DURHAM RECORDER. WEDNESDAY, Aug 24, 1892 From Saturday's IJurlmm Sun DEMOCHATSJN COUNCIL COUNTY CONVENTION HELD HERE THIS AFTERNOON. THE The Ticket Xnnied that Will Sweep the Flel -Weaverlttw autf AH. Capt. E. J. Parrish was nominated temporary chairman. Congratulat ed the body on its representative ap pearance. J. A. Robinson waa requested to act as temporary secretary. Every township was represented and it was an enthusiastic assembly. Committees, one from each town ship, were appointed on permanent orgauizition. resolutions and credos tials. . The committee on permanent or ganiaation made the following re port: Hecommend W. P. Durham for permanent chairman, and W. M. Buabee. nermanent "secretary. The report was' adopted. While waiting, J. 8. Manning and E. J. ParriKh made short talks,-., urg inir everv Democrat to co into the ' v , fight with a determination to win, ; Committee on credentials reported that every township waa represented, with no contests. - T. B. Fuller put in nomination F D. Markham for Sheriff, and H. A Reams moved that he be nominated by acclamation. This was carried and F. D. Markham was declared the nominee of the convention. 'John Pope, waa nominated for Treasurer by acclamation. Paschal Lunsford nominated for Reeister of Deeds by acclamation. I. N. Link nominated for Surveyer bv acclamation. Dr. N. M. Johnson nominated for Coroner by acclamation. At this juncture a recess waa tak en in order that the delegates might consult upon the nomination ot candidate for the Lower House of Renresentatives. Vhn the convention reassemble Mr. R. O. Russell nominated f . U Fuller in an earnest aud eulogistic " SDeech which was received with warm applause. Capt. Peay second ed the nomination of Mr. Fu'ler. lie said he had been a Democrat for 47 years and Jie never felt happier in Democratic convention, lie was nominated by acclamation, amid the greatest enthusiasm. He was called upon and ma lea short and forcible speech accepting the nomination. The committee on resolutions through Mr. Cjuringten, reported as follows: RfSOLVEP, That tUi Convention ratifies the State and National plat forms tf the l.mccratic party and declares the only safety of the pe.p! and the only tuans of relief frm their bur leas to b iu eteadfoatdu votion the priucipk and nomiucvg of that party. Resolveu, That we deeply syinpa thize with bis immediate family and with lh? people of the State in tbe death of the spotless judge and in corruptable man, the Honorable Joseph J. Davis. J. S. Manning was elected chair man of the Couuty Democratic Ex ecutive Committee. Delegates elected to the State Con vention to nominatean AsKociate Jus tice, when it is called: Joseph Tiiley, A. C. Parbam, J. r. Cain, Jr., V. P. Durham, J. E. Suit, John C. Pat tersjn. W. W. Fuller, J. S. Man ning, R. B. Booim. Junius Parker, F. L. Fuller, W. M. Bust. A motion was paed instructing the chairman to appoint tilteea dele rates to the 17 Senatorial district convention when it was called. The chair announced the following dele rates: W. H. liutison, Le Roy Pace, J. S. Carr, S. It CarringWn, Julius Parker, Lucius Green, J. T. rinuix. Benehari imeron, W. D. Lunsf ord, R. O. KwM, J. O. Latta, A. P. Stroud, J. I. Crutchfied, J. T. Xidiolr , W. It. Lyon The busine of th convention being completed Hon. A. II. A. Wil liams was called on and responded, discussing the issue of the day. .We have no space to discuss at length the conglomerated mens, or In other words, the political hash that was stewed in lialeigh Tuesday and set be fore the people of North Caro lina as a dainty dish. It (savors too much of the common old enemy we have been fighting all the time. It waa a beautiful tiight to ee Loge Harris and half a dozen other prominent Kepubucans assisting vigorous ly in making the ticket and dictating to the People's party. the masses of whom are yet too buna to see wuere tney are be ing led. As the btate Chronicle says: "Tbe people of Nortl Carolina will not lick the hand that smited them in the hour of misfortune. They may be poor, but they are brave and honest and grateful, and will not turn their backs on those who have been faithful to their interest aim true in their devotion alike in days of adversity and prosiwri ty. The hour for parleying has passed. It was too long an hour anyhow. Democrats tnust stand four square to every political wind that blows, and victory will be theirs." Itch on human and horses and allanirnals cured in 3o min ute! by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This sever fails, bold by N, M. Johnson & Co., Drug gist, Durham, IS. C. op 8 It j There is a well defined field of r usefulness , for, campaign clubs. Democrats ' should de termine ? wi thout delay to in vade the field and do service to the cause. It is a truth that does not need to be dwelt upon that there are a large number of . citizens who are patriotic and interested in the welfare and progress of the affairs of their town, city, btate l and country who do not find time to go into ponncs, even iu du small a way. They have not the time to devote to the man agement of ward politics, and thev refrain from acting ra in terference with the plans of the politicians. It is the citizens of this class who can be reached bv eamDaiim clubs. 1 he cam " . t . . . . - u Diiisrn club snouia aim to reacu everv voter, to interest him in the Questions ot tne aay, w en thuse him in Democracy, and to insoire him to eet out and vote and bring his neighbors wun him on election day. ine use- f ulness of an organization is to bring out a full vote, iney can go to the root of political power, the individual voter. t here can oe no aount oi suc cess this fail if the Democratic voters do their duty, in assist ing to bring out the voters for Cleveland: and Stevenson. If bv this means two votes in each election district in the State are m j Y V 1 7 won away irom tne nepuor.' The Michigan penitentiary has a large class in telegraphy. Mr. Hasgall lives at Scotts- vil e, Mo., and he is not a book agent, either. . Twa Yaara Shortnaaa of Breath, Paia in Sidaa, Fiut- tarlni.emotn riiic Spalla, Mnd by on bottlsof Kaw Cur. Nata AIU-MwAilanUuek.l'a. Vortkoaaandtef tatllmontala, aaa UJr. Mile,' Bnok. N.waod Stamina facta. I'UKB at dnmfUla. Taa noat valla. Ma cura fw all Heart i Mia? cu, tu siow,AJtbu,b. Diseasesa DR. MILES' MEOICAb CO., Ilkhart, InS. . BR. HILCS Jk . Tcure . ru 1111 CCI FOR THC NEW CURS 1 Khlloirn I'ttnstimptloii Cure. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Med icine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consump tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine.' Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other ifledicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it. Priee 10c, 50c. and l. Porous Piaster, S-ddby R Blacknall&Son. cans, on tne Dasis or i&&, tne victory is certain. But let each club rank,it twenty instead of two, and make the victory im pressive and emphatic. oooooooooo th amaHont Pill la the World! oWstinyPiiiso OMra wrf (mall, yrt Tnw all th ! timof thalarftvr Tntfa Filla whtchQ hs, bmaaoponi or thirty yaara. w 0 Their and augar-oa(inir row a nenltwa for the a ot clilldrea J and penon with waakatomacba, Ji'or O Sick Headache O OinTaniimiaaowwnf7 t nm ful tuaoslmilatts noorl-h tha body El and namaffuaturally without nanws Oor eripin. llothalzMof Tatta I'llla jo. are aoll by all drcrcl-ta. ItaaaamalLU lTtca, SSo. CltUco, DM Park flaoa, . . ooooo OOOj0J Enzush Spavin Liniment re moves all Hard, Soft or Cal loused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin Curbs, Sprints Sweeney, Sprains, Stales, King-Bone, all S woolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful BU'mvdi Cure ever known. Sold by N. M. Jobnwn & Co., Drug gist, Durham, JN. C. Ben Butler is said to be sadly bent with age. His fac has the look of health, but his nyis- sive frame has become an. un mistakable burden. His hands move unsteadily, while his eyes appear -swollen and 'almost hid den by the thick folds of flesh on his cheeks. Whan Baby va ilck, wa 6T" hw Castorla. Wbt w Cliild, alio ci wit f r CMtoria. Wbaa aba bnw 3i. 1 cluof to CaaWrla. Wbea the had Children. h ve Un Ctitoraa Schedule In Efrsct lin, lUilat. DIVISION better than the LYING scale agent who tells voq as .gospel truth that Ihe - JONES SCO B-TON WAC ON SCALE is not a standard scale, and ranal to any mad V For free book and price list, address 1 come to you with a small affair thalvou may need. In Englang, the Continent and niatty foreign countries, mvself and wares are well known. Many American famines on their return from abroad bring my articles with them, for they know them pretty well, but you mav not be one of thete. Confidence between man aud man hsIow of growth, and when found, its rauty makes it valuable. 1 asK vour confidence anil muke a refer- t nee to turn journal i maorse timi confidence. I do not, think it will bd misplaced. I tuuke the rest form of a cure an absolute. one tor uuiousness and headache that can' be found in this year. The cure is o small in itself, arid vet it comfort to you is so ertat 20 minutes being its limit when roliet comes that it has be come tbe marvel of its time. One ami a half gruins of meJicine, coat ed with sugar, is my remedv.in the slinpe ot one f mall pil!r known to commerce as DR. HADDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILL, it is old in the markets of Europp, but is new to North America. The price is as low as an honest medicine can be sold at 25 cents. Send a posta card far a sample vial, to trythem before you purchase. DR. HAY DUCK' 63 Fulton St., N. mar-2-l-y. t' MM, 1 1 RICHMOND & DANVILLE U. COSOEXSEn SCnEDCLB. (In effect July 2Uh, i8$2) South bound Daily. jl 27-Ct. LUMBER. LUMBER 1-Oil SALE. FLOORING, GEILNG and Weather- Boarding, Rough or Dressed, Common Inch Boards and Framing. Heart Pine Shingles. Write for prices to li.NOOE,JR., Pittsboro, N. C. June 15-3m. Grand, Square and tipnght mm mi fBll -OaLaM . A. Thompson, Ind., writes "My tUter JeniuV, when she was riiung girl, suffered from white swelling, whuh creatly impairrd I pr g-nt rl health and made her Wi-d very impure. In the spring he a not able to do anything and cu!d wrarcely g-t about. More t! vi a y"tr ago he fwk three htU of Uotahie BlfKI Balm, and now ihe Kneel I? cured." M. D. Lue, Devereaux, (U. writr: "On snmmer, setera! yan sgo. while railrokding in Mi - aiwiiiti, I laxame Ij.wlly klTeited with malarial blood fxiituo that im Haired my liw!tb fur more than tw-i year. Spf eral c.a"-nsive ukem tpjwand on my leg, and nothing wnl ta give permanent relief Until I UtV six bottle of A. U. B which cured me Ciit Hy. O. W.Chaodler, t?ef Fork. AiV. wnte: "1 was so weak that it was only With great effort that I cou'.d do ao,tbing. I oei several U.t?ls of VAmK Blood Balm, and can now do a yoA day's worlr. ' Walter Brilg-n, Athcni, Tenn4 writ; Forx y-arl hd bwti af flicted with running ws and sn en lagem'f,t of Urn Iwne in my leg. I tried eertLing I hifd of with mit any twriiiaiirit benefit until Iitafiie Bkiod I'alm was recorn wefiVd tf me. After osi.ig six ttt H the sore healed, and 1 sm how in beteer health than I have eer lin. I wnd ?1 w testimonial iio!iiileif, because I want others to be bMiefited. i Piano-Fortes. ' FifLf Years b fore the public. Uton their ezeelleoee s'o-t have attained n anmjrchaaed Pre-emlepc which estsblUhed them u nneanslled 18 TOSR. TOVCII, WOItKMXX. Mill ANO Dl'ItAUILITY. WAREEOOMSi 112Fiftb Areoae. New York, S3 ti 24 E.Bjlnmort ft Ball!. 81 1 1 SOUTH BOUND.R. THE m EOUTF: . COXDKXSCD THROtfll! HHEDCtE. Lv. IMnviIIe, 8 30am Lv. Kaleigb, Lv. Durham, Lv. (laeeoi'xro, Lv. Cliarolotte, 80CTM BOCSD. Lv. Chester. 8. C, Lv. Columbia, Ar. Denmark, " Ar. Fai'fax, Ar. Havsniiah, 0, Ar. WavcroM, " Ar. Brunswick, w Ar.,Albauy, 830 305am 5 07 a m 1020 am I bo p m 3 29p m 6.1 s p in ?21pu p 10.45 pm . 43 am UOp oi 4.20 p. m 1123 sm 3.00 p m 1. 49 p.m 2.31 p m 3 41 p in 8 20 p tn 12.00 G July No. 9. ' No 1 Lv Richmond, 3 00 pm 3 20 am Ar Burkevilir, 5 03 pm fl 00 am Lv Kevsville, o 42 pm 5 44 am Ar Danville, 8 01 pm 8 0(1 am Ar (ireensboro, 10 10 pin 10 H Lv Goldsboro, 4 00 ; m 7 45 pm Ar Raleuh, 6 00 pm 11 30 pm LvKaleig!i, 6 15 nm 700am !.v Uarbaui, 7 22 pm 7 S3 am Ar Greensboro, 10 00 im 10 am Lv winstoncalem 8 23 pm 8 50 am Lv Greensboro, 10 20 pm 1020 A r Salisbury, 12 12 am 1200 U Statesrille, " 35 am 1 0!) pm r Abbeville, 7 50 am 5 58 am Ar Hot Springs 10 30am - 758 pui U Snlubury, 12 22 a-n 12 03 Ar Charlotte, 2 00 am 1 30 pm Ar Spartaiiburg, 5 00 am 4 18jitn Ar Greenville. 5 10am 5 24 pm Ar Atlanta, 11 25 pm 10 30 " Lv Charlotte. 2 10 am 1 50 tm At olumbi.i, 6 07 am 6 Oil pm Ar Augusta, 9 37 am 0 15 f XOkTU DUI'JCD -DAILT. No. 10. lo. 121 Lv Augusta, . 7 00 pm 8 15 pm Lv Columbia, 10 60 pm 1 1-wpni Ar Charlotte, 3 10 am 4 30 am Lv Atlaots, 8 50 pm 8 05 pm Ar Charlotte. 6 10 am 6 00 pm Lv Charlotte, 7 00 am 6 30 pm Aralisbury, ' 8 27 am 810 pm Lv Hot Springs, 7 25 pm 1239pm Lv Aheville, 9 00 am 2 30 pm Lv Statesville, 2 50 am 7 01 pm Ar Salisbury, 4 00 am 7 51 pm Lv Salisbury, 8 37 sm 8 25 pm ArUreenb ro,1020am 10 20am A winstonswlem 11 40 sm 12 10 sm Lv Greensboro, 10 30 sm 11 05 sm Ar Duiham, 12 24 pm 1 02 am Ar Raleigh, t 23 pm 2 00 sm Lv Ralegh, 1 28 pm 8'45 am Ar Gol Jb.iro, 3 05 pm 12 30 pm Lv Greensboro, 10 30 am 10 40 pm Ar Danville, 12 10 pm 12 45 am Ar Keysvilie, 2 50 pm 3 35 sm Ar Bui-keville, 3 31 pm 4 19 sm Ar Richmond, 5 30 pm 0 20 sm - 'Daily, fpaily except Sunday. DUliHAM LEAVES- DURHAM, N. C. 00 a. in. TTaily for Lvnchburg and Wav Stations.' 0:30 a. in. . j , a 1 Arrive Lynchburg l.ua pm. -Anu wav Stations 3. a0 pin.-a.oo pm uauy r Lvncnoura ana vvuy oiauiiB. rains arrive at Durham Daily 0.45 Arrive at Lvni-hl-urg 805 pin. All rains, Durham Division, arrive a nd deniirt from 12th Street bta tion. Lvnchbai T. Va. Winstou-balem Division. lienve Winston S hin 7.15 am., daily Arrive ltoanoke 12.1a am. MAIN-' LINE MSI B0UN l.KAVE LTKCHBUBB DAILY. 5.20 am. for Roanoke, Radford, Piilski, Brutol. Parlor I ar to ioauoke. t'ul niaii hleeper ltoanoke to Monmlas via Knoxville aud Chattanooira. 7:25 a m.. for Konnoke, ltadtoru, ulnski, Bristol; also for Bluclield, oenhontas, Elkhorn and stations Clinch Vallev Division; also for Lou sville and stations L. & N. R It. via Norton. Also for all sta tions- Winston-Salem Division via Roanoke. Pullman Sleeper ivnchbiirstoLouisvi'Ie via Norton. 2:35 p. m Duily, for Roanoke, and intermediate stations. Has no connections beyond ltoanoke. ' EASTBOKSn LKAVE LYNCHBCBO DAILY 9:55 a m, for Richmord and Petersburg and Norfolk. Arrives Petersmirir at 1:25 p. m, connect ing with Bicbraond aud l'eters- bure Rniroad. arriving in luch- moud at 1:15. Arnve at rorloiK 6.00 rm. H:3i a m. Arnveretersburg 4:15 m, connecting with R- & I . II K dailv; r.rnve Kichiuuiid 7:47 am,; arrive N- rfolk 7:00 a m. Pullman Palace sleeper to Norfolk Also Pullman Palace Sleepr be tween l.rnckLurg and Richiuand This car will be rpadv at Lynch burg at 9:00 p m. for reception of passengers. v. at B p m. tor lticnniond, rt-tcrs-burg Norfolk; arrive Hi. haiond 7:50 p ni. iSorfolk 9:20 p in Pullman Parlor Buffet Car to Norfolk. WJN3TON-SALEM DIVISION. 8:00 a in., Daily ex ept Sunday, for Koanoke and av Muttons, 1:00 p m.. Daily except Sunday for latnsvi!.e only. "Washington and ChattHiioK Imiied, ' a tram of Pulluir.n crotch es and r-!"i mir tar runs a.niv via H. SILVEisTflORM. J E W E L E R. 912 HAIH STREET, 2 fclNCBHSUlpG, VA.. CATALOGUE AND PRICK LIST. mar 23 ly. . jijicfflsiiHo;, SUCCESSORS ;T0 W NICK. BEDFCRD 1 1 w. MULE MILLINERS, Manufacturers of Fine Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Collars, Hal ters, and everything necessary for the outfit of a mule or horse Turf goods a specialty. A full line of liianiceis, koih-s ana Sheets. KITCIIELL'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT, full and well assorted stock always on hand of SADDLERY HARDWARE GENUINE ARMY OFFICERS OLD McCLEL- AN SADDLES and POCKETS. feb-17. S. II, HAWES & GO. DEALERS IN Plaster, A2J A rJT, Ar. Callahan, Fls., Ar. Fernandas," Ar. Waldo, " A r. Gainesville, " Ar. Deals, Ar. Tamps, " Ar JackwiaviUe " Ar. rit Augm oe" 2 20 p m Ar. Mtd, 4 40 p tn Ar. Tampa, 8.50 pm Trains north r.f Coiumbi run by Eentern ot 75tb meridisn time. Trains south of Col nm his run br Central of will inendisn time. For information apply to: J. V. Uakhitt, Jr. - (Jrn l Pass. Agt. Savannah, Oa. T. It.Sf.AtiK, Tray. Pass. Agt. ' Columbia, 8. C. srrwEKsr wcstpoixt rxhxoxd. Leave West Point 7 50 sm daily, and 8 50 sm daily except Sunday and Monday; srrire Richmond 9 10 snd 10 40 sm. Returning leave Richmond 3 10 and 4 40 pm d.tily except Sunday; arrive at West Point 5 00 snd 6 pm. BETWEEN KICHMO.VD AXD BAt EMU VIA KEVSVILLE. Leave Kithmond 3 00 pm daily; leave Keysvilie 6 00 pm; arrive Ox ford 8 03 pm; Henderson 9 05 pm., Durham V 35 pm, Raleigh 10 41 pro. Ketnrning leave Raleigh 9 15 sm, daily. Durham 10 25 sin, lien derson 1005 am, Oxford 11 45 am; araive Ke sville 2 00 pm, Rich mond, 5 30 pm. Through coach between Richmond and ltateigh. Mixed train leaves Keysvilie daily etcept Sunday 9 10 am: ar rives Durham C 20 pm; leaves Dur bam 7 15 amdai'r etcept Sunday; arrives Oiford 9 10 sm, Leaves Durham 7 50 pm daily except Sun day; arrives Keysvilie 2 10 sm; Leaves Oiford 3 00 sm except bun day; arrives Durham 5 00 sm Add.tional trains leave Oxford d.iily except Sunday 11 50 sm ar rive Henderson 1245 pm, Return ing leave Henderson C 30 and 9 40 Bit, daily etcept Sunday; arrivt xford 7 35 and 10 45 pm. No. 9 leaving Ooldaboro 1215 pm and Releigb 0 40 pm daily, makes connection at Durham with No. 40, leaving at 7 50, except Sua day. for Oifoid snd Keysvilie. Nos. 8 and 12 connect at Rich mond from and to West Point and Haltimors daily except Sunday. W.A.TUUK. Ass't Oen-'lPssAgt Charlotte, Jr. c M3.L.TA.YLUR, U.P. A MliMiainiua'i allev r Ute, Aoyilfig oi.ly at Lut.iv, S!ifii.ridi:h, nnir, li,oau'4e a.l Riflf.)rd. L-ave Rfm- anoke, Nnh ilniiud 8,(H) tin North C')iii.l 12.40 mhf. ALLLN HUM, Truvelling l Agt. lioanols', Va V. U. lib V ILL, U. 1. & I . Agt. uant ke, a. n:ay-l 1? RICHMOND, VA. THE PLACE FORt! ARGAINS TLATIC and DANVILLE RAILWAY. DO YOU WANT Alfred P. 'I hom, Receiver. Schedule in Effect Decemler 7, '91 trains leave Danville, EaMWiBO. -No. 2. No. C Stations. Daily Lv Danville 8 30 am Milton, 9 02 am Cunningham, 9 30 am Dciiiston Juu'n 9 55 am RulTalo Jrfnc'n 11 sm Clarksville, 11 12 am A WATCH. A CLOCK. A LACE PIN A COLLAR BUTTON. A RING. AI'K. SLEEVE BUTTONS. A PAIR EAR R1NC3. A SET OF SPOONS, If so, Hcnd for onr Ca taloguc, and you'll buy. HI HOUSE Jt-ffrp, 1125 am iloydton, 11 43 sm Ar LawiencevHI 110 pm 2 45 pm 3 53 pin 4 VI pm 5 20 pm 5 30 pm o 4- pin 7 pm 7 30 pm No. 4 6 15 am 7C9 am 8 15 am dcc-3 JSWLERT PJ. JOHUSON & SOSS.- 1023 MAIM 8TREET. LYNCHBURC. VA. 8 57 9.45 sro am Lv f awreacevi!) 1 10 pm IVlfield, . 2 05 pm Franklin 3 27 pm Suffolk 4 10 pm Ar Portsmouth S 00 inn tONNECTKiXS. At Dennixton with Lynchburg k Durlum Railway fur South Boston, Durham kc. At J ffress with Richmond and Danville for ChaVe City, Oxford, I Iender-wn, Durham, Uaieigh, ic At Portsmouth with the N. Y., PandN. -Railway, (Cnje Charles li'oute.) and Hay Line Steamers for Old Point Comfort, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, lJiton and all points North. With Nor folk and Virg-nia I'ctch Railroad to the I'rinwiM Anne and Ocean Shore l'ark Hotels. wtsruoi-xn. No. I. Rations. Daily. No 3. Daily. Lv. Portsmouth 10 00 am Suffollc 10 49 am Franklin 11 32 am iSelfieM, 122pm At iLMtr.cuill 1 3 pm Lr LswrcnccviU Iloydton, 1 43 pm Jeff r, 3 60 pm Clarke ville 4 03 pm Buffalo June. 4 17 fun DenniVn Jun. 5 32 pm Cunningha , 5 50 pm Milk i. , 618 pm Ar Danville Q 45 pm 315 pm 4 10 pm 502 pm 6 24 pm 7 15 pm No. o. 6 30 sm 8 05 am 8;:;o am 8 42 sm 8 fi-1 sm 1)55 sm 1019am 10 47am 11 20 am S. H. HAWES &C0v DEALERS IN -RICHL10MD--VA " O.M. HUG tin.4?, Manage. GOODWIN LEE, Soliciting Agt. MwfeklrfylUfctte 'nl al hHn aiui. Kit Mln. Han nf mm iimlara.nl t R, H M t(KII.I.Vy M II. Wa Ms v.VlUiw4, IS ki taw M, HARDWARE. We have alargcr stock than ercr. Sco our No, 7 Coo Stoves for 10.00, 16 00 and 18-00.. Seo our Steves f:r Packing Bams, CROCKEETi Hall blips, Library Lamps, and a Limps) . Cim and RPOltTIXU GOOas. ALL ATOLuntlCfcSj LOWEST PRICES AT LLOYD'S Hardware Store. ' -' a. M..a. a, a.. aM. rMhtaM --! ma m M, M. a. Ma, tftaa.,, anatt.