- A BOLD ABDUCTION. A Detective Tells of One In Nw York City. Toe Bandit Played the Came Well and Secured U,AOO tor tha Young Lad' Release 'in Rplteof . tha Detectives. : y ,. u A well-known ex-detective told me ft thrilling story of abduction. For years this man was one of the lead ing Pmkerton deti.-ctives, but a year ago he retired to private life. "It was just four years ago" he said, "when the Pinkerton office was given a case that wan startling. I said at the time that in my opinion the young womanfor . it ' was young woman who was missing was held for ransom, and so it proved. . She lived in a handsome brownstone house fit Ka 107 Nine-' ty-scvond street, and wutlii daugh ter of Andivw W, MaudiPKtiT. , He used to be In the lace Importing buhiness in Leonard tilt-cot, but has since died. The young woman la now the wife of John E. Dorden, a wealthy Boston busiuess man.". The detective went on to say that Miss Lula Manchester, then sixteen years of age. hod started from home at four o clock In the afternoon to pay a call around the corner. Con tinuing, he said: Of course I had an idea that she had a lover and had eloped with blra. But not a trace of a lover could I find. Then I thought there was some family trouble be- L'.nd it nil, hut again I was mis taken. Next I did the usuat dance from morgue to hospital to the In sane asylums, meanwhile covering any clew that twine 'idiot might bring us, but it didn't go. Twenty . two duys passed wit h no trace f Alls dlancbester. One day a suave young Italian rolled upon Mr. Man thesUr, and In quite good English explained that tm represented syn dilate formed for the purpose of ab ducting the daughters of we: J thy men. lo the ease, of your daughter, rx plained the Indian, bei in good bands. She has not been banned. svod wilt not be harmed for one week more. Dut In that time you must pay a ransom of five tliousand dot Jars for ber return. If you do not tre shall kill her.'" ' The outcome of this strange can was related by the detvetive as fol lows: "My first id'a was to arrest the agent of the bandits, but when I told him he lad the nerve to just mile at me and point i-tii that while I could arrest him an J pit him in prison, t-eould not get J. is Man Chester, who would certainly be murdered. What could we do? We got him to take forty-five hundred dollars, and on the following morn ing Miss Manchester came bac'-t home well and overjoyed at her e- rape. She said that after she had turned a corner she saw a cab ap- . proocbing. When It got opposite her It was driven to the street curb and the bead of ft dark woman ap peared at the door. She asked Miss Manchester If she knew a certain 'address. Drawing near to answer, the door opened. shawl was Bung over, the girl's bead, and afcf was pushed into the tab and gagged. When the cab stopped and she bad been carried Id to a room it was dusk. The room In which she found , herself was sparsely furnished, while tbe windows were barred and tb heavy door locked. All tbe whll. aha was watched by ft swarthy It a! Ian, her guard being changed morn Ing and night She was given all he wanted to eat, and was told she Would not be banned if the made no rflort to escape. That was all she khew until she wa again blindfolded nd gagged and curried to ft cab, which left her at tbe spot from wMch she had been abducted." w Y. Commercial Advertiser. ' upward . of twenty years ago, Mrs. Shepherd played with her flowers at first for health and pleasure. The delight of watching flowers grow and multiply in a half-tropical lajid grew. Mrs. Shepherd had been able to beat a path for women. In her busy life, devoted first of all to pro viding love and sympathy for hus band and children, there has been room for much besides the cultiva tion of ber flowers and the sending of bulbs and seeds to lands near at hand and beyond seas. She has taken an active part in clubs and so cieties of all sorts for culture and progress. ' Mrs. Shepherd goes on earnestly preaching that there is a Held and a livelihood in tbe culture of flowers for many women, if they will but engage in It with earnestness and patience A neighbor In Ventura- by-the-Sea who was, like Mrs. Shep herd herself, disbarred from devot ing herself to indoor pursuits from ill health, took up the hybridizing of some of the common garden flowers, under the instruction of the more ex perienced work woman, and has mado so thorough ft success of it that she has acquired an almost world wide reputation as a "petunia expert' This enterprising little worker sold all her seed the second year to a prominent eastern seedsman, who gave the flowers the name of the Giantti of California. was observant when last here. lie is very subtle. He got into commu nication with the soul and heart of Japan. I think that both he and tho poet Arnold are much too flattering to us in their books, and I could crit icise same things that they say. It was their kindly spirit. One might believe that no American can read their language about my country without desiring to visit It. They may be assured that visitors will be welcome, more especially if Russia does not Interfere with us. Yet an other thing that has tended to pro mote the American interest in Japan is the coming of Japanese among you. There must be several thou sand ' of Japanese in the United States, and many of them have got acquainted with your people, and have entered into business relations ith them." THE NEWEST and LATEST STYUSUSSUMMKIl MILLINERY IS SHOWN AT MRS.C. M.V. FOLLETTE'S MAIS STREET. IH'RIIAM, K. C, A JAFS VIEWS. American Visitors to tbe Land 01 the SUaing Bun. J.T.W0IVS8LE. Hardware for Euil dei s Many Toarttt Have Bm Looking Tha Way ao Ordinary Traveler It la a Batter Trio Thao to Kaf land or too Con tineas, Hardware for Farmers I IT (-!-) a TAP 1mai own country has come to this for thepurpo:etashesays,of "looking TJ.TJ -Te rfl? rrpnrVJo, at things." loan Interview with ( I0r &VEiyB.ay reporter of the New York Sun, he . . . j . i imm ui spoke of the good esteem in which Americans are held by the Japanese. 'le?er before, he said, "were there as many Americans in Japan as there are this year. The tourists are to be seen not only In Yokohama and other seaports, but in out-of-the- way places, which they explore that they may get glimpses of the old time Japanese life and cutioms. It they cannot put up at big hotels they are always able to find some place to star, for the nativewe o hospitable nature, and lira al heard of tbe Americans. . Ia Yoko hama we have always teen accus tomed to Americans, aud I am sure that as many as two thousand ot theut have lived there longer than I can remember, uut were are re strictions upon foreigners who want to travel over the country, and it is not everybody who can gain permis sion to do so. 'I am sure that Japan will yet be a great resort for American tourists. Before coming to New York I had visited Europe, and tbe thing that has struck me most since I arnved here is that this country is very ra Snneuf the best andchi aptst COOK STOVES Sunnyside FLORA! NURSERY. JAMAS M. LAM6E. PROPRIETOR. FajettCYille, N. C. tlANTED. To employ a La VV dy of Gentleman to act as our General Agent. Must be a hustler and able to furnish good references Salary sso.oo per month and a commission. Ad much lfke the European countries I dress with stamp, have seen. The streets there and nil AS. A. ROBINSON : CO Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. here are the same: the residences sad business buildings are the same; so are tbe manners and customs, the garb, the religion, the theaters, the food, and everything else. 1 do not understand why so many Americans . t- i m ci - --i Relief In Six Hours, Distressing Kidney and Blad der diseases relieved in six hours I!? J:!."" .J...' ZL: Mean Kidney -Cure." This new ZTTT' remedy is a great surprise on t ' i! account of its exceeding prompt CT.Ver" .r"-"f""'lu': hess in relievin.r pain in the !? 7!:!-" L..:: "I bladder, kidneys, back and ev l,," '.::..!.: retention o ater an," in v v ' J I noaalntT it Olnn.at ImmAr. isatAI V A WOMAN'S FIELIX tier Achievement in California as a Practical Florist I If you want quick, relief an cure this is your remedy. Sold by Heart. Farthing, I OM. . . a. . T A" Druggists, uurnam, . u. tha ftlver of HatloOooo to la Tn Boa iiminiiia- Mi Tao t aojaa SMaharl-A FaMala Ksoor. that has descended to us from pre- hiatorio times: you can go into Buddhist temples or Into playhouses unlike yours; you can everywhere notice the abiding lofluence of our two great religions, which you call o.H.a.o awk.ao anas MAVa liM Af ,ry i.tna,iionnaoas.iDacouo; TbeBettt Salve in the worl W.u , W a i Z'tuiVtZZl fori uts, Bruits, Sores, Ulcers aiidlorderly, and which U Inhabited '"r.t R. v 8 . Tet by ft .people whom foreigner, char- JV fZi h?ChilblainJ iB..wVZ7E skln Eruptions, and pea. Japan Is not second edition I ...... ,.nNI vj,; or no nav pes. japan is uo acvunu rujvu .uMiiti, f'tirpa Piles or no nav 2 ?K.llSU U uVunK SSSff Ufa gtrantenedPato tion la tbe world; It Is a country a,fa.t ..?,fflrtion. or fm. Amnrfean tourisU who want ft"" i-.. r-"----". Upon the old mission town of San Ctinaventurft there has Croppeo down charming little bit of Al- truria, says me can rnt - nr American wuruH . mnnov refunded ftmln. r. . change; and i tmnx mat inousanus i o the main business street to- 0f them wil go every year nerealter. .... -. tk.l ... .t.. . .i t.......nll for mi deed, but ft swne . w.r.-- --, ,m. J" Son. Durham. K. C. to Japan this year because of the revelations made during the war Cases 01 40 years with China. The war has brought when operations mora fame w Japan than an or Price 25 cents For sale by R. Blacknali & bustle of the shops ft river of hello- trope, In effect, breaks at younee. Vnr the width of ft block the lux uriant mass of greenery snd flowers rttmtoi a low stone wall and tumbles to the pavement several feet below. I olner events that bavt occurred Ait tho air ta full of fragrance, and I .inpe the mvthologtca! ages. It has th wl!iiiuv of blossoms tempts ,Hvcn the world at large eomeknowl many trespassing fingers; snd If the 0f Jspaness life snd character nassersbv looks longingly snd hesl-, it,d history. It Vas taught mankind t.ia h la aura to be informed that I that we are not country of barbar- the flowers are planted that they Una or slmpletonl, and that we ftre may be freely picked. standing have failed the have been cure I by Japanese Pile Cure. Guaranteed by w U. Yearby. II. lleineman, Milwaukee writes: 'One box ofjapanee Pile Cure has cured trie of a case t tiv- the Chinese or the Hindoos of 28 years standing, after being rum a,.t,Jhnva iraatcr Dounueis r anv other Asians. nas mua treated or iew loraa urn fop teacher." ftod, returning, many Intelligent Americans conous hh.clang Sold by W. m gather flowers again or I to team mnrtiwm - . Ji Yearly au uie river w i tne means oi simw-ibh uui . i-irnni in tha tountrv whioDi I . . sl o. - a VBo..l il . maI m n uri ui sot mv'v v-.v, --- w " m Is haunted by humming blrus, De- loved of bees, Gentlemen H.no Amnrkrsns aa nave kud wi-'Hiusn oi xvuncn n u " no r.,.nna ihia summer lad thought of I naint or Dowder. of courso not, Beyond the heliotrope sni Detiina K0ig to Japan coin awunwes wouim u ts ciear as wswr, at.. !.. t.M .hit. lilies Itia. Il, konafltMl. lK!SlUeS Ml VST, ini mani ni ins mrei VI mo aiu Kit... .'- ThomtiMtl fiheO- I hrtofchout Japan recently its mission is to heal, cleanes tiuii a i uin . . . , , -i . ... t herd, the guardian of i flowers. writtcn by Americaft aoa turopean ana puniy ne conipicioH v She Is ft most unpretentious ana in i authors nava aiueu m "lever iniiieivnwi .un-.v- dustrlous little lady, tending uer dew Interest m i. inere mu. o every lauy anu Koujiiuu i l ll Inva of them. I wnrv man of these books. Of ftii clear, smooth complexion, ooi CooilDg to Callforolft ta Invalid, the foreigners who have ever visited by Yearby. Price 75c. fc-.- -.munur Mr. Ufcadlo Heani has ...... MP and : COLIC: are i .quickly CURJBD rVTi ... Cramps may assail you at any time, without warning. You are at a complete disadvantage so sudden and violent is their attack' unless y u are provided with ft sure cure. Pain -Killer Is the sm st core, the quickest aud the safest cure. It is sold everywhere at 5calottK See that you get the genuine has "Perry Davia&Son" on bottle. Mrs Ada Smith i,-t W-:5ri:r.viii Mr- ii i M 1 I now bettor prepared than ev er to furnish the public with al kinds of 5L GOODS, How's Thist We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Co.. Props. bledo, O. !... We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truxa, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle, bold by all Druggists. estimonials free. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment lair s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroy ing tbe foundation of the dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Th proprietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers, that they-offer One lundred Holars for any case thatil fails to cure Send for list of teftiiiioiiiuis. Address, J. t HENKV & Co . Toledo, O aT bold by Druggists, 7Zc. Hats and Bonnets oftlie latest rtvIi'H. Chilren's Good Kid Ooves Rib bons&c. I return thank. to n.y oM customers and can say that a a. . V my prices arc lower than ever, loucan sret hats trimmed on short notice. 1 lave moved to First National Bank Build ing, Main street, opposite Ellis, Stone & Co. MRS. ADA SMITH. The Next Year WILL HE A Warm One. In the Political Field Democrats, Republicans, Populists, . Prohibitionists AND Other Varieties Of Fn-sh and Fiemient OFFICE SEEKERS Will Hfk the .SulfrageM of the People. THE RECORDER Knowing no Creed, A Hepreseiitative of no Faction, A Slave of no Sect or IVnoiniiin- toti, A Tool of no Party or Politician, will, with FEARLESSNESS And CANDOR Disxoct and Analyze the Motive of Men and Measures. If you want THE TRUTH am, ALL THE TRUTH The Record kji U the pajnr you want, and now is the time to Suhseiilc. The Best Policy A Tontine Policy in the Eqnitatta Life the best, because it ia absolutely tore ; because it makes you your ovb beneficiary if you live, and protodi your family If you die. Tbe following fetter from a Tontine Policy Holder in the Equitable Life who received hit own life insurance, it worth thinking over. Concobd, N. C November ajta, ifyj. afa, W. 1. Koddky, Manager. Rock Hill, S.C Dear Sir: I nave before aie a etatentent or the aevatal options offered by the Equitable Society ia MtUenwnt of air Tontine Policy, now mm Suing, and I have decided for personal reuont to accept the ca&o option. 1 beg to any that the settlement is an entirely eetifctactory one, aad fives me rreat pleasure to recommend the Equitable to the insuring public. Yours truly, jas. c. cinsoN. Write for particulars to-day. Ask all the questions you wish. 'The more yvjm know about the Tontine the better yo will appreciate it. W.J. RODOEY, Manager, .Department of the Carolina, ROCK HILL. 8. C alAPANESB PI IES. CURE . iw.ua iwmMtt ennstsrlna at irTprOHTTORTFH, tWpmb ot Ot '""' "'lL'3 Ii imkM aa ooerslloa srtta nlta or Iniection of earholie nmd.nh.teh are painful and eplaore a snrmsoent mm. maa onmaj nltine in aWh. nrnere-wor. Why nduro rtila tnrritila d.ennsn I wi f""'""', TLL,, ' " n mra sine rnaa. V oolr p lr bininu re asivsd. al abus.tlutta. BentbrmsU. JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT, 25c. Bon. MMatnvm a ViA&ICaraa'. Plica Prevent ea liUtld I ir M I IUIbt(sMfse Liver Psltetl U sr. 1 1VFR snd BTOSIACil IttoljUinill sat ril.(Htt ITKirllK. hoi.il, mild nnd l-lsa-wit tn iu.iwcUi!r adsiaaa tuc ctuwren s nsa. Slcaota. 1 avsirr every man ard woman la the fnita Stales inlerrttrd in tba Omum and Wani' kaoiu to bava one ot bit books on these dis eaana. Addrraa 11. M. Woollev. atlanta, Ua sxu aoz,aM warn srut urn aanyosiiraa. . TLANTIC ANU PAS VI LI. E RAILWAY. A-hertilr In rtn-ct July I, IWt SOUTHERN RAILWAY Greensboro, Raleigh, Goldsboro Nu. !ki EASTEKN TIME No. 35 NM, 11 and 12. Pally lielwuen fiiw.nslKirn and Riik-iKli;aiidlally ttxtvpt Utin.Uy between Ral tiiifll and tiolbibtrri. Nu. VI mrria Pullman sltH'ilinrnr(irtwnslMirntu Kaleixh. mm. ;i5ana :n. uaiiy. no. farm Pullman sleciiiiiit r KhIoIkIi lu Groeinslnro All traine umnmtat Orwnitbiiro with main line trains to and from Florida, the South and southwest. REDUCED RATES. Coiton States and Wematianai Exposltioii ATLANTA, GA , September 18 December 31, 1899. For tbe above ooooslon the Southern Hallway ATLANTA, iA., and return on tba follow- Ing basis : So. t, lialiy. tsi a tn V J a in " a m .Vi a m 2 IM a in Hi in a in I" ii a tn In Xt a tn lu vh a tu In 51 a tn lit (17 a at 11 Iff a in II a in II m a n 11 4i a at II Via in 11 wi a in i: 12 p m U i p m U U p Ml M titm Urn pm l i p in i p m p tn p tn (', p ni t'.i p ni lli p tit P III M p in uit p m i. p m p w H p in 47 p in W p in (M p tn I . p m JH p m ipm M l M t p tn p in STSTIilSS. PirtmiHHh, .Siinnik. (Ki rrjr), Mint N.irl.ilk, Itur, hUliil. rli,,iitl,-n Hill, ' Hl'MIIIIMI, Mlilk, t i.'Uli.l, II11IUHKI4 , r raiikhn, Ht.iryx, t ..m iwii.t, l'ti, 1'ji'inni. lnrhlllf, AdmnxiMve, (pi. ll I 'In m. J. K. Jiint'tlim, I'llVllSlIlt !liadt, 1lk-nrt.rti, lAnnnivrltli-, t Imriie Hne-, H rut tin 1, Mmili Hill, , t'iiii ltrl, IMskrTvnie, Ik.tdtiin, No. I tmlly 6 -mi ft It) P lu 4 4A p 111 4 ;fi p 111 4 a. pin 4 ai p at 4 v. p u a !pm 4.1 p tn supni 8 24 p Ui tl i p Bl 1 u'i p ni l xi pm t 4; p in a jh P ui 1 n p t l la p ni 2 1.1 p Bi a 04 p in I 4.1 p ni 1 jji p n 1 I. pn I t"i p 11. 12 46 pin 12 p rn U m p in 11 17 p ni Uin p m It Ml a tn It am II IV am II Hi am lo.ua m 10. a 111 III .(! a tn In a 111 In In a ni Inure m a.v.nm V Va 11, .siam larksxillp, Hullnlu JtilnMlim, NfllMtll, Virtftiina, hri-llc, Nnyo. Ii'iini.tiin, Alton, l'iiiinintuim, rk-imis, Milton, Hlani'h, t, a in Iwnvlile, uua in ItiNNWTlONi. Al ttrinrkt with AtbmlliTnast Line for Kli h Blond. Iftrr-lnire. loiicl.iro. WI nitnalon. rU- At J.-llr, nilli Klrhmond ami Itautille Kail l i"trlm.ft ii),uii.nl. Uvinieron, tmrhaui, rUfrlilh. el.'. At Norr.illt with the X. V . P. ami X. Railway ('npr t harlm Houtr.) ami Hay Linr ateaim-ni fin bsr tibl I'.ilnt. rVilUiniin ami norlhi.rii ciiie. nllh pnhprli new Iron elnsioersof Waaliiiianni ami NuTfi lk line for Alrsamlrta, vlaaliiiiatim ami point nnrtn; with Old lionilulott mmimhii' (Niniistiiy a steamers ami steanliiis lor iihi Point. Hamilton. Newnirt Nrns. iKnlllift, hi eilh-sontlw tarolina aouiHt. Niw York ill ml mid nurthi'rn (nitiit-; with M. ami M. T. rotn- pslljrsstrvim-llip lor Boston ami IT.ivlilelKr ill- nn'i ami iiiirniir new r.nRianii points; wun A. ami A. rallnsvl Ut the eh-amit boti-ls ol Vlt finis) tworh; with tN-ean view railnsul fur tn-ean Vlrw rmmrt. t'hasr nmnei tlon with Inli fisl ami uwmblp liuea for all iwinta north, i-taml eolith. The A. l. Kallway entnmnv's tmtwr flit of Chester enVeta prompt transit? of lessen Kent ami mKiae n twera imusBi.niitt ami Mirnia. 10 15 am in :) am 1(1 4ii am 1U M am 11 (It) am H Main 11 10 am 11 20 am I 11 Main 11 btiam VI K pm 12 lfipm t)2 25. pin f!2 3i pin 12 42 put 12 M pin f 1 Mi pin 1 12 pm 1 24 pm 1 ill pin 1 44 pat 2 UO pin 2 12 pin 2 17 pm 2 SU pin f 2 4ii Mil 3 00 pm Lv. V- M'lanav'lo" (illmonville " tloitColli'KO " Hurllliirton " (iruliain " Haw Klvor " Mvlstne o Klinnd " HtllKlMirn " VKIVKK'TT " PIRIUM ' Kast Iinr'am " hnimtield !' Nelson ' Morrlsvlllo " fAlty ' Method RALKIGH " Ganier ' Auburn UyUm " Wilwin'aM'l ' XKI.MA ' Pine lyel ' Prlncuton Kime o UOl.DSBO'O " Ar. f,y. 7 25 pre 7 07 pm 0 52 pm 47 pin I 36 pin 6 12 pm 06 pm 6 6 pm 5 S5 pm 6 22 pm 5 00 pm 4 58 pm 1 4 4n pin f 4 40 pm f 41 pin 4 22 pm f 4 10 ym 4 02 pm il 45 pm unpin 1 24 pm .1 05 pm 2 54 pm 2 45 pin 2 80 pm H 15 pill 1 00 pm PHOM- B A lerandriii, Va Aaheville, N. O liurlliigtott.M.i;...... Hiirkovillu. Va Culix'per, Vu ( bit atn, Vh Cbarlotteayillo. Va... Cbaiel Ilill.N.C Ohio rd, N.C t burlolto, N.C uanvuie, va Uurbnm, N.C Front Hoval. Va lireenabnm, N. C Goidboro N. C Ilei dcrnonvilli', N. (J. Hickorv, N. (' High Point, N. C Hot Springs, N. C .... Hondvraon, N C Lynubburg, Va. Li'XinKbiii, N. C .... Uorvautnn, N. C Murion. N. C Niiwton, N.C Orange, Va Oxford, N.C Kk limond, va EUluVvillo. N. 0 Kalcl' h.N. C Boulhlloeton. Va .... Strigburv, Va. Salisbury, N.C Btateavilk-. N. C Taylorsvitle, N.C... Tryon, N.C Waahington, I). C .... W,at Point, Vu Warrenton, Va Wtlkosboro, N. C Winaum-akm, N. C. 5HS510 1S.H5. CD! Votf... iH.7oi:i.ro t'liS 17.06. so.:! m.ftft . ai.itr, ir..:w. 81.2517.05. l. 40 15.00 14 SO lit 15 I .., BM'. 10.55; 112.40 iio.a&i 10.40 t 55 i .5 ai.ll'. 14.70. . ai.4U 15.00;.. ai.ar. u.ji.. 117.0512.115.. 21.75 lli.lsi.. 11.70 8 t. 16.i 11.25. 1(1 ni 112.45 .... I14.IV 110.5 10.90'. 10.45, 14.00 0.201, ll.W ai 4015.00..., si ov 10.50 1.26 7.25 1.40' .75 .10.45.. 11.50' I00.1 11.83 t.OS 15.110 II. a 7.25 14.85 10.H0 T.10 15. 11.25 7.26 24 18.00 13.10 20.4015 00 W.45 81.2517 05. ....'12.40 lM.S511l.rV S.70 20 4015.00 10.45..... 21.5515.ru .10. W 2B.251U.2S 14.00 15.i)0 11.24 1 T S Mill ll.ii T ltl.il.'. 12.09 1.15 10.75 1 7.at I 4.W i.25I25 14 00..... SSI ' 17.146 12.00 3o 2510.25 14.00 22.H"il.M5 11.S0. ... U.OOU.W I sm..... Otates from intermedlute points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A: Tickets will bo sold September I and 13, and daily f nan tteiitembcr 16 to DeMtfav. bcr 15, lrtki, inclusive, with tinal limit January 7,1. Column B: Tickets will be sold dully from September U to Ueoeniber 16, IKi inclualye, with fliutl limit twenty i20 days f rota data of sale. Column C: Tickets w II lie aold daily from September 15 to Diveiubur iU, imi, inclusive), with filial limit flib en il5) duys from data of sale. No tlukul to bear lonifor luutt tban Janu ary 7. lsj Column O: T cketswill benoldonTueadays and Tbiimduyn ot each week from September 17 until Uuoeniber24, loiC iiicluaive, with anal limit ten . Ho dnya I mm dute of aale. Column t: I iuketa will be sold dally from September 15 to Decern I .er HO, 1HU5. inolusivo, with Una! limit seven (.idnya frora data of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is tbe only line entering tha Erpoeltloo. Grouuda, aaving a duubiotrack, atandaraV 5 unite mliwuy from tbe center of tbe otty ot tljiita totlie Ep.iiion O ounds. For tickeU and full Inf.iniiatioa apply t your nearest agent, or address J, M. CD LP, W.A.TUHK. Traffic Maiugrer, Oen'l Pass. Aft lam Panna rm . Wasblnrton. t tl SCIElLEIHFFElISMini LEAVES DURHAM, N. C 7 00 Dailr, 6 00 am Daily ex cept Sunday for Lynchburg and local stations. Arrive Lynchburg (Union Sta- tions) 11 45 am., 3 36 pm. Lr Lynchburg for Durham 2 45 pm, Daily C 20 am., Daily except Sunday. WEST-BOUND. LEAVB LYNCHBURG DAILY. r... u. D..lr..t til. ...u ' J mi .". ihsuui nauimiifiiiisiiriil. ami ForahonUtN also fur Kicky Mount SD4 Callsiatimis WinMtm-8alero IHyision, oa neoust idstnoke B 05 am., wun Washing ton nml t'hailamsiira l.inuleJ (or all pnintt Hilh and wist of Bristol. Pullman let- era Koamiktlo Memphis and hew Or lea na. Uininif caratiaciid. a 15 pm Dailr, "Tha L'bicaffo Express, for koaimke, Bliiefield, Pocahimtas, Ketiova Coltiiiibiia and C'h cago. Pullman Bulla ileeiwr Kurnoka to Cnlunibus without change. Connects at Radford far Bristol, KnnXTille, Chatunuiiga and Intermediate) pui nuu Pull man hlerper Kail ford to C, hat tantaiga. Arrive Lynchburg Daily "from the West. 12:30 a. m., 1:30 p.m. C ASTHOt'SIl LK A VC LTKCHBUBO .DAILY I 45 put fr RirhmotMl, PeHersburg and Sorlolk; arrives Peterabiirf at $ 45 pm, fliitiieiting with Richmond and Prtenburg railnanl, arriving in Kichmond at 00 pm; arrive Norfolk S 4O tim. II 45 am. Arrive IVtersbiirs; 5 jO sm.cna nei litPK with K. A P. R. K. dailr; arriva Kirhiiiond 8 17 am; arrive Norfolk 8 tPam. Piillitistt Palsersleelierto Norfolk. Aim Ptillinsn I'siav MiTper Between I.ynciiburs: ami Hit'hmond. litis car will be resde at LyDcliunrn at 9 HI pm. fur the rwrption tif issTirera. Arrive Lynchburg Daily from the East. 4:55 am., 2:10 pm WIXST0N-SALEM DIVISION Ltee lltamoke laily, 11 10 j in fur Win tonNtlem and inlrrmediata staiKsn. North a ndina IHviaion. Leave Pulsik 9 rj ant, tdaily njK Sunday), for Ketty Baker, and 10 0J am daily eicrpt giinday, for Ivan hoe, and 5 0U pm daily lor 11 maa. Climb Valley Ihviaioa. lavs Bloa tWd daily 1 311 am., fr Nnrbaa, Lonesvilla snd all points ua L A S, K K vis Vortoaj, V . . . .. . ..I. If. tie best mSMS" ing oi .

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