THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. lESSON XII, FOUHTH QUARTEH. INTER KATICNA'. SCP.ItS, DEC. 0. , ' Text t the, 1 Kir.)f! s. 11 ant! Mntt. It, 1-12 Jluiwry V.thoh. I KiuKs X, ;-!; Mntt. I!, ip-U-Q 1,1 ... cn Texl, Prov. nU. S, usd Matt, 1. Si toaiuentarr Prepared l- iter. D. St. Stearin. ' ' i'oprrtsM. 1303, by American Prosi Assoou'ion. 1 As wi have a choice cf lossons for wee k, or, bettor still, two gooil U ons which nicely run toseU-W. we pur fos? giving, a, summary of each. In each lesion we aw the great ones of earth coming from far eouuti'es to worship the Lord, the Kins of Israel, and to bring lllm gifts, pointing us on irard to the time when Isa. lx. 1-3. 10, tt. ami tho whole chapter ns well as all the prophecies concerning Israel's furtive glery shall be fulfilled In the on of David, the Son of Abrahum. As to the lesson in I Kings x. con cerning the queen of Shebn. the fact that this visit is fully recorded both ere and in II Chron. ix, and that our ton! Jesus Himself referred ta it IMatt. xii, 42) niafks it iis an event of iore than ordinary importance, and nr Lord's reference to it points to a time? and fulfilment .vet f uture. It was aot the fame of Salomon, but the fame f Solomon concerning tlie name of the Lord, that led her to visit Jerusalem, nd she looUed upon Solomon ns king for th Lord his God, sitting on Ills throne (II Ch'rnn. Ix. S. She 'brought a:ncft gold arid precious stones and j abundance of spices, hut King Solomon i yave hor all her desire, whatsoever she in addition to that which ho! gave her of las royal bounty. She al6 i wamuirK-d with Jiim of all that was in I Her Lt ait. and by bis Uji! given wis-j iom he, told her nil her ;':istioiis. She : tunir l-Mlm wlth presents for the far fsmd king and po!!ily thinking a good deal of herself, but she eoaft .wd that the half of Ids glory hnd not been till hrr, and rf:e r .,tu;-i d to her own land cuptiwl of self and laden with lis jfavors. A sight cf the glory of God to the face of Jesus Christ' will :cffec tualiy bllud. us as to. the Importance of ?If and the attractiven-ss of this pres ent World. See Acts vIL 1-5: xxvl, 12 20; Job xliL 5, C; Isa. ri. 5: Datr. s, 8. . Wfcmi His word l our guide. Ill glo ry our aim. His will our delight. Him silf our all lu'aiKwe shall be blind to a:f -.el e. , In . v"v.Jani she had ttrord of Solo! rycH his God (verse Ci- mt Save borne a- t vk xv -a-'ii MIXED METAPHORS. The industrious Mr, Lucy has lately been' collecting a bundle of mixed metaphors, Irish and others, 4 which he. has heard from his high perch in the gallery of the house of. commons. The Chronicle has one quite Worthy to be utlded to the collection, for it says that "Mr.- Bal four s snc-ep . hoped for bread, but he gave them a stone." Tho image of .a hungry Southdown sniffing at a loaf in the hope of finding it edi ble and then breaking his teeth on a geological specimen is full, of pa thetic beaut,. Bat really all dis turbances of style in the discussion of the fiscal qi:e,stion are only symp toms of the disturbance of inintl and spirit 'which Mr. Chamberlain has caused, and the immortal Mrs. Lirriper herself, no bad hand at a confusion of metaphors, might have truly said that his bombshell has "bred fruitful hot ..water for all parties concerned." Manchester Guardian. '' - ': . ; He Kmw What He Was. . There are times when the most tactful of men are taken aback by sorae unexpected retort. Such an experience befell King Edward of England in connection with the vis it of the South African contingent of colonial troops to London at the termination of the Boer, war. , One of the Cape 6couts was an unmis takable mulatto, with a magnificent record for gallantry, however. The king was reviewing the men, walk ing down their extended Rne, and occasionally speaking to one of them. Opposite the colored pan he Stopped. " ' ,i 'And who are you, my man?" he asked. ' "I'm a nigger, yoiiah majesty." The. "most tactful ruler in Eu rope" nonplused by ths nn'ook ed for reply, but'.hrrnamiged to say: "Good !" Then remain so, my brave fellow." With th'U he passed on. Success. . ' - Plants 'That Shcot Arrows. The arrows- cre crystal needles of oxalate, of lime of tnicro.scopie di; mensions and are shut from minute capsule shaped bodies found in" the tissues of such plants as the Indian t;iro,: Dr. Women as Wall, as Men Are Mads " ; faille by : Kidney and Bladder Trouble. r Kidney trouble preyi upon thcinind, discouragesandlessensambition; beauty, vigor anq cneertm- vK- . r? nss n disappear wnen the kidneys are out of order or dis eased, v ' Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is. nnt nnrnn. born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too of ten, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and no(t to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty-. fT'-.. cent and one-dollar irftASfciTSb size bottles. VooroayEffi"Sa have a sample bottle SjiJlgggS by mail free, also av Boom of Swidp-Bool pamphlet telling alt about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dri Kilmer. & Co., Binghamton, K. Y., he sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the tsajnei Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Roott and the ad drew, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.- ' . ..'--, w s ur fl hj i BigBuy .P.rTw:,' :- - 7-. - -. . HEGflBL ECO. Branch house of the man ufactcry, and the largest in the v.-orld, can', sell. you. q, Piano for less money than a wholesale, dealer can,,' buy them. Our terms are easy, the retail 'dealer is not in it at all with prices and terms. Remember jspu can buy from w to- Kbow forth the .ath cuilt-d us Qiit A .... lie Himself hit told it so shine brfore men fus our good works and Fetter which Is In heaven Wk 'Many amonr the hca- fnr the first time btmr of the of UVl and of the redemption tfuit ii Christ Jesus for them ask. "How tong have you known thlsr "Why did jar! uot cone and tell us sooner that cr fathers might have beard ltr How can p!ople believe-1n Him of whom they have not beard T (Boui. x. U.I What shall we Kiy at the-Judgment sent of Christ concerning our un faithfulness to the trust committed to w to proclaim repentance and remis sion of lns In Hi name among all na tions t (Luke xxlv. 4W8. k. Concerning the Curislmas Tesson In Matt IL 1-12, and the familiar etory f the wise men who came from tho ' east to see and worsLlp the King of . fit... Vrr fn Amntiir nillevers ever think of Him or spak of Illm a the one who Is yet to rule God people Israel! (Verse 6.1 The words la Isa. lx, "Unto a$ a child Is born truto at mm is given." are so familiar and o mcb said and sung at the Christmas time, but shall we near anything of the n-st of the passage, of the throne of David and of Christ as sitting upon It and of the government that" shall be mn Ilia shoulder and or the peart when He shall reign? (Luke L 22. 33; lsa. xxxll, 1. 17.) If not. are we faith ful teachers, or do we then to declare the whole counsel of God because per- It might offend some"? VJe may ste to wait until "the morning" to all we would like to about these Bicnwbo they were, bow many reTrere, wnai tuvy new nwui iw Klna of tluJewe and how they knew, what land they came f r -ra, what was Crtt effect of their Udlngd Mpcja their country men when they Murn-d. etc tot they make us think of i's. Ixxu, 10, 11; Jer. liL IT, 18; Zecb. xlr. 13. as well as Isa. lx. That Herod and all Jerusalem should Le troubled because of Him makes us tMnk of Iter. tI, 15-11, wbei kings nd mighty men and all. great or email, chat) Jbe so troubkd that they shall err to mountains and rocks to crush them because f the wrath of the ltnb. According to the custom of oar time, these tneo should have given gifts the one to flier other when they nw the child, but Instead of that they are nil to Him, jfstnbea tlfc strordi- ia the field of hi iiHiToscope when the "boiubs" contained in a drop of taro ulp be ao; to dichare .- their arrows.. Sometimes onlv one or two needles and : sometbies rroups of four to ten were dicharged at once, 'the bomb recoiling aa .the projectiles eft it. Dr. Wilcv suggests that the intense burning and pricking expe rienced in chewing such plants as thow described are due to the re- ease and discharge of these mstal arrows when the plant tissues are criibhed in the mouth. i " " The Blase Shah. ' The ehah of Persia, who received loroe months ago from h'13 English friend the order of the barter, eaid to have the most tired appear ance of any of the reicning sovcr eigns. His eyea are wearid Ijr the siirht of everv luxury. Durinz Lis visit to England all the statuary was removed from .Marlborough House out of wgard for hia susccp- tibilitics, but he Ehowed smau in terest in his surround: ncs. One toy did excite his interest, howe'ver, and this was a tiny jeweled bird, which sang delightfully. The shah shoots excellently and has only sixty odd wives, as compared wnb the l,7Xv of his predecessor. Leslie's Week y- -: i ... eban X Truuwn tTIIJ. IMJUBi.iMmiJUHW, The make of Clothing by persons who are well paid, who are expert workmen, is essential for fit, style and durability. Such is our Cloth , ing. ,' The Clothing we sell is modeled on simple, but elegant lines, and everything about them is high grade except the price. Our Fall and Winter Clothing, Overcoats and Underwear cannot be equaled.. We will prove this if you visit our store. ' WV A. Slater Go. 'LOTIUKIV AND .'GENTS', KUKNISHEBS, M 't' ' W-:. Hl-Vv, .h-fHft:'!-! '. " "-"iv v;J ,- .iiSSV I r.l v : W:MahSt. ' v ;V. 1 mm wj;. j . up i , 1 1, 1 1 mm "T !. '-. '-. ., , - y f ' ' ,,.,y-A'w .--Mr,V-: tn.-. - 1 T O "TJ ATT' JP nr ". Funeral Directors O . tO. linUU " 06 JJ. and Embnlmpr?. dealer and mR " sate dealers profit ' Call at our store and - - - , . j . get Holiday prices. . 215 Main Street, Dnrtam. - M. T. Langley MANAGER. - $10,OOO Worth of MeVft' Bogs' AND , The Enjoyable Part. Mrs. Church Do you enjoy g in? to the theater? Mrs. Gotham No, I can't say that The cars are so fright fullyrowdcd, don't you know. ' But I lsys cnj'iy it after I get there. Von'kers Statesman. Xt hare neither frarnrd 0ht the Ckrltiuii Ummn or cr M? on aright unU we rtch for ourelves come to Ufynx Illtn ft our own prrtonai . idij ring inf to Him all . Late at glad thank ,offvf,t ,t may n m and it fom' .. known to tberi.' It w..m ,h.t led Xb"M tf p Tr.v. at If thef to Ih nHl.-rt,torea fb atar i nm W tbe child. tZ? u. " torn not Hi. YOUTH'S-: CLOTHING, . i HATS SHOES, To go at,Vc.iT Price from now until OCIii'jliR' IS. Also LadicsjSklrts, ; si-vocs, preesf Goods, . . i;ti, Kic , Call ah d sector Yourself. M.GLADSTER l1li4 Ey pain Street. . VOCHFIELD, ls ' iii cat V 1 irtTll V CftH 1 to IUOURS. - y .A- D hm Good i 1 1 r i 7,t me r y have Produce Artt-cLiM RHS- , HALS AT ALL It 7 PcaboJy St. Ready at all times; Day or Nicrht. to attend calls. Em balming done when wanted. Our stock of Coffins, Cas kets and Kobes is complete, and all work entrusted to us will have prompt and careful attention. ' Printers' iii xl iff J i J?- p fr nar . . m, rr V. roducts'l (IV (ft (IV n (IV (IV 'IV In their Best Forms come from Printers who Watch .Carefully for Improvements. We know how to do Good Printing, and do it well, as fl OUR WORK SPEAKS FOR US But the Printing we do for you will also speak well for your Business. Our Sign . means Correct Printing. il iii iii iii Jjf The Recorder Si! Job Office. 11 ZEB. P. COUNCIL, : Proprietor l 118 W; Main St., Durham N. C. C sij '-Si JSl vS5

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