juvb m mil A Great Speech for Bryan and Silver. AN AI'I'KAh TO PATRIOTISM. 'The Gold People have Submitted one of the Moat PrepoHtrrous Pro- pinltlonN Ewr Offered to any Pm '"pie on Kaill"--HhoiilI I'rer Our m-Ivm from Hlnrerjr. The campaign in Durham was opeucl last nigbt t the court house 1y tx-Gov ernor Thomas J Jarvin, who ma le i telling speech for Bryan and i ver to court house ful. of people. The speaker entered the court house about 8:15 o'clock with J.s 6. Manning and was given. qu te an ovation. He was introduced by Fred A. Green who, after be bad explained the Chicago conven tion and spoke of Bryan being endorsed b" the St. Louis convention, said, "It i my happy privilege to introduce that distinguished North Carolinian. Hon Tbos. J. Jarvk" - - 1 be speaker started off by saying ' I am nsp.iy to Inve this opportunity to meet so many of you. I shall talk plain ly and ki.nlly, I thank God we live in free country. If you differ w'th me you have a right to do so." lie said . that this was a government of souver eigne and alt questions must be settled by the people, lit would not quarnl with those who differ with him and did not expect the other Me to quartet with biui. . ... He said that the fanner toiled and bis product was worth nothing; houses and lands are no longer security and if there is money in the bank it had as well be so much straw so far as we are concern ed, becauke it cannot be obtained. Con ditions have grown worse au.l wjrs This was no; brought alout by natural Ciutet, but by unjust legislation. If anybody supposes that tl.is it warfare upon property or individual lights they are mistaken it is a warfare for liu inanity and their lights. He compared the circulation of 1110 ev in a goveruient to toe bloud that circu lates in the human body and sbowel that by ttithdrawinK this circulation it W like drawing the blool from a man's veins, lie spoke of Gat money aud said lie was going to nuke a state Oient that would paralyse the gold standard men. That statement was that "there is not a do'lar in circulation toljy 1 1 any country that is not to some curat Cat" It it poly 'a difference in degree. They say you can't legisale va.u in anything ami that we are try ing to Day 08 debts with a 50 cent dol lar. He shoved that value was legist ted into gold by being sMuiped by the govei anient in that a coined do'Ur 'could he' nsed anvwhert and bullion could not I'p to 187.1 silver was upon the same basis and bad the same fuc tioa gold."' Wbrn on decrease the annual of standard money yon decrease th value of property. Therefore when the wlp.d out oue-balf the atandard money the iurchaing power uf the re ni tinder was entuncfll The proper tl of the 'outpnt of si ver over gold txlay is no more than in the past ages. The price of silver bullion and the products of human tabor bavt kept side by side. When wheat cotton, corn, etc , went down silver bullion went down, and when they went op silrer went P in spite of the wicked conspi racy of tbe F.uglUh and American gold syndicate. The syndicate which is now ruling this country wsnt to make gM purchase to mien. We want to placu silver where tc-waa before 187J "We don't want to pay yon whn a fifty cent dol lar," said the speaker, "but we arc get ting develish lired of paying you with a two hundred cent dollar." II said the democratic party was the only one a old si ibt government itself and said tbt gold standard was never known in American politics until tbe republicans planted in there in '73. Of all the peop'e engaged in business tuterpriea. tbt manufacturers of cotton goods ought to be in favor of tbt free coinage of siivtr Alt manufacturers in the South would be benefitted- Why? Tbt profits of all manufacturers mast depend apon tht power of the people to consume and tl ia depends npon the price obtained for labor. If wt bad a proper Cuanciai system. fret ailver tbt manufactnrera of tht South could com title with the world. The contest is drawn and the fiht is on as to whether the people or syndicate hall govern this ct mtry. hen Clevt land and Carlisle made a solemn con tract with the American-English srndt cste to prUect our treasury they brought a blush of slums npon our country. The teoDle art lo decide in November whether they or the syndicate will gov ern It lit then paid bandsomt tribute lo B van and discussed the income tat Tht republican party asked that we wait until Eng'and navi wt can have free coinage. It is the most preposterous proposition ever presented to any two pte on tsrth. F.ng'and with all her greed would not dart to present a like proposition to her people. Any states man who would suggest it woutd dit po litically and if Queen Victoria should try to enforce such a law it would ct her her crown. He adyocsted forion with the popu lists on the electoral ticket to that we could get ont from under tht English rule. "Havt wt not got msnhood and patriotism cnongh left," he said, "to let together and fret tht country," He wound Op hit speech with another g'owlng trlbtitfl for Brysn and wss ap plauded loud and long. The above it only short synopsis of cat of the best arguments on tht mone tary ever delivered in Durham. Tie was frequently interrupted with cheers and Hrlia. 1.. ....1 . . . ........ iic tuiHTiuneri me rostrum was thronged with people who were eager to grasp the band of the old veteran wttti a fe more men Mike Governor Jaryis the infernal go d ring, which is crusbing the lite out of th nation coma be beaten nd the United States would sgiu be free. f Kacaped from the Work llouxr. vt 111 Kogers, co'oted, who escaped from the. work house alout two years ago, ana who was r.-cently recaptured when lie wss discharged Irom the state peniteutl.ry, where lie had served term, is again at large. Last Friday Superintendent Leigh and his guards had the work house hands building a bridge at Jock's Ford, in M.ingum township. Mr. l.emh was at one end of the bridgt with some hands and Charles Oattis, a guard, was st the other end with about seven of. the prisoners, Rogers was "shackeled" but the first thing Gattis kuew Rogers was not to be seen anywhere. He had given tbe guard tbe slip. . ne nas since ucen seen by severs parties, but has undoubtedly made good bis escape. Rogers is a "slick duck and hard to hold. . , " Still the Cursing: Continue. Slid the prisoners in J.iil coutinue their loud sndtboisterous cursing and using vulgar and indecent language that would hardly lie tolerated in t! heart of Afrira. as oon as everything pels quiet town street they begin their infernal nutsanco that can be beard for blocks around and keep it up until they ac tuary grow hoaroe from uttering their vi e oaths sud imprecations. - It should be stopped, even if' every one in J ai: has to be gagged and put on bread an I water until they deci le to lie have themselves. Last night thi'y were woise than usual if such a thing is possible Several timet Gov Jar is was compelled to stop speak ing until the Skvuges confined outside could yell themselves out of breath. It is to l I oped that such conduct wi 1 not be allowed to continue another day. It ia a disgrace. 1 (June North. -W, P. ICllis, buyer for the progressive firm of E lis, Stone & ' 0., left yesterday morning for New York, via Jforfo'k, to purchase his fall and winter slock ol goods. Ileril: be gone about two weeks sud expects to lay in a stock tint will cspture the ladies on first sight. C. M sioffltt left yesterday morning forj' e noithern markets to purchase a slock of goods for tht Leading Rscket store coin any He went vis Norfolk and the Biy Line and said he would be gone about three weeks. He also said that he intended to purchase ont of the largesFstocks of goods be tver handled and wou'd bsve a stock that would p'case the peop't - - , Michigan Town Destroyed. . n . .i a . ... agon. Mich , was destroyed byfiretb'a afternoon. Of the ci'vof about 1.000 population hardly a house is left atand- ing. Among the property destroved is tbe extensive -p'ant of the Diamond Ma ch company and 60,000,000 feet of amber In their yards. Conservative estimates place the loss at f 1.500,000. No lives were lost at last reports. Com munication ha been cut rff since 5 p m . snd no further news will be possible ntil morning." New llrltfgo ContplrUtl. For the pst ten days the work bouse force has been at work buildieg a new bridge at Jock's ford ia Mangum town ship Superintendent Leigh was in the city yesterday and aaid the bridge wts now complete except pu'tiug in tome rod and that he expected to move tbe force back home today .This is a very sub stantial bridge and will no doubt atand many freshets." Ont spsn is seventy. two teet lomr. Dill IkMilln Killed at l-aau Kama Citv, Mo., Aug. 15 A spe cial to-tbe Star from Cntorie, Okla., to dry says: "United States Marshal Aeck Tbtmaaand deputies art en route to thia city from forty miles csst, with the body of Dill Doolin, the noted outlaw. They k illed him in a battle near Clayton, Payne county, last night Ont deputy wss wounded. Doolin hsd been staying with his wife in Taint county since his etcapt from tht Federal jail here July 4. and officer had been watching chance to surprise him for aeveral week'' w Ks'rprr Klet-lrd. At a meeting of tbe esecu'lve com mittee of Trinity college yesterday J. T. Stewart waa elected to run tht Trinity Collect Inn tht ensuing year. He will takt charge on September t. Mr. St' art, who ia now proprietor of the Mewart House, la an old hotel man and ia highly recommended. Tht committee did well in securing his services and art lobe congratulated. May Hreak Off Itrlatfona. RioJamkiko, August 15 -It Is rumor ed that the entire Italian legation will be withdrawn, in comtqueuct of the recent political conflicts in Sao Paulo between tht Italians and tht Brazilians. Tbt Italian minister ia Mill waiting for instructions from Rome aa to tbt course of action. . - , Thert will be regnlsr netting of Durham Host Company No. tonight at 8 o'clock in their ballon West Main street. Every member it expected to be present - ' An Infant child of Mary Jonta, Col, ored, which rlied in Smoky llollow.wa burled at tht poor houst yesterday af. ternoon. , PKIISO.VAL MK.VTIOX. People Who Come and flu ami Stay at Home. W Duke went down to R'lleigli terlai' on a short busiiie s tiip. J. R. Carr went down to Raleigh je terday" morning anil returned on 5:11 train. - . Gener.il Francis H. f ameron spent n hjort while in the city yesterday mum intf. . , - .;. -. - Tu'aski Cowper, an. Insurance agent if Raleigh, wss in the city yesterday on professional business. . Mr. R. K. Davis, who has been on 'a visit to relatives in Orange county, re turned home yesterday.' Mr. and Mrs S. M. Lashley, of Stags ville, ..re on a visit to the family of their ion in law, G U. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Leo. D Heartt enme lowu yesterday from Hillsboro, where they bad been on a short visit. K. L- W'ea-herspoon, who has been on 1 visit to his pnreuts in this city returned to Builingtou yesteid.iy evening. Col. J. S Carr passed through yester Uy evening returning to Occoneechee from Raleigh, where be spent the day. A. H Holton, chairman of the Re-1 publican State Executive Committee, as a piitnger on the west bound train yesterday. Congressman Strond, of Chatham :ounty, was in Durhsm a rhort while iretterday and went down to Raleigh on the 10:30 train. v Mrs. T. L. Peay. Misses Annie. Ell ind Mamie returned yesterday from t'ituboro where tb-y have spent a good portion of tbe summer. A. C. Zol'icoffer, a leading lawyer ol Henderson, spent last night with frieuds hera. He leave this morning for Rox boro to attend court there. Kev. bcvi Branson, 01 Kaletgh, was a Durham yesterday. He was here soliciting orders and delivering bis di rectory of tbe State wtich has recently :ouie from the press. Miss Mabel Tomlinson Is on a visit to friends snd relatives at Winston. She eut up yesterday morning and was net at Greensboro by Miss Cnnon, cf Goncoid, wbo accompanied her. Prof. II. Q. Halliday, Prcf. Massey nd W. J Young, of Raleigh, passed through the city yesterday en route to Augusta, Davie county, to attend sn- uual meeting of the Farmer'a Institute. FUASHK8 OF FfX. .GEOGRAPHICAL. -She Have you ever been through al gebra? - He Yes. but it wns in the night and didn't see much of the place. NEIGHBORLY FOLKS. Mrs. Brickrow Has that there family whnt's moved in nex' door got anyways sett'ed? - Daughter I seen ''em entin' at a reg'lur act table. Guess them must have their groccfric unpacked. Mrs. Brickrow Well, see what we're out of, an' I'll run in an' get acquintcd. Caller I suppose you love your new sislcrtery denrly, Tommy?, Tommy (eyeing the baby coldly) Yea, but I'd a good deal .rather have a dog. EXPENSIVE COURT PLASTER. Cublmgc Well, the court award Miss Flypp f JJ.ooo as a balm for her blighted affections. Rublwge It isn't a holm. It's a plot tera court plnaler. ? Mrs. Newwed Handing tramp sev eral biscuits): Here, my poor man, are some of mr home-made biscuits. Yon will find the a w and axe in the wood shed. Tramp Closely examining the bis- cuiU)Are they aa bad ns that, mum? THE CAUTIOUS BRIDE. Bride (in railway train) Now, my dear, yon must remember not to act as if we were jut married. It would lit per fectly horrible to have all these strange people to know it. hit up a little closer, want to fin your necktie. It s all crooked. There's some dust on your coat. I '11 brush it off. How white the stuff ist It must bt from that rice. One corner of your mustache points down and the other up. It looks too funny for anything. Wait: I'll fix it. I'm tired to death, dear. Pit up closer, so that I can rest myjiead on no, that won't do; I must pretend to read a novel, and 1 don't know; perhaps you'd better go into the smoking car, All the old married men do. Groom Well, I'll go darling, if yon think beat. Bride Yea, you must go. Help me off with thia clove, dear. Yon must stay real long, ten or fifteen minutes. HUH In th Ulnar. Tbt finest shirts, of all styles, ever msde in Durham art now being wad by N P. Kearna at tht Durham Shirt Works (otd stand) oppoaitt Globe Wart- boose, near Flvt Points, Aa expert' enced tailores hss been employed and wt art ready to fill orders for ahirta, drawers, ladies' underwear, shirt waists, dresses, etc. . Wt positively tavt yon 9 topper cent of yonr money and giye yon satis factory work. Call and place yonr order. Respectfully, Durham Shut Woaics, K. P. Kearna, Sole Proprietor, Attacked by InUJunM. Washikoiov, h 'Vi. 24TlK State Dcparturf.it h u received word of a satiguin iry conflict be. tweeu o party of explorers h Peru and a band of Pcruviari In.lians Tbe repo.t h itmU by Cous t eon Jasirunski, at falio, Pjrn, who received the d. ails from thi'.'uited . . . ouues vo:isui.ir AkfLMit u. un in terior p i nt. Thf ev.-loring party tvas led by un American named Cooper There Avere ten 111 , the party, , including two Germans, who are the only ones who have thus far reported. The men lost their way in the dense iorests, and after great suffering from hunger were attacked . by a baud from the Campa tribe of Indians: The Con sul adds: VThey hat barely time to pre pare for defense .when the savagps attacked them. The party fought with their rifles as best they could, till four of their number having fallen, the two Germans sought safety in flight. For sime time as they made their way off in. the darkness they heard the repeated cracks of Mr. Cooper's rifle, and it was their belief that they have been finally captured by the savages,,, s The week just past has been a busy one with the W. A. Slater Co The cut pri es at which they are selling gr ods have hit the people in the right spot their pocket. These cut prices will continue un til uctober 1, or until the entire stock is sold out. . . A Corner on Cotton Tie The Atlanta Constitution of Sun day says: "The cotton tie trust is doing all in its power to keep a corner on the cotton ties and compel the farmers and planters th oughout the south to pay the exorbitant prices they demand. - Some time airoD. H Browder & Co , ot this city, received an op- tion ot 100,000 bundles ot cotton ties from tbe Brilliant Tnbe and Pipe Works, of Brilliant. O.. through Mr. W. D. Webb, of rittsburg. ine price to be paid for the ties was 72 cents a bundle Tbe day before the mill was to begin work oa the tics the mill suddenly suspended operations, pending the result of a quarrel among me sioi:knolders of the company. ! be result of the meet ing of tbe stock ho ders was that the mill was ordered closed, and an assignment made, a: d 500 work ingmen thrown out of employment. J K. Jackson, presideut of the mills, sta ed that tbe property of tbe mill was worth $60 to every dollar it owed, and there was no reason of an assignment to be made. , The prices at which the option on the ties wa given was consid erably below price at which the trust sells ties, and the only con clusion to be drawn from the action of the stockholders is that half of them sold out to the trust and in direct opposition to the wishes of the presideut of the company and fie other stockholders, ordered the mill to be shut down. J. L Cole & Co. have moved their New York Racket Store frdui the O'Briant 0 the Jones building on Main street. The front of the last named building has just been freshly painted and presents a band son e appearance. , Dlwriininate la the fee of Words. A society paper, eager to be correct, referred to the "un- bonneted women who received with the hoslesa," and oddly enough the effect on evtry reader was tbe same. Before her arose the vision of a loud- voiced, loud-manoerod, over dressed woman who had liter ally thrown on her , bonnet. Discriminate and use the word iady" and "gentleman' when they Bhould be ued, and "men" and "women" as they ere most proper. Remember, too, that the charming g rl you met yes terday is an "'acquaintance' Land not a "friend" friends are r lined after a lotg acquai.it ance, followed by a close inti macy. Ruth Ashmore in Sep lember Ladie's Uome Journal. Tiiexr are conflicting rumor? as to whether Russell will accept the Penncratic and Populist challenge for a joint debate Sometimes it looks as if he would, and otrain as if , he wouldn't. His indccisiion re minds us of the reply of the young lady when asked by bcr to w-headed, bi ful admirer, if anybody was courting her. She said: "there is one fellow about your size sorter courting, and torter not, but I recon it is more sorter not, than sorter." Kus sell is not spoiling for a joint discussion. Nothing but fiifct-chms work donoat SIipIIhii ns. Clover and Grass seed. Heartt & Hackney's urug store. . Do You Need Printing:. Call up Boll phone No. 70 and give us your order. We print anything from a visit ing card to a newspaper, but make a specialty of commer cial printing. Letter Heada, Xote Heads, liill Heads, En velopes, Statements, Etc.. at prices at which you can not kick. Give us a trial it may be possible that we ran save you money. Umce over Bernrstene's st ore. Main street. King & "Rollins. Clover and Grass 'seed. Heartt & x Hacknes Drug Store. "MOTHERS' FRIEND" Shorten tabor, lessee patn, dimlLiKhpfl dinner to lile ct -.I both mother and ciiild sud leTe her In condi tion more lavor.tble lo speedy secorery. "Stronger (u-r tlitn before cotiflnenu-nt" ays s tiiomUieitt ciKulfe. Is tbe best remedy FOR RISIH8 BREAST Knows snd worth the price forthst stone. Endorsed snd recoramendrd by nidwives snd Sll Isrfies wbo have used It Beware ot substitutes asa imitations. Makes Child-Birth Easy. Sent by Express or mall on receipt of price. Sl.tlO fer bottle Book "TO MOTHERS" mailed tree, con tsfmnf voluntary kstimonlsls. BKlDFltXD BECIl.tTOH 10.. ITU VTA, . OLD T iU, MraauTS. ' (MKhMONT AIR LINE.) IS EFFECT Jl'LY s, WS. rmli Puti.T Coi)lt'F- l.exve hiirhitm :. s m., dally. TmliitdHll) ciim-1t dPTuim fur sll lointu Ni-ritintH ii(h sud ttllim-Alt-m ami imIiiui on Hh Nitrthwolem North Carolina Kmlnl. At .lilrtirr for all roint In n rln North ( aroli ua, KnuXTllle. Teiin.. l.y lntmll and ttmlrri point: at t'harl.ntr for -rtMOlir, t.rrcm III. Mhenn, Atlaiilaalt r".lnl.Kllli. Iave I'urlium ai a. m nNinen at rmrhnn Atrnsfonl. tlarkvilleaud K"-)vl!willlr. IMvf biirh.m 3:11 p. m. Ihemigh VitiIiiiU llrailpii) with ruilnwn liTi-r Irian-c Norfolk anil ChatMuuofr via aorky Moai'l. luw, Cn-ennlmni. Miiltbur, A.ht'ilM in. I KniuvlU'i, riHineria at Oreeiilri aiib It anlilnlou n l i.,rtihwc-irti Vmilxilf l.nnlti.li.aifi the New Vor. r'lorMa fthorl I.iim illmlicii Irrnn lor a I .lni Norib il will nnln Hue train Kit. 12 for Iwiiv'lle, ttli-hnKKHi in. I Inli-r-m-llate l-msl latlimi: alo hap c-iaiiw thm 1t wliit.m-Miirm. aivl with main Him train No. T trt nmilt for t harhilie, Hrwrtain tmru, tivnvllle. Atlanta snd all p.4ntana.ih tlHoCinmliia, Atiftita. rharhnLm. iaaniHili n)(konvllle. No. mrrtes alei'pera In-laeei New York and Ni-W Urlraif and New Yi'tk-alH' larknonvrie. t l.ravi Imrhsnt lfl: S. B1 , daily. Thmnah Ve-lll.iiliil (IIiiiIIhI) with I'lUlnKli iiN f-n It tceai.hatlaiHva sikI Norfolk via Kutnrllie hwllle, MalinlHiry, tmnlfP. Mm. Korki WotiBl: naiiitria at ftelma tnr Payeitevllle aim tiitermmiaie piationt pimiu on ine AiMtiitii ! Line, dally: ti.4ill.ro fur Kewlienie am ttorelwediltr. rtalif rxcrtit tkumlan; I. UH mlnittnn and IntprmnlialeMatiimnua the W. a w. k. K. dally. Through tmlm dally tla )rlm rrn- Wllwm, Km ky Mount, Tartmnt and lia-a Ullini. 011 Niwfolli A amllna Hailnad, Korhrfl in.1 plnt nnrlh via simmer line. Uiiv ImMianidalir yti. mt aixl 2W (. D. rfajKhnnml f. kawl nolnu inile. ivpl Kutvlay.for Its lonl Hrlcrnn.l bnm fitr Kerlll and KUIimorhl and iktitinH.n tl l.eev imrnarn w.flfa. n? finny ann niry, m tors Hirer. Local rrelirM tralmt alw carry twMwnfcn. I'nllinont amoflHiflia. m. train from Malrlst InOm-nnlatm. and ea :U a. to. train fru iirwn.noro. ' limil.ic daily trains hctween Rnldrh tharlnttr rm aiianui. wuKS lime; nnesreiieu sewmmo ilalton. For tickets and time table and other Infnrna tlun,Bitils lo J.A.Wmtlt,TlcliHAil. Intrhant, P V loll CriP, W. A. Tins. Tmme Ws'r. flen. Ini Am t. W. H. t.nr-. w .hlngi.Hi,l). I. Wanted-An Idea I f wiioiit yonr Mmm lhf fhr tvfiuaT wiw aa think mm. atninia hlsa to wall WfMMmrto., D. C f tittr prtm mam 1 jrl SuuTHEKN RAILWAY To the Last week's business was si injily great from start to finish. All the week our salesmen were jjust as busy us could behad to employ extra help. This ween we pro pose to out do last week. The knife has been plunged dej er into .the juice of a great many articles. These j;oodsunist be sold. Oi tuber 1st must find these shelves and counters well nigh empty. Look at ihese t-pe-.-iul prices for this week. . ' SPECIALS! SPECIALS! One lot cf 3(3 pairs Men's Fine Shoes, mostly in Tars, former pi ieeif.'i.no, if LOO and fo.OO. This lot must be eloswl out before Saturday night. To make 'em go qnicki - - " S2.50. One lot -Cloth Derbies, very stylish, worth $ 1 ..r0 eai h. To close out .... . 75Ca lust a few of those $ 00 Turner Shoes, to close quirk S3.00. One lot Tourist Hats, in black, brown and smoke, all new colors, to close out .... S1s13s ft'orth a great deal more. TRUNKS. TRUNKS. Ve are determined to close out ut nnee every Trunk we have. Will sell any Trunk cost. This week will be-a grand week for bargains here. If 'ou .can afford to buy goods on our only terms spot ash no goods charged to anyone you can save lots of noney trading with us. Join the crowd and come to W.A.SlaterCo's Open Every Evening till 9 O'clock. Old Hickory Wagons J. I. Nissen Wagons, the Celebrat ed Round Hound and Wedge Spoke Wagons. STARKE'S DIXIE PLOWS, Parmer Friend Plows, Oliver Chill ed Plows, Clarke's Cutaway Harrows, Traces, Hames, Chains, Etc. We have the cheapest lot of buy until you see what money by coming some of this special lot at Llody's Hardware Store The Durham Recorder. Only SO Cents a Year. T) THE rUKLIC: The old reliable DURHAM ltlX'OltDKH. bathed in .he satisfaction of seven tv-even vears of usefulness, comes 0 vou ttwlav with fresh viirand renewed energy. To-dav !.e only (white) w.cekly pajn r published n Durham county, 1 iving outweathered the ftorms of adversity as well aa hav haskinl in the sunshine of prosperity, it has seen paper after p;per rise and fall it has danced at their wake and mourn ed at their burial. The present management of tin 11 K f'OUDKH projKjse to extend its circulation and strengthen 'U usefulness for good, and make it one of tin lending week , lies of 'the state, thereby proving itself more worthy of being t'u? exponent of public sentiment of so progressive a town ii d county as Durham. The HKCOUDKIt i for anything to build up and de velop Durham, Durhanrcfiunty, and thedohleti licit tol r.eco 'ctioti of North Carolina. It special mission will be to publish the NEWS, and now that the campaign is upon us, every one wants to be informed as to what transpires, mid with the RECOKDEIt giving ALL the news at T0 cents a year, no one need fail to keep posted. (Now is the time to subscribe.) If our agents fail to call on you, rvn .".0 cents to the RECOltDEIt for a year's suWript ion. Valuable pn miums to persons who will get up clulw. Write for particulars. Public ! in the house for less than Hoes ever offered. Do not we have. You will save early and securing