SEMI-WEEKLY. VOLUME 88. DURHAM, , N. C, JULY 2. 1907. NUMBER 18. NEWS FROM OUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENTS Items of Interest from Various Places as Viewed and Told by Those on the Field. Personals, The writer and twelve or fif teen more neighbors were sum moned to Raleigh, as witnesses in a case the 25th. The case was continued until July 27th. We had a very heavy rain last Thursday evening. It wash ed the land very badly. J. E W. M. SMITH A SUICIDE. , from Ttmberlake. Dewberry dumplings are the go now in the eating line. i C. H. Garrett has been on the sick lisk for sometime and is un able to do much work. Several of the Roxboro people did some very successful fishing in Barton's pon3. A man passed 4 through this section one day last week hunt ing the cow tick. It was reported that J. C. Cates was to convey a young lady to Helena but it happened that he arrived with her at Joe Youngers, and Mr. Cates said when he found himself he was at the county home. , - The haii did lots of damaje to the tobacco crop in the comraun . ity of Pick's Siding on last Fri day, and the land was badly washed. J. H. Howard is now survey ing the land of the Winstead estate. Mr. , Howard said that there would be six thousand acres to survey. On last Sunday I saw dozens wheat fields unreaped, and old people say that they never knew wheat harvest to be so late. My wife owns a chicken that is blind in one eye and its bill crosses. - ' ' - Miss Florence Reams has been assisting the writer's wife in making some dresses this week. "Because I have called, and ye refused."-Prov. 1:24. I. Unto what does the Lord call men? a. The Lord calls them unto prayer. Jere. 33:3. b. The Lord calls them unto resentence. Acts. 17:30. c The Lord calls them from znor&nce to wisdom. d. The Lord calls them to work but salvation. PhiL2:12. e. The Lord calls them to a be- ief in prayer. Matt. 2122. f. The Lord calls them to for ake the way of sin. Isas. 6.-7. g. The Lord calls them from arkness to light. h. The Lord calls them to the ew life. 2 Cor. 5:17. i. ihe Lord calls them to re- lize that salvation hath appear d to all men. Titus. 2:11. . j. The Lord calls them to ex rase their will to obtain the ater of life. Rev. 22:17. . II. How does men refuse the -ord's call? . a. They refuse His call by the rang application of the Bible. b. They refuse His call by wil Irebelion. Job. 14:13. c. They refuse HU call by obeying the gospel. 2. Thess, TO O, d. They refuse His call by sit- "? at naught all of His coun Prov. 125. i. They refuse His call as they twould none of His reproof ov. 130. . They refuse that call "hate ? knowledge and did not choose c fear of the Lord." Prov. 1:29 ?. They refused His call no etainlng Godwin this know W Rom. 2.28. They refused His call TV would not come to Him for p. John 6:40. They ; refused, that call y resisted the Holy Ghost. I. The? Wftiwl Ilia oall own r6ce ved Him not John P. "fy musea ins can a der the warm protecting wings of the Lord. Matt. 28:37. m. They refused His call be-1 Ponulcr Youna Han Takes Bis Lite Willi a Pistol. Just as the last issue of The Recorder was on the press the news of the death of W. M. Smith was ..being circulated in Durham, and his many friends we rs expressing their suprise at manner of his departure. No reason has been given out why he should thus end hi3 life, and a few incidents just prior to the time when he .took the pistol in his hand and, standing before rfrtCtf ( m their time to call on God. and their time comes after they have sined away their day of opportun ity. Prov. 128. . Please read all of , the first chapter of Proverbs, it will do any repenting sinner good arid it may cause some to ."lay hold From The Person County Courier. Mr. Geo. T. Bowen has been cause they "loved darknes rather aDtointed a Notary .Public ft than light John. 3:19. Helena. He has received., his n. They refused His call dis- commission and seal and is ready believing in the Lord's work, for business. Watt. WaO. ' Mr. P Ti . Twiaiuu1 children. o. They refused the Lord's call Lf o ij. Mo., are ' visitine UVAinftkinir class in hia room he because they ,preferredto have Mr and Mrs. w l. Lewis, Mrs. fired the shot that ended his Lewis is delighted with the brae- earthly career may be of in- ing atmosphere of Roxboro. We teresti Since graduating at Trin extend to her a hearty welcome ity College last June he has held and wish her a pleasant visit. t a position with the American To- Mr. T. CBrooks is having his bacco Company, and bst Thurs- office moved this week. It will W morning ne loio. n manner t'f sft Dowrlv that he did not tninic ne. was - - i . . . , . - -... . . . , imnirinr ernna in me nosiuori ne unnn ntirnl lifa " with a faith ana JaU l0U Ane oluce wcupieu -- s . 'I .7 ' 7 ZtSSSStl . k Messrs. Winston & Br.dsherheia.and thought bestU. vwa vvv www . kn .nnirinfonHanf some weesa ago, Harican Hill Sunday school, and 01 ese mMm& WI" a?e muc a-.c-j k.i. to the aDDearance of the court lie 19 ai iiiic ounuajf etuuui nvtacr. i , The writer filled his appoint- nouse 10t- ment at Neptune Academy on After a few weeks illness death the fourth Sunday, and the house relieved ,the suffering of Mrs. was filled to overflowing. lex- Daisy Simpson Noell, last Tues- cepted ' C. T. Pool's invitation day evening at three o'clock. For something for his nerves, and al- ana wenc went nome wim mm several days she had been near so that he had a little fever, and buu ejicu. we e cm uK, u n a aeauis uoor, ana rovea ones i prescribed for him. The pre- never treated better by any iamr eagerly watched by her bedside, scription was given and Mr. 1V M M r M llPrlA VWVP 0411 Tn 11... 7 A - " -1. . . . ..a ujr, aim uij iiius v; noping to see a cnange lur Smith asked that the medicine be I want to go there again, iney better, but God willed it other. mom. - corner rRan. gave him candy you Know. . - w,8e, and . claimed hec. lor - his jolnh and PoDe streets, to which swrtM. own. - . DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY W A CITIZENS NATIONAL jANK OF DURHAM. , Officers and Directf B. N Duke, Pres. J. S. J .ma, Viee-Pres. J. IS. mason, uashie- J. B. Duke, President American.' ceo Company. Y. E. Smith, Supt. Durham Cotton jlfg. Company. C. L. Haywood, of Haywood & King, Druggists. J. H. Southgate, of Southgate & Son, Insurance. R. H. Rigsbee, , . Capitalist. Q. E. Rawls .. Merchant. B. N. Duke, : ; . Director American Tobacco Co., and Capitalist J. S. Manning. - Attorney-at-Law. N. M. Johnson, Physician and burgeon. Cashier Citizens National Bank. 1 m . m m $ m m m m m m m $ J. B. Mason, . DEPOSITORY OF THE PEOPLE, THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF, DURHAM v AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This Bank Opened tor Business May I, 1905 Is Young, but Growing ' Statement of Bank at Close of Basinets Jaa.26,l907i Liabilities. Capital, $100,000.00 Surplus, 60,000.00 Undivided profits, 14,272.25 m m . m . m I m . m 7 mmm . W Ttyi - 1 resign - to this Manager i ww- The removal era replied that he was doing all r eht. but that he needed rest and some medicine, and suggest ed that, he see a physician and go to his room and rest' Mr. Smith left the factory just before noon and went to a phy sician, who found that he needed . Kesourceg. Loans and Invest ments, - " $580,954.95 U. S. Bonds, .150,000.00 Premiums II. S. Bonds, 5,659.69 Banking House, 13,000.00 Cash and due from Banks, . 293,129.81 Redemption Fund, 7,200.00 $1,055,944.43 Circulation, 100,000.00 Deposits, 781,657.23 Dividends unpaid, 15.00 $1,055,944.48 WE SEND these Reports to our Depositors and Stockholders on date called for by the Comptroller in -order that they may be informed of our condition. m m m m WITH the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this State aim unsurpassed methods in every department, we invite new accounts, larjre or small, ef MERCHANTS, FARMERS, IND1- 2 VIDUALS, FIRMS or CORPORATIONS that have not already J done so, to open an account with us. ABSOLUTE PROTECTION. Bonded Officers, Burglar and Fire Insurance, Fireproof Vault and Safe. To Depositors we offer Safety J Deposit Boxes in our Fireproof Safe Free, where you can Deposit your Valuable Papers. m . m m - and fever, but we hope tne re- reshing showers we are now having will cool things off and the sick will soon be well again. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. . umiu Mr. E. T. Wrenn, after an ill We are glad to see some fine ness of several months, died at weather, and all growing crops his home near Brooksdale, Tues- have at last besan to hustle, and dav mzht Mr. Wrenn was a fields that a few days ago looked citizen, and a man liked by all so barren now begin to look who knew him. He leaves awife S!uvwl TM Resources, green, and we are beginning to and several children, four bro- ound JJr- Smith W ?n th ' . 'i i.i ?tt i iiuur. lie suuiiuuucu un u ouu i iveinnopes. imersanaone sisier wim many r v , . . : ; There is right much sickness friends to mourn his heath. He l"f V V I . " ! s it.: u v:iil u 4k- iru:. inenas wno tooKeu Biter ueuiua lit Vitla VU4UUJU1I1WJ , LUWU W VOUMI HU B UJC1UWC1 VI Wt VH1VU1S place he went This was about twelve o'clock I and no one knows what occurred between that time and the moment he .was found by his roommate, who went to the room just after the noon hour and w ... HOME SAVINGS BANK A A AAAA DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA - - $272,000.00 You are cordially invited to open a Savings Account with this Bank. Four per cent interest paid on Deposits. church, at ML Zion. as as as of funeral and arrangements, and the corps was sent to Con- In going out to the cemetery cord, where the interment took thist evening JJr. Joe Carver's place Saturday. horse became frightened at a I wiien Mr. Qoier went into j it O'Neal is imoroving very reaper standing on the side ol the room he found the body upon . . ..... . . , Itheroad. andran awav. AfteUt.A fln k; fief tKnuo-Vif 9a na-iv Ann meii" nones xor neri . ' . ..- -' 4W " - "- .k...i ... ui. ikA . ... .... ....... . . kw runnunf wwui vim nui mac tnat Mr smitn nad iamtea. DUC Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nichols ' upon stooping w neip uinup spent Saturday night and Sun- Jt ..:k k v:.uA tk ivui.. """li"""- anDearences in me . room air. ! APawremn "f " w ""t v amitQ nau preparea to retire nu . rergerson. i, MM kl . . . . t . . . . Q'M Kifhnle wa in this jm.lua,uaiiC "c only wore nis nigm-snux, iso iSS r UP. The bum u bad- thaUhtwu committed while .HiW nn 1 1 l J! I. - iL h vit on huin4 i, .p. i ne was Biamung uciurc me uiu:- I.W w w ... Mrs. Bedie Oakley, the lady Just a year ago last Friday. ror' fV ko-kp-n utavinff with Mr. ah, ss Miss Daisv William Moseley Smith was and Mrs. A. Fenruson. has cone came the bride of Mr. A. B. noell, well known in Durham as "Billy off on a visit to her old home in and life looked brigt for a long Smith, one of the baseball team, Granville countv. and it is not and useful career. But to-day Graduated with the class of 1906, known whether or not she will she aleeos in the home of the and took a masters degree comeback. dead, whither we are all travel- 1907, and was manager for the Dock Carpenter, one of our ers. She was a woman with a South Atlantic Quarterly for the best citizens, had the misfortune sweet christian character, filled two last years he spent in college. to lose a good horse last Sunday, with gentleness and a devotion to He was popular in college with The animal wm tnm in the Idutv that can be admired in anv both faculty and students and nasture. and when she was found one. To thoroughly know her made good marks In his studies. .1 .... . ..I.. one of her lesrs was broken and was to admire her, hence in her I No reason nas oeen assigned lor ttiii( lsinmn1 1 jtsintk tknrA era manv aart h!irtlthff rash fiTt ' fiil f rOITl OUtWflrd IIWU nliat vita niiwi una icoiutu ucaui iuvi w iuu www .. - i it was broken by a pistol ball. besides those who were bound to appearances he had so much to J . Mrs. Sal lie Fenruson had a fine her by relationship, bhe leaves live lor. . . I .1 1 . Al pow to cet one or ner norns a aevoiea lamer ana mumer, knocked off one day last recently, brother and sister, husband and , Will Settles Examination. Fighting another cow was the little babe to mourn ner aeain, An examination for the po- cause of the broken horn. and many other relatives and sition of clerk (male and female) Mrs. Candaco O'Neal lost a friends who mourn with them, and carrier (male) will be held finesow oneday last week, but To all whom we extend our tend- at the post-office in this city on as the little pigs were some ten erest sympathy in this dark hour. July 17th, 1907. , days old it was but little trouble The funeral services were held For application blanks, and full to ret them to drink milk. The in Brooksdale Methodist cnurcn, information relative to the ex- pigs are getting along nicely. conducted by Rev. J.SB. Thomp- amination, qualifications, duties, Charl ia Ross, who returned son, her pastor, wao was assisiea salanes, vacations, promotions, home last spring from Trenton, by Rev. J. A. iiornaaay , and etc., address Secretary, Board of N. J., on account of his health, Rev. G. T. watKins, ana ner re- civil Service Examination, Post- told the writer that he was im- mains interred In the town cem- Office, City. nmvtor and had beffun to feel etery. by the side of her brother, i;Lo k?m.lf aeain. . who passed on before her. There ' Mrs. M. B. Wyatt and Mrs. J. Thadeus O'Neal hr.s been right was quite a large garnering or pcou uurcn ana waster James i a!lt at KU home near here, but friends and relatives wno came aeon, spent irorarnaay to lues- at last accounts was somewhat to pay a last tribute to one whom DIRECTORS' Georgb W. Waits I. F. Hat B. N. Dckb K D. Markham V. A. Erwis J. S. Care, Jr. J. W. Burroughs T. B. Fuller J. S. Mangcm Dr. E. H. Bowuno Jobs Sprcst Hhi, The best and safest place for your money. All Loans are amply secured by Realstate or approved Stocks and Bonds. GEORGE W. WATTS, President. W. W. WHITTED, Cashier. day visiting their Aunt, Mrs. R. as! r 1 1 n 1 1 r 1 1 tverytning Tor the harmer We sire better prepared than ever before to meet your wants in Hardware. Come in and let us show you our Corn and Cotton Planters, Guano Distributors, Stock Wire for fence. Poultry Wire, Barbed Wire, Steel Roofing, Plows, Harrows. Culti vators, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, etc. Walter A. Wood Mowing Ma chines, and Rakes, Nails, Lime, Cement and Paints. Our Cook Stoves are the kind that always give satisfaction, and our prices on everything will please you. POLLARD BROS. H A R D W A R E EAST MAIN ST., DURHAM, N. C. I I " uld not be gathered un- improved.' ; ' j they love. A. Noell.

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