ihe Durh aer VOL. 76 NO. 29. DURHAM,. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,, 1896. ESTABLISHED 1820 am THE PA8T F1KTV YEARS. j Yifty years about marks the span of manhood s busy labor. n Greensboro Friday adopted the The past fifty years represents an following platform: epoch of indention and scicntitfic I. In consist devotion to the po discovery in the history, of the 1 liticnl principles, , which for many world.' A gigantic wave of human J years liave been promulgated by ingenuity and resource, stupend-jthe . ous in magnitude, complex in di versity, profound in thought, fruitful tu wealth and beneficial in results to that extent that the mind is strained and embarrassed in its efforts lawfully appreciate it. It has ttecu u grand climax ofj discovery, . The great works of the ancients are mere monuments of patient manual labor. "Not so with mod ern achieve tnent. Ideas, brain and energy have so combined that their developments partake of the sacred qualities of creation. Seeing with the eye of science man has touched the possibilities of matter with the divine breath of thought and made a new world The creations of science and genius have burst upon an incre dulous and superstitious world like the flashing ot 1 a meteor. Intellectual and spiritual forces have become infinitely more po tent over all material things. I Dy science through the ageucy of machinery on the one hand,( and of sociul organization and commu nication on the other, the empire of mind, ever man as well as mat ter is extended. Human life is improved, the soul releived aud society lifted to a loftier cinsci ousncs. Christianity and philos ophy is exalted and illumined. . . Fifty years ego the telegraph, the telephoue, the phonograph.the electric light, the sewing n achine, the typewriter," the reaper and binder, the fire engine, the ocean tvtie, the ice machine, the air brake, the, screw propeller and hundreds of other inventions and mechanical appliances so useful to man, and so perfect in opera tiori that they seem endowed with life and thought, were practically unknown. : ; "... Knowledge of microbes -aud disease germs, of remedies and preventative of disease, tbe X rays, autiscptics and anisthetics have added to longevity and al-ruw-t destroyed the horror and pain of the surgeon's knife. We shrink from the thought of what it would mean w modern civilization to eliminate from its life these potent factors of its ex istence. The last half century lias not only produced greater ad vancement than any previous period of equal length, buf more than all the centuries that have cone before. Remarkable indeed is the fact that the field of all this develop ment, is confined to a relatively small number of the Caucaeiou race, and under the benign influ ence of a christian civilization. Every new discovery only pro claims the wisdom and power and grace of God, whose creatures we are. He moves in a mysterious -av His wonders to perform. Is it His purpose "to make all see what is the fellowship ol the rays- tery whicn from the beginning of the world hath been hid in lod." Truly docs it seem that but few more steps remain ere we reach the top balcony of the tower of scientific discovery, when we will ace all the glories of the day of Cods unfolding. When peace on earth, good will to man will be realized and Christ's kingdom on earth be established. 80 mote it bo. Ktm Jim. It is laid that Grover Cleve- land sent a substitute to the Cock ran meeting In New, York. He did the same thing when the country had greater need for his service as a soldier in the late waf. Cleveland Is great cn vetoes, ducks, fish, bond is- NATIONAL PARTY lLATFOI M. 'f. The Nutioual party which met J National Prohibition party, i which its recent convention at i - Pittsbug abandoned, and which we now. find expressed, in their entirety, in the platform of the uew National parly, we the citi zens' of the State of North Cam liua, in, convention assembled, hereby declare our continued alle giance to those principles arid en doise the platform of the National party and its candidates for Pres ident 'and Vice President, C. E. Dentley, ot Nebraska, and J. II. Soutngute, of North Carolina. 2. We invite to the support of this party and its candidates all citizens of North Carolina, whatever may have been their past party afillia lions, who desire the suppression of the drink trufiic and the aboli tion of the monopolies, which nov control our money system, our politics, our lands, our rail roads and telegraphs, to the oj- pression of our coplo. ' 3. North Carolina should be re deemed from standing so near the foot of the sisterhood of States, iu the educational rank of her public schools. Having already pro vided funds for higher edacation, we demand that legislation now l directed to the improvement of the basal part of our educational system, the public schools, now in a crippled condition for means to improve. We favor the gradual, but sjicddy increase of the public ichool term to eight months in each year. 4. The betterment of the public highways is J,heroost important economic ,it?ue in internal im provement. .We demand, there fore, that such changes in our taws be made as will provide for remanding the ablo bodied male criminals of each county to the care, and custody of county au thorities, for work upon the high ways within the respective coun ties; the distribution, by the boards of agriculture of literature, setting forth tbe most improved methods of road building and a more equitable basis of taxation for the road fuud. Before adjourning the couven- t:tn adopted the following resolu tion: Resolved, that the National party, in State Convention as sembled at Greensboro, August 21st, 1890, sorrows with all who houored and loved in life the Hon. W. T. Walker, of Brown Summit, Guilford County, N. C, and desired to record this testi monial of its regard for one whose heroic, consecrated championship of humanity cause will forever link his uatne as an inspiration to the history of our Slate." POIt OXE CLASH ONLY. Has the cheapening of prices under the gold standard been uui form as is claimed by the gold ad vocatcs? We say no. It hard y touches tbe class aud corporate interests. Taxes, rents, passenger and hotel rater, interest,insu ranee, etc- remain . about the same, While there lias been no reduc tion whatever in salaries and fees of Federal, State, County and mu nicipal officers, railroad and bank presidents, officers in the army aud navy and many other favor ed occupations and professions. It is the brood shoulders or labor that carries the burden of an ap preciated dollar. The merry people rny the merry priviliged classes, with merry "sound money" which buys twice ai muh of their merry products as in the merry days of free silver as wo go merrily aiong; H'ti CAN STAND ALONK. ' -Apropos to the discuss'on which just now bo fiercely rages as to the influence of Great Britain upon the curr ncy leg ielation of this and other coun tries, the following figures of Prof. Mulbal!, the eminent Eng lish statistician, showing the comparative wealth of nations, are of interest. They explode the theoryso commonly , held, that England alone is the rich est nation, says the Farmers' Voice. - Great Britain, including her colonies, doubtless is, but in the world of finance that countries colonies do not count for much These figures represent the tan gible property of nations, in cluding land, houses, and ali kinds of personal property: United States Great Britain $02,120,000,000 47,000,000,000 42,990.000,000 31,185,000,0(;0 25,445.000,000 19.285.000,000 14,815,000,000 . 12,580,000,000 0,805,000,000 5.035,000,00!) . 4,030,000,000 "; 4,180,000,000 3,641,000,000 3,180,000,000 2,545,000,000 France Germany Russia - Austria Italy. - . Spain ' Australia Belgium Holland Cane da ' Sweden Rouraania Argenlia The Progressive .Farmer in commenting on this says that the first step in the formation of this na'ion of ours, which in 120 years has become the rich est nation on the globe, was a declaration of independende. Nothing in all rheworld of fi- nance and commerce is of. suf ficient value to tempt this peo ple to recede from tbe high ground taken in that splendid declaration of the early fathers. W- atever we do with the cur- Lrency should be done with an eye single to the good of the American people acd regardless of any conditions which may have grown up in the monar chies of Europe, where the peo ple are forgotten that royalty and sham nobility may dwell in idleness and luxury. FAL8K JHOIHKTS. In '03 the people were told that the repeal of the Sherman ajt would restore confidence and prosperity. The Sherman act was repealed, a panic ensued which has grown worse da by day until the present. The same false prophets are now saying that the silver agi tation is unsetling business and that a terrible panic will result if the free coinage of silver is restored. The people are Dot all fools. They have had experience un der free coinage and the single gold standard and know under which system they prospered most. They know that until '73 sue cesik crowned their every effort and that prosperity was univer al. Labor and labors pro ducts commando 1 god prices. There were no tramps, no will ing hands seeking works and finding it not. Commercial fail ures were rare and destitution almost unknown. Under the single gold stand ard disaster has desolated the land and naralized effort. Tbe bonded debt of the nation has increased nearly $300,000,000 In three years. Tho monthly de licit in government receipts is enormous. Extravagance rigns supreme in high places, while pinching economy becomes ne cessary on the part of tho mass es.' Bank defalcations, frger les, robberries and suicides have become so common os not to excite comment. A great many factories are closed down while others are running onlhalf time. Thousands are out of employ ment. Lack of money is the universal complaint Tbe land Is full of produce, 0 the necessaries of life, which udder the old system was deem pd sufficient collateral. Under consumption reduces the ,mer chants sales and t.11 except the favored few share in the gen eral disaster to busiii 'S. , ... ?. Wjih Rich experience can there be any doubt as to a re turn to a financial system un dor which II' prosp red. Rea son and com non sense says no. Greed, indolent indifference and beastly selfishness alone approves of present conditions La:k cf money cannot be reme died bv making it scarcer and easier to corner and control. . "JUST OXK WAY." " That the times aro bard and growing worse no, one denies That our financial system . is largely responsible no one dis putes That we have the single gold standard is admitted. That gold monometalists are in con trol of the government is con ceded That every effort of the goldites to sa'.isf actor laliy ex laio away matters,.' is a failure i a patent fact. Yet they claim to know it all. Reminds us of a man named II zel who built a fence so crooked that when he attempted to climb over it he came down on tbe same si ie from which he went up. After several vain attempts be got on the other side when he squared himself to the situation and re marked: "There is just one way to do a thing a right,, way and a wrong way, and I have missed them both." ."'. C'eveland, Carlisle & Co. must be pupils of Bezel's. , MASHES NOT BKXKFITTKUV S gold is coming back from Yurrup" and stocks are ad- W vancing. ; titw about laoor ana produce. Is the country really benefited by this change in the golden tide. "The best financial system in the world" works like a charm for the stock' gambler, but the masses do not appear to be in it. This gold that Is being imported will never circulate among the people. It is bought and sold as a commodity, and practically had as we.I be dumped into the middle ot the Atlantic so far as any lelief of the paople Is con cerned. . Treated as a cftmmodity, it is bought and sold for profit' by speculators and will never leave the corrupt precinct of Wall Street until it rotates back to London again. Itand orMooiwhlnera Caught. BaisTOL, Tenn , Aag. 20. A party of revenue officers repre aenting all sections ot Virginia, went to Franklin county yester day to break up the most noted band of outlaws and illicit dis tillers in that state. By artifice they succeeded . in capturing twelve outlaws without blood shed, and destroyed several stills. Among the captured were Caloln Moore, the Martin brothers, and the Atkins broth ers, leading spirits of the gang. W hile coming out of the moun trins the officers were fired on at different points, and in one instance waged a fierce fight on the would be ambushers, driv ine them back. This raid was the result of an effort made a month ago to cap tnre these men at which time the officers were repulsed. Over 200 shots were fired, three of the horses were shot down, and some ot tne outlaws were wounded, while one of the of fleers' uilots was killed and another wounded. Nrhranka Itauk In Tronblc. Beatrice, Neb., Aug, 21. The Bank of Wymoro closed its doors this morning. No state ment of assets or liabilities are ob tainable. It is one of the deposi torica for Gage county. Six thousand dollars are on deposit, amply protected by f 83,000 in bonds. No run was mado on the bank, tiio directors deeming it advisable to close on account of slow collections and inability to renew loans. if IS ENGLISH YOU KNOW. J The tendency 111 this country! among the nnglo ma nines and of certain magazines and journals to laud every tiling English and to! hold up the '.British government as an ex impb for our imitation, is disgusting to - every- loyal American. " ' jicis 100K lino iue matter a nine and see what kind of ah Eden this is that we are asked to itiimi fate. The support ot the Roval oafers known as tho Royal fa mi- ly costs the English people about0 rejected by oil self-respecting $10,000,000, annually. The pre sident of the United States receiv- es a salary of $50,000 auuually. England's army and navy costs $155,000,000 onualty, oura costs 151,000,000. Her interest on the public deb'.' is $143,000,000, ours is about $35,000,000. : Eng- land's per capita debt is $88.14, j o irs is $14.17 per capita. These items are sufficient for our pnrjose without enumerating others proportionately great In England everything is taxed, either directly or indirectly. Owuers of land and houses, occu- iers of land and houses, as well a professions, all trades, incomes from whatever source, deeds, probates, legacies, and successions, b'll.of exchange aud receipts, pat ents, carriages, horses, man-ser vants, guns, dogs, and personal ropcriy generally must pay. The revenues of the United States are derived from customs and tax on tobacco and whiskey and a w other articles not of prime I necessity. ith the exception of the income tax, Euglands fiscal system does not commend itself to ue Americans and this latter strangely enough is the only thing English that is condemned by the aforesaid maniacs. Such people should move to England and partake of such rare blessings of Royalty and act flun- ey 11 nd tindy to their heart's c mi tent IX rXlOXSTKKNOTH. A union of the reform forces nakes success at the polls prob able. Seperation of those forces i! akes success impossible. 1 he man who wants success favors the methods that lead to it.' . " The man who desires disaster to coinf to the forces favort dis union and antagonism. Look out for the disorganizes and divider. Wejler Will Hwerp tho Island. HiViNA, Aug. 23 Cal. Tort, learning the insurgents were encamped in the vicinity of Gomez, in the province of Ma tanzas, ordered a cavalry charge on the Spanish forcas. The re sults, according to the official advices, was a decisive victory over the insurgents. The Cu bans were compelled to fly for their lives. They left nineteen dead on the field, including Dr. Bacallao and Lawyer Uololfo Gavilan. Two prisoners and a large quantity of ammunition and a considerah'o amount of mail were captured. Capt. Gen UVyler is about to issue a decree placing certain limitations and prohibitions upon the raiing of next sugar and coffee crops. . By this plan hehop?sto d-prive the insur gents of their resources, and bring all of the planters to the support of Spain. Cupt. Gen. Weyler also announces that it is his intention, as soon as re-en forcemonts arrive from Spain, to concentrate his forces and sweep the island from one end to the other. By this means he hopes to speed dy put an end to the present insurrection. Tit k exigencies of the ages call up men for every occasion. A Moses will yet arise to lend man kind out of mental, moral, phy sical, industrial and political bon dage into the broad light of hu manity, justice and freedom. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ.'S. Gov't Report ... OutrnKeoiiB Tatties. The Trog'ressive Farmer tnys: We learn that certain patent med icine houses are sending out ad- vertising propositions winch ought papers, ana uuycrs siioiuu leave the medicines for goldbugs! The t 1 ! Lumberton Robesotinin Buys it M189 received a proposition from jo"e concern with the followmg stipulation at the bottom of the contract: "It is also agreed that sliaiM. 'he free silver .eand:dnte Bryan be elected, the Dr. Miles Medicine iK have the privilege of eatieell- ing the contract." We are glad that Bro. McDiar mid had tho courage and honesty to refuse the of 1'er and expose the scheme. ' How and Why it Huiii. Ram is an accumulation of the tiny particles of the vapor of the atmosphere into drops; These drops, first small of size, attract others 01 their kind and become drops of such magnitude that they fall to the earth because of their weight. There is a limit to the quautity of water which the air is capable of absorbing and retain ing as invisible vapor. Warm air is able to hold more than cold air. Henee, when the air which is saturated with moisture be comes cold for any reason what ever, it cau no longer retain its moisture. A portion must, under 3uch conditiou, accumulate into drops. These fall to the earth in the 6bape.of rain. St. Louis Re. $150,000 fur North "Carolina. The Washington correspond ent of the Nev York Journal says that the mixed up condi tion of po'itics in North Caro lina has caused Mark Hanna to lay aside a quarter of a millon i dollars to buy the State for Mc Kin!ey. The correspondent truly says: But North Carolinians, though poor, are proud of their independence, and are apt to resent signs of corruption at the polls in an effective and ex tremely disagreeable way " Ikjr Killed Ilia Muter. -New York, Aug. 23Peter Fisher, twelve years old, living at 410 East Eighteenth street, shortly before 0 o'clock tonight, shot and killed his sister, Eliza belli, aged thirteen, lie was using a Flobert rifle in the kitchen and said the bhooting was accidental, lho ball en tered tbe left side ef the cirl's neck and took an upward course to the bra:n. The boy wasi ar rested. The Coal Trnal. The greatest "hold up" of the ages is th recent decision of the coat barons to reduce bv 6,500.(00 tons the out-pjt of authracite coal during th- cur rent year. That act filches from the pockets of the people at least 40,0O0,0() In ccmpnrrison with these bandits the effect of the acts of the Jack Shepherds, tie Jameses and the Younger! pale into insignificance. ' Marvelona ttetmlta. From a letter written by Rev J. Gunderman, of Diinondale, Mich., we are permitted to make thisexttact: "I have no besi tation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as tbt results wete a'most marvelous in the caseuof my wife. While t was pastor f the Bantist Church at Rivers Junction she was brought down with Pneumo nia succeeding La Grippe. Ter rible paroxysm of coughing would last hours with little in terruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery It was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at R. Btacknall & Son's Drug Store. Regular siz j 60c and $1. Balding Powdeaa The News and Observer of hist Suuday morning got out a special "Fish, Fruit und Truck Edition of Eastern North Caiolina." It was sixteen poges in size and was an honor to the industries -nen-tioned aud to the State of North Carolina. It should be preserved as it contains 'ninny faeU that will be of interest in the future. O.vce the money question is settled in the interest tit" the mti.-s-es, other reforms will be tken u( in the order of their importance. The reform movements of the day urn born with a desttny and a mission. The problems of 'i generation will find a solution, and humanity will go forward, under thestimulous of just condi tions for another century. The hand of God is iu it. Tim old theatre at the corner of Broad and .Seventh streets, Richmond, Va., on the boards of which many of the greatest actors of the day have played their parts aud in which many important conventions, political and other wise, have been held, , has been torn dowu, and on the site a largo and .modern storehouse, which will be occupied by a Chicago firm will be erected. The News and Observer fays that three electoral tickets in Georgia would not lose the State to Bryan. Article four of the constitution of Georgia provides f.hat candidates for elector must receive a majority of all the votes cast, and if they have not received a majority the Legisla ture shall choose the electors.. This makes Georgia certain as he McKinley electors cannot in any event secure a majoritj". Trr T:I'.-nan family is loom ing up. Hon. George 2. lii! man, the Republican nominee for Governor of Tennessee, is a relative of Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, though distant ly. One f the Tillmans is reg- fcter of the federal treasury, another is United States rain- s'.r to Ecuador another . is a United States Senator, another is a professor at West Pout and another is a lieutenant in the army. Axotiiku of the world's ,reat mls has changed habitation. The great English artist, Millairs, has passed over the river. He left evidences of his divinity in the great r-nintings which he prodm. ed. He win so (ili!iilcd in the ove of the beautiful, that evil was forgotten in all he did mid said. He helped to make th? world better. He never added -aujht to the burdeiit of num. lore Mich men are tn-c.lt d. Ho. Kekmxaxd Winter, of Indianapolis, law partner of ex President, Harrison announces that he can not indorse the single gold standard, atd has made for Bryan. The world "do move" an I it ? cow in order for Mr. Cleveland's law partner, he that manipulated the recent iiond sale in which t9,(xn,0(0 profit was realized by the "syn. dicate" to do likewise. Confes sion aud repenteuce is in order. Sksator TiicksTox apologizes for slandering Bryan. "An hon. est confession is good for the soul If the railroad wreckers, bond conspirator and stock gamblers will apologize for the vile epithets ucb es rcputliu tionists," "cranks." "anarch ists," etc, which they have ap plied to tfce'r moral sujieriors who differ with them on the money question, all will be forgiven. sues and substitutes.

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