" POSSIBILITIES Or SCIENCE. Again, in what physiologists now call the hypnotic state, it is clear that the commands issued even from afar by one who had produced that bypuotic state, and een by others to whom' he has transmitted his authority, are heard and obeyed. We have no notion how they are 60 heard and obeyrd. But it is clear that what is auuible or visible to one organ in a state artificially pro duced bf -what we call the hyp notic trance, without in the least knowing what it means, might well be audible or' visible to e differently constituted organ in i s natural state. And there fore it is not at all, impossible that there are in existence or gans which convey to other creatures, without any hypno tizing, those same message which only become articulate t us under conditions which re semble the sudden giving out of what is called "latent heat" by tho physicists. But if any one supposes that what is now established a 'thought reading" is due to tht carryingof a new kind of qua6i electric message through the other, and that the exercise of a strong volition renders this thought reading possible so that an organization properly qualified for the purpose, as a Lypnotizer may be supposed to be, can, as it were, speak to a distant friend by force of will alone withoututtering any aud ible sound we do not know to what developments this kind of sympathetic whispering may not lead. Apparently organiea tions not naturally qualified for thought reading may, by the help of the hypnotizsr, be arti ficially rendered sensitive of thes3 more or less subconscious communications, so as to result in actions which would ordi narily be interpreted as proceed ing from knowledge of what at a distance and far out of the hearing or sight of the person who appears to be influenced by that knowledge. In other words, on this theory of the phenomena, vibrations of the ether, which would otherwise be lost upon a man may, by careful prepara tion, gain access to him, just as vibrations of sound, which are otherwise lost, so preserved by the telephone as to be audible within two or three hundred miles. Now, if by what we usually Cill a mere moral effort, a thought or even a sentence, can be directed to a given rain, just as the apparatus of the telephone directs it, there is no particular reason why some means should not be found of intercepting some of the lower animals and another, so as to tap them in the same way in which an el c trician at an intermediate point taps the electric cable of a mes sage intended for a more distant gal. And so the fair story fancy that'a man might be t endowed' as to overhear the con versations of insects or birds might be realized. All time speculations are cf course pure dreams, but they are dreams which are suggested as not al together impossible, but the ex traordinary extension of the possibilities of a vibrating ether, accepted by the science of our day. To the generation which has become familar with the phonograph and thought read ing it will hardly seem a sheer impossibility that we might one day be able to arrest and de cipher the less intricate mes sages of purely instinctive im port which para between the ants of a single nest, or the rooks of a single rookery, or tbe chimpanzees of a initio family Indeed the laht feat has, accord ing to an American naturali'M, been partially accomplished al ready by the help of the phorw graph, though not by virtue of anything analogous to the thought or feeling reading be tween man and man. London Spectator. When all the fellows who want office get a job, the na tional capital will have to be moved down to Texas to give them standing room. And even then there will be a few more to be accommodated. Pottetown Star. What is C IMlit ...... ...... -. - v . S .4W m 1 w - I f 1 II II F - 4 Is Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by' millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishnesa. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tbe stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. - Cas torla is tbo Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. - Castorla li as excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothen hare repeatedly told me of iU good Sect upon their children." Da. 0. C Oeoooo, Lowell, M&.4. Castorla la the beat remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is rot far distant when mother! wtllconsiiler the real Interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of thevariouiquack aostrumawhicli are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, fcothinc syrup and other hurtful scants down their throats, thereby sending them to premature jrarea." Da. J.f.XntcBxux, Conway, Ark. Tka Casta Company, T7 Murray Straat, Herw Tark City. Uses Mexican Mustang Liniment Sprain cured and crutches thrown away. Bad Gall on his horse's neck cured in 3 days. HUNTING'S RAILROAD SHOWS Circus, Museum and Menageria, WILL EXHIBIT AT DURHAM If o:LT II HEW STREET Thursday April Ago lot. Adults 50 cents; Childrea under twelve years 25c, a ? ! aa '"" Bis CQ Z c s 1 . I . K?ft .tfsS iV - ': v' ; -0 : JX - -?! It conifH in U ok 11 upmrinlry toiwtrur-twl earn. t wootner mg snow coming. It in all renpli'tiijfnt with a glittering tutvent. lood Disease! urh as nrroful and AamnU. Kkia Eruption mi Tilt ct KalLtm CkmipWiious, w tpwdilf cured hj Scott's Emulsion jr i wvwis f J tAf to qulckl XT OOlt A lOWM, N. V. An WtTffl Castoria. " Castoria b ao well adapted to children that I recommend tt as superior to aoy prescription knows to me." H. A. Aacna, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "Our physician! in the children"! depart ment hare spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is knows as regular products, yet wears free to confess that the merits of Caatoria has won as to look with favor upon It." United BoamaL ana Disraauar, Bostoa, Mass. AtXE C. Smith, JYt., DrftHAM, 5. C, Jan, 11, 1905. LjKM 3ffj. Co., BrooWyit. A". Gen tit-men: For fifteen years I hare used Mexican Mustang Liniment, and I consider it the beat lini ment on earth; I am never without it I recently used it on a bad gall on my bone's neck sad it cured it in three days. I had, aim, a bad sprain in my leg and had to tbe cruu hea several days. As soon as 1 began to use Mustang Liniment I felt relief, and in a few days was entirely well. I rerrjtnmend it to any one needing a liuirueiit fur horses or for self, with confidence that they will get their money's worth. Yours, JM. R. HCTCHE5G8. Of Carrinton & Hutching, Prop' of Ream's Warehouse, Durham, IT. C. 2 ft mm mm 2 S. a- kJ 25 at , sja .-5 2 3 9 ra.t S 3 wuxr vis. ft oiuerrera Ati J tffocUteljr euricLea n J 5 2 e 5' 2 S S 2 r, s rs-s US' r uvwv mi 1.1' n'mrunnirai to Ujo wbola iystem. It ia tloMMt tt UU tuid tkfj m tlt ktomarh. Thin, Emaciated Persons nl n uffcrinj from Waiting Diseaaci to tored ta LtkJUi hj ScoU'g Eiiiulmon. Bo 'ir you gt tL Utl wiih rmr tntflc mark on iU IttfaM cljto uWitt-J druMlata. Rrt a a i BUILD UP HOME -By Patronizing- HOME. ENTERPRISE MALLORY DURHAM CHEROOT CO., of Dariiam, Are manufacturing as fine Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarros, as can le found on the market. Their leading brands are: '" Belle of Durham, A dime eignr for a nicle. Blackweil's Durham. A very fine five cent cigar; Sumatra wrapper; Hand made; Havana filled; named in honor of Col. Buck lila'k well's. Jule Carr. A iine five cent cigar; Sumatra wrapper; hand-made; Havana filled: a sure winner; named in honor of Col. J. S. Carr, president of Black well's Durham Tobacco Company. Little Sadie Cigarros, Ten for ten cents. " Old Chunk Cheroots. Five for ten cents. The Old North State Three for five cents. A hummer that always pleases. STICK TO liOM: A3D SEND US YOUR 0RDE11.S. ADDRESS MALLOltY DURHAM CHEROOT COMPANY. lbs Best glioes tw the Least Money IThisisthe - For Sale by Don't Buy YOU CAN dET 30 a II - a . n.I JkrinVKT-,: LvTLr e, "f - --"- wnn I'l'T' as- What Kind of Seed are They ? VaVltimllaT VnM atr tlaa jtw.ala Is f. -n f er.n-areeapert.57 ' " -" ineeeea weoner raawereea lectnl. awt .Ci4 - Medal and Diploma by World's Fair Antborities For Jh .a collection t'l itimA. mmhim. th.nk.. t ...i . frar tneni. 7 THfT an- Mlt In the rpniil.r.li.. Vlt'lSn-llSIa Why We do This. " ' " How You Get the Seed. -k-I. Va. ".M U'tSZZSJ&" '"t-r.r of ,rh was naaSMi taau1. ..Mlrf..ailj. u. ..a. WHTISWOHAN? Iik.l. nTPt'lfl! kaw life n.fe f.. . .k.... T.TZ'."'"': " It rhaausiaM Iherann """"'I""- un wn.. "WOMAt" t.li. a C'J'f. GRAND Durham Recorder One Wnr. Woman One Yesr 30 Papers Seed Cotton Tests made by the Alabama Experiment Station and elsewhere wove mnt,,c',VmU u")t"' Bna jJT " - ' wW4lal V wUw Kainit Prevents cotton blight Planter, can prevent the Immense lost caused annually by thii disease. Send for our pamphlets. TVr tf strrl free, li will ,m t,hin, 10 tA ihem, sn4 they w,n . The Tobacco Crop require, . large arnoiint ff .ufpfcate f prfh. F.nmrnM Sl colnin ""'J ,hC - Not Less than 12 "Actual Potash. Plirrtloia etnftf frt'A', Mss LavaHt.IaaTa 1. . . at CJL 7.j i t. Vi t ",, . form of .ulphate. Wc iU kIadly Thr " '' l i 0H mi BAflimr ft Mrt tnem a.4 r). wakMAN Handmade, Havana filled. finest smoke for tho money. Chroots. 17. L. DOUGLA ; $3 mQE am Over Oae Hllllea Peeele wear Iks W. L. Douglas $3 and $4 Shoe. . All eer sbeea are reaallr saitateatar. 1 Iwr equal cumobi Uxm la i;l. tri (It, V, I" f Hun- w:n -miru OS HISW wmmrm TMWA wayyij WS SSB. S5,S4,S3.50 Cerd.Taa.Vmrh imn.n sail mwm wmwvmTwn 83.50 Polk Shoet 3io!. iilOliB sen scaaof sees ladles' $l,rw. llaX ll.i. U jmm f-trr cannot rtpfvtf W.UDoug.aa, - IVTtw. .N. rsektaa.Msas, I rwwT- Mrs. B. Davis. Any Seed P APER FREE. t"ETaiEn. al h ltevlne that we . iM .,tmn uiuiva v nj9SMar taafl BBKIUf. f .... "I'luw inai onir govt area be pntt, W .J r.i. ..... .. .. . . 7.H..ni, win wmuPKn t . . .. . are we tun to tw bad, an 1 fm fn-M n - -WW ' " r IM W mi J, .. . . " " -; wtw-r iuntiriMlf. in .h i. i V.1jT T - " " " want JtU Ki OFFER. $1.00 SO 150 ALL for $1.50 1 300 Same Blight I1"" "0101101 net 11,1 roih n the ttnd jou our uiiiLhkt. Z.. l KAU eVOKKS, M ,m'Ur S.A. L rmrharn and Hendeison.. Norfolk. Richmond, Washington, Hultimore, PJiiladel pnta ana new era, ann nuiiuui t.KH Charlotte, Wiltntngtou, Monroe, Chester, Green wood. Athens. Atiauta and all points South and West. . , : bally Ex. Sunday. N. Bound 8, Bound. -No. 4- fjurlmui.... Henderson . I.v 10 fiH a mlAr At is ;H p m Kittrell Franklintou ... l,ouisburg. Wakew. Warren riaius . Littleton Weldon ltoykins ....... Krenklin ....... Huffolk Portsmouth .... Norfolk Ar s 30 p m Ar a 4 " Ar J Ar ji " Ar i 4S '" Ar S'JL Ar 4 I aj p m I 05 ' it 15 am J.? 4.BJ2 I is ; IS 4' " II ,M am "le 5S "" 10 30 . ' M ... 9 is " am " SO ". 4S 7, 11 oj a ni 4 40 3 4 S SO J5 00 S J" II 10 l-ttcrburj(A.C.l,.) Richmond ' Washington' (P r r) Haiti more " Philadelphia " New York " IS 4" m AH ATLANTA SI'HCIAU T So. 4J." ' I "WoTJo, New Orleans Atlanta Macon Athens (Greenwood Cbratei Monroe Charlotte..,.',, .. Ch.rlei.toii Southern Pine... IIiiMKh Durham Hendertou Wcl.lon Norfolk Pelrrilture Richmond. Washington Kaltiranre Philadelphia New York... 7 ,5 a bi L 4 ay pm Ar 10 ia a mi j 01 pui; 11 48 p mi 10 n a mi 9 SI ami 5 " 4 00 p ut 7 w 0 111 5 a ni; 5 JO p Ul: 4 10 a ni 7 50 pm la 00 en 7 jopm 3JP SJP 7 S P .5 p ni 7 SS P i 3 J) p in ! it p bi 1 J6 a m 9 so a 111 mi 9 a lit" 4 J' m ? 30 111 6 00 a m 40 a ni 10 4t a ni 1 00 m latin 4 JSpm yco i i:h 11 a m n 33 a a S' p'' 7 i P 4 41 pm 5 1. a ' Jtoa., 401 am! 401 S.:i.; ru".ntn VritiLn!. Trains between WRuhtnalon uitd Atlanta.; . Tnirn ,i antl 41 liav eturvugl il.tei. t.lwa Weltton atstt 'ew York. . " No. J make, clotte connection at Portsmouth with Hy Line for Billimorr; old iMntnion teamen for New York erery Uar ia 111 week except Friday. With Mrrchaut and Miners Line for Botton and Providence every day in the week except Tuesday and Thurwlny. ami Norfolk and Washington B. B. Company daily for WashiuKton . No. 41 niaarscloscconnrctloa at Durham with train going west on a. Ik I. railroad. For further information in recard to connec tion.. He . apply 1 j K I.Cheatham, agent, IMir- nam, n . i.. , JOHN H. WINDER. General Manager. T- I. ANUKKHON O p. a. P.. 8T. JOHN Vice President JAPANESE p I1UB yURE ifPiOBl'f'iKSKS. Cap ( u.-n.M.- t Botmot Olni':i.4. A s-er.killt ( Our ft Pl of .veryD'tuidauddtwreu. ULili .an:tli.. alia the knife or InlrcUnos of earholie arid, whirl ar I'lli lul and n4um a nro.aaitt enr. an f oftas wu'tli in ok unnceaa-iv. Why andut. his trr,bl anmf Wf ajuaratiTs bosea tt cu'a any ta. V m on.y pi ft benennrMrNl 1 1 a boa, tnr IS. aot Ly auUJ Cuaranter. !nvd by o aaTnar. CflNSHPATlC!. fi?E? "!. !SS5A - - " ------- p, j.n.nn unr rfiif. th rreet ITVPB and STOMAtlf BEtil'LATOB tar bUhlliPl ltiriLrt. 8.M.; arid ao-t p:.v-n I. espaoailji adapuu iur cMiab'e M, Sv Uuasr O'AK 5TJXS ksrad ta'y r W. M. YEAKBY, DrujrgM. . FACTS! POSITIONS GUARANTEED under fvaaunatiU. enmHfttma tw nnl m. li h nts i.inmv. it ' 1 1 1 1 . tnt mni ivv ir I JW pare ntUiue-Draay;rMa a Practical Bwahw C4 Wf ami B. (....!..( hortliiii.l, lj;-riiiii(an4 Teiepraphy, ManhvUI. Tens., Waeka lt iranrh.W. mrtlu.1 sT tmrliint U.tk-krrnins a) "t WI tlj ..i HI. I.I.BI, .r"-irt. tttttr nnn-y in inw iniere rtr IU F.mi-lt.tment Itrsartmrnt Ihaa half Hi bnsttwsa .... I th. u.iith a-i. , ., , tmugly rad.Ml l.y Htnten, Mrn-hanta and ttnat'tit-al bt tn-wtt all uier the I lilf-.l Male KeaattiMltle rales .ft tiitn.in. ) Itmp Ixwrrt. jva to both na atiKlmui paal r, rrimat ins .K Mate an-l Terribvie. It lass alau pn-par- mt nam days trial, when t.rti wrlie eattlaln jtKir wani. Ati'iresa: j, r. ImnirrM, Pnwt Nashville. Tenn. .V B. H par null. Sj, ft y. -la n.J .. .. 1 . l. an iiimunFiitoin LKAYC3- MEKAW, K. C. 7 ftO Hnilv. ft INI am Tla.'lw rrpt Sunday for Lynchburg and iiji oi aiaimua. rri ve Ly nctturj i Union 8ta tionmll 43 am.. 3 nm I v Lynchburg for Durham 2 45 pmj Daily 6 2i arn., Daily except suuaay. WEST-BOUKD. LBATR LTXCHRl'B't bAILT. lAtilS f... ItlAltils VmM..A DIJJ J j-. ..-n..rTt ,,it'ii.iiii, iKiir Oj ami IValwmias aU Car KmIiv Atnunt sm) atl.iali'ai. W irnKtifi.Salrtn liiviw.. i ,m. nra si Ittannae 8 j am., with Waaliina. vm nwi a nattanva i.imiiaii inrsil tmnitr ailh and west nf KrtMol. Pullman alewn. tt ..i..... i ... rrm nwaiat m .i'-n ons ami ."New Irrlrsn. tiiiing far aiiai ii). a ...M lh.il rit a'l.iMM C... for lt.aiM.ke, Itliienelrl, i'tratmntse, Ke art I iiluniliti bimI f'li.rarti. I'ullman f!,,. tleeper kitHilt lo (Xtimnns IthntH rhsnir. CimnerU at Kavlfoni fray llriatnl. KiKiitilla, ;iisllana ami intertneiliata pinrila. I'ullman Wlwtajr Kaylftiril lo Chat' (SIVvaTa, Arrive Lynclittirg Daily from . I. V....t 12 :.'!() a. m.. 1:30 p. m. E ART HOC K I Lt A Y I tt KCHBCRfr OAILT I at, tim for kirlinxm.! lmIM .t Norftillt: arrivra I'eteriluir i a OJinrnvtina; with KirhiwiMi siM Irten.buiv i.Mn ot i iii.iiiv lit nil ii mi.in .1 i. . arnee Newf.ilk A 4l tim, 1 U4jsm. ArhvelVtentlmrg 5 tOsm.ri. rie.liii wiili K. K. It. .I,v; arrive Ki. linHin.l H 17 am; srrive- X.irf.lk 8 f Ism, Pullman I'slavw ah-ejief to Norfolk, A I v Pullman I'alsw Hm.. tu. l.vtirhl..ir ami HU limnn.1. 1 hiarsr a i II I ready si Lynrlilmr..! a fir. iin. ftif the renititl id awtiKen Arrive Lvm hburir the Mnnt. 4:M am., 2:10 pm WINsJTc'N.SALEM filVIPinM lsve f2iu,lt f ittit .o..... t'rti.f's'wri ami inVrn.HUi aialoHia . .-mil a. sroims lh.i.n-i. Isy, u,. o7m. Miilye.TKH.ii,.,vi, ry Iw,. lister, ami in in j.ii. ' . ' swl sii i L A X. II K via Nf bm. furiunner inrormat ion nr.. PUto E. M. flit A li a if r . -assitll f Ida .t . W.H. BELVILL. , urn,ira- fn I'm. Agt. Itonok, Vn. kotice. I WAltT eesry man and woman la the ITmu. States interested In lbs Opium and Wi. .7 habits to bars one of my books an th... Ik' eases. Address B. H. Wooll.. a.i. d Box 183, and ana wlU be seat yoa tn. SOUTHEIIN RAITAVAY (Piedmont Air Line) IN EFFECT March 3. 1895." TKilKs I,r.AV SALfKIH, t Paii.y, coNNK-ra At tirueiisburo, for all polut. n.jii, ami Houtli, and lust JTSI,, S S:aO A. M. lwily I points mi the Karth-western Nnn , irolliia lUH.roatt.. :Atltallsbory f 5 ii iwiiiib 111 nenorn orth farolins Kuosvilie, .Tbimi.,' antlnnatl western potnts; at charlotte ui HlsirtMlihliri UrMtuvilU a.i . laulaandaTl points Bouih. Clarksville and Keysville eiceitt .sm daya. At tireen.ht.ro, with the Wash. ' iiiL-lon and eWHilliwastem Vttibnli (I.lmlte.1), and the New York and Florida Hhort Line (llinilrd) tralu i,,, ail points Nortli, and' with main iln. irajii No. lit for Danville. RkhumJ .ml l.ibtmiMftt.i ...... , M a:iO I haatHHiiieellon for Wln.ton-Haliru.ii'l' i i whii iiwiii line irain no, aa nut nu,n xmitjr iiiriorHia, tiieepiu(r for Atlanta Jai-ltMoiivillntittl mi . k..i.. ...t ear for A iii uli. " w,m r.im.ect.al Se:ma -for 'Vayettevlll. I .. " ?. on uie Km Fayettevllle Mhort Cut, daily OjiUlslH to fur N Urn and Uorehta't lilt I" M I "ally " if 7 s raimirij (ar niiiiKlimarHl Inleruiulkile atatioiu on Hie A K. H. daily. 4'iO I'M iHlly f Frt.m fMiMsLoroitr.d p. Int. l'jitt, t . f f'.inrieels at forUm ft Oifoni larksi Hits ln;iuU polulsand Klih llonu. i f-nnvrtt i.l Mow ft Wilson. Risk. i.t I Mi.ni.l, 1arlst.amt knil statlous on At A ) ..nrftilk ACaruitiia Kalirudarrlvtot n - Jli ic.k.uuro M p in. TftIMAI'.IUtIATaLiM, V. C. ' i. i.Oa p sr lially a if Ully f From XewiYork. Miilad.lAU. Vmb i lueftMi, KlehuHtiid. Ureroaboro; all fpttiiiu north and south, I From (imrnstinraand all poinli north and aiMitlv Hleepiugtar tirwutbom (loKakrish. i . Frnm Gokl.bom. . lwiiy ( Froas (intilsnona. WllmlnsttHi. Fay. i ett lllb awl all polnu Is eastern aro (Una. ' 1 From Imrham. Oitord. C'larksvllle 1 Va.. pduts awl kMiaaoad, ( FnifaOoMatMroaridan polm sart. ra I-M ally 1 " ' e win ., Pnllinn ears an aflrnin train froaa Kalri.k to t.rerr.!Uro.and ua uian.ia? lasia f-.i.-.... ai;ro. - - 7 J..nl.leVlly trains Wlwem Ulelh,l1arl.4t and Atlanta, (juws lisw; aseaeelll seeuamw da I ion. '-I.llnpLiita.Tt'i.t-Wrh4te.N-.r. J. M. iTir, w. a. Ti as TraSie Vasasw. tien. laaAat tierml Mf-iaxvr - t . iMatera rura ) rw. ... TUSTIC AXp DAXYIUX RAIL TAY. " i. h.ru in effect July I, last. tt r. litrfmiMiihl Ntarftk. iFrmiL Vrt N.trfMk, , taurehlaiirl, , ..i MitaiMtT. H III, lleanwas, . h.m.i.t. ' t'-ind. llil-nd; H....I.V. r trntnllln, ftl.a, - j I ourtlaud, lope.- f 'rtin, ' ' wrwr)hllle. - A.laua. .nt Iims Plain. . J. K Junntiaa, Fa-Uwkt. J , l bwa.nl Mhada, ' ttlavn.aa, . . Ianvierlll, I hart, linpa,. .. ttnaliwa, Lat-pa., ' ' ramih Mill. ' l ahaa U-l, . ' raukertille, . airk.f 111. farkiojuaelk. ftetatrfV Vlraillns," hrMW . M.vo, Ivmibvaaaw. . , All't), ' I annlnthaaj, ' sto-mofa. Maw. t-waviilr. So. 1, tally. f a wan a at lUia H.vt a at Wis a a luS aa main 10 Mia MM a ra il! ti; a r 11 la an. II s at II ST s m II U a at ll Ma aa 11 a a 12 II p as U I ', p as li it p aa .12 p n UpM I l a at Ko. t Imlly ' a any , ft M F a . 4 46 p at . ' ST p at . pat pat tapat Ik: pat . . ; s a pat , '.'Ipsa '.tup. . ttfipat t M pat tT pat t at p at tupet 1 tap. Ills tat pat I tap a. Ipsa I Up at ' I S p at . II (as II it pat fciupat U . II at a a -It aas . II Its at lltesaa r la'wsa ret a at la;sat laaiast lata a at leajaat aa a at a at . sat I'aaa oasat p as ti pa. p at Mataa s p at m p at pa a at p at as a aa p at pat M p at asp. -1 at p at p at M p at -pat I- at . ; WjSJI B I IIABV Vi AT HelneM alth Arlanilet oaat lines ft Ira l Ivier'tainr . -we. ailM,i,iri.i. .t. AJPT",, Kkhaauwd an.1 lawuii tuwt. ft f.jl ht lty.titi.wd, tiewleratat, IwtMaa, lialHih. efe. " At S.f.4S wlih the IT. T., f sod . Railway, f.k M.l2" "uo aaat annhera rliww: Wit anlrt. hm 1... . M . . . .' una K.ftt.plh line ft 4- AVuktvlrt, M,ii,urfi fttfl twertn: ttliliOM le.mti.1. mMMliip I'M II I. tffttl.H.StV XrVl.yf. k... SkallKA.Lrt HUMMmr I fr.iMI t4. Ksatt Vtlt tfttwl isfrn fuitiiferm twalt.i. skiit. tut SAT'ai aa1ataaak.laki ...a. a. J.A aA a a TT r . - -- .,r .. tytwMSBj rrvwPirMrv rrHaiKl iMn SrW tMlaiyl mnt-tm- mlt ta A attasl A aatla.Mui .-. a.- . ...1 . .' V ... ! sVtnl Hf-aW-t.. aa llaW li.a a... ..l- -1 av llraalsi Viae lassssiasyt - - ..a. 7 - ' " "- wbbwiswb asaw W IH Hr tX. 'A- li ''-F ansntanv tleaat t -iV"" tuawsaM traaove af pats ad hasiass lartaara Vnrur.th sn.ll.nrMs. of and W.tt. fAttAk,tt. r.A. FOOTINE" Ku'i. exccMire wreplratlon of tbe F nd Armnlrat. Cnft Corns. Chttlalna m4I Bun lOtia. Htlil L Artntmlm SI . S ak at r - , T - . , . - --" "- WW vain' Raj TaVtiBHaalala. , . B. V. LUDLUU &C0. Swaoton.Ohio . J.r.WOlVIBLE. Hardware for Builders m "-T "aaawa-a.-- "T i Hardware f:r Faroe rs Hardware for Tctcriej Hardware f:ir Eveiytedy 'aim Lead andOil. CROCKERI AND CtASSWiRL iomt of tb baat : aid cb tlt COOK STOVES Children C7 for Rtchcr'i Castoria. Ua. Atlanta nJ all polnti Cl abut oiunilila-, AUKUala, Charle.n.ii MHvaniMh.Jaekanuvllle and all ,hu.

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