' NJE W UUkT CCRS toft BTarreloua remdf. "1 fast been troubled ..... wttta ijnartaiMM fur TMn, u left puis wna wry week, eoirid ae times acarcely fi It, tbe emaltai ercHemena would alwaye weaken bit nervrtend beartand a fear of Impending death rireilrcelntbeiacafor hoars. III. alll.rN ACItVINIS ad MW MKaitT (CUB ft Ue oIt medicine Una aae proved of any bene tlud cured me. L. M. Dyer. Cluvordale, aid. lr. tf lies' Meer rill an a lure remedy for Ylttoaeaaae and Te.t-p.la I.lver. SO leaeea S eeate. Fme book oa Unit DtaeaM. emu woaderf ul enrea Pre at d ngliie, or eddreae BR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Intl. The committee appointed by tho House of Representatives to investigate the Homestead labor troubles has reached the conclusion that both sides erred. In the meantime the discontent is growing and the number of idle workmen is increasing. "Does a man have to be a Christian to get through college, nowadays?" "Not at all, but he must be a muscle man, with out doubt." Boston Courier. $ I EXDEIA TEE 1 $ fefe .(a((!( fed didi (2 ($ STOP GHAFI ItUi Use "FootmeE" OXCEA WEEK, Sold by Druggists, Trice 50c. Soft Corns. . Bunions. MM. The most common of theskiu disease hich are cured 6v the u of Ii. B. the only quick blood puriSer; as follows: Eczema, OM Ulcere, Impetijr, Aicesse, ErTsipel?, King worm, Scald he Ad, Prnritu, Old Som, Pimples, Dry Tetter, Carbuncle", Itching homor? Blotches, Herpes, Hni'.S. . Itch, Splotches, OlandutHrSwellingH, Tumorf, Km ing, S? pbilitic Ulcer', Pimple on the race, liive, etc. The above kin diseasen and erupt ions are cure by the us B. B. li. m an iacredibty hort time, and we bold uDniitUb!e evidence ol that fact. No remedy has ever been fiffered poshes ioffouck wonder ful fffect over these blood diseaes. Oar limited tpace will permit n to offer only a lew of the many voiun. Ury cert-Gcatei which we hold, and ask the reader to examine for him self and be cominced of the merit of our remt-dv. Send for bc'k to D. B. BAtlanta, Ca. Kliltob a Catarrh Itemetly. A marvelous cure for Catarrh Diphtheria Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious naaal In jector for the more Buccessiu treatment of thene complaints witnout extra cnarge. I'nce 60c. Sold by K. Blackxall &Sox. HOl.MElt IIKALTH ItKMlfr, Amid the I'lnt-a the f lenlt l.lest l'lace In Aiiifrlta llrnltu GivitiiC Mineral Watfr. Srnjtliew I'inm, lttrCV. X. I mi lb lukigh c AutnwU Air m- l:mfmtt, lliirt milts ..nb of jlamli ami evrrnit imiU f liali-ih, aitiMkl m a liiicb miuI kwiauuin .r miffe-of liigli hJI, ha i-evn Uu4 fnri(MimnMi a Iwmih rw.rl UKfM(lTn; from ait (ma tif tilui dm a, indigniiift.kMiirf evti'ainl, rnieraj d-tiililr. aud tn-rtum diaurdtf. 1 liu lai araa firat bruuglit tn 111 attmtim ut I lie pulc lic a a ainur ret, liut it in fnund u I jull 4-lirliUul aa a wmiwr ruaurt Jiving luylirf than tl arwrriMtxliiif omuUf Umtp l a aVlifiitful liferar at all liniwv Alw.a. trlr no aoalarit nr canw ttt BiaUria exi at litir lf, and time autit-rinir rtrm inaUrit r lit after tflw-U of any kinl W fct-n bod rrliefbefC TIm art tlire mineral ff'mm Vtel ca th pnwrtf; lit virtu iJ ah iUi tia bm Upfal U-jroiet a dult. J'tfiwrna win. 1 antxa Viil tbcilaiBiar liavc tit ait aiiii iavi tutbrm inlnrriU, lialf aU htilm'm reawinalik Umm. Iul U Nh4 aliiaitfr) war iatuTiaU tlr lUwau4 drink ( aaurr trmo inim in p.nnr Orita frrmfc fraai 11m trlnea art aaM tn k irreat curt bit aiaoy diarakf, and ti iii. imi4 nit4 fny turning iut Urir lliieanu. iU ruall fiMbm ttplr U a;niie nire t tt. tnl iMikiny la the k crral alr In tint aaiminiiii iwla.ut tn and Bvednati-J latli can fa had. Th Hotel Oione k Kfoa f tun i lm UairiUm, and ofli-r nm ( at altentiiai to invalid, liak nmiuhW, a ltd lata aiji'lixi iia letter 11, U-ti. f ikf than neuall fraind in uineir h'rfib. l-'f tiHe d.-uika lnlrniau.n a-Mn IlcrTi;02iiMi routUm l'uew, K. r PI DURHAM REGGnDEH WEDNESDAY, July 20, -1892. TliP Eut-aiupiucm Grounds. Quartermaster General Hac rell has made good progress with encampment arrange ments There will be over 400 tents. Those for the First and Second regiments are on the planks of the camp, with the streets facing the sound. The camp grounds have a frontage of 6omo 1,450 feet. " Ther are four large pavilions and in rear of two of these the tents are t the-d The tents for the officer of the general staff who will be on duty are at tne iront' aad centre. Gen. Glenn, Col. A. L. Smith, Col. Hubert Hay in ood and Col. Harrell are these officers. There will be three officers of the regular army and a detachment of regular artil Iprv men The batterv of heavy 211ns and mortars is at the4 contere of the camp, in front of Wrightsville inlet. The eleva tion is the Highest lor a great many miles along tne coast, and tho view is' a splendid one. -Charlotte News. Pp-frirvT If ARHtsnv annears to be unable to reward the col ored statesman of Charleston. S. C, Dr: Crum, for the assist ance that the latter furnished at Minneapolis in causing the President's re-nomination. Whether or not Senatorial courtesy had anything to do with the result, is not stated, but the nomination has been withdrawn and the sable Doc tor will have to be provided direction. OOO0OOOOOO P-raOBsapnarpntly la good health ar Cofton troubled arlla, wrlmminik luQ trio head aiwra) and waiting ofre C follow. It mull irom a vrnwrnl . et:ite of Ui dtavatiia onrnn and rm-Q at pat ion. Tiita nnplareuuit and oft-a auugtsn'ammwtvttitu wait ne cuna jfb. eTijf Li7erPi!lso Cvkirfe Tcliewatnacairaneei imraaa m rvaaevUiiematUrwii!k Mm baw-Tsef aa. a. , a-acaMaf.l. K. C O 00000000 Postmaster-General Wana- m:iker haa made a hard , fight acainst tlie provision in the postofiice appropriation bill to provide for the fact mail ser vice now. carried out Detween Ti.mpa, Fla , and Springfield, Jla-ss., ana benenting tne people of the entire Atlantic coast re cim. but especially those in the South Atlantic Mates, in this matter he presents the rather unusual spectacle of a cabinet of icer laboring to decrease the efficiency of the service render ed by his department, iir, Wanarnaker was at the capitol early last week button holding Republican benatore ami trying to secure the passage of the bill in a shape acceptable to him. Oa the other hand, several busi- urss men from the section ar fected by this measure were ureina: uoou Senators of both parties the necessity of restor in the provisions of this service which t ie Senate committee has stricken out. The meat of the whole matter is that the admin istration wants to punish a few Democratic btatcs in the south The friends of the fast mail ser vice did not propose to give up without a determined ngnt. Tlwy succeeded in having the Senate restore the appropriation it win bi.-c. mm. The nomination of O rover Cleveland at Chicago, was the marvel of American political history. A defeated candidate for the presidency presented for the third time for the nomi nation; alubborury fought to the end by the solid delegation from his own etate, the empire and Pivotal state or the Union who voiced through the most eloquent men of the party their declarations that his iiomina tion imperiled aucceas receiv ed on tun ilrt-t ballot the vote of more than twothirdu of a na tional convention of w) men U was the expression of the unfaltering faitn of the people of the country in the pre-emi-ot nt Lonehty, ability, courage and patriotiKin ci the man which thus lead the party to override all precedent, and courageously placinz itself on high ground, make its appeal to tt.w voters of the btates. ouch action was wonderful. But his election in IN'ovt-inber will be hit natural. He afks now not a third but a aevond election, and standing as he does upon a platform so representative tf the Jieople's cauae, what gained tor lnrn twothirds of the con rentiou will get for htm a ma jority in the electoral college. ' WV r..!7 rJ-k. rw CaafnrK Waea a. OM. tm arted fn Coy)rtc -Wba aha w Xlaa. ah ttaof la Caaairta. 9tmm l iA OJ-lr-a. tn Caavirak Itch on human and horsey and .all animals cured in 30 min utes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never, fails. Sold by N. M. Johnson & Co., Drug gist, Durham, N. C. ap 8 tf - Answer this Question, Why do so many pecfple we see around us sem to prefer to suffer and be made) miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzini'ss, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skik, when for 75c. we will sell them Shiloh'g Vitalizer, guaranteed to cure them. Sold by R. Blacknall & Son Lanfl Sale At Auction. 1 will sell at public auction on the premises in Manum Township in Durham county on the . 1st dav of Ausrust 1892. at 12 o'clut k m , the -tract of land 11 which Mips Sallie Walker lived. and known as "TIIK SALLIE WALKER HOME TRACT," con taining about two hundred acres. l hi trai t of land will be sold in two te of about equal size, and may be divide 1 into inure than two lots. Terms of pale: One-third cash on lav of f;le; one tliird in bil mouths- one-third in twelve months. " De; ferred payments to be wideued by pi.rchnsf notes which are to bear interest from day of sale until paid, at the rate of t-isht per cent per annum. This sale is tirade in obedience to an order of the Superior Court of Dur ham tonnty 111 the Srxcial Pro ne lings eojittled Marcus Titley, administrator of Sallie Walker vs. U. A. Bullock and other. ; VARCUS TILLEY,- J une 17th '92. Administrator. Graml, Square and Upright Piano-FortPS. Kiftr Yi-ara bt fore the public. Uin tLjii Cf!lnce !m have atrw-d tu in iurclia..! rre-fmlenc wtn a eotahlinnfd th -ni a nrolled ia TOXK, TOUCH, WORKMNX Sllll AMI UUKABlU 1. e WE WAREROOMSs 112Fifih Avepuu Ne Yoik, 22 , d 21 E.Balnm'.re Ft., Haiti. J7 k .t $ V.uinvi, O .J J. r. WOKE. Hardware for Builders Hardware for Farme rs Hardware tor Jctcrics Hard o-ars l:r Everytody Pain ILeai-ii Oil. CROCKERT AND CUSSffARE Somdof the beat and cha pt-.it COOK STOVES SOUTH BOUND. Re f?-v THS COXDESSBD Til ROCUH Lv. Oanfillf, If. ltfllt'i)b, Lv. Durham, Lv. (jaenbom, Lv. Charulofte, SHEPCLE. 8 30 a in 3()5itn 57 in 10 20 a m 1 60 p m HOfTII BOCSD. Lv. Chesh-r, S. C 9 23 p m Lv. ColumbH, 6.1a pin, Ar. Denmark, " 7 21 pin Ar. Fai faJ, 8 20p m Ar. Savannah, Ga., . 10 45pto Ar. VavcM, 9.45 am Ar. limniakk, 1 10 pm Ar..Albanv. " . 4.20 p. in Ar. Callahan, FU It 23 am Ar. Fernandwav," 3.W 0 m Ar. Waldo, 1.48p.m Ar.Oainenfille, 2.31pm Ar. Ocata, " 4pm Ar. Tampa, ' 8.20 pm ArJacktoaville" 12 00 Ar.gtAujmVce" 2 20 pro Ar. Panford, " 4 40 p in Ar. Tamns, 8 60pm J rami north or 1 oinmiua ran d Kfixtra or 75'.h meridian time. frainn aoulh 01 Colnmbm ran by Central of UOIh meridian lime. For information applf to: J. V. D Ah mitt, Jr. Uen'l Tasi. igt. Bavannab, Oa. T. B.Sut, Trar. I'asn Ajt. , Columbia, 8. C. VOBD. 1 come to yoii with a small affair that you may need. In Engluug, the Continent and many foreign countries, myself and wares are well known. Many American families oa their return from abroad briug my articles with them, for they Jtijow thera pretty well, but you mav not be one of these. Confidence between man and man wbIow of growth, and when found, its rauty makes it valuable. 1 ask your confidence and make a refer ence to this Journal to indorse that confidence. I do not think it will ba misplaced. ' 1 make the rent form of a cure an absolute one-for biliousness mid headache that ran be found in this year. rThe cure wt 0 small in itself, and yet its comfort to you is o great - 20 miuutes ling its limit when relief comes -thut it has be come the marvel of its lime. One and a half grains tf medicine, coat ed with sugar, h my remedy, in Lc peoz one omnll pin, known tu commerce as DR. HAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILL. It is old in the markets of Europe, but i new to North America. The price is as ow as an honest uifdicinacan be sold at 25 cents. Send a postal card far a sample vial, to try them, before you pnreh uho. DR. HAYDOCK' C3 Fulton St., fl. , x mar-2-l-y, ;- r", .... . v ' In ancient times, kissing a pretty girl was reckoned a cure for a headache. It is difficult to improve upon some of these old remedies. RICHMOND & DANVILLE K. S. CO.VOKXSEI) STHEDCLE. (In effect May 15th, 1892) South bound Daily. No. 9. Noll Lv Richmond, 3 00 pm 3 20 am Ar llurkevill)'. 5 0:i pm 5 00 am Lv Keysville, a 42 pm 5 44 am Ar Danville, 8 10 pm- 801 am Ar tireensboro, 11 15 pra 1011" Lr (iol.lsboro, '4 00 pm G 20 pm . 10 pin 700am Ar lUleikrh, ' 0 00 pm Lv Rileigh, 0 15 fm Lv Durham, 7 25 pin Ar Greensboro, 10 00 pm 8 00 am 10 am 8 50 am Lvintoneaiem 8 2j pm Lv Greensboro, 10 25 pm 1020 1200 Ar Salisbury, li Is am Ar Matesville, 2 35 am Ar Abbeville, . 8 0t) am 1 09 pm 5 T3 am Ar Hotpringo, 10 43 am ' 810 pm La Salwbory, 12 28 am 12 03 " Ar Charlotte, 2 0O am 1 30 pm Ar Spartanburg, 5 00 am - 4 27 pra Ar Greenville, 6 10 am 5 35 pm Ar Atlanta, 12 25 pm 11 30 Lv Charlotte, 2 10 am 1 50 pm Ar olunibii, 5 52 am 5 45 pm ArAngiista, 9 37 am 9 25 pin KOHTH BOU S D DAILY. No. 10. o. 12 Lt Anguxtt, 7 00 pm 15 pm L Colunibia, 11 10 pin 12 45 pm Ar Charlotte, 3 10 am 5 15 am Lv Atlanta, 8 50 pm 8 05 pm Ar Charlotte. 6 10 am 6 00 pm Lv Charlotte, 7 OO am 6 30 pm Aralubury, 8 27 am 8 10 pm Lv Hot Springs, 4 30 pra 1239 pin Lv Aaheville. 9 00 am 4 25 pm Lv SUtesville, 2 50 am 7 08 pm Ar Salisbury, 4 00 am 8 05 pm Lv Salisbury, 8 37 am 8 25 pfti ArGreenetr.ro, 10 20 am 10 25 am A winatonHMlem 11 40 am 1 2(1 am Lv Oreeubboro, 10 .50 am 12 'l r ta Ar Duiham, 12 24 pm 2 00 a-n ArHalfiKb, , 125 pm 700 am Lv RJ-.h, 12) pm 300 am Ar Ooldi-boro, 3 05 pm 12 30 pm Lv Greensboro, 10 30 am 10 45 pm Ar Danville, 1210 pm 12 45 am Ar Keysville, 2 45 pin 415 am Ar liuvkeville, 3 31 pm 4 57 am Ar Richmond, 30 pm 7 10 am Daily, flto'ly etcept Sunday, mWEEff WK.T fofT a RICHMOND. Lave VTeiit Point 7 50 am dily and 8 50 am daily except Sunday and ionlay;arnve Uicbmmid 3 Hi and 10 40 am. lUturniua leave Richmond 3 10 and 4 40 pm d.tilv except Sunday, . arrive at West Point 5 CO and C pm. BETWKES KICHMOND A.VD KAL- ElfiH VIA KEYSVILLE. Leave Uichmond 3 00 pm !v; leave Keysville C 00 pm; arrive Ox ford 8 03 pm; Henderwn 9 05 pm.. Durham V 35 pm, Kaletxh 10 49 pin. Ketnrninz leave Ualeiuh v lo am. daily DurhRtrt 10 2.it.in, lien leraon 1'05 am, Uf.rJ 11 45 m; araive xe.ivuie x w pm, Uich mond, 5 30 pm. Through coacb between Uichmond and Raleigh. Mixed trim leave Kersville daily except Sunday 9 10 am: ar rives Uurhatn 6 20 pm; leaves jjur rum 7 15 amdaPy eicept SunJay; amvee Oxford 9 10 am, Leaves Durham 7 50 pm daily except Snn- dav; arrives Keyaville 2 10 am; Leaves Oxford 9 on am except Sun day; arrives Durham 5 00 am Adt.ti?nal trains leave Ux ord daily except Sunday 11 50 am ar- rive Uendertoa 12 45 pm, Ilet(irn ing leave Uenderaoo 6 30 and 9 40 Sm, daily except Sundayj arrivi xford 7 35 and 10 45 pm. No. 9 leavinir GoMnboTO 1215 pm and IUleigb 0 40 pm daily, makes' connection at Durham with No. 40, IftvinK al 7 0, except Sun day, for Oxfoid and Keyivilie. Noa. 9 and 12 connect at Uich mond from and to Went Point and L'altimore daily except Snnday. W, A. I UKK, A't Gene'lPaaAftt Cliarh lie, W. c JA3.UTA YLOH,j. P. A ONE May 'nu, lay-:. DUIMIAM DIVISION. . . LKAVKS-DL'KHAM, ii. C. 7.00 a. in. Daily for Lvnchburg mid Way StatioiiH. &30 a, ni. Arrive Lynchburg 1.00 pm. -And Wav -Slut iou 3.30 p. in. Daily for Lynchburg and Way Stations. Trains arrive at Durham Daily 11.40 Arrive nt Lviulil urjr 805 pm. All train?,' Durham. Division, arrive at and depart from 112th Street Sta tion, Lynchburg, Vn. Winstoii-baleui Division. Leave Winston , S h m 7.15 am., daily. Arrive Koanoke 12.15 am. . MAIN1 LINE- EST . B0UN D. t.EAVB LYNCKBURQ DAILY. 5.'J0am. for Roanoke, Radford, Ptilfki, Hristol. Parlor (ar lo Roanoke. Pul itiiin Sleeper Roanole to Memphis via Knoxville aid Chattanooga. 7:25 a in., for Uoanoke, Radford, Pulaski, Bristol; also for Bluefield, Pocahontas, ElkLorn and stations lmeh Valley Division; also for Lou sville and stations L. &.N. R. K. via Norton. Also for all ata- ticns inston-bulom D:vikoii via Itoauoke. I'umuan felceper Roanoke to Memphis and New 0r ,eans via Knoxville and thatta- nooK. also Lynchburg to Louis- vile via Norton. 2:35 p. m.. Daily, for Roanoke, :id intermediate stations. - Has no connections beyond Roanoke. EASTBOUXJl-i-LEAVE LYKCHBCBO '.- DAILY .''. 9:15 a m, for Riohmor and Petersburg and Norfolk. Arrives Petersnur)r at 1:25 p. ni, connect ing with Richmond and Peters hurz Rulroad, arnvins in Rich mond at 1:15.' Arrive at .Norfolk 00 pm. 11:33 a m. ArrivePefewbunr 4:15 a m, contiectintf with It. & P. II II. Iiulj; arrive-l.uhmond 7:47 a ni,; arrive JM 'rfulk 7:00 a m. rullman Palace SK-per to Norfolk. ; r Also Pullman Palace Sleeiier be tween Lynch burar and Richmand. lhis car will be ready at Lynch burg at 9:00 j m, for reception of pasaancera. . ' - z.as p ni. for liiuhmond, l eters- burg Norfolk; a: rie Hichmond 7:50 p m. Norfolk 9:20 p m. " Pullman Parlor Buff-t .Car lo Norfolk. , - WINSTI'N-SALEM DIVISION. 8:00 a m.. Daily ex ept Sunday, for K mnor e and ay btation 4:00 p m., I'aiiv Jxcept'Sunday for Alart-nsvuie only. All inquiries a to rates, route etc, promptly nwered. For all information call on or address JAS. L. BECK. Commercial Agent, Hoc, Main St.. Lvuclburff. TravellitiK ls. Agt. R anok, Va. W. U. UCVILL, O. P. & T. Agt I'oannkc, Va. . TLAT10 mid DANVILLE RAILWAY, Alfred P. 'I bom, Receiver. Srhedule in Effect DecVmW 7, '91 Trains leave Danville, EASTWARD. No 2. No. Stations. Daily Lv Danville 8 30 am Milton, 9 02 am ,CtfTinint(ham, 930 am Deniston Juii'n 9 CO am Buffalo J une' n 11 am C'larkuville, 11 12 am ji-fTresa, 1125 am BoydUm, II 41am Ar Iiwieiicevill 1 10 pm 2 45 pin 2 45 pm 351pm 4 21pm 6 3J pm 5 30 pm 5 43 pm 607 pm 7 30" pro .No. 4 Lv atrrencevill 1 11 pm IWield, 2 05 pin i'.Mnkliu 3 2 pm Suffolk 4 10 pm Ar Portsmouth 5 (0 pin CONNECTION'S. 0 15 am 709 am 8 15 am 8 57 am 9,45 am At Definition with Lynchburg & Durham Railway for South Boaton, uurham &c. At Jc fTress with Richmond ami Danville for Chae City, Oxford, Henderson, Durham, naieigh.fcc. At Portsmouth with the N. Y., Pand P. Kail way, (Capn Cliarlea Route,) and Bay Line Steamers for will I'oint trfimiort, ISaltitnore, rhiladi-Ipliia, Mw lork. BMon and all pot tits North. With Nor folk and Virginia Beach llailroad to the Prince Anne and Ocean Miore Park JloUds. WISTBOfKD. . . No. I. No 3. stations. Daily. Dally. Lv. Portsmouth 10 00 amij3 15 pm 10 4yam 410 pm SaiToIk Pranktia Belfli-ld. 11 32 am 12 52 pm 02 pm 0 20 pm 715 pm No. 6. 6 30 am 8 05 am 10 am i 42 am 8 53 am 955 am 1019am 1047am 1120im ArLawrencevill 1 3 pm Lv LawrcnccviU Boydton, JefTresa, 1 43 .mi 3 50 pm 4 03 pm 4 17 pm Clarkviie Buffalo June. iMinia'n Jun. h . I M ..1. M 5 32 pm 5 54 pm 618 pm Q 43 pm Ali.'ton, lr Danville ' O. M. HUGHES, Manager. GOODWIN LEK, HolicilingAgt. f a a "' .mHii.M.'Me I f fill Hiim-t,f rut a. 1 ne i i ii a i B M Vrl,l.tr.M . ' aViMata),, bit Urtft KlUeStdUl H .Schedule In Effect MimM ei? ee'.w.e ':' J'i '--n r-rrS 11 tT'"r9 il. SlLVERTaiOnUa 913 Mam PRICE LIST. mar 23 ly. S. II, HA WES & CO. UbALLKOin H.iirmD.B9 PLASTER. . RICHMOND, may-4-ly S. H. HAWES & CO, DEALER IN -GOAL- RICHMOND, Y A. MULE MILLINERS, Manufacturers of Fine Harness, Saddle. Bridles, Collars, Hal ters, and everything necessary for the outfit of a mule or horae Turf goods a specialty. A full lino of Blanket. KuWs and Sheets. . KITCIIELL'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT. f nil and well aanorted atockalwava on hand of SADDLERY HAUDWAUE GENUINE AlillY OFF1CEK3 OLD McCLEL AN SADDLES and POCKETS. . fcb-17. THE PLACE DO YOU WANT If no, ncnd for our Ca SOUTHERN -JEWLBRY .HUOSE PJJuKi&SOt 1023 MJUN:srREr,lLYM3H3lf JtS. VA. fle!-1 HARDWARE. We have alargcr stock than Stores for 10.00, 15 00 Stoves for Pachng Bams, CROCKERX Hall Lan-ps, Library Lamps, and a Lamps J I UU.tSaud BrOltTINO OOOU9. At.L AT OLlI PillCfift, LOWEST PRICES AT LLOYD'S Hardware Store. W'ELER. FA.. VIRGINIA. . & ii mm k n SUCCESSORS TO . W.NICK.' FIDFCED, mm mwm. FOR BARGAINS AiWATCII. ACU)CK. ALACEl'IN. ' A COLL All BUTTON. A UINfl. A Pr. 8LKEVE BUTrONS. A PAIR. EAB KINGS. A SET OF SPOONS, taloguc, and yon'll buy. ever. Sec our No. 7 Coo and 18 00.. 8co ou i