r The DURHAM RECORDER. Semi-Weekly. EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. By ZEB. P. COUNCIL. Iestadlished 1820. WINNING COURTESY. "Entered as second class matter August 1903, at the postoffice at Durham, N. C., under the act of Congress of March 1, 1879- Subscription Rates One year Six months Three months 25 cents: Rates fcr advertising mane Known vu application. DURHAM, N. C, Jan. 8, 1907. The legislature met this week, and all that expected something may be preparing to receive what they want if they can get it. The New Year came and from outward appearance few people stopped work lung enough to make resolutions to be broken later on in the year. Ths Charm and ths Wisdom at tha Art of Saying "Thank You." The art of saying "Thank you" is one of the most charming accom plishments any one can acquire. Unfortunately it is a lost or forgot ten art with' many otherwise well bred and lovable individuals, and it is a pitv that so many find it such a ditlicult task to frame these two simple words. Too many take any courtesies or favors which may bis extended entirely as matters of course. Maybe we' said "Thank you" I or its equivalent very heartily and ...f 1.00' sincerely the firs,t time the small o cents ! boy next door did an errand for us, but as the small boy continued to run our errands and with the ut most willingness apparently we gradually got into the habit of ac cepting his courtesy as a matter of coursed and after a little we never thought it necessary to thank him or only did it perfunctorily. In deed we probably began to think our willing neighbor could do our er rands just a.s well as not, and it i9 not at all unlikely that we should bitterly resent his refusal to do so. The least any one cam do is to say "Thank you" for a favor or courte sy, whether extended by those with whom we come into daily contact or by strangers. The most disagreeable people im aginable and the most selfish and disgusting are those who take any thing at the hands of another with out showing any appreciation. True, most courtesies are extended with The superior court will relieve the jailer of some of his board ers and it is to be hoped it will re-inforce the road hands with I no hope nor desire for remuneration some able men that can do good;0' appreciation but nevertheless , every jterson ought to eonsider it a wori' ; bounden duty to give a tangible ex- . . . , . t ; pression of his appreciation for The indications are that Dur-j ourtesiea or favow; J10 niatt(.r hnw ham will begin by having two; srnall. F.von a cur will wag his tail haneines the same dav, but this i at a kind word or a put of the hand. as.c mo,n v,of cUo ia (minor I Whv should humans do !es? Xev- , , t t r ,l j! erthele-s this art of saving "Thank uac auu aum iuC fWu , you.. . not ;U M ef(!miK,n aml there chances that she missed in times .,,1,, w ...k,, anv smiro 1 1 i .j A Valuable Agent. The glycerine employed in Dr. Pierce's medicines greatly enhances the medi cinal properties which it extracts and holds in solution much better than alco hol would. It also possesses medicinal properties of its own, being a valuable demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic and anti ferment. It adds greatly to the efficacy of th Black Cherrybark, Golden Seal root. Stone root and Queen's root, con tained ln"Goldon Medical Discovery" In subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronchial, throat and lung affections, for all of which these agents are recom mended by standard medical authorities. In all cases where there is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomach, as in the early stages of consumption, there can be no doubt that glvcerine acts as a valuable nutritive and aids the Golden Seal root. Stone root, Queen's root and Black Cherrybark in promoting digestion and building up the flesh and strength, controlling the cough and bringing about a healthy condition of the whole svstem. Of course, it must not us expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption except in Its earlier stages. It will cure very severe, obstinj ate, chronic coughs, bronchial and laryn geal troubles, ar.d chronic sore throat with hoarseness. In acute coughs it is not so effective. It is in the lingering coughs, or those of long standing, even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs, that it has performed its most marvelous cures. Send for and read the little book of extracts, treating of the properties and uses of the several med icinal roots that enter into Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and learn irhy this medicine has such a w ide range of application, in the cure of diseases. It is sent free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Knffalo. Jf. Y. The "Discovery" con tains no alcohol or harmful, habit-form inn drug. Ingredients all printed on each n juj ig from diseases of longstanding, are invited hnttlrt ursnner in nlain English. Sick people, especially tnose sunenns to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictlv private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent res on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing tmlv. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 sumps for cloth bound copy. one by. It may be that their time has come to do duty in the Philli p'.nes, but just at this time when so much is being said about the discharge of negro soldiers, it appears as if the authorities were going ito punish all ne groes in the army. The important events of 1906 that have appeared in previous issues of The Rocorder are worth saving for future reference. Many important things otcurid during the past year that you will soon forget and it is well to have such things where you can find them. or gift without a word, or per chance on great occasion they will unbend far enough to utter a grunt. Sad to say. it is not unusual, with shame be it said, to run across per sons who are not a bit shy about finding fault if you don't do enough for them. It is a wise policy to cultivate a due appreciation of fa vors anl to learn to give auuibie expression to them. The practice of saying "Thank you" does far more for the one who says it than for him who receives. Pittsburg Press (Schedule in Effect Nov. 25, 1906.) DURHAM DIVISION. Ex Sun Daily Ex Sua Daily p.m a.ni. a.m. p..m 5:15 7:00 Lv Durham Ar .9:15 9:30 7:07 8:29 Lv Roxboro Ar 7:30 8mo 8:00 9:01 Lv Denniston Ar 6:53 7:27 8:2s 9:24 Lv S'th Boston Ar 6:35 T-S &4S 9'i9 Lv Houston Ar 6:09 6:49 11:50 12:15 Ar Lynchburg Lv 3:00 4:15 WESTBOUND LEAVE LYNCHBCKG DAILY. Bettie Gates "J ... . vs. Y Notice. Fletcher Cates. J The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Durham County for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he ia. required to appear at the next term of the Dur ham Superior Court, which will be held on the 21st day of January, I9O7, at the Court House of the said County in Dur ham, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the i5th day of December, 19J6. C. B. GREEN, Clerk of Superior Court. J. R. Holt ) vs. Notice. Mary Holt. J The defendant above named will take notice that an action, entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Durham County for an absolute divorcer and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Durham Superior Court, which will be held on the 21st day of January, 1907, at the Court House of the said County in Dur ham, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the i5th dsy of December, 1906. C. B. GREEN, Clerk of Superior Court. Administrator's Notice. Having this day qualified as adminis trator of Abe Truman, deceased, late of Durham County, this is to notify all persons indebted to the estate to come forward and make immediate payment and all persons having claims against the estate will present the same to the undersigned on or before the nth day of December, 1908, or this notice will be plean in bar of their recovery. This December 1 1, 190ft. II. A. FOUSHEE, Administrator of Abe Truman. Policyholders Meeting Notice is hereby given that the An nual Policyholders' Meeting of the North Carolina Mutual and Provident Asaoeia tion will te held at the office of the Companv. No. 116 Parrish street, io the . l . . . e .- -i . ..t- -1 r T fin n m The St. lauis Kinrm i v. iv 01 uurawn, n idc ui uj w j Pullman aleener. Roanoke to Coluni-: uarv. IQ07. at H O':lock m., at which hits Rlnefield in Cincinnati also for i time the directors for the following year Radford. Bristol. Knox-ille. Chatta- i will be elected and such other business nooga and intc. mediate points. Pullman transacted as may come before the meet Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. ng Durham superior court for the trial of criminal cases i3 in ses sion this week. There are quite ft number ot interesting cases to come up. among them being the contempt case of W. T. Rigsbee. I , the cae aaint J. B. Harris who killed Maynard Goss, and imn n -ta : many case. for selling whiskey. No Wtapons Required. Tne railway platform at Ileidel berg was crowded with hurryins people of many nationalities, but the American traveler from Con necticut, who was trying to reach his family, felt that one man push ed against him with unnecessary roughne. " here," he said, turning on the offender. "'.oil stop jostling me that nay." He had hardly exacted his words k b understood, but the young man whom he hai aecoswi drew 'f haughtily and said in ! :' Kndish, tinged bv a slight 7:00 a. m. r or Koanoke, Kocay Mount, Winston Salem, Radford, Bristol, Bluefield, Norton, Welch. 5:30 p. m. Daily for Roanoke. EAST BOCSD LEAVE LYNCHBCKG. 3:35 p. m. Daily for Farmntle, Rich mond, Petersburg and Norfolk Parlor Car. 2:50 a. m. For Petersburg, Rich mond aud Norfolk. Pullman sleeper to Norfolk. Also Pullman sleeper between Lvnchbnrg and Richmond. 850 a. in. Daily for FarmviHe, Peters burg, Richmond and Norfolk. Winston Salem Division. Leave Ro anoke 5:15 p. ra., except Sunday, for Winston-Salem and intermediate stations and 9.80 a. m. daily for same stations and Charlotte, N. C. North Carolina Divisions. Leave Pn laski 6:10 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Betty Baker and 8.2.; a. m. daily, cept Sunday, for Galax and Fries. Clinch Valley Division. Leave Blue field 9:15 daily, 9:2$ P- m- fr Norton. M. F. BRAGG. Trav. Pass. Agt. W. B. BEVILL. G.P. A.. Roanoke, Va.,Gen. Office, Roanoke.Va. this December i4th, 1906. A. M. MOORE, Secretary. Whill it appear that Gover nor Glenn consume? om? rnightv I a: ;n e ar -V. J;';.. ;., at .!, -ervice, sir, at any i' e. ,1 that's omethin2 the tnu-W. hooking :!? !"; ha:2htv voun good tirr.v in considering the Sale of Land. ."!- . By Virtue of an rlcr of the Superior Court, entitled Cornelia L Murray. vlmrs' of J. S. Murray, decease i, vs. j Murray, a:i wner tie - IS. n the iMh day of Ja the hiiMiC't MMer. forca House door, the following lands. Begin j tung at a stake 011 North al'ey VV T j llHturmc N. W. corner; then. ith Notice of Land Sale. Under and by virtue of the powers conferred upon me in a deed ot trust executed on the 22nd day of November, 19c2. by Henry Dillard and wife, as will aooear bv reference to book of Mortga ges No. 173, pp 295, 20 297 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Wak e Cowity, I will on Februarv oth. loo7. at i o'clock tn. offer for sale to the highest tlder for cash on the premises, that piece or Mtcel of land situaU-d in Wake Coanty. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Zachriah Rich. Lacy King and bis sis ter, W. W. King and others, bounded as follows: Betrinninsr at a hickory tree the N. E corner of the land herein described and runnig thence West 130 poles to a stake and pointers: thence South t2j poles and corners at a stake and pointers; thence East 136 pole to a black gam, thence ortn 123 poles to ine orgtnmng. con taininir 100 acres more or k-t.. This Mile i tiinde tiv reason of default in the payment of certain wte referred to in said deed of trust. VICTOR S. BRYANT. Trustee, mm KM mm "NUBLACK" Loaded Black Powder Shells Shoot Strong and Evenly, Are Sure Fire, . Will Stand Reloading. They Always Oct The Game. For Sale Everywhere. IF MONEY COULD BUY SIGHT Some people are so unfortunate in their methods that they put off wearing glasses so long that their vision fails far more than it ought to for their years. In the end they ate compelled to go to the expensive oculist, whereas had they takon the matter in time they could have been saved all this. It is not difficult to buy glasses, but to buy sight after neglecting it for years is another and a difficult proposition. Glasses in time save worry and expense. Dr. Nathan Rosenstein EYE SPECIALIST Cor. Main and Church Streets, DURHAM, N. C. r 3 sraasl Southern Railway t! KFFF.CT At'GVST 6, I905. This condensed schedule is published to Kfi'iV of case- in which h- i " yrant pardon, he e."-. now V) turn 'i .vi, .-cr cations when he has f..ih 'iirat'". and hr a!-o kr'.v: to .-t;-k to what he be!i?ve.- V . earn- t'.i- "K'. ofl'Tr corner, tiiff mkm information, and sul'iect to chanf' t, , -rood t',..' h?,'i,,c'n"! '5 mt l' ,C h, without notice to the public: v !. e t a ff KHl r,o.e, , M. s j.. corner, then., ; :. , sal- j Tr!llf)!i i.th;,m. N. C. ! I look-j', loss, n -!::e- h. M.tttoastu . lavid m. No. ill weatUwnd d .ilv U : '.-in't know how t ) 1 aUi Um. J"' """ n '! u " ' Orcensl.oro and local points, connoting stake. W T. Harjjrfjve's N. 1 corner: i , ..ti.. .u i. .. .... ,.,(. Bu'drs. I! -f !;. thence aith -aid Hargrove's lin- -'. feett-1 , ...i,w, v.nnh i.t t.. i 'iT , ' sonvilk . als with the WaMitngton and 'j) be rijrht in most cases. Thk preeLt legislature ha rr.uny important thinjrs to claim their attention, and it h to bv hoped that their time will be "per.t in ic rious consideration of matters that have been rrT.tioned n aimst evfry newsf-aper in th- l 4 staK-. to tlie iicgttininif, 'et:. the Strahoni land, lot N. X. ; f i.avan,i arwl man J. K. H'tweli tiy J. I t..W:, fatllf't- ! Registered in tKKik 2. tag'- o! Kej.'iter -it iieeiis, iHirti.'im I iVoml teiiHnt house on said I.-. it 1j o-'. !jlk M. A. M. M .-late .:n.r -uch r .'-a facilit. i the last : tho r:,t , ; e, . . ; i for the the -tabii e'.v months, mportant o:' ir,cr"a-" of fare of the f.': ' ' of a ' Jl to - ..it" - ,1 I. . M . were most in-1 - In tii eo ir- of f .rt::r built the N- i,'i-t;ii and tli' f 1. 1 : f arid llerren , t' . : rid'H! by hi:i moli'i'i;' : -t ? lyui fua : to aratifv . . ;; " h-ip-li-. ' '': ". i .-! lower f.'-fi ' H- .Te;;te-t I".' t ' -;'r, . : t l- '!, ',f' ha.sed Murray i ollict County. d. Sale Ri:, i . if h reformatory for r,a!-. at.'i many yo :thf j! crimi- , j fi-).. h- -a Oh - ; i'l'j-, ; ' . for to ! I 'i...- f;i' Coiiiiiii sioner. Land Sale Hot .-I. ANIi MT ON SI TH ST. fn'N-r and by virture of a ctr'ain deed of (rust frotK Tbottms J. Wit. ;on and wife to II. A. I-'oiishe", tliite.! October 1 ; . ! registered in th- ofiice f h- re r of i',eds of lurh:: County, in Hook of Nf'irtf .it. J.;i." IR;, the ',im- ha- itig 'n gn 11 to sec 'C a cer- nil nolp tbcreiti dcs ri!el, a' ! ilefau'it having iin id- in the wvt , tit of tl.e ;rinci;.il of id indehtedtic- and tli ini- rest, and let?mnd having en made '!jti the iind rsiiftied trustee i , sell the i.ind thf r-m comeved, I will on chans ! ia. that are now needed. 'r'i&rMl, tt 4ii D tf Fell- !.. in l my, 1907. .'Tlil, has been said of i in a pubiie way for some tirw. but we do not suppose that the promoters of the Krd road ; i-r-o?!" w:, ihu'd their ft!t":t have a frtater visual ::. ,'..' eye '.Wi ;n the other. .' . to th" fev.f tive put- movement that was bejrun here , vjme time ao are goinj to neg lect to bestir themselves in the interest of the move that pro mises jkj much to the county. Arrangements should be made to have an ikction on the cjue-tion Uh n ftn uf tM Wj of isyirK n'h for more awl A,.,)UlH 8K0ft sighttJ as th Ger- roads for ihirham county and rr.in h,l outdvr athletic game? fvr oti interested should d Mi' 4'ht ?, r tr '! iu". T.?m ati'l left eye, 1 wen ktwn ottitiafi finds that t person occu':Hif writ:a? all day has a rtilcs, stron'.'f vision in the left. Vt'r.tir ? w th the right Land, and his left arm re'tin the table, hia left eye k nearer hit work, arid its vision is tuor concentrated tt twelve oiock tn.. at the V,rl Honse dow, in the rity of liurlmtti. offer for sale, at public outcrv, to the highest bid drr. frrsh, the following inscribed lot of Und situate in the 1 it) of Durham, Imrhmn crxinty. North Carotin.i. adjoin ing the lands of F. C. Jeer, '. C. Ear thing, and other: ftegimiing at a stake on the sidewalk oti West nide of South street, in the city of Imrham.corner of F.C. r.eer and Mrs, A. U. Markhnm; thence N. f,;i, W.t i!i4ins 17 links to a stake, thence S. Ti'A, W. 1 chain 5V l)k to a stake; thence S, 7'4. t chains 17 links to a stake In the ide alk on west side f South street; thence with the name 1 chain y links to the begmtimg. This is the lot on whit h T. J. Winston no resides slid at-rriteyi'i to him by . m er.ou.ajred ia oux bailie,1' w-ne by dated June 16, 1H94 ' Tln Jan f. iy.7. 1. "' - If. A. lot SHhlv, Trustee. Southwestern Limited, vlid Pnntn.n train, for AtlatiU, Itirmingham, Mem phis. Montgomery, Mobile, and points south. 3:40 a.m., No. Mi, eastbound, daily for Cold ihoro and local stations, connect ing at OoidsWo with Atlantic Coast I,me for Wilmington, Trlnro and Ntjr- folk, and with Atlantic St North Carolina Kaiiway lor Mnmon ini .sew wrn, 7:00 a. m.. No. i6i, miied, Tuesdays, Thurvlay and Saturdays for Keysviile and local stations. 9:20a.m., No. loS esstlound, daily for ColdsV.ro and local stations, con necting at Sclina for Ailsn. Kocky Mount. Norfolk diet Kastern North Caro lina (minis. 9:40 a. fit., No. u6,,daily for Oxford, Chase City. Keysvilleand Kichtiiond and 1ms1 point. Handles through coach between Kalrigh, Durham and Rich mond. to:oo a. m.. No. I07, westlioutid, daily, for reensUiro and local tatmns, con necting at Oreensboro with t . 8, Fast Mail for Washington and New York ami points North: close connection with train for Charlotte and local stations, also for VVinston-Salem. 3:15 t. tn., No. 136, eakthound, daily, fr fioldstiffTO and focal pints. 4:30 p. tn., No. 135, westbound, daily, for CrecnsWo and local stations, con necting at Greensboro with train No. 24 for Charlotte, Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Pullman sleeper and first class day roach Washington to Jackson ville without change. Also connects with train No. 35. U. 8. Fast Mail, for Atlanta and all points South and South west. 4:4) p. tn., No. 174. rnlaed, daily cept Sunday, for Keysvill and local stations. 6 45 p. m., No. tlS, daily for Raleigh and local points. John B. Gbamam, Agent, Durham, N. C. R. L. VERMojf. T. P. A.. The Cable Company 108 CHURCH STREET Pianos and Organs The Largest Manufactories in the World Will give you Double Value for your Money in an Organ from Now Until Christmas. The Cable Co. 108 CImrcli Street. o:M. T. LANGLEY, Manaeer. CM B SERVE YOU ? A good mechanic needs good tools. A good farmer needs good implements. .Everyone that has needs in our line should secure some thing good. We Sell Only Hie Best Hardware We can also supply your wants In little things that are daily needed around the house, such as Screen Doors, Screen Door Hinges, Screen lw Springs, Screen Ioor Latches, Screen Itoof Chc, Screen Door Knola, Screen Wire, Torch and Uwo Swings, and useful articles too numerous to mention here. If yon . visit our store you will see many things yoa live been needing. TAYLOR & PHIPPS Co. Cor. Parrinli and Manum St Durham, X. C. what i.t can toward that end Charlotte, N. C.