DURHAM RECORDER. "WEDNESDAY, Aug .24, 182. LOCAL AMDOtAeR NmWS Cholera, or no cholera, it pays to keep clean. . " Don't fool with Indigestion . Take Beecham'8 pills. The darkey will soon sing his last Bong to the watermelon this season. - ; Fall will soon fall on us Now is the time to fall-in with your advertisements The first three months of 1802 show an exportation of al most sixmillion bushels of corn to Germany in place of but a little ever one million inftne corresponding period of 1891. All the schools will soon opened. The teachers and pu pils have had a pretty", hot dose of summer vacation; and unless it rains goon they will not be brace up much for business in the head work line. . This is the season of the year when the - cirl who1 ia too broken down to assist her moth er can walk up and down a board walk at a sea shore resort for nine hours at a stretch, with nothing to lean against but u broken-down dud?. . Whole bones contain much , valuable fertilizer, chiefly phos phoric acid, . but it is some trouble to reduce them so us ti make this available for plant food. Bury the bones about the roots of vinws and trees, and you may utilize them freely with out any labor. "Hit 'em agin;" the Mas sachusetts Ploughman Bays, . were men governed by reason and common sense, stock breed ing would advance with won derful strides. One of the first things to do would be to exter minate about nine-tenths of the dogs of the country and thus to ' promote sheep breeding. But for the" dog-nuisance ten sheep might be raised in New England where now only one is found. Strikes and lockouts all over the country just as the admin istration is drawin ;w a close which mads such great promis es for the working people be fore it came into power are not a very encouraging sign for the continauation of that party in " office. Wc rrgret the business conditions as they are, but we are glad that the work of educa tion is still going on. Our " schools were never better In Durham. An extract from Mr. White law Ucid's speech delivered at HnrinSeld, 111., last Thursday. He said: "Neither am I here to utter ' one word against the gentlo.ncn whom the opposing party presents for the popular suffrage. I come from the Bute of one of them, and am, at this moment, a guest in the State of the other. It gives pleasure to know that both of them are tried, able and sincere men too sincere and too honorable to take a nomination without in curring its full party obliga tions or to stand on a platform without accepting and main taining iCs doctrine. No man who minds his own business, obeys the laws and keeps the peace need not be afraid to call things by their ' right names; but there is a young Durhamite, who Is said to be a good marksman, when in theJand if you did you would have presence of ladies, and they hap- A A t ' . 1 jM'n io reur vo nis marksman ship, he tells them about his good shots at the ox's eye leav ing the bull's eye out of , the question! How the , mark that people shoot at, called the bull's eye ever got into an ox's head, we don't understand. fWe would go miles to see him shoot at an ox's eye. Such bluders as this causes many who are thrown in the company of the fair sex to become a positive burden. Withcrspoon Ervin, in Sep tember Fetter's Southern Mag azine, contribute a most ink-resting story, "The Fiddler of Linnville Cave," the scenes of which an laid in the mountains of Western North Carolina, showing ia his most graphic style how common occurrences are wonted into legends by the simple folks of that country. In point of intercut it rivals the fa mous legend, "Tho 1'ied i'iper of Hatnelin," while tho style is peculiar to the author. This story is beautifully illustrated by F, W. Cawein, and Carolus Brenner, and the word painting of the beauties of this beautiful section it. the befct which has appeared in a long time. Living among thene mountains Mr. Krvin seems to have caught with his pen the" drip of the fouiuin, th color of the foliage and the purity of the air, 1 PQQ "0h faear dcm bclU iQuOf a-ringing, It will be sweet, I do declare; Oh, hear dcro Democrats sing ing, drover is in the chair." Here's V.our Mule, 1 YCXu-.j. The Durham Recorder at tempted to crow a little over the news from Alabama, and by mistake put the cut of a hen tn tho taner instead of a rooster. Bro. llackney should know that the crowing of a hen is an ill omen. Progressive Farmer Maud S. so long the queen of the trotting turf has dropped out of the race has been beaten and Nancy Hanks is now the centre of attraction. But our readers will say that the above cut doesn't represent either: That's a mule! That is so; but the editor of the Progressive Farmer won't know the differ ence, because he don't know the difference between a hen and a rooster! Now that's, straight! Running a paper in the inter est of the faruftrs, too! But it den t make much difference brother, you won't need any to crow next November. We will now tell what Nancy did. To day one week ago, at Washing ton Park, Chicago, m the pres ence or lo.ooo spectotors, inis mare beat her record, of 2.0a She not only accomplished her task, but lowered the world's trotting record from 2.081, the time ot Maud S., to 2.071. iw ""'. hews mfk 1 - J. been! till 1 . It is best to take little things into account as we hurry along the plane of life; even the small est needle h is an eye for busi ness. Jack is the Bcsh. Sum's i:urmii;. Sam Jones is preaching in t'rbana. Ohio. Among other thing he said: "The first year they put me on a $3 circuit lor the whole year. That was getting it dewn pretty 'econ o-niclue. l can say before God, who judges me. l never worked more faithfully oroiore persistently on f'25,000 a year than I worked when I worked lorf.vw. i nave gotten where I could afford to preach for less money, but it is best for you stingy devils that you have to pay something for it. Laughter. "The laborer is worthy of his hire. They say he is preaching for money. If I did cot sacri fice 8500 to come here wut of my own pocket I am not here. If a tec. ire bureau did not offer me $200 a night for nr services, my name is not Sam Jones. I have been paid fSW an hour, and some of you can't get ten cats. to give it back to them. ( Laugh' ter.l I will tell yeu one thing: It is nebody's business about Sam Jones preaching and lecturing, but it is Uod business what he does with the money after he gets. If I didn't give more-mon ey away since last Christmas than your daddy and grand daddy, and all your folk clear back to Adam, I will eat the whole lot. (Laughter It would be a dirty job, but I would do it." . :. V Cunt let Labor on Itads. From lb ?b TnJiMirn.il. Wherover an expression is given on the question of labor far public road, the sentiment is in favor of the plan, yet the convicts ore kept at labor that comes into competition with trades and hontnt toil, put at farm work, etc. The Roanoke Herald voices the sentiment of the people when it says:. For years this writer has been convinced that the public roads afforded the only field where the convict could benefit the coummunity and do injury to no one. Ecn when employed in building railroads the con victs crowd out honest labor de sirous of employment, but work on the public highways is bete noir, shunned and disliked by all, and hero the convict can perform labor which will add millions to the value of real es tate and aid largely in attract ing the contal and unmiirration needed to deuelop our wonder ful resources. W ' - J i'.M U Our Exports a:il Imports, Fnmtlie Western ((.'in. ) Tobaco Journal The exports of leaf tobacco from the United States for the year ending June 30, 18'J2, was 255,423,077 pounds, as against 240,232,005 pounds for the hscal year 18'JO-Ol, showing a slight increase for the fiscal year late Iy ended, yet the exports of late years have not been as much as for years previously. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 188Gt the exports were . 292,707,890 pounds, in 1887, 394,920,123 pounds, and in 1888, 262,682,821 pounds. While the exports of leaf show a slight increase for the fiscal year lately passed, cigarettes show a slight de crease, as but 806,545,000 were exported as against 319,013,000 in the previous year, yet the total was very satisfactory and contrasts remarkably with ci gars, only 3,017,000 of which were exported in the past year, against 3,875,000 in the fiscal yer ended June 30, 1891. ; : The proportion of our total crops of leaf tobacco exported seems to be growing less each year. Early in the eighties nearly GO per cent, of the crop was exported, and now not 45 pec cent, of it is shipped abroad, notwithstanding the large in crease in production I he home consumption in the the past ten years has increased at least 135,000,000 pounds, while our exports have fallen off. rew realize tho steady growth in home demand, and its signi ficance on our production. In' the year past the increased con sumption by home manufactur ers was above 14,000,000 pound?. it points to but one conclusion relatively more attention to types used by the domestic trade. . - . . . Purliain Sun Local, ('apt. Kltctiin Spoke I-aot Xlgnt. The Democratic club had a good meeting in the court houee last even ing. To their surprise and pleasure it was found that Capt. "Buck" Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, was in townn route to Roxboro. A com mitter wailed on him at the Hopkins House and escorted him to the Court Douse, where he addressed the club for more than an hour in one of his illimitable speeches.' He spoke many wordrf of encouragement to the Demo cracy ass -mblud and hia speech was full of. good, hard sense, sarcarsm and enthusiasm. It was not gener ally known that he was here yet he had a pood crowd to hear him. Many a Democrat minses a good thing by not attending the Monday night nveting. Maj. W. A. Guthrie has written a letter to the Progressive Farmer declining the People's Party nomi nation for Associate JuHtico. For a sluggish liver, noth ing can surpass Ayer's Pills. They contain no calomel, nor any mineral drug, but are com posed of the active principles of the best vegetable cathartics, and their use always results in marked benefit to the patient. Some people are constantly troubled with boils no sooner does one heal than another makes its appearance. A thor ough course f Ayer's Sarsa parilla, the best of blood-purifiers, effectually puts and an end to this annoyance. We recom mend a trial. Merit Wins. We desire to it to ooreltizeg 'hat for yetrs we ham bce.i sellin Or. Klng'i New Diacovety. Dr. King New Lite Pill, Hurklen's Arnica Salve end Electric Bitters, and bare nevrr bundled remedies tbat wiling well, or that have piven such nniver ul ntifacUin. We do not buitate to guaran'ee them every time, sod we Uod ready to refund the purchase iice, if tatufartory re alts do not fnlliw their nee. Thee reraediey nave won their great popularity pure if no heir merit. K. Black uall A ii, Druggint A HARE CHAHCE. One of the Best Stores in the fine tobacco belt can be rented, cash trade established. Apply to II., care Recorder, Durham, N C. aug.2t. Stols.cc Hall, ONI2 NIGHT ONLY, -MOaDAY, AUGUST 20.- Spcclnl Attraction, Ths - World's Greatest . IlKtrd Organization! ComvrMnt all th Im4lng Tftrhta of Mlostrelar. THE FAMOUS B AWjOW "A T AM MOTH KOS. XVX1NSTRELS l infer th dim-Una of A. U IlAtXO. . The Same Ijig Show Thai f fwn'lf rWmM and dritl Kt 1 nr, hi-turn. rn t ranclwo. PI. lould, Mrw Orlntiw, and all th hit clllw. iNlchtorMirlhnnd Melody. All th lahal flnnr, Jnkea, DaaeM and Mato. Regular Prioea, 23, SO and 78 conU. Hmt nn Ml at IILACKNAU.H DntgHtoni Itarlow hilnntrelH. Barlow Brothers' Minstrels opened their season at the Lee Avenue Academy, . Brooklyn, August 3, and at noon on the same day made their inaugural parade. There had been much promised, but it more than satis fled great expectations. It was a very finely equipped .parade, and left an impressioifthat was strongly felt at the box off ice all day. I he evening performance was greeted by an audience that packed the Opera House" to the doors. Standing room wa at a premium, and hundreds weie turned away. The show in its entirety was fresh and catchy, each feature being ; loudly ap plauded and encores being un usualy frequent. The etage set ting, curtains ' and costumes were new and rich. The first part disclosed the fun-makers and vocalist in the ' foreground and the orchestra on the raised platform in the rear, arranged in costumes of light green silk plush, trimmed in dilace and gold satin. The 6ingers were in blue plusb, pearl and- silver satin; and the ten end men wore red plush and gold; f x his bril liant picture was masked in with draperies of old gold satin with scarlet swaes,-. edged with silk taesels, fringed; gracefully and artistically festooned. The decorationB were very preten tious, and created considerable comment during the evening, as the colors were blended beau tifully, and the contrast strik- ng, novel 'and. picturesque The strong performance through the first part was refreshingly new and full of spirit, as it al lowed the comedians full scope, while the vocalists sang several ballads of elevated character and more than ordinary merit. This Was followed by an olio rich in variety arid extraordi narily good. The entire enter tainment was received with de monstrations of pleasure. The entertainment was brought' to a close by a new, bright and catchy burlesque written es pecially for this company, and which there was displayed some very costly and elaborate ward robe. Manager Joseph A. L. Dalson can certainly feel n round of the success he has had in or ganizing such a strong com pany. JS. 1. Clipper, -Aug. 15. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; itii pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, jver and Bowels, cleanses the eye- tent effectually, dispell colds, hesA aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the mly remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to t'ie stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and apretaw substances, its many excellent tialii! t commend it to all and have m it the most popular remedy known. Byrup of Firs is for sale In 50c and f 1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have H on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try L Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. ss rnmctsco, eu ummt, sr. m rof. .r- Thjs daily record of crime does not look like the milleniura is close at hand, unless it is a case in which the darkest hour is just before dawn. yaaaaaataaaaaaa Cmmtt aita a TtttctMS wis Solnki CMtinf . ?r-s BEECliMS liUdM.lwWMk Maamrk, SICK HEAD' -M ACHE, kf rawata rrrcacR. ot all tranta. mm sa mn a boa Illieumaiixm Cured In a Day "Mystic Cure"- for Ilheuma tism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by N. M. Johnson cz Uo. Druggist, Durham. 1 The- Republican party need not entertain much hope of breaking the solid couth untu it buries sectionalism and treats the Southern people with fair-r nessK and justice Ihe sol:d South cannot be broken by threatening it with the force bill. - Pure ami Wholesome Quality. Comraendf to public approval The California hqirid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and by acting gently on the, kidney, liver and bowels to cleanse the system effectually, it promotes the health and comfort of all who nee it, and with millions it it the best and only remedy. BDCKLfiN'3 ARNICA SAL VI The Beat Salvb in the world for Cub Brnixes, Horn, Ulcers,Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Channed Hands. Chilblains. corn and all Skin Eruptions, and jxwitivelj (Jurea nice, or no pay required, ills guar anteed to give perfect latiufaction, or money refunded. P'ioe 25 cent per box. For sale by B. Blscknall & Co. Dur'uam NO MICHAELS .4 GO'S : -NEW: ': -DRUG- - , -STOKE-J DRUGS. PATENT ATENT MEDICINES, ED1CIXES, Painst Oils. Lamps. We deliver messages at the office of any Physician in Town for the benefit of n our customers OUii 'PHONE IS NO. 8 Call or leave your message in person. "We will see that jour wants are' at tended to. QUERIES: Why is it to your interest to have your prescriptions filled at BECAUSE thef have bo physicians to rely upon in case of accident and therefore will be more careful to fill just as written, knowing the physi cians are very exacting when no pecuniary interest is at stake. Rut why is it best for Physi r?r no a Imva f r ai t fa scriptions filled at Michaels & Co? BECAUSE it frequently be comes necessary to change treatment in the case before but little of the medicine last pre scribed is used then the multi plicity of prescriptions cannot be chargeable to the pecuniary interest of the physician, as there is no doctor connected with our establishment. COR. MAIN MANOUM STREETS. DURHAM.N.C. tnar-10 MICHAELS ) v j' By calling at our store and examining x" "onr mammoiun etccit 01 CLOTHING, Goods are bought in car 'loads lots for spot cash is why I can save ; you from 25 to 40 per cent on all purchased. I carry an elegant line of ( Boys' and Mens' CLOTHING. H EAVY and FANCYp K0CERIE3 of every description. U DYR GOODS T"ta'd6M:g 4 JSBOOTS SHOES For the thousands.KS-My Store in OXFORD, at the Old Hunt Corner is filled with' the greatest bargains of the season.' So when you go to Oxford, drive direct to our place of business. ' BST T osk you who come to Durham to give me a '"Trial r 1 ' - , 1 "; v " YOUR FRIEND, , " DTTBHA3P. N-C- Between Reams and Banner Warehouse, Main street, aug 17. i ASIIEBORO WOOD AND IRON WORKS. LIANUFACTURERS OF All kinds of ROUGH and DRESSED LUMBER, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDDINGS, PORCH-COLUMNS, NEURLS, STAIR WORK, SCRALL SAWING, MANTELS, ' SASH WRIGHTS, &c, &c. Prices Cuaranteed as Low as the Lowest. . .jGlsbieeiessoies.o, nxr. o. July 27. RICHMQJN D. The Fifty-fifth Annual Session will begin SEPTEMBER 27th, i or Catalogue or other information write to DR. J. S. DORSE Y GULL EN, Dean of the Faculty and Professor of Sureery. jl. 13-3m. ' WE ARE FULL WITH OUR NEW STOCK - OF FINE Stop and take a look at them. are the very newest ana neatest A large stock of Boys suits in two or three pieces. IIHV I In an endless variety of HECKWEAB, UMBRELLAS, VALISES, WALK' ING GAMES. W. A, SLATER & CO. N. W. CORNER MAIN ST., DURHAJI. N.C- DISEASED IIOCS Cm tx brciime healthy fl !niilr 17 il' immw of (imtii. SWINE RAISERS Owe It to ttairon-Ivw n.l nctrty l' Advocate Reform In w!nr.ra!ing iliKt will inmit th-nib-lichcaHh. fhmUl I fad DR. JOSEPrl HAVS Hog and Poultry Remedy. Tlwunljrn-li(iMeni"diclnfi in. t'wd Prwfmu lHr, Arrtwtii IHw. Stuf. litcmuntlie Klh. For Sale by W. M. YEARBY, Yfurlir'n lnig Slore, Lhirlmm, J. C Pricv, ? i 50, 1 1 AO 60c. ckf. The Urv(xt m th chmtiotf. Write t Uwiinnmiak "Hng.ilogjf," 61- r t-emt fUunp Onlrt l' tiwil rcHTrn.iiiHitlitiii.ii, JOSEPH HAA, jun-22-3m. Indianapolis, I ml Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfa i in i ii ' ii ?nl MONEY SAVED!! Dry Goods, !Y VIRGINIA. of the above-named institution 1892, and continue six months. TO THE BRIM The designs and pattern Pelt, Crushers andStiils. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as Ad ministrator John Y. Cate, dee'd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims againxt said rotate to present them for payment on or befvre the Cth day of July 1 '.:, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all per sons indebted to Kaid estate will make immediate pavment. WILLIAM S. TEfeRY, Adm'r. July 8th, 1892. "ExIciTfbns NOTICE. We the undersigned having this day qualified as Execu tors of t'e last will and testament of Hold. J. Jeffreys hervby notify all persons indebted to said entate to make immediate settlement and all persons having churns aaint said estatrt to present them.to us properly venued witbta tune prewnbed by law, or this notice will be plead in bar or recovery. J uiy ldt, 18V2. Ktiia C. JKrratvs, 1 O. C. Farthixo, Executors. WESLEYAN.&mSft, If TAUNTON VIRGINIA. Pvn (Lft it, ltl. w f th fx? tfiornrS n4 urs tit H0rt fr wnf IimIi in t tomht Acvr. fttnt4i ptjtffMK lltfttAte mwnr wH. nr' frf 1rm !w, lisrln twsmBiFSjssB to S fIMI 4l ft ilMfr. I kw lrme rl flvttn'i of tfc Ite4 Virrinf ft (orftrvtfthvtMitet