WOKDS SPoKEX MAYBE FOUGOTTES. BUTTK03E WJIJCU AitE WllITTEXOR P1UNTED STAXD KCCOIID. VOL- 73. DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY-IS 1893. NO. 50 Highest of all la Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOUUXELY PURE The United States Supreme Court in the case brought by the State of Iowa against the State oi Illinois to determine the di- Tiding line between the two States, , held that the true boundary line is the middle of the principal channel of nav igation in the Mississippi rirer. This decision may be correct, but it is liable to serious diffi culties. For instance, the chan nels or mersdonot always re main in the same place Time oftens makes rreat chancres. and hence boundaries ly the decision are necessarily very flexible. Again, many cities are by the decision placed part in one State anil part in another, thus giving are hard to overcome. Lucky for the Freff. "My son" said the philosopher "itdeos cot matter so much what you say as the time you say it. If the festive frog used his rancorous voice in announ log the approach of winter in stead of heralding the advent of blessed, balmy spring, he. would be chased off the earth as a calamity howler." Indianapo lis Journal. Tberb seems to be an eloping fever racing throughout the country, judging from newspa pera reports. MILK CRUSTJH BABY Buffered Terribly. Ko Heat for Dab? or Pureou. Setoral Doctors. Ko Bcoefit. Flni A.f pllc.tloa of Cutfcara, CUM Bleep. Chug tn Om Week. Conplete Cure. ' tffMw mnatlw aca tar hlH (thai M tafam) ru.rr4 lrrtbly frota a atta aiaraaa. That m a r-M (or lb child or a. W tri4 mnl 4ira ana fto Warflt. Tba Sorton aat4 U a.a MiikLTa-t. A fur rwtlHt jroer took, I taoackt I aawl uy font CrricvM Kaaamaa, ana tha momm wm pat (iTKla. oa lb. ahiM fvtl ailavp. la m aa-k'a ttiaa, n.H ar a ckanaa. W krf aa a-tiif Uw Uina aaa taay nf4 Ik f lld'a tmm mnr-ljr. Mo krrp fan Ctrnrra ana pmt i,TTitriu Knar aanataaUjr la aar aoaaa, aa4 aal aarar a iiaaal laaaj. josxra trvr, M Mala aaa N Bail Sav, Maapala, Tana. I aa tara from mf alat tmm aita aai.wia. Cvnccaa iUaaaiaa kmmn4 aaa alia a a at iMva. I aw mjr Ufa la CiTtcva. Wlikoul aoaM, I treat haa aaaa la mf (ran ka4 H aaa a-aa fat jnmt wiillai, AUa raa a mare a Iwaaaal laaaaa- W. H. QUALLS, raiatak, I. Cutlcura Resolvent Tka a ftlmal aal Skla fariflat, brtarullf (M tiaa. laa anl a all ImaaMU-a at4 aotauaaoa tl-axaui, ea4 CCTKVa,Uw Uraai fa la Cnra.ar4 ,'ith caa a.a, aa aieuiaiM aaia b-auuiw, -trraaji (la ttmv iaa alia ana) arajp, aa4 raatamika aaut, knatanlia ffattava aaa i.iilr aar awry apariaa al Mchiaa, aanMit. aijf, wMt aiaipl, armfataaa. a4 aernltiar 4im tmm aa4 auiaora 4 lia Mia, umif, mi bkmd, wia loaaal aatr, Inm ataaqr a . Inaa Biataaj W aaratala. Priaa. CenrrriA. Ia.! Siua. Htwinn, SI. Proaanal Ifca f'tnria iava aaa Caaaicati Caaraaafiaa, Ihiatua. rM te Cera Ktra IMaaaara." 4 aa Hi UMatmkaM, aa4 Iu6 bauaattla, aulM Itx. DImT'I Ki, alaeklMatfa, 14, raafch. canpaa,aial lilii ail; afcia aara4 ky Lm,u auar. C13 Fells' PAINS. FaS af aaafarl far an Palaa, tnflua Mua, ao4 Waakaaaa af laa AgH la laa Caltaara Aal-rala flaaa-r, laa SrM aa4 aala aia ktilinf atrmrk. laaiaaiaaaaaa, aad kllaiuwa. ROIIB AKa CAT TLB fOWOIBB fninii rmm rvt r L.a r . H f . P.. ara aw4 la a. rMkrt rafal:imulva.aMhm"tt, raaav faaa am aM Uaraa ta fvta a !... m IrttaM a iwl i M .a taaaaj aa aaai. aaa aiaka a kaaar Ira . o rav'ara am ar rt'anl Vm trtf raaa rtarM 4 l atva aw "'"v J u Paaaa wiu aia tanaraonaa. aaaft (rarraaara. tuns si rorra. a,v,uiar, ALtiaona. no Por 8aU lr W. 11. YEAKBY Druggist. Durham, N. 0. U YEAI73 6UFFERINQ aaaiiMruau taaa. bkta, aa la aaa a. lMll..aa rraaaratlaa, aaJ,rTr' aaa.a.Aalaai at, ..Ur'M.. UrMaala w..a J aaamial raralaxa. ata. taa.. lattilf. Wmml au. mm - fc Im. aa araaaMta. JMkXayj)kAUa t4a. fcttaAlMla -T7? CI Iirrsstntsi Carat f fclVfdStlV Naaaa. M. t! 1. 'lrtiniy, . lvMaf flea Plans. la. p.n"':Li T alter Gural iws Iicuin, v Now it is suggested that the deposed Queen of the Sandwich Islands be invited to exhibit herself at the World's Fair. Th situ is danger of a' rabbit plague in Kansas similar to that of Australia. Is this another evidence of the mistakes of th.; Populists.' . Trig manufacture of Southern products in the South is on the increase. A single factory in North Carolina is now turning ut 4,000,000 cigarettes daily. ATkxas legislator wants to amend the State constitution so as to hold a session of the legislature-only once in four years, and to elect State senaters only once in eight years. At a Rich Hill (Mo) social the othor day prizes were offer ed to the young man who could thrrad a needle in the shortest time, and to the young woman who could drive the slraicrhUot nail. Ax Austrian woman recentlv died from blood poisoning caus ed by rubbing a small sore on her face with her black kid glove. Inflammation set in, her head swelled enormously, and she died after a very brief ill ness. The story of a -family's strange affection for a cat comes from Mobile. The cat is twenty-seven yuars old It'j owner, Mr. Bigo, cares fer it constant ly, feeding it on raw oysters, of which the cat seems never t tire. The old cat has no teeth aad is also deaf and blind, ytt has all the cunning instincts of its younger days. The editor of the St. Louis Re publican serously aoks, "Are we a Chnetian Nation!"' It wouldn't be se strange if a Chicago editor had made that inquiry. We couidn t say pos itively, hut as the country is In coming Democratic we have hopes that if we are net a Chris tian Nation we will eventually be. Wilmington Star. If you see a needed improve ment for the town, demand it and talk it vigorously until the whole community is impregna ted with the idea: until a storm of public sentiment compels the were, and bye and bye you win see tne result f your courage and talk in universal improve ment, increased faciiit.es and business, and a broad liberal, generous public spirit that per vades ad vivifies aad makes beautiful every place where it eaters. iewbrn Journal. Sore Throat Lameness Sore Ey Sorenai Female Complaints Rheumatism AND ACL Inflammation bajaf kaafiaxiiaa, A rg'n POND'S EXTPACT CO., 76 5:hAv,rtY. POND'S EXTRACT cJ 01 El T U E II T. It's rcriisrkftMa srerlflo Matins upon tl.oelTlod parte iri it fiipntm' control over f'-r hum, 3cm jam Trtiuni'tfilar lf in " I law- m rwipt "t ws 1111 up onlytj Kl WHAiT C9 tl Ctfllvs., I The Kegre in the South. Rev. Thomas Dixon, of New York-, is writing some excellent articles for the New York Her ald on the negro in the South, la his last article on Negrj Edu cation in Southern States, he shows what we are deing to wards educating this race, and says the South today is making more sacrifices for the educa tion of the negro than many Northern States, including the wealthiest and most cultured. He contrasts North Carolina with Massachusetts, showing that our own State, in propor tion te wealth, makes about one quarter greater sacrifice for the cause of pepular education than Massachusetts. However, he thinks that the education of the negro through our com mon schools iH more or less of a failure, and more or less of a curse. That there is a lack of industrial training, and along with the rudiments of learning colored children too often ac quire a positive distaste for manual . labor. They get the idea into their heads that they must "rise," and are taught to despise the plough, the smith his anvil, the carpenter his tools, consequently the South is not producing competent negro far mers, smiths and carpenters Rev. Dixon thinks reforms are imperatively needed and he is right, too. He speaks of one of our most prominent' colored men in the following manner: One of the brainiest negroes in America, one of the truest men I know, black or white, is the Rev. J. C. Price, president of Livingston College, North Carolina. He is president of the Afro-American League, which has for its purpose the elevation of the negro through education and the accumulation of proper ty. This wau is not simply a true lover of his race he is a man of the highest attainment of character, au orator of mag nificent power. He will bo re membered aa the man whoiu President Cleveland appelated Minister te Liberia in his first term, but who declined the post, which be did cot seek, and has coatinued his work in this little village of North Carolina. Price SAye of the negio, in one of hie recent addresses to an audience of negroes: "Change the condition of the negro, aud you will change tne attitude of the white race toward him. Black is net what is the matter with you people; it is simply be cauuejou are dirty and ignorant and superstitious. Change your condition, and I will guarantee the world will change its atti tude toward you." Nerl; in Kini. This week marks what may be cl ed the beginning of the end of the iifty-second congress uud Harrison's administration. On Wednesday tha electoral vote will be counted and the election of Urover Cleveland and Adlai Stevenson as president and vice I -resident of the United States e formally anneunced, and ia a little less than four weeks the new Democratic administration will be in operation. The month that will interveae between now and the inaugura tion will be of great importance from a legislative point of view. Four nioasures or far-reaching uupwrt a re to be disposed of in that time, if dfcp wed of at all the bills repealing the Sherman silver purchase uct, for the es tablishment of national quaran tine, fer a national bankruptcy law, and to prevent da-aliug in futures. There is strong oppo sition, however, to each of Iheno proponed enactments and though they all would be likely to pss if tlerB were plenty ol time and a direct vole could he had, aa it is, not more than oae or two of them are likely to receive Until action. Alif utA Journal. O'lwne tun Oi'toiu. The World's Fair is not to be opened with an invocation, at ! the Local Directory of the fair does not think prayer is eaten tial to launch the exposition; successfully. According to the; revised pregramme just stnt out by the Executive Board the open iog and closing prayers of j the inaugural exercises are left f eut. The reasons gives for this ; action are said to be the difilcul ; tyof selecting a minister who would be agreeable te all churches aod "prayers are sot necessary on such an occasion' says one of the directors. ' Prayer may, or may not. be necessary en aucn an occasion, but it has always been custo mary to invoke a blessing on all such undertakings, and we think the custom of our country should be observed on this oc casion by all means, Jruii1e Agalkftt Kissing. Dr. Probst, Secretary of the State Board of Health, of Col umbus, O., appeared before the Pastors' Union of that town and urged their co operation in two sanitary reforms. One is to stop the custom ef indiscrimin ate kissing and the other to abolish the use e the same cup in the administration of "the sacrament by savoral hundred people. Dr. PrOfcst explained Jrat the most certain aiid-ihost danger ous transmission of the germs of disease is by Ytis mouth to mouth method. "He cited the almoBt universal habit among' ladies of k issin j friends on greeting them - or bidding them good-by, cf Jdssing babies and children and urging babies and children tokiaseach other. Pastors, too, usually consider It a part of their duty to Lies the babies of theu'.parishioners. All this was well meant, but it was as dangerous as it was per functory in many cases. lie quoted Moses as K sanitarian on this subject, and said'the great lawgiver would not have toler ated either the kissing or-the common cup custom In the sac rasaental administration. The clergymen asked fVr some prac tical suggestions: as to how to obviate the danger pointed out in the communion service. Sev eral were given, -but the one considered practical was that each cominuuic-jit have his own cup. A resolution to io all pesbible to briug abeut these reforms was adored. The Dr. evidently does net like kissing and the Tuuult of his crusade r.gaiuat it will bo anxiously watchd , alo that of .he b?ramental ci.p reform. The merchant, as he writes up his books and makes up bio balance sheet, carries to profit and loss the sum total of his operations. There is an import ant sense in which every one may profitably ir.lute his ex ample. It is weli to take an account of stock, to look over the debit and credit account, to ascertain whuther expenses have outrun the income, and to see how the sccol at stands be tween us an I th? world, witii our own consciences and with our God. It may be the round of day by day, of month by month, and year by year, in designed for the very purpose of leading us t review ui capabilities, our trusts and cur obligations. Mcbat IIalsiead thinks that every Congress should have its own president in other words, that the presidential term should not be extended to six years, but reduced to two. Oth er reformers insist on longer terms of office and larger pover ? ran ted executive authority, a short, thirls are thousands of plats ta make the people happy in a mechanical way, but the only; sure one is to begin with the individual man. The gov ernment will never be much above or below a people, bat rather an expression of their common morality aud intelli gence. Given a good people and almost any kind of govern ment would prove salutary. A decision of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dclarcs the publication of Sunday pa pers in that State illegal. Tl.o case, upon which the decision was rendered was that of Thr. Matthews, publisher of the Pittsburg .Sunday Leader. Mr. Matthews was convicted ii publiahir g aad issuing his pa par on Hsin-.lav, December 2", URdc." H.o uct of 17.U, known us tito old Blue U, which prohibits the following of worldly pursuit, on the Sab bath ttivo those that are abso lutely necessary for the w ants of the community. It ia thought' that tl.it decision wjll load to tho repeal of tLe law. Mr.x have various ways of carrying their money, says an exchaege. Butchers, grocer, and bakers carry it in a crump led wad. Hankers in nice cleu bills laid at full length in a morocco pockrt look. Brokers always feld their bills twic. The ycuiig b'itws man car ries bis money hi his vest p jk et, and the spe. ting man carries his in his trcubscrs pocket. Far mer and drovers carry their money in their inide pockets. Editors carry theirs in other people's pockets. . am i aaa aa.i i , - Accordino to sneeze statis tics, notwithstanding the fact that at the present day we rare- y tee a pinch of snuff taken. Wing the fiscal year ended Ju ly 1, 1892, 10,000,000 pounds of ruff were used in the United States. A bill has been introduced in the Tennessee legislature to make carrying of pistols tax able as other privileges, at the rate of five dollars a year. The revenue received ia to be applied to the common schools. While Dr. Park hurst, of New York, is declaring that heaven does not depend upon the "dot ting of an i," he should remem ber that it depends largoly upon keeping the eye in the right direction. . About $40,000,000 is paid every year in Germany for the creaiion and preservation of forests; 200,000 families are sup ported from them, while some thing like 3,000,000 find employ ment in the various wood in dustries of the empire. The to tal revenue from the forests amounts to $14,500,000 and the current expenses are $3,500,000. faLute Xews, A Wilkes man, according to the Chronicle, killed a twelve months old pig that weighed 420 lbs. The Newton Enterprise says an old citizen who lived near Sherrill's Foard, Cttawba coun ty, was frozen to death during the recent cold 6pell. The Recced complains that out of about 15 births ia Greens boro i:i two weeks every child w&a a girl, and wants to know what 13 to become of the town if this thing is kept up. Capt. Wm. Black, a lawyer of Maxton who has been ordain ed to the tnumtry f the Presby terian Church, will take charge of tho evuugeliatic work in An sou and Union counties. The sinoke-hou'.e and contents (about 200 lbs. of bacon and other things) of Mr. N. G. Jenes, of Anaon county, were destroy ed by fire several days ago. Originated from hot ashes in a barrel. SiCNATOU Morgan introduced biil this Wuk that will simpli fy the proceedings should the present negotiations result in tho annexation of Hawaii. The liiil provides that whenever the United .States shall acquire do minion over any fore gn "coun try or place, by treaty of an nexation or otherwise, the Pres ident, with the advice and con bent cf the Senate, may appoint a governor and legislative coua cial for the same, whose acts shall be subject te revision or repeal by Congress. Mr. Har rison has not yet officially re cognized the Hawaiian commis sion're, aud their negotiations are all with Secretary Foster. It is brlieved that Mr. Harrison, who is known to favor annexa tion, is waitiag. to hear what the representatives of the de posed Queen may have to say before taking any official ac tion. In the meantime the State Department is gathering, information about Hawaii and its financial cou lition and pros poets, in oalrr that Congress may act intelligently ou the raitter nlu-u a decision is reached by Mr. Harrison. Din you er novice, reader, h-w a slanir thre will crowd itself into your vocabulary and for a tew brief moons it will 8em eo strangely pointed and pertiuent you will wonder how you ever made your conversa tion chw witheut it? A few yean i we ave additiouai empii;a to our slightest com mands by addi.ig "aed don't you forget it!" Now that.phrs.ac ih trjiifd bcyo.-.i ali hopu of rvaurrectioa "Too thin" . another apt alliteration ou ev erybody's lips but it too io "out of sisht'" nowaday. So they co:ne aad go, these slang phras es, they are here today and gene tomorrow, but o long as they do last they ere oa every body's tongua f rem the divines in the pu'pit te the ragged little street gamin. They all do it, you know, use slang and they say of us Americans that we use it to excese. lr the amendments to the pen siou laws, which have been ap proved by majority of the House Appropriation committes, becetn laws the Pension elMos will bs transferred to the War Department and be undsr tha control of detailed army olllcers and the payment of . pensions will be stopped to thost having an income of as much as $tioa a year; to widows who married ssliisrs since 1870, and, axespt ia cases f total disability, to -ATE H. MARKHAM'S- D DRESS G0UDS, 10, 12 lied find White Flmiut 1, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50c . X White Twilled Flannel, 30e. ' Z Canton Flannel," 7J, 10, 121, 20c. " Bleached Domestic, 61, 7t, 8 J, I0c, ; ," r f 10-4 Sheeting, 25, 30c ' " : 4-4 Sheeting, 5 to 7c. Ticking, Ginghams, Plaids, Priuts, Kid Gloves, Hose, Half Hose. Dress Shirts. Collars, Working Shirts, Overalls, Underwear for ladies antfuien. ZEIGLER BROS. Fine Shoes for ladies, $2.00, 52.50, $2.75, f 3.00, ' 13.25, $4.00. Misses and Children's, 75, $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. Latest styles of Hats and Caps for Men, Youths and Boya.J Boston Shoe Polish for men's shoes. The best. r Gilt Kde Shoe Polish for ladies' shoes. . Fine solid shoes for Men, Boys and Youths. Randolph Shoes for Men, Boys and Youth's. Rubber Shoes for Ladies, Men and Children. CROCKERY- " GLASSWARE.. Awrif, 8 -LAMPS Janterns, jardware, Qnns, pistols, Qartridges, gholls, Shot, Powder, Bar Lead, Nails, Knives and Forks, Fancy Groceri Canned Goods, Leather, Calf Skins, Trunks, Valises, Tourist Bags oct-26 .Yours truly, H 11 MARK HAH DR. W.T. 11ERNDON, llLOJf College, N.C. HEBND0N & BAGWELL Groceries and General Ilerchaadise. HOME-MADE SHOES, "A. A. SHEETING," LEADING BRANDS FLOUR, BOUGHT DIRECT FROM THE MILLS "CEDAR CLIFF." "MACNOLIA," "OAK RIDGE," Mil PLOW DIXIE FLOWS AN CROP CUBA HO LASSES, A SPECIALTY. No. 105 East Main street, next Deor to Mackay's Crockery House. TELEPHONE NO. 65. no. 23. all alien non residents. It is to be hoped that some healthy re action will take place aloagthis line and good reforms mad). Is regard to the State print- in;, OTar which there has bean a creat deal ef discussion re cently, the Democratic caucus yesterday passed a resolution instructing the joint committee to let out the Stat printing at the lowest reasonable price. This mode of disposing of the matter appears to be meeting with faTor. Mn Mr.vrnv InnVail aa thoiirh ha really enjoyed presiding over the joint session of the House and Sens.ta hsld Wednesday to count the electoral votes and officially declare 'Cleveland and Stevt nsonjslscted President and Vico President, and ho probably UIU. dAUB lutu uvuiu, au atta place. At a pie eating match be tween three aen in l'assaic, J., Samuel Jackson, the cham pion, consumed fourteen mince and apple pies in'nineteen min utes. What nsxt? Wtiitlur tit VTe'f Where is heaven? Tho de parture of ex-presidi -.t Hayes, James (. Blaiue, Justice Laiaar and Bishop Pilhps Brooks tn&kss thisquestion very pertinent. Air. Hays x;reeod a spiritual wish to co where his wif had rone. He said: "I know." Bishop Broaks uttered t..e last words "I am coin,? home!'' Logician and orator as he tnu, the biih- cp watf illummitavl at th lat monism, noi mpiinu. ua from the soul of the hca 'y "horus " Thire was no cal -d iuiagination a'toat the utter ance. After a roan pasta fifty his sixht bccciaes gradually in troverts! At acveaty far more so, and h LuiVe fewer calcula tions asl w'ut ho wi'l do in this world. Th silver chcrd tf t:fe is liable to bs s.dlbly snap; d at buy tt&id. WhiiLcr jo we poor mortals? At belt, the riebtit are but paupers and tho strongest are but tramps. r.v. Thain Davidsta, D. IX, has attempted to shsd some light on the whither, bt. Paul spaks of having ascended in spirit to the "third heaven" aad of Incarnate Diviaity having "asccLded tip far above, ali heavens " Dr. Davidson thinks this IstUr may mean tho very sat of the Dsity. Tho brothers Henry, in Paris, took a wonder ful celestial photograph of tho Plsiades which revealed a vast, unique and mysterious sphere. J, 15, 20, 25,45, 60c. W. B. BAGWELL, Durham, N. C. It appeared with a marvelous lory of luminous haze around it. French astronomers ad mired but did not know what to think of it. Lately another photograph of th Pleiades, taken in America, confirmed that of th Henrys. Dr. David son asks: "Caa this luminous sphere be heavsn?" Who caa answer? Reasoning from an alogy and from th spiritual light within us, urselvss go somewhere. The suggestion aa turally is that w go to what ever sphere suits us best and thatthsr will b an adjust mentor all thugs, we shall know why -th mudsill is often on top, why mud lias above marble, why th hawk kills the dove, and why the vulture soars abve the agl. General News Items. Gen. Greex Cut Smith in a letter from WashingUa to The Kentucky Advocate says the soldiers of the civil war are dy ing at th rate of 22,000 per year. Th winter has been unusual ly svr all over Europe, from the Arctic to the Mediterranean. In many sections the inclem ency ef th season is entirely unprecedented, and even in the far north it is necessary to go back 50 years for its parellel. Tsxas has a misfit on hand. Perhaps Alabama could buy it at a discount. She has con structed & building at the world's fair at a coat of 125,000, and $17,000 is due on it. Th contractors are about to sell it for debt, i he Texas legislature is debarred freu making an appropriation by the clauso in the constitution, which prohib it, the appropriation of publio mney for the purpose of bring iug immigrants . to the state. The published accounts of Sf r. Cleveland's efferts, thus far, to form a Cabinet which shall not be merely representative of the recognized policies and the best lmsnt or his party, but one that will subserve the purposes ef a useful, patriotic adminis tration, agree in the statement that the post of Secretary of State has been offered te lion. Thomas F. Bayard. Th only element of uncertaiaty im the matter seems to proceed from the reluctance of Mr. Bayard to re-assume the responsibilities and duties which he discharged for four years with so much zeal and elevated publio .spirit, a ... . . l - a. jruii.-iaeipma imager.

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