6 IN REV Ts'otable Occurrences of the , . : Year. flATURE'S FURY LET LOOSE A Clarified Sumtrtary of World ' Events Item of Personal Inter estFatal Explosions and Col " Unions Disasters at Sea Sporting Events Conventions. ' CONVENTIONS JANL'ART. Is, Seventeenth annual convention of the United Klne Workers met at Indian-.- ' spoils.- "J" rCDRUART. 7. The Woman's National Buffrag ssso : elation met in Baltimore. MARCH. iS. National assembly of the TJnltcd Mine Workers of America opened In Indian apolis. APRIL T, International postal congress oixmed at Rome by King Victor Emmanuel and Queen Helena, 11 Fifteenth rongreaa of the National So ciety Daughter of the American Rev clutlon In Washington. 25. Annual reunion of the United Ccnfed rate Veterans at New Orleans. MAT. L Fifteenth national convention Daugh- ' ters of the Revolution met In Phil delDhla. Annual congress of the National Society Bona of the American Revolution met In Boston. JUL, 31. Pan American congress opened at Rio Janeiro; Ellhu Root, secretary of state, the lauding representative of the United States. ABOl'ST. 11 Fortieth annual encampment of the G. A. R. met In Minneapolis. SEPTITUMKn. t The International Alliance of Wom an's Suffrage Associations met la Co penhagen. OCTOBER. It The American Bankers' association met in convention In St. Louis. 11 Triennial world's convention 'of the W. C. T. U. met In Boston. Jl National convention of the W. C T. U. met In Hartford. Conn. MQVEMSCH. 11 Twenty-sixth annual convention of . the American Federation of Labor be gun at Minneapolis. 11 National Bap us t congress convened at St Louis. 30, TransmissiMlppI congress met la Kan ss City. DECEMBER. 1 California Miners' association met in San PranciMMi. 1 National senatorial amendment con' ventlon met in Des Moines. National waterways congress met in Washington. 91. The American Association For the Advancement of Science met in New York city. Ellhu Boot, I MISCELLANEOUS of King Joachim Murat, Napoleon's famous cavalry leader, killed by his own auto In Munich. - -. AUGUST. ' " ' Strike of llthocraphers, Involving fW.000 workmen In the United States and Canadu, begun. , Milwaukee Avenue Stat bank closed Its doors in Chicago with a deflctt of 11.000.000. 24. Frank J. Hippie, president of the In solvent Real Estate Trust Company or. Philadelphia, took his own life at Bryn Mawr. 25. In an attempt to assassinate the Rus sian premier, Stolypln, at St. Peters burg by a bomb 25 people were killed and many injured; Stolypln escaped Injury. Gen. Mln, an officer of the personal suit of the csar, killed by a young woman, who fired five shots Into him from a revolver. 21 The Real Estate Trust Company of Philadelphia, whose president. Fran W. H'pple, committed suicide on the 24th. closed Its dodrs with liabilities placed at 110,000,000. SEPTEMBER. 15. Gen. Trepoft. the Russian "terror," commandant of the Imperial pamto and formerly head of the police, died at Peterhof. 19. Gen. Nicolalff of the Russian artillery assassinated at Warsaw. 21 Race Hots In Atlanta; mapy negroes killed. 2t Centennial of tho discovery of Pike's neak celebrated at Colorado Springs. tl. Bloodtood Haviland Cutter. Mark Twain's "poet lariat," otherwise known as "the farmer poet," died at Prospect Hill, N. Y. OCTOBER. 2, The notorious Al Adams, policy king and ex-eonvlct, took his own life in New York city. t The armored cruiser North Carolina launched at Newport News. to. The banking house of J. M. Ceballos ft Co. of New York and Havana fall ed as a result of defalcations by the agent in Cuba, Manuel Sllveira, who absconded. n Mae Fndven ft Co.. London bankers. suspended payment, with liabilities of over tfl.000.000; Mac Fadyen committed suicide. NOVEMBER. L News of Peary a trip to the "farthest north" reached the United States. tl. Esther Pamon. last widow pensioner on tha roll of the war of the Revolu tlon. died at Rutland: aged 92. tl Balloonists Usuetll and Crlspl crossed the Alps at the height of 20.500 feet. encountering a temperature of 114 de- greea C. below treeslng. 11 Bomb eKploded with vicious Intent In side St. F. tr s at Rome at the close of mass; no one injured. DECEMBER. 1 "Black Paul" (Flora .Batson), a color. ed concert singer, died In Philadelphia; aed 38. 1 Mohammed All Mlrsa, son of the shah of Persia made regent during his fa ther e illness. . Sylvia Gerrlsh. once popular light opera singer, widow of Judge Henry Hilton's son. died in New York city. 11. Church separation law went Into ef fort In France. EGovernor Franklin J. Moses of South Carolina, noted flgmr In recon struction days, died at Wlnthrop, Mass. It a constitution granted to the Trans vaal. It Demonstration in favor of France checked by soldiers in Rome. tne world's baseball championship in Chicago. . 14. Yale defeated Harvard at football by a score of 6 to 0 at New Haven. DECEMBER. L In the army and navy football contest at Philadelphia Annapolis defeated West Point 10 to 1. f. Willie Hoppe ran out 312 In a practice game In U.2 balk line billiards in Chicago. 15. Eddie Root and Joseph Fogler won the six day cycle race at Madison Square garden; score, 2,292 miles 2 laps. . . ' 1ANCART. 1 A strike of printers, extending over the United Stutrs and Canada, Inau gurated. IT. M. Tsliroy. retiring French charge d'affaires in Vritftuela, expelled from that country. 11 M. Msubouryt. the charge d'affaires of Vn-ta U In Paris, ordered to leave Franc. ". The Slmplnn t mtn-1 opened to rail way paaaengtr truffle. rRDKfSMT. 10. England s mnnbr bHlehip Brad rtousht launched ! King Edward at rrtmi;tj. 27. K riot In Springfield. O. AltH. t-1 Fight between i'i. Ijenn.ird Wood's fr.rrm nt tl Slr ri Mi:int InJ; (4 Moron ktilxd. n nd the trwj suffer ed a of 15 Mlld an-i 3 wounded. 11 vrtl')it rendered by tho '.'nited Stjtun m.r tnt' ourt that corporations ; mutt vrtut-e their lMks and pnp r and unwer i tirt in action brought by the government. IT. Joh.mn Mt, notd anreh!t. ll d In I'lnonn.itl. S. Jtt OH J. Humphrey of the t'niied States ditrkt court granted the Im munity Hose of officer of five pack ing firm tiiuU r Indictment for eim piracy in restraint of trade In Chi cago. AfRtU 4 Paul Koowt, the Belgian cutptr and amateur aeronaut, killed by falling from his bullwin on I ."tig lxlumt. 11 Msxlm Gorky, or IVshkoff. RuasWin author and revolutionist, arrived ' in New York on a tnisnlon to raise funds fr the revolutionary cause. 1?. Bicentenary reicl.rntlnn f Benjamin Franklin Mrth hon In Philadelphia. 3i The remnlne of P,nil J-ni s rntomhed in a crypt at Ann.ipoln with eer moni". Ji. Unveiling of utatue tt llenjnmln Franklin awompiinh'd by a celebration In Pans, MAT. I. Anthracite miners voted to ren'ime work under the s ste of 190. L S Amertcnns killed in a rax wsr al Csnsne.i. M"lco. 1 Morales, the Madrid bomb thrower, committed suicide after dispatching a mis id who attempted to arrest him. Id Christian Science temple dedicated at Itoaton In the pressm of ,W feopte. tl Jewish masucrs at Btalystuk. Rus sia. U. Cor, tinned attacks on th Jews at filatyetofc. SI C B, Tflpter, Inventor of 'liquid air; Cled at 1-lbertr. N. Y. JL Harry Kendall Thaw of Pittsburg abut and killed Stanford White, noted architect, In New York. JUL. It Itonflurss declared war against Gua temala, becoming tho ally of Salvador. 11 Armistle declared between Salvador and Honduras and Guatemala. M. Treaty of peace between Ouatemala and Salvador and Honduras signed by cnmmlMloners of tho bclllecren'. et.iu-s on l-osrd tkt United States crc!er MarMehead off the Guatemalan t.-ast . 1M Filipinos CPuisJenes) killed in UU tie r. "t -i-e'efirt txs near lv:r.e . l!si4tt of In-yie, M Prince CuKonc Murat, 7rat-grnnd:n JAMtMRT. II F. II. Mariott broke the world's auto mobile record by driving- tho Stanley steamer a mile in 11 4-S seconds at tVrmond. Fla. 21 F. H. Mariott broke tho world's auto reco d made by him the 2Sd by driving the Stanley steamer a mile In & 14 second at Ormond, Fla, ZL Clifford Ear scored a new 100 mile auto record by making tho run In hour 15 minutes 4024 seconds at Or- Biond. Fla. MARCH. 11 Battling Nelson defeated Terry Mc Govern la a six round contest In Phil adelpi.la. arniL. a. George F. Slosson won the H I balk line billiard championship of the world In New York city, defeating Jacob fi. haefer with a score of 500 to J In 15 Innings. 21 The Hi) mpic games opened In Athens MAT. L rie of the Olympic garnet at Athens, Greece, In which American athletes won niopt of the event, capturing the national tro- j m. T Phy; Martin J. .V Hhvrld.in wrni 17 I I f J 1 . , t""n " he fS m H, If x'V '-i 19. Amerw.ui t -im. K.r II : n n the Kt niHi hv I K-rb ot I,tiSvi!ie ;r.iii: won h IlftoM Metrnollt;in stakes at Belmont I'ark. V '- Tok.ilon won the " V, Br'ioklvat Ititndliap at Gravrsmd. 21 Kdward Pnyson Weston, the Inn dlst.tnre walker, wslke,! from 1'hlU ahtphl.i to New York, W mll. s. In 23 hour S mlnuten. he made on the same course In 1J by 22 minutes. 20. Speam lnt won the English Derby. Burgomaster won the i.o. ueimont stakes at Belmont park. JANUARY. 1 Earthquake shock at Masaya, Nica ragua. T. Earthquake shock In Missouri, Kan sas and Nebraska. 26. Severe earthquake shocks In Arizona and New Mexico. FEBRUAnT. The Society and Tahiti groups of Is lands damaged to the extent of $1,500, 000 by a cyclone; deaths, 150. 2L An e8e,l"juake followed by a tidal wave resulted In a loss of life esti mated at 2,000 on the coast of Colom bia. MARCH. 24 deaths In a tornado that swept over Meridian, Miss.; property loss, $1,000, 000. 17-20. An earthquake destroyed several prosperous towns In Formosa, causing a loss of 2.000 lives (estimated) and property damage of $45,000,000. APRIL. 1 Violent explosions In Mount Vesuvius, accompanied by streams of lava and showers of cinders over the surround ing country as far as Naples. 1. The town of Bosco Tre-Case, on the southern slope of Vesuvius, and 2.000 acres of cultivated land In the vicinity burled under lava and ashes. 1 Continued destruction around Mount Vesuvius, accompanied by earthquake shocks: many towns abandoned. 14 Earthquake shock at Kagl and vicin ity. Formosa; over 100 deatns reporteo and thousands made nomeiesa, 11 An earthquake shook San Francisco and the surrounding eotmrry at s. a. m., rwduelnir many buildings in the city to ruins, which Immediately took Are. Commu nication by wire with San Francisco was cut off for some hours. Many deaths occurred, from the earth quake. San Jose and Santa Rosa damagi'd by the same shock and many livts lost. The tremor was recorded as far east as Albany, Gen. Fuxston. N. Y. 19. Fires continued In San Francisco, Ov.-r 3MO.0O0 homeless people gathered In the parks and open country around the city. Tha water mains being de stroyed by the earthquake, no water could be had to fight the fire. Many buildings were dynamited. Gen. Fun stun, commander of the department of California, assumed control of the city to keep order and care for the home les. President Roosevelt Issued a proclamation asking: aid for the people of San Francisco. 20. Ftra checked in San Francisco. Total deatha In the earthquake calamity, 4.DI. Financial loss from earthquake over 1SO.000.000; by fire $330,000,000. 2L 13 earthquake shocks In succession in Tuscany. 25. An earthquake shock alarmed San Francisco, doing slight damage. ACOt'ST. IT. Earthquake In Chile; It cities affected. "Valparaiso being almost destroyed;: estimated deaths 1000 and property lots about $50,000,000. SEPTEMBER. 11 Typhn struck Hongkong; deaths es timated at 14,000 and property loss ooo.w. IT. Earthquake shocks in Porto Rico. OCTOBER. I Floods caused extensive damage to property on the line of the Mexican Central railway and destroyed 12 lives. The great lakes visited by the worst storm experienced there since lV-; many lives lust. II Cyt-lono and tidal wave wrecked turns, s and shipping on the Honduras coast, doing damage estimated at $1. .'. 11 A West India h irricone accompanied by it thill wave auil grit !! ruc tion aii.l heavy l.w of life In Cuba and on the Florida count. NOVEMBER 1. Storm iKvastat.d the French coast a list ir.re of mis-, wrecking numer ous resort;' d.inwR". CWW. T. Earthquake site k tasting 30 seeom! f. It on the I'alifornla coast. 11 Fj.-rco storm ept over MmsbMH'l Arkansas and Tchihssc, 8 deaths. A "Woman!s Health Is a heritage too sacred to be experimented with. For her peculiar and defflctde aihne,nts only medicines of known composition and which con taithiitt akxfcqjNrcotics, or other harmful or habit-forming drugs should tscjroplottiws The one medicine which fulfills all these require ments is Pr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a remedy with a record of over forty yea. of cures to recommend it ; a remedy, the makers of rint its formula on every bottle-wrapper and attest its complete ness and correctness under oath; a remedy devised and adapted to worn" an's delicate constitution by an educated physicianan experienced specialist in woman's diseases; a remedy, every ingredient of which has received the written endorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice for the cure of woman's peculiar diseases; a. remedy which has more bona-fide ynres toits credit than any other sold by druggists for woman's special requirements. It is not' given away in the form of "trial bottles" to be experimented with, but is sold at a fair price by all dealers in medicines. Superior Court, Delicate, weak, nervous women should especially shun the use of alcoholic medicines which, from their stimulat ing and exhilerating effects may seem, for a time, to do good, but which from the inevitable effects of the alcohol in shrinking up the red corpuscles of the blood are sure to do great and lasting harm in the long run. Besides tbey beget a craving for stimulants which is most deplorable. Only invigorating and nerve strength ening effects can follow the use of this famous medicine for women. It can not possibly do harm in any state or condition of the System. It has been carefully adapted to woman's needs by an experienced physician a specialist in their diseases. It makes weak wom en strong and sick women well. If a woman has bearing down, or dragging pains, low down in the abdo men, or pelvis, backache, frequent headaches, dizzy or fainting spells, is nervous and easily startled, has gnaw ing feeling in stomach, sees imaginary floating specks, or spots before her eyes, has melancholia, or "blues," or a weakening disagreeable drain from pel vic organs, she can make no mistake by resorting to the use of I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It will invigor ate and tone up the whole system and especially the pelvic organs North Carolina, ) Durham County f Millie Davis I Notice of Summons and v. V Warrant of Attach William Davis J ment. The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in the above en titled action was issued against him on the 23d day of October, 1906, by the Clerk of this court; that the object of said action is for divorce from bed and board for unlawful and willful abandon ment and for an attachment against the property of the defendant; the said sum mons is returnable on the 3d day of December. 1906, at the court house in Durham, N. C. The defendant will also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by said Clerk on the 3d day of Novemlter, 19o6, against the property of said defendant and the sum of $239.00 in the hands of Robert Hollo way was garnisheed, which warrant and notice to the said garnishee to appear is returnable lefore the Honorable Fred Moore at the time and place above named for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is re quired to appear and answer or demur to the complaint or the relief demanded will be granted. This November 3, 1906. C. B. GREEN Clerk Supei ior Court.1 feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being nnequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening ner vine "Favorite Prescription" is un equaled and is invaluable in allaying and subduing nervous excitability, ir ritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, St.Vitus's dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and des pondency. No woman suffering from any of the I . above symptoms can afford to accept j OFFICE in theTlUSt Build- any secret nostrum or medicine of un- ; . t, t ao 771 11 known composition, as a substitute for mg-K00mS 41-4d 0UTtn a medicine like Dr. Pierce's Favorite FI001. Prescription, which is OF known com- , essi n k ITT position and has a record of over forty PflOflfi 114 A. 1111111311, N. I. years of cures and sells more largely ! . Wanted Men, Women, boys and girls to represent McClure's Magazine. Good pay. Address 67 East 23 St., New York City. dr. j. t. Mccracken SURGEON-DENTIST to-day than ever before. Its makers withhold no secrets from their patients, believing open publicity to be the very best guaranty of merit. Dr. Pierce invites all suffering women to consult him by letter free of charge. All letters of consultation are held as strictly private and sacredly confiden tial and all answers are returned in plain, sealed envelopes. Address: Dr. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Perscription is ! R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Sur- a scientific medicine, carefully devised j gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. by an experienced and skillful physi-1 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets care con- cian, and adapted to woman's delicate stipation. Constipation is the cause of system. It is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harm less in it effects in any condition of the female system. As a powerful invigorating tonic," Fa vorite Prescription " imparts strength to the whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked, "worn-out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dress makers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," house-keepers, nursing mothers, and many diseases. Cure tne cause and you cure the disease. One " Pellet " is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar tic. Druggists sell them, and nothing is "just as good." They are the original Little Liver Pills first put up bv old Dr. Pierce over 40 years ago. ifuch imitated, but never equaled. They are tiny sugar-coated granules easy to take as candy. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page illus trated Common Sense Medical Adviser will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one-cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Pierce as above. THE CHARLOTTE OBSERYER The Largest and Best Newspaper in North Carolina. EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR, $8.00 A YEAR THE OBSERVER consists of from 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to 32 pages Sunday. It handles more news matter Local,' State, National and Foreign than any other North Carolina newspaper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER Is unexcelled as a news medium and is , also filled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. j THE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER Issued Tuesdays and Fridays, at f l.oo per year, is the largest paper for the i money in this section It consists of from 8 to 10 pages and prints all the news of ! the week Local, State. National and 1 Foreign. Address THE OBSERVER CO. Charlotte, N. C. FREE! :TO FREE! Every Renewal or New Subscriber. Take Your Choice Knife or Fountain Pen V M. 3. 8hrtJan. lo ntir.it th rsfwd 10. n-srt. won ti Ur.mJ rrlx d PpMrmSnt riiri. a o trtwnn won th Suburban 23. Cnrni'tl win tlir four m!l eight oared vnriU- mit lit loit?M("ixi, T. m won ih.' i.r.iml I'rl iwtoroutiHe ran at La Man. Fram e. 3. Harvard won tho Vftrtlv e!iUt osrH tM.lit rant st NVw London. 39. T. 1. ItlrkM won ! M.irnlhon mc In Chloiito. rovprln Z tnlli-a in S hour and 2 minutes. ift.T. It C M. nnnlcln, Ami-rLnn. won the W0 ynrt amatnur swimming match for tfct rhnmpionhtp of the world at Not llnnlmm, Kngtnnd. S3, W. I. ClothWr won ttm Amerlran tn- nl rliamplonnhip In alnclr at New. port, trrttumn. i. Rlprtlntwr won th Futurity aUkta (ta.om) at fUMtrpsnead flay. L Jew Hans won by a foul In the forty' ocimd round tha ronteat with Battling Nelfwn at Ooliineld. Nrv L CamhrtilK 4'fratrd Harvard Itt ft rowing contort on th Th m a. Dan rfB 1rokf the world's pacing record, going th mils in tM, at St Paul. ft ftwrot Ularte d a tM'i rara tword for mart r, a mila la I nj at Svraens tt Martin J. BherM ti ' im-r-kan At:ilMie rlob vt IS fet i in'hm at M ' -afcing thf r' "a rwnrd. 'T ""P.. i Th A- !. !, ! !' i i FIRES 1 rKimi'AKT. t The Vr.!n rU-vtr In Kftxt Ft. Ixu: lntropl by lirv. !. fl.5).. 17. Flr In th liHluth tlevatur punt caus ed .W tit 12. rire In tti Batt Kratirlo IlKhtlnx l!iint !-mtpd a lof of l.rti.(n. S. Fir In th tlant f the lntrcolonlul railway nt Mnnclon. N. 1).. cau-nt a ! of tl.tWVW. tttiil. 2S, WrnKl. AUoka. nearly wlt'd out by fir'. 1 Ti. Tl 'tcumir 1'ly mouth of the Fall Hivir x&. with other rrowrtlr. I,urn m lit NVwport. It. 1 ; Um. 11 ...... tS, I'll III th Inisifo I ion of J.-.'hss-town, I'rt,, citum d .i l- of Imw '.oaI. max. U. A tit.(a fir In th leather dmtrtct t,f TiirlP. 1. K't lire cl,vitnt'd ovor m wmat mili'H of territory lit VlrhUnn. of $!,0HM ly ImrnlnR of Ntw York a t hief rfuw l iroyliti Ut int on It irrrn Island, a A tX4.mu llat In the buMntmt dmtrict of Ogden. 1'tah. a. Kalrhanka. AlHk.i. auffcrod a l of tlJM.fx by fire Itt tho business - tlon. Jt'Lf. 1 Tho fammw t. MIchaH'a cfitirtti In Hamburg burned. oerotiieB. if. riw destroy ifveral public Ixilldlnir In Altoona. Pa., causing a lo of ITnin.flMO. hovkmrkr T. Loss of fl.W by ihe burning of m dry goods block In Hamilton, plant of tha Harvest King MSI'lo miiipany burned Itt Kansaa City; lo. $.. & Fir ratid a loa of in btiflneM district or ft rnnton. Ihirh Valley coal dock burned In O't mao; on ret.. H. Kire In the btt!l ten dlnlrlct of f or-1 til., paused a loaa of rwt"Mnrm. I. !,! of pw.nw in a fuctory fit t l.tnn. JIim. in EVERY subscriber that pays up arrears and renews for one year in advance and every new subscriber for one year may secure their choice of a knife. Rvery sucscriber that pays one year in advance and brings in three new subscribers will get, in addition to a knife for himself and each subscriber, a fountain pen, as shown in this ad; or, if anyone will send us their sub scription and three other for one year, they will be entitled to the same. TV V m 1.: ' a f4 Send us $1.00 and your name and get a knife or $1.00 and four names and secure a knife tor each ana a fountain pen for your trouble. Tiiis Offer is Good Until January 31st, 1907 Those who secured a knife last year know what they are. Anyone who did not get one can see them at Tavlor & Phinns Co.. Durham, N. C. Tha Celtic Model No. 1 Fountain Pen has to be seen to be appreciated. We have them at THE RECORDER office and will be pleased to show them to anyone, cut in this ad is exact as to size. The 5 VI 9 n ? i 0 9 ft 3 ft P i- P 9 & xe ft ft ft 3 c c er (A O 1 0 ft n i. 7 '- 1 Address your subscriptions at once. Durham Recorder, Durham, N. C.