Durham Recorder. rTBUSHED EVERY THl'RSDAY. J. II. KING, -E. T, ROLLINS, Editor. Manager. . SUBSCRIPTION PRICK:- One Year. . . ..... Me Six Month, - :-,,.-. , . - Soc Advertising rate made known on application DURHAM, N. C, MAR, 12, 1896. Notice to Subscribers. The party to whom The Recorder was sold in August last and moved toHillsboro, having' failed to comply with the terms, The Durham Re corder has been moved back to Durham and will hereafter be published there. All per sons indebted for subscription will please call at the office and pay Messrs. King and Rollins, the leassees of the paper. Thanking, my friend far their natronace and trust . thev will continue the same with the present leassees. I an. Very Truly, - E. C. HACKNEY. Pueblo, Col., Jan. 18. The hiccough seenrg to be a modern and daneerou disease hnt the ancient knew it and prescribed remedies that might now oe tnea advantageously. Galen recommended sneezing, Actius approved of a cupping instrument, with great heat, to the breast. Alexander believed in an oxvmel of squills. Alsh aravius made use of refrigerant drafts. Rhazes put his trust in calefacients. such as cumin rrmpr. rum and the like in vineear. Rogerius looked kind ly on calefabient, attenuant and carminauve nMfuiciueo. Clara Barton's Weary Waiting It seems almost a waste of ink and paper to call the world's attention to the duplicity of the present ruler of the Turkish empire, for all the world is fully informed in regard to it. His conduct, however, in the case of Clara Barton has been so flagrant that it should not be allowed to pass without com ment. For weeks that noble woman has tarried in Constat! tinople. waiting from day to day for the order that will en able her and her assistants to proceed to Anatlia, for the pur pose of carrying relief to the suffering Armenians. Tewfik Pasha, the Turkish premier, has personally given her his promise that the order should be issued at once, but Abdul Hamid, under one pretext or another, , has nullified that pledge, fetid Clara Barton still waits, and Armenians still suffer. s No one need be in doubt as to the meaning of the kultan's conduct. He does not intend, in the first place, to permit Miss Barton or any one with her to penetrate unhindered to the scenes of recent massacres and report to the world what they have teen. lie will place all the obstacles he can in her way to dishearten ber, if possible. It Is bis purpose and intention to keep all relief a ay from the survivors of those massacres, and let starvation and cold com plete the work of decimation which the swords and guns cf the Kurds fend Turkish soldiers and the fury of a fanatic Mos lem populace lef; unfinished, bo far as Abdul liainid can do so he will exte minate Christ ians und abolish Christianity in his dominions. There are no other reason tLan th-.-se fur refusing the irades wbicli Mins Barton bat patiently and sorrowfully awaited all these weeks, and it would surprise no one if that self-sacrificing woman were to get no further than the capital of the Turkish empire. Judge Can jou swear this man was drunk t Witness Well, I dunno ez I keif ji do that, yer 'Anntr, but I ken swear that bn wasted over er dozen matches tryin' ter Uht the water-spickct. The Dream of Life- The penniless youth fell into a deep sleep. Ah," he dreamed, "if only I had but five thousand a year, what good might I not do! How happy I could be! What pres ents I could bestow; what de lghts I could bring to so many! The poor should know my hum ble but discerning charity; the needy should not appeal in vain Ah, if I had but five thousand a year secured, what a life I could lead! Ho"v noble and generous I could show myself!" The years rolled by. The penniless youth was now worth hundred thousand dollars. Once more he fell into a deep sleep. Ah," he dreamed, "if oaly I could accumulate a million dol lars, how happy I should be! How I could enjoy life! What power Lshould possess! W hat influence, what authority! How men would look up to me, and admire me, and seek my friend ship. Truly, that would be hap piness, greatness, joy!" The millionaire dozed in his easy chair. "Ah," he dreamed, "could I but turn my millions into ten millions! Could I but add to my wealth! Could I but get a higher rate of interest; could I but invest it to greater advan tage! Could I but cnange my million into ten millions! Could I but do it, could I but do do it, could I but do it!;' The dream went on, and to the dreamer waking came no more. Truth. Old Story In New Clothes. "This is Mr. Gorman, Mr. Jones," said the gentleman in charge of the new member. "I didn't catch the name,' said Mr. Jones. "Gorman," replied the dis tinguished Marylander. "Member of the the house?" inquired the new member. "No, sir; senate." "Oh, yes; Senator Qorman, I see," replied the new member. "Let me see, from what state, Mr. Gorman?" "Maryland." said Mr. Gor man, wno by this time was somewhat irritated by his newly made acquaintance's ignorance "Oh, yes," replied Mr. New Member. "Democrat or Repub lican?" The last question was more than the demociatic of the sen- ante could stand, and, with a look of disgust on his face, he turned on his heel and walked hurriedly away. Atlanta Con ititution. Humorist. "Any signs of spring up your way?" "Well, yesterday I saw a man turn a buck somersault getting off an electric car before it stopped." Exchange. "Blinkins tells me be was in a tight place last night." Where was that?'' "In Soakum and Booze's saloon." "uouain must nave been a hard drinker." "What makes you think so? -we, i, you Know, ne was killed with a 'sling.' " Wilkins-What is the mean ing of the proverb, "Truth lies in a well?" Bilkins I suppose that refers to the variety of lie a man tells to bis wife when be comes borne at 2 a. m., and insists that be hasn't touched a think but water. Husband I see a Denver theatrical manager has turned bis bouse into a resort for men only. WifeThe very idea! Husband At least, it looks so. lie has ruled out ail women with tall hats Philadelphia North American. "Bloomers are bound to in create litigation." "How's that?" "Well, you know, iher are breeches of promise." Lawyer Did you ever serve on a jury before? Juror --No, sab; I nebber serbed on nothin' but de chain gang. Lawyer Did you bring your retaining fee? Client Yer bet yer life. Lawyer Where is it? Client In me pocket. aa" m sawyer w en, now ir you wiii jui turn it over to me Chent Not on yer tintvM Didn't you lust say it war roe retaining fee? And l'se roin' ter retain it where it is till dis case is settled. Lonesomeness and Insanity A unmarried ranchar, A. M. Giflord, sixty-three years old who has for many years lived alone on his own property near Union Mills, Oreg., was sent to the state asylum a few days ago violently insane. He was driven crazy by the appalling lone someness of his existence rnd is the second solitary ranchman committed to the asylum under such circumstances from the same county within a month. sucn cases are not uccommon in prarie states like the Dakotas and Nebraska, but it is more often the wife of a rancher or farmer living many miles from the nearest neighbor, and who rarely sees her husband except for a few hours be is home to sleep, who goes crazy from lone someness. , The dreary ' mono tony of the prairie, with often times not even a tree to break the level sky line, is a great factor in breeding the melan choly that has not infrequently driven a woman raving mad. It is said to be not uncommon for lone sheep herders on the great plains of Australia, who often do not see a human being for months at a time to go insane from the same cause, New York Sun. A Good Seasonable Story. In the trial of a case in Powel county not long ago the attor neys objected to all the jurors who had been summoned save one. As no others were at band, it was agreed that the action should be tried by the one remaining juryman. After the evidence v as heard, the judge told the lone juror to re tire and make up a verdict. He retired, and, after staying out for over an hour, came back and reported solemnly that the jury had failed to agree upon a verdict. Louisville Courier- Journal, Grew Through the Stove. in nevaaa, mo., a young cataipa tree, about twenty feet tall, is growing with a section of a coal stove grate firmly at tached near its roots. The tree has grown through the bars of the grate from the seed, and, as it increased in diameter, the wood lapped over and under the bars, holding it as in a vise The grate was lifted off the ground several inches as the growth of the tree progressed. Philadelphia Ledger. An old Hampshire peasant farm er came to town to buy a bat, and was requested to look into the glass to see if the bat suited his tastes. The customer stood be fore the glass, as though fascinated by his reflected image. Presently he slowly inquired: "Wnll is that me?" "Of course, it is, guv'nor," was the shopman's re ply. "Why, don't you know tourself?" "I be 6o years old," said the ancient, after another panse, "and I dunno as ever I see my face afore!" And when, bis purchase completed, he turned to depart, he went up to the looking glass, saying: "I'll just take one more look at Diesel', for I dunno as ever I shall ha' the chance again." London Globe. Shoes were blacked as early as the tenth century. The sub stance used seems to have been lam; black mixed with rancid oil, for in an old romance a man is ejected from a company of polite persons because he had just blacked his shoes and they could not stand the smell, Bwr of Ointment top C tarrh that contain Mercury. as mercery will surely destroy the sense of smell and complete ly derange the whole system wben entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and muccus surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tne genuine, it is taken inter nally, and made in Toledo, )., by F. J Cheney fc Co. Testi monials free. Bold by druggist, price 75c. bottle. All War Requisites Furnished. Proprietdr of Big Ironworks If I understand you correctly, you wish to place an order for armor-plate that no cannot shot can pierce. We are turning out that kind of thing every day, and " Agent of Foreign Govern- ment No, you misunderstand. wish to know if you can manufacture a cannon that can pierce any armor-plate? . Proprietor-Certainly, sir. We are doing that kind of thing every day.--Philadelphia In quirer, y Buried Alive. Mr. H. L. Woo ten, of this city, informs us of a distressing revelation which came about through the remorse of the body of his uncle; the late Mr Charles Wooten, of Centre ville, Pitt county. Mr. Wooten died about five years ago, and the other day his brother-in-law, Mr. Jos. May, disinterred the the remains to place them else, where. Both the box and the coffin were found n a good state of preservation, but one side of the coffin was found to have been forced off to have been forced with such violence as to break the screws, and Mr. Wooten'8 body, instead of being on its back, in which position it is absolutely known to have been buried, was on the side with the face toward the part of the coffin which had been burst open. I here seems to be but one solution of this state of affair, and that is that life was not ex tinct when Mr Wooten was in terred, and that he revived be fore death came, and struggled sufficiently to rend the coffin in the manner described New. bern Journal. Are you a merchant? Corres pond with us. We sell at whole- save save you freight Ilerndon & Bagwell. Sneed - & Thomas sell only Buist's seeJs they are always reli able. - DELICATE SJ1 FEMALE REGULATOR. .' ' IT IS A SUPERB TONIG"I exerts a wonderful influence in strengthening her system by driving through the proper chan nel all impurities. Health and strenc-i are Guaranteed to rtsu!t ironi its use. My wtfa waa brdrMdca forrlrttcra avntha. ft-Minf UHAUnr.LD a FkMALK U&UU LATOK lot two moath. w rcttinff woU.- i- U. JUhNbUN, Malrtra, Ark. siABrrELS sieruTos co.. sturta, as. MtaUSra(fiMa4 0iMaaaaav Get Your Seed At Yearby's Every Paper Fresh. We Guarantee Them To Grow Your Money Back If Not Satisfied. Mortgage Balel th Pron Iran f lan4 ta Pattfw To, hip. tnirhaai fn"Mf. "J C mlfili)f J at avi or I a, adenine tb land of Anderwm wfc, Jr.. a th ; 1 MM fort Crk, and it. A. feft'rir on lh North; and Ml I tut xt and 'ninth Und. of n. W. Vkkra Mtr, h antd at ptiMi awdMi f'lfniaM at iht l imn Kwl'xtln IMirlnm, M, C4 sa olr Ute Uthdarof apni. !. . IMtd ! aIU he had wf K C. Parlhlnt and J. W. Mark twill, trf vtrwt M m l4 of MitiM li4rM in t"k 14 at aara 4 and V, ew-., aMfitt M.r Kh, vm. M r. ih. if maaH Markbaaaiidaaiia-iMitand tramforrat to ,.W.ASK-M. a. e. P4KTIU1-,, Aw!naoi Murtfafa TM fth daf Marcb, M S. A. L. Between Durham snd Hendetson. Norfolk, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Phllode) phi and New York, and Boston; also Raleigh, Charlotte, Wilmington, Monroe, cheater, Urceu wood, Athena Atlanta and all point South au(! Dally Ex. Sunday, N. Bound No. 38. 8. Bound, No. 41. Durham Lv 10 &8 a nil Ar U j p m Ar llop ni Ar 4 P, 'iV.! I oj " II 15 a 1 4P' Henderson ..... Ritirelt Frankllnton ... I.ouiaburf..M... Wake . Warren Plains . Lv Lv Lv Ar a 43 Ar 3 ao Ar .1 u I. ILv L Ari ae-T Littleton Weldon Ar 145 Lv Lv Lv Lv L L : 4a " 11 54 i in 10 30 54 9 10 " 9 00 " 430 J 11 03 p k -t5Ll Boyklna Franklin ... ... Ar 4 36 Ar 4 40 Ar s Ar s jo Ar 0 00 Ar 5 Si Suffolk Portsmouth ... Norfolk Lv Peteraburg(A.C.L.) Richmond - ILV IL ILV Washington (Prr) Ar II 10 " Baltimore Philadelphia ' New York Ar i 48 mi Ar 45 Ar ss Lv ATLANTA SPECIAL. I No. 40 j. . I No. 40a New Orleana Atl.nl. Macon Athena Greenwood Cheatei Monroe. .......... Charlotte ... Charleston Southern Pine... Raleigh Durham . Hmdemon. Weldon Norfolk JjjimU Tjopn, 4 09 p ui Ar ra oo la 10 a 1 V P 11 48 p ml S 3 P 3 ot p m s n p isp 5 pm 7 SJ P t 30 pm 11 at pm 10 51 a 9 S7 5 45 m 4 00 p ml 5 m a ml 10 a jaopml I ta a it a 30 a a 4 10 a mi ' 50 a m SS 4 30 ant co pml Petereburff... Richmond. ... 730a oa a la 55 am 11 30 pm JHP 4 41 pm 3 ao pm Washington .... Baltimore Philadelphia...., New York 40 a b 10 45 a la oa a pa 4 53P Xoa. 40a and 403 Solid Pullman Vealibnh Traina netween waahington and Atlanta, Train. 18 and 41 have through alecpera uetwe weiuoaana prw lots. No. w makes cloae connection at Portamoatl with Bav Line for altlmot- Old Dominion neaniera lor new yora every aay la the wert ezceM Prida. With Merchant and Min.ii Line ior Boston ana rrondenc erery day in th weea except Tueaaay ana Thuradc , ano Norfolk and Waahittf Ian b. B. Company daily for Waahincton No. 4 1 makes cloaeconnection at Durham arith train fcoine; weal oa a. at u. railroad. Foriurtner information la retard to eon nee ttona, etc., apply UlLi. cneatnam, agent, oar ham, N.C. JOHX R. WINDER, General Maaaf at T. I. ANOHKBON. G. p. A. s. ht. iuur vice rrcaiara SflUTHEROAHWAY. (PIEDMOMT AIR LIJiK.) la Effect rehruary Jth, VM. Traloa. Lrava Hi tlT Pimm 1 in At Greenabtiro. fur all foinlt fur Balelilb : North and 8outb, and Winttoo- :. A. M. Utily paiem ana point on the ortbw lent orth Carolina railroad. At Salisbury, for all point in Wreteni Tara Bal-Kt t-JW A. M DaUy .NorthaCamlina, KnoxriJle, Ten IV, : 'itindnoati and western point; at 'faarlotte. forSiartanbant. Greea- rille. Alhioa. Atlanta and all noiaia j 1 Totiin, , . . Cnnnena at THirliam lor Cxford. Clarksrille and Krrayille except Handara, At Graentboro. with A'aHhinjrtoo and -outhwnU-rn Vrs fiaTa ibuled iLiniite),and the Kew Tork Florida "hort Ltoa (Limiod) train fcr.ll noinu Xorth and with main ine train No. 13 for Harille, Rk-b-'wiod and intermediate local station, tlao baa Connection for Winston-Salem, and with vain Una train No SS Bal-lsh 4Vt P. M. uaur Lear Durk'm P. M. Dally 1 East mail) for Charlotte, Piortan bare, (ireenvillw Atlanta and ail point Ponth; also Columbia. Aim ta, Charleston. Harannah. iack- rille and at Charlotte with aleerunc w ior Angutta and jaciuonriUa. Connect at k'elm for Parattswill Lea re Durii'a P. M. Daily and intermediate atatinntoa the Wil on and rarettevtll Short CULdail? ainemaKir wtiaoa lartxiro, o folk and intenneiliate ataiiom Throngh coach to Ureeaahnro and baman, orfol k,GolUboro for Newbern and More bead City, daily erart Hun- ll A. M ' taiijr dayaj for Wiliriinrtno and interme- (diate sUtiiwa on tba .1 . & V . It K. I Connsrta at klmi for WiLra. '"'".Rotky lioont, TarUra and fowl A.M. putioni 00 Norfolk A Carolina KaiL roadrnrea at UoidUmm irtXip n. Ieara Durham NHft a, m daily, 6:00 p. m. for Oxford, llndeani. Ba lab Mr.t A. M. bally M henT,Kerilleanl Hirhnxf d land BalUmor. via lork Hirer. Local freight traloa a1o carry paaari- tera. PullmaB cart on afiernoon train from Raleiab to O'eenaboro, and on Bornlnf train from Orecotboro. Doable daily trains betweea Ralctsb, CbalotM and Atlanta qalck time; an tirelled accommodation. Ku ticket and lima table anit other information, apply to W. U Obbbb. J. If Cf LP. General huperloiendent. Traffic H'g'i w. a. 1 cbe, uen ra Afenu NAVMMtsleraBi ' ' i tches-ulB is Effect ' February 9, 1896, Durham. N.C. North and Weatbonnd. No. 36 daily, No. 71 daily cx San, 7 a.m. o a. in. Trains arrtra at Darbam $.1 p. m 7 33 P. Tirt4 rrrc? sold to I IVnUlvl ALL POINTS! OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS. NEBRASKA, COLORADO, ARKANSAS. CALIFORNIA, f TEXAS, Tte WEST, IORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST riMT eit, tccoNo cuts AWO MI6tWT TICKtTS. THE ECST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. UllkMH vrTIBUlCB COCMrt Ar Birrmwd eM. It TKIT TIM TIHUI Hal 111 Ml "rprnt u wtrTf nu miiDnlft lMkiairtfifLounn nAiinuAU, CHttr, arar ouicatar 11 nc WtHe'or ! M.n Time Table, Oracrlatlrt l'nphlla. Ut any Malxia Agtai, m ta m, a. at oit. C- Pasa, A1. III,, aura Nous Si. Pass, Art. mi us. a. a.r.aaaaa, T. Paaa Aft, lUMIt, Notice of Administratrix. Having qualified as admlnlatratria of lb. cauta and will annexed of Klijah II. Tilley, deceaaed, I hereby notify all person bavin claim against hi es tate to present the same to ne on or befrne the ifttb day of February, 1817. ot this notice will It plead ia bar of their recovery, Prrwins indebted to said eatat are Botified to make Immediate paymenL MRS. EDN8Y T. TILLET, , AnminUtatrli, This February ailth i8y6. P. F JJL 6 F. CURES ALL Skin Mhm Phvttoiani endorm P. P. P. aia aDlotidM pom blnatton and praacrlhe It with great! aatUikctloi for the enrea of all forma of Frtnutry, Beeondari and Tertiary HypbiUa, ByyhiiiUo Klieuiuutuin, Pi p. p. Cures Rheumatism Scrofulotu Uloenand gore, Glandular Swelllngi Rheumatlrm, Malaria, Old chroulo TJlcert tba have realatod all treatment, catarrh, at In dtaraiei f, P. P. Cures Blood Poison cmbib., chnmlo feiml eompUlntt. nenmrift) poiXHi, rtiujr, mmm neawi, ric ft r. r. m m powenui man an noeiivn pp P. P. P. Cures Scrofula. user, oniiuina up WW, syneni npraiy, ladle whose ayalema are puaaoned and whost U1UUU iS W Ml UBHU. WUU1U4M1, UIW WBWIllUia D D T Cures r. r. r. Malaria. trreirnlarittea, ar peculiarly beneflted by th wonderful tome and blood clon.lna nropertiM of V. e. V.. irickly Aab. lok Hoot and PoUaaluia P. P.P. Cures , Dyspepsia, LEPPMAN BROS., Prop? DRUGGISTS, Lipomas Block, Savannah, Gf Book ob Blood Diseases mailed free, A Sufferer Cured "Kvery season, from the time I was two years old, I Buffered dread, fully fayim erysipelas, which kept rrowiiijr worse until my hands were almost useless; The bones softened so that they would bend, and several of my flnsrers are now crooked from this cause. On my land I carry large scam, which, but for AYER'S ftirsaparilla, would be sores, provided I ' was alive and able to carry anything-. Klsrht bottln of Ayers Sarsaparilla cured me, so that I have bad no return of the disease for more than twenty tears. The first bottle seemed to reach the spot and a persistent use of it has perfi-cted the cure. O. C Davis, Wautoma,Wla. I I THX OUT WOW Df fklX Sarsaparllla ATE I KLU rraaMt. Saed togmtim Nf.tice Land Sale. ' By virtue of an eserntiaar my ksnrt dlrt--1 to s. Ixirhsm.'iinal, rioi lh itn.r i-,rt r ntui outi. la SiTr of I-fin nun aeslnst 1. T. Bruuk. I. M. I.rmi. M. V. r.rrrm mnn , B. r.rwn: aln atMKhri ertiH m In my band la Sj.oriif mUl rmipim nn,i ant 1. m. i.nvn. H r. trea and I W.rrii.l vill -llfnrnun. ! the hlenest fctd t, at tn ( eurt Huoa tmi, la burns, M. C, ftONDAV, THE etfe DAT OF APfilL. at II o'rlnrk M., all the ItiUmrt. riiiht and title hlrh the said I. M. ftrrra mrnol the ahin. namn m it-onanu hsa a the Sillasi ln dearrlb t real estate sttnale la Dnrhaia Tnwn.hlp, s.wl mnly. and Is or Bear the Um of Dtirhaas. and Hilly dnsTltwd la a put reenilly awl. Iy N. A. RaaM tn a survey rf the nnns-rty nf the asisi of J. B. Cmi, denstard. a alll apprar by r.1.,. vn-ne to the Scram la IM oir u( RerMce of tireila Inr Unrraua Cunnty. ta Bimk of D4s Mt, IV, pare ri W. snd kaowa In aaMasiaa an l. f. 1 m, sz, s. .1, 44. V , M. Tl and n. mhk-h lot are all Pull dOrntmd h. aielM and tKinnds In pal alr trkn4 to ; alao an in uwfinn, nam am uti of Utm sH1 M P Onwa. anmher of said drfc-wtsni in and to the Mk ma dvrliivd real mtny anialnia Na IS.lia,amM, ta said plal Ihereln d. srrllMt tl nHmaitd hunnd ;! all Um lntr rrt, rtahland utleofaaldl. B. Orera. eauther of saw defendant la and to the follow Ing rml tL M. S4. a. Tl and IL aa dsrrillj hV i-U snd hoonda la aald plat brnr4 referred la ; als all the Inlorew, rtihl end ml of ihs ahme iwi wirniwnia ia in miinwin darrlhr4 rml rIMlm sltiBitad In th Tow nDu,k.s mm WH Main atrwt, and nnm sthGth..r bnusa and Utm ayljfilntnf s 4 waiehcmsa k4 lurm erly eunnerted tli.rvth a th wanhiu bit, the aaiar hrlnf th peiifofly Imm hrlnndn lo I. B. Cre4, derweil, and frmslnln mmtl Third a H ant In t ie retirt nt the nmls abmer apf.dnled lodlrU th sUIeaaMd wl, "aid nery or an aiwli tlr f. as y b nvtmmty, auid to sotufy and aaeeaUon and , Tliia, MarcB7ta, 1MM. ! Jona V. ioa. PnerlB of Inirhaia Uiuntr. tntheSrat naneof theahnry eisratbrna, t, T Ba and I, M. Green ar prtnrtf.il. and M p'. Qtrm and Jam a. ira ar srnirlile and to M. Green will bt aold. ' J. V. BtCOSRRCShenC Valuable Land Sale. By1r1e'aadraf,h. Ssprrtor Court. of wiiwmvuubi7, mkitir in. ofTti rrocoed. let eUtld, H Kfi Bsrhee, r.oardi, of Ka H Hsthre, Irene Barn and Htmmm lu,h ..a Mr. Umim A, Barbs rapart. I will s.11 lots EJr";' wsnii suwry, at the Coart Kuuse, of Imrham Coaaty, Mondoy, Mareh aard, iaae. llioeeHla lot of tend Mtsstedla Durban county. Hui of North amllna. know a Lot A J. Hat he. 3 uminin. psnillou l tne laon off f Hatoe. iM a anontra of remrd r. "in Berordof Partition of Durham eount " j rj soo wr a more rrfrreur I herrhy mt purlirular drsrrlBtiiia 14 record, aald lot eonlaluln tml inaere. CtW I ltt .k. UH .. No. la 4d t-anmo eoatalnln ninut ihlrtrro acre. aUo the. Ix.orr Tract" of Mr. UmlZ At asm Ilia and A. Hrtie. widow I. A. 1. Barhee. eouialuln St errlofor cold sd aow I Z1 J, It.rlw. for a or aortlrulM da i.LZ'Zl ',171 ""'! paces 4 . klf eaabi -e-batf lavaoolh.d.ferrd Mymeatlo h aerurred VoT.. TJr tafL" 7 JTeV-iS' Barheaa I -Irower Trarl." sA. Thl Isik) I kmitrd j rnUea Soot kraal f ST. VITUS DANCE, , A Physician Prescribes Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. ' Dr. Mtloa Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.i My daughter Mattla, aged It, was afflicted last spring with St. Vitus dance and ner vouanesa, ber entire rlKbt aid waa numb and nearly puralyied. We oonaulted a phy. H 'V. 'i-x tr 4 9 VS?N ' 4 slclaa and h prescribed Dr. Mllea Beatora tire Nervine. 8b took throe bottle before w aaw any certain signs of Improve ment, but after that aba began to Improve very fast and I now think aba la entirely cured. 8b ha taken nloa bottle of tba Nervine, but no other medicine of any kind. Knox, Ind., Jan. H. W. UoeriTTra. Physicians prescribe Dr. Mile' Bemedles because tbey ar known to be tb roanlt of th long practice and eiperleoce of on of th brightest, members of their profession, and are carefully compounded by experi enced chemist. In exact accordance with Dr. Itllea' prescription, aa used la hi pracCea, Oa aal at all druggist. Writ lor Dr. Miloa' Book oa th Ueart and Harvaa. Dr. lilies Uedical Co Elkhart, lad. Dr. EUcs' Ecmedlcs Eestore HcalLh. Executors Notice. Bavins anallfled a Rxeeutnr to the Willi T. B. Farthlnt; and Was. Farthing deroased, notice 1 hereby elm to any and all person Indebted to ellhrf ut to eome Brwr4 and aculnst then will pleas present thru to ma ....4 M AA ullVl. ' . Smm .1.1. . - urbam, M, C, MarrJi Mb. MM. O. C. PASTH WO. Kxerntor Of Win. end T. a f AkTH1.N0. IF YOU WANT An Extra Cood, Extra Heavy and Extra Handsome COME AND BUY THE A Combination of Boautj, bur bility and Cood Service. NICE LOT OF UfiiiUlU OlUIIidCUia UUA1XU General line of Hardware. 1 . & 8. Paint. I T. Womble FOR WEAK MEN. The 3 frr ton teal Cure. TUB GREATEST BOOM tver fjva to 1 suflering ansa. It enres Impoteit- yp OpbIhb r Emissions sod Vari BOCBlB aa il bvmaric. Alter Baeing It nc yoa will about Eureka, for all tros bit vanishes Immediately sad yoa art a ataa aain. It double Sexual PowBP ad increase air of tb parts. It ta not s drat or vacuum pump, but a wouder fal and ccientiGc ayplianca discovered by a phyticiaa, biaxelf a euflerer, and siter k bad nearly rained hiatsclf with BwtaoaoM dm p. Avid Drugs Ts ve expect to tecowr. ft is feat altss sad st obcc relieves the disease. Money returned where care is not ef fected. One P-scbajr warranted to cure nv case, beat in plain, well sealed oacksgw with fat) la 'tractions. FrUe Ij.a. Address MECHANICAL CrB CO.. OnsatM BKIf. Chicago. la Darbam by W. M. Yearbp. Too Tiredto Smile Wits, Wavy and Worn a Mulnwss, ImpATB) Klood-Curwd by Mayer. IXsay weak ant worn-trut woraca know just what Oils i. ns, Ia totally Hiiwt eondltloB for work, they fore tbcmselvrw tlirotiKh Uie dally routine of duUcB. almost too tils eouraged to even look for rclk-f. J Dot It b to txi 'M found la Hood it v Wof yioarsapariiia VVy r Whlcb make tlx v' I blood pun, twUdr W-oiX-J Bp tb BBfTtB. Btr Wsa. Solta BiakM the WftSI VavterkCltP. ttroiisT and arlVBl a ebeerful spirit. Ikad thlsi "I kaven trend nor thaa ton rue eal tell from dlMlaeas and sever pain la af Bead. I alao felt SO tow Spirited that I fta said I wUbed I was dead. A trtrad sarcsted that I try Hood's Barsaparilla. I fave It telal sad was snore thaa sar prbMd to What a great ehaaf cam awsMartarllMdtakaatheflsst bottle. 1 felt better right sway. I have aow take Hood's early Ive bottles ft tx.r jttWr: Cures I weald sdvls sU Br vrb) afiertBf oa aeeoant of lot pare blood M trynood'iBarMpejlIl. It wUleara."Maa. wt Burnt, t:iE.tth' K.T.aty. Hack's rills kueoBM aurltatharM GOOKIHG APPABATOS Mm hi 6 w1UYrrwwMit IK tat m