SEMI-WEEKLY. VOLUME 87. DURHAM, N. C, MARCH l4, 1907. v NUMBER 93. The Rise of Jimmie Johnson. IlK OFFICE BOY TO BOOKKEEPER. WANT AO. brought so many offers Jimmio took hit pick Pay so largo it would have made hit first employer tick. He wn Jim the Penman now bookkeeper! ho was rising In the world of businessand twas duo to ADVERTISING. See next Issue for SEVERAL SUITS C02P80H1SED. Cases Set lor This Week Settled Before Term Began. When the civil term of Dur ham Superior court begun yes terday there were several cases on the calendar that- have been compromised, among them being the following: t The case of Humphries against the Southern railway, in which he was suing for $20,000, on ac count of having a foot hurt so The accident occurred in front of the Duke factory about one year ago, and the case has been on the docket for some time. Now it has been compromised for $150, and goes off ,the docket It was on the calendar for trial today. The case of C M. Herndon against the Durham & South Carolina road, in which Mr. Herndon was suin? for damages in the sum of $500 on account of a fire that burned over some fif teen or twenty acres of land, caused other damage, has been settled by compromise. The exact amount received by the compromise is not known. 'Squire G. A. Barbce also had a claim against this road and this has been settled by Superinten dent Honeycutt and Mr. Fred II. Williams, who is claim agent for the road. Several other small claims azainst the Durham & South Carolina have been set tled In the recent past. This road and those who lire along it are on friendly terms and the agreeable settlement of these claims shows a spirit that both sides appreciate. The suit of George W. Vickers against the city on account of the dumDinz of sewerage in a creek on his plantation, has been compromised. Mr. Vickers was suing for $1,200, and In the com promise gets $900. Mayor Graham sent Dud Scl lars. who was chanted with va grancy, to the roads for 25 days. There were two cases against htm In the trial, oceforvazrancv and another for fighting, and when the mayor had sent him up in the first case he added five days to the sentence, making total of thirty days. Every can of Argo Red Sal mon contains one pound net It is always guaranteed to be. full wei'ht. continuation SEVEME OFFICERS IT VDSL Captured a fan and a Still la Lebanon Township Last Week. Revenue officers were on a raid in the northern part of this coun ty last week and not only got the "copper" but made one ar rest and have the prisoner, Ed Riley, locked up in the county jail. He was taken before United States Commissioner Moye as soon as the officers reached here late Thursday even ing and his bond was fixed at $200. Being unable to give this the defendant was committed to jail. The raid was made by Deputy Collector W. G. Pool and Deputy Marshal J. B. Jordan. It wax in the neighborhood of Mt Lebanon church, some fourteen or fifteen miles from here, that the still was found in full operation. It was no trouble for the officers to destroy the entire plant and the ranee was not a very hard one to capture Ed Riley, who is better known in this city as "Hunk" Riley. The plant was then destroyed. The still and all its equipments were cut down and destroyed, the fermenters were cut down beer and low wines poured out and general havoc played with the plant that was turning out white lightning" as fast as the sixty gallon copper would do so. Then the return trip to the city, with the illicit whiskey maker in tow. was taken up. the officers reaching here late in the evening. The prisoner is well known In Durham as he lived here for sev eral years, being in the employ of V. R. Herndon as horseman at the livery stable. While here he got into several whiskey sell ing cases and was sent over to court these cases being now pending against him. After this trouble he left here and went back to the country, where he re sided before coming to Durham, and he is now in trouble again on account of the whiskeymisi ness. . Friday Justice of the Peace J. E. Owens had a small civil case, this being a P. Parrish against Mrs. Alice McCown. Mr. Par rish claimed that the defendant owed him 514.91 for groceries but in the trial Mrs. McCown presented receipts to show that she did not owe the bill The action was dismissed at the cost of Mr. Parrish. TO REGULATE STREET CARS New Law to Go into Effect the First ol April. THE WHITE AND COLORED SEPARATED Full Text of Law Passed by Last Legis lature About Street Car Passen-gers.-Conductors Given Power ol Police. Following is the act ratified March 9,1907, regulating street stars, and providing for the sep aration of the races and giving police powers to conductors: The "Jim crow" car law as ratified on March 9 is as follows. "Section 1. That all street, interurban and suburban railway companies, engaged as common carriers, in the transportation of passengers for hire, in the state of North Garolina, shall provide and set apart so much of the front portion of each car operated by them as shall be necessary for occupation by the white pas sengers therein, and shall like wise provide and set apart so much of the rear part of said car as shall be necessary for occupa tion by the colored passengers therein, and shall require as far as practicable the white and col ored passengers to each occupy the respective part of such car so set apart for them, as speci fied in section two of this act. "Sec. 2. That any white person entering a street car for the pur pose of becoming a passenger thereon, shall, if necessary to carry out "the purposes of this act occupy the first vacant vacant seat or unoccupied space in the aisle nearest the front of said car and any colored person entering said car for a like purpose shall occupy the first vacant seat or unoccupied space in the aisle nearest the rear end of said car. Provided, however, no contigu ous seats on the same bench shall be occupied by white and colored passengers at the same time (unless or until all of the other seats in said car shall be occu pied). "Sec. 3. That it shall be un lawful for any passenger to ex porate upon the floor or any other part of any street car, or to use while thereon any loud, profane or indecent language, or to make any insulting or disparaging re mark to or about any other pas senger or person thereon, within his or her hearing; and it shall m a likewise oe uniawiui xor any prssenger to wilfully stand upon the front platform, fender, bum per, running board or steps of such car while the same is in motion, whether such passenger has or has not paid the usual fare for riding on such car. "Sec. 4. That any passenger who shall ride upon the rear plat form of any street car in motion, when there is room for such pas senger to either sit or stand in side the car, shall be deemed to have assumed all the risks of be ing injured while so riding, as the result of any act of the street car company: Provided, said company shall make it appear that' such passenger would not have been injured had he been on the Inside of satf car. Pro vided further, that before any any street interurban or sur- burban railway shall be allowed to invoke the provision of this section, it shall have copies of this act printed and framed and one copy hung in each end of all cars operated on its lines, and shall further have a placard hung in a conspicious place on the rear of such cars which shall read as follows. "Passengers are warn ed not to ride on this platform;" and a placard hung on each side of open cars in a conspicuous place shall read as follows: "Pas sengers are warned not to ride on the running board." "Sec. 5. That any officer, agent or other employe of any street railway company who shall wilfully violate the provisions of section one of this act shall be guilty1 of a misdemeanor, and, upon , conviction, fined tor im prisoned in the discretion of the court.; 1 . "Sec 6. Any person wilfully violating any of the provisions of sections two -and three of this act shall' be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thir ty days, and may also be ejected from said car by the conductor and other agents or agent charged with the operation of said car; who are hereby invested with police powers to" carry out the provisions of this bill. "Sec. 7. The provisions of this act shall not apply to colored nurses of white children while in attendance upon such children hen in their charge, or a colored attendant of a sick or infirm white person. "Sec. 8. -That no street, su burban or interurban railway company, its agents, servants or employes, shall be liable to any person on account of any mistake in the designation of any passen ger to a seat or part of such car set apart for passengers of the other race." low ta Opea a Caa sf Salmon. To open a can of Argo Red Salmon properly, lay the can on its side, insert the can opener at the seam, then stand the can on end, and pressing the top firmly down, work the can opener around the top, removing the en tire top. The Argo will them come out it one solid piece. READ AND YOU WILL LEARN That the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several miiools ol practice endorse and recommend, in the ttrmisctjt tertng possible, each and every ln?rilient entering! Into the composition of lr. lUerce's Golden Medical Itiacovery for the care o( weak stomack, dyspepsia, catarrh of atom a ch. "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel atlectiona, and all catarrhal diseases of whatever region, name or nature. It Is also a specific remedy for all such chronic or long funding rases of catarrhal affec tions and their resultant, as bronchial, throat and land diseases tetcept consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so rood fur acute colds and cuueb. bat for Hnfrerinir. or chronic cases it is especially efficacious in producing per fect cures. It contains Mack Cherrybark, Golden SSeal root. Uloodruot. Mono root. Mandrake root and Queen's root all of which are highly Drained as remedies for all the above mentioned affections by such eminent medical writers and teachers as Ifof. Hartholow, of Jefferson Med. Col lege; lrof. Hare, of the I'nlv. of Fa.; Prof. Flnley Elllngwood, M. IX. of I$en ttt Med. College, Chicago : Prof. John King, M. I)., late of Cincinnati : Prof. John M. Scudder, M. tX. lata of Cincin nati ; Prof. Edwin M. Hale. M. D., of Hahnemann Med. College, Chicago, and scores of others equally eminent la their several schools of practice. Th"Ooldn Medical Discovery Is the only medicine put up for sale through Vigglsts for like purposes, that has any nob vrnftmiumil endorsement worth dore than any number of ordinary test! rmnials. Open publicity of its formula jn the bottle wrapper is the best possible tuaranty of ltd merits. A glance at this published formula will show that'GoIden Medical Discovery" contain no prison ous or harmful agents and no alcohol chemically pure, triple-refined glycerine being nsed Instead. Glycerine Is entirely nnobjectlonable and besides Is a most useful Ingredient in the cure of all stom ach as well a bronchial, throat and lung affections. There Is the highest medical authority for Its use In all such cases. The "Discovery "Is a concentrated glyc eric extract of native, tnedtcluai routs and Is safe and reliable. . A booklet of extracts from eminent, nedleal authorities, endorsing Its Ingre dients mailed Irrr on request. Addrts Dr. iw v. fierce, uuubiu, a. Cameras KodaKs add cm.taa roa froawaloaal tmi Anil mm Pketotraofcen f I Carr) I F9 tht if KODAKS u SUPPLIES Wo D tat Qalcktit, Cheapest ant Bstrrlatlnand Dtvilopla WWriU for Booklet and prices. Wo t can save you both time and money The Durban Photo Supply Co. opposite r.o. Durham, n.c tftttttCfta)vfr lO DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY WITH CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OF DURHAM. Officers and Directors B. N. Duke, Pres. J. S. Manning, Vice-Pres. J. B. Mason, Cashier. J. B. Duke, President American Tobacco Company. Y, E. Smith, Supt. Durham Cotton Mfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & King, Druggists. . J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. R. H. RiGSBEE, Capitalist. Q. E. Rawls, Merchant. B. N. Duke, Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist. J. S. Manning, Attorney-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician and Surgeon. J. B. Mason, Cashier Citizens National Bank. DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This Bank Opened tor Business May i, 1905 Is Young, but Growing Statement of Bank at Close of Business Jan. 26, 1907 10 10 to ut 10 Mf w to to Ml to 10 Ml Mt to Mi 10 Mt lit to Mt to tO I to 10 Resources. Loans and Invest ments, $586,954.95 U. S. Bonds, 150,000.00 Premiums U. S. Bonds, 5,659.69 Banking House, 13,000.00 Cash and due from Banks, 293,129.81 Redemption Fund, 7,200.00 Mt Mt 0 Ml Ml Ml to Ml W to Mi Ml Ml Ml Mr Ml $1,055,944.48 Ml Ml Mt Ml Ml Mt WE SEND these Reports to our Depositors and Stockholders on date called for by the Comptroller in order that they may be informed of our condition. WITH the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this State ann unsurpassed methods in every department, we invite new accounts, large or small, of MERCHANTS, FARMERS, INDI VIDUALS, FIRMS or CORPORATIONS that have not already done so, to open an account with us. ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. Bonded Officers, Burglar and Fire Insurance, Fireproof Vault and Safe. To Depositors we offer Safety Deposit Boxes in our Fireproof Safe Free, where you can Deposit your Valuable Papers. Home Savings Bank DURHAM, North Carolina CAPITAL $50,000 The best and safest place for your money. 4 PE1 CENT PAID OS DEPOSITS All Loans are secured by improved real estate or stocks and bonds. DIRECTORS Georgb W. Watts B. N. Dcke T. B. Fuller W. A. Erwis W. T. O'Brien J. S. Carr, Jr. John Sprcnt Hill J. W. Burroughs F. D. Markham. k ue uesi anu saicsi piauc iur juur ADD TO YOUR PRESENT ACCOUNT OR OPEN A NEW ONE GEORGE W. WATTS, President. W. W. WHITTED, Cashier. j Everything for the Parmer We are better prepared than ever before to meet your wants in Hardware. Come in and let us show you our Corn and Cotton Planters, Guano Distributors,StockWireforfence. Poultry Wire, Barbed Wire, Steel Roofing, Plows, Harrows. Culti vators, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, etc. Walter A. Wood Mowing Ma chines, and Rakes, Nails, Lime, Cement and Paints. Our Cook Stoves are the kind that always give satisfaction, and our prices on everything will please you. POLLARD BROS. HARDWARE I EA8T MAIN ST., on m m m m m m m o m m m m m m I m m m m o o m m m m m m m m ot m m m m m m m m m m w m m m o m Liabilities. Capita!, Surplus, Undivided profits, Circulation, Deposits, $100,000.00 60,000.00 14,272.25 100,000.00 781,657.23 Dividends unpaid, 15.00 $1,055,944.48 m m m m m o J money. tlb otni raio on OLrwMio j DIRECTORS I DURHAM, N. O.

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