Why Not Buy the best They cost no more. Cortland vehicles are made of the , . -best material, best finish and painted on this market. . It has required ' , thirty-five years ofpractical experience in manufacturing high-grade . vehicle to aitiin their high standard of exellence. We sell the Guil ford and Chase City Buggies, the best buggies manufactured in North Carolina. CETOUR PRICES BEFORE! BUYING KEARNEY ("Yellow 203 PARRISH STREET, German and Pearl Millet, Teosinte, Field Peas, . Soja Beans, Navy Beans. All kinds of Seed for the Field. Call to See Us ! G E KING & SONS Three Registered Druggists. 224 West Main Street. - Phone 106 tSchedulsin Effect Nov. 25. 1906.) DDRBAX DIVISION. Is Sua Du Ex Sua Difly p.ma.m. a.tu. p.m s:i 7:00 Lv Durham Ar 9:159:30 7:07 8:29 Lv Roxboro Ar 7:30 &00 8:00 9:01 Lv Denciston Ar 6:53 7:37 1 8:2s 9:24 Lt S'th Boston Ar 6:35 7:03 ; 8 45 9:39 Houston Ar 6:09 649 1 it -en tt-tt Ar T.vnphhnnr I. mn A lt I WESTBOCNB - LEAVE LYKCHBCKG DAILY. 2:30 p. in. The St Louis Express Pullman aleeper, Roanoke to Colum bus, Bluefield to Cincinnati, also for Radford, Bristol. Knoxville, Chatta nooga and inU.medi&te points. Pullman Sleeper Roanoke to Knoxville. 7:00 a. m. For Roanoke, Rocky Mount, Winston Salem, Radford, Bristol, Blnefield, Norton, Welch. 5:30 p. m. Daily for Roanoke. EAST BOUSD LEAV I.YKCHBCRO 3:35 p. tn. Daily for FarmviUe, Rich mond, Petersburg and Norfolk Parlor Car. x 2:50 a. m. For Petersburg, Rich mond aad Norfolk. Pullman sleeper to Norfolk. Also Pullman sleeper between Lvnchbnrg and Richmond. 830 a.m. Daily for Farmvills, Peters burg, Richmond and Norfolk. Winston Salem Division. 'Leave Ro anoke 3:13 P- m., except Sunday, for Winston-Salem and intermediate stations and 9:2o a. m. daily for same stations and Charlotte, N. C. North Carolina Divisions. Leave Pn laski 6:10 a. m. daily, except Sunday, for Betty Baker and 8:25 a. jn. daily, :x cept Sunday, for Galax and Fries. Clinch Valley Division. Leave Blue field 9:15 daily, 2:25 p. m. for Norton. M. F. BRAGG, Trav. Pass. Agt. V.B.BEVILL.G.P. A., Soaaoke, Va., Gen. OfEce, Roanoke, Vs. Southern Railway IX EFFECT AUGUST 6, 1905. This condensed schedule is published as information, and is subject to change without notice to the public: Trains leave Durham, N. C 3:30 a. m. No. tn westbound daily tot Greensboro and local points, connecting at Greensboro with Fiorida Express fot Charlotte, Columbia. Savannah and Jack sonville, also with the Washington and Southwestern Limited, solid Pullman train, for Atlanta, Birmingham, Mem phis, Montgomery, Mobile, and points south. 3.40 a. tn.. No. It2, eastbound, dailj tor Goldsboro and local tuition, connect ing at Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line for Wilmington, Tarboro am! Nor folk, and with Atlantic A North Carolina Railway for Kinston and New Bern. 7:00 a. tn., No. 162, mixed, Tuesdavs, Thursdays and Saturdays for Keysvi'lle and local stations. 9 20 a. m.. No. to8 eattboond, daily for GoldsWro and local stations, con necting at Sdma for Wilson, Rocky Mount, Norfolk atl Eastern North Caro lina points. 9:40 a. m.. No. tt6, daily for Oxford, CbaoeCity, Keysvilieand Richmond and local points. Handles through coacfc between Raleigh, Durham and Rich mond. 10:00 a. m., No. 107, westbound, daily, for Greensboro and local stations, con necting at Greensboro with L. S. Fast Mail for Washington and New York and points North; eke connection with train for Charlotte and local stations, a) to for Win-tton-Salem. 3:25 p.m., No. ft, eabo?nd, daily, for Goldsboro and iocs! points. 4:30 p. m., No. t35, westbound, lUily, tr Greensboro and local stations, con necting at Greettkboro with train No. 2t fot Charlotte, Columbia, Savannah and Jacksonville. Pullman sleeper and first ! day coach Washington to Jackson ville without change, Also connects ith train No. 35, V. B. Fait Mail, f Atlanta and all point South and South wet. 4:45 P- . No, 174. mixed, daily et cejtt Sunday, for Keysviilt and local station. 6 45 P- No. tlS, daily for Raleigh and local point, John B. Ciamam, Agent, Durham, N. C. IR. L. Vmiok, T. I. A CharUte, N, C. & SONS Front.") - - DURHAM, N. C. The Great Summer Feed lot Your STOCK! SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY. The Exposition Line to Norfolk HI !i! Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Ya. APRIL 26 TO NOV. 30 Special Low Rates from DErbam Round trip season tickets, 3 25 ' 6o-lay tickets, . . 750 10-day tickeU, 680 " coach excur tickets, 4 00 Coach excursion rate sold day prior to opening date ana on each Tuesday thereafter, limited seven days and en dorsed "Not Good in Sleeping, Pullman and Parlor Cars." Other tickeU go on sale April 19th, and contiuue until close of exposition. For rates from other points apply to your nearest steaboard agent, or repre- Knuum namea ociow. Unexcelled, Passenger Service via SE1H 1 LIKE , Watch for announcement of Improved Schedules.,. For information and literature address C. II. GATTIS. Traveling Passenger Agent, Kaletgn, N. C, R. L. MONTGOMERY, Agent, Durham. N. C To Bicycle Kiders You are invited to call and act the many Improvements in the modern bicycle. The styles and makes of my lint will please you. Call and inspect them. A few second-hand wheels at bargii My repair shop is well equipped and your work will lie promptly done. H. A, GASKINS (NEAR FIVE POINTS) DURHAM, - - N. C. Notice of Administration Havitrs this d fittiliftml aa Aitmin!. 7 f - : - Alt 1 . Bam bounty, ail turtles indebted to ssi estate are notified to come forward mm pay the same. And all parties having claim against said estate will present mem 10 me unnrnunn, or net tornevs. Manning & Pouhhee, on or At- be- tore me 14m ay June, ion, tit notice will be plead in bar uf their this re Cfrry, . Tli M'.b tW of tune, ia17. Mas ir.t.t)4 Dowkev, AiSa.s. of Mrs, Louisa Allen THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson i. Third Quarter, For :Ju!y 7, 1S07.. THE. INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Ex.- xvi, 1-15. Memory Versa, 4 Golden Text, John vi, CI Commentary Praparsd by Rev. D. M. Stearns. JCopyriyht, 1907, by Anuricsa from AawcUtlon. The history of Israel In the wllder- uess on their way to the promised laud. while literally true, Is also typical of the life of the believer from the day of bla redemption till be enters into the rest and joy and fullness which are his In Christ Jesus. This all believers nilgLt do very quickly, but as a rule many are alow to enter In, and some never do. Read I Cor.. x. 6, 1L ami context and Ileb. Ill, 12, to lv, 11, and give heed to the Spirit's testimony concerning Israel's misconduct and to Ills warnings to us not to fall Into the same sins. In poetry Canaan Is often taken to represent heaven and Jordan death, but this Is not the teaching of Scripture, as there are no foes to over- coma nor lighting to be done la heav en. ; The Passover plainly teaches re demption by the blood of the Lamb; the overthrow of Pharaoh's hosts In the Red sea suggests our complete sep aration from the world, the world cru cified to ns and we to It (Gal. vl, 14), while Jordan, with Its memorial heap In the bed of the river and another on the Canaan side, speaks of death to self, crucUed, burled and risen with tChrlst(GaL U, 20; Coin. vL 6-11; CoL III, M). Last week's lesson was all victory and praise, but the first unpleasant thing, the waters of Marab, set them all murmuring. How like them we are. 1 See bow by a tree the, waters are made sweet, and consider how the lost ax was recovered by a piece of a tree also (II Kings vl. G). The lost re stored and the bitter made pleasant by a tree what can It mean bet Himself, the tree of life of Eden and Eevela Uon, the green tree of Luke xxlll. 311 Obedience to Ilka brings health to body and soul and gives ns Elim In stead of Marab (Ex. xv. 23-27). How short lived was their peace! Just a few days farther on their Jour ney and again they murmur because there Is nothing to eat (xvi, 2). Did our Lord have this In mind when lie said: "Take, no anxious thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink (Matt rU 23). "Seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink. Live not la careful suspense. Tour Father knowetb that ye hare need of these .things" (Lake xlL 29. 30. margin). No doubt, for lt was lie who said to Moses. -I will rata rrrad from heaven for yon" (verse 4). who afterward said of Himself, "I am tiM Living Bread which came down frrj heaven" (John vL 51). . Tie gave them flesh also, for In the evening the quails came np and cov ered the camp, and la the tnornln, when the dew was gone the ground was covered with manna, which they gathered, some more, some less, every man according to his eating (verses 12-1S). This bread from heaven with which He fed them, so suggestive of Himself, the True Bread, had to be gathered every day, the portion of a day la Ills day (verse 4. margin). ; In connection with this last phrase see II Kings xxr, 30; Jer. Ill, 34, margin. and be sure tbat the same Lord Is appointing- your portion of all things needful every day, and He would have yon without fall gather your portion from His Word every day. for "man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word tbat proceedeta ont of the mouth of the Lord doth man live" (Deut rut, 3; Matt lv, 4). He would hare us eat III Word with rejoicing and esteem It more than our dally food (Jer. xv, 1C; Job xxlll, 12. We most also accept all the events of life as HI best portion for as and never murmur, for all onr mnrmnrlngs are not against op!e or circum stances, bat against God Himself, and n bears every mnrmnr (verses 8-12). Having food and raiment. let as be therewith content Be content with such things as ye have, for He hath said, "I will never leave thee nor for sake thee" a Tim. vL 8; Ileb. xiil St. The manna was to be gathered fresh every day and not kept over, yet here in tome disobeyed (verse 20). They were to keep holy the ftsbbath day and on the sixth day gather enough for two days, being assured that that would keep, yet herein some trans gressed also and went ont to gather It on the seventh day. bat found none (verses 27-30). A golden pot was to be filled and kept for future generation to tee bow God provided for their fs then. This not of manna, with Aaron's rod tbat budded, was at one time kept la the ark (wblcb Hoses afterward made), with tbe tables containing tbe Tea Commandments (Ileb, Ix, 4i. It U not for to question the commands of God, bat tntekly receive Ills Word, bold It fast and cheerfully obey It He who redeemed ns will certainly care for ns (Bom. wilt, 32). and It Is onr part Joyfully to trost Hlio. Hidden manna I one of tbe things promised to the overcomer (Iter. IL 17). Msy we nm day know the full stgntflcsnce of It! We may If we will. Tbe manna tasted like honey (verse, 31). David way have bad this la mind when he wrote that the Word of God was sweeter than honey or the honeycomb iT. xlx. 10). All tbe deallmn of God with Israel were Intended to make tbent know Him as tbe Lord their God, that through them others ro!ght know Him also vere 12; Josh. Ir, 21). It U the same with us, . thing torn, ne listened en gerty.i What emild It be! Minutes pned. There were no more sounds until the pmllock was tried and a hand weut feeling for the key, Totn raised his head for the first time as the moon streamed In throngb the open door, when he per ceived that It was Peggy's bare feet which had made no nnl.se. With that he lowered his head again, for there was no plnee In It even for surprise. But unconsciously be (rave a moan- She went upon her knees beside him and flung out ber arras, but drew them back, with a shiver.' from that loose spread blanket "Tom!" she whisper ed. ".Speak to mo, dnrlln. If a Peggy come to see how y' are." He never spoke, never looked np nor gave any sign that be beard her words, unless It was that his bowed bead hung more heavily thnn before. "It's Peggy O'Ertne.' the girl pur sued, with a sob la her throat. "Sure an' ye've- not forgotten Peggy the cook It's to comfort ye I've come, dearie, an' haven't I the right! Ah. then, an' wasn't It all through me It was?" The sob got loose, and she was wrtntrlng ber bands and gazlns at Tom through ber tears aa though ber benrt would break for blm. In return he stared, heavily at her.' but shook bis head as her meaning came home to blm. . - . . :. "Indeed an It was." persisted Teggy. "Only for me you nlver would have struck 'm at all. An' to think It was meself that warned ye tn tb? beginning an' went an drove ye to It la tbe Ind! If only yon had let 'm strike me dead at his feet! It 'd have been betthat than that-an' thla!" Still be looked at her without a word. and still there was no light, no life, no. feeling In tbe look, but only dumb and dead depalr. "Yon thought I liked 'linl" exclaimed Peggy wildly. "They've been tellla' ye their black Ilea la the but. It's little they know how It's been between is from the sthart I'll tell ye this. lorn, betther a hundhred times be tbe man he's a spite agin than tbe girl be's his wicked eye upon. That's Mr. Nat for ye, an' I bate lm I loathe Ini-'tls' God's truth I'm telling ye. Tom. dear, he cot me out there last night I nlver wlnt out wld Mm. He cot me prowlin' about as he said, an' that's the truth, too, thongb b'e tould It I couldn't sleep for thlnkfn' o the two o yes. If s well 1 knew be was up to some dlvll's work at last I'd seen 1m talkln' an what do you supjkmio be's np to now?" asked Pegsy, going off at a tangent k "What uo you suppose he's doln' at this moment? Lyln' dhrunk on his bed lyln' de'd dhrunk for the shame of It! You knocked m down.. Ton knocked 'tn down. He won't jjet over 't till his dyin' dsy. No body Use tver so much a lifted a ban' a ?ln 1m on tbe farm. Bat glory be to God. yon knocked 1m down!" There was more than unthinking ex ultation In ber tone; there was a very singular sort of pride aura, and .this as unthinking as tbe other. It was so In genuous and plain. But Tom saw noth ing with those dreadful .eyes and beard but little beyond her soothing brogne. And tbea she did think and saw a mark on the blanket In a rod of moonlight (for she bad shut tbe door) and cried out to God to forgive the most selfish woman In all tbe world. She had thought of herself and not of Tom. She had talked about herself and not about Tom. In ber selfishness she had forgotten what she had brought blm, and a medicine bottle of pilfered milk and rum was at bis parched lips la aa Instant She made blm drink of It and drink deep, and mutton sand wiches, delldously cot and salted, she put between hi teeth with ber own fingers, bite after bite, as though be bad been ber Infant And an the time she wss railing at herself for forget ting this and being the mot selfish woman In the world, while be ate and drank from ber tender hand and never ssld a word. Bat when this was over be took that hand la bis. and so they sat as It seemed for bonrs la a thin rain of fil tered moonshine. StM bla eyes were steadily downcast tbe whole time. Tbns they missed tbe blpy tears la bcrs. ' At tsst be spoke, and It was terrible, for she could not understand a word. Then be coughed and tried agnla and said. "God bless you. Peggy-only there Isn't one In New South Wales!" And that left them both silent and tbe girl grieving openly for almost aa long again.; - .; Then lie said ra!te quietly: "You know I've been la the con demned cell, Peggy. But It was noth ing to this, My God. It waa nothing to thlsr Teggy pressed his band. The condemned cell at Newgate.' be went on, "I was there tip to tbe very last night and beard the people taking their places to see me awing. Well, tbat night was nothing to this. And If they bad banged me la the morning It would hare been aothlag-uothlng-lt would bare been nothing" Tbe boars vole broke, sob after sob shook tbe tortured body, and the girl glowed with shame to find herself the useless witness of an agony so su preme. But bis tears dried ber and bound their fount It frose ber heart to bear ami see blm. She wss afraid to apeak to blm. to touch bis hand. She withdrew a little, and br bare foot pressed a cold oasts on the warm ground. She stooped and picked up a cola. "Ha!" cried Tom. His voice waa very bitter now, but onder control In a moment. "Where did It come fromr Mfced Peggy, with tbe coin to a shining crevk-e. I am ashamed to tell yon. and he grwnd bis teeth, "Hnt yon will never gness. From greater brute thin el- (to as covmcEs. - Jv.M 'j. .. ' T" J sjsjhs Hi it A' 1 -4 tOPIMOtTltl 1 - Sp9BWW0' CHOLERA AND GAPE And all other ill in Chickens and other Fowls cured by I Tearby's Poultry Powder I tST TRY A PACKAGE "M PURE AND FRESH DRUGS PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS. j Yearby's Drugstores j I EDGEM0NT and THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College. Regular Course kaiing to. degrees of Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of Science, and a new count Board, laundry, tuition, snd fees for free tuition students, 1 1 35. THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT gives taught in the schools snd colleges, and sion 01 teaching. Tf aclierw atiu urMi nates of ouier colleges are otierea a one-year special course in Pedagogy and allied subject. THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT offer practical instruction in Steno graphy, Typewriting, Book-keeping snd THE DEPARTMENT OP MANUAL vide instruction in Manuel Training and borne and laroiiy. THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT, in sddilioa to the degree course, offers a certi ficate course tn vocal and instrumental To secure board in the dormitories, sH before July 10. The fall term opens September 18, 1907 ' ror catalogue ana oilier intormatKJU, i USE FOR LIGHT HEAT Ms POWER eaBasSBSWaBBSnSBSBaBBBSBBSSBBBSBBSBSSBSBV We Sell Eveiy thing Elect t teal DurhamTraction Co. J PHONE 271. ROOM 10, WRIGHT BLD0. Httm)HniiiitiniiimilllHIIHtH)lim' Notice of Administration The undersigned having qualified as administrator f If. B. Lewter, deceased, hereby give notice to all person holding claims aminst uiil i .... v iiv",,, Mlv same to kimon or before May 1. lt, or uwii-c win um pirfiei m iar of recovery. All person indebted to said estate will come forward and pay np. Tbie 30th of April, 1907. ' O. V. LEWTER, l Administrator. Cameras mi KodaKs d itmiH roa ftstsssUaat tmj kmttm ntmnpktt Cirri 1 fdUtfcUQSMS and SUPPLIES Uss?.1.1! !. Cieaptit al Bait Printing- aal D vlopla fcarWrk U Booklet and prices. We can save yon b,th time and money The Dsiiaa Photo Snpply Co. Otpetli.F.O. Ct'aaAM.M.C. tvasmssssmMimmcn'- There Are Few Men Who are judges of clothing values. Tbe garments may fit, you, or the pattern may strike your fancy, hut the safe plan is to buy your clothes .from a reliable dealer and of a reliablo make. We have clothe that are "made right, at the right price" made by S P E R O, M I C II A F. L & SON and bear their tabcL , - We would like to show you our large assortment of Spring and Summer Suits. . " W. A. DURHAM, N. C. 44 leading to the degree of Balcbtkw of Mink. use of text books, etc., f 17o a year. For thorough Instruction in the subjects special pedagogical training for the profes other business subjects. ARTS AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE pro ia such subjects as relate directly to tbe music. free-tuition application should be made address. J. I. FOVST, PrksipkxT, GkKKXSHOS.0. K. MAGAZINE READERS Mi IBIIIT X10AXIVI bssatitjly iflrtil ' 1 fa anV tf tQ aMrU.halicraiataJ afi Iks 1 st Wt, CAKXIA CSAfT 4mmmi mtk swstk te U - Mis siMdiKtMe el a M 1.00 wA el smsiiMt sd f rUaas J ay' plisHsysiiksrs. , ROAD OF A TlOVf Af D WOIC1 a Wk al 7) wesj mwmt 120 eaWad pkctoffM l $0.75 pKhesMnw sdms ia CWri ssdCs, TmJ . . $3a5 AUfor . . . $1.50 6UXSET UIGlZlll ruiBBnj"K s ro