It is said that Blocks-of-Five Dudley is willing to bet that the Democrats, do not carry In diana by 20,000 majority. As thi ia Mr. Harrison's State, the Democrats will not act piggish about it, but will be satisfied with 15,000; Theke was snow in th State of New York yesterday around Rochester and Watertown. DURHAM RECORDER. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 12, 1892. mi C. A. Thompson, Ind., writes: "My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suffered rrom white swelling, which greatly impaired her general health ana made her blood very impure. In the spring Bhe was not able to do anything and could fcarcely get about. More than a year ago she took three bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, and now she is perfectly cured.' JI. D. Lane, Devereaux, Ga., writes: "One summer, several years ago. while railroading in Mis sissippi. 1 became naaiy anectea with malarial blood poison that ini paired my health for more than two veare. Several offensive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seemed to eive permanent relief until I took six bottles of 3. B. B which cured me ent'relT." G. W. Chandler. Red Fork. Ark writes: "I was so weak that it was only with great effort that I could b an thiuz. I uel several bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, and can now do a good day's work. Walter Bridges, Atnens, Tenn., writes: "r or six years 1 had been af Aided with ranmag sores and ai en lacemeht of the bone in my leg. oried everything I heard of with tut any permanent benefit until Botanic Blood Halm was recom mended to me. After using six bottles the sores healed, and! am now in bcteer health than I have ever been. I send tbis testimonial unsolicited, because I want others jo be benefited." English Spavin Liniment re mores all Hard, Soft or Cal loused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin Curbs, Sprints, Sweeney, Sprains, Stifles, King-Bone, all Swoolen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by N. M. Johnson & Co., Drug gist, Durham, X. C. AH OLD VETERAN. (25 fU JJerlaartitar, taraiia. rj4Bi w ah. wufiw Bjra VU na Mil. fkrtHitau war t aeatali. WcU ex. vmiv araYnoerivf kroaa kta T4 afa litaa mttt4 f.rMkai Attaaka knt Pmti4 rahaf !'.. aMflffnrta hrvuM Srln. Trial ua an airrant rHJte HCrvttM. I. mlM' MSDICAL CO.. tlfcMMt. tlK. P"OXJTS'S NORSK AND CATTLE POWDERS TVK. V 9'mtf rnwom V9 mt n tiw. f"Vn win ffrnm 0r l r.IA fmw Pnw4m tll Iftrw ("MliT at WiU M manivaaqt fatmbuMniki Iba kMMrlm rnwmm wiu. an. Tnru.'ti. feat twrwawa. satis a, rom !, BaXTUtOU. m. For Sale br W.M. YEARBY Druggist, Durham, N. C. Milloh'a CoiiHumption Cure. This is beyond question the most successful Cough Med icine we have ever sold, a few doses invariably cure the worst canes of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consump tion is without a parallel In the hiiitory ut medicine. Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine can stand. If you have a cough we earnestly ank you to try it. Tries 10c., 6jc. and ft. Porous Pfaeter. Bold by K. Blackball & gov. From the lurbam Fun, The Charlotte News says, Mr. Julian S. Carr left New York for Bos ton last Wednesday afternoon, for the purpose of buying an outfit J)i cotton milling machinery for a J new mill at Purl am. The machinery he expects to purchase will.cost $75,000. AN EXPOSURE OF THE GAME. , Dalby'a Gamo "'Showed" Vp by W, T. Adams at Wllktns, The Oxford Day of Thursday says: W. T. Adams, who isone of the most prominent farmers of Granvillo county and a member of the last leg islature and until recently a leading man in the Third party, made a peeca to a good size crowd at Wil- kins Saturday night. Mr. Adrnns stated that while he w;;s still for the reforms demanded by the Omaha platform, he had found out there was no chanco to obtain them through the Third party. He said that Dr. A. J. Dalby told him that all he (Duiby) was after was to get two hundred mea in this couuty, who have heretofore afllidtud with the Democratic party, to vote the Third party ticket at the approach j ing election, and with that number he would defeat the Democrats and elect the Republicans! Immediately after learning that this was their scheme, Mr. Adams withdrew from the Third party. He said he knew what Republicanism was that instead of promising to help the people out of their troubles the radicals had in view measures to pile on heavier burdens. He believes in white supremacy and honest gov ernment, and he told his friends that their only hope of relief for the far mers from the legislative ill under which they suffer is through the Dem ocratic party. Mr. Adams' speech created a sen sation and was repeateuly ana heartily cheered. THE CEDAR FORK BE-UNI0K. GOO People I'rtM-nt ud 108 Old Veteran. Yesterday was a mcmorablo day at Cedar Fork. It was t he Just re union of North CnrtlinaGrays, Com pany I, Ctb X. C. Regiment. Sixty- seven of this company, that numbered 120 men thirty years ago, are bow living and thirty one were present at this re union. With these old war-scarred veterans there assembled yesterday at Csdar Fork some five hundred people to participate in a re-union and the re turn of the colors from Col. T. Y Biggins, 2Sth Ohio Regiment. One hundred and eight Confederate veterans, headed by the Durham band, formed upon the old drill ground and marched to the stand that bad been erected on one portion of the grtuncLj. In the procession they bore the stars and stripes. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. C. D. Ilolraan. Mrs. F. L. Lowe, on behalf of Col. Higguis, re presented the colors of the company to the living survivors of that com pany. She is the only living sur vivor of the la'lies who were instru mental in having the flag made Her address was very touching, and spoke of the struggles tl-y endured, while the toys were on ti nted Holds. She spoke ia a very patriotic manner of the return of the nag Iy Col. Hig gins. Lt. D. C. Ounter, for the company, received it in a very neat speech re counting the trials of the company and the territory over which the flag went. Maj. It. W. York delivered the his torical address. He ppoke for some thing like an hour and a quarter. It was full of reminiscence of the career of thecompany, and he gather ed up many interesting facts connect ed with that memorable time. Sergeant C. L. Williams, called the roll for the lat time. Out of 120, thirty-one answered "here." HT thn was an lntermtwMon and dinner. A table was upeciafly pre pared for the veterns and the others ate in pic-nic faxhion. In the afternoon Maj. It. W. York tendered the colors to the State, and the flax was received by Col. Eugene littrrell. The "UonquiTed Banner was read by Lt. M. li. Btrbee, after which short addresses were made by J. C. Birdgsnd Cnpt, J. 8. Lock- hart. ..ctoorw. ttv a atos - tptoqjadO'.. uii l iinsRjdx9Aq)uac jc;iicujij-rij XiiltiniOA pu uonrti'Kyu qcniA 8wuic -UOS 'jJ J T1!!"" .. SS3HACJV 0 llOOfi v-TiHU l".m ii)ow JO 9JH K'SV.VQ S9!1CI'.'.!IUIQ 'uE0 USSS3T joqir swuoqsH "atfOWONYH jo) psuiitp $1 inj u oa miM .SJ3!lX0hl UMOu)unop?ii!ijatiuEuiB uipjiuq -UJ039iC S)M9ipiStl 'UOISSSj ojd le.psiu t)Xq ssn jufjsuoj ut put anjrA paziiifojaj jo jusip -sjSu) iCA 'juouiiir psjtdsjd Kt -SUjJUS B S H OK3IHJ .smhiow JASVa 3(IVhl RUna cniHD "One hour in , Church" was the unique sentence imposed by a Pennsylvania mayor upon two men charged with drunkenness. It is said to have made a com plete cure in both cases. We doff our hat to the new Solomon. The Goldsboro Headlight says the charge that Maryann Butler received a check for $300 from the National Repub- ican executive committee can . be amply sustainea oy most excellent authority. That pi per also says that while he was at Concord he received another check for the same amount, and Col. Tipton, of Shelby, dares him to deny it. If Butler is not worldng in the interest of the Republicans, what is he do ing? . ii.ii urn oooooooooo m n A Tun 1 . X0tA t tumcriheterK Xutt' H1U which Q Iuito bxn mt V"P tor thirty jcara. OThflr lw an anear-aoaime; mb. Aond tl cia for tha uaa of children ajxl prraou with weak atomaeiu. JToc O Sick Headache Otltrr era iDTalnabl as tboy caaaa th ftHHl t-jaKlruilaUH aooriiJi tha bodyCp i RaHAi,fllriM.!iwitiiMtMna Ooreriuinc HotbalxMorTaU'aPUlaA ere abll brail dmircMa. Doaaainall.0 Frioe, SSc. OOlec, 3 Park Plaoa, K. X. OOOOOOOOOO Itch on human and horses and allanimals cured in 30 min utes by WooJford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Hold by N. H. Johnson Sc Co., iJrug gut, Durham, K. V. ap 8 tf Then Babr wu lok. we g ker Castorla. When ihe ii n CiiiU, the 01 led for CasWrl. When the bcoanx- he Clung to Canto-Ik. Wben she l:'l f "i.lMrn. e se them Critori ONE WORD. 1 come to you with a small affair that yon may need. In Englang, the Continent and many foreign countries, myself and wares are well known. Many Americnu f.uuilios on their return from abroad bring my articles with them, for they know them pretty well, but you may not bo one of these. Confidence bet ween man and man is slow of growth, and when found, its runty makes it valuable. I ask your confidence and make h refer ence to this Journal to indmse that coiifiilescp. I do not think it will be misplaced. 1 ... L . it., l. ll . l wane tue ' ebuuiuj ui u l ine ... A . an absolute one lor biliousness andheadach that can be found in this vear. The cure is o small in itself, and yet its comfort to you is ho creat- 20 minutes ui its hunt whi-n r!ief coires ilmt it has be come the marvel of its time. 0n and a half grains of medicine, coat ed with 8ui;ar, is my remedy, in 'he shape oi one miiuII pili, known to commerce s DR. IIAYDOCK'S NEW LIVER PILL. It is old in the markets of Europe, but u new to North America. The price is as low as an honest medicine can be sold at 25 cents, fend a postal card far a sample vial, to try them, before you purchase. Drt. HAY DUCK 03 Fulton St., . nmr-2-1-y. Gkeen B. Racsi will take the stump in Illinois. That may ac count for his having been re tained in office after that House emmittee's report. The man who said that brain was greater than muscle in this age has not kept pace with pugilist Corbett's triumphant tour across tie country. Grand, Square and Upright RICHMOND & DANVILLE 11. II. CONDENSED SCHEDfLF.. (In effect July 2 Hh, 1892) South bound Daily. No. 9. Noll Lv Richmond, 3 00 piu 3 20 am Ar Buikr-ville, 5 01$ jni Lf Kejsrillc, S 42 pin Ar Danville, o 01 pm Ar -'rp( nbboro, 10 10 pm Lv Goldisboro, - 4 00 m Ar ftaleih, 0 00 pm Lv Rileigh, 6J5pm Lv I'nriiuui, 7 22 jm Ar Greensboro, 10 00 pin Lv winstongaleni 8 25 pm Lv Greensboro, 10 20 pra Ar Salisbury, 12 12 am Ar Statesville, 35 am Ar Asheville, 7 &0 am Ar Hot Springs 10 30am La Salisbury, 12 22 am Arlharlotte, 2C0sui Ar Spartanburg, 6 CO am Ar Greenville, ft 10 am Ar Atlanta, ll!25rmi Lv Charlotte, 2 10 am Ar Columbia, 6 07 am Ar Augusta, 0 37 am A WuiuMi'a jiMccry "AEothc wonderful discovery tins ! e'b i.iii !ul that by a Uny iuti.iK county. D mi4 fileoe 1 its clutch s opu her an I for seven years ihe witli'tio.1 iu Mfcrest tens, but L'r fltil oraoi were ondcrmintd and det'i aoaoied eminent. For three months lie coughed ineMintly and !uld nut le'-p. Hbe Wjiht of o bottle it Vr Kicgi e Dicover (or Connumption and was so tracti relieved on L,kin? fint m thst she il pt til blgbt Hbi with nne bottle i has been nurscolouiiy currd Hrr name is Mrs. Lutuer IiU." Tbos write VV. C. Uamrick A Co.,of Hhel by N. C-Get a fres trial bottle at li ukci'ls & Kous, Piano-Fortps. Fifty Year before the public. Upon their eicellence alone have attsinf d so nnnurchsaeJ whirl, established them as ODau!led in toxi Torcn, woukmnx- Al Uf UAU1LITV. i. , ia 'j -,-! tr"t -11 jil s--- v. WAREEOOMS: 112Fifth Atenue. New York, 21 and 21 E.Blnraore FU BaItL81 ,' Waahington, D. 0 18 H 80UTH BOUND R. R . THE S155BII1 ROUTE: CONFESSED THROl'GH BHEDCLr.. Lv. Danville, 8.30 am Lr. Kaleigb, 3 (IS a m Lv. Dm ham, 5 07am Lv. (taeensboro, 10 20 a m Lv. Cliarolotte, 1 50 p in SOUTH BOUXD. Lv. Chester. 8. C. 3 2) p u Lv. t!nlumbnt,M 5.15 p pi, A r. I Jen mark," 7.21 pin Ar. Fairfas. ' ' 82p.m Ar. favannah, Oa, 10.43 pm Ar. Waycros. " 9. 45 a:u Ar. l5rouiwick, M 110pm A r. Albany, 4.20 p. m Ar. Callahan, Fia , 1 1 23 am Ar. Fernandina," 3.00 p m Ar. Valdo, " 1.4p.m Ar. GainesviUe, " 2.31 p m Ar. Ocala, " 3 lip in Ar. Tampa, 820pm ArJackaoovine" 1200 Ar. St Augus new 2 20 p m Ar. Sanford, " 4 40 p m Ar. Tampa, 850pm Trains noKh of Columbia run by bastero or 75th meridian time, Trains south of Colombia ran by ventral of vOth meridian time For information apply to: , J. F. lUnhiTT, Jr. Geni Pass. Agt. Savannah, Oa. T, II. SLAtiE, Trar. Pass. Agt. Columbia, S. C. XOP.TH BOrsUDalLT. 5 00 am 5 44 siu S 0U am 1011 7 45 pm 11 30 pm 7U0m 753 am 10 am 8 50 am 1020 1200 1 09 pm 5 f8 am 758 pm 12 0SV 1 30 pro 4 18i.m 5 24 pm 10 SO 1 50 pm G 00 pu: 9 25 pm 12 am am No. 10. Ko, Lv August, 7 00 pm 8 15 pm Lv Columbia, 10 all pm l i h pm Ar Charlotte, 3 10 am 4 30 am Lv AtUnta, 8 50 pm 8 0a p: Ar Charlotte. 6 to am H 00 pm Lv Charlotte, 7 00 am 6 30 pm Ar'alifbury. 8 27 am 8 10 imi Lv Hot Springs, 1 25 pm 1 2 39 pm Lv A-lierille. 9 00 am 2 30 pm Lv SUtearille, 2 50 am 7 01 J Ar Salisbury, 4Uiam i bi ia Lv Salisbury, 8 37 am S 25 pm ArGreenb-ro,10 20am 10 20 am A winatonHalem 11 40 am 1210 am Lv Greenbboro, 10. Ut am 11 05 am Ar Durham, 12 24 pm- 102 ArKHh-itfh, 123 pm 2 00 Lv ItaleiKb, lzspm 4d tin Ar GoM.b.,ro, 305 pm 1230m Lt G reencboro, 1 0 30 a ru 10 40 pm Ar Dannlle, 12 10 pm 12 45 am Ar Keyv:i!e. 2 50 pm 3 3.1 am Ar liu.keviile, 3 3lpm 4 IU am Ar Richmond, 5 30 p:n 6 20 am 'Daily, tl'aily eieept Sunday. hetwkes west potxt a r:cuvosii. Leave Went I'oint 7 50 am daily, and 8 50 am daily except Sunday nd Monday; arrive Richmond 9 10 and 10 40 am.' Returning leave Richmond 3 10 and 4 40 pm daily except Sunday; arrive at Wert Point 5 00 and 6 pm. BETWKEX RICHMOND AXD RAL EIGH VIA KEY8VILLE. Leave Richmond 3 00 f m daily; leave Keysville 0 00 pm; arrive Ox ford 8 03 pm: llcndemon 9 05 pm.. Durham M 35 pm, Raleigh 10 41 pm. Iteturuiu leave Raleigh 9 15 am, daily. Durham 10 25 am, Hen derson 1005 am, Oxford 11 45 am; araive Ke iville 2 00 pm, Rich mond, 5 30 pm. Through coach between Richmond and Raleigh. Mixed train leaves Keysville daily except Sunday 9 10 am: ar rives Durham 6 20 pm; leave Dur ban! 715 smdai'y except Sunday; arrives Oxford 9 10 am, Leaves Durham 7 50 1 m daily except Snn day; arrives Keyiville 2 10 am; Leaves Oifr rd 3 00 am except Sun day; arrives Durham 5 (K) am Add.ti nal trains leave Oxford daily except Sunday 11 50 am ar- nve Uendenon 1245 pm, upturn ing leave Henderson G 30 and 9 40 8m, daily except Sunday; arrivi xford 7 35andl0 45mii. No. 9 leaving Goldftboro 1215 pm and Rileigh 6 40 pm daily, maker connection at Durham with No. 40, leaving at 7 50, ext ent Sun dav. for Oxfoid and Keynville. Nos. tsnd 12 conneit at Uirh mond from and to Weft Point and UaltiDiore daily except Sunday, W. A. TURK. A't Gon-'lt'anAftt Charlotte, ir.c J A3. I TA.xLv)i( O. V. A rVHatlDlkiWestEroHll. Schedule In Effect July i tit, i avu. DURHAM DIVISION. LKAYES DUKHAM,. N. 0. 00 a. m. Diiily for Lvnchburg and Way Stations. 6:30 a. m. Arrive liyncliburg l.uo pm. Ana wav Stations 3.30 t)m.-2.55 pm daily for Lvnchhurg and Way Stations. rams arrive at Durham Uitilv 0.45 Arrive at Lyucblurg 805 pm. All trains, Durham Division, arrive at and depart from 12th Street Sta tion, Lynchburg, Va. Win8tou-alem Division. Leave Winston S-lem 7.15 am., daily Arrive Roanoke 12.15 am. ' MAIN LINE- EST BOUND, LEAVE LYNCHBCEO DAILY. 5.20 am. for Roanoke, Radford, uLski. Bristol. Parlor Car to Roanoke. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Memphis via Knoiville and Chattanoosa. 7:25 a ra.. foruoanoke, Kadford, 'uliu-ki, Bristol; also for Blue field, Pocuhontaf, Elkhorn and stations linch Valley Division; also for ouisville and stations L. & N. R, It. via Norton. Also for all sta tions iVtiuston-aalem Uivision via Roanoke. Pullman Sleeper Lyuchbure to Louisville via Is or ton. 2:35 p. m.. Daily, lor Itounoke, snd intermediate stations, lias no connections beyond Roanoke. EASTBOUND LEAVE LTXCHBCRG DAILY 9:55 a m, for Richmord and etersburg and Norfolk. Arrives etersourg at 1:25 p. m, connect ig with Richmond and Peters burg Railroad, arriving in Rich mond at 1 :15. Arrive at Aoriollt 6.00 pm. 11:35 a m. ArnvePetershurg 4:15 a m, connecting with R. & P. R- R. daily: arrive Richmond 7:47 a ni,; arrive j.t riou :w a ra. i ruumau falace Sleeper to Norfolk. Also rullman l'ulace bleeper be tween Lvnchburg and Richmand. 1 his car will be read v at Lynch burg at 8:00 p m. for reception of passengers. 2:05 p m. tor Kicnmond, iVters- burg Norfolk; arrive h'ichmond 7:50 p m. Norfolk 9:20 p m. Fullman farlor liutlet Uar to Norfolk. WINSTON-SALEM DIVISION. 8:'K) a tn.. Daily except Sunday, f.r Roanoke and Way Stations. 4:00 p m.. Daily except Sunday for iamn-iville only. "Wa-biujzton and Chattanooga Limited." a train of Pullman coach- fs and sleeping cars runs daily via Shenandoah Valley route, stopping only at Luray, Shenandoah, Basic, Ueanoke and Kuiiford. Leave Koa Hiioke. rxiith ISound 8,00 am rth Bound 12.40 nurht. ALLEN HUH, Travelling Pass. Act. Koanoke, Va. W. B. BKVILL,0. P.4T. Agt. Roanoke, Va. !). SILVERTIIORN, J E W E L E R. 912 KAIN STREET, , 11 NCERM MIMdn, VA., CATALOGUE AND P.'RICE LIST. mar 23-ly. sy-; jif u. fl. II h CO., SUCCESSORS TO W NI3K- REDFORD ft MULE MILLINERS, Mann fntiirora nt Finn Harness. Saddles. Bridles. Collars. II al ters. and everything necessary for the outfit of a mule or horae Turi goods a specialty. Aiuunnooi jiu.ujLi.a, awoc uu Sheets. ' ; - KITCUELL'S CELEBRATED LIN 151 EN 1. full on,t vaII nsanrtAil Rtock ftl wavs on hand of SADDLERY HARDWARE GENUINE ARMY OFFICERS OLD McCLEL AN SADDLES and POCKETS, feb-17. S. H, HAWES & G0. DEALERS IN TIj)iiiim.&9 Plaster, may-4-ly RICHMOND, VA. TLATIC and DANVILLE RAILWAY. Alfred P. 1 bom, Receiver. Schedule Tn Effect December 7, '91. Trains leave Danville, EASTWARD. No. 2. Stations. Daily Lv Danville 8 80 am Milton, 9 02 am Cunningham, 930 am Den is top Juu'n 9 &5am Buffalo J unc'n 11 am Clurksville, 1112 am Jetfrens, 1125 am Bojdton, 1143 am Ar Lawiencevill 1 16 pm No. 6 245 pm 2 45 pm 853 pm 4 21pm fi 20 pm 5 30 pm 5 43 pm 607 pm 730 pm No. 4 C 15 am 709 am 8 15 am 8 57 urn 9 .45 am Lv f awreoceyill 1 10 pm Beltield, ,2 05 pm Franklin 3 27 pm Suffolk 4 10 pm Ar Portsmouth 5 M pin CONNECTIONS. AtDenninton with Lynchburg & Durham Railway for South Boston, Durham ic. At JfHress with Richmond and Danville for Cha City, Oxford, llendenon. Durham, Kaieigh. 4c At Portsmouth with the N. Y., P and N. Railway, (Cape Charles l.'oute,) and Bay Line Steamers for Oil Point Comfort, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Byton and all omU North. With Nor folk and Virginia Beach Bailroad to the Prinreiit Anne and Ocean Shore Park Hotels. WEsritocxo. No. 1. No 3. Stations. Daily. Daily. Lv. PorUmoutb 10 00 m 3 15 pm Suffolk 10 49 am 4 10 pm Franklin 11 32 am COS pm lVlii.-IJ, 12 52 pm 6 20 pm Ar Lawrence v ill 13 piu 7 15 tun No. o. Lv Lawrencevill 6 30 am Bovdton, 1 43 pm 8 05 am Jeffrey, 3 SO pm fcJ'Ml am Clarksvilln 4 03 pm 6 42 am Builalo Jane. 4 17 pm 8 o-l am Dennis'n Jun. 5 32 pm 955 am Cunningha , t 60 put 1019 am Alilton. 611pm 10 47 am ArDanvilli 6 45 pm 1120am O. M. UVaWK, Manager. GOODWIN LEE, Soliciting Agt. i V -' I a i i wi l II M VOiil.l,r.r.M l. THE PSiGE mil BARGAINS A WATCH. A CLOCK. A LACE PIN ' A COLLAR BUTTON. A RING. -APb. SLEEVE BUTTONS. A PAIR EAR RINGS. A KV.T flV KPOONS. If BO send for our Ca Ulopfuc, and you'll buy. DO YOU WANT JEWLERT HOUSE dec-3 FJ.JDIK&K,: I028:MAINSTREETLYNCHBURC. va. S. H.HAWES&C0,, DEALERS SIN RICHMOND.--VA- HARDWAEE. a Wo have alargcr stock than ever. JSuo our No. 7 Coo Stoves for 10,00, 15 00 and 18 00.. Beo our Steves f:r Pactinj; Sams, O ROCKERY! Hall Lnmps, Library Lamps, and a'LampsiJ GU.HSand 8POUTISO GOOUS. ALL ATOLUPftlC LOWEST PRICES AT LLOYD'S Hardware St?ore