hot ir pn. Negroes Atfack the Whites At a Speaking. INFLAMED BY SATTEItFIELD. The;- Attack the While and Knock ed Thorn Down with Rocks A Lar(t Number of Negrora Hurt in the i'luUMr. Boone, of Durham, Present TI10 Whlta People Drawn ' TKether and will Vote Solidly Against Kuimell and H Is Gang. . R.OXBORO, Oct. JJ. (Special , to Recorder.) There was a riot at Win stead's Mill, near here, this afternoon . between the whites and negroes. Tba not occurred st a political speak , iug st which R. B. Boone, of Durham, Col. J 8. Cunningham and S. P. Salter- field, of this county, spoke. Mr. Boone spoke first sud was follow ed bf Satterfield, the republican can ' diJate for the Legislature. He made an inflamatory and incendiary speech to tbe negroes and when Col. Cunningham got up to reply to bim the neproe? be , gan an attack upon the whites. There wss a much larger crowd of the forrer : present than there was of the latter For a white everything ws can fusion 4d escHetnent. - Tbe white men were not expecting any trouble and therefore were not pre pared for the attack, but they began at once to defend themselves in tbe best way possible. Three white men were kuockeil down with rocka tkrowned from the rear and badly hurt A number' of thr negroes were knocked down and hurt but were drtgxd oft, as fast as they fell, by their companions. Finally sone one fired a pistol and tbe negroes scattered and fled iu every direction etept t few 2io took no pa:t intlieriot It baa since been learned that tbt negroes formed tbe pV in tosboroand went out there in large numbers pro . poaely to attack tbe white men who as sembled to hear the speaking. Tbe troolile Erst began Wat Wednes- dav when Ztb Walter made a low ap peal to tbe prejudices of the negroes at Rosboro Mr. Boone was ptvent at tbe tim nd rep led to bin:. He rebuked WVner severely for trying to inflame the negroes against the v kite people. Since tbst time the negroes have been very insolent and te low and degrad log sp -eh of Satterfield kindlrd the fbvne i had been smouldering aud the riot ensued. The white people of Person count v. rerardlesa of party, are so outraged at tbe uncalled for attack that they have been drawn together. They will vote ss one man and see that their rights are protected againt every assault made upon them by these henchmen of Rus sell It is feared that this is only the be ginning for if they make another attack blood shed will follow. BARM AND HTARLKri Bl'RNKD. C II. Norton Loam About $3,000 Insurance. $1,4 Of). Mr. C. IT. Norton seems to be in hard luck here of late. Not long ainre he was severely injured o- tbe railroad Now his barn, stsbfes and contents, at his farm, have gone np is ashes. The fire occurred yesterd v morning, etwees 4 and 3 o'clock, anu from what csa be tesrned it seems to bare been of incendiary origin. A colored man by the name of "Doc" Robrraon lives at the farm and looks after everything. He said he got up about 4 e'clock and cooked and ate breakfast. He then started to tbe stables to feed the borses and cattle and be discovered that the barn was on fire. Nearly everything was destroyed. la all Mr. Norton lost the barn and stsbles; lot of fodder, straw, ua v; three wagons, farming tools, sleigh, bsrness, fcom and colt game chickens, cow shed and other things too numerous to men tion. Mr. Norton is in Baltimore and bi ea :t loss cannot be gotton bnt those who know what be had and something abont the cost of tbe barn and stables say his lose will be st lesst f 3,000 and possibly more. He carried 1,400 insurance with J. ftmthgitte & 80a. It was distributed as follows: Building fftoo; contents fwo, and horses and males $400, It is vol known that he bad any ene mies who arc mesa enough to spply the torch to bis property and tbe origin of of fire Is a mystery. The colored man, as mentioned shove, says positively tbst the bui ding was fired. It is pos sible that by some means match might have got Into tbe possesion of some rats and they started the conflagration. . At cy rate the loss will fall quite hear.' v ,.0 Mr. Norton snd be has tbe synipa.bioi of boat of bis friends, in bis trials. ' The Mallory Cheroot company tell you something about their different brands of cigars and chcroU in thu issue. NEARLY A THOUSAND. Eight Hundred and Twenty-Six Durha mites Visit the Fair Durhauiites were in Raleigh jester day. They were going down all day from tbe early train, which was behind time, caused by handling the crowd. 'Tbe early train, which reaches here tbout 5 o'clock in tbe morning, was throntred bv In nr. .,, . coach wss put on. here to accomodate tbem. The next train was a suecial from Greeuuboro with young ladiea of tbe Normal and Industrial College, which reached here at 6 o'clock Several Durhamitesot on this train also About 9:30 o'clock the special train from Oxford with five coaches, arrived here It was about half full when it resoh-d here but was charged on by a crowd whopuabed and shoved to get room enough to stand on. It was packed full wben it pulled out. The regular train, due here at 10:39, was behind time, Another crowd wss waiting for this train and filled up most 01 the extrs space, Several, aome fif teen or twenty, went down on the a o'clock train. Since tne fair opened the Southern road here has sold 826 tickets. Sundsy snd Monday they sold 14; Tuesday 51; Wednesday 17 j, and yesterday tbey cap ped the climax and sold 589, which makes a total of j6 ss above men tioned. ' This is no doubt the largest number that ever attended the fair in one day from Durham. But Durham always sends a large delegation. Much flood ItHng Done. Rev. W, R. Owaltney preached at the Second Baptist church again last night to a good sized congregation. Several went forward for prayers and three or four profesed faith in Cliiist. The meeting will continue oa snd there will be services there this afternoon and again ronigbt Much good is beiug done. , Thieves Aronnd. Wednesday evening about 8 o'clock some sneak thief slipped in tbe Western Union Telegrsph(Compsny's office snd carried oSa pair of pants belonging to W. H. Oskev, operator, and a coat and vest of E. L. Bailee, messenger. Mr. Oskey wss at aupper at tbe time and Mr. Barbee went to tbe basement for something and when be returned tbe above mentioned articles were gone. Ihere is no clue as to who the sneak was. The "Ha. snn Leader." F. S. Dison ba opened a factory and retail cigar store on Main street, next door to M. Esk's. He will make his own rgart and in that way will give loe. cigar for $ c. His leading brands are "Havana Leader," "The Fairest" and "The Black Foodie." He also keeps on hand cigarettes and chewing to bacco. Special brsods made for custom ers. Cive him a trial. PERKO.XAL MENTION. People Who Come and Co and titay at lloin. Miss Pattie Beves la in Raleigh with friends. J. R. Lsiner went down to Rsleigh t esterdsy on business. Rev. G. J. Dowel! spent yesterdsy morning in ary on business. W. II. Willard, Sr., of Raleigh, was in the city part of the day yesterdsy oa business. Mr. and Mrs. L M. Reams, Jr.. re turned from Raleigh yesterday, where they went to attend tbe Parham-llunter nuptials, W. V. Drsughoa waa all smiles yes-ter-'ay. He ia tbe father of a bouncing aaby boy who arrived at bis borne night before last t Why will yoa buy 1 itter nausesting fonics wben Grove's Tssteiess 1 bil Ton ic ia as pleassnt ss Lemon Syrup. YCir druggist i utburi?d to refund tbe money ia eve.y case where it fails to cure. Price 30 cents. Qt'OTED FOB BRYAX. A special from Berlin, dated Oct. 20, to the New York Jo'ir nat Maid: In his speech before the Vienna Parliament urging the Austrian Government to "go alow" in enforcing the gold standard until after the Ameri can election had decided what would be the future financial oolicy of thitl country. Herr jax, tbe Cfch leader, quoted extensively from William J. Bryan'a recent speeches. The sentiments expressed by the Democratic candidate were fre quently and enthusiastically ap plauded and Herr Jax's reading was often interrupted by the BravoV of the assemblage," The eyes of th whole world are upon the United States and if e declare for the free and unlimited coinage of silver many countries like the Vienna Parliament, will take exan pie after us. Bimetallism in this country will force England to the same system and those two countries will carry the world. Still the Hannacrats are saying that we wid be left alone in our financial policy It is ftll bosh. ' , MISREPRESENTED. Wether intentionally, a n d with malice aforethought or not, the Greensboro correspondent of the Richmond Times does W. W. Kitchin, demooratic nomi nee for congress in this' district great injustice so great that as a matter of common justice the ! IIeraM fee's it should not go unnoticed Under date of October 19th, and published in the Times of the 20th appears an account of the joint debate at Greensboro between W. W. Kitchin, dem dcratic.'and W. W. Clark, of New Berne, Palmer-Buckner McKinley adjunct gold bug, from which we take the fol lowing extract: "Mr. Clark made a splendid speech, and presented some strong arguments to the au dience which was mostly for Bryan. Kitchin followed in his usual style of villifying every body but populibt and silver democrats, which bought cheers from the silverites, but caused tbe better class of the hearers to leave." The Recorder emphatically denies that it is Mr. Kitchin's "usual style" to villify "every body but populist and free silver democrats" and defies the aforesaid correspondent to show that it is. People of all parties all over the district have heard Mr. Kitchin in this campaign, and they know that no political speaker in the sate is freer from such a charge. His farther statement that Kitchin's speech "caused the better class of hearers to leave" is an unwarranted reflection upon some of the best people of Greensboro who remained, and lacks confirmation. When a correspondent makes these kind of charges, he should "sign up" and let the agrieved know where the responsibility lies. If he does not. no self re specting paper shouid longer print his stuff.' The entire statement is so en tirely foreign to Mr. Kitchin's record that it cannot possibly damage him in this district, where he is known, but the character 0 the paper in which tbe slander was printed may give the utterance same force outside the state to Mr. Kitchin's detriment, and hence we have said this much. That he desig nates Mr. Kitchin as a "popu list" is unworthy of note. No Ashevllle Bishop This Year. New York, Oct. 20. The house of bishops of the Protestant Epis copal Church of America met to day in the church mission house. The meeting will prolyibly laft two days and there will be two .sessions daily. Bishop Donne, of Albany, is presiding in the ab sence oi Bishop Williams, of Con necticut. It was decided tiot to elect at this session a bishop for the Aslie ville jurisdiction and it will remain withontan incumlcnt until the the next annual meeting of the house ot bishops. Nominations were made for the bishopric of Duluth, which was created a year ago, the same time as the Asheville bishopric. The nominations will be reported upon tomorrow by a committee. Colorado'a Mag Dlaplay. )exver, Colo., Oct. 21. In accordance with the suggestions of William J. Bryan and Chair man Jones, of tbe Demoiratic National Committee, Gov. Mc- Intyre today issued a proc'ania tion calling upon all good citi zens, Irrespective of party afilli ations. to display the national flag on tbe 31 of October. lie garding Chairman Hannn's oil ginal sugestion of a flag day Gov. Mclntyre says: "It is my opinion that the at tempt of Mr. Hanna .o debase the national colors of the United States is unpatriotic and imper tin-mt and should be resented by all good Americans.'' J. L, Cole Sl Co., has a change, in their ad in this issue. They offer you some rare hargainns in underwear, ladies skirts and waists and in fact everything they sell is going at greatly re duced prices. Tltey are unoer buyers and under sellers ot all. A Republican Itet. Ed ward Eyre has been making a coup da main on thu floor of the Produce Exchange. He of fered to bet $10( that McKinley would carry every state in the union but one, and,- as fur as that one state, he would bet $200 that McKinley would carry the unnamed state also., This seemed such a good bet that at first there was no lack of takers. Vheu Eyre refused to make the first bet unless accompanied by the second,' however, the Call Board men began to suspect the presence of a little joker. The joker was very evident when Erye named as state upon which he bet double money Maine. San Franjisco News Letter. - The Great Jeiiny Llntl Concert. Only a few remain who can recall the marvelous enthusiasm which attended Jenny L'nd's fi . Jt appearance in America, in the old Castle Garden, in 1850. When she arrived from England 50.000 people were at the dockl to greet her. That night 30,000 people serenaded her in front of her hotel. Seats for her con cert sold at fabulous prices. On the night uf her first American concert over 5OOO people had gathered in the Battery before Castle Garden by six o'clock, although the concert did not begin until eight. When the doors were opened the crush was terrible, and within fifteen minutes every iav V'ule inch of room, other than the reserved seats,' was occupied, and 10,000 people were outside unable to get in. Then every rowboat, railboat and steamer which could be presbed into service was engaged to lay in tbe watei by tli6 old Garden Hall crowded with people who could only hear tho strains of Jenny's voice & it floated through the opened windows. The whole scene has now been repictured by Hon. A. Gakey Hall, ex-Mayor of New York City, and he gives a wonderfully graphic , recital f the event in tbe November Ladies' Home Journal. Theae tual scene of Jenny Lind sing ing her first song to her wonder ful audience of thousands is shown in a picture copied by D Thul8trup f rom a photograph made at the time. The Journal will bo for sale by T. J.Gattis & Son. The Pennsylvanian who is acting as receiver for the Cora nock mine in Chatham county is charged with intimidating the employees to compel them to vote a gold-bug ticket. We are unable to learn whether he got his instructions from Mark Hanna or Mr. Louis DeLacroix. Ik all countries and at all ti'es when silver has had a fair show, ,iabor and laborers' products have brought living prices, v ote for the single gold standard, ye working men, if you win, and in two years a dollar will so enhance in value you will get about the same wages the Chinese do, and like them, will eat meat once a month. Madame Kalve and Madame Melba will both appear in the next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal with articles on the voice. Madam Melba bas written before atd is, in fact. no novice with the pen, but this is Madam Calves first at tempt at authorship. She wrote the article in French, and after an Eng'Mi translation had b-e made of it she bnd the original manuscript bound betwt en in r.icco covers as a souvenir l her debut as a writer. Col. Jso. c. iir-Tos's ffpei now published at Oxford under the misnomer if "Th9 Demo rrt," contain n list of tht up poiotmentsof Mr. Lindsey Pat terson to speak at different places in the wet up to Satur day the 31. This is the same Palmer Buck ner elector who refused to divide time here, end barked out of doing so at II ills boro after he bad agreed to it before one hundred citizen of Durham. Some ten year -old boy should be put against him whrrerer he appears. Nine times out of ten tbe bo will down him. l)r. ftdwardM Here. Dr. W. H. Edwards, formerly of Wake ' Forest, has located in Durham for the practice ot den tistry and a card announcing the same can be found , in another column. The Biblical Recorder, in speaking of Dr. Edwards says: "The editor of the Recorder has read a number of testimoni als to the high christian charac ter and to the satisfactory work as a dentist,' of Dr. Edwards, from President Taylor of Wake Forest college, and from Profess ors Royall, Carlyle, Mills and Brewer of that institution. Dr. Edwards having lived at Wake Forest college thirteen years and having done work for these gen tlemen, their testimonials should be sufficient for him anywhere. Hon. H. A. London, editor of the Chatham Record also bears testi mony to his work. We know Dr Edwards well as a Christian gen tleman, aud heartily commend hinr to the good people of Dur ham." We are glad to welcome Dr. Tdwards and family to Durham. See change in Royall & Bor den's ad in this issue. Notice their prices on blankets; oak bed steads, sofas, tea sets, dinner sets and window shades. These pri ces are very low and they, give you correspondingly low prices on their entire stock. Their manager Mr. W. B. La Far and his entire clerical force are genial and wholesouled gentlemen and will take pleasure in showing you their goods. If the state of North Caro lina is to be saved from infamy the people who are attempting to run affairs have no time to ose. Remember that gold is the money of rich only that it is not and never has been a medi nm of exchange among the poor and that the dearer you make money the cheaper you make human toil and sweat. W. F. Freeland & Co., have an ad in this issue. Read it and govern yourself accordingly. K. W, Fauci'tte, formerly of tliia city but nnw of Ricbxond. left this morn ins fr 1 bouie alter a pleasant visit of aeveral day to relatives. DENTISTRY. Dr. W. H. Edwards, formerly of Wake t-orest colleee, has permanently located in Durham for the practice of dentistry. Office over Heartt & Hackneys drug store, 130, corner Min and Church tt. County (.'anvam. The nominees of the democratic and populist conventions for legislature and county officers will address the p.ople oa the issues of the day at the following places and times: Garrard's Shop, Saturday. Oct 17. Mngr. ji More, Monday, Oct 19. Kougemont, Tuesday, Oct 20. Bahama, Wednesday, Oct 21. Cox's Store, Thursday, Oct aa. Stagville, Friday, Oct 23. Barbee'a Store, Saturday, Oct 24. Sulfa Store, Monday, October 26. East Durham, Monday night. Octo ber 26. ' Kelson, Octotwr 27. Vickera Store, Weunesday, Octo- W-r 3 Patterson's Mill, Thursday .October 29. West Durham, Thursday night, Octo ber 29. Bragtown, Friday, Octoer 30. Feari Milts, Friday night, October 30. Durham, Satur l tj night, October 31. Day speakings will begin at I o'c ock p. m. Nignt speakings v.111 oe ai 7:30 p. til. Let every body come. W. B Octhkie, Chm'n P. P Es. Com II. A. Fot'SIIEK. Chm'n Dei. Ea.Com. ft 00 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will j be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is fa tarrh. Hall Catarrh cure is the only positive cu-e now known to the nifdicnl fntpn'8 tr Catarrh being a conu lional diM-ace, r quii'K a rom-' Mitioiuil treatment. Mil! atarrh Cnrp n taken intr Hv, acting direttly on i llood and mucous Mirfaon . tliH system, thereby detlroyifu the foundation of the dif--and giving t'te pmicut strengii by building tip the cos utttmif in-1 asilintr nature in dditt Hs work. Tbn propr'etors hv. so much faith iu its curaii. power?, that they offer lh Hundred Dollars for any can that it fails to cure. S. ml fui list of testimonials. Address ' F J. Cf eney, Tu edo, O. itiTSold by Druggittts, 75c Human life is held too chtai ly when the Individual who o rod a tonic 'or bin nystem, deck to cover his wants by purchasing everv new mixture that i recommended to him. Remember that AVer's 9 rsa parilla hat a well-earned repu tation of fifty year's standing. LET US Who has extended you the best treatment and. always given you the most goods for the least money ? Who has always shown you the finest assortment of goods from which to supply OUR STOKE Is completely filled and we need room . offer for a whort time the ENTIRE STOCK without re gard, to profits. This is .your pass, acre are a tew ot tne Pair of Ail-Wool Blanket,. Pair of Gray BlantetP, All-Wire Bed Springs, any size, .... 2.50 Woven Hire Bed biuuiffs, any Oak Bedstead, four feet high Four Oak Colored Fin Safes, no drawers, each, 1.94 A Nice Bowl ard Pitcher, only - - - - 1.00 56-Pieee Tea Set, only JOO-Pieee Dinner Set, only 350 Opaque Window Shades, Don t fail to see t he only operation. Sold ten the first week. Cooking Stoves from f 7 each. . ROYALL & BORDEN The Leading Fu n i tin 1 Dealers. Next to Banner Ware house, opposite Postoffice. Strike While the Iron is Hot You all complain of hard times and say, "I havn't got any momy," but the exact cair-? of that is, it takes all of your money to pay for only a part of what you need, by buying your goods at high j-riced houses. If you will join the rush that throngs our store, we will sell you what you need and give you change back. Below we will quote yon some special prices to suit these panic times: Ladies' Silk Waists at Ne" York cost; 35c Sailor Hats, trimmed, at 25c; Interlinmg 10 per yard, sells elsewhere at 35cj a full line of Ladies' Underwear to go at unheard of low prices; H Corsets goinft this wet k for 3!)c; Stainless How? for vc; Ladies Seamless and acid test Stainless Hose ft r 10c a pair or a pair for 23c; Ladies' Seamless and Stain less Hose, extra length und quality, 15c a pair, or 2 pair for 25c. former price 25c j r a 1 ; a job lot of Misses' and Children's Black Hose, sizes 5 to )i, for 5c per pair; a bisr lot of Ladies' Handker chiefs to go at exceedingly low prices; $2 Shoes at 51.50; $1.75 Shoes at $1 2-"); $1 50 Shoes at $1; $1.25 Shoes-at 85c. A big lot of Gents' Lauudried and Urlaundried, Pleated and Plain Bosom Shirts ts go at prices that will astonish you all. Also a large lot of Gents' Underwear, M and cotton or mixed, to goat half prico. A job loi of Ladi ' and Gents' Wool Hose and Half Hose to go at half price. Nov let everybody, both rich and poor, great and small, hurry to this sale of unheard of low prices, before your choice is gone. Yours for low prices, J. L. Cole & Cd's N. Y. Eacket Store, 107 Main Street, Wholesale and Retail, Underbuyers and Under- sellers of All. PATRONIZE HOME! Buy and Smoke THE FOLLOWING BRAXDSOF GOODS: li Blaokwell' Durham Ctenr. i - . ' if.. n X Hi OKI Cltutik ChiToot. MALLOEY DURHAM CHEROOT CO. your demand 1 o 1,0 cer t hi 1 1 room we will opportunity. Do not let it rices anu articles to ue had : .... $2.50 ... 97 size, - - - J.70 head board, - - 2.00 3.00 0.95 each - 17 genuine ilson Heater in full think Ladies Seamless and hh Cnrr Cigars. t - Little Sadk Ciffarrtw.