SENATOR I'RITCHAItD'S PLOP. Senator; Pritchard, who flops from one side of the ' money ques tion to the other nearly as often as the seasons chaajfe, has now declar ed it is said, that he is in favor of free silver. . v The leading editorial in the Raleigh" Caucasian, the populist! organ, yesterday in speakiig of Senator Pritchard says: s "In nearly every speech in the last campaign Senator Pritchard gave the puWic to understand that ne oaa cnangea ms views Jie , is rep rtnl uut only by the news papeis, but by those who heard him speak, to have usd' copies sion like the following: "1 hive changed my mind about the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to I. I now think that it would be disastrous I favor it if we can feet it by inter national agreement. I stand flat footed ou every plank in the St. Louis platform, 1 he financial plauk and'all." Again he 'is reported in a speech in Metropolitan hall to have used the following language. '1 he free silver people want fret whiskey, free trade and tree silver and everything free but free ne groes H In short when he did not keep silent, he ridiculed and be li.ded tree silver, which is on j one of the first steps to fim.ncia. reform , more money and .el ief. "Can any populist support a man for the highest and most im portaut legislative office in the country, who expresses such views? Besides the leading re publican paper in the state, edi torially set forth that Senator Pritchard bad changed and would in the future stand squarely bj the ''sound money" platform ol the National Republican party . but that he would vote fur fiet silver till the 4th of next March. The editor stated that he ha:! a letter f:oiu Senator Pritchard on this question ai d that he was stat ing his position. . i ""Continuing" the" raucaiotf sa j further: ''In the first place no populisi could afford . to vote for Senafo Pritchard ocenping this position, even-if hf had iu-' changed last summer.' In the second place, no populist can afford , to v te for a man for senator who t;as .flopped around as be has, no matter w hat he pledges now. "No populist can maintain him self or his party unless lie takes the .am? stand toward enatr Pritch.rd A y populist who is satisfied with his course need nev er t have joined tI.epeopV par ty, because he would have been at home in eilher'of the old parties We warn each populist . who be licvs iu hi princ:ples and loves his party to consider these matters before h? makes a fatal blunder a blunder that will he fatal to his party if his party is held mpnsi ble f- r his acts." . Better Day for Armenia. London, San 6 The- clbr. tion of the birthday of Mrs Uhid stout, wiff of the Great lr.tilt, today was of unu-uul interest, owing to the presence o Armenian deput iti ns and the u 'eiliiig by Mrs. Gladtoi.e of a memorial window in t'li'trch to the tuart'Tttl Arii u- iiiutt In morning tli.n.ks, Mr. GiMdftoiM' iid: "While up t the rtKnt !). CMr" r of tiie Sultan, wiio 1- tli great st asmtsi in tliv world, lm been triuinjinint. all tlies; triumphs of wu kednws and iiii quity are '-imed. 1 have i fetruiur idea. h w ver, that the iii quiti.-s have not yit reach d tlMir', close. NeverthfUs'.' i U'tttr d.iy is in pr otect tor the Arnu'iii im, 119 the weight of disgrace now ujini it... ul... nt.!. .rn in' hi v iuiM'ir i mi i.p. ..I ii a 1.1 f..rri tlioni to mliuli " ( oN-T xilNorui, J m 5 (De- I.imiI .. i.. i. iiii-ntoii) It tlalift'0'eny. :! til - I H nwMTH pilts thai U e Ambassador of theible drove of 1 ti.) i rues aud powers, in addtion to considering mule. He went tithe neareft the tteatmen' oft htistiwns in Tur- lib graph ft 1' ion ufd tele- kisli empire. re diKU.-siiii' mens u i-t '11 mneli. ra e the position tf the iUulinans by improving th. M it ns of offii'i ih and aunng the r..-i nlar piynant of 'heir lalnrus. . ,u'. ur.M; is produciiig and ex itllent efTect. QUEEIt PACTS. The queen bits sixty pianos' at Osborne, Windsor aud Bucking liam Palace. . . Owiug to the dry', cold utmos nbere, not a single infectious dis ease is known in Greenland. The , krd mayor t f London weais a badge d uffice which con tains diamonds valued at "1 20, 000. ' There are 'still 20.000.000 squiiro 'nilt-s of the earth's surface that have not teen explrmd. Itupetfeet teeth area si e sign of civilization. Perfect t t.iare fouud, as a rule, only among savages. Thu crackling i.und of Ireahly jguitod wood or coal is caused by the mr 01 liquid contained iu the jHires expanding by beat and i'liistiiig the .covering in which it is confined. The air is i eUr in the Arctic n A tH that convrrsation can be ciiruu on tasuv bv persons two W m mills apart. It lias aho been as tcrttd, on g(u,d authority, that at Gibraltar the human voice has mru distinctly heard at a distance often miles. Starved to Detith. Mas 1LL0X, Ohio, January 6. Mary Withers, wl o lived, with her p-rents runr. Orangeville, in ie couiiiijjrta'- pwrmi.ted i.ti .lr deatl.. Se had a dream she said, in which she saw the Lord descend to the earth on a white clouJ. The vision com manded her to die and then dis ippeared iuto space. The dreamer had been attending pic t. a. ted meetings and was iui- luilmcd with tliedoctride of 'holi. tiess" arm believed in a litt-ral in terprefatiou of the fcriptures. Miss timers expressed a deteri;ina im to obey the wil of tbe Lord, and from the date of her dream refused al foodfMany ot her friends argued with her, but others approved her course. She wasted away to a mere ladow, lapsed into unconscious ness J bursday and. after remain ing in that condition some time, died. Three Blarderers Paroled. Indian polis Ind., Jan. 10 Gov."MntiWw8 late yesterday evening derided upon the fin' Imposition of MX pat don cases. lh' made the announcement 10 -I.ty of his action,! n these cases Fivj pirote were prantc I and one remission of a JBue. " Three of the men paroled were murd.rerp. "One is Daniel W. Smith, sentenced from Wayne county in 1S92 for the murder f Ida father He was but seven ten yars of age at the time, and he deed was done at v, ifistfgation cf his mother, who w im wut. r0 priso'i for lifr Th ofhrr are George Sto er, of I) hw ire euntyt whi h sm. ipn'd to prison for life in 18G8 fur th- murdfr of the two son of the farmer for whom he was Working, and Mie.h iel Reiuh'irt. seetenced in 18s8 for twenty one ye.iM for the murder of Jos ph R! 'nni nt tranei vi e. l'!;;,i.iimiy -rjr 1'ifiiie fMiratar. A i. ' ' i fit thirty ivm : om the i'euti ivnn a Kailro ul Atlr-iitic City, N. J, m Di c iiibt-r a. lie left a note tMiloIzi' for the act, with bis roifu Is tl.ak the drawer did n t ontiiin more lie also wrott jM g,KMj wj.M.a fur a ,Hp.v NVv Year atid signed himst ! Goid bye., Tl.i? f iuiniN us of an inci "r ", !.. wtr: Gen. J.Ii Sttimt, r-.aitr In re-.r of the graphitl hitter complaints against ti e Quartermaster G n ral at Washington for sending m mrb an inferior lot of mot k, and ihn !ened not to ac- t ept buy n ore if they were not better. Concord Standard, THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. . BAD CASE ENTIRELY CURED. Governor arr sent bis annual - The Washington- correspondent message to the legislature of the Herald says: J "The bad Thursday afternoon. It was a Q1)Se of jingoism ,witM which the. very long and comprehensive 8enate was 8Uffering when the bol document and filled fourteen y id)iy recess was tak ha3 beeu columns in the News & Obser- j eutirel cured by the Copious doses ver yesterday morning. He' T, . a '., . . , views department and shows that he has kept in close touch with the workings of the government H stans off bv saying that for the first time in twenty years the interests of the state n all its branches has ben de- iverd into the hands of a dif ¬ ferent political party. ii.e measures which you may deem wise may be opposed to the poli cy heretofore pursued, and In making changes I cautiou you to consider carefully and well such changes as pertain to 1 1 e iiistituriotiH of the stare, for tbe people will- hold you responsi ble for the success or failure of mh h measures " The governor heartily com mends and endorses the lease of the North Carolina Railroad to the Southern Railway Company. "I favored the lease of this pro- perty and it was done by the Board of Directors with my full oncurrence and endorsed by he stock holders . wii uim- a oissenting voice," says the gov ernor. "I believed and still le live it is the best thing that could have been done by the state and the future will dett r miue the wisdom of the trans action. Men sometimes, for one reason or another, criticise public officials without having fully informed themselves a to all th facts in the case. Under such circumstances their ad verse criticisms are not always ust or their conclusion . infalli ble. An impartial investigation nay show that some of the critics of the lease belong to lBaFcTass.,"'! The executive is also a friend to higher edu alion mid what h says in regard to the Univer sity should lie argument enough for any body of men to let tbe approp: iation remain as at pres ent ($20,000) or if needs be to increase. He says: - "i he University was estab- ished under the mandate of the Cons' itution 106 years ago. It stat.ds at the head of the public school system, and it is the aim of the ambitious student to com lete here th education begun in' the public school. It sh u; be the pride of every citizen, i- uphold the University and aid to bis uttermost the efforts of our ci iz-ns to make it the equ d of any institution of the km 1 n this country. Man met. who have added lustre r id re nown to the name of their na- iv) state have gained their training hftf, and I trust, gen tlemen, it will be your conscien tious duty to endeavor to aosist the Uuivi rsiiy in its rrp d pro gress to the re .Uza'ion of the idoal conceived by us founders, and make it what Harvard is to Massachusetts, Yale to Connec licut, and Princeton to New Jer- y, I In iippiopti.i'iTi fioin t.iesttte i sniitller ii:i ton trihuttd to any hiuti!..r inriitu tin of its class in AMiericv, while the nuinlier of Ktudentf is larger than any Southern Uni versity. It keeps nearly 200 young men from leaving the Hta'e for an education, thus sav ing North Carolina bout fioo, (KM) nuually, and Is attracting youiiif men from other stales to North arolin in order to gain an educailon." Whit more could he have said? If tho appropriation is rut off Governor Uarr can rest issured that h has done his duty faithfully and the rerpon- Hibility will not be laid at his door. Taken altogether the message is common sense document and if followed by the two branches of the legislature doubt rettult in much good to the state. j,,ir,,LA k.. r. Tt.tis Opinion. Senator Cameron,- the author of the resolution .which was reported from ther senate com- ,nittw on Forrti8n relations at the most acute stage ot he disease, coucluded that it was pleasauter to remain on the island he ownes ft" (hw, coast of -8outh Carolina than u s't u t)i his d v ing res- liitit .i attd t yit returned to Washington. There are a few senators who still show traces of jingoism, among theii Mr. Call, ui riouuu, woo mis weeK maae a speech on Cuba, in f con uection with his resolution caUiug on the state department for ail the cor respondence tn the case of Ju'io Sanguilly a newspaper corrcs- Hondeut sentenced to life impris onment for alleged complicity . in the Cuban rebellion.,, Mr. Call wap very bitter in some of his re marks, declaring among other hings that the whole '-power of Unit d States was being used to protect and continue the present condition of affaiis iu Cuba. I is peech might have attracted more attention had not everybody known that he is making hard fight for reflection aud that many rich and influential Cubans are residents of his state. Represen tative Sulzur, of Ntw York, had a mild attack of jingoism, but he seemed to be relieved after he had offered a resolution in the Ilouse giving Spain thirty days notice that we sh.m!d not only rccog-jfor nize the independence of Cuba hut mainuuo - mni maepenaenrer oy force, if the fighting in Cuba was not hereafW conducted strictly iu ccordance with recognized rules of war among civilized nations. Its resolution wa sent to the conmittee on Foreign Affairs, to die. Notwithstanding tbe enorm ous amount sjient by the govern- ment to keep in safety the records of its business, it is every now and then demonstrated that such of these records as some people may wish to destroy often disaj- ear without leaving a trace. Only vk A ; tj. t Nfietary Cur- to, n.t? '"......'., ii. u official couuuuuicatlou uolified the Senate that some of tho papers showing tne amount due the Pacific rail road sinking fund on account of theiubsidc paid the Pacific Mail Steamship company, which had leen called lor by a Senate repe tition, could not Ire found. Secretary Herberts rejort t- congress on his investigation of thu cost of armor plate) for naval t . . ' vessels is commeuuea as a very thorough piece of work, although it is not esjK'cially pleasing either 1 1 tin two establishments whit! titoitot)lize the making of nrmor pl.iteor to those who advocate lh' establishment of a covernmeiu plant for its manufacture. Sec tary Herbert docsu't think it would be wise for the government ta make its own armor, and he makes it plain that the Carnegie aud IVthh-heni companies have been charging the government extol tionah) priced a the result of an agreement between them to divide this work. His remedy is to pay $400 ton for ,lno armor, instead of f.VfJ, the present price, aud he presents figures which show that thirl would allow the makers a profit of something like $150 a ton. The investigation was made by direction of congress, Ringing noises ii the ears, snapping, buzzing, roaring, caus ed by catarrh, all disapjear with the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. PROSECUTED for piracy. It will be remembered tbai some time ago the "Three Friends," the little Cuban fili - bustering steamer, was attack - ed by two Spanish war steamers and that the former returned the tiro of the latter and drove vthcui off, after which she made her escape. The United States govern, ment, under the ru'e of the House of Cleveland, has now announced its purpose to pro ceed against the Americaosjupho were on the vessel and took part in the naval skirmish, as pirates, the penalty of which is death. -Z Of all the crimes he has com mitted against the A er'O o people since he was ! i o office this is the most ui, . oy that'Cleveland, the arch traitor of this nation. has ever attempt ed. In speaking of this the New York Journal voices the sentiments of nine tenths of the American people. It says: "President Cleveland has obliged Spain in many ways, has done all in his power to save a corrupt and venal mon archy from paying the penalty of its barbarous oppression of the Cubans. He has put the United States Navy at the ser vice of the Spaniards, and has trodden down the Constitution in order to balk the will of the American people. - ' "But when he undestakes to have six American Citizens hanged by the neck until tbey are dead ecause they beat off Spanish armed vessels, which sought to board their craft, he exceeds his limit of power. The Journal does not question the zeal with which the Cleveland tdministration will strive to send these men to the gallows lhe c0mfort of Spain, but it thinks the United States District Attorney of Jacksonville" wi 1 have to send to Alaska for a jury not absolutely. ertain to acquit the accused." Th re is not a monarcy on earth whose ruler has assume ;I as ranch authority as this trait or Cleveland. If Queen Vic toiia had dared dictate legisla tion and ignore the will ol her subjects as Cleveland has 1.1 this boasted "land of the brave and free," herliead would have rolled into the basket so lor.g ago that she would have been forgotten. Thank God his reign is nearing a close. EDITORIAL BONBONS. There's one good thing about President Cleveland, anyhow. He has never been puMj f playing lawn tennis i.n Union. In 189C there were 122 Iegil exHeutions in the United States ard 131 lynchings. This give lawlessness a majority of rii e over law. Boston Transcript The clouds that have ovir shadowed the opening days cf the new year will soon pass away. Cheer up, and look 01 the bright side of life Balti more American. Spreckles is again reported t havebouirht up the t'aliforni. Legif ature This means another filler I rust member of tin United States Senate from that state. Kansas City Times. The St. LH.ia woman wn a caught a burglar in ht-r room and turned him over to the M Louis policeman should r c n sured for con-piracy In inur injjf Ins tcape. Chicago lr bune. rh a icw tion that wi neiitl our tramps to Cuba is in me-1 intr with the approval of th, Spanisn mihlient. The. thiol they havei tramps eiiouh now that amount to nothiigSt. Louis Star. Apparently there are' almost a manj war correspondents as there are warriors in Cuba. Per. haps this account for tie fat that more ink than blood has been bed there so far. Boston llerald. NORTH CAROLINA FOR CUBA. The North Carolina senate is i i favor of recognizing Cuba at i once. The following, joint re 1 solution, which explains Itself, was introduced by Mr. Sutton, of Cumberland county, Friday and was past unanimously: ''That our , senators be in structed, and our . represents tives be requested to use all honorable means and as early as possible, to bring about the passage of an act of congress recognizing the indendence of the patriots of Cuba who for 60 long a time have been struggl Ing for lifefand liberty, the God given heritage of n men." South enroll n a Lynching. Sumpter, S. - C, . Jan. 8. iinou Cooper, the negro out law, who yesterday murdered three members of the Wilson family and a colored servant, was lynched near here today. Cooper was captured by tbe sheriff's posse and .was being taken to Sumter when the mob decided to hang him. The dep uty sheriff aided by two men re n'sted the lynchers, but were overpowered. A rope was thrown over the limb of a tre and as the man ran p ward a volley rang out Thi aody wa6 pierced by more than 150 halls. One bullet cut the rope and the corpse fell to the ground, wLere the coroner found it some hours ater when he went to hold an inquested. Death fur Train Robbers. Jeffeksos City. Mo, Jan 8. A joint sessh n of the Senate aud House was held today and the returns for the November election canvassed. When the oint session was dissolved Gov. Stone's last message was pre sented in each branch and read. Adjournment was then taken J until Monday. The message relates mo9"-iwloily,:rtr-iiirT nal affairs. Of, train robbery the Governor has this to say: . "It surpasses all others in its detrimental effects on the state. When such crimes occur with frequently current that life and property are unsafe within the jurisdiction where they prevail. Itii a crime which f hould be absolutely extirpated. That cannot be accomplished by pen itentiary sentences. The Thir ty-eighth General Assembly, alive to the importance of this subject, made the crime a capi tal punishment, however, was eft to tin discretion of the jury. 8everal convictions have been had since the enactment of the law referred to, but only peni teu'iary sentences were pro nounced. In my opnion the men whoperpctrate these crimes should be hangid." Penetrated Four Iiiclioriron. -Pittsburo, Pa . Jan. 7. The powerful X ray machine con structed by Prof. It. A. Feswn icn, ol the Western Universit; , was on exhibition tonight be fore the Academy tf JVIencfS and Art at Carn pv II H Pr.f. J imes Kt e'er, of the 'egheny Observatory, in telli of tin won dor f I wi---- " ww chine Iihs br put to, sail t' nt it hadaln'Mily thrown a ry of li;iht, through four ii :H's f o'.i-i iron, and lv litk hi! r on it wi:l be dve'ojfi k that it wi pierti'six or inches and intimated Mmngly that it may yt h- u'iiir. d in iuspi'O foii tf arit'vr p m. The De"o ratie Sa, who nate C'-v land .ive atta ke ' him in imny itifferent w.ys, ut they fclways retire with an f. xi-ressioii like that of a man Iwhohss kicked a hat with a rhunk of jrr soil tider i' St. Louis Ololw D'nocrat. There are go'd miners who in it that "gold rowit." Thi seems scarcely po-ible, but there Van be no doubt that tbe output of tho yel'.ow metal is growing from year to year, as tbe increase of 72 per cent, iu the United States since 1892 proves, Indianapolis Journal.! t'aos.J4ji:.:tj3.j.4xrv$JMstP.e l Anaieine" Will Cure Headache ( rdinutes. 4HM Analgine ' Will ) . - ' ; cure I The Headache j I H (111 i t I I Analgine Will Cure The I -In- Headache j Minutes.' 1 For ijale by Druggists. CONSIDER PLAIN .FCTS Prices alone may be deceiv ing. Apparent cheapnsss does not make a real . saving of mojiey. ' c e3 as iXf.''i Host value lor its price, ii real and only cheapness. High Quality at fair pricen is the real aud only economy. The Domestic lias always been the.ltot Machine In ev ery F.insc ol that term. Best for the agent to .sell, ns it gives him the most-profit for the least trouble. ; 15et lor purchasers because it gives the most satisfaction in use. Ascents wanted. "Domest u- and Imperial Paper Pat In n Solid forcatnlogue. 'Address Domestic Sewing MacMns C)., RICHMOND, VA. oooooc Webster's International Bidlionary The On C.rrml tUttndard Authority, tW ttt llnn.1l.jl. ftTKTT, Wfi6 a 1'wti.l for EptclitMn TagM, tic i "W" 1 ISflCiW.ttffl . A ft II 1 'll.T Mil vm : L ... tik.tA 1 nmta. 'J 1- I .f n-rljf U lb COKMItddM 1 lpt! H'-tiMiiiim tnt lf Ik-h. ih mT t 'tim'ir"i huhuW iiboul ituiiibcr. THE tMT FOR EVCRYBOOY CtMItt " It la AJ to find U i word wnUS. It l aa.v ta MTUIfl tua vrenaiKMnMPj. It l My ta irtc th ptwuh 9 It Ii cm tt Itminni worn mtmmm. mum nriMna Mtemstune ' liMiit M.urh,n. i..l "..i L HHA fmIUIl-l . 1 ui!r"Hirj. fhO XMgh JfcWM S VDcrrew mmym, IWf f-i-lrH-lMil tMH r7Bf,'JI'.fc ilrt"wi!f tiiwiHlir Tf itn tuuithern CwHivmtor .iii . 'I". ?. C. ttrnittAftrn., Ptthttabtta, tirtfit0flt. Ma., ta l Hot hut rtii? MltitiU imrtrtHHWol j OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A HpUntit rwrtlwiwiil tf-! .l!l rn., Aif In. AlliHflt" f W.hti tmnwnili v f 4 C 43lll- 5 mM. 5

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