home ; mil wi.rlc hon, -aril & FHriliintf, modi . rhim for j til Aug "91 . JU'Hiti &Frth nty, . i . !'' fur r iity j homo AnuiiKt 94, ' ' '-. )i D h-'rgb Berv ices for '.self, rtsst.au pt.antT . trimril - v"' 130 24 Q K Rnwls, supplies for .. nou itv home Aug '94, K VV Miissie, lumber for '-. ! county. Cheek Furniture, Co ," - mattresses for , jail, M r H D ,Leigb, sewing for county August '94 K I wards & Broughton. 14 plH'H for .ctainf v 6 SO! A 20 . 1.500 pago ledger for rcicistt-r of deerfs.- 7 00 K I ward & Broughton 1 r - " mortgage record and 1 .- minute bood for reg - istr, .:v: .., . -CWk Furniture Co., 2 matfrVxRM f" jail, llowertori Carnage Co, iro'i &'J for co home y and work house, " V ii Proctor. 10 gals oil ' for county home, A. M R;gbe, 1 sack of gtiii'o for county horn and w.rk houst, I'icctor &, Lea, 1 cofBo for Miss Chisenhal, a 1ft D L Bh in. blacksmith' - iog cunt for co J M" tlorward.acafnintof F innie BiirbTasHign ! t J F Horward has lardy case va Tul lock, ' . . .'- OUTSIDE poor. . 12 10 ' AlwHopMon I 5o, T.bhy. May n -r-i fio. MrB-Betsy Fornstr 1 5. F'y 1 5". Nan y. 1 v. P a H v 1 50. N ny and ly Carden $3, Polly Bowei 1 5 ). o lv Cnrdeii 2.oo Andrew Pat K wh e rspoon 1 5O. P.nsv ' y t 5o Polly Bowe 1 t So. an-I Jane le 3 00, irnt &t e , Km Wfth isim'mmi i fio, Patsy lOlrsI WV.-ii herspwvi 1 00. j mm I J ins h'r 3.00, Uvxw Hum L-m Cirrolls (2 cluMiwi) 2 (Ml, l So. Mr I VthTspoon 1 00, S irah Garrard 5 (Hi, Ln- HU j I. in Oir.ir (2 flilnP)2co, Hernlon2 0 Ella B.nk r I5O,!. KlU B r ft !' . Amanda Ritey Anindu Kijey I50. J. M lti ! ;..iniM..r Council 1 5o, Han- C01111. il I 50. Iiinniii nrrmg- ' MarKiiam ruppnes ni'i fH-riniff..n 1 50. Marl lit tn 1 50, Mrff . Manual 50, for County lioinu and 2 M irshtll; I 50, George llarward George 11a. wa! 2 00, S jdiiu ' bio uns, emit Ikiusc-, 2 i)0, Sophi Toller 1 50, Ellen Toller 1 507 Ml Cole 1 00, Mrs. Wtu Oveil.y fwdii.g jury ('.lei 00, Mrs John Dezcrn 3 50, John Dezcm 3 50, Tiiioy Chin- Oct term 'i4 37 meals Ji 11 m Birhim 1 50, (iirolinn hall I f0L,( arolinw II ill 1 00, ' (-K 30 mitt uh, 1 ill 1 0), Mpt Win Dezcm 1 50, Mrs Wm Deru 1 50. Andrew W P Cleinei.tin-gistonng Si.m!i Gir.ur.l (2 children) 4 00, Patterson 1 10. .,. v . I 20 naim (.5 ."c, copy- Lxwtti II?ni.lm200. j XoYEMBEK, 1894.. , "im??P U rrnnfM mm L- . ' .. . , It C 1 llk'.V 11 d l COIIIIIlit . .ix, ... , ... w m '--t J M Wyatt, 1 set single n a iiti .il. in.f-. hariu-w ir county, 9 li The Educator Commuy stationery' ca oflicers, . 12 i F Hanranl jail Account self, 1 894, Hugh Wanvn, hauling ImnlK-r m. rcwiring l.ridgo ot $ I creek,. I!wrtt & Fcrthing, medi cine for jail Sept. 1894, Tho Chwk Funiituro ('. 4 inattresm for jail, Itowcrijii Carriage On, 1 coffin for Ilailcy Cates a jiaujicr, claimed 5 00, allowed ' U W Massie, lumber for ' 138 1200 .4 18 8 00 unrige across Little Iiiv cr, m-ar Fairintosh, 207 l: W Massie, lumber, for county home, ' W JM ISniirning, rcjaiiring window Itcgisters office V: II Kowland 1 dai wrvieo settling with treasurer, ; A IIStokcH, 1 day'i serv; cies settling with treas unr. , '.- W M Browning, rciairing window trensurcs office, ColoJt Flinlon, mipplit for Durham co w house 13 llenidon A Bagwell, sup- Iilios ror co n. wp w-i, -I, IVlvin, lumber and 3J t thyn mowing for county home, Mrs II I Leigh, sewing inmate" county home, II D Leigh, acrvlci as stdl and guard Sept '94 W C Carter, services as janitor, Scptcmlair, 94 IWhall Lunsford, mak ing out 2 alsdracts and 2 u' iorvicos milling a. m In M ,.f 1 . "... i .... . ':, U-.witlislierilt, :,'. ..... 6 47. A. E Lloyd hardware tax I bridge atJSouth Lovvol I t 2,3 A K Lloyd glass nnd j.uf .' " ( ty for vindow ju . Uo- 12 5 . - ' 2 ,3 1 litter a fiiiico.-. ". . S W. Ilolmuu work'douc at jail, " - .- .' II D Leigh, expenses car- ' rying , Emma ' Smith "" from Durham Pitteboro , J II Patterson services self guard county - work 00 01) 7 79 . 7 ' ' ' 4 5 50 house September, 1894, ' ID L Kelvin, blacksmith I account county w houset A t, Liloyd Hardware lor . county work house, Mrs II I) Leigh, sewing ':; for convict at county,,' . .work house, . Ilerndoh &' Bagwell sup 00 !mes for county, work louse,- September, 1893 J 67 25 1151 i for co. w. house Kept '94'"' 42 03 Hu8l Green lj'day . bridge committee, 7 130 Heurttit Farthing medi j cine,' co. home Sept '94 -' A. IL" Stokes, . surveying 2 40 yfirecinct line, Eaut ' v Jr Durham, f R Duke & Co., lumber for - - J Oo , -,x . - Fuller & Fuller, service as attorneys for county for 2 months from Juno IM4 to August 1894, OUTBID POOR 80 00 I Abe Hopson. 1 50. Ta..r May " " V8- imx nor I n Mr, ffetitv ForriM'pr I' S Mauzum making 7 1 ---- - i i ikiuii iininiirn m r r s IKA R 4 Ul Hi VII V . vv. ' inattre (or jail, $I0 im Mrs it l'avis pain goois &c , fur Cviiinty, , 00 Morgan & Vnrr, cml for 18 V -6 88 county homo, 4'i J F lliirw.ml, services as jailor, Octoler. 1894. W II Protr.buckitand diper fir county,' W 11 Proctor, supplies for ' :3 ii u .ty home, F I Miirkhain, 11 mom it over jiaid county fund, j. v4-llmv mini iiij J iiey to Gold.-Ujro ussvlum &e.r 131 2 0 iX witt Manguin us oant . crier, October k-nn '9 1 15 E II Johnson lumber for lridg? at Mangu 11 mill Hcartt A Farthing ink musilago for Uegister 24 of Deeds, ... . 1 40 Hcartt A Farthing mwli- !' cine lor county home, Ileartt A Fuithing medi cine for in il, A E LloyI lock lor jail, Alex High services fence committee Pat. town. M II Jones r,iairing Im-k tosafo in CHCufl'iC?, JW Hutchins Iwf for county home, J A Hamilton cxciiscs convc) ing W A Anslcy 2 00 200 43 792 49 62 from Alamance to Uur ' ham, 4 9'i William Overly supplies 1 for 12 jurymen (j 30c. 145 nuIi, T J I-ambe clothing Ac, 43 00 . for county home, G A Barbee, J P exnming 15 00 Tiney Green and order I ing her lo the asylum, j II D Leigh sen ices, supt' 'I county home and guard 00 ... - October, 1894, . W C (.'alter, 1 month serv 85 ices janitor, Oct. . 18H , ,-MmC M WiMer'-loding' ; , ! and break fast " for 12. 00 jurymen and 1 officer, Fees oflicer 1 50 (Shields 15 vs. town com misssoners 43 jo -9.75 11 25 Mrs 0 M Wilder dinner for jurymen and officer 4 80 P sTilley seed oats lor -! county home, Mrs II D Leigh sewing for . 00 , inmates county home," " RW Massie lumber, for ' 75 r. work house, J U Wyatt rej)airing belt 20 Ac, work house, D L Belviu blacksmith r account 'work .house,-' 00 A E Lloyd & 0 , hard '-x county . Work a ue, Ti)"ln:ini.riin l.'iOO MhiiiiP 5 " ,750 v4 20 4 70 83 00 111 9f 19 45 1 .10 ii-fi for " , . Hcartt 4 Farthing, mcdi- cine tc, . work houe, J II Patterson salary for 100 self and guard Oct '94 Ilerndon & Bagwell sup 5 60 plks for county work . : t holism i.K'tolH.'r, l y J II Patterson . capture of 2 00 Ixiinon Foster, escaped . y ' j convict, reward, "jail 21 0 foes. fec, - "., G M Green issuing war- r : j rant for apprehension of Tiney Green and or 16 C7 :' dozing her to hospital John A . McMannen cost v 5 r"ol ballot boxes for Wet-t ' Durham pnvinct. Paschall Lunsford, work ing tiixcs 011 ft.K'k in Foreign corj ortit 11s ' and traiiscriliiiig on 4 books nnd making out 2 ab-tmcts of uuli.-tl pio'ity, 1C00 1 , 18 11 . - t - J 00J t v 0:1 bridge nt Mig- ville, 1 days commit tee ou bridge i t Mau gum's mill, Fi) Markham mnuuor , , ing 79 judge and regis I tors of election, C-ll Green individual couit cost Oct tjnn'9 50 68 15 2 47 27 2 3 13 TI.e EJiHs(.r V.7iitnny ' "ltec)rd in count.' vs. It . I -Tobacco tk:niMiiy, Harry Hall fixing voting 'pri'ciifct South Durham (! It Green recording IU1 of jurors tit Jan. March, June and OctobvT, '9 1, OB Green coti in crim 3 .0 8 Id 800 r I inal e.isrs amounting to 183 84 is. allowed in c ises of. t ils vs. A M Elliott, State vs. Wm Slocutn, Stat.' vs. Amos Wwlwarl," State vs. Arch Hopkins hi ly ll costs, ailowfl Hinomu iug as f 1 lows. A M Elliott 10 23. Win Slo-' 7 00 60 235' f3 1 00 CUI 7 38. Amos Vm I I waid 6 50, Arch Hop 9 00 kins 7 84. and includ ed hmiv 185 84, 10 00 J 8 Manning oH-rctron 18J8I missions u.t n amount 1 3 32 i-t tsxes ssps1 nti'l levietl ipon stock ia : I urinations rciniv(l t be list ii i.i tier the resulu tiuu f the Board d p 4 70 l. l ut its ineclln mi N..v,mhtr. IO1I1, 1894, KViOKi 3 60 . OUT8ID1 POOB.. Abe Hopsou tl W, Tabby Uh ?,ln naronn .1 no. And re w ratters, n iw l 00 1 50, Polly Bowen 1 50, Weathfrsptwn 1 5O, allf Jane lce 3 00 lirna Stone 00 Mrs I N eatherspoon 100 Lem Carroll's (2 chi dren) 2 00, Sarah 00 Qirrard 5 00, Lu.'ett-i Ilerndon 200: Ella Barker 1 50, Amanda Kiley 1 50, J JJ WgsiW & wife 2U0, Ooinmodor Council ; 1 5O, llatuuih CarrinRton 1 sO. Mar ' tha Marshall 1 5". G' rge How ard 2 00. Soutaie Toller 1 5O, Ella 1 Cole 1 00, Airs John Dezeru 3 60, 88 Tiney Chisenball 1 '50', Mrs Wm ' ' I Wm Dezernl sO. Martha Kiley 75 I 50, Caroline Hall 1 OOj 'aroline ans 1 50 , , Report of C. S.C. " - North CakOLINA. 1 II 26 , Durham Coukty. J To- the Boird of Commission 1 40? ' ers of Durham County ; . I I beg-leave hwewitn to sub- I II ns mit the following report of all 'l . . - J 1. L Ji.. moneys to my nanas uy viriu ut ui office us clerk of the su-,t-nur cuurt of Dui ham county t o Ho- tirst Monday vt Decern lrrl94 .. Dti- heirs of J M Hern don, v I 12 60 Due heirs ot Willis Mark , ham, " 83 04 Due heirs of m Trie-, '358 05 Due, heirs of Susan M. Scott. - Due E B feasley, Due Mary Tober Morris, Due heirs uf C Far- rington nee Moring," lun jiio M Muring, Due E iz.beth hainblsy, Due W"B Bennett, ' JJuh heirs of Mrs F. S Lh fliers, Due Joshua Atterson, Due Ida Lopley , Du heirs of Elizabeth Horton, 21 437.05 25 00 43 '06 10 2ar.: CO 00 10(H) 42 32 42 33 50 0J ' 7 7H 22 H 121 83 I 10 1 1 4 . . 10 2t 3 10 3 10 50 t . Due heira of Mary Diif li-irs of Marth P Markham, Due Eva Audrews. -Due J S Burrh, wit 4 Hue W L Petty, it n Hu T M Anderson, wit' Due R E Lyon, wit Dae J B hrisiian, wit Due Win Maintuin. wit Due V J Chrs'Mii. it 3 10 1 1 110 14) 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 40 10 ft 1 15 1 0t 06 Due J K Bla kn H, it . Due H J Bass it Due H FU-Mit 1 Due T V HiH. wit 10 Do. D LK 1 fnitn, wit Due W li Nutwood, w t 66 i n' Fr.mk illey. wit ' Du-Chas D miel, ft DueOABnbw,JP Due J S .-ca-l't cms Du DWiu Maiiguui, cons 3 Dun liar t y St nif, wit 1 Due Ed Lna. wit " 1 00 40 T Due Jo n Mays wit 1 DiielSLiiilt.JP Due ' ulier Ilowrll, wit Due J W Alln. wit Due M W Pa sht-titT Due J -t Sf II, sheriff Due II M Eaclw ni. slier lot N Link My.r, C A Aiift'n, wit. Wm B.iin. 1 IN L-iik. Mayor, J f Pickett, wit. lletirv arr-n w t I N Li'ik, Mi.r, W K ll rtii, wit. I N Link, Mayor. f . Jii Norwood, wit. IN L'uk, M iver, IN Link. Mayr, I) B Uotrts.Cii ' Kss L -at hern wit. 1 N Unk, Mayor, . I N Liu, Miyor. J A Allen, witness 01 ' B Okkks Sworn to and sulcrid Im f re tw lhi Janmry 8th. H'Jl J 1 UcMiHNES, J. P. Trt:rtf"S Report T tha H.morilM Rr. wf -. r Caaaaa. which Will glVnot lrS in HI Sli I TnTZViow b r per day. The president 01 RTPrmtnitr the new cimpany is Mr. S. IV ToWHTlililrbtS Laugd in, wh iis also president o. , TiIfR m&mI fci. tmm. . 1 iho United Cl ierW wmipany. l I f.ylmrnrlMtunMrr't- TotnVkuleffall - " -ii total. jol S-.'';Trair llty tt. a. . Hosa Tomoi ma. r. 1.. atld taaioiintbasllaatli-a..i, 1 50, DIXHI'HKKMEKTH, . Ilynnviimt pnM Mcnwiillla TniHt mid . Di'lKwIt 'i., Ill.dn.kS Rv ikiniiiiiit mII Tm4urir (umnilwlnn, VI..VI lly.imiuiil iti rt'lut m K. H. Us" By amount oil hand, IK'C. 1, 8,07)i..a ; - ' 46.7U7.SU ' Kuipootfully mitrtiilllwl. . rf.fnt. n. i 1., .1.. . Hnwlnts and !tbiimncnt r Cuurt iluuax Fundi Cur tha font eudtiin Deceuiber uilliin Do awKirra. im: To amount ri'tolved from K. P. Mark ham, mierin, . V,tt.i M . '4,lin0 4M DIKBVanKMENm By amount d ne treasurer taut report, . By amount atld A. M. Itlmbeo, By amount mid rebate on K. H. taxea, By ammint paid treaaurer commliwioua, By amount on baud Dec. 1, : . -' ; T" 4&.2U.SK Reapectflilly Submitted. JOltN W. Kil'K, Troaiurer, Reeetptaand Dlabunimenta of County Fundi for the year ending Uecemlwr 1, IM9I: ,. ' ' BSVEIPT".- To amount received fnaa F. B. Murk- - ham, anenn, To amount reeelved from H. D. Ilirh, ll7,ia.M iiieri!iteiiavnl oicouniy nume auu work bouiw, Tn .inimlll Kimi V.d from J. A. AUT- 102.0II woVii, To amount reoelvad from riret National bank of Durham, S,0??,S!' To amount received from Alamance Co., H.7U To amount reecived from A. II. Slokea Ciiairman, to. dminilwlonen, aale of ., brk'k S"0" To amount received from Fidelity bank of Durham. .., - v 4,WU. To amount received from W. U. Froetor m aleufbrirk. W Toamouut iwelved from PeraonCo., 84 OWBintEMENTC. B"y amount due Ireanurer laid report, f J Hi. -.....1.1 fi wn.nl eountV J79.5S . .. .... . g.jk Byamiunt mM for Jail exueuaea, In- cIwIIiik aeotuid payment uu cells, ;y ByauMMint pii'l f.irjumns . By amount paid for oul'iiie poor, . By amount imld.fur county bonte and workhouw. ' " . . : By amount paid for Fklellty.bank of Durham, . Bv auimntt pnld fur Inlereat to rlrat. National hank of Imrliam.' . By amount ukt lor treaaurert commla- folia, By amount on baud Pe. 1 , 1715.08 l,7ua.fio 6.th ,A'.SI 4,00.W (12.011 '!. 1 Reap- fully anhmltteil. iitttS W. FiirKiTrjaaurar. Rivelta awl liMmrwioentt of Seboul FunuV for tha year eixlinu lxc 1. tm ; Kwurn. T.. amount recelvcl from F. D. Mark ham.i0erirt; , i.W.tl To amount received from foreign eorpora tlona. ,OM.e ToaiikHinlreoulvttlfromJ.C. Searuor ouah, ., , Toamoont received from W. . lekera, evuiily Mipt I'Xaniiuatlou of tMrhera, Toamirtint nn-eivtMl fr.m C II. tirwn, S. f. mrjairatio. tax, Toamouut iwlved fromC. B. Creen, C. S, C. eirl fluea, . T.iaRHiuiitrvrvivnl fromJ. P. Snea, To amount on buifl lat reorl, tlm'liaeui!iTa. By amount puid white tearhera. rJ.'aut'aioi ptei entoni By am n I I naiuty !.. II amount paid board of edueatlln. a... . . .. ... tor tum.Hury furlanrd o education. By a.ii ,.lt incidental expenaea colored race, H, ..u.i.t ai incHeiul fXia Dy aiiwuMM-ld IwlMlnt eVail baw. a Hue By amount p'kl buUdliuj a hool buuaea, eulored rare, By anaiunt p-td J. R. Ivtton, to treaMiit-r. By amount paid W. W Shaw, town treaauivr, , , By amount pild trrumrer rumiuliwIoBa 40 1 '0 uy am auii on naou nv. , 80 K.5r. 4.t.ift .' 6101 CI5.M M7.71 M.-u. 6T2.IB rfl ,027. X7H.77 lUrtfMHy aubndtbil, J I...S . I ol K, Ttwurvf. T3 lllHt CAftOLIHt C0L. Mr Samuel Hensxcy, of the Luigl u-llenszey Coal lln'm company, Egypt, North Carolina. ltw 2 17 1 10 3w 3u m CO confirms the statement made some tinii ago that the Egypt o il hcd arc to be opened oil an extensive scale. In letter to ths Manufac Hirer's kecord Mr. Hcimey writes as follows : ".The Langdon-Henstjy Cal Minim? CDmnany, which i lli- 55 5t 5o 55 t5 5i 1 05 50 .1 05 ft0 corporation that brought out tlu j 4-)'Kr!yp ,ml umpany and I'ssumeil );,' charge, has an authrizcd capital M stock of Jli.ooo.fK, a'.l of which i 5 ' p.u'.I in Til ne co;ii,u sine. '5 :tuiu li c aree has exteinted the plant and i m iking improvement with a v ew to a large production, expecting to ship from the shaft sunk by the old c mp my 101 ton. rur dav. an I a sloaa will ! driwii tHai X C..n.e1.ll, . . .. . . A big t'low cas rauen upon ..ar ragansett Park, the Kho le Island !..t-B. tini'iNir ttfVitlillit.'ll ft It Hit Vl!MlftUIV ainii- ... itt ,h.t fclaU. ThUaitHMI followed upon the reading of. Cm. ernor Brown' manage W'r day. -;$. tVnvral I'ainc. of Bw:o,s "ZZZZ that the Jobilec.is fi.r sale. ttO.Ah 47K.1M lilW 42.7.'. n.i.i

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