Local ; Observations. fallow has a turn a( The cut worms are .still cut ting- The whe it cutters are still utting. The OraRshoniKJrs are ttill lopperc. . , Tlio dot t ' say tlicro is no measles hi sight. The printing busiuess tliese luys U pretty n.ucn like Dasi mil. every the but. That ' Col. Al Fairbrother 1 11 make Tuk Ou Rkcohder a hummer with horns when lie ike hold next week is reassuring, The University summer hool for teachers at Chapel Hill mum ve terday. .Tickets at educed rates, may b6 bought at II 4itions, good to August 1st Crops a:e looking well and romise an abundant yield. The !nat crop is now being harvested iid the yield is largo, much better J i (Kine places Mian last year, i lie it crop is ratlier inferior,. When news reaches some of ur old friends that this is tlielnnt sue of this paper under the old mniiucment, and that they muft hark un. they will no doubt saw ,e air with tlicir whiskers. Mr. James B. I-ashley, of tiimviue. was in me cny yesier ,v. we learnea irom nun uiai is brother who wa struck by litninir at the depot iu that lingo Monday evening, was im oving. The Alliance at its inc ption is a good thing capable of ira hivinir Hie lumiers vy sucim iu rwnr by giving new ideas on riculture and butter methods rming, but In tho laMt few years litii-, politics has dnven away ne of the niomiiers and the or r i smaller than it was yean Let ns take time for the eood liimWe shall go to the day's rk with a sweeter spirit for it t uptake time to sieak kin nl to those we love. Iiy and . when they cau no longer beat our foolUhnms wilt seem more than our best wisdom. Lrl take time to be ilaauit- Hit ill courtesies which we oftri it liecAuse they are smalt will ie day look larger to us than wealth which we have coveted the fame for which we hare U'g'ed, 11 lie wages of not less than M Hi men in the Lulled State c Ufii advanced material! v lnii the last t0 days. Careful uiry t'iruighout the country iic. le.4 nit advance avemgiiiL' rl . 12 r ceiL The Xe L World has compiled a list ii'N embraces more than 20 i which have within tht last Wviks advanced the wages ol f e,ii;1.iyes. A notuble featun great industrial improve it s that the WHges of the ' nun have with liardlv -x -epti m been advanced voL ir.lv by Ihe - employer. II hi ii.m bcrn remarkably frer ii ctrikes. . ' yr:-y V'. -There U n familiar figure in "i!y i,f Durham today than Mr. j' '- ilauk'jey, who has been th ri I'lt iieeorder for nearly H i; beginning the ncwajMitiei imks here with plenty of hoj 'U.-oiirngcmeiit, but withi 11 aiiKMitit of pocket change with industry and close at ion to his affairs, he toon had mltitudeof personal friend, aiming tlm the Hebrew at- I "icy h ive been liberal pa- l'tii time li time, Thre4 igo h j branched out inU Itt'fuot business, and by hi t winnimr. he has imwicred (he Durham Mallory Cheroot j-uiy is distinctly the lesl o iij 'jn in Iho Swiitfi t Whilo ho cmilJ.Ufi give "I'l ir the attenllou it l(l h ivo Iu I. I'w n in t!i.ii '"M ti the turiil.iL' i.f tin k, never &iw him d pre! mai tier, and was tthvitv Id and alert. ' The mull wlio bii-n with him all t jcur those who luv Ikvii tuR ie twper fur years, nnd ho imvet paid, a cent, and who ho of the old nt hool "1. hiMpittiblo and high-mind 'uld now come forward and . Married In East Durham. Yesterday the people of West Dur wmweret little surprised when the ioou train stopped at that station and Vir. W. H. Rigsbee, accompanied by Miss Delia Albright, went aboard and nformed their friends, whom they were leaving behind, that they were going to be married. .When the train stopped at Sast Durham they got oH and went to the home of the Rev. McDuffie, where they were made man and wife.. The rlile is 24 years of age, while the groom 54- Thh Herald wishes them much bap. iiinets, . . .'- h Died In Granville. Yesterday morning Mr. h. N.Gris som, of this city, received a telegram (ringing the sad news of tbe death of his father Mr. I. D. Grissom, which oc- curred near ('reedmore. Mr. Grissom hns been in bad health for several year but for the past few daya he hit teen much worse until yesterday morn mg when death came. He was a good christian gentleman and loved by all who knew him. He was in his 73 year. He leaves wife and four children to mourn their lots. His son Mr. L. N. Grissom left yesterday to attend the funreal which takes place this afternoon conducted by Rev. J.W. Wellona.of this city. Mr. Hatehett Dead. Dr. R. J. Hatehett died yesterday af ternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. H. Fairbrother, on- Alston av enue. Dr. Hatehett, while living here with his daughter, Mrs. Fairbrother, for the past three years, was not well known 10 our people, as he has been an Invalid for several years, and bat been about Durham but little. He was in hit 8d year. He was born in Laurenburg county, Va., and for forty years prac ticed medicine, being a graduate of a Philadelphia school. He come to North Carolina in 1895, locating at Henderson, and about three years ago came to Dur ham. Hia wife, two sons and daughter aurvlvc bin. The funeral will take place at his daughter's residence today, Wednesdsy. at S o'clock, the interment being in the city cemetery. . Dr. Hatehett professed the Presbyte rian faith, and was man who lived well his years, and when be knew that the Inevitable band had claimed him he died resigned hopeful and peaceful. fhe sympathy of friends is extended the bereaved in tW lrk hoHr ?! !hSi!4 1 colossal failure of modern civili zation." : There is grout truth strongly ex pressed. The 1 ability of any pco pie to 'govern themselves depends on their intelfigence and patriot ism. How can the masses vote intelligently upon the great ques tions that are now-pressing for solution unless they have educa i a it t . uon unless wisdom and pa triotism guide tho people and their leaders our ship of stato wil go to pieces on tho .'rocks. A Million Friends. A friend in need if) a friend in deed and not less than one million people have found hint mirh n triend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs, usnd Colds. If you nave never need this Great tough Medicine, 0 trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseasea nf throat. Chest and Lurid. FArh bottle is euaranted to do nil fbnf. i claiaied or ruonev will be refnndMl trial bottles free at Huckhaki. & Sour Dru store. Large bottle ouc. and $1.00 M Funeral Notice. I, Tuftila tuna llt.t B. I !'?it, ael 81 ytars.-twj months rnty-tttOdaya. f-uneral services ' held at the residence of bis Mrs M. II. Fairbrother. Al- '!!!!'" J P m- totUr, Wedne h, conducted by Rev. L. B 'mil. t .. . 1.' i. Mflamily Invited. Our 5chools. nicjioorest iaid people iu North Carolina, editors excepted, are our ublic et hool teac hers. There is very little to induce men and wo men of tilent to devote their lives to that profession.' The compen sation is so very small that mott teachers teach as a stepping stone ' something cle. . lis masses aredefcndent opon tlie public schools for their educa' lion. These schools cannot I cXiciei t without competent teach. ra, and these cannot bo secured without fair compensation. ... . h'High, 1 it said to their honcr, th re are. hundreds of men and women in Xorlh Carolina who are evoting their lives to the educa' tiou of tho young, therefor a mere itUnce, We fuvor any every effort made to arouee interest in or increase ie efTieieney of our public school ystetn. The Teachers Assembly, held at Mon hend City annually, ias been the means of gathering together large numbers of teachers annually for the discussion of in ten.4 to teachers, and has done twit service to tho cause of edu cation by introducing new mcth- ls and arousing enthusiasm unong the teachers, ror these reasons we rrgrct to note a gradual ecreasc in the attendance of these jsscmblics. At the present session Cpt. C. Denson, of Raleigh, pnxident f the Assembly, delivered a strong Id rem 011 olucation. In su in ning up what education should be he said: To sunt up tho whole it has been well defined, the harmonious cvelopment tf every power for mught, action, duty and hap piness. Tik.0 thisdnvclopmenl through out tho American popje 4ein(ls the ultimate juilgment of the world )on tho jowerof eelf-gov eminent by man, and whether the twentieth century shall usher in the most extraordinary march of the race to the Utmost pinnacle of difficulty. Tha nytn, may mount, or whether tho red Hag of anarchy or the black emblem of dcHtisni shall bo planted among tho ruins that sliall mark there trogressinn of humanity, and the Tili him Fsitl! -OK' Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes. MILLINERY of all Latest Stvle STRAW HATS. Af. Tt TJivia' Vn... ...:n 1.- 1 . , cit-uiu win iy iimue nioro cionous! y V, special Bargains woshallofler un uiitiuay ana me otn, 111 SHOES, CLOTHING AfiD DRESS GOODS. Straw Hats for men .and hoys. Clothincto i.t vou. Trunk., Vnlise.,, Gents' ParnidiC v.wtnts. iroctTies in endless variety. IN OUR NEW QUARTERS. We take this method to .introduce our New Store and New Stock to many of our old patrons who have not yet found out that we moved into our n6w quarters, 3rd door from 'First National Bank., Our present stock is Entirely New, having Hohl out our old stock in th, u iJnent building at auction. On the 4th and 5th o July we sliall offer anything in our lines of Slices Clothing and Dress Goods j'ou may desire ABSOLUTaY AT COST! HARDWARE. llard ware, and Agricultural Implements. This is the largest stock of goods ever offered in Durham and will he sold at rock Attorn prices. V an and see inc. 1 Main Street, DURHAM, N C ap 3 " Without reservation or evasion. We imean exactly what we say, A I COST Of course we shall lose money, but we have determined to make the sacrifice in order that our old friends may find out where we are, and that VE HAVE WOT' LEFT DURHAM. If' , J01 M. WYATT. Durham, N. C, Manufacturer and Dealer In WILL RUN THEIR Annua Excursion ! TO WAKE FOREST OLLEGE ON THURSDAY, JUNE; II They have been ten dered the use of the Campus.access to th College Buildings.Gy nasium Halls and Li braries. There will be plenty of Seats all over the. Campus. BASEBALL Grounds have also been ten have also dered. THE DURHAM BAND Has been engaged and will be on hand. EVE"RfJ BODCJ Invited t go. You always havs a good time on the lislEicisi First Ban Sehtdula! 1am Dnrtiam ((" orcorsn Si). 7:00 a tn A rrivt Wakt I-'orest, 9:30 a. tn Leave WVt Forest, 4 :j p. tn. Atrive Durham, y 7 00 p. . MemWrs o( 8umla,y school, un der 16 yrars, Frca. to to 14 years, " jocit. All over 14, whether raembers of school or not, ft 00 All points belweeo Durham and Watkins, !. Henderson, ' Klttratl and FranVllnton, As many jealous parties would have you believe CIlemenilK'r our New -Store 3'rd door east First National Bank. Very, truly, &c. MRS, 33. i) A.VIS. of Several negroes, some living in Floresville and some in Sa;i An tonio, charged with the wrecking of trains on the San Antonio and Aransass Pass railway during the Anlnnin Tvfl Mnnilav ' I At ft family reunion nWr Tilton, Iowa, fourteen persons have been poisoned. Jcob Trout died, but the othors will recover. The poison is supposed to have been in the water taken from an unused well. A dead bat was found in the well. Judge Brown, of the Vnited States district court at New York handed down a decision Mon lay wheh allows the three alKged post-office thieves Joseph Killo- ran, Unarlcs Alien, and H .nry Russell to remain in New York and give evidence as to the alibi they claim they can prove. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castork PC i.av' r - El;!!;, Quick!, tumttiUi t::i". nwtorr Lol ynhnf)il. ( arrawtUtimpHt. Kunn IVhility iH all lb orii" from wirljr r llcr mm. llwfwMillo of ienritt, tr. U InttHfih.lnrsanrl rlc'Sn!n) il to nrr onmii or pnrlioa f H- ll , Itupt '-MwitimmMlua-lyi fr"m)wfith.. TtH. andanf lNtnf pmina ttoinonrnOi . w bo ninwd in vw rxx-kn. r-nt l-r B-r '1 . tllmciDrw4i'f fl'. On m''S' lml tnnt In -b .. In- tt ". bt.. .Vi. will WnttMl Itnnranff t. r-fnml lmr tt mrl .Ifrd dead to iwlur llta U auiua irealnn i tm. Y. M. YEAKBY, Prugjii-t. At a picnic at Pelleyton, near Columbia, Ky., Monday. Thomas I and James Crockett shot and killed Daniel Kidn. All were drinkinir. and the trouble came up over some I trivial anair. I ANTED. To employ a La- VV dy of Gentleman to act as our General Agent. Must be a hustler and able to furnish good references salary foo.00 per month and a commission. Ad- j dress with stamp. CIIAS. A. ROBINSON & CO. Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. 6 SJf-lnrnoee anri Qo4 '1,. -1 1 1 j j uiiu unit' dlery of every description. FULL LINE of ROAD CARTS. LAP coDcs.snoe findings, Etc. Bul' s- 1 30 Hal Street. HERE Is YOUR STOCK, We have the largest and most complete line of jjggSEJND CATTLE POWDERS. on the market. We can do them good. P PI DRUG STORE. w. 1 Are the best fitting and easieHt wearing on the market. Try one. 4MILLINERY. Just mvivifl, n nh-e line of Milliiwr.v, Iiw-s, Flowers, No tions nnd Fnney (ioods. TrJr,Mr Kid Zves' 7 cent' nice B,act Kid Gloves, 53 cents; 1101a fas attached." all co am io oiia a.j ..... o:i . When traveling, always tale a cake of Johnson's Oriental .J ..! , ,:.., ctnts, lotted owiss. best nnnlitv. 10 ounia vni, o. , u- soap. Sold by W. M. Yearby. rp .1.1. ' Si lVVT' 8 cen wrttt 15; School Tablets v.j 2-TZ"02r SACHET STOEB, Next to Jones' Jewelry Store. Don't Spit tt Sntofc Yxtr U( Aoa In th Inrlhfnl. trtlili lilltr c.f l.k t..nl So- Tu lUr. imil.-iM, gimmtiln"! lolanvn haMl mrc lh hruim tip iitnitiiiltnl iH-rvr, rilmi mm the nkirtlnr nMkra irnik iwn t'ta tintih. vi. aii'l itiMih.t, Von run m. jJiy-i'"! nrftimiH tal ri.k, ,.T-IW 1 mtt.1.1 by .Inntul-t evrrywltrrp iimkT a mwnini'T in . illT.ir ni.MM-jr (.fuinU'il. H-Kik fiw. A.litlw Nrrillig IK iwujri,"., .ri V of thh.i 'I bought one bottle of "Mystio Cure,' for Rheumatism and two doses of it did me more good than any medicine t ever took. Sold by Heart! & Farthinir Druggist, Durham. Mil COLLEGE. FOR1 Young Ladies. ROANOKK, VA. Onons 8ott. 12. 1893. One of the leading Schools for Yonng Ladies in the Fouth. MftcnilU cent buildings, all modern im provements. Campus ten acres. (Ira ud mountain scenery in Valley of Va , famed for health. European and American teach ers. Full courso. superior an vantages in Art and Music. Students from twenty States. For catalogues address th Pre .ys'sident, W A. HARRIS. P. 0., .w'JunM. Roanoke, Va. Yes, He Has Come, A. J. Broom, TZE3IE3 ITEW 3MLJL2& With a New Stock of- PRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS an SH 0E5, Bonglit at Prices that defj Competition. With Us It is Business. And we are not poingto lo ''lost in the tdiuflleor soaked in tliemoup." We are after the 1S8110WXAT ciJirAiin eiicrcie MRS, C. M. V, FOLLETTE'S Oill I v I U OllklAUI.Ol f IV TIl.M.t tltttt tf v 11 - ' " ' rh mu .vl Vi.. All,,.w- Vm 1'y piyi"? valne for them. Come to see "of the Spring IStock which lw nn,i 'm wlH 1,11,1 ,H ',(,a.,,, ml"p We are hero ich admired, and are "" won t ic isiufluU. THE NEWEST AN LATEST -IN STY H mm liny iiu-c tar.ru 111c place of the S was so much SffiSSr KSt t?S WB OFFHR NO BAITS, OIVENO RODIT BUT A Cty. rAIK UUAU IUALL Experienced Northern trim . ... . ., u . 1 . . . ti . mer with able corps of assistants yn,r ,l,,,tto- I'lea-, or its 110 pi. We cordially in in charge of work-rooms. Ladies vile every one to call and examine our stock and tirices are invited to celt and examine new stock. Itch on human, mange on liorse, dogs and all stock, cured In ao minutes by Woolford's Sanitary lotion. This novel fails. Sold by llcartt & Farth ing, Druggjst, ln'fore hitying elsewhere. cry n.-fiH'ct fully, A. J. BROOM Next Door to Morebead Bant ap. 17 1