Durham Recorder. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. J. II. KING, -E. T. ROLLINS, Editor. Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year. Six Months, drertltlr.g rates ntade known nn application DUR1IAM. N. C, DEC. 10, 1896. Notwithstanding the fact that the democratic party was pro nounced dead after the last elec tion, there was an Indianapolis, Ind., preacher who was mean enough to climb into his pulpit last Sunday and jump on the mrnae. Some men never learn how to behave themselves at a fu neral. Wilmington Star. Among his claims for re-elee tion and as proof that he hasn't snapped much in Washington Seuatsr Peffer informs his consti tuents that he has presented 306 petitions, introduced 202 bills and joint resolutions, submitted 87 re ports, offered 62 concurrent mo tions and resolutions, proposed 94 amendments and clinched all thi with 437 speeches. The Wilming ton Star copies the above statistic? and then makes the following per tinent remark: ' A man who makes that many speeches ought to be left at hone until he breaks himself of the habit." for fi?e scholarships and tui tions at the University. "4lh, Knowing that the income from the tuitions is not sutlicient to meet the current expenses of a college or uuiversity, we are not opposed to the appropriations to the University, but we think these appropriations should be limited to such amounts as are necessary to meet the deficiency in current expenses after tuitions have been collected from all students, except those to whom private schorlar ships have been given. "5th, That as the aim of the stite in the establishment of the Normal and Industrial College at Greensooro, N. C, and the Agri cultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, N. C was to provide technical and not higher literary education, we declare ourselves in sympathy with them as long as they adhere to their original pur pose, but we are opposed to any policy that will in any way divert them from this aim." ... .. i'. i . ... ... . . n... .. erwer : lTTflATt . j lrimiiimu to disbelieve tne cnarge oi cars ano rena i ne oiooa curaung VIM I luUli aild 1 1 1 AL1 I I ireacnery against in opumtsn accounts vi uww ruuiiwin.uwu troops. A general who, , like were shot down for 'protesting Weyler, habitually massacres for their rights," of how mothers ,. t I ft il 1 1 . ..! . f ! I C prisoners ot war ana neip- were leu wun a large laumy oi . I . . ... . UOOd eilWW St VtlW. .WU I H.IIKI luodtr nrnimrfari men in hn. cm nrPTi withrtnkRnv TTIPfinS OI ! mmi-nil r hum-IhI deliitltv. wakefulm-m. enemta- Ditals is not likely to be squeam- support ana of how orphans rwt fuurtioimi dironiem, ntmcd b error or r . . . . I ..... ... I exevawa, quickly restoring lost manhood In old ish about the rir-i s and tin- were made by m score, wnn a munities of an e.iny under a smile playing across bis lips, flag of true. The annals of We cannot think of anything BE3TOUED IN 30 DAtJS. Good efTertit at once. Ctton'i Vltallxer cum or youiifr, Klvinx viKoranustreuKth where form er wcftKiieaaen .revKueti. i;tni veuivub ni tuple, otlectiml, find kKtlmt.tt. Our i quick sn-1 thoritugh. Don't be .. m hv imliuti.uif itiK.Kt nn rJinUiiii vltalizen. ; it. -a If --...a. A.. 1- A.- Mn hmaren it Spain are not so destitute of more disgusting, more revolting price i packago. for 5, with written gnamn- cases of treachery and assassi- than the statement of Mr. Jones. Uto. trraamiconfrientiai. scndusauumcr..tof v'"'-- - . . . ... , , I case and 48 ow. for iwraki trial treatment. One nation that this most heinous tie, aminisieroi irerospei, wno onivseuttoeaehtieriou. . should be doinir evtrvthinsr in CATON riED. CO., Boston, Miss, VUOV M Miy vavsww vw, , ! a nKia his nowir to ; bless the tiumAn ! r- - m Therefore it is high time for race, quietly, sits back, sur- GAION lANSl flLLS. the Senators to stop offering rounaea ny ease ana comiors, Atrie,, trne,ndiatere,lefforwoin?n ana says mat sucn con-1 ve KreU- AtdrugKiM,ornutiiidti. our mrna ni nhnvK mnntmnAil Are ft I DoMWUcenw, . n . , I - A man m ueorgia sow nw wue ble8sinJt to humanity. CATON SVftC CO.. Bo.ton, M resolutions and adopt a few. Vetibuled(holl) with Fullman leen be. Aibeville, Salisbury. Oreensboro, J Mount: oonutoti at Selma for fyMV"'7 "l luterroedlatH autioni pouth on tn Atlant , Cuaat Line, dally; Ooldsboro for Kewberne and Morehead City, dany eicept Sundaya; I wti mlnifUm and intmUileaUtlonon th W. W. K. K. dally. Thruunh traina dally la oelmn for Wlliwn, Rocky Mount, Tarhoro ud J tatlona on Norfolk A Carolina Railroad, NortoJl and polnta north via ateamer Hoe. Ua burham dally 5:30 a. m., and M p. m. eastbound for local polute only. j,.M' Leave Durham II M a. m., dally and I fl0 p. m., ezoept Bunday,forOiford,Hiideroii.Cha'' City ILeyxvitie ana aiiuiuiouu mm - York River. , Loral neini trainp auo wkij !-"--'"'"- ni... m train from Ralelll to Greeniboro. and' OB &J a. m. train from Oreenaboro. , , , . . . . IKtuble dally traina mwwa naieiKn wi and Atlanta Quick time; unexcelled accommo dation. . . ... , . . For tlekeU and time taoiee ana owex mwm Uon.appljto ' J. A, WHIM, Tic aims,, Durham, f U. Join M. Cow. - W.A.Tu, TrameM fr. en. nm. nmt, W. H.GaaM, Waahlnfton, B. t ttenerai Buperunenuciu. for 25 cents. This is another We are sorry for him. The case which proves that man 8tatement 6hould sink bira so VC- PAY PnQTAHP ! will do almost anything to get a in K1itiiin tVtot. Ilia WAPila I v B W I i?.a.i - i. t :i J I L i mue money ui iuu.jr " would never again have any Lurisimas. i : .1 , cAi. RECENTLY thirteen letters writ-1 or religious auairs. I anyone our advanced mnstratea caia logue for 1897 (just issued.) It contains 554 illustrations of Furniture, Carpets, Lace curtains, Bedding, stoves, wmpi, Refrigerators. Baby Carriaees. etc. You save the middleman' profits by tradinf AGAINST STATE AID. Saturday the XortlfCarolina Conference of the Methodist church, in session at Kinston, passed the resolutions of Dr. Kilgo against higher education, about which there has been so much said in and outside the press, here of late. It will be remembered that an effort was made to get the Western Conference, in session at Salisbury sometime ago, to pass these same resolutions, but the conference thought they had about as much to attend to in their own educational work as they could manage, without trying to direct the state in what it should, and should not do, and therefore turned the resolutions down. There are numbers of our readers who have never read the resolutions referred to and for their benefit we publish below the resolutions in full. These resolutions were signed by Drs. J. C. Kilgo, E. A. Yates and Rev. J. N. Cole, and are as fol lows: "1st, That we commit our. selves uncompromisingly to Christian education and insist that our people in their homes teach their children the doc trines of Christ and patronize those common schools whose influences ill not be harmful and patronize those colleges that have given positive instruc tion in the truths of the Bible "2nd, That we regard the free public scboth as a necessity to the state and we declare our- THB SECTLAIt PRESS. In its account Sunday of the proceedings of the Methodist con ference at Kinston and in speak ing of the action taken in regard to the resolutions on higher edu cation, the Raleigh News and Observer says: "Yesterday in Dr. Kilgo's peech he referred sarcastically to the secular press and certain paliticians in the state who do not look with favor upon the move ment against state aid." Dr. Kilgo is the last man on earth who should should sj eak "sarcastically" of the secular press and it is hard to believe that he intended to speak in a "sarcastic" manner. The press of the state has always done everything pos sible to aid him in the great work he came here to do. It was the "secular pres" of the state that stood with outstretched irms to welcome him as a North Carolin iau; it was the "secular press" tha folded hun to her boom when he arrived here and nothing was too good for him. Now it is hard be leve that he has turned "sar castically" upon his best fiiends imply U-cause they do not agree with him in regard to the ques tion of state aid to higher educa tion. Everybody has a perfect right to believe what they please- we grant Dr. Kilgo that privilege and surely he does not rondemn the pre.s because it does not look at this great question in the same manner he kes. ton hv rAoro-n Wn shino-ton were sold in London for $23.-500. This - - causes the Richmond Times to In the superior court in Mil sueeest that simply as a matter waukee last Fiiday Judge Austin with the manufacturer,- as you ve pay. i Dostal now for our money-saver, be induced to put some of kis let- interest to Kuiehts of Pvthias all . - ters on the market. over this country. The decision Julius Hines & Son was reudered in favor of the plain- suit against a farmer for $30,000 for breach of promise to marry. An exchange says the lady evi dently belongs to some fancy variety of pigeons a pouter, per haps. AIWH'T TIME TO ACT. Doubt still exists whether An tonioMaceo met his death in open battle or through tr-ach ery, but with that doubt filling the air the feparish Premier Canovas gives public expres sion to the savage hope that the Spanish soldiers rill soon "fin ish with the rest of the Cuban selves fully in sympathy witLringlealert flppear9 they them. These school are for tl people and should be maV efficient. That within the con Hitutional limits of taxation we recommend an increased appro priation for common school). That while we do not think it th function of the states to teach religion in its colleges, and while we recognize the tact that there are many citizens who do not wioh to patron iz church colleges, and while we have no disposition to extermi nate or do injury to fctato col leges, yet as citizens of North Carolina, as well as members of the Method m t Episcopal church, south, we do not believe that it is juit to the church to tax its member to carry on an educa tional work to the injury of the rburch colleges or to put the Mate colleges in unfair cornpe- fTo Avvir TTiirw o vnnnr ady of Cairo, 111., has entered . ., , b? Baltimore, Md. her vs. the Supreme Lodge Knights of Pythias of tire World. This case was made the test in I the settlement of nearly one hun dred similar, cases pending in all parts of the United States from Maine to Mexico, and the amount in New involved is estimated to be mo:r MM. MM! Mortgage Sale of Land ! irtiu nf thi uf fldflhind oa me in s mortiurc deed executed to me m the 11th day of May, im. by T, W. Wedlluand wife, Antonb. Heaiin, I wiuou Monday, 21 t day of to.1806, at ljo'clorkm'.at theeoorl Bouiedoor in mil I. w. Came run, H. Jotanann and others on the Bonn mmv vt im m w . -...., . a more definite description of which reference la beruby maae to neeora w manias ir. book 24, in reslitera oflloa Imrham County, M. C. to aatwy mia mormafe inieresi, ana com. S. 0. TUTOR, Monfages. bam. North Carolina, sell to the bixbest bidder fornuh the landi deaorihett'tn said aMrtne, n inn of an aera more or leaMulinlnlnf the lands Mortgage Sale of Land I n wlHitaf the'tMMree eaoferred on me In a mortnee deed executed to me oa the mm day of Nov. i&m by T. W. Medlia ami wife Anlooia MedliaTlwinoa Monday, 21t Day of tae. 1896 t ,. o-rWk m at the eaart bouae door la Dur ham, North Carolina, ai to too nix-neat moan ia sr. m r DO YOU Need Printing. Call up Bell phone No 7C and give us your order We print anything from a visit ing card to a newspaper, but make a specialty of commer cial printing. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, En velopes, Statements, Etc., at prices at which you can not kick. Give us a trial- it may be possible that we can save you money. Office over Bernestene's store, Main street '", King&KolIins. forcaab the laid deacribed la ei m.im cW acre more or lem edioiui of j. W. Cameron, H. Johaaon aad others, oa the north aide of the aouthera rarlroad near the . . .. i . v-.. . w r mm moreaebaiteoeacriDiioaoi vrn inmwi ia hereby made to retard of mortirefes, oa pace S3, book at, ia rexialera office Durham county, M. toaatuly mm monfafe launa aa com. Thi.Noe..,A HinxKnttGGlL Mortuot. C. McCollum & Co., (Tatum's Old Stand) - - N. C. A coi'STV treasurer York, who was elected at the last than 8100,000, divided in sums of election on the reform "ticket, has fiom 100 to 500 each. In the skipped with the entire contents present case the suit was brought DurhaiD nf liic rnu'ta Tt coAina fVint iha I Irt Tvvop 1 flflfl insiiriilfi lirnllr "reform" constituted leaving noth- the life of Mrs. Ruggaber's bus-1 f aUCJ ailtl HCaiJ GrOC6I16S ! ! V -1. ! J t, ..A4MiVM i.,itl ii-l.x nsi.wvr ttr.A eiitiilA in I tug iXMiiuu, as ut-retu.ure vu.j uauu, wu..u.. . ... f VrARhARt Delicacies m . a a t I T ..t w nnn . : y : i w - lart ot the money was tasen Dy povemoer, loyo, wmie insane. raymeut of the claim was re sisted on the ground that by the REV. JOXKh AXD TRUSTS. It,rma Ai a hv.l.iw n.l.ir.til liv tt.o skipping treasurers. for .he Hoi idays. Call and examine stock. mm 18 iitrmt . a. i ii. i iu DOUBTS DAIIY SERYICE Rev. Sam Jones, the gre.t .j of coll(roi of t,e Etulow- evangelist who delights in caJ- ment Kar)k of the Knights it was tog people "fools ' "bound- ided tha! if a member com r, i w ft lun'nllAtjs Ia(b" en1 nlna 1 FUaJ3a J atlCI OUU vviiv I 1 . . . .1 1 luiuiio orii nuroo inure i , . . mpntinn,!. frntn th wilnit but "r ",?ane ,,r UlC Hct Voluntary , r r . in ... I whohasalwavs-iimedthathe w ""'"..i.rt, e m.u .uut t t ... . rhnrlnttA. An wa9inthesoul.bUvingbusinesshllriglHUQ,!.erthe Certificate f Uusto. Athens, n'ilmimrton. j it. . i . I mAmrurlilr " I" ' " k.a r. nnms nf iinit da.l9Ml I mill tliA nlUlVft (llt'lSKHI it himself in favor of trusts, mo- seems that insurance comnaniesi c n' nopolies and combines. I must nay claims when the insured ington,Xorfolk, Portsmouth. Recently he said that "this commits suidde whi'e insane. cry about monopolies and trusts xhe decision is somethinc un- is popular, but silly; tnat tne hear( ot heretofore and will no Standard Oil Company the dwiU in the ,,j ,10j., fullman Car uompany anu the l urfe sugar Trust gives to tne wona the cheapest oil, the greatest G CtEVELAStII lm gone nnrl ttt rfcMnMt nr duck ,lUBling aga5u' EstJ New Orleans and New York, Richmond, Wash Schedule in Effect Nor , 189 South Sound. AiS'Ul I world ever saw." t.. the! liuutiug ugutu. i.iiun'u Lil, the dizzy, dusky, damsel and Li New Vork L Ptiladrlphla.. i.i Baltimore L Whin(toa... I.t Klchmood CiTriorfola. L ronfO-tw.... t,"eldo-i , &r Hendffroa... J"l)arhai Ar Durham To use the own words of Rev. exponent of falling fame and for- Ar Seaford I .... . I - :.. rr . I r itberTlaa, .Tnnpa hid RtAtPmpnt"IrMmilnr. tune in Hawaiian coum circles, t H.miet. r r ii. . . I a. aMiMM. .. ... .... . 1 ..1 . . . ,1 . 1 ' -. . L 1 . 1 . J 1 - . . (witn tne trusts ana commnesii wuo is m me uoiitu cuiics ani 1 r smw At Charlotte.. kit filllo ' tA tViA fftQAf r ... a if I An tinv Brltt fi Wrtcl, inrvtn Will 1 uu, oitii, v..v .uo &iui. ui..s vi vu " ,i uriuiiiviii I Ar Chetr..,.... of laboring, toiling, suffering, ho doubt feel Utter when she rincs the floorbcfli of Uie White! it k v lie At at ilkM . House aud learns the true state w',"'i otamim. it is another case of fallen statesmanship and Queen Lil will f-el that she is not alone have done with Maceo." Says the New York Joural. Meanwhile the United States Seuate splutters with resolutions most of which ire commend s.ble, the faulty ones as a ru erring on the side cf over-con servatism. Mr. Call's resolu tion expressed unquestionably the popular sentiment, though it may be doubted whether the investigation it demand i practicable. It declares in sub stance that the recent killing of Antonio Maceo, a renowned general in the service of the Republic of Cuba (if true), while under a flag of truce, and with an arnsurance of safety from the Spanifch Captain-General, was a violation of the rules of civilicd warfare, an act of base treachery, a murder cowardly and disgraceful, which demands oppressed humanity). Of course the Pullman Car Company is a "great comfort to the weary traveller," but at whose expense ? lias the Rev. fnAO ava. atinnAt ti mir .onw farther back than the plush seats ! 1 t 1 . M . f. I " ,f pi-of an ve We dare say he has not, for if . .. . ... . . ' . . . . .at mm Vlf II tV i7 IIUV IIU i'lilllt liR II ne nas nis statement nas isiise- . , . .... hootl written across its face in J f employ 1200,000 upon the verv berinnin(r. t,,e M'-''" Carolina t . mmrArt' a w secure uie ie-e cuon oi senator is ir H JL. VVUIIVI V V PUVU I men as Rev. Jones, who go I'ritchard, it is a fact to be de around over the country and plorcd. lie will put the price shoot off their lip and get thou- uanecewrily high. There ar M I. at ' mm sanus oi dollars a weeic iur so otiu-r woe t-ti-i .Mr. i i.-intut doing and then buy their tickt Lj,,, v,ill wint finif l'.ine ml North Sound. J vm s n- p:pm I enorn ' ""Tt KM lt e.aifjt "i tjaot 4 J""! J I, Jm j Mm j"ar J 14am I enet. t jeam tana - ia oom It etpm I npm S IJtm eopm seopm s 51V TTeT l0.ll u us ' S a$aa 4 J' a k " 4S t. MM til e f; if" S 9 a e on To jmm II jnom I an 1 V 4 nan t Lv Atlaata........! Vt Atheaa.... .... Lw K.bertoa L Abbeville Le tireeawood.... It Cllaioa. ...... lit Cheater.. ..... Lt rharlotie Le Moaroe L Hamlet L hern Pineal 11 Rl "!!. tfy twrhifn. . Ar rtl'hmend. Ar We.binatoa. J Ar nilnmore.... Af rhtlidrlphia At Hew V-vtli.... Ar furumiHUh,., SS'pm 400pm Seepm Ps 4 npn n pm 1 15pm ie ,pm it aipm "l 4am 37 1-iJ t eaia lm 4am S aepm 4 JJP 7 arom Ar Jtorbik I ? aoam falljf. fllaTSjrr8irtidaTfT it 400m 1 4Mm I 7am s iwim 1 IJ- 4 im Ijam n ymm 4m f iijtoim 1 epm m II KJ' I4am ;pn p Notice to Consignees 1 - tte.M w j Vm aft IHI The Southern Eaprem bnaninj will eeU, at nolle auction, at Parriaha Warehouao, tor charaea, alwut Are hundred freltht packasea, being on ha nasi x monthe and over, oa tatur day. Januarjr IW7 eoramrndnf at 1 o'clork. p. m.. vnmiBrN lor, rnarxia Wi w w wlae dupoaed of before dar of mle. . K. iALinjia,aii.i, O. M. 8ADDLIR, Superintendent. Administrators Notice HaTiHenallfledaaadmlnlttmlbraf Jnllos C nerarioa. deceased, all irtiee todebted to the eakl onate will make settlement at nana. All elaliaa affalnat the mid eatate mast be pmMled before Um let daf of XoTMnber, liar;, or this no tice will be pieaa acainet mem. M C. nRdr0!. Admr. at jCULliC.HEa.SbON. Deed. DR. J. J TH AXTON, With llr rears' eaneriene as a Oeneral Prac tfcmer. teadera hia aereicea to the citiaewe of IXil 4am. Hia specialties: Mamas, atembraaet Slabdaaad Ncnea females ta particalarh Indl Headar'ha, feeeurxlary and rJendliar duaun Home at '. at, Htraaoa s umea over suom leareh-jr etoea. oatee boon I a. m. to U mae ram la. st. to so. as. Land Sale.' P7 Tlrtut of aa nrtrrnl the Saprrlor eoart of urnemmanir asviein taesrariai proBaeniBei entilied K U Veu Kiernlorof Uewtoreoa IU lof agaiart Mri aaille Tuief sod othon.1 Monday, Jon. 11, 1807 .brier oa of Court week) at Iheeuart boost tour ut Dnrnam enuulT la Imrbamal li o'etorh M.. nftVr s Ue ddloolof dnrriusd tnu-ta d land brine the kind of the late Beodem TU ley. to oil; Pirat Irset hrin the alMed to .he ektow. Mrs. Hallle Tillef, eon'alotne: elxtf li srrea atore ar irwarM emwactac the Owen- ST. VITUS DANCE. A Pfeystctea PnrscrO Dr. MIIm' Restorativt NcrvlaT. Dr. Mile Medlral Co.. KlkUrt, Ind.1 Hp daoxhter Mattlo, afd li, a-aa afflicted teat sprlnf with St, Vitas danoo and ner- . ronsoeaa, bar ntlrn riant side was nnmb and nearly paraljrsed. We coosuJted a phy- 51 -adn--I. - A iur boose of the late HeKtereoa TUhrr The if u. I lm nr4 setaratelr, the ik ihvrt to the aHH't 4e will be ise-red as one romtd IrsfteooislnlBf ooe hundred and still Ire ( riarie atore or M-aaiM panirsurrmiwi nf toe ant Irset snd shn embmrlnc a two (!) ere lot est oat of dnwer tract and eHuels -tear the a. id aoelilnt su. Theleolrartow II irM traet of ttttf arnm ower. the the b4e nut mown to the wMow'a dooer and all ea -lolinr n acre a. the airally burring fmuod 1 he MihMt htd all! he reported iur ronSraav km Tenmofmle one third earn and the hat nee la ettatl amnnnla in tlx and tori re aaootha -hedefrnedparaMmlsaM'med be notes of the trrhaarraanddmwltif Interest from dar ofmle tl 4 percent Place of mle Court Hvnst door; m-aoer of "ale public a net ton btt. Un. trt.VA7jnr. Es . and Coamimiooer. !AaY nVUa and be preacrlbed Dr. xdlea Beotoca tianKsrvian. She look three bottlea befora wa aaw any canal a alfna of improraxeeat, cms after that sbw betaa to laprown vy (art and I no think sbs ia eaUrelp en red. Sne kaa taken nine bottlea ot tba Narvlae, hot no other medicine ot any kind. Knox. Ut,;aa.a.lS. B. W. noaTnmn. rkyxtclana prearrlho Or. Mllaf Earned tea becaase they are known to be tbenemltof tha lone neaeUcn aad si parte aca of ooe of tha brlf htast, members ot their nrofaaalon. aad are care fully compounded by aspect, eaced chemists, ia exact acrncdance a It e Dr. If IW prwsrriptloaa, as used ia bw pracUco, On esio at aU drniglata. WriM tor Dr. ' Milea Book on the Heart aad K arras. Or. HUaa HodicaJ Cos Elkhart, Ind. Dr. nay EemeGes lofare EealUi. MURTR CAROI.I1A. I DUKHAM COlrTTT.; To All Whom tl MarConeem: hot ire la berenr ((ten thai application will he made to the next OenereJ AmemMy of Worth t sro'.ioa, which meats In the etty ot Ralel(b. tiorth t smtlna, on the iret Wednesday Iter the tret Monday In January nest, la amend the charter nt the Town of iMirhsax, aituale la the county of Durham In mid aula. I hia Dee. 1st, UU. Administrators Notice I tfaeinf awallte" aa administrator af tonleas MrCowa.aMvasad, all ranlea iadebted to the mM effete will amke aMtlemenl at aaca. AN rlalaw aealnet the mid eaute mut be peearnlad before the Mb day af iMnember. Kf7, at title no tice mil be plead aralntt them. M t:. lir.HMKiif, Admr. of EVERYBODY'S TAILOR I i i-rafrt taWlftt fpis afVlHrll nilt?arr-a11 !.! vu.t;, tn it in c.,,. I e execration of every Oov o 'v w ii . e n i.i w a v va of hannony with the principles of our government, and morally wrong for the State to under take to furninh free higher edu cation to the few at thexpt-nse of the many, and therefore that all free tuitions in the State University, in so far as they are based upon the appropriation of public moneys, should be dis continued. "That we reouest the legislature to discontinue the appropriation of public money tnf-nt and of all the peoples of the world, whether civilized or savage; that the Government which authorized, permitted, or failed to punish tho nsoshins was an outcast from th family of nations and from the palo of civilization and public law, and directed the Committee oa For eign Relations to inquire'jnto the facts and report at an early day. There is do particular reason for a trip in one of those "great comfort" cars, but turrj from the pleasant scene for one moment and look at the poor laborer who build those cars. See him as he struggle day after day for hardly enough to live on. lok back, Mr. Jones, f) the summer and fill of 18!(3 when the Pullman Car work men were shot down like so many dogs wecause the oppres. sion of the millionaire builder of those "great comfort cars" had ecome so p" at that they could not feed ti; ',r wives and children on thi salary they were getting and decide to go on strike fot more wages. Look at that "pleasant" scene and blush for the reproach you bring on the name of the Master who you pretend to represent. Doubtless Mr. Jones sut back in one of those "great comfort" that hgisluture ftinl tif.y will nt take it kindly of him if he got- to liiillirij the market. Wne. r, and WL -Tne Atlanta nneewt." noiu .ft trntil-uictl ffain. if ptillmeo Weepers and dat ruliman U-ri:t between Portsmouth abd Char ' . (time ho. 41 and as. "The a a. e Pior.- -siidl tnln nshee, of Pullman aire pen setween l-iirXfiHsMli and Atlanta. Pot tlr tela, Meei'era, end Information, apnt E. t. -onw, H. W. I Oiorrs, trio Pm m Oen'l Met, TmSlc tt ,7 V. P.. MrRre, Tea. .irt T. . Aadrraoa. Gra.faea. Art. Will make suits an1 pants to order at very low rates. Kepai ine and clcanincr donnin Itm tare I best style, at prices to suit the Iturnetl the ftianlti t'l(t. Lex-jcgio, Ky., Daf. 15. At a big mass meeting, called by Mayor Simnll, totakeacthn in reference to the Cubnn revolu tion, the courthouse was crowded tonight. Rc-olutlons wpre passed thatAiba must be fre. that the United States should help Cuba to freedom by peaceful rneaaures, If the could, by forcible measure, If she must. Col. Tom Davidson, af'er the meeting, burned the Span ish flag amid hurrah-', and Capt. Langmire, of company E, State Guard, ttid he had forty tneu raaA tn start fnP fiitin. nn ' " . " . .tr,irnilio, Atlanta and all p.a.ua,,IB twenty-four noun notice, under VlcT'!!,Iut i,,r-", - J.caainillle, No. at carrlea alein -s command of Col. Davidson. , JJ ht ,w SOUTHERN RAILWAY (PIKIIHONT At l Ll!f. IM IftVn JiOV , last, Tsarm ln.T Conantia- iMeefmrham a m., dally. TrslnadaHt cminit .r-tur.ir all Ihteh wthand Hjmth and rtitiM.Hi.ihlen, a mm mli,iaf the hnrihaetern Nonh tarihia k.ilmad. Ai ftallaSnr, tieil potnuin ..fn Korth r.rmt na, hoot il Me. T-nn., t ladnnatl and Meters r-'t""-. at harlotiir apertanMire, uremillie Athena, All.tiUsil n-Hntini.u h. Uare I'lifiwm t.'oa. m .conneeM at tHtrhsm fnritiliird, i rr,iieand keyarllie dally. I Imrh-m I J p m. Tbnmeh Veaillmt-d (llml-1) with Pullman eiipe between lUletxk and Cheliaaooe'e docky Mosul, "- ma, oreea.wvra. Ikilebary, Aeheil le and Itnoxriila, ennneri. at Orwiimra Wltfe "taenia sum and hoathweetera Veatloale ( l.lmltl i nd tne Sew York, plnrtde hhort Line nimltet) trala al amnta hortk aid with awla line tr n ho. If liaarllle, SlHtawmd and int eea ateloml etatkmcateobaaeonaew tion tor WliMton-mlem, and with nialn lira train no. tsinia) mall) for t harlotle, niartam- S1TISFICTI0S CiJfiSTEID riaco of business over P. W. Vaaghan'i drug store, on oppo site side of hall from Ukkald "ffico. Give us a trial. Harper's Cures Indigestion. For sale by all Druggist In town. Meat Stall I have opened beef stall at the Market House and would be glad for all who want good Fresh Meats To call and see me. The best the market affords. Stall No. 6. Next to George Rochelle. A. W.EDWARDS. EUREKA OIL. -CTT5T RESTAURANT I Mealaaerred In any rnrte d-elred ard at any me.deyof al(ht Anrihin from a lone h ton qnare meal or r volar board. Pnb u-;it IS eeired dally and a-rred in any at i la desired. er thief ami and clean. Ultra mm a Trial. T. X. Is Jb, WTIE1TC33. Wansam Sltast. L.a.Kotar'le nldrtand. Do Not Read This. Only for Ifioso interested in bargains-. This cheap cash store and lend er f low prices on account of making change In business will sell Clothing cheaper than ever. I will quote you a fow of my bairains: CLOTIIINOl One tot f MenltetA tnat ........ Y Vzl an want a to at. pi emennaeiay woreiMi at, r? "etiiiaeiay weeetodat (trie lit terieiMisrMf worMedat OneUt M W Mile aisy Vented at .e SHOES REDUCED! I I wiihd-M ....,.,,.,.. .... t M afceWaf aK)t nxwdt I llllil 9 1 2S lsnmemihom at IM 93tl Npffiit iltoM At , tm, 1 Udlaa Dottfola btrttoa thorn solid a ... tin 'SAny Other Gooda in Proportion. MORRIO HAOICELL.