n . i t l n Hi IT IMtt m!, tana mum U. the new house that you you' ve moved into needs some new things don' t you' find? .Your home is where you all stay most of the time and should ' not your home be the loveliest of all places? We have many things to make homes lovely why not let it te your home? Our Furniture is moving" too, because we sell it'so" cheap. ''"J' 7"'' Come. to see us.a ' "" ; Yours truly, "" THE ROYALL & BORDEN CO. Main street, Opposite Citizens National Bank. w il) i l ii i fi i il Hi ) Hi ili iff ft Hi IRecorber Sob ffice ' Everything in the Printing Line Executed Promptly and Neatly Letter Heads, Cards, Pos ters, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements, Wedding Invi tations, Etc. - We iave a number of satisfied customers and would like to add to that list Call to see our work Secure our prices before you give . an order for anything in our line. THE RECORDER, Durham, N. C. I 1 u ili Hi ih Hi Hi il ili il ili UNIVERSITY of. North Carolina. M X m f . ! 1780-1007 IIe'l of lh Stale's lUlucatiouat fvstem. DEPARTMENTSi College Lsw (irwttinte llwritury Th Fall term hren Srt't.0., l'7. Adlrc IreM Frances P. Venable, . rRumKT. Chapel illlll, - North C troll im. iMM, Y. M. C. A. taiMin. liUrary. j . f S'U,JJA, w W f - . WAf-' TK'S1 WAT 7JJ2 Rt.i.lcnl-.. 74 In Facultf. ' Vii r mr'' r xjw- (IV (IV m (!) (0 '0 j (0 Cameras oft Kodalls - asp srmiss rot fftlawlMil tmt AmitMf rttstefrtsktft f I Cirrj i rQ llci si RQSAXS is SUPPLIES W S th Qalcltst Chcaptit 4 Bait rrlatiaitad DtftloplsJ tWritt for IVvilslet nd rricca. W caa aave you bth time aiid money Tbe Mlm Fhcto Supply Co. OppotlttF.O. DURHAM, K. C tifc rJ Hw tiin mm rnw 1 it'. t rHrtirftMihii-iiii.il. MXn&C? l'inw Sckiilifi? American. KI!!cd by the Shifter. Milton Peaks, a colored driver for the Carrington Lumber Com-1 party, lost his life , last Saturday' by being run over by the shifting engine on the Seaboard ' railway. The negro was driving across the track at . the private crossing near the lumber yard and did not see the approaching engine until it was' too late, neither could the engineer see the waon team." The body of the negro was terribly mangled, his legs ' and body being broken and bruised all over. The coroner was sum moned, but there was no neces sity of holding an inquest, and. the remains were turned over to the relatives for burial. Green level News. - W. M. Batchelor, an old sold ier, aged aged about 7o years, died here Friday June 21, from paralysis. He was a life long member of Mt. Pisgah Baptist church arid for many years an honored deacon of the same. He left a wife and three children to mourn for him. The funeral was conducted from the home by Rev. E. M. Lassiter, of Apex, and the interment took1 place at the family burying ground. - Fred Beasley. and child, who' have been right, sick, are much better. 1 - ' Protracted services' will begin at Green LeVel church- the first Sunday in August ' Mrs. George High visited Dur ham last week. Mrs. A. Herndon, who - has been very sick is improving. A Mr. Bobbitt, who works at Joe Matthews saw mill fell from his wheel last Sunday and broke his leg. Lloyd Matthews, who was run over by a log wagon sometime ago, is able to be out W. B. Lewter visited Durham last Saturday Hustler. The Mission of the Kei spaper. It is not to jump on a man or a cause that is unpopular, merely. It is not to voice the indignation of the mob. It is not to raise the dust where there is no danger of losmg subscribers; but it is to march right up the line of duty and speak when it becomes necessary and right to speak re gardless of the consequences. A great institution has been wound ed by an alien who was moved by prejudice. But he has some backing on account of a political ring opposed to the present man agement of the institution. His cause was heard patiently, and re-heard. Every possible oppor tunity was given him to sustain certain charges he made against the mangementof the institution. No man lifting his hand against a North Uariiona institution ever had a fairer chance. But not a single charge was sustained. The malicious effort fell as a barn door. Once more this man sails out before the tired public with a doleful complaint and the Char lotte Observer, in a paragraph of 20 lines, flays him alive. We have been astonished that this high-handed proceeding had not come long ago. We confess to some surprise that some other paper, brave enouth in some mat tors, have held their peace in this perhaps the element of politics has held them to i Hence. At any rate, this long and bitter contro versy which had almost reached the'proportions of a public scan dal, was allowed to go uncheck ed until this bugle blast . came from the Observer. It has done a great service to the State and to a good man who has suffered at tho hands of a malicious and en vious person. We give all the horor to the Observer for doing this plain duty, politics or no politics-Charity and Children. James Allen, of Oak Grove township, was arrested Saturday by Officer J. F. Pleasants oh the charge of assaulting with deadly weapon on R. T. Weatherspoon. He was sent to court under bond of $50, which he gave for his ap pearance before Justice of the Peace J. E. Owens on July 5. SHORT LOCAL ITEMS. Cead the change of ad in this issue of Miss Katie L. , Johnson, who has something to say about ideal photographs. , -;Hon.; W, .W,.Kitchin, of Ro:c- boro, win speak to, tne rural mail carriers at . the .(Jourt House Wednesday, at t 2:30 o'clock. very body invited. ' The new military organized for Durham are getting ready to be gin drilling. The measure1 for the new suits has been taken for he new uniforms they are .to wear, and guns and other neces- aries will soon be issued to them. One of the "wettinest"' rains visited this community last Fri day afternoon that has occurred"; in some time. Corisiderable'dam- age was done to ground that was oose and low ground lands near here were much worse after the ram. , . . . Miss Eva Paschall and H. M. Lewis were united in marriage in Fayetteville last Friday. They went on the excursion that was run by the Second Baptist Sun day school, and concluded to marry on the trip. They return ed to Durham with the excursion ists. . . Little Mable Louise, the five- month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Adams, died at the' home of her parents, No. , 211 Elizabeth street, Saturday morn ing at 9:30 o'clock. The little child had been ill for two months suffering from some . stomach trouble and for several days her death had been expected. J. W. Allen, an engineer on the Seaboard Air Line, died at his home on Ramsuer street last Saturday. He was 59 years of age and left a wife and nine children. The funeral was con ducted from the home Sunday morning by Rev. C. J, Thomp son, after which the remains were carried to Raleigh for in terment Mrs. M. A. Woods died of typhoid f ver Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. The death occurred at her home in East Durham. Mrs. Woods had been sick about ten days. She was 66 years old ana for many years had 'been a member of the Primitive Baptist church.' The funeral was con ducted by Elder J. J. Hall Sun day at 11 o'clock. The interment took place in the Rigsbee bury ing ground. Persons suffering from tuber culosis in an advanced stage are to be debarred from entering Texa3. Poor creatures! Treated as lepers and told to "move on!" f all states which have points of of high altitude should adopt the same regulation the tuberculous of low-lying States would be con demned to their homes, there to die in their holes, for lack of opportunity to reach a climate which might afford them restor ation. Charlotte Observer. Paaama Canal -Erie Canal. Machinery is dicing the Panama Canttt a thousand times quicker than the sliovciuuir tne trie. Machinery produces the L. & M. Paint at 5 times' 1cm cot for lalxtr than if maile W hand. The L. & M. gives the best job in the orM, because u, & M. zinc Hardens I & M. White Lead and makes I & M. Taint wear like iron for to to IS years. It olv requires 4 gallons of this cele brated Paint and 3 gallons of Unseed Oil at 6uc per gallon, to faint moderate ixed house. If any defect exists in L.&M.Paint,-iU repaint uoune for noining. Sold by HACKNEY BROS., Durham, N. C. Notice of Summons North Cakouna St retioa Coirt llurham County i May Term 197 Isaliella Curtis vs. Robert Curtis The defendant alwve named wilt take notice that aa action entitled as above. has been commenced in the Superior Court of Durham County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony Heretofore, existing between him and the pTaintifT. on the Krounds provided for divorce in section 1561, sub-section t, of the Revisal of 1905; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term or tne superior Count of said county; to be held on the first Monday bcfoie the firnt Monday in Sep tember, too?: it being the a6th day of August of Ioot. at the Court house in aaid county, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief tie manded irt said complaint. . C. B. GRF.F.ar. Clerk Superior Court. Thta 20th day of June, 1 907. The good people of Lexington and Davidson county shoul i rea lize the importance of the en forcement of the law and order. Material progress and the accumlation of wealth 'is neces sary and proper but is not to be compared with good citizenship and decency in the affairs of government. Don't be afraid you will lose a few pennies by stand ing for strict enforcement of the aws of the land. Right will pre vail. No man was ever crushed be cause he stood for civic right eousness. It may be a hard battle some times, but in time every fight on lawlessness will be justi fied. Lexington Dispatch ' O cause women some of JJ their most excruciating- SI ly painful hours. Mrs. Lula Berry, of Farming- ton, Ark., writes : "I suffered with terrible ...... .i I cramps every monin, I and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 i( to 9 hours. On a friend's 1 1 advice I took ; GARDU WINE OF WOMAN'S RELIEF and as a result am now relieved of all my pains, and am doing all my housework." No mat ter what symptoms your female trouble may cause, the most reliable, scientific remedy for them,' is Cardui. Try it. At aa Druggists En Woman's Watchword Whatever threatens woman's delicate sense of modesty, frightens her. For this reason many a woman permits disease of the delicate womanly organs to become aggravated because she cannot bring herself to submit to the ordeal of unpleasant questionings, offensive examinations, and obnoxious local treatments, which most physicians think necessary. Doubtless thousands of the women who have taken advantage of Dt. Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter have been led to da so by the escape thus offered from a treatment repugnant to modesty. Any sick woman may write to Pr. I. V. Pierce, lluffalo, X. Y. in. perfect confidence ; all letters of consultation being treated as strictly private and sacredly 'confidential, and alt answers being sent in plain envelopes with no advertising or other printing upon tttem. Such consultation cU you nothing whether you take treatment from Dr. Pierce or not. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been long hailed as a "God-send to women." It makes weak women st rong and sick women well. It enables wom en suffering from "female weakness," prolapsus uteri, retroversion, autever tion and other displacements of the organs distinctly fimininc, to enre themselves right in the privacy of their homes. Pelvic catarrhal drains, painful or irregular periods, backache, freonent headaches, weak nerves, dragging-uown pain or distress in the lower abdominal, or pelvic, region, gnawing sensation in stomach, dizziness, or faint spells, and kindred conditions and symptom are cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripr tion. It is not a secret or patent medi cine, against the use of which most people of intelligence natnrallv object, but is, in fact, the "Favorite Prescrip tion of a regularly educated and Ex perienced physician in the treatment of woman's peculiar ailments and w ho is not afraid to publish all its ingredi ents, as he does, on its bottle-wrapper, attesting the correctness of the tame nnder oath. Eiynritff TWrirtha (ficme fur woman's del I. Ih Am. fnedictne lr woman's nehrn!e ailments winch contains rentier .-aiaii.nl nr frwrmlul, l.ahit-forn-.tng drwet being a pure gljctric extract or curative prin eiples found in our most valuable native, medicinal roots, as attested by many of the most eminent medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced ami skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless in its effects in any cowfirto of f As entile tyttem. As a powerful invigorating tonic " Fa vorite Prescription" Imparts strength to the. whole system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. For over-worked, "worn-out," run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dres makert, seamstresses, "shop-girls," bonse-keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the greatest earthly boon, being nneqnnled as an appetising cordial and restorative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening her' vine " Favorite Preacription " is umc,ual- . The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION . Now Revealed FREE What beauty is more desirable than as exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity for wry woman tooUtiiin both, fora limited time only. The directions and recipe for ob taining a fautless complexion is the secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and GREEKS. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the faitfest and most beautiful women of Europe. -Hundreds of American woman wh now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood, and simple to follow and it will save yon the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleach es and forever give you a beautiful com plexion and f ree your skin from pimples, bad eclor, blackheads, etc. It akroe .is worth to )ou many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. Westell you this ring as one raiaB profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one half what others charge. The recipe is free with every ring. i It is a genuine rose cut diamond -ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutely guaran teed, very dainty, shaped like a Eelcber with Tiffany setting of liCt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost con siderable more than $2.00' We mail you this beautiful complex ion recipe free when your order is re ceived for 1 ing and $ 2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your order in be fore our supply is exhausted. This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising and in troducing our goods. Send to-day before this opportunity is forgotten. T. O. MOSELEY 32 East 43rd Street, New York City . Fn r lTo woman for collecting K ft names and selling one novelties, we give Mg premiums send your name to-day tor our new plan of M profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. MOSELEY Premium department 3I E. 33rd Street, New York City Is 'Modesty, ed and is invnlunhle in allaying ani subduing nervous excitability," irritabil ity, nervous exhaustion, nervoas pros tration, neuralgia, listeria, spasms. Si. Vitus' dance, and other distressing, nervons symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleet and relieves mental anxiety and des pondency. Yon can't afford to accept m seer nostrum a a sulwtitute for this rqvei Ri.Mi:DY Or KXOH S COMPOS1TIOS. "The Blood Is Hie lift'." . Science has nowr gone beyond tbt above simple ewU-meut f irritarK But it has iHumini'.ud that tlateatent and given It a meaning ever briadenin with the iiicrefieing I rcadth of knowl edge. Wlirn the bkiud is "bad or im pure it is not aU tie the bodv which suffers through disease. The lni as also clouded, the mind and judgement are effected, and many an evil deed or impure thonght may be directly traced to the Impnrity of the blood. Fotil, impure blMd'can be made pore br tbt use of Dr. Pierce's Gl.h n Xledicaf Dis covery. It enricla-s and purifiw th blood thereby cnritig, pimples, Motrins, eruptions am! ot here utaneotts affection, as ecz"nia, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other rcanifettations of impure blood. 9 9 9 In the core of scrofulous swelling!, enlarged glands, oren eating ulcers, 01 old sores, the Htnlden Medical Discov ery" has performed the most tnarveloos cures. In eases of old son, or opes eating ntcers, it is well to applv to tm open sores Dr. Pierce's AIMIeslint alve, which possesfes wonderful heat ing potency when used as an appiicatios w tne sores in conjunction with tiie use of "Golden lP3ical Discovery" a a constitutional treaUaent. st don't happen v Lave Kg ealve" in stock, yoa ore it by Inclosing fiftv- 'estate sumps to it. k, lain tit., buifalQ.Jt Y to voti cv ret or tt ugzists keen it as well as the n Medical Discovery." 9 9 9 9 m can't ftf tst sffreft any fine i,l .ijr i-'.L tun mttf.wj ftip.ite f-r V7.: "n hril L'ac I'L'-iTl",. hVI CelUp.et ingrraaiiU In plain Lngusn oa us bottle-wrapper, the same being aUAKil as correct under oatli. Dr. Pierce's Plevant Pellets inrif ate tin stomach , li ver and bowvls. f ng to three a dose. Lacy to take as candy. Ktivul rntnalne If your dragfi the "AU-IIeali can easMly pnfc tour ctfnts in v V.Piofce.Gta; ana u wvfvwtie Slosf df CM 13 9