.. . , . - -- y. .. .v LJf. . -y ' - wit? ; VOLUME 76 No. 9. DURHAM, N. a, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1895. ESTABLISHED 1820. fr! A SUFFERING CHILD Head and Scalp Saw with Placet Size of Silver Dollar. Va riouiBemadlca only caused Frrh u jCroptloaa. Applied CUTICCHA. Change la Twenty-fonr Hoars. Perfect Care to Two Week. Ifr little eon, aeed three, wu war mnrh troutiM with a breaking out on bit alp and behind hu ear. The iuua altectwl wore limit M luge M a eilver dollar: Uw fleah mnrd raw and covered with little blutera. Th. child euflered oooai.U ralily , and wu nat urally tot f rrtfuL 1 tried teveral miuxllt without obtaining any brueflnul roeulia: la fte th ruplKne eeemed to b mading and new plari breaking oat. 1 concluded to trv tbe CVrinraa HaaKiilkA. I wubwl tbe literud pan. with toe O niTTU fcuar, tak ing ear not to irritat tbe Aeeb. and aiHrd t'l-rm'aa. I noticed a ebintre for the titter In the parano of tha eruption In twenty (ur hour, and la two week Uw eruption entirely disappeared, leaving the akla ruaoth aud tbe acalp dean; In fact a pxrfact cure, a I hare ax own any Indicatmna of any minima r breaking out unco. I gar tha child only a lew duara of the (Ithtba Kb. .Lvtj. leouatderyourCrTK-i'K Kn ptia very valnaMe. t hriieva (Tticiu uld beaieellent Inr applying to Intact bltea, hlrh an venr anrmvlng In tiiiecnnntry. C. A. AKJthTKONG, Baift Wand, N.C. gold throorhoot the world. Prlc.CtTtrT'ni, (Or ;ir,l'.; KintiT,l. Hrrraapaua Ana Lata.Ouar-, tMe Cropa, Boatoa. tf How to Cate Ivery am Mewi," free. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Blad der diseases relieved in six hours by the"NdW Great South Amer ican Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its ex seeding prompt ness In relieving pant in the bladder, kidneys, back and ev ery part ot the urinary passages in mala or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold oy iieam s r arming, Druggists, uurriam.Xi. u. HOTIVK. I WIVT nwr vmwm mm wwww mm Kaia lawrwtad la toe opiaia aad ai.i) ataiw ar aa. vmw in my vw. www mm Addrwae H. If. oo"f. atlaaia, U ai its, aad eae will he eaat jut trwa. aVhwiaaSawaawaawatwaaaaad In Poor Health means so much more than Su imagine serious and tal diseases result from ifling ailments neglected. IVr? nlav with Nature's greatest gilt health. Tfyweertfetllat oat of awrtt. ak aad ffwarallr ea aaaataa. aarvwaa. aa eoawtHa aad caat work, Mfia M awniaa lag la amtrtl la bia atraagthaatag madMlaa.whKh la lara. A law hot tta are aaaiM - Ira ika my tm due at I aw A mm A 1 1 a ylaaaaot M take. It Cures Dyipepala, Kldaty m4 Live 1 ntwraiKU, irouoiea, CotiitJpaUofl. Cad Blood Malaria, Nervous all mast WotiMfl'i complalnta. Cat aaly tha g hte-a. ha (raarti red 1 mwniMwrippi i w - tlltataa. V r'y wl ! tw r fmv will and Mt 4 Tea tWaattfai WerM raw Vhtwa awa ko trn. j tOWM CHEMICAL CO. (ULTlMOal, M& 1 . I aaaawwaaaaaaaaww)awa la that aid Sowar pot aad aaalt B thing of fcaoatr. riant a IV U Moat aaa it will Ma joy isravar. D.&C. Roses trow and bloom Indoor or wflL la pot j . . IWHlin, www 9m .,.. " " Oar aew Oalde ta HoeeCaltar will help o kak a wla ealacUoatell T" how meat aaa ewer Bower arw roe aaadqaartera and koW few aaa ma ,Kma mmII. mimit. fyw at ihmi, we wM end ftttajala. rai .aaa a aaaaw avay w mmt . atatailae, atrnaii wm jw TUB DIHOEa COaaAO CO VTaat Orwra. fa. eUlUWlD I Iron R.lfDfC teWllaVWAeJI - I mm A Question, Ohlwereycrae'oran editor, and were you e'er rem Milieu 7 And did you feel a low of blood-wblch you have ueer regained? Md you ever meet tome other aheet with double lead ao gay Or hare adoien lawyer come and eay you could notitayT Well let meaty, my Chriatlao friend, and keep tne met in view There'a no game at which one can play but there room enough for two. A WORD OP CAUTION. The esteemed Herald, one of our city papers which is renowned because it is distinguished from all other papers here, because it never errs, says that the editor of this paper is to be enjoined, re stricted, restrained, and almost in timates that we, and we means us, and is not plural, is to be stopped, as it were, in our mad and wild desire to climb the greased and slippery pole of fame. That is to say, the esteemed Herald gives it out lresh and flat and cold that we are not to be al lowed to run this paper. We want all subscribers to dis- thutly understand that the Re corder is our property, and that it will appear every Thursday, and that no matter about what legal proceedings may be taken against one individual, that the pajier, now seventy-six years old, will not fall down, even though, this editor should die or his assigns go to the poor house. This paper is here, and has been here, and will stay here. All the re orts to the effect that an eminent undertaker is attempt ing to resuscitate a corpse, has nothing to do with the appearance each week of this cheertul album of song. The people in Durham and Dur- lam county understand that per secution will not be tolerated, and if the present editor is hanged some one will take his place. Look for the Recorder each week. A wrrkly piper! That' the tuff But thru, hwk oat 1 y V'Hi may And it pretty tuff The- printer air to y Aad , It the devil Why notsUrt a weekly paper Frank Heartt will soon start a wmAlv new.iaiier called the . toom-a-tiz. Dr. Henderson will soon re sume the publication of his weekly ttjxT, The Tooth Puller. Torn Wright, of Alston Avenue. will soon start a weekly paper. The title wilt be : "Do Avenues l'ay ?" Henry Seaman, as soon as he finished a job of visiting cards whirli we ordered, will start a weekly paper called the Jobc. IH11 Thompson will soon add a weekly to Iklfield Laws. Itwil be named the Ixt and tho Ikau tiful. Davo Whitaker says he cannot keep oui of the printing business and Tuesday will start a paper called "Keep It Still." Cable (irecn says that he one a . . . . i time ran a weekly paper, nu were ho riot afraid the weekly paper would run liim ho would start another. It was Colonel Job who ex claimed in his timo-slricken and boil-healing time, "Oh, that all men would establish an active weekly pajtcr. Col. Harry Bass will soon com mence the publication of a weekly journal which ho has christened under tho odoiferous cognomen "Skinning Skunks." Wc hope S A BARE-FACED SHAME ! Barbarity, Inhumanity and Almost Heathenism. LET US CHANGE THE LAW A Spectacle Which no Philo sopher Can Explain, Which Justice Cannot Condone, and Which Suggested to Deceney the Time to Call a Halt. Without any sentiment, with out any supernatural knowledge ; without possessing any Absolute information concerning Physical Law, we know, if the Bible is at all correct, that woman was crea ted and is so physically constitu ted and constructed that it is im possible for her to regularly per form the functions and duties that a man can regularly perform. There are delicate periods in the ife of a woman necessary to her existence, when physical interfer ence should not be tolerated or ex pected and this the world knows and all men know. 3So matter whether that woman is black or white, red or yellow. It is the Femininity of Existence. It is God's work and God knows. To interfere with it is sacrilege. The atheist, while denying God, mar vels at God's productions. The infidel, while not wonshpmg a God does not even deny that Na ture performs her many functions. But the Law, which Dickens' Beadle, in Oliver Twist, pronoun ced with great solemuity "a ass," in Durham town recognizes nei ther the Word of God, the Laws of Humanity nor the Custom of Commanche Indians in doling and dealing out that unknown, un measured and Intangible thing which in the grim humor of its erverseness we timidly call, yet in wbijtr, Ji-stice ! To-wit : One day last week we noticed four women on a flat car from which the rock crusher was being fod, heaving stones which would tax the strength of any man- heaving stones side by side with the male prisoners, under the scorching rays of a burning, mid day sun, straining every muxcle and everv nerve. Tis true these women were evil doers and lum transgressed, and were there to pay tho te!iaky. Tis also true that under present ordinances the mayor had no alternative he was comtellcd to send them tliere, The street commissioner, who has charge of the prisoners, cannot work one crowd at one place and another crowd at another place, so that he too, is helpless in the matter. The ordinances of this town r.1.1 and nistv ami framed years ago when thev burned witches uj in New Kngland where it was a crime fur a man to kiss his wife on Sunday, where Barbarism sat on her hideous hill of crime ami with her villian ruled the world then it was that we could ex mt much fr,n l0?c 'n co,n mand, ami then it was that those under the yoke could expect but little, yet ws do not blamo those who now administer the law, nor do we blame those who expect it, But why not revise? Our President, the chief execu tive of the United Stales, gives to congress his annual message, am the world stands expectant to see what he will recommend. In the same way our governor addresses the legislature, and we womi what he will say. It is for mm J - . - the covernor, to point out the lame laws, recommend tho passage of new ones or tho repeal of old ones. And sometimes alas! but some times, the nation, through its alleged statesmen, give heed and profit by these suggestions. But the municipality a corpo ration dealing with local subjects but no less important than state or national affairs, and involving no lcs3 the fate of individuals which make a nation, seems to think that the same antique, rusty, befuddled and barbarous aws which answered fifty years ago are as good today, when the torch of Reason and Humanity ghts tho shady nooks of Incon sistency and Injustice and gives a lauce for those who get in the dark to crowd out and see. We do not think so. ; " " No matter how much the woman erred, how much she sinned, how much she transgressed the laws. Let her pay the last full measure of the penalty of her crime, and lave it understood that a viola tion of the law by either sex is equivalent to disgrace and con stitutes the forfeiture of freedom until the penalty is paid. Let it be understood that crime is ob noxious to any community, and mt law, which in its fullest con ception or pretense, is but a re striction, will allow no idle mon key work. But in doing this let it be also well and freely under stood that Durham is enterprising and would rather wear the har ness of progression than the yoke itrogression. xi the city council understand that it col- ectively is a law-making body, and let the president of that body suggest for its careful considera tion some defects which now ex ist in that humerous publication hich is called the City Ordi nances. We want to be understood con cerning this matter. We blame no one. We desire to blame no one. We desire to merely point out the defects of an existing aw, and as a citizen suggest that that law be remedied. Our propo sition is so plain that he who runs may read, and there is no reason for him who reads to run. We are not losing as the custodian of Durham s morals nor are we insinuating ourselves into extra ordinary inquiries concerning her hvsical welfare. But we merely raiw our voice to loint out what we call humanity and decency mav not be out of place to rcmemtar : Paul said that woman was the weaker vessel. But then he was an old bachelor aud never niw them heave rxk in Durham. A com shelter will shell corn, and a rck crusher will crusl mens. The capacity of a woman is limited the same as the capacity of a machine is limited. It is noticed that at a fire the men do most of the lifting. They are not under sentence either. There are sidewalks in Durham which the hoe could improve Women who strain themselves to lift rocks could use the hue i with out harm and with equal profit to the city. All the railroads in America were built by men. In Durham the law reads that women slioul iclp pave the streets. Even ieople sentenced to the enitentiary tor life are given the lietielit of strict sanitary measure? to preserve health, while in Dur ham we arc destroying health. In manv cities child labor ha lieen prohibited lieratise of u hick of sufficient strength to War the burden imposed. Tho siwtacle of the women on the Hat car, throwing the stones in the crusher, was an insult to alt of the tender feelings of hu manity. It was the iersoniflcatoi of barbarism an.l brutality. It was an exhibition of what Justice is doing aiuT Justice should be blindfolded no longer, lcar tlie rag off her eyes aud let her see the kinds and styles of inconsistencies practiced in her name. The city council of Durham can do the business, Any doctor in the city of Dur ham will state that there are requent periods in tho life of the sex called famiuine when to do the work which the hapless woman, colored and degraded lough they may have been, in the flat car, were sentenced to doi ould be a physical impossibility if they cared to prcservo health, and Mr. J. W. Christian, who had lem in charge, said that he was ashamed, to bo obliged to work lem, on the grander principle of humanity apart from the fact at their male companions were oltcn insolent aud insulting. Yet tho mayor only enforces the aw, and we oeiieve that mayor Peay dislikes to sentence women to such work, but if the ork to be done is rock crushing, at the time of sentence, then rock crushing it must be. So, in the name of humanity, et the law be repealed, and one more in accord with Decency aud Justice hike its place. E. K. Creel and B. F. Carpen ter, of Trinity college, will en deavor to introduce into every home in Durham that work of marked excellence and merit, "The Cottage Physician." To prevent disease, to relieve the suffering, to heal the sick, and to save life are the noblest pur poses of man. To tell better how to accomplish these great results in more popular manner than is told in "The Cottage Physician" seems h?.rdly possible, The work contains the best things known to medical science, so plainly expressed that almost anyone can understand them. It teaches the prevention and cure of disease, and constitutes a mine of wealth which may prove to anyone having a copy at hand, more val uble than money or friends. Often a remedy timely applied, and before a physician can be called averts long sickness and fre quently prevents death and heavy expense Unnumbered cases exist where the patient has lost his life through ignorance of the laws of health The description of diseases and how to distinguish them; what remedies to use and how to apply them: what to do in cases of emer gency; what it says about poison and their antidotes; the explana tion of medical terms; its list of remedies with their largest and smallest dose; its description .of medical plants whereby tkey are easily recognized; its formula for preparing many of the best patent medicines at a greatly reduced cost; what it says on hygiene and disinfection, and many other things, are all arranged so as to he lUickly found and easily t::i stood and make this lwok i. cial valu? well defer, nu uie name it t ats. The instruction it jrives the younir, especially about the rela tion of sexes, is alone worth many times the price of the entire vol ume. Messrs. Creel and Carpenter tll take pleasure in explaining the it e . . a valuable features of this work to all. Don't fail to give them hearing. A "tin bucket brigade" woult! be to Waco what the spring is to the branch a never failing source from which to draw life giving currents. Waco News. The two distinguished toughs that Dallas proposes to pay special honors to have both some little matters in court to attend to, Corbctt is to answer for abusing his wife, and Pitzsimuior.s is on trial for murdering Con if iord.in A death sentence against I-itz would sadly interfere with Dallas' anticipated profits. Port Worth Gazette. In the days of his youth and in discretion Attorney-General Har mon was a republican, but age brought reflection and reflection bceot wisdom and wisdom led him over to democracy. He came over with Creely. Houston Age. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report m&QlVXJEMX PUCE NEXT CONGRESS. Representative Cannon, of Illi nois, says the New York Evening Post, can scarcely be said to have attained a national reputation as a wise and conservative statesman, hut the policy which he outlined in a recent interview at Washing ton would unite the country. ''The Republicans," he said, "have got the house, the populists have the balance of power in the senate, and Grover Cleveland is in the white house. How, in heaven's name, can anything be done in the next congress, except to pass ap propriation bills? I he only ad ditional which can be suggested to this platform in order to make it ideally perfect, is that the appro priation bills should appropriate as little as possible. Between the tar iff agitation aud the silver agita tion, business men have had an anxious time of it for a number of years, and if they can have two ears of peace, they wul appreciate it. rortunately, Mr. lannon is right; congress will be for the pres ent incapable of much mischief. After two years we may be ha rassed again; but two years of pros perity will do a great deal to calm the disturbing elements. 4 MIXED CUP in KENTUCKY. A more ridiculous body never assembled than the so-called dem ocratic state convention, of Ken tucky, says the Wilmington Mes senger, lienoia tne result 01 tneir doing! They nominate a straight out free silver coinage democrat for governor, put him upon an ad ministration single gold standard platform, indorse all that Cleve land and Carlisle have done ana then go crazy with excitement. It also had the sublime ignorance to eulocize and indorse square out a hieh protective tarin a tarin loaded down with protection and only some 3 per cent lower in av erage than the monster McKinley law it displaced, and really as high or higher than the Garfield tariff that democrats damned and de nounced with all bitterness ot in- ective. Such a convention, such a platform, such a performance and all in the name of democracy. The republicans have a candidate for governor who was lormeriy a democrat, but he soured about something and went out and over. Can he beat free silver Hardin on a single gold plank? Perhaps too much old Bourbon got mixed in the democratic cup. Don't you know that Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome that tired feeling and give you renewed vigor and vitality? What is will Castorla Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is m harmless subrtltata for raregorlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor OIL It Is ricasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Bullions of Mother. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverishncafl, Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Card cures Diarrhoea and Vtlad Colic. Castorla relieve teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torist is the Children'sJPanaeea-the Mother's Friend. , Castorla. " CeatArla la an etcrllrot mrdidna f chil dren, Jl0r hare rrpintrdly Wd maof Ita good affect Bpoa ttwir children." pa. 0. C. Omono, Lowell, llaM. " raaWirfa I the bmt rwneily for chlldrra of Which I am ax-qtiainlnl. 1 hnpr the day la not far distant whra motbrr will ennakk the real fntorrat of ttwir children, and am Caatoria In atntd of thevarlouaqiiack nontnan which or eVrtroytt thrlr loved oac. by forcing opium, morphine, toothing yrup and other hurtful mil dowa their throat, Ihareby Mding th i to premature grave.' be. 1. 1. Kraraavea. Cuawajr, Ark. Tna Caataar Company, Tl rawrier CREEDS III PLEMTT. A statement has been sent out from the census bureau to the ef fect that there are. 143 distinct de nominations in the United States, besides independent churches and miscellaneous congregations. On the same day that this statement was made a dispatch from Rome announced that Leo XIII. had de clared to Cardinal Gibbons his firm determination to pursue the work of attempting to bring about a complete union of Christian churches. It is evident that the venerable Pontiff is a man of pro found faith. For nearly nineteen hundred years now the gospel of the Nazarene has been taught, and yet there probably never was a time when views as to what he preached were so numerous and divergent. This, however, does not daunt the "prisoner ot the Vatican." Armed with the faith which subdues mountains, he fondly cherishes the splendid dream of a reunited christian household. In this practical and prosaic age it is refreshing to wit ness such an example ot confi. dence in humanity and the future. SUMMER RELIGION. In a recent work on foreign missions, I find the following: "When you return by the Isthmus of Suez," said an excel lent French priest whom I met in Kobe, "you will fand more reh gion lying along the banks of the Suez Canal than you ever saw in one place in your life." "How can that be?" was my amazed response. "Why, all the Europeans who come out here take off their reli gion as they pass through and leave it on the banks, where it lies till they go back and put it on again." It seems to se that many peo ple in this christian land leave their religion at home when they go into the country for the sum mer. Perhaps they put into the safe deposit company with their silver and other valuables. Every Sunday in summer, when the time comes to go to church, I see dozens of men sitting on the piaza of our hotel reading Sunday newspapers. Sometimes their wives and daughters go to church, but often they stay with the head of the house, and have newspapers of their own. And yet a very large proportion of these people go to church regularly when at hone. What an example they set to the villagers! My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Evangelist. Castorla. " Caatoria I eo wall adapted to caOdrea thai 1 reeommeod ft ee auparier toaay prwajrlpwoa knew a la oaa." B. A. Aacaaa, at 0., Ill So. Otford St., BrocAlya, X. T. Our phrak-ian la th ohlldraal dapart awal bar apokea highly of tbatf oxpanV oc ia that autetda araeUea alia Caatoria, and although we only have BBoag anf BMdieai euppUe what la katwa regular Bvit f Caatoria ha wea ea to look aim large apoa It." Varna Boarrtaii an Dtenaatav, I Aua C Sana, ft.. Uamy Strt, Hew York City. t MrVtWf a, HVWW he will soon begin.