' m II r i n -aFTN'BH "I KNov NOT W1UT THE TRiTII MAY BE; I'LL TELL IT AS IT WAS TOLD TO HE." lume 76-No.2 Durham, N. C, Wednesday, May 15, 1395 Established 1820. I 1 II A. AN. Ex Es li EX m AhV . t i n iealth jeans so much more than iu imagine serious and lal diseases result fronn ifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s eatest gilt health. rawits on itters Kvoaareteellfl. out ot aorta, weak J and f enerail' e. 1 sauted, aenrooa, J bad no appetite aad cant work, J beglaatoacetak.l lug the moat ralia- J dw nifniinrning medlclne.whicb H Brown Iron BiU ten. A lew bot. ilea care beaent cornea (mm the vary filat dot of aM' Mora) Mir . and It'e pleaaaal la last. It Cures ipepala, Kidney and Liver iraJgiA, ., Trouble, lUpaUoa, Bad Blood i, Mcrvoiu anmeaUi Women's complaints. sair the ewaniue M aaa r riant a no) tuatMamiftM. All othata Bt anb 4 ilea. On f acajiit of two ac. atampa wo j I .Mill M. 1M WMU'. Vkol ad hook-iraa. VH CHEMICAL Ca SALT! MORI, MOL elief in Six Hours. i tressing Kidney ami Btad aeases relieved in six hour? "New Oreat South Amer Kidney Cure." This new Jy i a great surprise on unt of its ex;eeditwr prompt- In relieving: pain in tbe llftr, kidney , back and ev rt of the urinary passage ale jr femiR It relinvet ption of watr an pain in ng it almost imme lintely u want quick relief and this is your remedy. 8od Heartt & Farthing. Irnrtrit. Durnain. N C. MWkwMiMkWWiWWaa1atali jT''iH;'i'i!;':r T bal old Sowar sot aad asak It a af beaatr. Pianl a u U Moea a will bo Jojr Marar. .&C. Roses m and bloom Indoor or oat, la pot kardoa the, am oa lhair owa roota. aow oulde to Hoee Culture will help make a wtee aelartioa toil Too bow and oUmt flowara ara frown at aeadqaarter ana aon fOU ana toon equally well. . aa at laajaM, wo 1 aa4 fcao. thai ala bana u4 a aampt ety af aat Boral ,1 DISUKB CX)4U CO, Woat Ciravo, Pa. She Knew Where She Wai , i-t. i.ouu n"ciuiiiit. Slio was a pretty creature, wjtb willowy form and a wicked twinkle in her eye, and as 8he tood oat on Finney avenue hail ing an approacmng car, with her skirts doubled about her to keen them out of" the wet. she looked doubly entrancing. The car wiu one of tbe vestibuled ones, and, in one end, smoking was permitted. ntothis portion ot the car ray ady pranced, though several ci- aw, backed up by good, healthy lungs, had already provided auough sniok'e to stagger a smoke inspector. She did not seem to uotice, and was not tbe least af fected by "the denso fumes. The conductor soon approached and, while counting out some change U? ix,said, very needlessly to my mind, in view of the condition oi the atmosphere, that this end waV i sniok ng car. . i "Iiut you may remain it yo do uot mind tbe smoke," he con cluded. , ', "But I'm going to smoke, too," iiie said. Tbenjwsof a Chinese victory ould not have been more sur prising. Tbe conductor clutched one of tbe hanging ttraps for suit- port, drew a long breath, and tnd then to k a good look, if a .rood look, if a somewhat rude at his fair nassenuer. She jras quite unabashed. Two men icaid tbe nm irk, ami also turned jo loox at her, but she turned two full, deep Hue eyes ujton them so unocentiy that they were com )fllei from slieer etiquette to re nove tlieir gaze. There seemed to bo mischief lurking behind those same blue eyes, too, but it lid not show iU?lf niucli. She opened recticule qui e calmly, as n no n, lit were within me hundred miles :of her, and mxliuoi the neatest of mall ci- aretii Iroxtfi. It ojieiKHl with a lick, una showed also some wax 1 matches. Then, wonderful iL'ht, she lit a, cigarette as neatly nd carehsrily as if she were the most insipid and callow youth that ever learned to puff cigar ettes at college. And when she naa u unite anaevtnur av enue ' had lMH.n reached. Mie tossed the t-tump uon the car floor ami Signalled the conductor to stop, fehe then aughti-d, and moment alter she tripiicd up the done stfm and thence into tbe ymnasiiitn of the Pastime At hletic t lul, where she is a mem berof t'le ladies' class. GE SORES ON FACE t'at of llaadt from Blood rolMW ( IlijralrUae aad Kwnr-fllra Ro Ib-arttt. Cared tf Cutlrara Remtdlre. ulafallji ant that tbrt are ewa.biiit aad I er I i lH Wf'iififi wwm pirvji iv irrwhbnl mi fe hkirwl poiatnitiff MilMml ! Itii.hllwrua. Itr torn aiavl ibvir iratM wvrrw tn m i raiHi4 ihm I HaU anau - A flat twint wrmnwm, i wins f ' . j t P HVaJBIffFM, SUV I ,4 pu, (Mvei fl wen rr tor rwii. aiui bi brifl k-a T SEVERELY AFFLICTED lakladieraa. Iu ba.l. law and nan. iw wrw awart one amid ante. I nea Bwwi-rtbo e It, Iw4 arret! renaMM, MM Um I'tirt R araai.ira. antm) tr llena. I bnotht a mmttri oh. nn wew mj tiViie ir aveiiai Kt'tatrlf rnrM. ' w, t I K K, Tearhor, trraa, Traat. CUBA WORKS WONDERS aintle rate of Ct-nrra "nr. enat wandiieniMleat UM etrweanf Ineao rMie, Ihetw ta anw an waanw whf lealHMM enlhnwrb Hie Inrtared. rile M Irawitnateit b Mnnd and akin Hia. Mr are eidileriird bribe LttKlaa aiauifllnacoM. '""tkiiwl tha erli. Pr rmrpaa, . K i Haantraat. II. hmi liava IMP, Bott I'rovrWiara, Beovaa. How Qar, mm tMaaejea," awlled frea, U, btaekbewla, rwl, rmifh, ebaBped, aad "J aaie oorM a, wrmaa aoar. WOMEN FULL CF PAINS find hi Caiknra Anll rala Maa. lot Inatanl and (tr'(Ml rll'f II a Ibo rt and nnlf iiaiBUJInf, ,W-"1WIWIIII yawwt a woTtra. rf aa and mtrntk la Ilia railed fUd la the Opmm and Vt i.f are ana of bnata no Dim. aia. "Ireat H. at. aii... iuuu. t. In a recent sieech ex-President Harriwfn, who is a candidate for miomination, said: "I have al ways Wievctl tbut a larger una of silver for money, ami free coinage of silver uikiii a bo.i to be agreed uiioti, that would niainlaiu its parity with gold, wo good for the whole world." This shows how convinced Mr. Ifarriwn is of the power of the silver cnic that ha uized the fieople of the country at large, irnctiveflf their provi oils itolitiral afliliatioit if it strength shall increase, as now SK'mvrtain, the I'identia of both thj Iemocratic and lie- publican parti next year wil jirobihly le silver men, in which caw the lusiness affairs and mil' terial welfare of the whole country will, and not unm.t intlly. induce all thn rumliv inteitU therein, In look for a man totnllv cx.-mpt and lyund the reach of tha craw n-rerreil u fcr their can diHe, and logically, theif eves woulil at once he fixed upon Mr. Cleveland. -Alexandria (taxette ati rk promises to m very prodigal with her favors this year ami the weather crop hullftui for May is a signal pronhecy of rich harvests in grain ami great re turns front the lorchard. The fruit bloom was never so a bun dant, and, with the single, execp- Um of the tiiouiitainoii sec tions. the result will In Ik voik and previous record if blowouts count for anything and blosoms alwavs count il the frow Keep, away. The outlook is a welcome one, as the farmers and fruit growers have suffered heavy losses in recent years. Iloth producer and consumer will benefit in this year ol plenty. , ' ' 1 ; s ? flonty. Witmlef ma Mar. One of the objections urged against the coining of mora silver id cannot be cot into circulation and therefore it is not only uselew but foolish to coin more. ThU objection has about as mu':h boi torn in it as a soive; but if then anything it it would apply with more force to gold thau it dees to silver, for there is more silver in actual circulation than there is gold. We have in round figures about $500,000,000 in gold. How much ol that is used as a cur rency in the ordinary business transactions of the couniry? The people handle a hundred dollars in Bilver to the one in gold they handle, and yet we are told that must otop,.the . coinage of 8ilvert because it cannot be got into cir culation and go on coining gold, very little of which is in circula tion and very Hub of which the )ooplo ever see, More silver is not in circulation, not because tbe people don't' want it or object to handling it, but because there has been determined and concerted ac tion by the gold manipulators of us country to keep it out of cir culation and thus discredit it all icy can by making it appear ' that it will not circulate, and the Luited States Treasury co-oper ates with them whether inten tionally or not, by refusing to pay' out silver in meeting obligations when under the law it has the right to do so. The Government itself turns its back on its own silver, tbe money rings combine against it, it bus to light for re cognition and existence against both, agam&t both, and yet there is more of it in actual circulation than there is of gold. If it had fair play and honest treatment there would now be four times as much now in circulation as there is. A dood Allowing. The excellent credit of the United States, says the 1'hiladel hia Times, as shown by the pre vailing high prices of government kinds, greatly worries the critics of tbe administration. True, they have much to com fort them in ho diminished rev enues, lor which they hold Mr. Cleveland entirely to blame; yet in spite of this, and in spite of all the silver talic, investors will per sist in believing that the Treasury is going to meet its obligations in standard money j andthey keep on buying bonds at rate that would have seemed wildly extravagant before the recent iration that replenished the gold reserve. J o justify these patriotic organs, U. 8. bonde ought to have con tinued to decline, as they probably would have done if that wise ar rangement with thesyndicateba'd not been made. Hut the opera tion having been sueccwful even beyond exiectation and its wis- loin thus spendidly demonstrated, the organ are in greater distress than ever. It would st-cm that nothing s'lort of national bank ruj-tcy would make them really happy. t Tbe tatler-De I plJcwkr. llmlnglim Mrnwnavr. It is not strange as it may at licar to some to read of so much crime in our land. Poor fallen human nature is not a good tin ture. Is any man mfc from sin .....! u-i.A u..ni ,frl,nr" I1IH4 VI IlltO VtllU in UU1 VI VIIKl. Ma? he not I tempted at some noint that will tend to his undo ing? IjooV at the iiewspnj-ers, visit the prisons and iciiitetiti- aries and reformatories and places of lust and debauchery and get the answer. I here is a fearful mania for murder and rain', h it surprising? Ihk at the court records, uur k,hhj tnunicrs in 1H9I, and but little more than 10) executions by the regularly constituted courts. hat a dead failure! The Pmllimorc Herald, nothing this mania for homicide tells tins:. "Tho iwhce authorities ami courts in thm) Males an inveti gating horrible murders, where young girls have lalleti victims first to k lOiiioti assaults ami men to homicide. In Massachusetts, Maryland and alifornia three outwees' uion innocence have been iteriictratcd almost siinultan eously, w hile, as if to accentuate the tiller of crime, a bucchery is re ported front Kcw York slums and Dr. Ihichanan, the wife murderer, has readied the end of the appli auccs known to criminal lawyers to delay puuh-hmcnt jam! defeat Men commit the most-awful crimes without any after manifes tation of compunction. Some go through the furco of a professioi of religion, bat tho truth is thai tho worht ofU nders are monsters in human form, and are Ciilm, self contained, callous and will die "gamecocks" and go out of life into internal punishment- with not much more ot conscious fear ajv parently than "dumb-driven cattle." Speaker Crlnp't Viewa. l.yni'tiliurK Newt. Speaker Crisp was in Washing ton a few days ago, and whik thero was interviewed by the press reporters as to the money question in the South. To one of them he said: "There is considerable talk about silver down South, but 1 don't know that it is any more )ronounced now than at any oth er time, although it may, seem to be so on account of the ': general prominence given to the financial juestiou throughout the country. Vou see the S aith has always be- lievedjn the use of silver in the national currency. I anj not pre pared to say that the thinking iieoiile of that section would come out radically on a silver single standard. 1 hey are not radical about anything. They believe, lowever, that we cannot' have a return of the prosiierous condi tions in this country on the con tracted currency of a gold basis. There seems to be a general wil lingness among our people fo give silver an opportunity." , V hen asked what- significance he thought attached to tbe coming "sound money" convention to be held iu Memphis on tbe 2:rd ol the present month, Mr. Crisp said: "That gathering will represent the boards of trade and. commer cial organization of the South.. It will not lie representative of the mass of the people nor of their sentiments alout silver. I hoi at that meeting they will argue and discuss the silver quastiou from their standpoint. These self st vied "sound monev" iieoplc lo not make arguments to sup- ort their general alh'gations, hey Miuplv state sometning as a fact and let it go at that. 1 hi: will not satisfy the iieople. They a a 1 want to know tue reasons, we ly and tbe wherefore of the matter, liecaue the advocates ol silver have explained their ioi tion and the rensons aetuatnur them in taking it." That is a correct statement c the whole affair. The Memphis convention will 1 composed ol delegates appointed by boards of tnule, commercial organizations aiid bankers, and will not repre sent the mass ol the it-opie or their sentiments about the moirey question. It is a convention got ten UP 1V cold mononittuilist to try and influence .Southern senti incut upon the silver question. and, if possible, to break tho Ji Pemocratie Pouth in the next Presidential election. The people of the South will not be in itor it. Carlist? and Hoke Smith, two members of the cabinet, will be there to represent President Cleve land s "sound money views Wall Street will have a mil re presentation no doubt, ami all tin other delegate present will sim ply U' there to sm-eze w hen the ethers take siiulf. til it comes, lid has been meet ing with great success. Frankliuton correspondent to News and Observer: Jos J. 'V. Jones, who iived near here, was struck by lightning and Instant- y killed Friday afternoon while in the field planting corn. Mr. Jonet, was the uncle of Rev. J R. Cole, of Raleigh, and was a highly respected citizen. He was. 74 years Id, and was for many years watchman at the insane asylum at Raleigh. Washington Progress: "Big Sofe," a colored woman who is ery large and has a superstition about being weighed, was de coyed on the scales at the A. C. depot and she tipped the beam at 415 pounds. Raleigh Press: The man Dri ver, who was arrested here yes erday on suspicion that ho he barn burner, escaped from Lillington. jail turns out to bean other individual by the name of Priver hut with different ini tials. He has been released. Wilmington Messenger: W. ! E. Worth has planted 500 pecan trees on his place on the Wil- mington and Weldon railroad, four miles from Wilmington. I hey are thriving nicely, lie expects to plant 500 every year until he gets htty acres planted. News and Observer: The last egislature appropriated to the institution fo. the blind and colored institution for the deaf, dumb and blind here nine thousand dollars to be used in making improvements. The committee of the colored insti tution has decided bow to use its seven thousand. The money will be expended in building two wings to the present build ing. Superintendent Young, of the blind institution, says that it has not yet been decided how the two thousand appn priated to that institution will be used. Woik on the build ings at the colored school will soon begin. , Asheville correspondent of the -News and Observer: In the federal court room this afternoon Robert Ray, tbe town marshal of Burnsville, who had been sentenced to one month imprisonment and fined one hundred dollars and costs, drew a pistol and started for the door The crowd stampeded but the deputy marshals seized Ray and struggled with him several minutes, finally subduing and placed him in irons. p'stoleswere drawn duiing.tle struggle and the matter loolcd exceedingly squally for a time. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report I Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Williams, that "the present so called reformers are self-appointed, and are weak because iu no way a representative body chosen by the people." True as gospel. Probably not half of the members of the committee of 70 would have been elected by the people to represent them in reform New York Sun. Governor Brown is sajd to be firmly of the opinion that his son was the victim of Mrs. Gor don's wiles, and that the assa sination was premeditated. Non sense. If Cordon had made his wife sue for damages there might have been some ground for such belief, but no man shoots his wife and her para mour who is conniving at her baseness. News and Observer. The parade of troops about Pocahontas is costing tho state something over $l,0QO per day, and we are not sure that there was any real necessity for send ing the troops to tho coal fields. Danville Register. Qail Hamilton, the writer, is sick in Washington City. After being out twenty-nine hours, the j ury in the case of the State against ex-State Treas urer Hill, at Lincoln, Neb., re ported a disagreement late Sat urday night. This will neces sitate a new trial of tho case. The case related to the liability i f the ireu-urT for state u,.d to the extr-ut ot fMO.OOO, which he had deposited in the Capital National Bank and which was lost by the failure of that bank in January, 1893. George E. if rice, once promi nent in Virginia politics, died at the asylum for the insane at Weston, West Virginia, a few days ago, age I 80 years. He says that he challenges Corbett because Peter Jackson, the col ored fighter, has refused to meet him, although he would prefer.the latter. Ted Pritchard, who was knocked out in two rounds by Jim Smith Friday night, has issued another chal lenge to Smith. No news has been received of the missing steamer Glad Tid ings, which left Port Thompson twj weeks ago with ten dele gates aboard to the Methodist conference, now in session at Victoria, B. C. The steamer Maude was last Saturday night dispatched in search of her. The fear is generally expressed that tho missing steamer has been disabled and blown out to sea, with the probable loss of all aboard. just one month to from Buluwayo to There are altogether over 113,000,000 women in India. It costs 27 shillings a week to maintain an English lifeboat. The River Rhine flows at three times the rate of tbe Thames. It takes send mail London. China has only forty miles of railway on which to transport 400,000,000 people. Among modern weapons the bayonet has changed ' -t since its invtutiou. J ames Russell Lowell thought "Among My jBooks" his most creditable performance. According to a medical jour nal, in ordinary health most pec pie are proof against infla-enzi. Alexander Hamilton's report on manufacturers. 1781, men- was a member of the Virgin'a f tion8 a min for cloths at Hart- senate wnen ne iosi nis mino, ford. forty-six years ago. Ho has been in Staunton and weston asylums ever since. The London Sporting Life has published a challego from Frank Several ! Slavin to Jim Corbett for a fight for 2,000 or 5,000 a side to The bones of an average male skeleton weigh twenty pounds. Those cf a female are probably six pounds lighter. It is estimated that in large cities of the country there are twelve saloons to every church. take place in England between i The ratio in hours of work is 1 March and May, 1895 Slavin I to 2D4 Sute . Senator Pritchard was hurt by a runaway horso at Ahfi ville Thursday. It is rumored that the Sea board Air Liue shops will he moved from Raleigh to Ports mouth. Concord Times: Mr. John A. Rankin tells us that ho had to kill two young cows last Tues day. They were bitten by a mad dog several weeks ago, ami Tuesday showed signs of being mob, so they were killed. One of Mr. Rankin', horses and a jack were also bitten, but so far they are all right. Charlotte News: W. S. De Long, a cigar drummer in the employ of a Baltimore firm, is "beating" his former customers in various towns in this State, by representing to them that he is expecting; a draft from his house and soliciting a loan nn- Ocneral News. "I am in favor of a silver ba sis," said a railroad president recently, "because it will ena ble us to get labor a great deal cheaper than we get it now." The workingmen of the cotn try ought to throw their caps in the air and yell for silver in i.u nientalism.-Atiar.ta Journ il If Guff had rendered hi d cision in retf ir i r i tm rtgs.- i tion law of ftotith Carolina twenty years ago he would have been impeached. He ought to be impeached now, News and Observer. The request of the town coun cil of Pocahontas that the mili tary be removed was a joke ( n tho soldiers or the governor one. Pocahontas, it seems, would rather have a riot than an inva sion by the soldier boys. Dan- ville Register. When they get to making j( paj;er socks and selling them f. r three (.ents a pair, as it is said j they can, there will bo no ex cuse for even Jerry Simpson dispensing with that part of a man's rig. Wilmington Star. I'ncle Sam is much interested in the South American situa tion, but only secondary so long as the base ball season is prom ising. Baltimore Herald. There were sense and force in the remark mado at a meeting on Thursday by the tier. Dr. 1 0 for Infants and Children. awaaawjaawawMwawaawaBawawawawawaaanewawaoBwae t THIRTY yoara' cDaorvntloa of Caatorla wiUi i tajatroaagaaf tnllUona of pc-mone. pawnlt aa ta apank of it arltfcont K ! It la anqaeeHrniaMr aa Ibaat remedy for Inflate aad CbUdroa tho world ana nrer fcanara. It la aarmlaaa. Cafldr llfca 11 It tWoa nm h-nlth. It wilt aara half llvaa. la U Mataara ?i er.0lng which la nWlwfailr aafa aad praMlrallr parfoat aa a chlld'o inedlclno. CavtajlaaJWoTa. Caatoria allara Favwrieaaaaa. Caatnrla yravaata vomHlnd; Soar Card. CjaatoHa rnrae PUrrhoa aad Wlad Call. Caatoria rUen Ten thing Tronoloa. Caatoriit f nroa Coaatlpatlon aad rUrnloaey. Coatorla neatraliwn tha effect af earhoato aaid fan of aaiaaaaaa air. Caatoria tinea tint tontaln moryhlaa. ajilaae, or other anroo-Ha arwaarry. Ca.tm-Ua.lmllat tha fnad. ragalaUm tha etomaeh aad Wwala, e;(rtngha1hr aad aataral alaa. Ttoetnllowe aawanajta lljpoeiaarthlaa- aleO tha l Of njraailaa that it la-Jaat aa a-pod" aad " will aaawa avary aara." rVa that yon tt C-A-S-T-O-R-l-A. Tha f-.lll. STY j1, . 'Mwwarf alwaatnraaf fAfZTUJUM Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla is that what we have aln-ady coin justice." r- r win aw eewawaarwa, i

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