VOL UME 76 No. 26. IIILLSBORO, N. C, TIWItSflA Y, OCTOBER 17, 1895. ESTABLISHED J820. SAVE AND 'mcciDJKS'isTsr You can lo thin by calling at 37 HE IB mm Oil I make a sperkltv of scuing at WHOLESALE'1 Ami Mil saw mcrchunls their freights', and tiny only have to buy just what they need. Orders ly mail given prompt and caehil attention, ami prices and good are guaranteed. My mum Cannot be beaten for price and quality. Can hip in 5 bbl lots and over direct rom the mill. 1 have 8 barrels bought U-forethe recent rise in wheat and I will always divide my advancf with my customers, in many instance selling goods lower than the inilU and manufacturers, and always on any market guarantee to meet competitor?.- I carry a full line of Glassware, Lump, Lamp chimney by the ewe a specialty. In 23 case lot- "Arill ship direct from the factory. I am the only man is jJurham who has 1ih crockery, both plain and decorated, imiortcd direct. I also carry a big line of fresh cakes and crackers at nOGK BOTTOM PRICES Also tinware in Job lots. I am agent for Woodside, Nose (lay, Matinee, Olive and liangle chewing tobacco, Also Kgerton, llailroad .Mills and l. V. (Jail & Ax mutt, GOOD - LUCK Ilaking tovdcr nnd"l)ukcV cigarette. In Christmas gods and plain and fancy candies I chum the lead. I sell field feed and farming Utensils, axes, hoc Khoen and nails, and thousands of things which etwee will not admit of mentioning. I occupy a double More on the corner af Mangum and larrish street, :Wxl0 feet with cel lar also, a wan-house on rarrish st. 30x70 feet, and all lean wy is this; if you want to haw money come to see me; if you tday away I cannot do vou anvgod. Your Friend, W. H. PROCTOR, DURHAM, N. C. Hyams & Lis with. When you come to Ihirbum'doii't fail to coll on us. We Can Save you Honey On Furniture, Umps, clocks, Trunk, Woven, Window Shades, curtains, etc. DON'T FORGET TAJ? PLACE HYAMS & LEWITH, '21 E. Main Street. Durham, N.C. TIME . ! PBi1! TE FLIM fi JOSEPHUS - IS REBUKED. Rev. C. Durham Sends the Truth ,Honu. LETTER IS DESTROYED. TIjo Raleigh Minister Having Jioen Requested by the Editor of the News fe Observer to , Write hia Views, Writes Them. Nothing of recent happening lias mora clearly shown the des peration of the democratic party and its disposition to catch ".at straws anything . but of which it could make capital against the populists than the manufactured thunder which ttie leaders of the forlorn hope have attempted to make of a ncklcss remark of Dr. Cy Thompson at the alliauce pic nic at ; Carey some weeks ao. The Rktoicdkis, like the rest of newfpnper readers in North Caro lina, is heartily tired of all the scnwless and ; imuie platitudes which have tilled the columns of the democratic- pres and for which Dr. Thompson'' alleged re mark lias furnished, the text. But now that the question has grown to uch proportions we think it proper to keep history straight by giving both sides that of the church and thi press. Under date of Sept 17th, Jo scphus Daniels, of the News & Observer, wrote to Rev. C. Dur ham, a prominent Baptist minis ter of Raleigh, asking his views on thi; subject with the intention of publishing. In compliance with his request, Mr. Daniels re ceived the following: Jobephcs Damels, Editor, Kaleigh. N. C, Dear. Sir: Your letter bas just been received. i on will, therefore. 1 suppose, allow me. without any thouzht of discourtesy to you or Dr. Thompson, to reply just as I feel the occasion demands. , 1. I do not know what you and Dr. Thompson call "the Church," and am of the opin ion that neither .ot you know wnat you mean by it. 2. Whether Dr. Thompson's condemnations of 'the Church" will do more to "bring the Church into disrepute" than your defence of it in "the News at Observer" will do, is, per haps, an open question. 3 It is true, I think, that the clergy, if by the clergy you mean the preachers in the vari ous religious denominations in the state, do not need to be told by the News & Observer what they should "rebuke." 4. It is doubtless a matter of supreme indifference to most right minded people who take the Bible to' their guide, what you or Dr. Thompson think, or say, or write and print upon this subject. 5. The roan who. in an ad dress to the people of North Carolina, declares the Church to day stands where it always stood, on the side of human slavery and not on the side of human liberty. ' and then in a three column explanation does not define what he means by "Saved My Life" A VETIRAN't STORY. "Several yesrs iga, while In Fort Snellinfr, Minn, 1 caught a severs cold, attended with a terrible coiigli, that allowed me no rest day or tiiohL The doctors after ekhausU Injr their remedies, ironounced my com nnpeira J lug theycoulddono more for me. At this time a bottle of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral was sent to me by a friend who tirfred mi ta tnke It- which f Hlit nn.l annn after I wu trenllv relieved, and In S short time was completely cured. I have never laid much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believe Ayers Cherry Pectoral aaved my life, W. II. Willi), 8 Qnlmby Av Lowell, Moss. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Hlfcwt Itirii at Wttfi f tie. Ktm ftLU on bttfitt mi fttsttts "the fnr h." and rvf facts, ink h h;me f HiMculous; but not more n, t think," than the political editor b say:i "Tie qutsiii.ti raised ly Dr, Th'inpeit 's h jrrate-t f'i'J lh; th people '' Nrtli ''em i ... ...... ..! consider," and thf u ur?AS tli clergy ; of me sute" to imh into his po ImVuI peper to save the church from disrepiite. C. The ckrgy in North Car- olina are not a set of holy nood les, or sanctified doodles, to be frightened on the one side by a reckless statement of. an Ons low doctor, or humbngged ,on the other side by the insidious plans of a political editor. - - 7. Dr lbompsou, in bis statement which you publish, nowhere say a that he said in hi8pei-rh atCary:"Thnchurch today iunris where it has al ways Hiooii on th mde of hu man Hlntcrv and not on the sid-'of liWrtjr." . oHl it not le reckless id n tul for truth the ummp- ported stutemeot f the Newt & ObervVi? Evry man should kejp to his own work. Let. Dr. Thompson keep to his pill bas and do what hecbn to properly diag nose and trit the diseases of thrf people f Onslow county;1 and let Joihiw; Daniels look after E C. Bmlth, J. C L. liar I ria and hi frtv netrrH t'i the silver conveution, and do what he can according to the under standing, to make the real own er of tliK New & Observer the nex governor. "1 he Church" is in no danirer. It don't favor Dr. Thompson's condemnations n r doea it need the defence of Joseph us Daniels Remember too Joe. you returned from Washington City "to save the State," and not "the Church;" sod yon haven't saved the State yet. You had better tret through with one thing at a time. : Yours truly, C. DCBHAlf. This letter never appeared in the News & Observer, so was printed later "in the Progressive Farmer and the Caucasian. Com menting on it, the Reidsville lie- view, one of the leading democrat ic papers of the state, which, by the way, inaugurated and appar ently has charge of the Jule Carr boom for governor, says: "Mr. Daniels did right to con. sum the contemptible communi cation to the wastebaelet, and had there been, any since of de cency and propriety in the mind of the author to assert itself no on mature reflection he would have rejoiced that the produc tion had been suppressed. But taking an unnatural and un christian prid in the paternity of the article becausejit was fill ed with "malice and all tmcbar itableness" he bad it printed in the Progressive Farmer and the Caucasian. We have always regarded the Rev. Dr. Durham as an intolerant, overbearing. insufferable bigot, thoroughly besotted with bis own opinions, and with no respect for those of other people. No wonder that mockers and scoffers point at the church In derision and call it the enemy 4t liberty when it holds up the hands of such petty, vulgar, seiriBb auto crats as the Rev. Dr. Durham." However contemptible' the Reidsville Review might have considered the communication of Rev, Dr. Durham, his criticism of the minister was, in the opinion of this paper, in no better if not worse taste. As Mr. Daniels had requested tho letter, he should have prinied it, no matter how hard it hit him personally. If he could not answer the attack, then he was simply admitting that what the minister said was true and he was afraid to give it pub licity. A man who is in the "re huking business," as farmer joe dsnlels is, and bas 111 for so long, should Not mind being him self rebuked orcawioually, or at least able to cross swords with a rival rehuk it, such as Dr. Dur ham has proven himself to he. v How is it that our Chapel Hill subscribers do not receive the Re corder? Several complaints have corre to us during the past week. Will Colonel Kirkland kindly investigate the matter? ARE THEY TOO FINE? Why the Humbla Worshiper Does wot Feci at Home. FA IRBROTUER TALKS OF IT. fie Writes' in the Knoxville, , Tenn., Tribune Upon a Sub ject Which has Long Been one of Thoughtful Consideration on the Part of Ministers and Teach . ers. ' . KnraTllle, Tenn., Tribune.) V It may be all right to build big churchescostly structures-finish them inside with plush and velvet, have grand music and manyush- ers,and sell pews high for cash but somehow or other it was al ways my opiuion that Christ at tempted to teach humility. He rodeau ass from Jerusalem and he never Attempted to hold a meeting in Solomon's palace or the temple, although Cod bad been given the wonderful building from Solomon ss his on earthly house. We see today, to ray mind, too much style for religion, as we would read r.'ligion in, the New Testament The poor man feels his poverty. Say whatever you want, but a rugged coat or an out-of-style dress makes a man or woman feel that they are uncomfortable. They do not want to apear in public in such garments that is, in the fashionable public, where there is so much purple and fine linen. Accordingly he person who should hear the teaching of Cb-ist discussed listen to the voice of God as read by the ordained one from the holy book, never have that op portunity these days while the rich and well-to-do those who know what is right and have no press ing need to sineeem to go in for style and fashion in the church the same as they do in the ball room. The church of today, no matter how fastidious it may grow, will always wield an influence for good; it upholds and teaches the moral law: it is a restraint against evil and a wonderful help for good-but, as I was saying, it seems to me it could be improved if it would humble itself a little more and come down to a level where alt the neighbors could go. In the architecture of churches now adays there seems to be the same desirene to outdo the other. There is enough money thrown away in the building of spires and domes and new fangled rorfs in the churches of America today to build houses for a colony of 50,000 people who have been shiv ering in their hovels. It is all wrong, to my way of thinking, but as the majority of those who build them and pay for them dif fer, of course it is none of my basiness; yet a fallow likes to speak bis mind occasionally, even if he knows he is making a fool of himself. Let the poor man and woman have a chance to worship Clod. Have a temple of worship where they will not feel strangely out of place and where they will feel welcome and at home. It will add to the sum of human joy, and there is no mistake about this. Mr, R. II. Fleming, of Gran ville county, died at hit home near'Crccdmoor Monday. WKESSOP White Imi Bhmmfi aiV. I :KWrlW Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Govt Report MM 4D60LUTELY PUCE J. L. Cole A Co. have marked their entire Btock to half price at this sale; Read their ad and go down before some one gets your bargain. J NO. J. RILEY, C. VV. A, BARIUM, JOS. II. ALLEN, Auctioneer 10 j rs. Auctioneer 23 yrs. Pioneer Tobacconist. OF THE flllllS' f (OPPOSITE TOWN MARKET.) ? DURHAM, IVk C. Having rented the FARMERS' WAREHOUSE, which has the advantage of both SIDE AND SKY LIGHTS, For the present tobacco year; and having made arrangements for ami)Ift Caitital and pffiripnt lioln va nslr tlio nntrnnnoro rtf our friends and the general public, promising them that no house or market fhall pay tetter prices for all grades of to bacco than tve will. Our Messrs Barham and Riley have long ago convinced tne public that they can get the last dollar as auctioneers, while Mr. Allen is equally as well known as correct accountant Favor us with a trial load or package and you will be pleased. Yours Truly, Riley, Barham & Co. H. H. Markham, Cor. Main and Mangum Sta, DURHAM. N. C. 8 SELLS $ gDry Goods, No-Jg gtlone. Hosiery, f f Underwear. JgHats, Caps, ShoesBoots, gGuns Pistols, liware Lamps, TrunkaVol,Se3. and Tourist )y Bags, at right $ prices. g Call and give him a share of fVyour trade. (J K' V Mrs. Ada FIRST NATIONAL RANK BUILDING, DURHAM N.C. Is hack fmm New York, with an elegant line of new 1 AH of the latest and mot popular JBWY0RKSTY1ES Ladles are requested to call examine her stock. niu lfitiiimni I AI L I Miill Evader See Herndou & Bagwell, the well-known and popular whole sale and retail grocers, before buy ing your supplies. They can save you money. ft 8" n 8 M. Smith, 4

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