t VOLUME EIGHTY-FOUR. DURHAM, WC, DECEMBER 17, 1903. NUMBER FIFTY. Report of the Graml Jury. Last Friday afternoon the re port of the grand jury was sub mitted to the court, and the jury was discharged for the term. The report was as follows: REPORT ON PRISONS. State of North Carolina, Durham County, Dec. term, 1903. The grand jury has visited and inspected the county jail and city prison and find both in good con dition and the prisoners as com fortable as the crowded state of the jail would allow. NO JURY LIST KEPT. The grand jury has visited the register's office and find no jury list is kept; otherwise we find no irregularities as to providing jur ors in the county. HOME AND CONVICT CAMP. The grand jury has visited the county home and convict camp and find everything in good con dition at said camp. The county home we find in fairly good con dition, except as to some of the colored insane whose comfort should be better looked after. We find amongi tha white in sane one Laura Villiams whose right to be there we question. EXCELLENT SCHOOL. The grand jury has visited the Morehead school in the city of Durham and take great pleasure in reporting the most excellent condition of said school in every department, and one, well worthy of emulation. .K R..G. Russell, Foreman grand 'ivrf, eighth year and had been in de clining health for several years but no one expected that he would be taken so suddenly. De ceased moved to Durham from Stagville, this county, about ten or twelve years ago and had built up a friendship lasting and sincere among the better class of our people. The remains were laid in their last resting place in the city cemetery Wednesday evening, the funeral services be ing conducted from the saddened home by Rev. C. J. Thompson, pastor of the first Baptist church. This familyjihave the sympathy of our people in this their second bereavement inside of three months, as death took from the home a young lady, daughter of the deceased, just budding into young womanhood. Superior Court Adjourns. Durham county Superior court Saturday nightlNvhen a white adjourned last Saturday after man W tfte namf , ot Norman completing the docket for the Protor was struck the head term. The following cases were j with a bri thrown by- a negro disposed of since our last issue. ! name(i Dan Austin, who is em Oscar Johnson and John Gor-j Plo'ed bv tbe Durham Light & roll, convicted of stealing money : Power company. It is said that -$20 from Franklin Herndon, the tvvo mtn had some words in sentenced to three and two years, 'which the lie, was passed, and respectively, on the public roads; ! that Proctor turned to walk cu Johnson took an appeal to the ! when the neK threw a brick, supreme court. striking him on the back of the Ben Moore and Joseph Law- head, inflicting a very painful rence, selling beer. Moore fined i wound. Proctor was carried to $5 and costs, and Lawrence let ! the office of r. J. A. Smith, and off by paying the costs. (Doctors Smith -and fcitterson Dave Lvon. larceny of sroods ! oressea ana sewed up tne wound Chapel church, and it looks very nice. Miss Carrie Stallings and broth er, D. H. Stallihgs, went to see Misses Maggie and Mattie Perry, of Northside, last Saturday and returned Sunday. Rev. Chas. A. Sigmon will preach at Olive Branch next Sunday a. m. at 11 o'clock and at Roberson's GroveSunday even ing at 3 o'clock. This being his first sermon at this church. Mrs. Bailey, who has been sick f or some tirne is still sick, but her daughter4, JI(ss Lula, is im proving. ,i3", Olive Branch And Fletcher's Chapel Sunday -schools met at Fletcher's Chapel last Sunday and practiced for Christmas. Assaulted .by ft Negro. There was rig' t much excite ment on the streets of Durham from E. E. Thompson, sentenced to one year in the county jail, the order of the court being that The negro yt,i captured, and after some difficulty, was placed in jail. The affjufc y4ted much L. D. Emory, of North side, Granville county, was in town on Tuesday of this week. A candy factory is a new in dustry just begun in Durham. A Young Rigsbee was the first to come and secure a watch. See our offer in this issue" and secure one of these watches. It is reported that the Inter- general wholesale and retail busi- State telephone will have con- ness will be conducted at the trol of the Durham field,as the factory near five points. Bell company will close up its ex- There was a fire in the picker cnane room of the Golden Belt Manu- E. C. Matthews, who has been facturing company last Monday sick at Richmond for some time, afternoon, causing a loss of be- is here on a visit to his parents, tween $3,500 and $4,000. The where he will spend some time, fire department was not called, hoping that the change will ben but the factory hose was used. efit him. A large still was destroyed by There has been good breaks of revenue officers last Friday night tobacco on the Durham market near Little River church, Orange this week, and it is generally county. This still was of 125 supposed that the bulk of the gallon capacity, and was com- crop will be disposed of before pletely destroyed by the officers Christmas, who went out from Durham. ; Efforts are being. made to pur. No airosts were made. chase right of way for a raiIroad We learn that Mr. Will Wheel- from East Durham to Haywood, er, a young farmer, living near a station on the Seaboard Air Stagville, in this county is very Line ro-id near Hamlet. This low with pneumonia and is not proposed road will run by Sear's expected to live. Mr. Wheeler mill, and will go through a good has many friends who will hope timber section. Definite plans that his physicians have been will be decided upon by the first unnecessarily alarmed, and that of January,?! he will soon recover. George Atwater who robheJ Dr. Geo. A. Carr, son of Dr. letters from the postoffice here, I. N. Carr, went over to Oxford was sentenced to the Atlanta Sunday and when he returned penitentiary for three years. The Sunday evening he was accom- little negro, Richard Hall, who . panied by Miss Bettie May Hunt, opened a letter of his kinsman of that place. A license was was sent to a reformatory for procured and Kev. s. s. isost three years, lhese cases "carae t .., , united them inSnarriage at St. j up in the Federal4 cputfatal-V. , Philips church Suriday night. eigh last week. t- " ; , V, . j tltirorK Jlrawn. ' At the last session of the coun ty commissioners th ..following jurors were drawn : ,r January court: CRIMINAL COURT. R. J. Atkins, V. II. Wilkins, G. M. Parrish, S. M. Snider, Al onzo Pickett, L. M. Grein, E. C. Thompson, F. M. Tilley, . J. J. Loughlin, V. II. McCabe, S. D. O'Briant, W. M. Iloundy, II. S. E-Ms, W. J.' Svett, C. E Kin?, ...rhall Cook,Y7. D. Scott, Sam Hail, W. II. tyvland, S. F. Bul lock, W. A. Breeze, C. P. Whit field, E. J. Carlton, W. J. Hack ney, J. Hugh Holloway, , C. L. Markham, J. B. Andrews, 2. F. Bobbitt, J. G. Piper; R. E. Lynn, O. M. Mangum, C.fkiag, J. R. Cates, A. J. Lloyd, IL B. Cham berlain and Charles Piekett. CIVIL COURT , First week. S. L. Woods, Ped "ford Hill, W., W. Cheek, J. C. Hopson, S. Miller, Henry Frank lid, Hugh Green, C. W. Garrard, D. E. Ferrcll. W. D. Blalock, Bnum Tilley, Sam Mangum, W. T. Flinton, George L. Lyon, M. T. Rich, W. B. Bagwell, Thonw M. Gorman, W. A. Green. Second week. Albert Kramer, J. F. Terry, J. A. Latta, T. M. Beves, Currie Tilley, W. S. Col clough, L. " C. Oldham, J. P. Cutts, J. K. Chamblce, E. II. Veazey, W. A. Clark, J. W. Fer Ferrell, Jr., Thomas L. Bailey, S. T. Whitted, C. II. Stone, A. A. Abernethy, E. T. Rollins and H. L. Umstead. . Illwl Tuetlay. Mr. John J. Paschall died sud denly at hii hjme in this city Tuesday about one o'clock with hear trouble. , Mr. Paschall was in his fifty- T. J. Mm T4a fMf . negrocaiV no?N ciobbo(.u Proctor ia 'gettivng; vety nicely at present, '-j U'a prelimi nary hearing thcejro's bond was fixed at $100,-hkh he gave. The trial will be h J the Janu ary term of court. ' -' Hollhluy Kxc'iiijiii TIcVti.' One and one ih'rd first clas? fare, via Norfolk &' Western j Railway will be add, to the pub- lie Uecember Zir: 24 25, CO, 31 and Jan 1st" Final limit Jan. 4th, 1904. , .; . Upon presentvion" and surren der of, certificaIv3"i:irne4biy Su perintendent, Priru:al or Presi dent of College ogchool, ExAtr sion tickets will' sold to stu- Armstrong, for man slaughter. The prisoner entered a plea of guilty. Witnesses were called ard the. judge sentenced him to one years hard labor cn the roads. Joseph McKen2i?, a negro, was tried lor attempted rape and ac quitted. He has been in jail for about 12 months. Several small cases were called and settled, but were of no spe cial importance. Th i xse of Kelly vs the Dur ham'Jraction Co. which was re turned (rom the Supreme court, it having sustained the decision of the lower, court; was ordered complied with, but Jthe attorneys ground that this - was aiminal iP!6 Zf'' the judge had no right to make the order. The business of the term, was completed about 10 o'clock Satur day morning. Ifro.nl wny Xt'W-K. F. I. No. 4. Messrs. J. T. Hicks and G. C. S tailings are at Raleigh, attend ing Federal court , There has been a mistake as to the name of the new school house near Mr. StSing's." It is Min eral Spring High School, and not Watt's school. The teacher and scholars of this school have agreed to throw a rock at any who may call it Watt's school house in the future. There are now 40 pupils enrolled at this school and Prof. A. C. Weatherly, who is a very able and expe rienced teacher, is doing good work. N. C. Freeman's mother, who now lives with him, is very sick. She Is about 92 years old. The painters have almost fin ished the painting of Fletcher's Additional ! infurmajion upon ap'cation to -Ag its of Norfolk & Wcbtern Rai'w&vL W. A c. r. 4. 1 licks 1 '.) t .!m.tiu- The Rev. Irl R.Aicks Almanac for 1901 is now reaW. It will be mailed to any mL'ress for SO cents. It is surnrf' Injf how such an eicgant, cos J.v book can be sent propaid i ei. -cheaply. - No family or person jii prepared to study the heaven &( or the storms and weather in 1 X1, without this wonderful HickMilmajac and Prof. Hicks splcnd and Works. Bothi one dollar a &t, mm t ' works is aruorg: Mafasines. LiRf many', it is too need lyther com! men hav . labori for the public, wanna Jiac' ... . .. ... t . n i - nfKtnin Nnnn Works Publish cust St, St. L Diamonds, Watches,' (k Eyes Examined ancj. Glasses Fitted bv 4 Graduate Optician.. ' ; : r. " , ; ' , , Satisfaction Guaranteed R. T. Hpwerton & Son Krrrt -m mi , k T I" id papcf, .Wcrl Vyj f '.l iind Ii v ."i i- i puberal Directors anri Snibalmera - . Carry the best line of Coffins, Caskets, Robes Burial Supplies to be had in j fim nifv jhfl do thfi bnsfc work. All or- ' ' - i dors will Aveive prompt attention' day or mgnu State rhon197. Bell Phone 63P. t I s